#meth clouds blowin clouds


Now that’s a cloud!!

Created by @last-week-of-tweak … Follow him for more great videos!!


We have a mega hater. This blog is taking pics/vids from us Tweaker Girls and tagging various news outlets, I’m guessing to bring attention to our family.

The blog is tweakergirlsluts

Report and block!!



Totally friggin badass!

Created by @last-week-of-tweak

Check out his blog and give him a follow!








We all have one. You know, your tweak, your dope stuck, the one thing you do every time you get high, it’s as addictive as the drug and you can’t get yourself to stop at times.. And don’t worry, Ive seen alot of diff ones, anything from a more complex tweak, to a simple one that would usually go unnoticed.. So don’t feel embarrassed if yours is a little strange lol.

So, my fellow tweakers, what’s your tweak? ☺️

my tweak is a LOT of things, varying from word searches , theme HTML editing , smoking cigarettes lmao , & almost ANYTHING that has to deal with #AndroidHacks or AndroidTips haha

Pharmaceuticals and their names :) Actually wanna be a pharmacist when i “grow up” so my tweak is hella useful and it’s a headstart ahaa :3

I dont have one !!! I want my tweak thing so bad because rn the closest to It is my phone and I don’t like that at all. ;,( help me find a tweak thing!

Taking videos of me getting high lmao

@tweeeeeak me too love tweaking for hours on my gas mask trying to make it more powerful than before and strapping it up to take monster ass clouds while I tape it and later edit it for all yall bad ass like minded people to see ;) so check my blog out yall

I see I’m not the only one lol…Tumblr of course! Taking pics & vids and adding different edits and filters to them…aka tweakart! Must have music playing. Tweaks to my dashboard. Looking shit up.

Where are my tweaker buddies at?? I just slammed this beautiful shot right here and I’m amazingly spun. So I apologize in advance for anything I say or do from this point forward. With the way I feel… Anything is possible lol… All I can say for certain is I have an overwhelming desire for a tweaker buddy to be here with me to have fun with but most likely that isn’t a possibility tonight …so I need Tumblr distraction… So hmu, send me submissions, crazy anons.. anything lol

I know I’m nicely spun when I start getting frustrated with my keyboard for not keeping up with the speed at which I’m typing and auto correct hasn’t auto corrected one damn word correctly!

It’s totally the phone’s fault and couldn’t possibly be tweaker error
