#the official tweaker nation


The syringe may be sterile, but the dope is not…

I’m never shooting up again…4 days after surgery and this is what my arm looks like. I can’t even tell you how fucking painful it is…

Be careful out there guys!!


Is there anyone that could possibly put $5 in my cash app or PayPal so I can grab something to eat before I go to the hospital?

I’m definitely going….the pain, swelling, and redness are getting worse. I can’t move my fingers at all. I just really need to eat something first.

Just found this in my draft box from about a week ago. Must have been nicely spun to just let it sit there…

Ever since I started this CamGirl stuff my blog has shifted more towards that rather than my Tweak Shit. So I created a separate blog as an outlet to speak freely and totally uncensored about all my kinks, desires, turn ons, pretty much anything sex related. Come check it out!! 

Krissy Hayden Porn Blog 

If you like what you see then be sure to follow me!

How are all my favorite tweakers?? I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately. I’ve been out of commission for the past week dealing with an extremely swollen and painful foot. I think it started as gout but now I’m not so sure. I probably should have gone to the hospital when it first started but I’m stubborn and not a fan of them. Although everyone is starting to scare me by telling me how bad it looks and telling me their horror stories so I’ll probably go tomorrow if it’s not any better.

But anyway, got some new goodies in the mail this week and couldn’t resist showing y'all!! Bout to upload some pics now so be sure to check em out!







We all have one. You know, your tweak, your dope stuck, the one thing you do every time you get high, it’s as addictive as the drug and you can’t get yourself to stop at times.. And don’t worry, Ive seen alot of diff ones, anything from a more complex tweak, to a simple one that would usually go unnoticed.. So don’t feel embarrassed if yours is a little strange lol.

So, my fellow tweakers, what’s your tweak? ☺️

my tweak is a LOT of things, varying from word searches , theme HTML editing , smoking cigarettes lmao , & almost ANYTHING that has to deal with #AndroidHacks or AndroidTips haha

Pharmaceuticals and their names :) Actually wanna be a pharmacist when i “grow up” so my tweak is hella useful and it’s a headstart ahaa :3

I dont have one !!! I want my tweak thing so bad because rn the closest to It is my phone and I don’t like that at all. ;,( help me find a tweak thing!

Taking videos of me getting high lmao

@tweeeeeak me too love tweaking for hours on my gas mask trying to make it more powerful than before and strapping it up to take monster ass clouds while I tape it and later edit it for all yall bad ass like minded people to see ;) so check my blog out yall

I see I’m not the only one lol…Tumblr of course! Taking pics & vids and adding different edits and filters to them…aka tweakart! Must have music playing. Tweaks to my dashboard. Looking shit up.
