#marwan kenzari

yahyas: WORKOUT BAES Yahya Abdul Mateen II - Men’s Health (2019) Kumail Nanjiani - Men’s Health (202yahyas: WORKOUT BAES Yahya Abdul Mateen II - Men’s Health (2019) Kumail Nanjiani - Men’s Health (202yahyas: WORKOUT BAES Yahya Abdul Mateen II - Men’s Health (2019) Kumail Nanjiani - Men’s Health (202yahyas: WORKOUT BAES Yahya Abdul Mateen II - Men’s Health (2019) Kumail Nanjiani - Men’s Health (202yahyas: WORKOUT BAES Yahya Abdul Mateen II - Men’s Health (2019) Kumail Nanjiani - Men’s Health (202


Yahya Abdul Mateen II - Men’s Health (2019)
Kumail Nanjiani - Men’s Health (2020)
Aldis Hodge - Men’s Health (2021)
J.D. Pardo - Men’s Health (2021)
Marwan Kenzari - Men’s Health NL (2016)

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marwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOEmarwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOEmarwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOEmarwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOEmarwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOEmarwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOEmarwankenzari: You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that. MARWAN KENZARI as YUSUF AL-KAYSANI (JOE


You shot Nicky. You shouldn’t have done that.


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Nora and Marwan will be parents soon



I’ve been wanting to draw this one for a bit. If you don’t immediately recognize the reference, it’s under the cut

Keep reading


The Old Guard fandom has its own HIVliving, MedievalPOC, Rose Christo, white girl who is totally a Cherokee Princess because she did a test and found that she’s 1% Native American, and the charade has been going on for too long.

This post is about Len (better known as LGBTmazight, romiosini, figure8, junmotions). The information compiled here has been found and organized by people of many ethnicities, including those she pretends to be (namely two Moroccans, one of whom is Amazigh, who were raised in Morocco and speak the language), who are now exhausted by her uncontrolled racism. This post is not an invitation to send her hate: it’s a compilation of her unbridled racefaking for internet points, and comes with the invite of blocking her and not using her as a reference when it comes to information regarding MENA countries. 99% of what she says, she copies from Google and often attributes to the wrong country.

As of summer 2021, Len is claiming to be a brown Maghrebi-Greek woman who comes from poverty and whose parents weren’t able to afford to give her an adequate education, works in manual labor, was raised between Greece and Morocco for the first seven years of her life, is dark-skinned enough to get harassed by the police everywhere she goes, and has learned pride in her heritage from her Muslim Moroccan father. She claims to be able to speak, among other languages, Darija, Arabic, and Tmazight.

However, in her internet career Len has also identified as being: white, white-passing, brown, Muslim, Orthodox Christian, animist from a family of shamans and in line to become the next “Darwisa”, French, Spanish, Peloponnesian/Pontic/Anatolian Greek, Sephardic Jewish, Jewish with family “in Europe during WW2", partly Romani, Moroccan, specifically Riffian Moroccan with solely Amazigh descent, and with “close ties to Asia Minor”. Her economic status has shifted from being able to live in the world’s most expensive neighborhoods and attending fancy private schools during the Global Recession to having to ask her followers for change. According to her stories, her family has been at the center of every tragedy that happened in North Africa and Europe since the beginning of the 1900s.

This to say: Len, LGBTmazight, is a racefaker on the same level as HIVliving, a parasite who latches onto racial stereotypes and applies them to her person to give herself, as well as her followers, the right to harass, abuse, and send death threats to people who do not follow or support her narrative. It will be brought up later, but the Moroccan Amazigh person who participated in writing the post, as well as other MENA individuals, were appalled by the blatant racism, Orientalism, antiblackness, fetishization, and White Savior Syndrome displayed by Len, as well as her open disrespect for actual Moroccan traditions, people, and culture. Although this began as a light-hearted research, it soon became clear that Len’s racism, xenophobia especially against Italians and Ukrainians, antisemitism, and downright disgusting behavior are incredibly serious issues, to the point that one of the MENA individuals behind this post became physically ill from seeing what she puts online.

None of the information compiled here is a product of doxxing: it is a collection of what Len herself has put online over the years, and let it be known that we were gracious enough to not post her, her parents’, and her sister’s full and legal names and faces despite the fact that Len has shared them multiple times.

As an appetizer, here’s the face of the “racialized” brown woman who claims to be constantly abused and racially profiled because of her dark skin and North African features:



Although in the past she identified as they/them or he/him, on her current Twitter her pronouns are she/her. This account will do the same.

And here is what she thinks of Black and Jewish people: they are obstacles to the attentions she should, in her opinion, receive for the made-up abuse she rants about online. Her platforms were never about defending, representing, and protecting minorities; it was always a stage for her to grab the attention of well-meaning people. About actual minorities, she couldn’t care less and considers them a nuisance:



(In these tweets she is talking about xenophobia, something she has said is only ever brought up as a way to shift the conversation away from racism. How the tables have turned, Len.)

A summary of the contents of the post: Len is 25% Moroccan at most, was born and raised in Europe, never lived in the Maghreb, doesn’t speak the language, didn’t learn about Islam from her father, never suffered any racially-charged abuse, and never lived in poverty. Her father is a tenured professor and has been one since the 1990s, and her mother is also an extremely well-respected professor; they have dozens of publications between them, and her mother seems to have written the text for her field. Although we have no certainties regarding their monthly income, it is easy to say they are wealthy: both Len and her sister were sent to private schools all their lives, her family could afford to own/rent multiple residencies at the same time, drive around in expensive cars, go on vacation often, and buy Apple products immediately after release. Everything she has said since she started looking for fandom clout is a lie and she has used your desire to be good people to her advantage. Extensive proof is below the cut, and mind that this is only the tip of the iceberg: we have more and it only gets worse.

Hélène, we were initially open to dialogue, but after seeing that you’re a genocide denier who keeps inventing stories of abuse to get pity from people while you spend your time harassing actual PoC and other minorities, as well as being someone who has no problems calling Marwan Kenzari the French version of the insult “sand-ni**er”, we realized you are not redeemable in any way.

We already know she’s going to screenshot this and whine about it on Twitter, because even if she likes to portray herself as a great debater, she has never been able to hold a single online conversation without first victimizing herself and crying about being abused, then screenshotting and asking her followers to harass the people who disagreed with her. We are not doing this for her; she’s neither important nor special enough for that. We are doing this to get rid of the racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, and fetishization of MENA people that she has spent a yearaiding.

Asks are open with the possibility to leave anons.

Keep reading

I appreciate it’s a slightly long read, but please be aware of this.

I once dated a guy in college that loooved Aladdin. I suggested we watched it one night and he got all excited and when we got to the “A Whole New World” part, I was quietly singing along and just enjoying the movie, and he paused it and asked me if I knew that words and I said of course. He then insisted that we sing it together and would not let it play until I agreed. I got kind of embarrassed but did it anyways. Complete and total duet of A Whole New World in this tiny dorm room.

With the live action version out today, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I hope he is out there, just enjoying the hell out of this.


Joe ❤️ Nicky

The Old Guard

gifs by @nicolodikaysaniand@marilynmay

Marwan Kenzari | Dutch actor[c] Men’s Health (2013)Marwan Kenzari | Dutch actor[c] Men’s Health (2013)Marwan Kenzari | Dutch actor[c] Men’s Health (2013)Marwan Kenzari | Dutch actor[c] Men’s Health (2013)

Marwan Kenzari | Dutch actor

[c] Men’s Health (2013)

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Kay Nambiar, Jan Kooijman, Michiel Huisman, Marwan Chico Kenzari | Dutch male celebsMy 100th post heKay Nambiar, Jan Kooijman, Michiel Huisman, Marwan Chico Kenzari | Dutch male celebsMy 100th post heKay Nambiar, Jan Kooijman, Michiel Huisman, Marwan Chico Kenzari | Dutch male celebsMy 100th post heKay Nambiar, Jan Kooijman, Michiel Huisman, Marwan Chico Kenzari | Dutch male celebsMy 100th post he

Kay Nambiar, Jan Kooijman, Michiel Huisman, Marwan Chico Kenzari | Dutch male celebs

My 100th post here on Tumblr! Due to the changes on December 17th, I’ll move to Twitter and Blogger. There’s more to come, so follow DutchMaleCelebs on Twitter or on Blogger!

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A style experiment and study of my absolute favorite scene from The Old Guard Follow me on Instagram

A style experiment and study of my absolute favorite scene from The Old Guard

Follow me on Instagram 

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The Old Guard fandom has its own HIVliving, MedievalPOC, Rose Christo, white girl who is totally a Cherokee Princess because she did a test and found that she’s 1% Native American, and the charade has been going on for too long.

This post is about Len (better known as LGBTmazight, romiosini, figure8, junmotions). The information compiled here has been found and organized by people of many ethnicities, including those she pretends to be (namely two Moroccans, one of whom is Amazigh, who were raised in Morocco and speak the language), who are now exhausted by her uncontrolled racism. This post is not an invitation to send her hate: it’s a compilation of her unbridled racefaking for internet points, and comes with the invite of blocking her and not using her as a reference when it comes to information regarding MENA countries. 99% of what she says, she copies from Google and often attributes to the wrong country.

As of summer 2021, Len is claiming to be a brown Maghrebi-Greek woman who comes from poverty and whose parents weren’t able to afford to give her an adequate education, works in manual labor, was raised between Greece and Morocco for the first seven years of her life, is dark-skinned enough to get harassed by the police everywhere she goes, and has learned pride in her heritage from her Muslim Moroccan father. She claims to be able to speak, among other languages, Darija, Arabic, and Tmazight.

However, in her internet career Len has also identified as being: white, white-passing, brown, Muslim, Orthodox Christian, animist from a family of shamans and in line to become the next “Darwisa”, French, Spanish, Peloponnesian/Pontic/Anatolian Greek, Sephardic Jewish, Jewish with family “in Europe during WW2", partly Romani, Moroccan, specifically Riffian Moroccan with solely Amazigh descent, and with “close ties to Asia Minor”. Her economic status has shifted from being able to live in the world’s most expensive neighborhoods and attending fancy private schools during the Global Recession to having to ask her followers for change. According to her stories, her family has been at the center of every tragedy that happened in North Africa and Europe since the beginning of the 1900s.

This to say: Len, LGBTmazight, is a racefaker on the same level as HIVliving, a parasite who latches onto racial stereotypes and applies them to her person to give herself, as well as her followers, the right to harass, abuse, and send death threats to people who do not follow or support her narrative. It will be brought up later, but the Moroccan Amazigh person who participated in writing the post, as well as other MENA individuals, were appalled by the blatant racism, Orientalism, antiblackness, fetishization, and White Savior Syndrome displayed by Len, as well as her open disrespect for actual Moroccan traditions, people, and culture. Although this began as a light-hearted research, it soon became clear that Len’s racism, xenophobia especially against Italians and Ukrainians, antisemitism, and downright disgusting behavior are incredibly serious issues, to the point that one of the MENA individuals behind this post became physically ill from seeing what she puts online.

None of the information compiled here is a product of doxxing: it is a collection of what Len herself has put online over the years, and let it be known that we were gracious enough to not post her, her parents’, and her sister’s full and legal names and faces despite the fact that Len has shared them multiple times.

As an appetizer, here’s the face of the “racialized” brown woman who claims to be constantly abused and racially profiled because of her dark skin and North African features:



Although in the past she identified as they/them or he/him, on her current Twitter her pronouns are she/her. This account will do the same.

And here is what she thinks of Black and Jewish people: they are obstacles to the attentions she should, in her opinion, receive for the made-up abuse she rants about online. Her platforms were never about defending, representing, and protecting minorities; it was always a stage for her to grab the attention of well-meaning people. About actual minorities, she couldn’t care less and considers them a nuisance:



(In these tweets she is talking about xenophobia, something she has said is only ever brought up as a way to shift the conversation away from racism. How the tables have turned, Len.)

A summary of the contents of the post: Len is 25% Moroccan at most, was born and raised in Europe, never lived in the Maghreb, doesn’t speak the language, didn’t learn about Islam from her father, never suffered any racially-charged abuse, and never lived in poverty. Her father is a tenured professor and has been one since the 1990s, and her mother is also an extremely well-respected professor; they have dozens of publications between them, and her mother seems to have written the text for her field. Although we have no certainties regarding their monthly income, it is easy to say they are wealthy: both Len and her sister were sent to private schools all their lives, her family could afford to own/rent multiple residencies at the same time, drive around in expensive cars, go on vacation often, and buy Apple products immediately after release. Everything she has said since she started looking for fandom clout is a lie and she has used your desire to be good people to her advantage. Extensive proof is below the cut, and mind that this is only the tip of the iceberg: we have more and it only gets worse.

Hélène, we were initially open to dialogue, but after seeing that you’re a genocide denier who keeps inventing stories of abuse to get pity from people while you spend your time harassing actual PoC and other minorities, as well as being someone who has no problems calling Marwan Kenzari the French version of the insult “sand-ni**er”, we realized you are not redeemable in any way.

We already know she’s going to screenshot this and whine about it on Twitter, because even if she likes to portray herself as a great debater, she has never been able to hold a single online conversation without first victimizing herself and crying about being abused, then screenshotting and asking her followers to harass the people who disagreed with her. We are not doing this for her; she’s neither important nor special enough for that. We are doing this to get rid of the racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, and fetishization of MENA people that she has spent a yearaiding.

Asks are open with the possibility to leave anons.

We have no doubt that Len is going to cry online about being persecuted because she is a WoC, about how this account is spreading lies about a woman whose only crime was to educate people in fandom about the racism both she and Marwan Kenzari suffer from (only when she’s not calling him slurs, of course). We have no doubts that she will loudly begin speculating about who might be behind this account, will start sending anon hate again (possibly death threats), and will bright out a fabricated family history in order to insist that everything makes sense when you really look at it. She will post selfies with filters, artificially curled hair, and/or a deep suntan (she is able to spend long periods of time on prolonged vacations, and has plenty of time to sunbathe), but if those were the criteria to be considered PoC, then the Kardashians would be Black women too. Don’t believe a word of it: what we have compiled here is nothing but what she has been putting online for the past ten years, and if most stories contradict each other, that’s on her and not on us for noticing.

Before she gets a chance to do it herself and twist things, we will say: the issue is not and never will be that she feels unfairly divorced from a culture she never knew. If she had consistently admitted to having one Moroccan grandparent and was raised privileged and functionally white but wanted to know more and had a lot to learn, that would have been fine. What pushes this over into full-on racefaking is her digging her heels and actually brownfacing and pretending to have grown up in a culture she clearly knows nothing about, and harassing and mocking the people who actually do. It doesn’t matter if she has a non-white grandfather: DNA means nothing and neither does her last name. What she has done is still racefaking, and no amount of “but pale white-passing mixed people are still POC” is going to make it right. She knows perfectly well what she did: she has spent years invoking the one-drop rule, a white supremacist concept, to make herself look better online. Furthermore, she is no better than Elizabeth Warren for having done it. The proof is in her escalating lies: she went from having a half-Moroccan, Christian father who was raised in Spain to having a Muslim, fully Moroccan father who left Morocco only in adulthood. If that single Moroccan grandparent had been enough to make her a WoC, she wouldn’t have escalated things to the point of saying that she lived in Morocco herself.

Proof that the @buckyclint account is hers: link to her old blog on@buckyclint(archive), link to her old blog on@romiosini(archive).

You will notice that most of her lies come after 2013, when she permanently switched from her @buckyclint to the @romiosini one, which is the one she uses for her “activism”, and that everything she used to post before that year greatly contradicts what she began writing afterwards. This is not because she got closer to her heritage or was able to free herself from the “internalized racism” she claims to be a survivor of: it’s because in 2013 she moved to the US and within a year or two ditched most, if not all, of her IRL friends (all in very public Twitter tantrums, and then blocking them), meaning that there was no one who would’ve been able to hold her accountable for the lies she was telling.

But what made her switch accounts and kick-started all of this in the first place? Here are the tweets in which she is pissy because, in her opinion, not everything is about PoC and social justice, and she wrote a post about reverse racism people rightfully didn’t like:







This is when she began receiving criticism for her tweets and the possibly multiple posts about reverse racism (posts she has deleted since then), and her response was to immediately begin writing that she is a “white passing PoC” and therefore no one is allowed to tell her anything. This is a pattern she has used many, many times to defend the horrible things she says, from racism to antisemitism. Up to you to decide if those are the words of someone who has gone through racial abuse all their life.

Once again, this is the face of the woman who keeps claiming to be brown, with a need to straighten her hair, and who is constantly targeted because of her race, with people being able to recognize her as Moroccan, Arab, specifically Amazigh, or even “read [her] as Muslim,” whatever that means:





These pictures were not chosen because of the faces she is making or how she’s dressed: they are some of the few in which she didn’t apply heavy filters or positioned herself in the shadows/weird lightning to make her skin look darker. She stopped posting selfies the moment she began pushing the narrative that she is a brown Moroccan woman.

For comparison, this is how she portrayed herself in a recent picrew.me: with a skintone that is three shades darker and Afro-textured hair:



She also posted one in which she defines the hijab, religiousgarb of a faith she’s never practiced and knows nothing about, as being part of the “Len gender spectrum”, and in a different one portrayed herself as wearing cornrows.

Len would not be racially profiled in France, North America, or anywhere else: she looks white, she ispale, and she has naturally straight hair(wavy if we’re being generous. Despite her claims that her natural hair has 2C/3A curls, there is photographic evidence that she had straight hair by age 6). In a full decade of online presence, Len has not posted a single picture of herself with the curly hair she supposedly has, and all the members of her family (parents, sister, maternal grandparents) have straight hair.

She insists that because of these looks she is “brown and MENA”. To us, including the people who are actually Moroccan, she looks at best Greek (even when she’s heavily tanned) and most definitely not someone who would be racially profiled and targeted.

There is no gatekeeping behind the assertion that Len is white rather than being a “white-passing PoC,” as she defined herself at some point: light-skinned MENA people absolutely exist, but Len is just not MENA. Before she began this charade of being an oppressed person of color, she used to say that she was proud to be half-Andalusian (South Spanish), and admitted that her father has been raised in Spain, considers himself Spanish, and that at the very least her grandmother is Spanish too:




@Capet_Ier my dad is spanish :)(link,archive)



Her grandmother being from Seville means she was Spanish, and even if it were true that they were “not sure” about her being Romani (as of 2016 she was obsessing over Dick Grayson and attempting to school people on his racial identity - sounds familiar?), it still means she wasn’t anywhere close to the culture, confirming she was not Romani in any significant way. Keep in mind that the second tweet was posted in 2014, long after she had supposedly stopped “lying” about being white.

Going by her own admission, her father is at most half-Moroccan and, by consequence, she is at most a quarter Moroccan. She has never lived in the country and therefore, even if part of her blood is technically Moroccan, Moroccan people see her as a foreigner. She was notraised in the culture and never put any effort in educating herself, and is white and privileged enough to be breathtakingly racist against the people she is now claiming to be a part of.

Her lack of knowledge regarding the culture she claims to be native of has nothingto do with “internalized racism”: not only she has mentioned that she began “re-discovering” her “roots” and unlearning this internalized racism at age 18 (2012) or 19 (2013), but in 2011, in the year she was still supposedly hiding this MENA identity, she was sharing that her father had been born in Morocco and spoke Arabic at home. She considered these notions to be exotic nuggets of identity that held no weight in her day-to-day life:


@Scouthy @samyyy_ Morocco, he was born in Tangier like my dad *-* (link,archive)


My dad who speaks arabic is awesome. It makes me want to learn. (link,archive)

As of 2016, she was still writing about having been born and raised in Europe for the first six/seven years of her life:



In 2014 she admitted that she had been to Tangier once, as a child, and in 2016 said once more that she had no firsthand knowledge of North Africa:





In 2018, when the narrative about her tragic past presented a more solid base, she began saying that she had been raised between Morocco and Greece for the first seven years of her life. She then added that she lived there long enough to speak French with a “Maghrebi accent”, which brought much abuse to her. North African people do not have a Maghrebi accent when they speak French: they are taught to speak French with a Parisian accent. Len also seems to have spent a long time under the impression that “MENA” and “Arab” mean the same thing; if she had truly been in contact with Imazighen or even MENA people, she would’ve known that that is not true and also extremely offensive:







As of 2016, the accent she had to get rid of was Belgian:



She cannot have had both accents, and all clues bring to the Belgian accent, as being the one she actually spoke with.

Despite having been online sharing her every breath for five years, at this point, it is only in 2014 that she began forming the “I’m so Moroccan” narrative, and did so by talking about her grandfather’s death. Except t

he language she mentions him speaking is not spoken in the area which she pretends to be from

: Tashelhit is


spoken in North Morocco, but south of Marrakech. Years later, her grandfather was no longer from Tangier but from a village near Chefchaouen, a city that is


in the North.



There is a clue, here: at this point in time, she had clearly decided that her grandfather had to be Moroccan-from-Morocco, but she hadn’t yet chosen his ethnic group. So she picked the first exotic-sounding language she was able to find when looking at a list of languages spoken in Morocco.

In the same Twitter thread, she complains about her father not teaching her the language:



In the same year, she said her father is Sephardic Jewish and that he spoke to her in Yiddish. Jewish Moroccan people do not speak Yiddish.



Two years later, she made a list of the languages her father spoke and Tashelhit and Yiddish are not featured. Darija, a language she would complain about having spoken as a child but having lost as she grew up, is not mentioned a single time.



In the same thread she adds that he speaks Italian, English because he went to an American school, Swahili because he traveled through Africa in the 1970s, and Hebrew because he was raised by a rabbi (Len seems to be under the impression that Jewish people outside of Israel normally talk in Hebrew. That, or she has no idea that Yiddish and Hebrew are two different languages).

Her linguistic ignorance had the occasion to shine in the TOG fandom, as she seems to be under the impression that Joe (who, historically speaking, is an Egyptian Fatimid and that Netflix has canonized as being Tunisian) would actually be a Moroccan Amazigh man, and her need to provethat she is just like her headcanon of him led her to make some foolish choices, such as using Darija-English forums.

She seems to be under the impression that Tamazight, which she is now claiming as her native tongue, is a dying language due to European colonialism, and that Amazigh people are going extinct. Both notions are untrue: according to the 2016 census, there are 20 million Amazigh people living in Morocco alone and Tamazight is a language spoken by 30 million.

In April 2021, she penned a poem about her woes regarding this (imaginary) loss:



She writes that she “witnesses the attempted murder of her language” and that she looks so Moroccan that an old lady with a “toothless grin” offers her fruit because she recognizes her as one of them. It doesn’t take much to realize that this is an incredibly racist depiction of Moroccan people based only on what Western medias portray of the country.

These are the thoughts of an ignorant tourist who still believes in the made-up innocence of the old world. This is the definition of fetishizationandOrientalism.

Notice how she implies that her grandmother came from a community that wears siyalas, a traditional Moroccan tattoo given only to Amazigh women who live in extremely traditional and often isolated communities, when Len herselfstated that her grandmother on her father’s side is Spanish.

Further proof that she has never been to Marrakech is that she describes the city as having “blue doors” (Marrakech is known for being a red city), states that the soldiers came from the sea (Marrakech is surrounded by land), and somehow in her vision of Morocco, Marrakech and Tangier are two neighboring cities (there is a distance of 502 km, 321 miles, between them).

Of note, the “toothless old lady” episode is reused: she initially wrote in her TOG fanfic “as an ancient city”, posted in August 2020. In the notes, she neversays that it is based on her actual experiences, and, to make things worse, Joe is gifted a fruit that grows only in Nigeria, Southern Cameroon, Ghana, and Congo. Len thinks of Africa as a country, rather than a continent, and placing such fruit in Morocco demonstrates that she has never been there.

On various occasions she has used the word “tbarkallah”, Darija for “God bless,” in a way that Moroccan people do not use it. She chopped off the ubiquitous “3lik/alik” and used it as an American-style mic drop, ignorant of the fact that MENA people use it as a compliment:



She has also recently used the word “inshallah”. That word isn’t in Darija, it’s in Modern Standard Arabic. If she truly spoke Darija, she would have written it as “nchalla”, and it’s likely that she put it there to, once again, show her followers how culturally Muslim she is:



And then there is this list of tags:



  • “Che3ndek al3yel” means “What is wrong, (male) child?” or “Do you have kids?”. In the context Len used it for it means nothing;
  • On the same page of the forum Darija-English Forum where she found “che3ndek al3yel”, she was able to find the word “tla7″, which means “leave” or “get out” and which she also used incorrectly.

She copied and pasted these words from this page, blindly trusting the English translation to be correct. It wasn’t, and these aren’t the mistakes of someone who is re-learning a language as an adult, these are the mistakes of someone who has never heard a single word of it. What she wrote is nonsensical gibberish.

You will notice that the word “hlm” can be spotted. If she had the intention to use it as the Darija word “dream,” then she conjugated it incorrectly; if she meant it as “HLM,” then she was referring to Housing at Moderate Rent, a form of low-income housing that can be found mostly in France and where she claims to have lived much of her life.

At this point anybody who is reading has already guessed that this is a lie too: Len’s parents, and by consequence her too, as she still lives with them, are filthy rich. Len spent her teenage years living in the expensive 9th Arrondissement of Paris, went to an international private high school whose tuition goes from €10,000 to €16,000 (she was in high school between 2008 and 2012, the years of the Global Recession), drove around in a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and had multiple residencies (an apartment in Paris, an apartment in Athens, a house in Lille, a house in Washington DC provided by her parents’ job, and possibly a villa in Seville).


I love living in the 9th [Arrondissement] because you meet half of the Parisian political life when you go out to buy bread. (link,archive)


I dared to remove “Cours Hattemer” from Facebook. I put Panthéon-Sorbonne. I am scared.(link,archive)




@scouthy the campus is CRAZY, it’s not the first time I’ve been there. Did you know we have a villa across from the Clintons?(link,archive)


@RomKP too easy too :) Do you live in Lille really or in the suburbs? I have a house in Villeneuve d’Ascq x)(link,archive)




20 degrees in Seville tomorrow. I have a villa there. I have decided, I’m going. (link,archive)

Her biggest problems in life? That she couldn’t have the new iPhone now now now (when she already had one), and that she had to bring 50 kg (110 lbs) of clothes to the US:





She was also prone to referring to her parents as “rich assholes” and to saying that her wealth didn’t make her life better:





Unless her parents suddenly got rich as the Recession hit and then lost everything within less than ten years, Len has never known poverty in her entire life. She has never lived in the HLM, never had to wonder where her next meal was coming from, and most definitely wasn’t raised by a Marxist-Communist family with her exact views as she is now claiming. We had the occasion of chatting with some ex-friends of hers, and they all confirmed that Len grew up in privilege and while it is technically possible that her parents lived in poverty in their younger years, “[B]elive me, she never did.”

Including all the screenshots would take too long, but it takes a quick tour of her Twitter to see that, while she was crying poverty and saying that she worked awful manual labor jobs, she would spent every summer in Greece. Anybody who has travelled internationally knows that flying from the US/Canada to Europe is very expensive, not to mention that no person who is as poor as she claims to be would be able to afford to leave their jobs to go on vacation for weeks on end, nor would the job they abandoned be waiting for their return.

Why believe this rather than her current narrative? Because for all of these early claims, there is proof (the schools she went to, her parents’ prestigious positions, expensive trips and restaurant outings, photos of her shopping trips with friends, the house her family owns in France), compared to none for the “political activism” she claims to be a part of, nor of the poverty, nor of the notion that she’s brown. During this time, Len would also proudly boast about her inconsiderate behavior at pricey bars, breaking glasses and finding it funny. Len herself admitted, before she started this narrative of being oppressed, that she lived a privileged “Gossip Girl” lifestyle:



Her identity of MENA woman living in poverty is also completely debunked by how she would joke about committing terroristic acts with her dad:


@_Mayda with my dad we look at where [politicians’] apartments are and plan to put bombs in them later(link,archive)

These aren’t the words of people who could be arrested if they make such statements in a public place. These aren’t the words typed by someone who knows that their father gets racially profiled and lives with the constant danger of being harmed by the police.

The point is, despite the stories Len has told about how her father had a gun pointed at his face while she was in the car with him: (link,archive - read at your own discretion and we won’t use screenshots of this because what she says is based on disgusting racial stereotypes. From this point on, we will refer to this post as “Oppression Rant”), they never happened. They are a fantasy: her father is a well-off man with tenure, someone who has contacts in multiple countries and probably friends who are lawyers, and who, with a single phone call to the press, could raise hell; he looks like he is Southern European and is not someone who would be automatically profiled as “Arabe”; in 2013, she was tweeting about asking cops for help; in 2014, she quoted her mother as saying “The cops at home don’t shoot people” during the first part of her “I’m a brave protester” narrative:


Can we talk about the fact that I had to ask the cops to escort me in Pigalle because I was being followed lol let’s stop for a moment(link,archive)



Are these the words of someone who has been terrorized by the police since they were a child? Are these the words of someone whose father or husband has been held at gunpoint? And if her defense is that the first or even second tweet were made up, the question is: why would someone LARP as liking the police after such horrifying experiences?

This is because she hadn’t yet formed the narrative that she was oppressed by the police. In October 2014, she said that her father had always taught her to “never get arrested” (archive), but the story of how she was in the “beat-up” family car with him didn’t form until 2021.

During almost all of 2014, she was a big fan of Shonda Rhimes’ show Scandal, which centered around a Black female character and dealt heavily with Black issues (the Scandaltag on her blog: link,archive): she was in the middle of her Scandal phase when she started posting about how she was a person of color and in danger from the police.

The 2021 story of how she was in the Toyota with her dad is clearly ripped from the 2016 murder of Philando Castile, a 32-year-old Black man who was killed by a police officer named Jeronimo Yanez while his girlfriend and her daughter were in the car. Like Len says she was, the child was specifically in the backseat. In Europe around the time Len was growing up, children her age usually sat in the front.

Appropriating Black people’s culture and trauma is nothing new, for Len: she now refers to herself as “afro-centrée”/“afrocentric”, a definition MENA people do not use to define themselves, and that is not used in MENA countries. It is a concept that is almost exclusively used by Black Americans who are reclaiming their West African heritage.

In a poem written in 2016, she mentions that her father told her “You need to be twice as good for half of what they have”:



That is not a quote from her father; it is a quote she took from Scandal,season 3 episode 1,It’s Handled(aired 2013) and that she doctored hoping no one would notice. It is a racially charged motto written by Black writers and meant to talk about the experience of Black people in the US. The expression is used almost solely by Black Americans - usually Black women.

Her taking it for herself and pretending it was invented by her father is yet another example of appropriation and antiblackness.

Notice how she mentions having always been taught that cops are not to be trusted and having been to her first protest at age 7 (2001). In 2014, in the tweet right above this screenshot, she stated she began going to protests in 2009 (aged 15), and we were able to find another tweet in which she said that she began going to protests aged 16 (2010). That is definitely not how the story goes.

Before going back to her using Black people’s culture to give herself a background, we want to open a parenthesis regarding protests: it is fair to say that Len, despite her supposed activism, has never taken part in one and took no more action in her whole life than any ordinary student.

In this thread she mentions that she was at the 2011 protest:



Usually, “protest of 2011″ means the Global Protest that took place on October 15th. Not only was this protest almost nonexistent in France (3300 people participated in the whole country), but that day she was at home watching the Chelsea Football Club lose to Everton:


Vellios scored against Chelsea. OMG boy I love you(link,archive)

But what if she meant another protest that took place in the same year?

On November 4th there was another protest in France, Occupy la Défense, organized by leftists (for ideals Len supposedly supports). She had no idea of what was going on and joked about seeing cops as they walked by her:


The 15 cops armed to the teeth that just walked by behind me worry me a little, haha.(link,archive)

La Défense is located in the 2nd Arrondissement, while she lived and went to school in the 9th. The 2nd and 9th Arrondissements are neighboring, and it wouldn’t be too big of a stretch to say that the cops were going to sedate that protest. She had no idea that only a couple of streets over there was a protest.

For the entirety of 2011, this woman who tweets every single thing she does didn’t write about a single major protest, and the same thing can be said for the previous and following years. She never went to one and wasn’t even aware of them.

This is further validated by how, in the Oppression Rant, she describes the “MENA and Black boys” (what happened to the girls? Was she the only one brave enough to go?) who were supposedly her friends as stereotypical “thugs” with “shaved hair, beards, and wearing golden chains”. This imagery of MENA and Black men comes directly from Majid, a character played by Marwan Kenzari in the movie Wolf(picture 1and picture 2). The “boys from the hood” stereotypes that she used are virulentlyracist.Her ex-friends mentioned above also confirmed that those “MENA boys” never existed.

Who was she actually friends with? With the grandkid of the president of the French Football Federation, of course!


The president of the FFF is the grandfather of one of my friends.(link,archive)

And to end this parenthesis, in the Oppression Rant she mentions going to a “Hands Off Syria [demonstration],” grabbing a megaphone, and making a speech (what did she scream, no one knows - and probably she doesn’t either), and someone began targeting her. Not at the protest, but through magic ways this person was able to find her name, email, and phone number, and, according to her, began sending her pictures of the dismembered bodies of Kurdish women for weeks with the caption “You’re next”.

The group “Hands Off Syria” has a big social media presence. Per their Twitter header, this group is against “Zio-Imperialists and their collaborators in the Middle East”. The word “Zio” doesn’t mean “Zionist” or “Israel”, it means “Jews”, and it’s a dog whistle that further means “Jews control the media and the world”. This is an openly antisemitic organization that takes pride in it, but no one should be surprised that Len is interested in groups with these ideas regarding Jewish people: even as a teenager, she was a 9/11 truther and talked about the “blood of the New World Order,” another Illuminati-like antisemitic dog whistle(link,archive).

What is worse, at this point? That she pretended to have gone to a protest and then used the horrific pain and death of brown women to make herself the victim, or the fact that she was proud of supporting an openly antisemitic organization and still pretended to receive those pictures*? Or perhaps, worst of all, that she seems to have posted this Oppression rant filled with gory, unnerving, tear-jerking, attention-grabbingstoriesto distract from the fact that she was in the middle of receiving accusations of being antisemitic and defending a friend’s antisemitism,and had just openly and dismissively claimed that a Muslim woman of color was benefiting from white supremacy(link,archive)? Or that, as she was playing victim on Tumblr, she was bragging about “being cancelled on tungle dot hell,” downplaying what she had done in order to receive support, on Twitter (link,archive)?

*Because we like to be thorough and truthful, we looked at her Twitter to see if she had really complained about receiving those pictures, and we discovered that:

  1. She first complained about receiving those photos as


c:@maghrib-genova she’s gonna be disappointed i’m posting this unedited ver but i love this too much and besides i already wrote long tags for it lmao



Prompt list

You can find all the prompts for the entire month here. Each day has a different prompt. The notes in italics are merely suggestions and it’s therefore not mandatory to feature all (or any) in your work. The prompts are set in tables and you can save them to your device!

For the rules click here!

For a textpost version of the prompts click here!


The prompt list divided by each week and with details are under the Read More.

Keep reading

In development since the early 2000s and formally announced in 2014, BLACK ADAM

is closer to the big screen with the release of its trailer.

With a release date of October, this film would go great with a chaser of Shazam! Fury of the Gods (release date December 16, 2022).

I didn’t see Marwan Kenzari (THE OLD GUARD, ALADDIN) in the teaser so I assumed his role is small. And who knows, maybe it is, but seeing him in Quintessa Swindell’s photo (Swindell with play Cyclone/Maxine Hunkel, granddaughter of Red Tornado), at least gives me hope that he has something substantive to do.

Pierce Brosnan, Noah Centineo, Allison Hodge and Kenzari.


-BATGIRL wrapped in April.

Leslie Grace and her directors Adil El Arbi and Bilail Fallah.

WhoseMS. MARVEL has dropped on Disney+

-Set photos of BLUE BEETLE’s Xolo Maridueña.

-New image from director Todd Philips showing us that the JOKER sequel is, in fact, no joke.

Could the title be a hint to the storyline?

-You won’t have The Wonder Twins to kick around anymore. The proposed HBO Max film that would have starred KJ Apa (RIVERDALE) and Isabel May (1883). The reason being, sources say, is that new leadership under the merged Warner Bros. Discovery feels that they should be theatrical first minded, also the budget expected to be too much for what was considered niche characters.

-We Need to Talk About KevinThe Flash.

Rumours was that WB leadership met to discuss their Ezra Miller problem in light of the actor’s very public and very asinine behaviour that has gotten Miller arrested and hit with a restraining order.

There is no way WB will digitally replace Miller as some people thought would be a solution. Time will tell if Miller can get it together a year from now in time for the press tour for the film so that they won’t be a massive embarrassment. And if Miller doesn’t get their act together, we’re dealing with the multiverse, baby. There are other Flashes in other timelines.
