#i think about this a lot


Alpha/Beta/Omega fics are cool and all, but I really want to read one with an asexual — or better yet, aroace — lead please and thank you.

I CANNOT get over the fact that one day, my kid is going to come home and ask me about The Pandemic for a school project in history class. (Assuming the human race lasts long enough for me to have children and for them to reach school age before society fucking collapses). We are living in history, the things we are experiencing are going to be chapters in a book and we will be primary sources. How the hell am I going to look my kid in the eye and tell them how irresponsible our nation was with this? How am I supposed to explain the absolute insanity of anti-maskers to people who didn’t witness it first hand? Not to mention that american history books will likely gloss over our shitty response to this because that’s what we do, we pretend that everyone else was wrong and The Great America is the victim. One day my kid is going to come home and ask me what my experience was and I’ll have to tell them that my employer told an entire staff meeting that infection was ‘inevitable’. I’ll have to tell them that I was nearly physically assaulted for asking a man to pull his mask over his nose, and regularly called mean names for just trying to do my job. Do I tell them that this disease was here for months before the lockdown, kept quiet behind closed doors? Do I tell them that their great grandmother got sick out of nowhere in December (my mom, my aunt, and myself also got a very mysterious and intense 'cold’ around this time), and the doctors had no idea where it was coming from, and months later, after she had already died, we read a symptom list and had a horrible, horrible realization? Do I tell them how the risk was downplayed, how the public was lied to? How are we going to explain this fucking failure as a society to our future children? Is this the story you want to tell, America? Are you proud of this goddamn embarrassment? Because I’m not. I’m fucking mortified. This is embarrassing, it’s disgusting, it’s shameful. This pandemic tested America, and we fucking failed. I hope your fucking haircut was worth generations of shame.

Stede delicately folding the red silk square and putting it in Ed’s pocket.

“You wear fine things well.”


no analysis here i am jus thinking about how sora’s first instinct in response to “follow your heart” was to turn to riku’s heart… also the way riku’s heart station is located directly above sora’s in this scene? hearts connected.. hearts in tune.. hearts so close together facing each other with no walls between :’-) im normal about this……..

You’re either watching the naked neighbor in the window or you are the naked neighbor in the window.


Moral Orel studies


Another Diluc Thought but tiny bc it’s 5am and I am in physical pain so I don’t have anything else to do until my meds kick in:

Diluc’s physical strength is about on par (maybe even more) with Childe’s since they both have experience with Delusions in some capacity.

another thought to be thinking: who is stronger, chongyun holding his claymore upright or diluc holding his down by his waist

I feel like the claymore users that hold it downwards are more energy efficient since they use their hips and waist to swing up but the ones that point it up have a lot more upper body strength in their shoulders and backs to swing down but obvi idk


I’m never gonna stop dunking on people who say “In 2016, I didn’t think in my wildest dreams that it would be this bad” because 1. Everyone with half a brain could see this, and we’re very lucky it hasn’t been worse and 2. Seriously, what were you expecting? Moderation from the “adults in the room”? Jared and Ivanka to save the day? Lol.

Where is the place for the romantics? Because I’ve been trying to find it, but it’s seems to not exist in this world of malice and hate.


wish this hadn’t become a meme bc like it’s seriously so insane & true like yeah being seen is excruciating

where does a kid like akagi even come from? where are his parents? does he go to school? does he have a place to sleep at night?

where does a kid like akagi even come from? where are his parents? does he go to school? does he have a place to sleep at night?


As a child, when the ninja would leave a young Lloyd behind so they could go on missions, Nya stayed with him.

When Zane died, all the ninja went their separate ways. But Nya stayed.

And when the others were stranded in the First Realm, Nya stayed with Lloyd.

Through thick and thin, Nya has been the one constant in his life, the one person to never leave him.

But then she became the sea.


there’s this wonderful slavic folktale called dyed moroz where the principle conceit is two girls (one good and dutiful, one bad and wicked), and the test they undergo under the pine tree where Father Frost hurts them with cold and spares/kills them based on whether or not they complain.

the good dutiful girl responds to the repeated question of “are you cold?” by sweetly and politely answering in the negative until he has asked the requisite three times, increasing the level of pain and discomfort she feels each time. By remaining stoic and sweet and uncomplaining, and by lying about harm she may or may not be experiencing, she earns the story reward of wealth and true love and happiness.

the bad wicked girl complains her head off all three times, and is frozen to a block of ice. no wealth, no warm furs, no fortunate marriage. she fails the test of stoicism and endurance because she accurately describes the situation that is occurring: an otherworldly fatherly being making it colder, then asking her whether or not she thinks it’s cold. He doesn’t kill her because she’s bad or wicked, or ugly, or a terrible stepsister, although those are all common elements in retellings of the story. He kills her because when he makes it cold, and asks her whether or not she thinks it’s cold, she confirms that that is indeed the reality she is experiencing.

also it’s a dynamite episode of mst3k

Human life has always been so scary to me. Us humans we’re so fucking scary.

Someone can tell you ‘you can get used to any kind of lifestyle’ and you’d think ‘nah, i could never…’ but that’s not true, literally there’s nothing that you can not get used to. You get used to live in precarious conditions, you get used to live in horrible places or the nicest, you can get used to live without someone you love and thought you would always need.

It’s as simple as when a terrible thing happens to you and you think that time has stopped and you can’t breathe and you think that you won’t be able to carry the weight on your shoulders, but no, time don’t stop and you still breathe and you still walk, and laugh and wake up in the mornings. Life goes on and that’s the scariest thing I have ever learned.




Saw a sad wet beast at the grocery store today

@atomicc OP i am an inconsolable mess over this beast

i had to draw this beautiful creature, they captured my heart. i love them.


Seeing people rocking out to Hamtaro is the best thing I’ve seen all year

lot of touches, a lot of touching up

lot of touches- touch


t o u c h e s

a lot of touches


Unpopular opinion; fluff story’s are a 100% better than the smut ones!

consider: fink calls boxman “stepboss”


(Stares up at you)

taskmastercaps: [ID: A screencap of Mike Wozniak on Taskmaster, holding up a round paddle with the n


[ID: A screencap of Mike Wozniak on Taskmaster, holding up a round paddle with the number 1 on it. Smiling, he says, “I’m an absolute bloody milk guzzler.” End ID.]

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