#mars in aries


Mars in Aries is at a critical degree with 22°.

Mars= Building(s)

Aries= Explosion

22°= K*ll or be k*lled

How many explosions happened within the last 24 hours??


■ scorpio moons & Pluto in the 3rd house have a really hard time sharing personal info, if they do it means your trustworthy or they want to get something out of it. Be careful.

Mars in cancer can be really rough at sex so some people would consider them ‘bad’ at it bc of this, but it’s just about preferences. But they’re also givers so it’s easy for them to adapt.

■ Mars in sagittarius are very sexual and is the type to flirt w everyone they meet just for fun (esp. males)

□ aries placements (venus & mars mostly) have a necessity to be liked romantically by other people (esp. females) they might not even like that person but they want to be liked asap

■ sagittarius risings have more of an oval head shape and pretty smiles. They actually enjoy being annoying lol

pisces moons/moon in the 7th want to be liked and accepted by others so they actually try really hard for it.

venus in pisces males are into 'girly girls’ or just that type of “feminine” energy while Mars in pisces males prefer someone with much more energy that leads them without hesitation.

□ your best friend zodiac sign is most likely your rising/moon (conjunct or opposite) or the sign in your 11th house. Also, your 11th house talks about the role you play in your group of closest friends.

Gemini risings have either a really petite nose or a flat somewhat big nose.

□ leo suns/risings have lots of hair. Leo risings especially have defined (noticeable jaw) yet soft features and usually small defined lips.

■ leos are all very extroverted, if you know an introvert one it’s bc they’re not comfortable enough to show their true side yet.

□ aquarius is even more egocentric and self-centered than leo (as most people consider) but they have their way to people so nobody ever notices.

virgo moon/venus/risings can’t stand not doing the right thing. They have a constant fear of not being good enough.

□ libra mars like to think of themselves as very smart and politically correct when arguing.

venus in taurus are very touchy especially when they have a crush on someone.

capricorn sun/risings tend to be very physically attractive bc they have a really good bone structure. Great proportions. You can easily tell them apart by their famous blank stare.

■ the 2nd house rules the throat & voice:

Air signs in this house tend to have more of an airy/soft/clear tone and can play with their voice with ease, so high notes are easier to reach. (Ex. Mariah Carey, Camila Cabello, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande)

Fire signs tend to have a more prominent tone, that definitely stands out for being either loud or very sweet to the ear. (Ex. Billie Eilish, Zayn Malik, Jaehyun NCT, Katy Perry)

Earth signs tend to have a voice that’s stable. Low notes specially, they can just talk and it’d still sound good. (Ex. Freddy Mercury, Demi Lovato)

Water signs tend to have a whiny tone yet defined tone so it’s easy for them to project emotions. (Ex. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Christina Aguilera)

□ Gemini placements are hella funny and tend to have great sense of humor as well.

■ mercury in cancer is the best listener.

Mars (sometimes rising) in virgo actually enjoys cleaning.

■ siblings usually have same house overlays (ex. my sister and I have venus in the 12th house), have sun-moon conjunctions (ex. Your sibling’s an aquarius and your moon is in aquarius) and/or have sun-rising conjunction or sun in the 7th house.

□ cancers never miss a thing and always remember everything. It’s both a blessing and a curse.


Mars Women/Males (½)

Mars in Aries: Anarchy In black

Rae Sremmurd - perplexing Peagsus.

Women: shes the aggressor, and she rarely waits for others to set the pace. She likes her lovers with flavor and with a bit of masculinity in their pursuit! She can be the type to be into rough aesthetic and the ripped jeans, ruffled hair. She wears harsh colors and can also remind you of the beach and Coachella. She’s either 2000s in a smile or fight night.

Men:he’s the chaser, and he rarely wants to be caught. He tends to live based on desire and instinct. His brain is a little less involved in his sexual instincts which often times can make him a walking dose of testosterone. He’s intense and projects this intensity in even the most subtle of actions. He’s the bad boy and the hot head, the class clown and the boy you mom warned you about. Either the biker or the one making the bike. His member can be vainy and a bit on the angry looking side due to the rams more volatile nature. And depending on how mature he is he can be the type to cum early mainly because he feels the sensation so powerfully.

Mars in Taurus: Sensual Slaves

Partynextdoor - Grown women

Women: shes magnetic, her eyes dressed in sensuality and her arms like silk. She’s gorgeous-something about her is so physically present that it’s as if you’re in the presence of earth. She can be mentally scattered often expending her energies into the basics and more mundane. She likes things dependable and can be a bit sharp with messy types. She likes her lovers like she loves her senses. She loves curves and thic body types-muscles are fun but what’s the fun if she can’t enjoy the innoncense of a bare body.

Men: he’s a slow and steady operator. Pleasure comes in the form of the world all around him often making him a walking aphrodisiac. He thinks before acting and can be a slow burn where others would be a fire. For him it’s about the lead up to the main event, the insatiable lust before the inevitable climax. In some cases he’s lean whilst in others he’s on the more Roman body type. His lower member is often well endowed and long like the typical bull. He loves a good body party that involves all the senses.

Mars in Gemini: The Divinci lá mort

Grimes - Be a Body

Women: shes a walking encyclopedia. Sometimes with this women it can seem like she’s 100 steps ahead of you and then some. Her eyes are sharp and piercing-gazing through intentions and feelings quicker than anyone you’ll meet. She is enticed by the game of interaction-mainly because she’s so detached from it. Romance bores her, it’s cliche . She wants the type of love you don’t even know you need, the type of romance and feeling that carries her off her feet and leaves her speechless. Her lover should take care to be an odd one-she loves a good mystery mainly because she’s one herself.

Men: he’s dangerous. His eyes speak to you In a secret language one separate from the actions of his body. He makes you question your motives, he makes you delve into the hidden concepts within you, he strings you without the strings. With him theirs this mania-this momentum between the twins as he leave you wondering which version of him you’ll get from second to second. He starts the party but simultaneously is nowhere to be found once it’s off the ground. He can have a sharp member and can be remarkably playful in bed! He loves a good show and wants to entertain you best he can. For him verbal communication ties him to the act emotionally.

Mars in cancer: Heart to Heart

Tangerine dream - Love on a real Train

Women: shes soft to the touch like lavender. She’s scented like vanilla and cool October winds. She’s an unexpected love and can entrance you with nothing but small winces and half smiles. She expresses herself through touches and loud laughs-she’s never direct and moves in a side ways pattern sometimes showing you more, whilst other days she’s a figment of your imagination. She’s captivating but hard to get to know unless she wants you to know. Her energy is soothing and can feel like home and her greatest strength is that immense propensity to emotional coolness. Her lover is often sensitive no matter how tough or mean they may seem-as she’d have it no other way. Make no mistake she may seem tame but she’s a freak behind closed doors.

Men: he’s pure, the type to hold your hand when you’re frightened, cook you a meal if you haven’t eaten, kill that pesky spider that’s been terrorizing you in the shower-he’s home. He’s a gentle boy albeit with an astronomical temper but none the less he’s a baby, he could never do anything to harm you outright but his mother sure taught him how to manipulate and that’s what makes him a bit troublesome. He’s emotionally receptive and emmensly invested but his sexuality can be something to brace yourself for..mars in cancer men tend to be very passionate lovers in and out of the bedroom and the sweet little boy he shows you turns into quite the intensely lustful soul when the lights dim! Their members are usually thick and girthy due to the moons influence! And their arousal is based on emotional connection so the more “I love you’s” the more rounds you’ll be experiencing.

Mars in Leo: Lion congregation

Billy idol - Rebel Yell

Women: shes going to hit you like a wild fire. She isn’t the type to bow, nor is she the type to settle. She knows her worth and her lioness energy won’t allow her to lower that pride even for god himself-shes far to engulfed by the suns rays to see anyone below. She’s jovial and a breath of fresh air and can make you feel like you’ve just walked into NYC. She’s a charming one-able to seduce you with a stare and a hair flip. She’s very punk or very pretty pink school girl! Something about her feels irresistible but she’s never focused on you-she’s looking for the next sunset. Her lover should make sure they see the beauty in her and is worthy of the kingly or queenly stature she bestows upon them.

Men: he’s a queit type. Unlike his feminine ego he actually is more on the observant and prowl like energy. He’s the king of the pride and doesn’t need words to prove his dominance all he needs is energy. He can make you feel as if you’re in the presence of something great with a mere scowl or glance. His intensity is often matched by his often pugnant and sexy atmosphere. He can make it feel like a thousand eyes are on you and in the next second you can feel like you’ve been locked out of Heaven. He’s got this dirty quality to him like acting on your desire for him could take you to hell and back. His libido is usually high as shit and his lower region is either on the medium side or slightly above average but it often looks very bright and has lovely pubic hair! He can be turned on by soggy style positions or where your back is turned to him!

Mars in Virgo: Let’s play doctor

Jamie N. Commons - Lead me home

Women: shes like old wine. She will make you feel like you’re in this dance with yourself because of how distant her actions can seem. She’s very adapt and can react to a situation before it’s occurred solely on her piecing the puzzle together. She’s sensual and earthy with her light aromas and light steps. She can seem like some sort of elven fairy flying high and above in your mind and lips like some long lost memory you’ve been waiting to relieve. She wants things clean but part of her is drawn to what lies in the mud. These women can be some of the kinkiest solely because part of them lives to be of service to their lovers. They often find themselves drawn to dirty lovers(literally and figuratively) or situations of inequality in their partnerships.

Men: he’s not like other boys. He’s shy but playing koi is apart of how he lures you in. He won’t make the first move but he’ll move the pieces so you do. He is a hard worker both with his daily life and what he chooses to please in the bedroom. He can be highly versatile in many situations but part of him can project his inner need for control into his love affairs. He wants to feel every touch and every sensation possible and can get easily addicted to sex wanting to have it on a consistent basis. These boys can be very horny contrary to belief but can be so controlled that it can seem as though they don’t have desires whatsoever. They can be drawn to long term romances and will often have the best sex with someone they’ve known for years! Their is a cute quality to the way they love and it’ll be forever. Their members are petite and can get the job done! In some cases they can feel either shy about their genitals or straightforward nothing inbetween.

Mars in libra: Tipping the scales

Johnny Rain - Peach

Women: shes passive, for her the real aspect of life is what you can get without lifting a finger. Indifference is sexy to them-they admire a unmoved face or a silent crowd. They can be vixens because they often meld themselves into what everyone wants but never do they loose themselves. They can put on an act but be an entirely different energy underneath it all. They love passion and can be the types to hopelessly search for that ultimate romantic liaison. They can remind you of the R&B ERA. Femininity and sexuality are peak here and these women express their sensuality deeply and truly to themselves. These women tend to masterbait quite a bit as they often have high libido and venus influence here creates an infatuation with the “self” perceived ego. The lover for these natives should be charming and have an intensity to him-a a bit of an unbalanced energy that she can serve to be the equilibrium.

Men: he’s dark. He can seem perfect like everything and anything. He’s polite but detached, he’s sensual but withholding, he’s an intellectual but he never lets you into his mind. These men can be a contradiction. Mars in libra men mask feelings more then most mars signs and tend to need a certain level of high ground in there interactions! It’s never a comfortability for them to know that you can read them as that means you’ll make them vulnerable. They like power and can be the types to pull strings and games until they’re sure that they are hidden. They love intensely and can have a very intoxicating love style that leaves everyone begging. Their members are often very beautiful to look at and can be soft-usually they’re either long or lean. They are either aggressive or passive sexually.

Mars in Scorpio: To sting or not to sting

Belly ft Nav - Re up

Women: shes a late bloomer! Often times she was introduced to sexual tension at a young age and either iced it out or chose to rise above it. At some point these women come into contact with their “own” sexuality their own sense of femininity gets challenged often bringing out the true Scorpio queen residing deep within them. Like A serpent these women come into their own like the flames of hell. Taboo is their middle name and their innocent persona is often leaking with intensity. She’s often the one in the party shrouded in the darkness away from the lights,away from the scene-gazing through the dim lights. She’s powerful and impossible to subdue. She often plays the field never truly seeking intimacy unless it takes her in like the shadows! These women can be afraid of intimacy in the early years but as they age it can be something they find themselves surrounded by. The soul he manages to catch their hearts must be ready to match them sexually and emotionally in the most intense and prolific way imaginable-death and all.

Men: his eyes are easily enthralled. He looks for connections unconsciously like a dog searching for a bone. He’s got a hunger in his eyes only second to his depth. He’s constantly chasing for his own sabotage and sometimes creates it! He’s darkness personified and no matter how much he tried to hide it-the shadows seep through. He can get eaten up by his desires quite a bit almost as if he’s a slave to his own animalistic desires. He’s like a dog without a leash introduced to a fresh plate of meat. These men are ruled by their own intensity and much like Aries mars their are no games! Unlike their venus counterpart for them they don’t have time to manipulate and often struggle with doing so in a way that doesn’t allude to what they’re feeling-they want what they want and it can be impossible to get them to let go once they’ve set their stinger in. Their members can be very vainy and look rather on the darker side! Mars in Scorpio are in love with oral and tend to be extremely sensitive in these areas male and female. Sexually? They can go for hours and days depending on how badly they’ve been waiting for you.

Mars in Sagittarius: MKULTRA

⏲ASAP rocky - RAF

Women: she’s something you’d never be able to reach no matter how high or long you’d try. She’s swift like a gust of wind with her emotions fluttering in and out like radio static. For her it’s about the moment and nothing else. She wants fun otherwise it’s fiń. For her she’s never bored it’s everyone else that’s bored. Her energy is intoxicating and feels like shots of patron. Her body talks like rhythmic beats in the air and she couldn’t be bothered to slow down even if you begged her. These women want to be driven mad and hate anything that makes her think, she hates the meanginless cjit chatter if theirs no fun behind it. She wants intensity and if you plan on giving her something like a small dip in a large sea she won’t be nothing but a cloud of smoke. The lover of these natives will have to be an enigma, something she’d never understand but something that keeps her constantly guessing.

Men: he’s like a myth. You hear of him but, seeing him? It can sound like some promise or imagination come to life when you see him. He’s got a roughness to him as if he’s just in life for the shits and giggles. For him the world is grand and he’s destined to uncover the rest of it. He doesn’t want a side kick he wants an adversary. He’s sexuality can seem like its apart of the earth-he’s like a wild animal and it’s incredibly potent. He can seem masculine and as if his soul leaps out of each word. These men can be magnetic but also immensely detached. For them their is this loose and sought after emptiness and it can sometimes alter their expression of Jupiter. These men can be very dismissive once they feel trapped unfortunately but if they are mature and evolved many welcome intimacy and sometimes “too much” sexually they can be overwhelming and a bit like animals once they get going-it’s no myth they’ll Try to do it outdoors. They usually are very well endowed and can be very lean down there.

Mars in Capricorn: Cold War

Tinashe - Salt

Women: shes mrs noir baby. Her eyes are cold but her heart is warm and that of a furnace. She’s independent and nothing in her upbringing has taught her to lean on anyone to create for herself what she can do on her own. She’s ambitious and a warrior-never does she let her tears eat away at her. These women devour the world, often choosing and desiring complete titanship over all things in her life. Weakness is poison for them and often sex is seen more as a luxury than a need as often they’re weary of anything that create emotional weakness that they can’t rid of. These women run hot sexually and tend to be the types to be into more BDSM themes or domination as a means to prove to themselves they’ve “conquered” their lovers usually are well established and have a rather cold demeanor but ultimately are very sensualistic and intense.

Men: he’s the darkest out of the mars signs for the males. He’s not a beat around the bush type, as often his desires are incredibly honest and he sees no reason to pretend or act precarious. His emotions are often self defensive but also slightly guarded as a means of precautious measure. His energy is often stifling and intimidating as his desires tend to be deeply felt and rather than being outwardly expressed they make their way through his actions and mannersims. They aren’t the type to eye down anyone but are very lustful by nature. To them work and power are and will always be necessity-sexual gratification is luxury but also a means to an end. These natives can be immensely detached from sex unless feelings were established before the act took place otherwise you’ll be nothing more than an asset to them. They can be cold and cruel but they do have a very soft and vulnerable side albeit the goat can be rather changeable when and if they decide to show this side. Their members are usually well endowed! Saturns influence might make it skinnier or medium sized but these guys are usually well endowed. Sexually they can be very intense and their entire mood changes and so does their personality so keep in mind.

Aquarius mars: The 80s camero

cautious clay - Cold War (nick AM remix)

Women: shes bored by it all, to her people are stuck on that music station she’d rather skip past. For her interactions are more then physical contact. She wants cerebral and celestial-she wants to feel mars in her hands and Dance with Neptune and andromeda. Connections come and go for this women and she often finds herself sitting alone, but that’s how she likes it. For these women it can be a spark like desire that can fade just as quickly as it came! Their desires are consistent here and there but only when their is a feeling of never really having what it is they’re feeling. Sexually things can run on and off just like her nature-she just goes with the energy flow and sees where it takes her. These women can be sought after drawing others to her like moths to a flame but she doesn’t ever really care for the attention-she’d much rather watch their wings singe as they fly towards the light. Her lover should be perplexing, a tad off their rocker but with enough emotional difference to keep them scratching their heads.

Men: he’s the unbothered, he’s the glossy eyed boy wonder who seems like he’s just passing by. His affections can seem hard to pin? Wether or not theirs meaning or if he’s just looking for a way to use his time. These men are emotional rollercoaster dispute their more calm demeanor. They want to be above feelings and often will project their own internal feelings on others and play run around the roise so they don’t have to take responsibility for their own feelings. They are insanely attractive and have this deceptive charm to them-like every word is laced with a sinister intent. These men are erotic mainly because they have such a detached relatiohship with their own sexuality. These men don’t care and tend to be sexually aroused by someone with a more “careless” persona. These men are often very hot sexually and tend to love sessions but it can be a bit hard to get them emotionally in to it! They love the emotional v. Non emotional energy that’s generated in their sexual encounters though and from what I’ve seen the more someone wants them the hotter it is for them sexually because of the indifference. They tend to have pointy and angular members that look unique in a way because of Uranus.

Mars in Pisces: Atlantian divers

The Weeknd feat. Gesaffelstein - I was never there

Women: shes sweet as can be! Her heart is that of boundless oceans and she can be immensely dedicated to sacrifice even in her daily life part of her feels more whole if she’s able to be surrounded by harmonius flows of energy. She’s full of tangles though and can seem like a museum of emotions. She’s complex and nothing expressed is never just that, it’s meanings could span over a millennia. She’s often a softly felt presence that can disepear from seemingly nowhere. Her feelings are often deeply entangled in her sexual longings and often the bigger the emotional backing the stronger her arousal but the weaker the bond the harder it is for her to be anything more then a fish in the sea. She enjoys glowing through life in blissful dreamlike peace but often she’s interrupted by the loud existence of the rest of us. Her lover should be a gentle soul, one that cares for her heart but also feels safe enough to express their own unique vulnerabilities.

Men: he’s a dreamboat, the boy seemingly lost in the crowd of people. He’s been in an ongoing daydream since he was 2 years old. His eyes are watery and seem like their are tears waiting to speak there own individual peace. He hates the confinement of others and tends to be a loner. He’s sensitive to energy and can seemingly become evasive when negativity embodies him which is why people think he’s lethargic or lazy. He often is sexual in private-leaning towards porn and media to relate to sexual feelings internally felt. He often can create a dreamlike sexual desire but might be more displeased by the real thing. His libido is often the lowest of the bunch mainly because his more masculine side is subdued by the neptunian sea. He like his feminine counterpart needs a emotional connection otherwise sex is nothing more then a fish in the water. He’s moldable to the desire of his lover. His member tends to be translucent and on the larger side of things.


Aries: Like a warrior ready for battle. Aries Mars is a placement with an abundance of energy. Sometimes when these people can’t use the energy productively, it can channel into anger, frustration, and impatience. Aries Mars needs something physical to release their energy. Aries Mars is fierce and knows what they want and how to get it. They’re always looking for the next thrill/adventure. A great person to travel with.

Taurus: A TRUE romantic. Loves love, even when they don’t want to admit it. I don’t see these people as the hook-up types, but that’s only looking at the mars sign. A very chill and laid back vibe. Probably knows some good movies to snuggle to. A GREAT cuddler. They’re stubborn and will stick up for their loved ones until the end. These beings are so full of love and compassion. Don’t hurt them and ruin them!!!

Gemini: The talker! A great socializer, makes friends easily. Loves attention, but attention only. These natives aren’t for the long term unless you’re someone special. Gemini Mars rules the twins, so they give off different vibes to certain people. All in all, these people are laid back and fun, but they know when they need to act professional. If you want to charm these people be confident :)

Cancer: Cancer mars are such sunflowers. I love this placement. But cancer mars can blow things out of proportion due to their sensitivity. Their auras are so nurturing and motherly, and they would thrive if they realized that not everyone i out to get them. Truly kind people. They love so much when they find the right person. Great taste in music and has a simple, chic style.

Leo: Fierce, feisty. A confident beauty that gets what they want. They love attention like Gemini, but they love love as well. This placement can be hard to handle in a relationship because they can be self-centered if they feel like their being attacked. Very sensitive. Wants to do things and wants to help people, can be extremely genuine and kind if the chart allows it.

Virgo: Laid back on the outside, anxious on the inside. These people come off as a go with the flow type but they really just wanna do what everyone’s doing and not cause issues. They are critical and notice everything. Surprisingly, with their timid nature, they are great in bed. Lowkey nerds that are really smart in what they enjoy.

Libra: The Peace-maker! These people hate confrontation and they hate making others feel sad. They ARE NOT pushovers because they will fight for what they believe in. They love love as well, but they need someone really special to stick with, because they fall fast and hard, but they fall out of love quickly too. These natives are great talkers, I love these cuties :) Can have a chaotic mindset if things get too overwhelming, just breathe!

Scorpio: I love this placement :’) everyone thinks scorpio mars is big and scary, which can be true if you cross them, but they are so loyal if you just listen to them and be compassionate. They are actually pretty gentle like a cancer mars, but they have a front because they can’t take anymore hurt. If developed, this mars placement is incredibly psyhic an intuitive. Great partners in bed.

Sagittarius: These people are the chillest of the zodiac. They love to party and socialize and try new things. They do stupid things for the story to tell people. These folks are extremely lucky, and when they don’t think things will work out, they somehow do! Travelers, these people are some of the smartest people in the world (imo), because of their open mindedness. 

Capricorn: Either extremely generous or cheap. These natives usually have an abundance of money or really struggle with it. Every Capricorn mars I know strives to be successful in some way. Loves the finer things in life, and hates change. Can come across as melancholy. 

Aquarius: These people love to be weird and different (in a great way, obvi). They can actually be quite shy at first, then they will open up. Extremely funny people because they dance to their own beat. Is prone to weird meet-ups, psychic adventures, etc, because of their high self. Loves to adventure like Sag mars, can be socially anxious.

Pisces: Emotional nature, needs to connect to someone on a mind, body, soul level. Needs to get away from negatives, and needs needs NEEDS a creative outlet of some sort. Beautiful, kind, authentic beings. Childlike. It’s almost like their exploring everything for the first time, excitable,  enthusiastic. 


Dating the signs would include…

use mars and venus

Aries: Play fighting, waking up in the middle of the night to watch the stars, holding hangs in public, tickle fights, hickeys, back scratches, hot showers together

Taurus: Baking together, going out to eat, snuggles in bed, fingers running through your hair, long car drives, dancing in the kitchen

Gemini: Love notes, taking pictures, reading to each other, passionate debates, showing each other music, rebelling together, going shopping together, food fights

Cancer: Small gifts, emotional talks, going on walks together, going to museums, matching shoes, licking food off each others fingers, eskimo kisses

Leo: Compliments, passionate sex, discovering things together, getting drunk/high with each other, partners in crime, singing to a song together, pranks

Virgo: Learning new things, bettering yourself, trying new restaurants, playing with food, baths together, being spoiled, reading old notebooks, looking through old pictures

Libra: Taking pictures, going to amusement parks, trying new things, long hugs, endless laughs, fancy events, extravagant gifts, staying up all night

Scorpio: Sex sex sex, experiencing things together, always having someone to talk to, thigh kisses, sensual massages, clubbing, smoking, drinking, dancing, watching the city on a roof

Sagittarius: Traveling, drinking buddies, legs intertwined in bed, waking up to kisses and breakfast, tickle fights, meeting all of their friends, ass slaps

Capricorn: Shoulder kisses, good advice, walking around cities, home cooked dinner, teaching each other new perspectives, long talks, no secrets

Aquarius: Spontaneous road trips, childlike wonder, traveling, drawing together, soft kisses, make up sex, massages, winks from across the room

Pisces: consuming love, cooking together, crying together, going on hikes, piggybacks, writing each other notes, doing chores together, picnics

astrologymarina:astrology-addict:Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graphastrologymarina:astrology-addict:Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graph



Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graphs showing the levels of anger of different Mars signs over time (in my opinion)!

the pisces graph - crying level omg

Post link

Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

most compatible mars signs for: aries venus

  1. sagittarius: one word, adventure. the sagittarius mars craves exploration and new experiences, and this benefits the aries venus because it means there’s never a dull moment. both are very positive and bring out the best in each other. both signs are also very straightforward about their needs and are willing to face any conflict head-on to work through it.
  2. leo: people with aries venus love the encouragement and push that someone with a leo mars can provide them, and these two have a lot of fun together. both of them are flirtatious and know just how to make the other feel special. this is a situation where both parties can be childlike and happy together.
  3. aries:both are on the same page and understand the need for independence and action. they don’t mind things moving fast or just jumping into something together. they would drop anything for each other and are able to handle the heat of the relationship.
  4. scorpio:this might seem a bit surprising, but the aries venus is incredibly attracted to the magnetic and intense energy given off by the scorpio mars. there’s a little bit of danger here, and aries is all for it! both are highly passionate and willing to put their all into it. here, actions speak louder than words.
  5. gemini:this mars sign knows how to keep things lighthearted and exciting, and both bond over their need for stimulation. the aries venus will find themselves laughing very often. i can see this relationship being one where they’re always talking/texting. there is usually not a lot of conflict because the gemini mars knows how to defuse almost anything through words.

Today, may 29th, very early it was the mars and jupiter conjunction in Aries. This is here to give to us: good fortune, energy and blessings to our plan and dreams. Visualization and meditation is needed above all on monday with the new moon in gemini.

Mars secret

Who girls want based on their Mars signs

Mars in Aries: a bad guy from classic movies. This girl’s perfect type is someone who can break the law but will protect her no matter what. Can be the leader in relationship and has a great body.

Mars in Taurus: Homer Simpson. She’s looking for a family guy who can guarantee stable life, loves to chill in front of TV and will take her to romantic dates to cafes and restaurants

Mars in Gemini: a host of entertaining show. Her perfect type is somebody who can make her laugh and erudite enough to impress her with knowledge and keep the conversation going

Mars in Cancer: nanny. She’s looking for somebody who loves kids and family life. Someone romantic and sensitive who doesn’t hide own feelings.

Mars in Leo: prince from Disney. She takes only best products so as for perfect type she’s looking for generous, beautiful soul who can protect her just like a real prince. Loyal and romantic

Mars in Virgo: sassy historic teacher. She will never be attracted to anyone whose iq is lower than her. She pays attention to details: clear shoes, new clothes, grammatically correct speech

Mars in Libra: funny friend of main character. She needs somebody she can spend a good time with. Cute, friendly, funny. Intelligent and diplomatic toward others.

Mars in Scorpio: villain who you love more than the main character. She dreams about someone who looks like a bad decision: introverted, dark eyes, seems like somebody who can kill and will do it if anyone hurts her

Mars in Sagittarius: a host of travelling show. She’s looking for somebody with same thoughts on life who can discuss on philosophy questions with her. Loves different cultures and has a good sense of humor.

Mars in Capricorn: chairman. Prestigious and rich partner is her ideal type. The person who wears expensive suits and watch, respected by everyone around and might be older than her

Mars in Aquarius: youtuber. Her perfect type is somebody funny who can entertain her. The person should be her best friend and understand all her weirdest ideas.

Mars in Pisces: Jack from Titanic. She needs somebody like a main character from drama: loves her more than life, romantic, artistic and will understand her without saying anything. Also this person should be mysterious.

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On January 6, 05:27 PM ET, we witness a significant energetic shift: Mars ends its long transit through fiery Aries, the sign it naturally rules, and enters earthy and practical Taurus.

Mars has been in Aries since June 28, stationed retrograde in September, and stationed direct again in November. The last six months represented an intense season of change, new beginnings, trial and error, adjustments, and experimentation. We had the opportunity to attain deeper self-knowledge and a more profound understanding of our desires, our drives, and our relationship with instinct.

After experiencing a long season of fast, direct, and forward-moving Mars in Aries, during the transit of Mars through Taurus, a Yin archetype, the energy comes back to our center: we now have the chance to consolidate what we started while Mars was in its home sign. Mars will be in the sign of the Bull for the next six weeks and enter Gemini on March 3. Harnessing the influence of this transit can be highly beneficial for all those activities that require continuous dedication and sustained effort.


Mars is hot and dry, sharp and direct: it correlates with the principle of separation, the moment of cutting the umbilical cord that links us to our biological mother. In Astrology, Mars is about individuality, about the act of existing as an individual being, separate from the surroundings, with a personal will, personal impulses, and personal desires. The traditional ruler of both Aries and Scorpio, Mars is linked to our sex drive and the way we instinctively experience sexuality.

The Red Planet represents how we act on our impulses, how we go after what we want, how we assert ourselves, how we attack, and how we defend ourselves. Mars correlates with our inner warrior archetype, fighting for what we believe is worth fighting for. There is no forethought in Mars, no pre-plan: it is completely instinctual and explosive, pure Cardinal Fire, burning fast and bright. Mars is in a constant state of becoming, seeing life as a series of new beginnings, moved by the sudden urge to do something, to embark on an endeavor that feels right in this very moment.


Taurus is a Yin, Fixed, Earth archetype whose function is to consolidate and stabilize what was started thanks to the impulses of Aries: if we consider the Zodiac in its natural order as a progression of stages of awareness, we are entering the following phase of evolution.

Taurus relates to survival instinct, to the need to preserve what has been created, to the impulse to procreate and perpetuate the species: for this reason, this sign has a connection with the physical aspect of sexuality. The second sign of the Zodiac correlates with our physicality, our body, the five senses, our capacity to receive and feel pleasure.

Taurus is associated with the relationship we have with ourselves and our physical body, with our needs, our desires, our values, our sense of self-worth, as well as our capacity to be autonomous and self-sufficient. For this reason, material abundance and financial prosperity are concepts linked to the archetype of Taurus, also connected to our economic resources, our form of income, our skills and our personal talents.


The shift from Cardinal Fire to Fixed Earth is inviting us to invest our energy wisely and to deepen what we already started. Mars in Taurus will encourage us to keep working toward specific goals without dissipating our life force in a thousand different pursuits.

What do I want to consolidate? What is worth my time and energy? What am I willing to commit to and invest in? Do I feel grounded, and how can I improve if I don’t? Do I feel a clear sense of direction? Do I know what my desires and my values are? How has my strategy worked out so far? These questions will be relevant to all of us throughout the upcoming six weeks.

Mars in Taurus is slow and steady: harnessing its energy will support all those endeavors that require constant commitment and dedication. This transit reflects the need to build a firm foundation, a solid ground on which what we have initiated during the last six months can grow and blossom.


Mars in Aries is pure instinct, action without forethought or contemplation, while Mars in Taurus has a practical and pragmatic quality. Mars in Taurus is about taking time before making decisions, it is about reflecting well upon the true needs, desires, and values behind a specific urge prior to taking action.

While, on the one hand, this tends to slow down Mars’ spontaneous drive, on the other, we have the chance to take action from a more grounded, conscious, and aligned place. Once something has been set in motion, Mars in Taurus follows through easily with the patience, commitment, and dedication needed.

During the journey of Mars through the sign of the Bull, we internalize part of our energy and focus and redirect it towards ourselves. Until March 3, Mars in Taurus will promote a deeper understanding of our needs and values and encourage us to become more self-reliant and self-sufficient.

Taurus teaches us to take it easy and to reconnect with the natural rhythms of life. This transit represents an opportunity to align our inner and outer realities in a way that feels right for us. Mars in Taurus invites us to embrace a way of living that respects our timing and our necessities, and to honor the cyclical flow between activity and rest.

Mars in AriesMars in Aries indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires assertiv

Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires assertively and uninhibitedly. Aries martial energy is self-initiating and natural, and produces innovators, originators, and leaders. Arian passions are expressed freely, strongly, bluntly, innocently, and courageously. Aries Mars seeks cooperation and acceptance from others. If Arians cannot find a physical outlet for their energy, they will direct their energy to the intellect and the world of thoughts and ideas. 

Traditionally, Mars is the ruler of fiery Aries where martial energy is unfettered and desires only to give. Aries Mars makes for a vitality and drive that is energetic, direct, creative, and spontaneous. 

–Shiva Das, Divine Love Astrology

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