#marvel social media au


Over The Love (social media au) part 9

series masterlist

main masterlist

Heading back to your hometown for college, you’re excited for new adventures with your brother Steve and his new friends, as well as your old ones. But what happens when Bucky Barnes, your brothers best friend since kindergarten starts flirting with you? Can you both make is past your overprotective brother? Or will one of you crack under the pressure of keeping it a secret?

AN: hiii!! so probably only going to have a few more parts of this but lmk if you guys have any input on what you would like to see ❤️! also TAGLIST IS CLOSED


if there is a line through your username it means i couldn’t tag you :// plz tell me if i spelt ur username wrong tho !! i do that some times lol

the lucky one- Chapter 5

the lucky one

5. the arrangement

Stephen Strange x oc (Meag), Peter Parker x oc (Hope), Loki x oc (Minnie), Natasha x oc (Em), past Quentin Beck x oc (Hope)


the lucky one- Chapter 4

the lucky one

4. damage control

Stephen Strange x oc (Meag), Peter Parker x oc (Hope), Loki x oc (Minnie), Natasha x oc (Em), past Quentin Beck x oc (Hope)


state of grace- Chapter 8

Meag looks up as Stephen walks into the cafe, walking past Steve’s table as the latter flares at him.

“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he says loudly, taking a seat across from Meag. He lowers his voice to a whisper.”You okay?”

“Fine. Sorry, I overreacted a bit..”

“No, you didn’t. Besides, who would turn down free coffee?” he replies with a chuckle.

Meag takes a sip of her coffee and starts to calm as Stephen tells her a funny story about his childhood. He’d come from Nebraska, she had learned. He’d lived on a farm, and was the oldest of three siblings. His parents were very proud of him. His younger brother, Victor, was still in high school.

“What about your other sibling?”

“Oh um… My sister, Donna. She passed away last year.”

Well, now Meag felt like a huge jerk.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t-“

“It’s okay. You didn’t know,” he assures her. “So, Bruce is your brother, right?”

“Yep, he’s my only sibling. I’m the baby of the family. Though Tony’s been his best friend since we were kids so he’s like another brother to me.”

“So, what do you want to do after you graduate?” Stephen asks.

“First, grad school. Then, I’m gonna go work at a fancy lab. I’m applying to internships for next summer at Stark Industries and Pym Tech.”

“Wow. I’m pre-med so I’m headed to med school. I want to be a neurosurgeon.”

Meag looks up to see Steve staring at them from a few tables away, and Stephen takes her hand.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving them something to stare at,” he replies with a smirk.

state of grace

8. xoxo gossip scott


multiversal madness- Chapter 11

multiversal madness

11. cliffside

Meag opened her eyes as the man who had impersonated her husband portaled her to another location. It was a cliffside, they were just off the road. There was no guard rails. It was very unsafe. And then, she made the mistake of looking down. It was a pretty long drop. How had Stephen survived that crash?

Meag gasps as he grabs her arm, spinning her around to face the road. Before them, Stephen, Wong, Tony, both Natasha’s and Loki’s, and all three Peters stood, as well as Minnie, who pulled out a knife.

“Stephy! Minnie! You guys are okay!” Meag exclaims.

Stephen steps towards his alternate self.

“Uh uh uh!” he grabs Meag. “I could very easily push her off the cliff.” She struggles to get out of his grip. “Wouldn’t it be poetic? The woman you love plummeting to her death off the same cliff that you so recklessly plummeted off a few years ago?”

“What do you want?” Stephen asks.

“What do I want? I want your life. I want your universe. But since you had to come crawling back, and my sweet Meag has betrayed me..”

“I’m not your sweet anything,” Meag interjects.

“If I can’t have her, neither can you,” Stephen’s alternate self finishes, pushing Meag off the cliff. The others gasp, and Stephen and Tony both dive after her, Tony’s nano suit forming around him.

“He’s used a paralysis spell on her,” Stephen yells to Tony. “She can’t move to stop her fall!”

“FRIDAY, a little help here!” Tony boosts his rockets to increase speed as Meag starts falling faster, faster.

“Go get her,” Stephen whispers to the cloak. It mimics nodding at him.

“Tony, catch me,” Stephen says.

“Okay, doc, but why-“ The cloak releases Stephen and Tony catches him by the arm as the cloak of levitation flies down to catch Meag. It wraps around her, bringing her back up to them.

Stephen mutters an incantation to stop the paralysis spell, and it does, as Meag flails a bit in the air.

“Let the cloak guide you!” Stephen calls. They finally reach the top of the cliff, where the others were all engaged in a fight with the alternate Stephen.

Minnie brings out a knife to stab him and the Watcher appears.

“Stop. He must be returned to his universe.”

“Take him,” Stephen says. “And do not let him return.”

“Do not worry. He shall be under my watchful eye,” the Watcher says. “Are you all ready?”

The all three Peter’s pile into a hug, and Nat pats her alternate self on the back. President Loki scoffs at the others but blows a kiss to Minnie, who blushes, making Loki mad, despite it being himself. They gather around the Watcher and dissapear back to their own universes.

multiversal madness- Chapter 10

multiversal madness

10. stab first ask questions later

“As you’ve learned by now, Stephen, sometimes it is okay to break the rules,” the Watcher says.

“And sometimes it’s not,” Stephen replies, gesturing to the empty and destroyed universe around them.

“Agreed. This universe’s version of yourself needs to be stopped and returned here,” the Watcher replies. He turns to Minnie. “Hello, Minnie. I am the Watcher.”

“How does it know my name?” Minnie asks.

“He watches over the multiverse,” Stephen answers.

“You are a hero in my universes,” the Watcher says. “A villain as well in others.”

“That’s a bit unnerving,” Minnie replies. “Can you take us home?”

“Of course. We must hurry.” The Watcher snaps his fingers and they appear in the sanctum. Wong, Hope, Em, both Natasha’s, all three Peter’s, both Loki’s, and Tony were all gathered.

“You’ll come back when we find him?” Stephen asks the Watcher.

He nods. “I’ll be watching. Waiting.” He dissapeared and everyone was finally back. Well, almost everyone.

“What’s the plan?” Stephen asks.

“We have their location,” Tony says. “How about an ambush?”


multiversal madness- Chapter 9

(when loki says precisely, me he’sreferring to his other self like one would use someone’s name).

multiversal madness

9. revelation

“How are we supposed to get out of here?” Minnie asks. “This is all your fault!”

“Me?! How is this my fault?” Stephen demands.

“If you hadn’t been playing around, we wouldn’t be in this mess! Now everyone’s in danger, and we’re the only ones that know the truth!”

“Surely Wong has figured it out by now,” Stephen says. “He’s probably got a plan.”

“Yeah, well how about a plan to get us out of here? You don’t have your magic ring thingy, do you?”

Stephen sighs. “I don’t. He took it before he left me here.”

“The others will find us,” Minnie says. “They have to.”


“Any luck?” Hope asks, entering the sanctum with Em and Peter.

“Stephen and Minnie are definitely not in this universe,” Wong says. “I can’t track them. As for Meag, he’s blocking my spell. She’s untraceable.”

“Is there anything we can do?” Em asks.

“We can look for something in the books,” Peter suggests. “Do you think there’s a spell that could stop him? Or override his spell so we can find Meag?”

“Maybe,” Wong replies. “Let’s get to work.”


state of grace- Chapter 6

Everyone starts to gather in the main room of the frat house. The couches are pushed out of the way by some of the football players so everyone can sit in the floor. As everyone gathers in one big circle, Tony enters, wearing his glow stick getup, and holding a glass bottle.

“We just needed a beer bottle, Tony,” Bruce says.

“I’m bougie, bitch.”

Tony takes his place in the circle between Clint and Rhodey. He elects to go first and Meag sighs in relief. Her friend could be a bit too much sometimes. He turned the bottle round and round until it stopped, pointing towards his girlfriend, Pepper, who breathed a sigh of relief. They both crawled to meet in the middle of the circle and kissed quickly before returning to their seats.

Meag watches as a few people take their turns, and thankfully no one lands on her. Bucky drags Stephen into the circle, taking seats across the circle from Meag. Bucky takes the bottle and spins it, watching as it slows near Hope. But it doesn’t stop. It stops in front of Sharon.

Bucky exchanges a dissapointed look with Hope before giving Sharon a quick kiss.

A few more turns pass and Meag watches Stephen the whole time. He hadn’t taken a turn, and he also hadn’t been picked yet. Meag loos up as Hope spins the bottle, and it spins around the circle for a moment before landing across the circle. Meag’s eyes go wide. It had stopped just short of Bucky and landed on Peter.

Hope and Peter both blush profusely as they crawl to the middle of the circle and he gives her a quick peck on the lips.

Tony laughs and takes the bottle as they return to their seats. “My turn, again!”

He spins the bottle and it lands on Bruce. “Pucker up, Brucie bear!”

“Seriously, Stark?” Thor pipes up from beside his boyfriend.

“There’s enough of me to go around, Point Break, all you had to do was ask.” Tony smirks, leaving the 6’3” football player speechless.

“Why don’t I take a turn,” Meag says, trying to change the subject. She takes the bottle and spins it a little too fast. It goes around the circle three times before it slows to a stop. She looks up to where the bottle is pointing and locks eyes with Stephen.

Her jaw practically falls open. She couldn’t believe out of all the people.. Why did it have to be that arrogant jerk, Stephen Strange. Color rose ok her cheeks and she realized she had frozen in place.

“This is the part where you kiss him,” Tony tells her. Bruce gives him a pointed look.

Meag nods and goes to the center of the circle, where Stephen was already waiting with a smirk on his face.

“Don’t worry,” he whispers. “I’m a very good kisser.”

She scoffs but is cut off when he presses his lips to hers. Stephen was kissing her. And she wouldn’t admit it, but she didn’t actually mind. She pulled away after a few seconds and hurried back to her seat as Tony whistled at them.

A few more turns passed, Sam kissed Sharon, Wanda kissed Vision, Carol kissed Val, though a surprising development occurred when Em took a turn and it landed on Nat. Meag smiled to herself, knowing those two would be great together.

Minnie had ducked out of the game earlier on, as it was clear Tony was trying to take as many turns as he could. A couple others had left as well.

Someone picked up the bottle and decided to spin it. It was Steve. The bottles turned a couple of times around the circle, and Meag let out a sigh of relief every time it passed her. But as it started to slow, the end started getting closer and closer to her until it stopped, pointing directly at her. She looked down at the bottle, and up at Steve, who didn’t look the least bit surprised or weirded out.

She stands up. “I’m done playing.” Meag turns on her heel, heading out to the backyard. Stephen watches her for a moment and stands up as well.

“I think we’re done,” Tony says, and the group dispersed.

Stephen heads through the kitchen and stops at the screen door. Meag was sitting on a bench on the back patio, looking up at the moon.

He walks up to the bench and clears his throat. “Can I sit here?”

“Go ahead.”

He takes a seat beside her and she wrinkles her nose in disgust at the whiff of something pungent.

“Are you wearing cologne?” she asks.

“A little,” he admits. “Are you okay?”

“Not really,” she admits. “I thought I was over him, but.. I saw him with Peggy earlier this week, and then what just happened…”

“It’s okay,” Stephen says. “Everyone heals in their own time.”

“He broke up with me in May, giving me the bs excuse that he didn’t have time for me. The week after, I see pictures of him online with Peggy. And now, with the game, I just don’t know…”

“Do you want me to drive you home?” Stephen asks.

“I’d like that,” she replies. Meag sends a text to the group that Stephen is taking her home, and he walks her out to an old gray Toyota.

“Nice car.”

“It’s not much, my dad got it for me when I started college,” Stephen says. “One day, I’m gonna have a Lamborghini.”

“I bet you will,” Meag replies. Stephen walks around the hood to get to the driver’s seat. Meag got in the passenger side and Stephen started up the car, backing out of the driveway.

“So, friends?” Meag asks.

“Friends,” Stephen agrees. A couple minutes pass and he stops in front of the sorority house.

“See you on monday,” he says.

Meag waves to him as she walks towards the door, her heart fluttering as Stephen drove away.

state of grace

6.spin the bottle


state of grace- Chapter 5

Meag, Hope, Em, and Minnie enter the fraternity house, and the party was already in full swing. People were dancing, drinking, and laughing, among other things.

Meag spotted Tony at the entrance to the kitchen, carrying a tray of jell-o shots so bright they looked like they’d give you superpowers. He wore a pair of large plastic sunglasses and had a glow stick necklace around his neck.

“You think Bucky is here yet?” Hope asks.

“He’ll show up if he’s not already,” Em assured her.

“I’m gonna go get a drink!” Minnie exclaims, wandering off to find the refreshments. The three of them scatter as well, hoping to enjoy themselves.

Hope wanders through the crowd and bumps into a guy, whose face goes red as he starts to apologize. She laughs. “It’s okay. Are you new around here? I haven’t seen you before.”

“I just started. I’m a freshman,” he says. “My name is Peter. Peter Parker.”

“Nice to meet you, Peter. I’m Hope, second year, and member of the sorority alpha lambda phi.”

“Oh, the sister sorority,” he says. “I’m a pledge for this frat. What are you majoring in?”

“English. You?”

“Chemistry with a minor in Photography.”

“Oh! Photography! Can you show me your photos?” Hope asks. Peter brings out his phone to show Hope some of his favorite photos.


Em grabbed a cookie from the food table as Natasha walked up.

“Hey, angel. Having fun?”

“Yes! It’s so nice to meet all these new friends,” Em says.

“If you say so.”

“It looks like they’re having fun,” Em says, gesturing to Tony, who had somehow acquired even more glow sticks and was waving them around wildly.

“Is he high?” Nat asks, clearly in disbelief that the one of the top students of the university was dancing like he was in a nightclub on some sort of drugs.

“I think he’s just like that,” Em replies. They both break into a laugh at the ridiculousness that is Tony.


Minnie was wading through the crowd, a red plastic cup in hand. When she was a pledge for the sorority, she didn’t have nearly as much fun at the initiation party. She was too nervous. Now, she had great friends, and she was going to have a good time.

She took a sip from her cup and as she did, her eyes locked with a pair of green ones across the room. He was tall, with slicked back black hair. He wore a dark green button down with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of black jeans, and matching boots. He smirked at her, and Minnie realized she was staring. She was staring and choking on her drink. She stops after a moment and turns red from embarrassment. This hot guy just saw her almost choke to death.

“Very charming,” he says, clearly amused.

“I haven’t seen you around the fraternity before.”

“I’m not a member,” he says. “I’m assuming you’re a sorority girl?”

“Alpha lambda phi,” she replies. “I’m Minnie.”

“Loki Odinson.”


Meag leaned on the threshold of the kitchen door, taking a sip from her soda as Stephen walked up.

“I didn’t think you’d show up.”

“And miss the chance to see you in your natural habitat?” he jokes.

“Have a drink. You look like you’re being held hostage,” Meag says.

“He is,” Bucky says, walking up and putting an arm around his roommate’s shoulder. “Meagie, Stephen here is my new roommate.”

“What an interesting combination,” Meag says.

“Have you seen Hope?” Bucky asks. “I’ve been looking all over for her.”

“Last time I saw her, she was talking to a pledge,” Meag says. “By the speakers.”

“Thanks.” Bucky wanders off to find Hope and Stephen stands there awkwardly.

“So…” he trails off.

Meag’s eyes dart in another direction and then back towards him. “Quick, pretend I said something funny!”

Stephen laughs just as Steve walks up.

“Hey,” Steve says, looking at Meag.


“I didn’t think you’d be here,” he says.

“Well, I am.”

Steve looks between her and Stephen. “Is this your-“

“Stephen Strange. Meag’s friend in the chemistry department,” Stephen interjects.

“Steve Rogers. Part of the frat. You should really think about joining, Stefan.”

“Stephen. I can spell it out if you need me to,” he says sarcastically. Meag laughs quietly as Steve’s expression turns angry. He walks away and Meag bursts into laughter.

“Hey guys!” Tony calls to the crowd through a megaphone he has mysterious acquired. “We’re going to play spin the bottle!”

state of grace

5. party


state of grace- Chapter 3

Meag entered the room and started towards the back corner, where Em and Hope were already waiting. She passes by Stephen’s chair and he looks up.

“I didn’t know you were in this class too.”

She stops in her tracks. “What are you doing here?”

“Some of my credits didn’t transfer,” he answers with a shrug.

Meag spares a look back to Em and Hope. The seat they’d saved for her was just filled by another student. She scanned the room for another seat. Fuck.

She flops down in the seat beside Stephen just as the professor walks in.

“Hello, everyone. Make sure to remember your seats, these will be your partners for the semester, and for your group projects.”

Meag clenched her fist in anger. There was no way she would work on a project with this asshole. No freaking way.

“I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other,” he says, his lip curling up in a smirk. “Partner. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do a thing, you have the best pre-med student from Columbia on your team.”

She seethed with anger. Anger at him for being such an arrogant prick. And anger at herself for the butterflies that had seemed to lodge themselves in her stomach.

state of grace

3. partner


state of grace- Chapter 1

1. welcome to shield university

Meag finally reached the cafe, and in record time too. Or so she thought.

“Genius girl! Your coffee’s getting cold!” Minnie called Meag from their usual table.

Meag took her seat and the four of them began to sip their drinks. They looked up as a couple walked in, heading past them and towards the back of the cafe. It was Steve and Peggy.

“I can’t believe he’s already dating Peggy,” Hope says. “You guys just broke up in may!”

“Men ain’t shit,” Minnie says, leaning back in her chair.

“I’ll drink to that,” Hope says, lifting her cup in a toast.

“All jokes aside, are you okay?” Em asks. “We can take our coffee and go out on the quad.”

“I’d actually like that,” Meag says, stealing a glance at Steve and Peggy being cute in the back of the cafe.

The four of them headed outside, walking towards a big shady tree on the south edge of the quad.

A guy bumps into Meag, making her spill her coffee all over him and his blue shirt.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry-“ Meag trails off as she looks up at him. He had tousled dark hair and eyes as blue as the sky. And he looked very annoyed.

“I’m just looking for the chemistry building,” he says, looking between the girls as Meag remained speechless, her mouth falling open in surprise.

“It’s right there,” Em says, pointing to the building behind them.

“Thanks.” He stomps off towards the building and Meag turns to look at her friends.

“You okay, Meaggie?” Minnie asks with a chuckle.

“Who is that?” Meag asks.

“I’m not sure,” Em says.

“He was wearing a Columbia shirt,” Minnie says. “I bet he transferred from there.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice the Columbia shirt,” Meag says. “Except it brought out the blue in his eyes..”

“Hey, maybe this is just what you need to get over you know who,” Hope says.

The 8:00 AM bell on the clock tower chimes and the girls all gathered their things. Unfortunately, they all had 8:00 AM classes this year.

“I’ll see you guys for lunch,” Meag says. “And see you in psych, Hope and Em!”

Meag backs towards the chemistry building and loses her balance. The boy from earlier catches her.

“You really need to watch where you’re going,” he says before walking away.


Meag reached the classroom as other students filed in. Professor Selvig was handing out copies of the syllabus. The only open seat was next to Columbia boy. She hurries to the back of the classroom and slips into the seat.

“Sorry about your shirt,” she says to him. “Did you transfer from Columbia?”


“I’m Meag Banner,” she says.

“Stephen Strange.”

“Nice to meet you, Stephen. Are you biochem too? what year are you?”

“I’m a third year biochem major. Pre-med. This senseless chatter going to end any time soon?”

“I just…I’m the vice president of the Student Chemistry Club, so I was going to invite you to our meeting this friday..”

“No, thank you.” He looks down at his syllabus as Professor Selvig starts the lecture. Meag huffs, crossing her arms. She didn’t need this jerk in her club anyway. This was going to be a long semester.


state of grace- other student profiles

state of grace

other student profiles

A new year at SHIELD university begins with old flames and new faces.

stephen strange x oc (meag), loki x oc (minnie), natasha x oc (em), peter parker x oc (hope) x bucky barnes, past!steve rogers x oc (meag), steve rogers x peggy carter, wanda maximoff x vision, tony stark x pepper potts, thor odinson x bruce banner, carol danvers x brunhilde valkyrie


state of grace- beta gamma delta profiles

state of grace

beta gamma delta profiles

A new year at SHIELD university begins with old flames and new faces.

stephen strange x oc (meag), loki x oc (minnie), natasha x oc (em), peter parker x oc (hope) x bucky barnes, past!steve rogers x oc (meag), steve rogers x peggy carter, wanda maximoff x vision, tony stark x pepper potts, thor odinson x bruce banner, carol danvers x brunhilde valkyrie


state of grace- profiles: alpha lambda phi

state of grace profiles

alpha lambda phi sorority

A new year at SHIELD university begins with old flames and new faces.

stephen strange x oc (meag), loki x oc (minnie), natasha x oc (em), peter parker x oc (hope) x bucky barnes, past!steve rogers x oc (meag), steve rogers x peggy carter, wanda maximoff x vision, tony stark x pepper potts, thor odinson x bruce banner, carol danvers x brunhilde valkyrie


multiversal madness- Chapter 8

multiversal madness

8. imposter

Meag walked into the library with purpose. She was fueled by her rage. She knew everything. She found him faced towards a bookshelf.

“Stephen!” she yells at him.

He turns to face her, a smirk on his face.

“Yes, darling?”

“Don’t call me that! You’re not my Stephen, are you?”

“So, you figured it out,” he says. “What are you going to do? I’m the only one that knows where your husband and your friend are. I’m the only one that can bring them back.”

“I hve three spider-men, two Loki’s, and two black widows at my disposal, I don’t think you wanna cross me,” Meag replies. “Not to mention Wong, Tony..”

“You’re cute, thinking you have the upper hand here,” Stephen replies. “I destroyed my entire universe, you think I can’t beat a few superheroes?”

Meag backs up, pressing a button on her bracelet, a distress signal. It should reach the compound in the next thirty seconds if she could stall him.

“W-what makes you think you can beat me?” Meag replies, her words shaky.

He laughs. “You? I’m the sorcerer supreme! You’re just a human. Your husband may have taught you the mystic arts, but you’ll never hve the power I have.”

It had been thirty seconds. She breathed a sigh of relief before looking up at the sorcerer.

“I yield,” she says, putting her arms in the air.

He grabs her wrist. “You’re going with me, where none of your friends can find us.”


multiversal madness- Chapter 7

multiversal madness

7. castaway

Minnie felt her body moving through space and time. To another universe. She didn’t dare open her eyes. Her body felt like it was on fire, her screams the only sound she could hear, other than the ringing in her ears.

She landed hard on the ground. The ringing came to a stop as she heard a voice, and felt someone shaking her awake. She opened her eyes slowly. Stephen stood above her, three bloodied cuts on his forehead.

She stands up, dusting herself off before taking in her surroundings. They were in a pile of rubble. This planet was in ruins. Whatever universe he’d sent them to, it was dying.

“I’m surprised you were the first to figure it out,” he says. “I would’ve thought it would be Wong or Meag.”

“He wouldn’t send Genius Girl here,” Minnie replies. “She is who he wants. By the why, where is here?”

“No idea. I’ve been trying to figure it out for days,” Stephen replies. “We have to get back.”

“How? We don’t know where we are?” Minnie asks.

“I can help with that.”

They both turn to the direction of the new voice. A large celestial being came into view. He had a large head and a booming voice.

“You’re the Watcher,” Stephen says. “I’ve heard about you.”

“I didn’t step in to stop that version of yourself when he was on the wrong path,” the Watcher says. “I made a mistake.”

“How do we get rid of him?” Minnie asks. “He’s got everyone under his spell!”

“We’ll have to be smart.”

