#manga spoilers


No I’m freaking out bc Bakugo found him and rescued him and thank fuck Deku needs his fucking friends right now so bad PLS help him for the love of god, he was really about to give up and die to that mob god bless u katsuki

The way that Deku jumping behind and leaving All Might directly parallels their first meeting. how the tables have turned a h a h a h a h a

Chapter 317 literally has me dead inside my heart is shattered

Deku is pushing away everyone who cares about him, even all might I hope to god this is his rock bottom bc if not then i don’t even know what fresh hell this kid is in for. and I hope beyond hope that all mights not gonna go and die before Deku can make things right with him… literally idk how to even cope with the idea of that

I am in so much pain @ this image.. we wanted edgy vigilante Deku but like now we have gone 2 damn far …. Someone help my sweet son for the love of god

kaalashnikov: I got feelings about this arc


I got feelings about this arc

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candlecoo: he’s in danger…candlecoo: he’s in danger…


he’s in danger…

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taterdraws: everybody knows which manga panel i’m referring to here 


everybody knows which manga panel i’m referring to here 

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akskjdlelnwbag. This man is getting hotter and hotter. This is the best christmas present ever!

Source here

I’m seeing a lot of people comparing Izuku in these latest manga chapters to Shigaraki. And I mean, it definitely checks out. 


These are both kids who, to different degrees, had the weight of hero society come crashing down on them. One is obsessed with the wrongs that heroes have committed against him and against society; the other is obsessed with the good that heroes do, and sacrificing his own well-being in order to become the best hero. Both mindsets, when pushed to the extreme, are super dangerous.

But one parallel that I think some people are missing is the comparison to Stain.

In chapter 317, we get this half-page panel of Stain, after having eavesdropped on All Might begging Midoriya to slow down. The rumors being spread about Midoriya are, in a way, similar to the rumors that were spreading about Stain when he first appeared, and how he kills heroes without a trace.


And then immediately afterward, a full page of Midoriya’s terrifying new appearance.


I dunno about you, but I doubt that’s just a coincidence.


And of course Izuku isn’t a killer, but I can see how this parallel comes into play just as much as Shigaraki. For one thing, Izuku kept a sort of fearful respect for Stain when he revealed his sheer tenacity. He even thought of it during his fight against All Might.


Stain’s overpowering convictions toward ‘correcting’ hero society terrified everyone around him. Meanwhile, Deku’s overpowering convictions to become a positive influence on hero society inspires everyone around him.

Also, these recent chapters - much like Stain’s arc - point out how dangerous it is to become trapped in a one-track mindset. Feeling like you know better than anyone else, that you’re doing the right thing and no-one else should interfere.


Ultimately, I’m glad his friends were finally able to get through to him; at least for now. He was well on the path toward self-destruction, just like Shigaraki and Stain.


have you seen anything cuter e v e r

People who think Dazai is going to actually kill Chuuya not only underestimate Soukoku, but also underestimate Fydoor a lot.

Do y'all really think that Fydoor ONLY choose Chuuya as his asset because of his strenght? Because if you think thats the case, you are wrong.

Fydoor choose Chuuya because he is smart enough to detect the emotional impact our redhead has on Dazai.

Just look at Dazai’s words when he realizes Fydoor is using Chuuya. He even calls him a bastard for this.

Because this “despicable card” is not just for Fydoor to have physcial power over him, but also to mentally and emotionally toll with Dazai.

Fydoorknows that Dazai will prioritize Chuuya over escaping the prision. Lets not forget that Dazai has prioritized Chuuya over a mission mulitple times.

A clear example of this is in Stormbringer:

Inside Dazai’s head, he was planning a procedure to swith to an alternative plan in case Chuuya refused, at a tremendous speed.

Yes…while the whole world was in mortal danger Dazai still took his time to prioritize his partners wellbeing whille trying to come up with another plan that wouldn’t affect Chuuya.

Also I just know that if Chuuya wasn’t that much of an important person to Dazai, the brunnete would’ve exploited Chuuya’s powers long ago just to get a mission over with.

But he doesn’t exploit him. Not only because Dazai cares. But also because they are both equals to one another.

With all this being said, Fydoor is using Chuuya as a possible distraction for Dazai.

Now that Chuuya is a vampire, its likely that Dazai wants to find a way to change him back to normal so that he will no longer be in Fydoor’s clutches. (It would also be benificial to Dazai since Chuuya will be on his side if he does turn back to normal.)

With that being said, I think its highly likely that Dazai’s current plan is to turn Chuuya back into a human.

Dazai didn’t just trap Chuuya and Fydoor there to drown them. He trapped them there to trigger something in Chuuya and make him human again.

And I think its working! Look at Chuuya’s eyes in the first pannel and Chuuya’s eyes on the second one.

I can’t be the only one who is able to spot the difference here. Chuuya’s face looks significantly human in the 2nd picture.

Dazai doesn’t genuienly want to kill Chuuya. I think that Dazai most likely knew that keeping him confined in that place while triggering Chuuya’s emotions with memories of his friendship would make him turn back to normal.

And the only way Chuuya can get out of that confined area is by using corruption. And we all know how both Dazai and Chuuya feel about using corruption so I think thats why Dazai is very apolagetic about all this.

Take note of Dazai’s choice of words here: “Its unfortunate that it had to come to this” isn’t that a wierd way of wording a goodbye to a friend? I think if Dazai was being genuiene over Chuuya dying then he would say that its a shame that it had to end that way.

But it won’t. It won’t end. Atleast not yet. Dazai is just sorry that Chuuya is trapped in a situation where he has no choice but to use corruption.

All in all, this whole situation will change their dynamic a lot. Especially now that Dazai was more verbally vulnerable about his dynamic with Chuuya than he has ever been throughout the story.

I cannot wait for the next chapter to see what will happen! Lets keep trusting soukokus partnership and know that these two will get through this one.

How are all my soukoku fans who read the latest bsd chapter doing?

Not to sound dramatic but these 3 pages were hard for me to digest… In a good way and in a bad way.

First of all, lets take into account what Dazai is saying here because honestly it was very shooking to see Dazai saying something so vulnerable about his relationship with Chuuya.

Dazai admits his connection with Chuuya, he admits how their hearts have reached out to each other multiple times.

Lets process this for a second… Dazai is actually being verbally honest and vulnerable over Chuuya….

I would also love to mention the irony of Dazai literally remenicing on emotional moments he shared with Chuuya before saying that there wasn’t any of those moments to begin with… He was mentally contradicting himself here.

Personally, I found the moments Dazai was looking back on really interesting:

  • When Dazai tells Chuuya that if he uses corruption he will never be able to find out if hes truly human and Dazai telling Chuuya that he doesn’t have to use corruption if he doesn’t want to. (stormbringer LN)
  • When Chuuya and Dazai held hands which was basically the start of their partnership. (fifthteen LN and anime)
  • When Chuuya lets Dazai go when he was restrained in the basement, it was also the first time Chuuya and Dazai had seen each other for the first time in years. (bsd manga)
  • When Chuuya saves Dazai with corruption. (Dead apple movie, manga and LN)
  • Dazai telling Chuuya that they have to use corruption to defeat lovecraft. (bsd manga)
  • Dazai nullifying corruption after defeating lovecraft. (bsd manga)

So all the moments mentioned above are instances when these two connected with far more than just words. Like Dazai himself said, their hearts reached out to each other.

Lets also take note of Dazai’s facial expressions. Dazai looks genuienly upset over this, look at his frown and slight pause right after saying goodbye to Chuuya.

Look at his eyes right after he thinks of those moments when their connection went further than just a petty rivalry.

Then theres Dazai’s facial expression in that last pannel, that smile is probably the fakest smile i’ve ever seen adorn on Dazai’s face. Its just…. So obviously exaggerated.

Dazai is not taking pleasure in doing this to Chuuya. Towards the end its really clear that this is some sort of act to cover up his emotions since he just revealed a very vulnerable part of him.

For the people thinking that Dazai is genuienly meaning and trying to get Chuuya killed here surely underestimate how strong their bond and partnership is.

I firmly believe that Dazai definetly has a plan or some sort of idea to get Chuuya out of this mess. (take note of Chuuya’s face in the first picture and look at his eyes and teeth, he doesn’t look like a vampire anymore.)

Maybe…just maybe… Dazai is apologizing to Chuuya because the redhead will have no choice but to use corruption to get out of this. But thats just a small theory from my end.

I may struggle fully trusting Dazai, but I do trust his bond with Chuuya. I know he would never leave Chuuya to die like that, not after everything they’ve gone through together.

I wonder if my dear friend @ryuuaka713 has any thoughts regarding this, they always have some of the best soukoku takes! :D


Some locations in Cursed by Light

Liones kingdom - Castle town - Back street

Fairy King Forest great trees - Wedding ceremony venue

Passage to the Demon realm - Entrance

Demon realm - Demon King’s castle - Indura cage

Demon realm - Demon King’s castle - Interior

Demon realm - Safety zone cave

Sky ruins - Funeral flower garden
