#tony stark x daughterreader


Beta Reading

I am now offering my services as a beta reader! I really want to help new authors grow in their journey and be a positive asset to the communities I am in.

I will not be charging for my services.

To request my services, dm me on this account.

Your message should contain the following:

  • Your preferred name
  • Your preferred pronouns
  • Your boundaries in relation to critique and specifically what you want me to be looking out for. Structure, grammar, foreshadowing, character accuracy, etc.
  • A brief synopsis of your fic
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My experience

  • I have beta read works of original fiction before
  • I’ve been writing fanfiction for six years
  • I’ve been reading fanfiction for four years
  • I absolutely love editing



Tony Stark x daughter!reader

Tony Stark x son!reader

Steve Rogers x daughter!reader

Steve Rogers x son!reader

Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader

Bucky Barnes x son!reader (I’ve never seen this before but I think it would be an interesting dynamic)

Avengers x reader

Avengers x OC


Any ship, relationship, or theme. As long as it’s not creepy, of course.

I do ask to be credited as a beta reader just to help with getting new requests.

Thank you all in advance.

Please don’t hesitate to share this post!

Peter Parker x reader 

Part 8

a?N: HI… so i know this is looooong overdue, i am so sorry about that. I know how frustrating it must have been to wait so long. Honestly i just got really wrapped up with life and i had gotten a job, and school, then i got a boyfriend so it just really consumed my time. But i got fired, i’m on break, and me and my boyfriend broke up soooo here’s that story lol.




That’s really the only word you could use to describe the next few days leading up to your hangout with Peter.

Whether it was Wanda and Nat attempting to play dress up with you, or Pietro and Bucky ;( a surprising team up) pestering you about how Peter better watch his back. Not to mention your father and Pepper telling you how you don’t have to push yourself. 

Really it was exhausting. Especially because you were already nervous as it is. 

Peter had really hurt you. It hurts when someone you love just up and decided to cut you out of there lives with no notice, ANd even if its not what Peter intended, it’s how you were effected. So yes, you were a bit weary. How could you not be? 

“Miss Y/n, Peter Parker has arrived.” FRIDAY stated, even she sounded annoyed.

Your heart skipped a beat, and you shakily called out a thank you. 

As you got your stuff together, you wondered what was going to happen. Obviously it was a good thing that Peter wanted to see you. He even said he wanted to make everything up to you. 

So why were you so anxious?

You finally reached the main room, where Peter was there waiting. Again surrounded by passive aggressive superheros, doing their best to make him regret ever making you cry.

As soon as he saw you he stood, faster than you had ever seen him move before. 

“Y/N!”, he shouts, sounding relieved, “ Are you ready?” 

You send him a small smile, nodding your head and then glaring at the group of adults behind him. 

“Yeah, lets go” You say as you walk to the elevator, leaving Peter to follow behind, feeling the scorching gaze of the avengers on his back. 

“Have fun, Y/n. I am but a phone call away~” Pietro coos, sweet words with an intimidating message behind it.

You smile to yourself, seeing Peter sigh in relief as the doors shut and the elevator moves to the lobby.

An awkward silence falls upon you two. One that is unfamiliar, as you and Peter have always had something to talk about. 

“I’m sorry Y/n…” Peter says suddenly, “ I don’t know what I was thinking…”

You glance to the ground, not knowing what to say. You really were never good at speaking your emotions. 

“I think I was just used to being your number one… so when he came along I didn’t know how to handle it.”

“You really hurt me.” You state quietly, “ I know that’s probably not what you meant to do”

“Its not” Peter says quickly, “ Trust me Y/n, seeing you sad and knowing that I’m the reason will always haunt me. I never want to be the reason you cry.”

“But you were” You whispered, looking at your feet. 

Peter swallowed, “ I never wanted to … I just needed space to think.”

“Peter… needing space is fine. Understandable, but the way you went about it is what hurt me. You went from texting me and seeing em everyday, to ignoring me and making excuses not to see me. That’s what hurt me.” You say, finally telling him how you feel, “ If you felt that strongly about Jason, then you should have told me. Before you jumped to conclusions and cut me off. If you needed space then you should have told me.” 

Peter looked at the ground, taking in what you were telling him. 

You felt bad laying into him like that but it had to be said. 

“ You’re lucky I love you.” You say with a sigh. Hearing those words Peters heart nearly stopped, looking at your face in surprise, 

Did you feel the same as him? 

“You can mess up a thousand times and I’d still want you as my friend.” 


“Yeah…friends” Peter says in a tone. 

You notice the shift in tone, but before you can comment on it Peters phone goes off. As he checks it his face changes, at first excitement but then it morphs into a look of guilt. 

You frown, “Peter who is it?”

“Oh!…uh its Liz.” He stumbles, “But! But! I promised it was just you and me today, and it will be.”

You look at the ground, “If you need to take it then I understand…”

“Hey, no, look I’m putting it away.” He says, pocketing the phone after putting it on silent, “ come on, I’ve been craving a hot dog from a shady stand for the longest time.” 

He takes your hand and leads you through the busy streets of Manhattan. The feeling bringing a heat to your cheeks. It was warm and familiar. Being with Peter always brought you a sense of comfort you weren’t able to feel with anyone else. He was your home away from home. Being away from him felt like a piece of you was missing. You didn’t truly understand these feelings, Peter really being the only guy you’ve gotten to know like this, but you’ve seen it before. 

You’ve seen it in movies, dreamy scenes where the protagonist goes through a montage of activities with the love interest, only to end with them falling in love. You see it with your parents, the way your father looks at Pepper, as if she hung the moon and stars herself. Its a feeling that you long to have. 

And with Peter, you think you’ve found it. You love being around him. The way his hair looks when the sun hits it just right. The way he slightly dances to a song he likes, not enough to be obvious but just enough to be noticable. You love the way he sends you pictures of things he wants before he buys them to get your opinion. Or the way he laughs when you say something that surprises him. The little things that nobody else has noticed but you have.

As you were thinking about all this, you didn’t realize that you stopped walking and were staring at Peter, slightly freaking him out.

“uh…Y/n..are you okay?” He asks, feeling awkward but worried since you just stopped out of nowhere. 

Shaking yourself out of it, you smile, “Yeah! Sorry I got lost in thought I guess.”

You couldn’t feel this way for him. How could you when he doesn’t feel the same? He made his choice and his choice was Liz. You really were only a friend to him. 

“Hey, wanna swing up to the top of my school? We could eat there?” Peter says with a mischievous smile, knowing you get motion sick. 

“Peter…” You warn with a slight smile. 

You squeak as he suddenly pulls you in an alley and leaps, webs shooting out of the hidden shooter under his sleeve.

“PETER” You shout, burying your face in his shoulder, trying to hold onto the bag that contained your hotdogs and hold in the contents of your stomach. You flinch every time you feel your bodies drop and rise, the momentum making your stomach twist. Finally, after what felt like forever, you land with a jolt. 

“Jeez you really have a tight grip” Peter says with a small chuckle, “Sorry, I know you hate that.” 

You huff for a second trying to keep the contents of your stomach in your body. Then you shoot him an sharp glare. 

“I hate you.” You say with a slight laugh. Peter puts his hand on his heart feigning a hurt look.

“Don’t say that.” He says with a smile, “Come on, lets eat.”

And you do. While this whole thing hasn’t truly been resolved, it was nice to just be with him. To enjoy his presence once more, and be Y/n and Pete again. In fact this was the thing you missed the most. The comfort he brought to you. The feeling of content and happiness, like you two were the only two people in the world. And as far as you were concerned, at this very moment, you were.

My Fathers Daughter

Tony Stark x daughter!reader

A short one to restart the series. Thank you everyone for being so patient.

Summary: The day has come where you have to move into the Wayne manor.


You hated your life.

Really, you did. It could not get any worse than this.

Here you were, packing a bag to leave the home you love to go to the home of the one person you have been actively avoiding for the past few weeks.

You haven’t spoken to your family, too angry that they had even considered letting Christine take you, then forcing you to go with her. You felt betrayed. This literally the worst thing that your father could have done.

“Y/n, come on, you’ve been in there for nearly a day.” Tony spoke to your door, not getting any response from you.



“Y/nnnnn come onnnn”


In fact, you weren’t eve listening to him, you have headphones in. You didn’t even notice when Pepper had FRIDAY override the locks on your door, and were startled when you felt a weight on your bed and a hand on your back. You jerk away from the hand and rip the headphones out of your head.

“Y/n I know you’re upset, but there’s nothing else we can do.” Pepper says sadly.

“Except for sending me to the Barton’s, Xavier’s, with the Parkers, with Wade, or hell even with Thor.” You say in a deadpan voice.

“Hey now, I’m pretty sure Clint still holds a grudge for the whole,"civil war and putting him in jail thing.”, Xaiver’s is due for a random explosion, Peters is too close, and like hell im letting you do with Deadpool or in space.“ Tony said in a equally sarcastic voice.

You groan and throw yourself onto your bed, ” So sending me to gloomy, crime ridden Gotham is any better?“

Granted of course, you would be living with Batman but to your knowledge your parents didn’t know that.

"Sweetheart…we just want to keep you safe. And right now, it isn’t safe here.” Pepper said brushing a stray piece of hair from your face, “ I don’t want you to spend any unnecessary time with that woman, believe me. But please understand that we have no choice.”

You’re silent, you can see the desperation in Peppers eyes and could tell your father was upset. You know that they would send you somewhere else if they had the choice, but you couldn’t help but be upset. I mean, who would want to live with the family they were abandoned for??

You sigh,“ yeah alright..I’ll pack or whatever.”


the next few days were a blur.

They consisted of you shopping for various items you’ll need for your trip and sulking silently. Logically, you know that Bruce and Christine can afford to buy you these things but you refuse to take anything from them.

Your resentment for your situation grows as you realize that Tony and Pepper are too recognizable, especially due to the circumstances, so they would not be able to go with you to the manor.

“This is bullshit! You holler as you are loading the SUV with your things, “ It’s bad enough I’m being sent with that witch-“

“Y/n.” Pepper scolds.

“- I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.” You scowl, “I don’t want to be alone.”

Peppers face softens, seeing how distressed you are with the whole situation.

“ Oh baby, I’m so sorry”, she whispers, pulling you in for a hug and rubbing your back.

You fight with the tears that are threatening to come out. You hate crying in front of your parents, especially your dad. You know he’s going to be down any minute.

“ Y/n I swear to you that as soon as this whole thing is over i’m bringing you home personally.” Pepper promises, stroking your face.

You sniff, trying to commit the feeling of her touch to memory. You highly doubt that you’re gonna let Christine and her family this close to you, let alone touch you.

“I just…” You start to say, but cut yourself off feeling your throat swell and your eyes water. Pepper hushed you as she gathered you in her arms. You bury your face in her shoulder, feeling like a child once again.

It’s silent as the two of you stand in the middle of the common room, then Tony and Happy walk in.

Usually, your father will have something smart to say, but the whole day he was uncharastically quiet, only muttering a few words to you.

He clears his throat and says in a quiet tone, “ Ok kid, you’re all set.”

You reluctantly let go of Pepper, deciding to ignore the dampness on your shirt and tear tracks on her face. You turn to your father, a somber look on his face.

That’s when it really hits you. You would be leaving New York. Leaving your home, your family. You don’t know when you’re coming back or when you can see them again. And worst of all, you’re moving in with the person who abandoned you and the family she abandoned you for.

“Kid.” Your dad says softly, “ Here.”

He hands you this metallic bracelet, it has a couple buttons on it and when you put it on it molds to fit your wrist.

“Gotham is a shit town. I’d feel a lot better knowing that you would be able to defend yourself and not get caught doing it.” He says. You smile understanding what he’s saying: He knows you’re going to try and sneak out, thr bracelet will turn into a suit to hide your identity.

“Thanks pops.” You smirk, the smile not reaching your eyes.

He sighs “Get over here kid.” And pulls you into a hug.

And that’s when the damn breaks.

You cry as your dad hold you tight. You feel Pepper come up behind you and rub your back as your father whispers promises of your return. That he won’t let you stay there for long.

You savor the moment. The feeling of being safe in your home, in your parents arms. The familiar smell of motor oil and cologne that is distinctly your father. Peppers perfume. The hum of electricity that lets you know that FRIDAY is always around, willing to help. This is your home. Your family. Not even mentioning the Avengers.

And to leave them…it breaks your heart.

Best of Friends 7

Peter Parker X reader, Jason Todd x Reader

Summary: Jason and his family finally go back to Gotham, but will Peters and Y/n’s relationship recover or become worse?

It’s been a week since the Waynes have left New York. Ever since then you have been lonely.

You got used to being followed everywhere by Jason and his brothers, and you missed their constant brotherly bickering. But most of all, you missed your best friend, Peter Parker.

Ever since that night at the carnival, your relationship has never been the same. Every time you saw each other within the week Jason was here, Peter either gave you the cold shoulder or was cold to you, only speaking to you when necessary. It was infuriating.

Especially because you did nothing wrong. You cannot for the life of you recall a moment where you did anything to warrant this behavior from Peter. And it makes you sad. Peter was you best friend. Hell he was you’re only friend for a while. You even thought the two of you would become more than friends. But apparently not.

So there you were, sitting in your room mourning the friendship you think you lost.

Your pain was so obvious that the whole team saw it. And they were worried about you.

“Maybe I should go talk to her..” Tony said, hearing you cry for the third time that day.

“Yeah, and we’ll find that Parker kid.” Natasha said with Bucky and Wanda flanking her sides. All three exuding a cold aura.

The rest of the team shuddered at the sight. Knowing that Peter might not come to the tower unscathed, Tony shook his head

“No, the kids a good intern. Cap do you mind…?”

“I’m on it. Come on, Buck.”

Steve was your self-declared god father. He hated seeing you in pain.

“Maruchan Candidate stays here.” Tony says exasperdley, “ You just got pardoned for murder, remember?”

Bucky huffed and plopped down on the couch. Sending a glare to Tony that had him rushing to the stairs.

“Ok..I’m gonna go talk to Y/n now..”

Once up the stairs he lets out a sigh of relief, “I cannot believe I let him live here.”

He heads to your room, heart hurting as he hears your sniffles and cries increase. But then he hears a male voice in your room.

“Aw come on Printsessa, don’t cry!”


Tony prayed this day would never come.

“I just don’t understand, I didn’t do anything…” You cry, voice breaking.

“Oh of course you didn’t. You were the perfect friend.” Pietro coos, “ Come now, it pains me to see such a pretty girl cry”

Okay that was the last straw.

Tony rushed to the room and knocked on the door before marching in.

“Y/n! I came to see how you’re feeling.” Tony says loudly. He pauses to get a good look at the scene in front of him.

Pietro sat next to his weeping daughter, stroking her hair as she buries her face into a pillow. Pietro senses Tony’s unease and stands, patting you on the head, ’ I’ll go get you some more tissue okay?“

And with that he zooms off. Tony rolls his eyes and takes his spot next to you.

"How are you feeling Kiddo?” He asks softly.

You sniffle, and look up from your pillow, “ Daddy I don’t know why he won’t talk to me.”

Tony frowns, knowing you only call him “daddy” when you’re truly upset.

“Oh kid, Peter’s probably going through something…it has nothing to do with you..”

“That’s not true! He only refuses to talk to me. Ever since he asked out Liz, he hates me!” You cried, throwing yourself into your fathers arms.

He hugs you back, placing his chin on your head. Letting you cry into his shirt.

He sighs, wondering how he got caught up in this teen drama.

“Maybe you both should just talk it out.” Tony suggests

“How am I supposed to talk it out if he won’t talk to me!” You shout, ripping yourself from his arms and back into the comfort of your blankets. Tony panics, he really wasn’t used to the drama.

“Sir, Peter Parker is in the common room.”

Friday reports, comically sounding annoyed at the boys presence.

You look at your father in betrayal, “You brought him here!”

“Y/n..come on let’s go talk-” “No!” you cried, “ Why should I be the one to make with him? He’s the one with the problem!”


“NO just leave me alone.” You say sadly, turning your back on the man.

Tony sighs again, really not used to this drama. He makes his way down the hallway, and into the common room. There he saw Peter, sitting petrified on the couch as the rest of the Avengers glared at him from around the room.

“Hi Spiderman.” Tony says in a sarcastic voice.

“M-Mr. Stark.” Peter says quickly standing up, “S-sir, I-”

Tony holds up a hand, cutting the boy off. Then he turns to Pietro and Wanda.

“It seems that m daughter needs some..extra comfort. If you two don’t mind..”

They nod and walk to the room, glares making Peter want to pee his pants.

“I don’t remember them being so close.” Tony mutters, “ Anyway, come walk with me Peter.”

Peter scurries next to his mentor. Shrinking when he has to pass Nat, Steve, and Bucky.

“Um..did you need me for something sir…”

“Why is my daughter upset Parker.”


“Why. is. my. daughter. upset?”

“I..I don’t”

“Because, my little girl is up in her room, crying over a boy. do you know who that boy is?”

“Probably Jason Todd.” Peter mutters

Oh. oh, that makes perfect sense.

“You’re jealous.” Tony says as if he made an epiphany.

“What? Mr. Stark don’t be silly I-”

“No, you were jealous of Jason and Y/n."Tony states, ” Peter Parker are you in love with my daughter?“

"wh-WHaT?” Peter squeaks out.

No. No of course he’s not in love with you. You were his best friend for crying out loud.

“Oh? Then why are you mad at Y/n? Hmm? She says you’ve been mad since the carnival. ”

Because he hated seeing you with him. He hated how this other guy made you look so happy. How comfortable you were with him, just like you were with Peter. Because Peter wanted to be the only one.

Oh shit…

“I’m in love with Y/n…” He whispers to himself.

Tony smirks, “ Yeah kid, I know.”

“Oh my god..”

“Listen kid, I’m not fond of my little girl being in a relationship. But she’s in her room crying her eyes out, because her best friend, YOU won’t talk to her. So I need you to go and have that hallmark moment and make up with each other.”

Peter’s heart breaks, he hates the idea of making you cry. Maybe he should of thought about that before ignoring you like that.

“Right. ” Peter squares his shoulders and prepares to walk to you room.

“Woah” Tony says, grabbing him by the shoulder, “ If she doesn’t forgive you, you leave her alone.”


“Pete, I like you. I do, but Y/n is my daughter, and me and Pepper raised her to never let a man…or uh boy, to make her feel the way she does now.”

“R-right..I get it. I need to talk to her.”

“Okay, go for it kid. Just…don’t mess up again, please. I can only handle so much drama.”

“Right.” He nods. He heads to your room, hands sweating as guilt swelled in his heart. He didn’t mean to act like a douche. He really didn’t.. it’s just that, when he saw you with Jason it hurt. And then every time he would see you, he can see the way you cuddled with Jason on the couch. And how he looked at you, the same way Peter looked at you.

He reached the door to your room, and heard the conversation you were having with Wanda.

“I just..don’t know what to do …”

“Y/n you do not need to do anything. What you need to do is text Jason and go on a date.”


“Or you can go on a date with me~” SMACK “OW Wanda”


“I can’t do that…me and Jay-”

“You and the Wayne boy have a connection. We saw it.”

“But…Me and Peter had a connection.”

“Yeah until he ruined it.” “Pietro!”

“No he’s right.” You sigh, “ I haven’t even seen Peter in a week and every time I do he glares at me.”

“Exactly. So you know what you have to do.”

A silent pause. Then Peter heard you sigh and say

“Okay I’ll text him.”


You, Wanda, and Pietro jumped, turning to the door where Peter just busted in.

“Peter? what?”

“He’s lost it, I’ll take him out.”

“PIETRO” “What?”

“Y/n…I’m so sorry.” Peter says softly, “You’re my best friend. The one person that…that I really trust. I love spending time with you. ANd how you’re face looks when you’re watching movies. I love how competitive you get when we play board games”

“Oh barf!” “Pietro!”

“Peter you really hurt me…”

“I know, and I’m so sorry. I just…” Peter sighs, “ I was just…I was jealous. You and Jason were so close and…and I thought he’d take you away from me..and I- I’m so sorry.”

You stay quiet, digesting what Peter just told you.

“Peter I…I”

“Let me take you out."Peter says quickly.

"What? Pete maybe that’s not such a good idea…”

“Please? I wanna make it up to you. Just you and me.”

You look at Wanda and she shrugs, leaving it up to you,

“Alright. This is your last chance.”


My Father’s Daughter pt 4

Summary: Chaos ensues at the Stark Tower and some difficult decisions are made by the Stark family.

Hi guys! thanks for reading again. Sorry if it seems a little rushed but I’ve been super busy lol. But tomorrow’s my birthday so I get some time off!! yay!! lol. Anyway, thanks for reading again and thank you all for the support, it means so much to me!

Tony really didn’t know what to expect when he went into that kitchen.

He hoped that Pepper had just messed up dinner but of course was proven wrong when he got a fist to the face.


He could hear Pepper fighting as hard as she could, managing to take out a couple of intruders. He wasn’t as worried, as he knew his family was very much capable of taking care of themselves.

He activated his suit, allowing him to see through the smoke that covered his kitchen.

He could see at least ten men through the smoke. Two of them fighting with Pepper, and three coming his way. The rest were heading into the hallways. He shot the two that Pepper was dealing with, and turned his attention to the three approaching him.

“So, here to talk to me about my extended warranty?” Tony asked in a bored voice.

“We’re here for the girl Stark.”

Tony’s blood ran cold.

“She’s a little young for you, don’t you think?”

The man he was talking to threw a punch.

“You can’t hide her forever. We will have her."The two behind him tried to smash a chair over his head but ended up getting blasted. He turned to the one that was talking, only to get a chair smashed over his head.

"That hurt.” Tony said in a bored voice, then shooting him, “Not.”

He then turns to Pepper, “Hi honey.”

“What did you do.”

“Why is it that you always think I did something”

“Cause you always do something!” Pepper shouts

They stop their banter when they hear shouting from the living room.

“Oh no” Tony says making his way to the commotion.

In the living room, you were ambushed by five men. They were chuckling as their leader cornered you.

“So, this is the little Stark. What a pretty little thing~”

You cringe at his coos as you back up more, “ You know, I don’t think you’re my type.”

And with that you punch him in the face, taking advantage of his surprise. Then you swipe your foot, knocking him over and kicking him unconscious.

There was a brief moment when the remaining four looked in surprise. They were told that this would be an easy grab once Tony was taken out, but it seems that they were mistaken.

“You can’t win this Stark. Just come with us.”

They all rushed you at once, but you just smirked. You dodge the closest one to you and punch the second one in the gut. You’re grabbed from behind, but you headbutt him, causing him to let you go. You shake off the pain that bloomed in the back of your head and swung your leg up, kicking him in the face.

“Come on boys, put up a bit of a fight would ya?” You laugh.

The three men left looked enraged as they jumped at you again. You wrap your body around the one who pointed his gun at you, using his outstretched arm to maneuver yourself, wrapping your legs around his throat and throwing him to the floor with a hard thud.

“Huh..Aunt Nat made that look so much easier.”

“You little BITCH”

You turn seeing the two men left running at you. You run at them, kicking in one mans leg hearing a sick crunch and his pained screams. You then dodged what looked like a stun bullet that was aimed at you, letting it strike the man on the floor.

But before you could get the last guy, you hear the screech of your fathers suit and see the last goon fall to the ground. You look up to see your disheveled parents.

“What took you two so long.”

“We stopped for some coffee.” Your father replies,“ Are you alright?”

Pepper runs up to you and examines you, smushing your face.

“Ma, im okay really.”

“Huh.. looks like you’re staying in those lessons with Natasha.”

You roll your eyes, letting your mother baby you.

“Oh my.” You hear a voice say.

You all turn to see the Wayne family gathered at the entrance of the living room.

“Y/n did you do this?” Bruce asks, eyes calculating.

“Uh…yeah I train sometimes.”

“Tony what just happened?” Christine asks.

“They wanted Y/n.” Tony says grimly,“ For what I don’t know…but they know where she was. What time she’d be home and what room she was in.”

“So it’s safe to assume that they have been watching your family for a while.” Bruce adds


There was a tense silence

“So what? Are we going to the Malibu house?”

“No. No that address is easy to find. It’s public information.” Tony says with a frown, “ We can’t risk it.”

“Dad, I can take care of myself. You saw that.”

“I won’t risk it.” Tony says louder, “ I won’t risk you.”

“So what?” You ask, “ All our houses are public information. They know every place I might be.”

Jason speaks up, “ Well, not everyplace..”

You turn to him, “ Excuse me?”

“I’m just saying, if you came back to the manor-”

“No way.” You cut him off, “ No way, I’ll stay right here thank you very much.”

“That’s not a bad idea Jason.” Bruce says, “ I highly doubt these people would think you would be staying at the manor. Plus it’s out of the city.”

“Yeah and out of the question. I’m not going.” You say stubbornly.

But then Pepper turns to you sadly

“You should go.”

You feel your heart drop. MInd racing as you stutter out a


Pepper goes on, “ If they watched us, they saw that Christine wasn’t in the picture, it wouldn’t make sense fo ryou to go to her home.”

“Mom..” You say, feeling betrayed, “ What are you saying?”

“I’m saying you need to go to Wayne Manor. Until we figure this out.”

You look at your dad, “ Dad, this is crazy.”

But Tony only looks at you sadly.

“No.” You say,“ No. NO. I can’t leave you. Don’t send me away!”

“Y/n, it’ll be alright! We’ll have a great time.” Christine says trying to wrap an arm around you, but you recoil from her grasp.

“I don’t care. I don’t want to go to Gotham.” You state, “Who voluntarily moves to Gotham anyway! There’s some sort of disaster every week!”

“Hey the local law enforcement works very hard to keep it at a two week minimum.” Jason says with a smirk, earning a slap upside the head from Dick.

“Y/n it isn’t safe. Right now it’s just us. The team is on different missions and what happens if I get sent on one?” Tony tries to reason, “ I can’t risk anything happening to you.”

“I’ve been kidnapped before.” You state.

“ANd that was the worst moment of my life. I won’t let it happen again.” Tony says softly.

“With her?” you ask, voice breaking,“ You’ve asked me for a lot of things dad. But this…”

You wipe a tear harshly, “ I can’t be around you right now.”

And with that you push past a glaring Damian and Cassandra, making your way to your room.

Pepper sighs, “Let her go. SHe needs some time.”

Then she turns to Christine and Bruce, “ We should discussion this decision.”

Then she marches to the messy living room. Not happy, but knowing this is something she needs to do for her daughter.


In your room, you’re emotions are ineligible.

You feel angry betrayed, and just a mixture of negative emotions.

You couldn’t believe what just happened. You couldn’t believe that your parents agreed to make you go with her. You’d rather get kidnapped by HYDRA than live with her.

You stop your pacing to pick up your phone. You see a few notifications. One from Peter and two from Wade.

Knife Block

“Hey Starky, look it happened again! :)”

*1 attached image*

It was a picture of his severed arm with the middle finger pointing out. You cringe but you were used to this kinda stuff.


“gross man.

You sigh and toss your phone on the bed. Maybe Wade could be your bodyguard. That way you wouldn’t have to live with Christine and her poor rendition of the Addams Family.

Yeah like dad would ever let that happen.”

You frown. WHy can’t she just leave again. Everything was better without her here. And if she wasn’t here, your dad wouldn’t be making you leave.


“Hey Y/n, it’s Dick”

You stay silent, refusing to acknowledge the man at your door.

“Look, I know that I’m probably one of the last people you want to talk to.” He chuckles, “ But I mean, mom wanted to come up here but I beat her to it so I can’t be that bad.”

You roll your eyes.

“Listen, I know this must be…difficult. I can’t imagine what it feels like. But we’re family now. You can talk to me about anything. I’ll be more than-”

You had enough, so you want to open the door.

“Look. I get it, you’re like the older brother right?” You ask, not giving him time to answer, “ You probably had a billion similar talks with the Brady Bunch out there, but I’m not one of them. So cut the big brother schtick.”

Dick deflates, knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy.

“Y/n, I need you to understand something. Us finding out about you wasn’t any easier on us. But, despite the hostility from Damian and Cass, the rest of us are trying.” He frowns before tentatively placing an hand on your shoulder.

“I promise, that your stay at our house won’t be as miserable as you think.”

And with that he smiled, squeezed your shoulder and walked down the hallway. Leaving you to your thoughts and wondering what hallmark movie he thought he was in.

My Father’s daughter pt 3

Tony Stark x daughter!reader

Summary: Back at the Tower, Y/n has a talk with Pepper.

a/n: ohhh another part finished!! some new characters will be revealed next part and i’m so great full for @social-media-imagines-by-me fir helping me create them

You were furious.

You stormed into your room and slammed the door, finding satisfaction in the loud bang it produced. You then ripped through your drawers and closet, pulling on some work out clothes and some gloves. You then marched out of the room, slamming the door again, startling Sam and Bucky who happened to be passing by.

“Geez kid, slam it a little harder I don’t think it fell off the hinges yet.” Sam jokes, but you were in no joking mood so you swirled around with fire in your eyes.

“You okay doll?” Bucky softly asks, pushing a frightened Sam to the side. You sigh, knowing it’s not fair to take out your anger on them.

“Sorry Sam, it’s just…my biological mom is here and wants me to move in with her.”

“Oh…” Bucky says, not good with things like this, “ Do you want me to like…kill her or…”

“NO” You laugh, “ It’s just I haven’t seen her in nine years and she has the audacity to come up here like it’s nothing?!”

Your anger returns, “ She thinks that just because she pushed me out of her vagina”

The two men cringe at the words

“That she can just claim me? That’s not how it works!” You shout, “ And, she brought her fucking husband. The man she left us for! Who does that?!”

Bucky looks at Sam, mentally asking him what they should do. Sam just rolls his eyes and turns back to you.

“Come on kid, it looks like you wanna punch something.”

and with that he lead you to the training room where Steve was training with Peter.

“Come on queens, you gotta stay on your feet” Steve k=jokes as he, again, trips Peter.

“Mr. Rogers, do you think we should take a break?” Peter pants.

You stride pass them, not bothering to say hi. They look at Sam and Bucky for an explanation and just get a shake of the head.

“Hey Y/n that’s my punching” Steve started to say when he saw you throw a hard punch to the bag, “Nevermind…”

You ignore the group behind you, opting to pummel the poor punching bag in front of you.

Your mind flashes back to your mother and her words.

“A girl needs her mother”


“Oh petal I wanted to call”

*punch* *punch*

“Come to Gotham. Meet your siblings!”


You look down to see the punching bag flew off the hook and is spilling sand on the floor. You were confused, as you knew you weren’t strong enough to do that, not even when you were angry.

“Wow, I guess Cap didn’t secure that hook again.”

You jump, not expecting someone to be there, as you heard Sam, Bucky, Steve, and Peter leave. You turn to see Pepper there looking at the bag in surprise. You sigh, stepping away from the mess and taking off your gloves. You make your way to the bench and take a swig of water.

“Did you need something Pep?” You ask, avoiding eye contact.

“Well, i was just wondering if my kid was okay. But given the fact that you punched that bag like it would restore your honor..”

You knew you shouldn’t have showed her Avatar.

“I’m assuming your not.” She finishes.

You give her a half smile, looking down at your hands.

“Y/n” She says, “ Talk to me.”

You finally speak, “Why now?”

Pepper frowns, understanding that small phrase, ’ I don’t know.“

"She’s not my mother.” You state, “ She…she might have been once but now?”

Pepper nods,“ I love you.”

You smile, the words reassuring you, “ I love you too Pep.”

“Come on, your messing up your manicure.” She says with a smile, standing and extending a hand towards you. You feel your demnor soften and your mood lighten. Pepper always managed to make you feel better.

“Yeah okay..thanks.” You say, taking her hand and letting her pull you from the bench, “ Are you hungry? Cause I am>”

“Y/n we just ate!”

“Like an hour ago”


Days went by and you hadn’t heard a peep from Christine. It was like she went off to lick her wounds and just decided not to reach out again.

Which didn’t bother you one bit.

But apparently the universe wanted to fuck with you because when you came home from a day out with Peter, there was your mother, Bruce Wayne, and all six million of her fucking kids sitting on the couch.

“What the fuck?” You say causing the attention to turn to you.

“Language” Peter says, You smile softly at him before then turning to glare at Tony.

“Don’t look at me, it was your moth-uh Peppers idea.” Tony stumbled, looking rather uncomfortable sharing a drink with the man that his…wife? girlfriend?… whatever she was left him for.

“Pep what?” You asking, softening your glare because you’d be damned if you disrespected her.

“I just think it’d be best if we clear the air and get everything out on the table.” Pepper said in that tone she uses when she’s dealing with difficult people or the press. You called it her CEO tone.

“Now, go take your bags upstairs and wash up. And I’ll pretend that you aren’t an hour late”

“It was Peter’s idea…” You mumbled and walking to the stairs that lead to the bed rooms.

“It was not!” Peter shouts following you to the rooms to help with the bags.

Christine watched as her daughter walked out of the room, playfully arguing with Peter. It was as if she were a whole different person, carefree and playful. Totally different from when she was glaring and stiff when talking to her. It broke her heart hearing Tony refer to Pepper as her Mother rather than Christine. But what did she expect?

Damian scoffed catching her attention, “Mother I do not see why you’ve dragged us here, that girl didn’t even acknowledge us.”

“Damian, enough” Bruce said, not looking away from his awkward conversation with Tony.

“Gee if only I could do that with our kids.” Tony mutters into his drink.

“Does Y/n argue often?” Bruce asks trying to engage in conversation.

Tony laughs before fondly speaking, “ Sort of. She isn’t the type to back down when she thinks something is right. There was this one time I caught her arguing with one of my business partners about his "condescending tone and misogynistic attitude”.“

”“And did she apologize after?”

“Hell no. She glared at me and told me apologizing just for his ego would be demeaning her experiences as a woman. Although to be fair he was an asshole.”

Bruce chuckles, “ She sounds like a well rounded young woman. How old was she then?”

“Ah about 10, it was funny seeing this little girl argue in a Justin Bieber shirt argue about the patriarchy with a full grown man.”

Bruce and Tony shared a laugh, picturing the scene.

“You must be very proud of her.” Bruce mentions after they quieted down. Tony let a small smile escape.

“ I am. She’s had a rough life, and I…” Tony trails off, “ She means everything to me. Without her…I don’t think I’d be the same person I am today.”

And with that, Tony downed his drink and stood, “ Want another?”

Bruce smiled and accepted, watching Tony leave. He can tell that the man was close to his daughter. A bond that formed due to a loss, they both grew from it and grew closer. He understood, thinking about his own children.

Pepper and Christine were having a somewhat similar conversation, although it was a little more tense.


“Virginia.” Pepper said, cutting her off.

“Excuse me?”

“My name is Virginia. Pepper is a nickname my family calls me.”

“Oh. Okay, Virginia, how long have you known Y/n and Tony?”

“Oh about nine or so years. I was promoted to assistant when I saw how much of a mess Tony was.” Pepper said casually.

Dick and Jason tensed, overhearing the tense conversation between the two mothers. But before Dick could interrupt Jason sat him back down.

“I wanna see what happens.”

Christine continued, “ And when did you become a..more permanent around the house?”

“When I saw that Y/n the one taking care of Tony.” Pepper said in a serious tone, “She was the one making sure he didn’t choke on his vomit and eating cereal as his flings walked out the room. Then he got kidnapped…and y/n was alone. So I made sure she’d never be alone again.”

Christine heart sank. She knew about the whole kidnapping thing. Why she didn’t step in, she doesn’t know. It’s just another thing she regrets to this day.

Before Pepper could continue, she heard two sets of footsteps and voices

"All I’m saying is, if he looks at me funny, I’m fighting him and that’s that.”

“Yeah maybe not the best impression on…” Peter cuts off when they reach the living room. Eyes again on the two of you.

“Let’s get this over with.” You muttered, saying bye to Peter and making way over to the couch to sit next to Pepper.

“Y/n!” Christine says happily, “ I’m glad you’re here. We brought you something!”

She pulls out a box and she carefully hands it over to you.

You look at it suspiciously before getting a nudge from Pepper.

“Thank you.” You grit out. Earning a glare from Damian and Cassandra.

You open the box to see…cupcakes.

“They’re the peanut butter strawberry cupcakes you used to like. Remember? I used to bring them when I came to see you.” Christine says, trying to bring up good memories.

You frown and close the box, “ I’m allergic to strawberries.”


Pepper casts a glance towards you, “They look lovely, let me take them into the kitchen, I’ll check on dinner.”

And with that she takes the box and leaves into the kitchen. Leaving you and Tony alone.

“So…Stark” Damian started fixing his gaze on you.

“Yes, Wayne?” You said, matching his energy.

“What exactly is it you want from my mother?” He asks, earning a groan from his older brothers.

“Well, I’d appreciate it if she left me alone.” You say with a straight face.

Christine frowns but before she says something Damian speaks up again.

“Tt, all this drama for the likes of you? It’s honestly disappointing” He drawls, trying to get under your skin.

“Damian!” Christine scolded.

“Well, I apologize for not meeting your standards. I’d try harder if I cared what a toddler thought of me.”

Jason let out a surprised chuckle while the rest of the family looked on in shock. Tony just rolled his eyes.

“I do not understand why Mother insists on rekindling her relationship with you. You obviously weren’t worth the effort the first time around.” He spits, causing the rest of the family to gasp.

You however, just laugh, “ When you figure it out, let me know. It’s probably the same reason she puts up with you.”

Damian glares, about to start in again when Jason cuts him off “ Shut up Demon. She got you man.”


“I’m Jason, and anyone who can out that brat in check is good in my book.” He says sending you a smirk.

You smile back, “ I’m friends with Loki and Wade Wilson, I’m hardly affected by anything anymore.” Your dad rolls his eyes again, he’s not exactly enthusiastic about your choice in friends.

You like this one. Probably the one you’re gonna be able to stand in this family.

“Don’t hog her Jason!” Dick shouts pushing him away before turning to smile at you, “ Hi! I’m-”

“Dick Grayson. I know, you spilled your champagne on my dress a few years ago at a New Years gala.” You say, still a little bitter about it.

“Oh. heh, right, sorry about that. Again.” He says sheepishly.

You turn to Cassandra, “ You’re Cassandra. You and your friend cornered me in the bathroom.”

Cassandra scowls and looks away.

Then you turned to Tim, “ And you need to learn how to secure your fire walls better.”

Tim looked at you confused, “Um excuse me?”

You smirked, “ Just a suggestion. I assume you don’t want people to know about your…bats in the attic?”

The whole family froze.

You knew? There was no way.

“Kid, are you hacking again?” Tony said exasperatedly, “ You promised you’d stop after the last time.”

“Hey it’s not my fault Shuri didn’t think about changing her password.” You say defensively, “ and it’s not like you were complaining when you had me hack into SHEILDS databases”

“What was that!?” Pepper shouts from the kitchen.

“Heheh, nothing dear.” Tony shouts back then in a hushed voice scolds you, “ I gave you fifty bucks to keep that a secret.”

“I didn’t say what you had me retrieve.” You said smugly leaning back in your chair.

Bruce didn’t know how to feel.

On one hand, this teen that objectively hates his family, knows their biggest secret. She can singlehandedly destroy their family and expose them. And she has the means to.

But on the other, she’s a perfect fit for their family. She gets along with Jason, doesn’t let Damian get under her skin, and from the looks of it can definitely take care of herself. Only thing is, again, she hates his wife and by association, his family.

“I’m sorry, hacking? You know that’s illegal right?” Tim asks, still in shock that you got past his security systems.

You turn to him and in a bored tone replied , “Yeah? and?”

Tim stuttered for a bit before going quiet with a blush. It was adorable really.

You had to hold back a laugh, it was fun getting this stuffy family all riled up. Especially when you can see the disapproval in Christines face.

“Tony, you let our daughter participate in illegal activities??” Christine asks with a raised brow.

The table goes silent at the tone of her voice. Knowing that when she uses it someone is really in trouble.

But you roll your eyes because how are you supposed to know what that tone means?

“I let my daughter express herself in a …healthy way. She knows her limits.” Tony replies cooly, taking a drink and looking back into the kitchen wondering where Pepper went.

”Obviously not. Tony she has no regard for the laws at all! You think i didn’t see the headlines last year?!”

Ah yes, last year you had a slight scandal where you may have punched a pap for trying to get a picture up your skirt but who wouldn’t?!

“ And you let her hang around criminals and terrorists?!”

You scoff, “ Oh please everyone in the Avengers was a criminal or terrorist at least once.”

“Not helping kid.” Tony says, “Christine, you and your family have no right to come into my home and judge my family. I’ve been civil. Hell maybe a little too much. Mainly because if I wasn’t, my wife—err Fiancée, would kill me.”

You snicker, earning a few glares.

“Look the point is, don’t tell me how to raise my daughter. Especially because I was doing it all alone.” Tony finishes with a sigh.

The table goes silent. You were getting tired of all the tense silences today.

“ Look.” You turn to Christine, “ I get that you probably feel guilty or something because you ditched me. And I appreciate that or whatever.”

You were not good at this.

“ But I don’t wanna live with you.”

Christine looks down sadly, “ Y/n I just…I just want to get to know you again. You’re my baby.”

Before you could answer you heard a crash come from the kitchen and smoke fill the rooms.

“ Pepper?!” You cough, “ Dad what’s happening?!”

“ I don’t know. Stay here” He says summoning his suit.

“FRIDAY?!” You shout, but not hearing the AI.

The Wayne’s all looked at each other in panic. They didn’t bring their suits, thinking it was just a dinner.

You turn to them and shout “ Come with me, and stay low!”

You start to lead them to the stair case, knowing that the rooms were relatively safe.

“Come on!” you yell when they don’t follow you.

Christine stands from her seat and makes to follow you before being stopped by Damian.

“Mother we cannot..”

“Damian, I’ve had about enough of you. Let’s go.” She says sternly and follows you. The rest of the family following behind as Bruce nudges Damian.

“ Come on son.”

“Father we don’t know where she’s leading us.” Damian says stubbornly.

“There’s nothing we can do right now.” he coughs.

The sounds of punching and the blasts come from the kitchen.

“Let’s go.”

They finally join the rest of the family. You have them crouched in the hallway.

“ This is James’ room. Dad had it modified just incase he was ever triggered into the Winter Solider again. No ones getting through this door when it’s locked.”

You usher them in.

“Come on Y/n” Christine says reaching a hand out to you.

You smirk, “ What? and miss all the action?”

You close the door and lock it before leaving. Laughing at their surprised faces.

The room is silent.

“ She’s awesome!” Jason says with a laugh.

I’m Still Your Sunshine (Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader)

Description: A continuation of the songfic “Sunshine” which follows the events of endgame.

Author’s note: hi guys. So I worked really, really hard on this piece, and honestly, I think it turned out really nice. This is the second verse of “You are my Sunshine,” which is kind of a response to the first verse, so that’s how I treated it, with the entire thing in your POV. I really hope you all like it!

I’m still your sunshine

It came back slow, the feeling of being alive – almost like waking up from a deep sleep just as the sun began to rise, shining through the window of your bedroom.  It’s the kind of sleep that leaves you feeling simply refreshed in the morning and ready to take on the day.

Unfortunately, that peace was rather short-lived; it left the moment I remembered what had happened – the moment I remembered leaving my dad.

Quickly, I shot upright, panic coursing through my veins as I whipped back and forth, searching for my father.  Quick, shallow breaths got shorter and shorter by the second, my vision getting more and more blurry when I couldn’t find him right away. 

He couldn’t have died, not him.  He was way too stubborn to not figure out a way to survive.  Right? Right?!

A hand rested on my shoulder, and immediately I jumped around, arms flailing to try and land a hit on the intruder.

“(Y/N), it’s just me!” the voice sounded like it was coming from far away, on the shore of the ocean where I was drowning.  There was no air, no light. I couldn’t find my way out.  I was scared. I just wanted to see my dad.

I had to find him.  He’ll definitely save me, just like he always has – just like he promised he always would.

“(Y/N), it’s me, it’s Peter!  Just calm down, ok?!”


I knew Peter.  He was the one that dad recruited.  I hated him at first, when he’d stolen my spot in the Civil War, but it didn’t take long for him to weasel his way into becoming one of my best friends.

Little by little, my breathing started to slow down. Suddenly, I could feel Peter’s arms around me, keeping me as close as possible until I calmed down. And… my cheeks felt wet, too. I must’ve been crying.

“It’s ok, I’ve got you,” Peter murmured, refusing to loosen his grip on me for a second.  I could only nod into his shoulder as I tried to focus simply on calming down.

Your only sunshine

I glanced over at everyone else, each of them alive and standing just like I was.  But… how?  And more importantly, how long were we all away?

“Five years.”  He seemed to read my mind.  Was that one of Dr. Strange’s powers?  I didn’t think so, but then again, he wasn’t exactly forthcoming with a lot of information.

“My dad?” My voice was hoarse and sounded foreign as I asked about the only thing I really cared about.

“He needs our help,” he stated simply.  Ugh, that was just like him, wasn’t it?

“Whatever he needs,” I answered confidently, straightening up and lifting my chin to stare at the man before me.  I could see Peter nod out of the corner of my eye as well as all of the – what did they call themselves?  The Guardians of the Galaxy? Oh well, it didn’t matter as long as they were willing to help my dad.

Dr. Strange opened one of those weird yellow circles that he loved so much, and before long, we were jumping through it and onto what looked like a massive battlefield, surrounded by every ally I could have ever imagined.

Still, I was focused on one thing and one thing only: Steve Rogers, the man who used to think of as an uncle until he decided to betray my father.  The man who was standing alone.

I managed to catch his eye for a second, but before I could even say anything, he had turned away.  It looked like I would have to find my dad on my own.

“AVENGERS!” Steve summoned Mjolnir… wait, WHAT? “…assemble.”  Ok, I’ll figure it out later.  Time to fight.

I’ll always love you

The fight was unbelievable.  I almost couldn’t tell where one side began and the other side ended.  Really, I was just focused on hitting anything that looked gross, which was actually working pretty well.

Suddenly, everything stopped.

It.. it was him.  He was right there, hugging Peter, and he was ok!

“Dad!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, fresh tears stinging my eyes.  Immediately, he looked up and our eyes met.

I started running so hard that I almost fell a few times as my feet struggled to keep up.  My chest was tight, each breath fighting to get through the sobs trapped in my throat. But I didn’t care about all of that. All I cared about was seeing him again.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I was crashing into his arms.  Together, the two of us sank to the ground.  I could feel him sobbing just as hard as I was as he held me as tight as he could, almost as if he was afraid to let me go again. I wouldn’t even dream of complaining, though. I felt the exact same way.

“I-I thought you were gone,” I gasped shakily, my hands clutching onto anything they could hold to remind myself that he was still there, still with me.

“I would never leave you, sunshine.  I’m right here, I promise,” he muttered, pressing a long kiss to the top of my head.  “It’s ok.  We’re ok.”

Though I’m away

I wanted to stay like that forever, but we both knew it couldn’t happen.  Eventually we would have to keep fighting.  No matter what, we had to win.

“Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?” My dad was the one who broke the fantasy.  Quickly, I wiped my eyes, and together, we stood back up just in time to see a passing Dr. Strange.

“Hey!” I snapped, stopping the wizard in his tracks.  “You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah?  Tell me this is it!”

He frowned and glanced at my dad before turning back to me.  “If I tell you what happens, it won’t happen.”  I searched deeper into his eyes, looking for the cryptic meaning behind his words. There was something there that I couldn’t figure out, but whatever it was, it made me sick to my stomach.

“You better be right,” my dad nodded, laying a hand on my shoulder.  I glanced up at him, worried.

Something didn’t feel right.

I’m still your sunshine

It was a mad dash for the gauntlet.  The flying woman had it for a while, but she lost it when a rusty old van exploded, and now, it was lying on the ground.

Run.  I had to run.  I couldn’t let Thanos get there first.

My dad covered me and tackled the massive, wrinkly grape, but I wasn’t really paying attention.  All I was focused on was the piece of metal lying just a few feet away.  I finally reached it, but just before I could grab it, I was sent flying by a large purple hand.

I gritted my teeth together and forced myself back to my feet just in time to see Strange holding up one finger – a warning but also a reassurance.  We could still win.

I screamed and raced forward, tackling Thanos while dad yanked on the gauntlet, but before I could even hope to rip it off his hand, he punched us both away.

I couldn’t believe it.  We… we lost.  “I am… inevitable.”  I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for it to happen all over again.  Waiting for that terrible cold feeling to come back.

“And I… am… Iron Man.”  My eyes snapped back open to see my dad with a gauntlet of his own.

And he snapped.

And it was all over.

Just only yours dear

After a while of staring in wonder as Thanos’s entire army turned to dust around us, we all came to the same incredible realization.

We really did it.

We actually won.

I turned to my dad, a wide smile on my face, ready to hug him, congratulate him on winning the war for us and probably throw in a few jabs about how he always has to be the biggest hero.  Then I saw him. And suddenly, my smile disappeared.

I dragged myself numbly back to my feet, staring at my father where he sat, burns covering the entire right half of his body. If felt like there was a bubble in my chest, pushing against my heart and lungs and stomach. I kept waiting it to fill with terror or anger or grief or something, but it merely sat there. Like it was just waiting to be popped.

Peter ran past me on my right, and I stumbled a bit.  I think it was Bucky, or maybe it was Sam, who helped me back to my feet.  I didn’t really care who it was. I just kept walking.

I heard FRIDAY say something along the lines of, “Life functions critical,” but it didn’t really register above the ringing sound that was banging against the inside of my skull.

I fell to my knees next to Pepper in front of him, my entire body shaking as I took in just how bad it really was – as I realized that my dad, my hero and my constant savior, wasn’t going to make it.

“Hey, sunshine,” he whispered.

I took a deep, shaky breath in, forcing back tears.  I didn’t want his last moments to be spent seeing me cry.  He hated it when I cried. Somehow, he always thought it was his fault when it never really was. “Hey, dad,” I smiled a bit, though we both knew it was fake.  “Everyone’s fine now.  We’re ok, thanks to you.”  My voice broke as the lump in my throat grew overwhelming, keeping me from saying anything more.

Pepper nodded, her hand laid gently on top of my own.  “We’re gonna be ok.  You can rest now.”

There we sat, watching as the arc reactor in his chest flickered off. Watching as the life left my dad’s eyes.  Pepper started crying on his shoulder, but I could only sit back and stare at the man who’d raised me, who had given everything to me, suddenly gone.

And I was alone.

And I’m coming home someday

It was a nice funeral — classy, of course, considering Pepper was the one who put it together.  But it still didn’t change the fact that the greatest man I’d ever known — the greatest man this world had ever seen — was gone.

I felt a slight tug on my hand, and I glanced down to see my younger sister – part of me still couldn’t believe I actually had a little sister.  She was staring up at me with wide eyes, curious eyes that looked frighteningly similar to dad’s. She probably didn’t even understand what was going on.  Then again, she was her father’s daughter, so she’s probably a genius.

“What’s up, Morgan?” I struggled to smile at least a little bit, crouching down so I could be at her level.

“I’m hungry,” she said simply.

I chuckled a bit.  “How ‘bout you and I go get some cheeseburgers?” She nodded back.  “Dad always did love those things, huh?” I asked absentmindedly as I led her past the crowd, ducking to avoid the endless stares of pity that followed us, and back inside the little cabin. It was just like the one he used to always dream about taking me to when everything was over — when we wouldn’t have to be heroes anymore.  

“We can get as many cheeseburgers as you want, okay?”


We ate lunch together.  She was a good kid. I could tell.  And from the moment I first saw her, I made a promise to myself and to my dad that I would protect her since he couldn’t any more, and it seemed like she understood.  In no time at all, we had become inseparable.

After lunch, she started yawning, so I took her to her room for a nap.  I hesitated a moment after I had tucked her in.  I didn’t want to leave just yet. “Hey, how about a lullaby?”

Morgan nodded, and I smiled, settling in next to her so she could lay her head on my lap.

The familiar lullaby left my lips like it was nothing.  I was singing my dad’s part – the part that had gotten me through some of the worst times in my life.  It had ended far too quickly. I wanted to stay longer, to be with her. But before I could even think of getting out of the bed, I heard it.

Morgan’s little voice drifting through the bedroom with the same response to the song my dad had taught me so long ago, stopping me in my tracks.  

I felt something wet rolling down my cheeks.

I… I was crying.

For the first time since the day of the battle, I was crying.  But somehow, I wasn’t too sad. No, it felt more like a reassurance — like suddenly I knew that everything was going to be ok.

I snapped out of my trance long after the song had finished and glanced fondly down at my little sister, who was already half asleep by then.

“I love you,” she mumbled tiredly.

I smiled and laid a gentle hand on her head, smoothing her hair away from her face.

“I love you, too, sunshine.”

Yes I’ll be coming home someday


Imagine disappearing before Tony, your father, and your boyfriend Peter during the snap.

requested by: anon
warnings: angst !!

Only a few minutes had passed before you heard Mantis gasp and you watched her disintegrate in front of you. You felt your stomach drop in realization as Thanos had got what he wanted. Your eyes fell on Drax, then Quill, and to Doctor Strange all turn to dust and something surged inside you.

Your whole body started to tingle and you looked down and tears welled in your eyes as you saw yourself succumbing to the same fate as the others. You turned to your father and boyfriend as they both looked on with fear.

Peter wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck and you felt his hot tears trickle onto your skin. You embraced him tightly and you shook your head as the rest of you started to fade away. 

“I’m scared, Peter,” you whimpered. His face, fear-stricken, only darkened. He was too.

You looked over at your dad and he was shaking his head vigorously and he reached out to you. “I love you,” were the last words you could manage before you crumbled, dust scattered to the wind.

Peter stood there and stared down at his hands, shaking as the dust of your remains slipped from his fingers. He clenched his fists, trying to keep you, desperate to hold you for just a little longer. He choked out a sob and fell to his knees, a mangled cry vibrating at the back of his throat.

Tony, face set with devastation, approached the boy who’d meant so much to you and put a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at him, eyes red with tears. The older man had to keep himself together despite feeling his throat tighten, and he knelt to Peter, and the boy immediately wrapped his arms around his shoulders, clamping him tight.

"I’m sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter cried, hands still balled into fists. “I-I couldn’t stop it.”

Tony let out a shaky breath and patted his back, trying to comfort him. “I know, kid. I know. None of us could’ve stopped it.”

written by: jesse

Tony Stark (Iron Man) Masterlist

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DR - Daughter!Reader | No letter — Platonic


Saving Her [DR] — Peter and Tony suit up to save Y/N from a mission gone wrong.

Secret’s Out [DR] — Tony finds out that his daughter Y/N and his teammate Natasha are dating.


Being Tony Stark’s Daughter and an Avenger Would Include …[DR]
