#martha jones


there are absolutely arguments to be made that the way martha and mickey were treated throughout rtd’s era was at a minimum uncomfortable and at a maximum straight up racist. it depends how intentional you think their treatment was. but that is not the case for ryan and yaz and i am actually so tired of ppl conflating the two situations.

with ryan and yaz, you just… don’t like how a couple of characters are written. that doesnt make the writers racist, especially when there are white characters in the show being written the same way by the same writers.

with martha and mickey, they were constantly beaten down by and/or in favour of other white characters. it’s not on the same level at all. not even in the same league

its crazy how people deny the 10th Doctor’s shitty treatment of Martha was at least partially the result of anit-Black writing and misogynoir!! they’ll literally be like “no it wasn’t racism uwu he was just sad about Rose” my sibling in christ, even if that were the sole reason for the 10th Doctor behaving the way he did, that is still NOT any kind of reason enough to treat another person like that. “i am sad about my ex so i am literally going constantly compare you to her to your face and insult you by saying you’re not as good as her and yell at you for even trying to ask me about it” IS straight up insanely boarderline abusive behaviour that isn’t excuseable. and for y’all to pretend this was not at least escalated by Martha being Black is utter lunacy. ESPECIALLY when you saw how the 10th Doctor treated Donna in the special BEFORE he met Martha and he treated her with NOWHERE NEAR with the same level of vitriol. he even asks Donna to travel with him straight away. He kept “just one trip and that’s it”-ing Martha and he didn’t even give martha a TARDIS key until episode 8 of THE SEASON WHERE SHE WAS THE COMPANION. the only GLARING difference between Donna and Martha IS their race. again, the way Martha was written compared to the other companions of that era was very clearly racialised and this includes the Doctor being mad at her for [checks notes] not being Rose which is NOT SOMETHING HE DID WITH ANYONE ELSE. it’s a very clear and obvious to anyone, especially Black folks and poc, that RTD had an unconscious double standard in the way he wrote Black companions and I am so TIRED of people trying to justify the 10th Doctor treating Black people (i.e. Mickey as well) like shit “because of Rose” as if that’s even a fucking decent argument to make.

Tribute to and character study of the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler from Doctor Who.

The song, Song for Ten, is from the soundtrack and appeared in The Christmas Invasion (without the lyrics referring specifically to Doomsday) and as Murray Gold’s instrumental in The End of Time.

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Fanart of Martha Jones in the red jacket and hooped earings from her first few episodes. Its a close-up of her face, cutting off under her shoulders.ALT

Shakespeare, New New York, old New York.

Rose: We could be killed!!

Donna: Or worse, Martha could give us another lecture on responsibility.

Rose: What is the one thing I told you not to do?

Ten: Burn the house down.

Rose: And what did you do?

Ten: Make you dinner.




Ten: And burn the house down.



Rose: Why do you have a playlist called “for when i take over the world”?

Rose: And why is it just the high school musical 2 soundtrack?

Ten: Rose, I’m sad.

Rose, hugging him: come here, it’s going to be alright.

Ten: Donna, I’m sad.

Donna, nodding:mood.
