#ligi writes



☀️Ao3 link!☀️

Rating: General Audiences-Pairing: Gwen/Arthur-Words: 1316

Pure fluffy fluff featuring Arthur taking Gwen for a picnic in the beautiful autumnal sunlit forest

Written for @arwenfest day 1 - Kisses(andSunlight) and @merlinbingo square - Nose Kisses (and bonus prompt Autumn)!!!


LIZ’s APPLES (for Albion Party 2021)

@little-ligi …so this lady brought us some pretty tasty apples for the apple pie 

(Gwaine certainly enjoyed himself in Week 4… WE KNOW WE DID DON’T WE MERLIN?

Anyway, beautiful art and naughty nsfw fic to be found here. Enjoy

Week 1, Ignite Your Bones (resurrection fic) 

(Ao3 link)

Week 2, Mordred (art) 

(Ao3 link )

Week 3, Sir Gwaine and the Green Knight (art)

(Ao3 link)

Week 4, Green (smut fic!) (NSFW & not joking when 2 x are involved: Arthur/Gwaine/Merlin)

(Ao3 link)

A Manservant’s Duty

Chapter 7Ao3 Link!!-EXPLICIT

Everyone knows it’s a manservant’s duty to look after his master’s manhood. Everyone except Merlin that is. Which makes for a very awkward and embarrassing series of attempts, and an angry, sexually frustrated prince… Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect!

Written for the @merlin-bad-sex-fest!!

Chapter 7/9

Biting his lip and trying to keep his breathing even, Merlin kept his hand moving at a steady pace. The sigh that Arthur let out sounded content and Merlin allowed himself a small smile. Finally. Finally he was doing something right.
The atmosphere in the room was just on the edge of uncomfortable, just this side of strange. But Merlin was determined to do everything possible to keep the awkwardness from the situation. He concentrated on the slightly irregular rise and fall of Arthur’s chest, the way he could see his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped.
Merlin twisted his hand, jerking Arthur at a slightly different angle. Arthur grunted, shifting his hips backwards and pushing at Merlin’s hand.
“No. I don’t like that.”
“What do you like?” Merlin whispered, stopping moving his hand and loosening his grip.
Arthur gave a whimper, his eyes screwed shut and his cheeks burning.
“I don’t know, I –” He squirmed and one fist slammed down into the mattress beside him in frustration. His jaw was clenched again, irritation burning in his eyes when he glared at Merlin as if it was Merlin’s fault that he didn’t know what he liked.

New chapters added every Wednesday and Saturday throughout July!

A Manservant’sDuty

Chapter 6Ao3 Link! -EXPLICIT

Everyone knows it’s a manservant’s duty to look after his master’s manhood. Everyone except Merlin that is. Which makes for a very awkward and embarrassing series of attempts, and an angry, sexually frustrated prince… Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect!

Written for @merlin-bad-sex-fest!!

Chapter 6/9

Part of Merlin wanted to run from the room before Arthur woke up, but the prince’s threats of stocks and flogging still hung in his mind. As did his vulnerable, anxious expression when he’d told Merlin how long it had been since he’d last spilled. And Merlin really did want to take that worry away from him.
He set his jaw in determination. He could do this. It was simple. Like Gaius had said. Just a perfunctory tug, tug, tug and release. Relieve him of the tension and anxiety so he could get on with the day. Don’t think too much and he’d be fine. He let his magic warm his hands, rubbing his fingers into his palms.
Swallowing around his suddenly dry tongue, he went to the window and opened the curtains. Light streamed into the room, bathing the sleeping prince in soft sunlight, his hair shining like spun gold. The image was beautiful and Merlin couldn’t help feeling a little better. If he had to perform such an intimate act for an almost stranger, at least he was an incredibly attractive one.
Arthur groaned and rolled onto his back, one hand shoving into his hair to brush the few strands that had stuck to his forehead off. He gave a tremendous yawn and blinked his eyes open. Staring up at the canopy of his bed for a moment before his head flopped to the side to look at Merlin. An apprehensive frown crossed his face as soon as he spotted Merlin nervously twisting his fingers together by the side of the bed. Then his gaze slid down his own body to the, now very obvious, tent in the blankets.
Merlin took a step closer. “I won’t fail you today, your Highness.”

New chapters added every Wednesday and Saturday throughout July!

My AO3 - Question Time

Thank you so much for the tag @arthur-rex!

How many works do you have on Ao3? 140…. I can’t quite believe that… I’ve only been on Ao3 for about 13months…

What’s your total Ao3 word count? 303,317

How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? In the past 15 years or so I have written for (that I can remember) 10 fandoms. In order (I think) Harry Potter, Tamora Pierce, Twilight, Merlin, Supernatural, Glee, Gilmore Girls, Dragon Age, Thunderbirds and Medici. But the only ones I still write now are Harry Potter and Merlin. Only a small fraction of these ever got published online. And only my Merlin fics are on Ao3!

What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (watch me turn this into shameless self promotion )

1)Secrets & Lies - Merthur - Arthur knows about Merlin’s magic and has to stop anyone else finding out.

2)Identity Reveal - BAMF Merlin magic reveal.

3)But You Love Me - Merthur - fluffy love confession after Merlin gets hurt protecting Arthur.

4)Caged - Different first meeting - Merlin caught by a witchfinder and brought to Camelot.

And then these two are tied right now with the same number of kudos:

5)Blackberries, Griffins and a Kiss For You - Mercelot - Lancelot buying gifts for Merlin.

5) “Huddling for Warmth” - Merthur - What it says on the tin, fluffy get together!

Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! I feel like if someone has taken the time to tell me they like my fics, then I want to let them know that their comments made me smile! Although sometimes it takes me a long time to get around to doing so because when I first read nice comments all I am capable of doing is making incoherent happy noises and grinning at my laptop screen.

What is the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? ProbablyDefiance - I even added a note at the end with a reassurance that it doesn’t actually end in the way it seems to! (Despite the sad ending, please do read it though! It’s Arthur trying to defy Uther in a matter of using magic to save Merlin’s life…) 

Do you write crossovers? Not really.

Have you ever received hate on a fic? Once. It was truly horrible and it almost put me off writing for a while, but some lovely people in the fandom encouraged me to ignore it and carry on!

Do you write smut? If so, what kind?  I do indeed! All different kinds! I started with a rather longer than I expected Gwaincelot fic at the end of 2020, and then after a few more here and there, I opened the floodgates with Kinkalot!(More shameless self promotion of course - I shouldn’t be allowed to answer questions like this, I just turn the whole thing into a personal advert! )

Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of! I hope not.

Have you ever had a fic translated? About ten years ago or so one of my Glee fanfics was translated into Italian. The girl who translated it was lovely and translated all the reviews back into English for me as well!

Have you ever co-written a fic before? Me and my sister have co-written several Harry Potter fics together - but we’ve never finished any of them - maybe this year we’ll get to that….

What’s your all time favourite ship? Merthur. Hands down. It was my first ever ship and it will always be my favourite. But close second are Mercelot and Arwen and, of course, Gwaincelot (and many more!)

What’s a wip you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I currently have 81 wips…. I really want to finish all of them, of course, but I know some of them will never be done.

What are your writing strengths? I think I’m good at description and little details to make things really seem real. And lots of people tell me I’m good at writing dialogue - which I find weird, because I would have said that was one of my weaknesses!

What are your writing weaknesses? Sentence structure - I use far too many commas and run-on sentences. And too many adverbs. And sticking to a plan! I never stick to the plans I make before I start writing. And I’m not great at thinking up complex plots for long stories - although I would love to be able to write them.

What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Oooh I love it, I’ve done a little bit of French, Italian and Spanish for a couple of bilingual characters in other fandoms before. And for Merlin fics I do it a lot. Using Old English for Merlin’s spells - creating new spells is one of my favourite things to do!

What was the first fandom you wrote for? Unofficially, Harry Potter - but that was before I had ever even heard of fanfiction or fandom, as far as I was concerned I was just playing writing with the characters. The first thing I deliberately chose to write and publish fanfiction for was… Twilight. 

What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? Oh dear, that’s like asking a mum to choose between her children! I know it sounds arrogant, but I really do like all of my published fics - I wouldn’t publish them if I didn’t like them myself. Ummm… Can I pick three??? It’s my blog, I can do what I want. I’m going to pick three that I really like but that have been slightly overlooked in hit numbers on Ao3 (just because I am an utterly, utterly shameless self promoting prat)

1) Rub-Dub, Just Relaxing in My Tub - Ace Leon having a nice relaxing bath whilst all the other knights go to a brothel. 

2) Of Tea and Dragons - Arwen - This is the first ever modern AU I wrote, Gwen meeting Arthur and Merlin in a tea shop.

3) The Prince’s Breakfast - Pre-slash Merthur - Morning domesticity interrupted by a cute kitten!

I know, I know. Ignore my self-indulgent promoting. But what’s tumblr for if not for advertising your fics! Ok, I’m done now! I promise! 

Tagging: I haven’t been around on tumblr for a while so I have no idea who has already done this, so I am tagging ANYONE WHO SEES THIS AND WANTS TO DO IT!!! (Anyone who managed to wade through all of my self promotion deserves to do a little promoting themselves too!!)


A Boyfriend is Not Just for Christmas


HappyChristmaseveryone! Have a modern AU Merthur fake dating fic!

Rating: Teen and Up

Words: 24,256

Summary: To make his mate, Will, stop teasing him, Merlin makes up a boyfriend. The only problem is, his mum now wants him to bring his boyfriend to the family Christmas party.

Merlin has to persaude his sort of friend, Arthur, to pretend to be that boyfriend for the party. Surely they can fake being in love for one day…

Featuring fluff, banter, arguments and confessions, with a splash of pining and obliviousness on the side. All topped up with Christmas spirit!


Snippet:Chapter1- under the cut!

Merlin looked up from his plate of rum cake, poking his tongue out to catch the sticky crumbs off his bottom lip, when his mum walked into the room, still talking on the phone.  

“… yes, see you on Saturday, Uncle Gaius,” she was saying. “And you’ll finally get to meet Merlin’s boyfriend… Yes, I know! Absolutely lovely…”

Merlin had frozen at the word boyfriend, his next forkful of cake halted halfway to his mouth, his jaw dropped open in surprise.

Keep reading

Epilogue up now!✨❄️


A Boyfriend is Not Just for Christmas


HappyChristmaseveryone! Have a modern AU Merthur fake dating fic!

Rating: Teen and Up

Words: 22,273

Summary: When Merlin’s mate, Will, was teasing him about being single, Merlin cracked and simply invented a boyfriend to make Will shut up. Things got a little out of hand when Merlin continued to embellish the lie until he had a fully-formed pretend serious boyfriend that his mum wanted him to bring to the family Christmas party…

It was only when his friend, Gwen, pointed out that the boyfriend Merlin had made up sounded a bit like Arthur that the idea of asking the prat to pretend to be his boyfriend at the party formed. Perhaps not the best idea ever - Merlin just hoped to be able to make it through the party without anyone guessing the truth.



Merlin looked up from his plate of rum cake, poking his tongue out to catch the sticky crumbs off his bottom lip, when his mum walked into the room, still talking on the phone.  

“… yes, see you on Saturday, Uncle Gaius,” she was saying. “And you’ll finally get to meet Merlin’s boyfriend… Yes, I know! Absolutely lovely… Alright, bye.”

Merlin had frozen at the word boyfriend, his next forkful of cake halted halfway to his mouth, his jaw dropped open in surprise.

“Cup of tea, Merlin? Hello? Merlin?” Hunith snapped her fingers in front of his face to get his attention. “Tea?”

Merlin’s fork dropped back to his plate. “Oh, uh…” He shook his head quickly to focus on what his mum had just said. “Yes please.”

“I was going to offer you a piece of rum cake as well, but I see you’ve already found it.” Hunith gave him a fondly reproachful glare.

He grinned sheepishly. “It’s very good.”

“As long as there’s enough left for Dad when he gets home.”

“I’ve only had one slice!” Merlin protested.

Raising her eyebrows, his mum tipped the red sparkly cake tin towards him, showing how much of the cake was missing. “One slice?”

“Ok, so it was a big slice…” Merlin hedged, licking his lips again enthusiastically. “But it’s really yummy!”

“Thank you,” Hunith said with a soft chuckle, then tutted and cut herself a small slice. She ruffled Merlin’s hair, poured two cups of tea and came to sit at the table beside him.

Chewing slowly, Merlin swallowed his mouthful and took a gulp of tea, before looking up at his mother. “Mum…” – she hummed questioningly – “Why did you tell Gaius that he’d get to meet my boyfriend?”

Keep reading

A Boyfriend is Not Just for Christmas


HappyChristmaseveryone! Have a modern AU Merthur fake dating fic!

Rating: Teen and Up

Words: 24,256

Summary: To make his mate, Will, stop teasing him, Merlin makes up a boyfriend. The only problem is, his mum now wants him to bring his boyfriend to the family Christmas party.

Merlin has to persaude his sort of friend, Arthur, to pretend to be that boyfriend for the party. Surely they can fake being in love for one day…

Featuring fluff, banter, arguments and confessions, with a splash of pining and obliviousness on the side. All topped up with Christmas spirit!


Snippet:Chapter1- under the cut!

Merlin looked up from his plate of rum cake, poking his tongue out to catch the sticky crumbs off his bottom lip, when his mum walked into the room, still talking on the phone.  

“… yes, see you on Saturday, Uncle Gaius,” she was saying. “And you’ll finally get to meet Merlin’s boyfriend… Yes, I know! Absolutely lovely…”

Merlin had frozen at the word boyfriend, his next forkful of cake halted halfway to his mouth, his jaw dropped open in surprise.

“Cup of tea, Merlin? Hello? Merlin?” Hunith snapped her fingers in front of his face to get his attention. “Tea?”

Merlin’s fork dropped back to his plate. “Oh, uh…” He shook his head quickly to focus on what his mum had just said. “Yes please.”

“I was going to offer you a piece of rum cake as well, but I see you’ve already found it.” Hunith gave him a fondly reproachful glare.

He grinned sheepishly. “It’s very good.”

“As long as there’s enough left for Dad when he gets home.”

“I’ve only had one slice!” Merlin protested.

Raising her eyebrows, his mum tipped the red sparkly cake tin towards him, showing how much of the cake was missing. “One slice?”

“Ok, so it was a big slice…” Merlin hedged, licking his lips again enthusiastically. “But it’s really yummy!”

“Thank you,” Hunith said with a soft chuckle, then tutted and cut herself a small slice. She ruffled Merlin’s hair, poured two cups of tea and came to sit at the table beside him.

Chewing slowly, Merlin swallowed his mouthful and took a gulp of tea, before looking up at his mother. “Mum…” – she hummed questioningly – “Why did you tell Gaius that he’d get to meet my boyfriend?”

“Because he will, won’t he? James is coming to the Christmas party, yes?”

Oh shit! ‘James’ was the boyfriend that Merlin had made up a few weeks ago when his mate, Will, had been teasing him about being single. Again. For about the hundredth time. His mum had overheard and had been so happy for him, that he hadn’t been able to bring himself to tell her that it wasn’t true. And then things had got a little out of hand when Merlin’s ridiculous imagination and inability to just shut up had meant he continued to embellish the lie until James was a fully formed serious boyfriend that his mum couldn’t wait to meet.

“Uh… I’m not sure if he can make it. I, um, think he might be busy.”

Hunith looked crestfallen. “Oh, that’s such a shame, Merlin. Everyone was so looking forward to meeting him.”

So am I, Merlin thought to himself, stuffing another large forkful of rum cake into his mouth to give himself a moment to think.

“Does James know how important it is to you that he’s here?” Hunith asked, patting Merlin’s hand.

“Um… no…?” Merlin shrugged, chewing his cake slowly as his brain whirred with panic, desperately trying to think up a solution.

“Oh, Merlin sweetheart.” Now his mum looked genuinely sad and Merlin felt his heart clench. “I just don’t want you to be lonely this year.” She shuffled her chair a little closer to his and stroked his hair softly. “I know Will will be bringing – oh, um, I’ve forgotten the name of this one… And Mordred is bringing Kara…”

And that was a bit of a kick in the teeth too; his younger cousin Mordred, barely even seventeen, already had a serious relationship before Merlin had managed to get one.

“I’ll, uh…” Merlin wracked his brain for a way out of the situation. And settled for a lame option to hopefully buy himself a little more thinking time. “I’ll talk to him.”  With that he leapt up from his seat, scooped the last bit of cake into his mouth before hurrying to the dishwasher and shoving his plate and fork in. “I’d best go and get ready for work.”

As soon as he was out of his mum’s eye-line in the hallway, he turned and thunked his head against the wall, groaning quietly to himself. How did he always manage to get himself stuck in such situations?

This was chapter 1, please click HERE to read the rest!!

Written for @merlinchristmasbingoand@merlinbingo’s December flash bingo!


When you’re writing a long fic and then in the middle a character makes a decision that completely screws up all of the plans you’ve made for the rest of the fic…
