


Chapter 5 of Pretend with Me is here!

Read it on AO3 here

“Luck wasn’t Takahiro’s middle name.

No. When he had been born he took the queue for Dumbness and Wrong Decisions, blissfully missing the one labelled in gold with “LUCK” written in capitals.”

Interested about the previous chapter?
Read it here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/25674496/chapters/66563626


Chapter 5 of Pretend with Me is here!

Read it on AO3 here

“Luck wasn’t Takahiro’s middle name.

No. When he had been born he took the queue for Dumbness and Wrong Decisions, blissfully missing the one labelled in gold with “LUCK” written in capitals.”

Interested about the previous chapter?
Read it here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/25674496/chapters/66563626

Tumblr is not showing this in the tags once again!

Any reblog/like would help right now!

mookarts:a matsuhana i drew as a bday gift for a mutual on twitter!


a matsuhana i drew as a bday gift for a mutual on twitter!

Post link

oikawa: okay, let’s stop using the word “butthurt”, we’re not twelve anymore.

hanamaki: you sound fannytroubled.

matsukawa: a little bootybothered if you ask me.

iwaizumi: someone’s having a tushytantrum.

iwaizumi after seeing some people do something stupid: oh god what idiots

iwaizumi after realising they’re oikawa, hanamaki, and matsukawa: oh no those are my idiots
