#mars in virgo


astrology notesssss pt.6

■ Venus in libra loves to give and receive complimentsss! They’re also very into clingy partners and just simply want to be adored by everyone. But they are always falling for people that dont want them (at least publicly). Then they try everything to be what that person wants.

□ Mars in leo pick a fight just for fun and sometimes they take it too far lol and even tho they are always fooling around, you will know they’re annoyed. + they love to be desired and wanted when it comes to sex. They would want you as much as you want them, and the more you want it, the better.

■ Leo risings are very shy at first but once they start talking, they won’t ever stop lol it’s kinda like a performance, they feel like they need to entertain people.

□ Capricorn risings tend to be very stubborn when it comes to their traditions and what they consider to be good or bad. Having a stable life, financially on the most part, is extremely important to them. This due to some childhood trama or just growing up in a business or wealthy environment. Also, can be very judgemental when someone does not meet their criteria. This also applies to capricorn venus.

■ Mars in virgo loves to be right and usually is. They have a this aura to them that make other people not want to mess with them. Even though they are very patient and nice and will never try to hurt anyone intentionally, there’s always something they have to say but rather stay quiet unless they have had enough lol

□ Scorpios hate liessss, they can’t even stand white lies.

■ Mars in taurus are actually more rough in bed than people would expect. There’s something pleasing in having so much power over someone. Also, is not just touching for them, is how it’s done. Gestures, sounds, smells.

□ Sagittarius sun/moon/venus/mars/rising love to have fun. Anywhere and everywhere, their goal is to be happy and make others happy and just have a good time. It gets to that point sometimes where people don’t take them serious, and it’s true. They’re so fun and chill that others forget they feel deeply and think thoughtfully as well. They do not like to talk about the negative side of things, ever. That’s why you often find them lying and pretending everything is great.

■ Pisces moons are so adaptable that they can come across as fake at times. You never really know them bc it changes from being w one person to another. Kinda like gemini as well. But their true self always shows when they’re all alone. They find themselves lost in their thoughts. Usually the good ones because the bad ones are too harsh that can make them cry. They also lose themselves in music, in movies, in any type of art. That’s why they are usually very artsy and very good at what they do.

astrology notes x pt.3

■ aquarius can’t stand being forgotten/ignored.

□ Mars in virgo is indeed one of the kinkiest placements out there, and are very straightforward in how, when and where they like it.

■ pisces moon can cry over the thought of them crying.

□ capricorn moon is very sensitive but you’ll never catch them crying.

■ your 7th and 8th houses hold the sign of your best lover or worst enemy.

□ venus in virgo way of showing love is by never asking you to change, instead they’ll let you change at your own pace.

■ mercury and Jupiter both also indicate your type of humour.

□ mercury in the 12th are usually talking to themselves when alone.

■ Mars in cancer love language is physical touch. Specially in love relationship, they will literally cry if you don’t touch them.

□ sagittarius tells lies to be liked while Gemini just lies bc they don’t ever want to stop talking.

■ scorpios hide their feelings so well, they don’t even know them themselves.

□ mars in scorpio & leo love watching other people fight or get mad. It’s attractive.

■ Aries risings females are more straightforward and tomboy-ish than suns.

□ Aries & Leo hate copycats.

■ Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra are most likely to be copycats.

□ your toughest relationship w a family member is usually with someone whose moon conjunct your sun or vice versa (Ex. Their moon in Scorpio - your sun in scorpio) it takes a while for both of you to get along and you will need to learn to understand each other in order to have a healthy relationship.

■ capricorn, sagittarius & gemini placements don’t believe in astrology (or prolly do but will never admit it)

□ Aquarius risings have an unconventional beauty, I’ve notice most of them have their eyes kinda far apart.


■ scorpio moons & Pluto in the 3rd house have a really hard time sharing personal info, if they do it means your trustworthy or they want to get something out of it. Be careful.

Mars in cancer can be really rough at sex so some people would consider them ‘bad’ at it bc of this, but it’s just about preferences. But they’re also givers so it’s easy for them to adapt.

■ Mars in sagittarius are very sexual and is the type to flirt w everyone they meet just for fun (esp. males)

□ aries placements (venus & mars mostly) have a necessity to be liked romantically by other people (esp. females) they might not even like that person but they want to be liked asap

■ sagittarius risings have more of an oval head shape and pretty smiles. They actually enjoy being annoying lol

pisces moons/moon in the 7th want to be liked and accepted by others so they actually try really hard for it.

venus in pisces males are into 'girly girls’ or just that type of “feminine” energy while Mars in pisces males prefer someone with much more energy that leads them without hesitation.

□ your best friend zodiac sign is most likely your rising/moon (conjunct or opposite) or the sign in your 11th house. Also, your 11th house talks about the role you play in your group of closest friends.

Gemini risings have either a really petite nose or a flat somewhat big nose.

□ leo suns/risings have lots of hair. Leo risings especially have defined (noticeable jaw) yet soft features and usually small defined lips.

■ leos are all very extroverted, if you know an introvert one it’s bc they’re not comfortable enough to show their true side yet.

□ aquarius is even more egocentric and self-centered than leo (as most people consider) but they have their way to people so nobody ever notices.

virgo moon/venus/risings can’t stand not doing the right thing. They have a constant fear of not being good enough.

□ libra mars like to think of themselves as very smart and politically correct when arguing.

venus in taurus are very touchy especially when they have a crush on someone.

capricorn sun/risings tend to be very physically attractive bc they have a really good bone structure. Great proportions. You can easily tell them apart by their famous blank stare.

■ the 2nd house rules the throat & voice:

Air signs in this house tend to have more of an airy/soft/clear tone and can play with their voice with ease, so high notes are easier to reach. (Ex. Mariah Carey, Camila Cabello, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande)

Fire signs tend to have a more prominent tone, that definitely stands out for being either loud or very sweet to the ear. (Ex. Billie Eilish, Zayn Malik, Jaehyun NCT, Katy Perry)

Earth signs tend to have a voice that’s stable. Low notes specially, they can just talk and it’d still sound good. (Ex. Freddy Mercury, Demi Lovato)

Water signs tend to have a whiny tone yet defined tone so it’s easy for them to project emotions. (Ex. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Christina Aguilera)

□ Gemini placements are hella funny and tend to have great sense of humor as well.

■ mercury in cancer is the best listener.

Mars (sometimes rising) in virgo actually enjoys cleaning.

■ siblings usually have same house overlays (ex. my sister and I have venus in the 12th house), have sun-moon conjunctions (ex. Your sibling’s an aquarius and your moon is in aquarius) and/or have sun-rising conjunction or sun in the 7th house.

□ cancers never miss a thing and always remember everything. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

astrologymarina:astrology-addict:Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graphastrologymarina:astrology-addict:Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graph



Thought this was a cute idea! Just a bunch of low quality graphs showing the levels of anger of different Mars signs over time (in my opinion)!

the pisces graph - crying level omg

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Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.  

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom. 

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present. 

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

Mars secret

Who girls want based on their Mars signs

Mars in Aries: a bad guy from classic movies. This girl’s perfect type is someone who can break the law but will protect her no matter what. Can be the leader in relationship and has a great body.

Mars in Taurus: Homer Simpson. She’s looking for a family guy who can guarantee stable life, loves to chill in front of TV and will take her to romantic dates to cafes and restaurants

Mars in Gemini: a host of entertaining show. Her perfect type is somebody who can make her laugh and erudite enough to impress her with knowledge and keep the conversation going

Mars in Cancer: nanny. She’s looking for somebody who loves kids and family life. Someone romantic and sensitive who doesn’t hide own feelings.

Mars in Leo: prince from Disney. She takes only best products so as for perfect type she’s looking for generous, beautiful soul who can protect her just like a real prince. Loyal and romantic

Mars in Virgo: sassy historic teacher. She will never be attracted to anyone whose iq is lower than her. She pays attention to details: clear shoes, new clothes, grammatically correct speech

Mars in Libra: funny friend of main character. She needs somebody she can spend a good time with. Cute, friendly, funny. Intelligent and diplomatic toward others.

Mars in Scorpio: villain who you love more than the main character. She dreams about someone who looks like a bad decision: introverted, dark eyes, seems like somebody who can kill and will do it if anyone hurts her

Mars in Sagittarius: a host of travelling show. She’s looking for somebody with same thoughts on life who can discuss on philosophy questions with her. Loves different cultures and has a good sense of humor.

Mars in Capricorn: chairman. Prestigious and rich partner is her ideal type. The person who wears expensive suits and watch, respected by everyone around and might be older than her

Mars in Aquarius: youtuber. Her perfect type is somebody funny who can entertain her. The person should be her best friend and understand all her weirdest ideas.

Mars in Pisces: Jack from Titanic. She needs somebody like a main character from drama: loves her more than life, romantic, artistic and will understand her without saying anything. Also this person should be mysterious.

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Mars in VirgoMars in Virgo indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires practica

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires practically, methodically, meticulously, distinctly, and conscientiously. Virgo martial energy is detailed, analytical, concentrated, exacting, persistent, microscopic, and produces organizers, researchers, and technicians. Virgo passions are expressed mentally, rigorously, precisely, and logically. Virgo Mars seeks that others recognize their ability to discriminate and their well-meaning intention. If Virgos cannot find a practical outlet for their energy, they will direct their energy to working, self-abnegation, and establishing uniqueness. 

Traditionally, Maris in earthy Virgo is somewhat well placed because in an Earth Sign martial energy gets directed toward practical endeavors. However, it can also get bogged down in details, and although practical, can become obsessive and inefficient. Virgo Mars makes for a vitality and drive that is fastidious, untiring, practical, detail oriented, and motivated by service.

–Shiva Das, Divine Love Astrology

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