

A Manservant’s Duty

Chapter 7Ao3 Link!!-EXPLICIT

Everyone knows it’s a manservant’s duty to look after his master’s manhood. Everyone except Merlin that is. Which makes for a very awkward and embarrassing series of attempts, and an angry, sexually frustrated prince… Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect!

Written for the @merlin-bad-sex-fest!!

Chapter 7/9

Biting his lip and trying to keep his breathing even, Merlin kept his hand moving at a steady pace. The sigh that Arthur let out sounded content and Merlin allowed himself a small smile. Finally. Finally he was doing something right.
The atmosphere in the room was just on the edge of uncomfortable, just this side of strange. But Merlin was determined to do everything possible to keep the awkwardness from the situation. He concentrated on the slightly irregular rise and fall of Arthur’s chest, the way he could see his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped.
Merlin twisted his hand, jerking Arthur at a slightly different angle. Arthur grunted, shifting his hips backwards and pushing at Merlin’s hand.
“No. I don’t like that.”
“What do you like?” Merlin whispered, stopping moving his hand and loosening his grip.
Arthur gave a whimper, his eyes screwed shut and his cheeks burning.
“I don’t know, I –” He squirmed and one fist slammed down into the mattress beside him in frustration. His jaw was clenched again, irritation burning in his eyes when he glared at Merlin as if it was Merlin’s fault that he didn’t know what he liked.

New chapters added every Wednesday and Saturday throughout July!

A Manservant’sDuty

Chapter 6Ao3 Link! -EXPLICIT

Everyone knows it’s a manservant’s duty to look after his master’s manhood. Everyone except Merlin that is. Which makes for a very awkward and embarrassing series of attempts, and an angry, sexually frustrated prince… Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect!

Written for @merlin-bad-sex-fest!!

Chapter 6/9

Part of Merlin wanted to run from the room before Arthur woke up, but the prince’s threats of stocks and flogging still hung in his mind. As did his vulnerable, anxious expression when he’d told Merlin how long it had been since he’d last spilled. And Merlin really did want to take that worry away from him.
He set his jaw in determination. He could do this. It was simple. Like Gaius had said. Just a perfunctory tug, tug, tug and release. Relieve him of the tension and anxiety so he could get on with the day. Don’t think too much and he’d be fine. He let his magic warm his hands, rubbing his fingers into his palms.
Swallowing around his suddenly dry tongue, he went to the window and opened the curtains. Light streamed into the room, bathing the sleeping prince in soft sunlight, his hair shining like spun gold. The image was beautiful and Merlin couldn’t help feeling a little better. If he had to perform such an intimate act for an almost stranger, at least he was an incredibly attractive one.
Arthur groaned and rolled onto his back, one hand shoving into his hair to brush the few strands that had stuck to his forehead off. He gave a tremendous yawn and blinked his eyes open. Staring up at the canopy of his bed for a moment before his head flopped to the side to look at Merlin. An apprehensive frown crossed his face as soon as he spotted Merlin nervously twisting his fingers together by the side of the bed. Then his gaze slid down his own body to the, now very obvious, tent in the blankets.
Merlin took a step closer. “I won’t fail you today, your Highness.”

New chapters added every Wednesday and Saturday throughout July!

guess what I’ve been watching

(edit: i gave it a little more of a bluish tone)
