#mars in taurus


astrology notesssss pt.6

■ Venus in libra loves to give and receive complimentsss! They’re also very into clingy partners and just simply want to be adored by everyone. But they are always falling for people that dont want them (at least publicly). Then they try everything to be what that person wants.

□ Mars in leo pick a fight just for fun and sometimes they take it too far lol and even tho they are always fooling around, you will know they’re annoyed. + they love to be desired and wanted when it comes to sex. They would want you as much as you want them, and the more you want it, the better.

■ Leo risings are very shy at first but once they start talking, they won’t ever stop lol it’s kinda like a performance, they feel like they need to entertain people.

□ Capricorn risings tend to be very stubborn when it comes to their traditions and what they consider to be good or bad. Having a stable life, financially on the most part, is extremely important to them. This due to some childhood trama or just growing up in a business or wealthy environment. Also, can be very judgemental when someone does not meet their criteria. This also applies to capricorn venus.

■ Mars in virgo loves to be right and usually is. They have a this aura to them that make other people not want to mess with them. Even though they are very patient and nice and will never try to hurt anyone intentionally, there’s always something they have to say but rather stay quiet unless they have had enough lol

□ Scorpios hate liessss, they can’t even stand white lies.

■ Mars in taurus are actually more rough in bed than people would expect. There’s something pleasing in having so much power over someone. Also, is not just touching for them, is how it’s done. Gestures, sounds, smells.

□ Sagittarius sun/moon/venus/mars/rising love to have fun. Anywhere and everywhere, their goal is to be happy and make others happy and just have a good time. It gets to that point sometimes where people don’t take them serious, and it’s true. They’re so fun and chill that others forget they feel deeply and think thoughtfully as well. They do not like to talk about the negative side of things, ever. That’s why you often find them lying and pretending everything is great.

■ Pisces moons are so adaptable that they can come across as fake at times. You never really know them bc it changes from being w one person to another. Kinda like gemini as well. But their true self always shows when they’re all alone. They find themselves lost in their thoughts. Usually the good ones because the bad ones are too harsh that can make them cry. They also lose themselves in music, in movies, in any type of art. That’s why they are usually very artsy and very good at what they do.

Some astrology notes pt 4 x

■ Leos are very loyal when in relationships until they receive more attention from another person. Giving them attention feels kinda like giving them love.

□ Cancer mars are very clingy in the streets and very passionate lovers in the sheets.

■ Taurus venus/mars makes someone such a smooth talker but keeping it very real and honest. Also, extremely touchy if they like you. They could seduce anyone… also it indicates a thicker member or really nice curves, just saying;)

□ Venus in the 12th falls in love in a quick second. It’s something about this house that makes them a little delusional, but they really like that. It makes them imaginative and secretive about their love life.

■ Venus in Pisces are very loving people and have a sweetness to them that no other sign has. They also fall quickly but are aware of everything surrounding them. So even if they want someone so bad, if it’s not possible, they’re not going to try… they’re just going to sit there and admire from afar.

□ Mars in the 11th makes great leaders because they care much about people and hate injustice. These are the type to be willing to fight to make a change.

■ Taurus Mars can’t stand disloyalty… they’re not the type to be chasing someone that’s in a relationship already but are able to wait for as long as it takes If really interested.

□ Gemini/Cancer mercury are the ultimate class clowns.

■ Leo moons, unlike leo suns, want attention but are most likely to keep it lowkey and cry about it when alone. Also, they’re very easy going so it’s hard not to like them.

□ Virgo suns are so intune with themselves and as crazy and fun as they can be, they’re always very organized and well put together, that’s their duality.

■ venus/mars in capricorn in love know exactly who they want and never miss a chance to approach, but their approaching style is very unconventional; when flirting they can come off as rude and/or mean.

□ Mars in the 8th house synastry: oh boi. The desire of wanting to be touched by the other person. They keep playfully fighting each other just to be able to get a slight touch… literally can’t keep their hands to themselves. This aspect can be felt right away and believe me, it intensifies the more you get to know the other person.

■ Libras love to be loved and adored. Even more than Leos. That’s why it’s very fulfilling for them to be in a relationship and it’s important that they are worshipped and recognized at all times. Also, they are “flirtatious” not because they want everyone to have a crush on them (or prolly do lol) but because they want to be treated nicely and special.

□ Cancers can befriend anyone and everyone. Their ability to make friends and blend in with people’s personalities it’s crazy but they need to feel comfortable first.

astrologymarina:astrology-addict:Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graphastrologymarina:astrology-addict:Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graph



Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graphs showing the levels of anger of different Mars signs over time (in my opinion)!

the pisces graph - crying level omg

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Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness.

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

Mars secret

Who girls want based on their Mars signs

Mars in Aries: a bad guy from classic movies. This girl’s perfect type is someone who can break the law but will protect her no matter what. Can be the leader in relationship and has a great body.

Mars in Taurus: Homer Simpson. She’s looking for a family guy who can guarantee stable life, loves to chill in front of TV and will take her to romantic dates to cafes and restaurants

Mars in Gemini: a host of entertaining show. Her perfect type is somebody who can make her laugh and erudite enough to impress her with knowledge and keep the conversation going

Mars in Cancer: nanny. She’s looking for somebody who loves kids and family life. Someone romantic and sensitive who doesn’t hide own feelings.

Mars in Leo: prince from Disney. She takes only best products so as for perfect type she’s looking for generous, beautiful soul who can protect her just like a real prince. Loyal and romantic

Mars in Virgo: sassy historic teacher. She will never be attracted to anyone whose iq is lower than her. She pays attention to details: clear shoes, new clothes, grammatically correct speech

Mars in Libra: funny friend of main character. She needs somebody she can spend a good time with. Cute, friendly, funny. Intelligent and diplomatic toward others.

Mars in Scorpio: villain who you love more than the main character. She dreams about someone who looks like a bad decision: introverted, dark eyes, seems like somebody who can kill and will do it if anyone hurts her

Mars in Sagittarius: a host of travelling show. She’s looking for somebody with same thoughts on life who can discuss on philosophy questions with her. Loves different cultures and has a good sense of humor.

Mars in Capricorn: chairman. Prestigious and rich partner is her ideal type. The person who wears expensive suits and watch, respected by everyone around and might be older than her

Mars in Aquarius: youtuber. Her perfect type is somebody funny who can entertain her. The person should be her best friend and understand all her weirdest ideas.

Mars in Pisces: Jack from Titanic. She needs somebody like a main character from drama: loves her more than life, romantic, artistic and will understand her without saying anything. Also this person should be mysterious.

Click on first tag to see boys version


On January 6, 05:27 PM ET, we witness a significant energetic shift: Mars ends its long transit through fiery Aries, the sign it naturally rules, and enters earthy and practical Taurus.

Mars has been in Aries since June 28, stationed retrograde in September, and stationed direct again in November. The last six months represented an intense season of change, new beginnings, trial and error, adjustments, and experimentation. We had the opportunity to attain deeper self-knowledge and a more profound understanding of our desires, our drives, and our relationship with instinct.

After experiencing a long season of fast, direct, and forward-moving Mars in Aries, during the transit of Mars through Taurus, a Yin archetype, the energy comes back to our center: we now have the chance to consolidate what we started while Mars was in its home sign. Mars will be in the sign of the Bull for the next six weeks and enter Gemini on March 3. Harnessing the influence of this transit can be highly beneficial for all those activities that require continuous dedication and sustained effort.


Mars is hot and dry, sharp and direct: it correlates with the principle of separation, the moment of cutting the umbilical cord that links us to our biological mother. In Astrology, Mars is about individuality, about the act of existing as an individual being, separate from the surroundings, with a personal will, personal impulses, and personal desires. The traditional ruler of both Aries and Scorpio, Mars is linked to our sex drive and the way we instinctively experience sexuality.

The Red Planet represents how we act on our impulses, how we go after what we want, how we assert ourselves, how we attack, and how we defend ourselves. Mars correlates with our inner warrior archetype, fighting for what we believe is worth fighting for. There is no forethought in Mars, no pre-plan: it is completely instinctual and explosive, pure Cardinal Fire, burning fast and bright. Mars is in a constant state of becoming, seeing life as a series of new beginnings, moved by the sudden urge to do something, to embark on an endeavor that feels right in this very moment.


Taurus is a Yin, Fixed, Earth archetype whose function is to consolidate and stabilize what was started thanks to the impulses of Aries: if we consider the Zodiac in its natural order as a progression of stages of awareness, we are entering the following phase of evolution.

Taurus relates to survival instinct, to the need to preserve what has been created, to the impulse to procreate and perpetuate the species: for this reason, this sign has a connection with the physical aspect of sexuality. The second sign of the Zodiac correlates with our physicality, our body, the five senses, our capacity to receive and feel pleasure.

Taurus is associated with the relationship we have with ourselves and our physical body, with our needs, our desires, our values, our sense of self-worth, as well as our capacity to be autonomous and self-sufficient. For this reason, material abundance and financial prosperity are concepts linked to the archetype of Taurus, also connected to our economic resources, our form of income, our skills and our personal talents.


The shift from Cardinal Fire to Fixed Earth is inviting us to invest our energy wisely and to deepen what we already started. Mars in Taurus will encourage us to keep working toward specific goals without dissipating our life force in a thousand different pursuits.

What do I want to consolidate? What is worth my time and energy? What am I willing to commit to and invest in? Do I feel grounded, and how can I improve if I don’t? Do I feel a clear sense of direction? Do I know what my desires and my values are? How has my strategy worked out so far? These questions will be relevant to all of us throughout the upcoming six weeks.

Mars in Taurus is slow and steady: harnessing its energy will support all those endeavors that require constant commitment and dedication. This transit reflects the need to build a firm foundation, a solid ground on which what we have initiated during the last six months can grow and blossom.


Mars in Aries is pure instinct, action without forethought or contemplation, while Mars in Taurus has a practical and pragmatic quality. Mars in Taurus is about taking time before making decisions, it is about reflecting well upon the true needs, desires, and values behind a specific urge prior to taking action.

While, on the one hand, this tends to slow down Mars’ spontaneous drive, on the other, we have the chance to take action from a more grounded, conscious, and aligned place. Once something has been set in motion, Mars in Taurus follows through easily with the patience, commitment, and dedication needed.

During the journey of Mars through the sign of the Bull, we internalize part of our energy and focus and redirect it towards ourselves. Until March 3, Mars in Taurus will promote a deeper understanding of our needs and values and encourage us to become more self-reliant and self-sufficient.

Taurus teaches us to take it easy and to reconnect with the natural rhythms of life. This transit represents an opportunity to align our inner and outer realities in a way that feels right for us. Mars in Taurus invites us to embrace a way of living that respects our timing and our necessities, and to honor the cyclical flow between activity and rest.

Mars in TaurusMars in Taurus indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires determ

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires determinedly, and unabashedly. Taurean martial energy is self-motivated, self-determined and purposeful, and produces doers, builders, and artists. Taurean passions are expressed wholeheartedly, resolutely, tenaciously, and obstinately. Taurus Mars seeks appreciation and collaboration. If Taureans cannot find a purposeful outlet for their energy, they will direct their energy to satisfying sensual or self-indulgent desires. 

Traditionally, Mars in earthy Taurus is in its fall because Taurus is so materialistic and tending toward self-centeredness, but it does ground the fiery martial energy and make for a vitality and drive that are creative, strong-willed, tenacious, directed, persistent, unyielding, and enduring.

–Shiva Das, Divine Love Astrology

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