#mha x reader



Alien Bakugou Pt. 2

A/n: Happy Birthday you blonde grenade

Cw: one unwanted kiss, an tiny fight, baku’s heart breaking

The following day you grumbled softly as the sounds of crashes and bangs abruptly woke you from slumber. “What the hell is going on?” you complain as your groggily open your eyes to see the eight-foot mass’ tail sticking out of the door as you hear rummaging through your downstairs bathroom.

“Ugh, it’s too early for this shit…what are you doing?”

“Xaawuzs rad ftmf tqmxuzs imfqd mzp odqmy kag bgf az yq.”

Noticing the alien scratching and biting at his bandages, you make your way over to him, pulling his arm away from his sharp-fanged mouth. Rolling your eyes, you inspect the gauze on his side and shoulder. “I need to change your bandages. Come here.”

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We’ll Be Right Back

A/n: I honestly am just making these randomly, but I got inspired by @headcannonxgalore and came up with this!

Pairing: Gamer!Hitoshi x Short/avg height reader


WC: 625

“Why did I get stuck with the short end of the gene stick?!”

A shout interrupted Hitoshi’s Minecraft stream. The chat erupted in emojis and comments as he stopped the game for a second. Hitoshi looked up from his switch towards the camera. Huh?Pausing for a moment as he heard a yell from the kitchen. Was that (Y/n)?

“Almost got it….God damn it!”

That was definitely (Y/n). Chuckling to himself, he checked out the chat answering a couple of questions before hearing another shout. “I’ll be right back guys,” he grins before muting his mic and putting the BRB banner he had for his channel.

Making his way down the hallway, he snickers as he sees you kneeling on the countertop, trying to reach something in the back of the top shelf. He knew you were a little “height challenged” and that sometimes things would be out of reach, assuming he didn’t place objects higher up just to see you try to get them down. “Hey, kitten. Need help?”

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Magic of Retail

pairing: katsuki bakugo x fem!reader

summary: more nervous bakugo more nervous bakugo more nervous bakugo

warning: some swearing

a/n: indulgent as frick! i just wanted a place to post so dont expect much lol

  • Y/n didn’t really like opening shifts
  • They were too boring cuz no one goes to the mall at 10 in the morning
  • But let’s formerly meet her, yea?
  • Meet retail y/n
  • She works at a gift/retail store. The products r like pop culture stuff like favorite shows and movies
  • Y/n is a pretty damn good sales associate too, probably the best you can find
  • She knows how to talk to people and find them the perfect gift
  • She’s hardworking
  • Charismatic
  • And not to mention totally effortlessly gorgeous
  • She may be just folding some shirts but she looks damn good doing it
  • “Why did I have to come with you, shitty hair?”
  • U can already guess who entered the gift shop ಠ_ಠ
  • “You already know Mina’s birthday is coming up and we gotta get her the best gift, man” Kiri expressed with a sigh
  • Y/n perked up as she overheard a opportunity to get a sale, she makes her way over, all pretty and all
  • “Hey guys! Are we looking for any favorite shows or movies today?” Y/n said for the trillionth time that day
  • “Oh, yeah! Actually. We are looking for a gift and I know she likes this show,” Kirishima offers his phone to show a poster/pic of said show, “If you guys have anything with the show?”
  • While Kirishima was talking, but Bakugo was too busy looking at how pretty you were
  • like you know in those movies when the opposing love interest walks in and it seems as if they are walking in slo mo? With the wind rushing through their hair and there is a spotlight on solely on them?
  • Yeah, Bakugo never believed in love at first sight
  • But with you, he might consider it
  • N E WAYS
  • back to looking for Mina’s bday gift :D
  • Y/n leads them to the section in which had Mina’s fav show at the moment
  • “Yeah, so we have some apparel items, but mostly merchandise items as of right now as it is a popular show” Y/n informs Kiri and love struck Bakugo
  • Bakugo got heart eyes dead ass
  • Mf looking like (。♥‿♥。)
  • but to you he sort of looks creepy with the dumbfound expression lol
  • “Wow! Thanks so much, this is great!"Kirishima
  • Yeah, got ya! My name’s y/n if you need anything
  • Some time passes and Kirishima has found the perfect gift
  • He asks for bakugo’s opinion and he says, “yeah, Pinky’s gonna love that” in a gruff voice
  • Acting as if he doesn’t want be there
  • But secretly he keeps making glances at you while you are refolding shirts
  • Y/n makes her rounds around the store and stood by the pair, “found a good gift, guys?”
  • “Yeah! Thanks for your help. I think we are ready to check out” Kiri adds
  • And bakugo realizes the window of seeing you is closing
  • However Kiri ends up going through the transaction and they end up leaving the store
  • Much to bakugo’s internal dismay
  • They go to a couple of different stores and it looks like their shopping spree is about to end
  • But
  • Bakugo takes his chances and mutters to Kiri, “I left something, I’ll meet you at the pretzel stand, then we’ll go”
  • Kiri is confused
  • Bakugo doesn’t really carry a lot of stuff with him
  • But he goes along and agrees
  • Bakugo runs
  • I mean sprints
  • Back to that same gift shop you’re working at
  • Hoping that you are still working you’re shift
  • He gets there, a bit panting
  • He walks around
  • Scouting the area
  • He doesn’t see you :(
  • He is frowning
  • Did he miss his chance
  • He looks down
  • “Finding everything okay? Oh, hi again! What’s up”
  • It was like music to his ears
  • He looks up and sees you in all your pretty glory
  • In reality, u just came back from ur 15 minute break
  • But to bakugo he felt it was destiny maybe
  • He just stared at you
  • He didn’t realize he didn’t respond
  • Did I say something wrong..??? Y/n thought
  • “Just looking at the key chains…I’m guessing haha” y/n tries to play off this conversation
  • “Y-yeah I was looking if you guys had a different size” bakugo just throws out there in desperation of saying anything
  • ( •︠ˍ•︡ )
  • Bakugo forgot he was standing in front of the keychain stand.
  • There’s no sizes for the keychains
  • They r all one size
  • No varying size here
  • Bakugo felt his cheeks go warm in embarrassment
  • “I-I mean-”
  • He gets cut off by your laugh
  • Oh, what a beautiful sound it was
  • He could here it all day
  • Your laughter dies down a bit and you say, “unfortunately, all of our keychain sizes don’t vary so this is what we have” with wiping a stray tear from laughing
  • “Right, uh, I’m” bakugo looks at the keychain stand
  • He stares at it hard
  • None of the keychains look familiar to him
  • So he just picks one at random
  • “I’m gonna get this one and I’ll be ready to check out.” He manages
  • “Perfect! I’ll ring you up on the first register”
  • (Side note: y/n is actually not on register. She was a wing woman for the day, mainly just getting sales and talking to customers. But she found this blonde customer really cute and wanted to keep talking to him. So she hopped on register for this transaction)
  • (But don’t tell bakugo that shhh)
  • Bakugo swears his heart is gonna beat out of his chest at any moment
  • So you guys are going through the transaction like normal and u ask
  • “So what’s you’re fav character from (insert your fav show or movie)”
  • Bakugo freezes
  • Uhhhh
  • Should he know this??
  • “You’re keychain, it’s from (fav show or movie) ofc haha I really like it too”
  • Bakugo feels his head go a bit dizzy
  • Shit
  • Literal red sirens go off in his head
  • He doesn’t know anything about this show/movie
  • He looks down at the keychain for help
  • It doesn’t give any help tho ಥ_ಥ
  • Bakugo decides to come clean, “to be honest, I only got this so I can talk to you” he says all in one breathe
  • Now you are the one who doesn’t know what to say
  • He???did?this??to???talk?to?your??pretty??face????
  • How sweet awww
  • You turn into a tomato
  • You’re heart rate picks up
  • U start sweating a bit from the heat
  • “U-uh well” you look down awkwardly and immediately print the receipt, hastily pick up a coupon and scribble something, placing his item in a bag and handing it to him, “thank you! Have a great rest of your day!”
  • Bakugo stared at you
  • He definitely messed up
  • He wanted to kick himself
  • “I- oh, uh. Thank….you” he said quietly
  • He walks out of the store with his bag
  • Dazed from the encounter while he meets back with Kiri who is chowing down on a pretzel
  • “U want some bakugo?”
  • “No”
  • Bakugo’s too sad
  • He really ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
  • He should’ve said something more cool
  • Both are walking back, specifically to the bus stop
  • They get on the bus
  • Bakugo gets the window seat
  • He stares out the window with all the melancholy he can muster
  • He looks at the mall, thinking of you, and sighs
  • He looks down at his bag
  • He notices the coupon
  • There’s black marker on it
  • He scrunches his eyebrows
  • He reaches down into the bag, grabbing the coupon
  • It’s a 30% off coupon for his next purchase
  • Hm, not bad
  • He flips it over
  • And there it is
  • A phone number hastily written in black marker
  • Bakugo’s eyes go wide
  • A small smile makes its way onto his face
  • Kiri turns and notices said smile. He gets suspicious hmmm
  • Bakugo quickly shoves the coupon into the bag
  • “Happy with what you got?” Kiri asks quizzically at his friend
  • Why?
  • Oh, because bakugo is smiling down at this brown paper bag
  • Let me repeat that
  • Kiri thinks this is like a milestone
  • “Yeah, I’m happy with what I got” he answers

Shouldn’t You Be with Them Pt. 2

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

Part One

Apologies and working it out after getting upset with the partner after basically being ignored and/or forgotten.

Featuring: Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Eijiro, Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shoto, Midoriya Izuku, & Shinso Hitoshi

Bakugou: 3rd POV

Bakugou walked to his room in a daze. He would stop every now and again to go back down but would hold himself back. He got to his door and paused. He glanced to the side at Kirishima’s door. Bakugou had to know.

“Kirishima?” He walked in. The red head stopped beating against his punching bag and looked at the blonde. Bakugou never called him by his name unless something was up.

“What’s up bro?” He said, giving him all his attention. Bakugou sat down on the bed.

“Have we been spending a lot of time together lately?” Bakugou asked. Kiri thought about it for a moment.

“Yeah we have. In and out of school and training. Why are you asking?” He looked at the blonde in wonder.

“Because… Y/N just went off on me for being MIA. Talking about `I shouldn’t drop plans with you to spend time with them.’ I mean…” Bakugou was talking so softly. “I didn’t think I was dropping things with them but…”

“Well, if I remember right. You haven’t really spent any time with them as of late. Only during lunch and class but not really outside of school.” Kiri rubbed the back of his neck. “I was starting to wonder if something had happened between you two.”

“Not that I’m aware of but…I think I messed up majorlyShit.” He ran a hand down his face. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Maybe start with actually going to them and talking.” Kiri offered. Kat nodded.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll do that. Bye Kiri.” He walked out and went to Y/N’s room. He hesitated before knocking on the door. He heard rustling inside before they came to the door.

“Hey Kat.” They said as they opened the door. He was surprised that they knew it was him before seeing him. “I can tell by the way you knock that it was you.”


I watched as he processed that information. I leant against the door jam as he tried to find something to say. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck with a lost, sad look on his face. He was really all over the place. What I said must have really affected him. To be honest, I felt really bad for going about this the way I did.

“Why don’t you come in?” I stepped back and he walked in sheepishly. He stood in the middle of the room even when I sat down on the floor. I sighed and grabbed his hand. I pulled him to the floor with me before cuddling up to his side, under his arm.

“I… What are you doing?” He asked.

“I want to cuddle. I also want to apologize for jumping you like that.” I said while nosing his neck.

“Ha. I don’t think you have anything to be sorry for.” He said. I looked up as he covered his eyes with his hand. “I needed a life check. I didn’t realize what I was doing or what I wasn’t doing. I even asked Kirishima and he thought we were having problems and that’s why I was spending so much time with him. So, I need to be the are apologizing.”

“You aren’t used to relationships Kat. Romantic and friendship. It’s a bit getting used too.” I said. He smiled and kissed me.

“You’re so understanding. You don’t have to try and make an excuse for me. I knew what I was getting into when I confessed to you. I should have been better.”


“For once… I am the dumbass.” He whispered. I cupped his face. “I’ll be better, I promise. Don’t be afraid to yell at me if I get out of line again.”

“I’ll have to take you up on that. A reason to yell at Bakugou Katsuki and get away with it. Yes!” I cheered. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Alright, alright.” He gruffed. He got up and scooped me up from the ground. I scrambled to hold onto him. He unceremoniously dropped me before laying ontop of me. He laid between my legs and set his head on my chest. He held me tight.

“What are you doing, blasty?” I ran my fingers through his hair.

“You wanted to cuddle, we’re going to cuddle. Got it?” He grumbled. I laughed but agreed. Especially after I saw how late it was.

Kirishima: Y/N’s POV

I was curled up in bed under my blankets as soon as I got back to my room. I sniffled and really wished Kiri was here to cuddle with me but not gonna happen at the moment. I sighed before deciding to just sleep it off for now.

3rd POV

As soon as L/N disappeared upstairs, Bakugou was yelling at Kiri and dragging him away from the others. He chided and yelled at the red head as he drug him off to the kitchen.

“What the hell, Shitty hair? Seriously?” He snapped and hit the man in the chest.

“What? What is going on?” Kiri rubbed the spot Bakugou hit him. He was really confused. 

“Damn, fuck. You are so dense sometimes!” Bakugou groaned heavily and face palmed. “You can’t even see when your own partner needs you! Do you even realize how much you’ve been bailing on them recently? Huh?”

“I, I, um…” Kiri stumbled over his words. He thought back to the past few weeks. He remembers seeing them but not for long before running off somewhere with Kami or Mina or someone else. The dejected look on their face popped up in his memory. “Oh man…”

“They think you don’t care for them anymore. That you don’t want to be with them anymore.” Bakugou crossed his arms and glared. Kiri looked at him shocked.

“They said that!?” His voice pitched and cracked. He felt panic start to rise in his chest.

“Well, no. But I could read it plain as day on them… Unlike you it seems.” Kiri flinched and his gaze fell to the floor. His lip wobbled as tears threatened to fall. He clenched his fists.

“Fuck…” He bites his lip and his quirk rippled across his skin.

“What are you still doing here?” Bakugou growled. He grabbed Kiri by the front of his shirt. “Go you dumb head. And DON’T stop for those extras out there.”

“Right!” He went to pull away but couldn’t because of Bakugou’s grip. “Uh man?”

“Don’t screw up again.” Was all he said before shoving him back towards the common room. Kiri quickly ran for the stairs ignoring the others yelling for him. He nearly tripped multiple times before actually tripping at your door.


I jumped in fright as a loud thud pulled me out of my dozing state. I shook my head to try and clear it. I turned to look at the door for a moment before I finally heard a groan from the other side.

“Crap!” I got up and went to the door. I opened it and saw Kiri on his back, lowly groaning. “Kiri! Are you alright?” I knelt next to him, forgetting about everything else.

“Yeah. Just winded.” He said softly. I helped him sit up. He looked at me with sad eyes. He took my hands in his and brought them up to his lips. “I am so sorry.”

“Huh?” I looked at him confused. “Why are you apologizing for falling?” I asked. His gaze shot up to meet mine and his eyes widened before he started chuckling. I cocked my head to the side. He got up and picked me up off the floor. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. 

“You have such a big heart, love. I get hurt and you automatically put your hurt feelings on the back burner.” He sat us down on my bed. I wilted a little when I remembered what he was talking about. He nuzzled my cheek and hair. “I am so sorry. I was so stupid for not seeing what I was doing. If I hadn’t any time soon, I think Bakubro would have beat it into me.”

“I’m sure.” I giggled. He smiled before it dropped.

“I still want you. I couldn’t imagine being in life without you now. It was unmanly of me to let you think that I didn’t want to spend time with you.” He hugged me tight and buried his face in my neck. “I am sorry.”

“Kiri… Can we go get some fries?” I asked. He looked at me confused. “I want something salty to go with the sweetest man in the world.” I kissed his nose. He smiled big and bumped our noses.

“Of course. Anything for you, baby.”

Denki: 3rd POV

Everyone could see something had happened between L/N and Kaminari. L/N had been actively ignoring the Blonde and Kaminari had been very down in the dumps, pouting when he was ignored. Even Shinsou had noticed something because Kaminari had not popped up to bother him for a while.

“Hey Kaminari?” Shinsou walked up to him at lunch about a week after things went down.

“Hm?” Kami made a noise of distracted acknowledgement. He finally looked up. “Oh, hey Shinsou. What’s up?” He asked with no energy. He poked at his food.

“What’s up? You seem really…down?” Shinsou sat down. Kami sighed before setting his fork down. He looked up and stared across the hall. Shinson followed his gaze and saw L/N.

“I made Y/N mad at me.” He admitted solemnly.

“How?” Shinsou pondered out loud. “You two always seemed inseparable.”

“By spending so much time with you. As Y/N said, ‘Trying to crack you’ and all. I thought back and realized how many dates I’ve dropped or skipped out on just to come and try to win you over to be my friend.” Shinsou looked at him in shock. Kami smiled sadly at him. “And don’t feel bad at all. You’re not at any fault. It was all me. I feel so bad now that I realize what I was doing.”

“Have you talked to them?” Shinsou looked back to where L/N was and saw they were gone. He looked around and saw they were just behind them. Their eyes were wide as they stared at Kaminari.

“Haven’t had the chance. They don’t want anything to do with me right now.” Kami leant his hand on his hand. “I can understand it but you don’t know how bad I feel. I don’t even know how to apologize and they’ll know I’m serious. I’m too much of a jockster and stuff. They probably won’t take me seriously.” Kami sniffled as his voice got softer and broke at the end.

“Kaminari…” Shinsou locked eyes with L/N, who looked chest-fallen. Tears were gathering in their eyes.

“See you later, Shinsou.” Kaminari got up and threw his untouched plate away. He walked out of the cafeteria. L/N watched him go.

“He’s really sorry.” Shinsou stepped up to them.

“I know. I shouldn’t have flipped out on him like I did. He was trying to make friends with you.” They slumped. “There were a thousand other options that I should have gone with over ignoring him.”

“I didn’t know he was dropping things with you to come bother me. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. He was so excited to be friends with you. I can’t be upset with him for that.” They set a hand on Shinsou’s shoulder. I got to figure out how to make it up to him. Bye Shinsou.“


I walked up the stairs with a box of Denks favorite take out and my blanket that Denki always stole from my bed. I knocked on the door and heard a quiet 'come in’. I stepped in and saw him at his desk. I smiled a little before closing the door behind me. He didn’t look up.

"Denki…” I whispered as I draped the blanket over his shoulders. He jumped and looked up at me.

“Y/N! What?” I handed him the food. He looked between it, the blanket, and me. “What is this?”

“Part of my apology?” I said sheepishly. He went to say something but I placed a finger over his lips. “It’s alright. I heard you at lunch with Shinsou and I understand. I, I should’ve let you explain but I was so pissed and…” I stopped to take a breath. “I’m sorry. I should have been more understanding about what you were trying to do.”

“And I should have been better at prioritizing my time.” He turned and pulled me into his lap. I snuggled into him. “Thank you for the food. I haven’t eaten all day.”

“I know. I saw you throw away your lunch. Bad boy.” He smiled sheepishly. tapped his nose before snuggling in. “Now eat up sparky.”

“No need to tell me twice.” He eagerly grabbed the bag. I laughed as he bounced back to the excitable boy I know and love.

Todoroki: 3rd POV

Midoriya was just finishing up dishes at home when he got a call from Todoroki. He quickly dried his hands and answered.

“Hey Todoroki. What’s up?” He propped the phone in between his shoulder and ear. He began to dry and put away the dishes.

“I think I made L/N upset.” He said.

“What do you mean?” Midoriya paused for a second.

“Well, I went to ask them if we could spend time together this weekend but they already had plans with their sister. That’s fine but I expressed my minimal disappointment and I think they muttered something like, 'like you’ve been there to know if I had plans.’ I was confused and they continued. They told me to go see if there was anything I could do with you since that’s what I’ve been doing for the past month. What are they talking about?”

“Oh…” Midoriya set down the plate. He had wondered if this was going to come up. “Well you have been spending a lot of time with me lately and not with L/N.”


“Yes. I had noticed but L/N never made a protest. I don’t want to be scrutinizing Todoroki but… You haven’t spent any time with your partner and that is not right or fair to them. If I’m thinking right, you haven’t even checked in with them to see if they wanted to spend time together. So, they have every right to be upset with you.”

“You’re right.” Todoroki sighed. He was kicking himself for only now realizing it. He flopped back down on his bed. “What do I do?”

“I think that’s for you to figure out on your own, Todoroki. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.” He said. 

“You were plenty of help, Midoriya. Thank you.” They hung up and To doroki just laid there, trying to figure out what to do. Meanwhile, Y/N was having fun but was distracted a bit. They felt bad for snapping at Todoroki but was still upset with him. Their sister understood and kept trying to make them feel better. So by the time they got back to the dorms, they really wanted to see Todoroki.


I ran up to my room as soon as I got back to the dorms. I basically chucked my stuff on my bed and changed into some comfy clothes. I brushed my hair and then ran for Todoroki’s room. I was nearly to the 5th floor when I ran into Sero.

“Oh hey, L/N!” He greeted me.

“Hey Sero! I was actually on my way to see…”

“Roki? I figured but he is not in his room. He’s out in the courtyard. Waiting for you.”

“Oh thank you!” I ran back down and to the courtyard. I saw him with his back to me. I walked up to him. “Todoroki?” He jumped and a small bit of flame jumped off him. He turned to me and smiled.

“Y/N! You’re here!” He looked behind him and I peaked. There was a bouquet of flowers, two bowls of soba, and an unmarked envelope. 

“What are you up to?” I asked with a small smile. He tried to find something to say but kept stumbling. I chuckled before going to hug him. He froze in his spot before hugging me back.

“I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I should have been more intuned with what I was doing.” He said into my hair.

“It’s alright. I know that this is all new to you. That’s not an excuse but a learning experience.” He nodded. He held the back of my head.

“It took you and Midoriya calling me out to see what I did.” He pulled back and grabbed the envelope. “It seems like I get called out on a lot of things by Midoriya.” He laughed at himself before handing me the envelope.

“What’s this?”

“A start to making up for lost time.” I opened the envelope and saw two tickets to my favorite band next month. “Roki?”

“I got them myself and I already got the date cleared with Aizawa-sensei. If you want to go.” He blushed looking down at his feet. I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose.

“Of course I want to. Now, let’s eat. I’m starved.”

Deku: Y/N’s POV

I lazily stroked the brush across the canvas. I really didn’t have any idea in my mind. Just randomly painting. I was too distracted by the tift between Midoriya and I. He had been avoiding me for the past 3 days. Though I was mad, I still missed him. 

“Arg!” I tossed the brush to the side and moved away from my canvas. I looked around my room before deciding to go down to the common room. There were a few people down here.

“Hey L/N!” Kiri called and waved me over.

“Hey. Have you seen Midoriya?”

“Uh, yeah! He left saying there was somewhere he needed to go.” Kiri sighed. I slumped and Kiri gave me a confused look. “I’ve noticed you too haven’t been spending any time together as of late. Are you guys okay? Did you have a fight?”

“Yeah.” I sat on the arm of the couch. “A small one.” I looked out the windows and watched the birds. It was bright and sunny today, the total opposite of my mood.

“I’m sorry to…”

“Kiri bro! It’s your turn!” Kami interrupted.

“Geez, okay. Give me a minute.” He threw back. Sero whacked the blonde and chided him for interrupting. “I’m sorry to hear that L/N.”

“It’s alright. And go back to your game. I’m gonna go take a nap in the sun.”

“Okay. And whatever happened, I know you two will get past it. You are perfect for eachother.” I thanked him and hopped off. I found a good spot before shifting into leopard onel laying down, getting comfy.

3rd POV

A little while later, Midoriya comes back with a bright smile and eyes to match. He was about to head upstairs when a cat noise caught his attention. He turned and looked around before he saw L/N laying in the sun.

“Awe.” He cooed before walking over to them with a gentle smile. He approached the sleeping cat. He sat down next to them and gently put their head.

“Mew… Mrrprr.” They made noises in their sleep and moved in closer. Midoriya chuckled and continued to scratch around their ears.

“Hey love?” He gently probed to wake them up. They didn’t even stir. He tried again with better results. “There we go… Come on.” L/N yawned at the woke up, stretching out wide. They opened their eyes lazily and set their head in Midoriya’s lap.


I saw Midoriya sitting there with a loving smile. I felt him scratching my head and purred. I moved closer in and gave him a cat hug, wrapping my paws over his shoulder.

“As much as I love the Cat hugs, could I have a real hug?” I shifted back still against him and wrapped my arms around him as soon as they were normal. I sat sideways in his lap and got comfy. I started to doze again when he stopped me.

“Huh? What?” I pulled back.

“I have something to show you.” He said. I moved a little and set my head on his shoulder. He pulled out a couple of papers. I took them and looked through them. My eyes widened at what I saw. One was the for pamphlet of the gallery and the next was a receipt and ticket for today. He held out his phone to show me a picture of my art. “I know it’s not the same as being there at the opening but I did go see it. It was amazing love.”


“I can’t express how sorry I am for breaking my promise and missing it. I, I…” I shut him up by kissing him gently. He squeaked before kissing me back. After I pulled away, I buried my head in his neck.

“It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean too.” I pulled back and ran my hand through his hair. “It means a lot to me that you went to the gallery on your own. It shows that you’re really sorry.” He hummed while nodding.

“I’m going to be better. I promise.” He gave me puppy eyes. I kissed his nose.

“Alrighty. Now…Can I go back to my sun nap?” He laughed.

“Of course baby. Just let me, what, Oh… I guess I’m not moving?” He asked as I Got more comfortable in his lap. 

“Nope.” I said as I cuddled into his chest. He laughed but got comfortable with me none-the-less.

Shinsou: His ended good so no second part… unless you guys want one. Let me know!

Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee

The Way You Are- Todoroki x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

This is for one of my best friends. Her fiance just broke up with her out of absolute nowhere. So I’m writing this small comfort piece with her favorite boy, our lovely Mr. Icy Hot. ❤️❤️

942 words

Warnings: self-deprecation

+ Your fiance of many years breaks up with you out of nowhere. It hits you hard because you thought you two were fine and so did everyone else for that matter. While hiding away, the youngest Todoroki finds you and helps you feel better even if it’s only for a moment.



I sniffled and burrowed further into my rest of blankets. I had my head covered and didn’t feel like moving. I was staying at the apartments that were there for the heroes at the agency I worked at. It was there for late nights and after long missions. The fates seemed to be against me in drones today because there was a knock on the door. I groaned and refused to move. The knocking continued and I was about to yell at them to go away when a familiar, smooth voice came through.

“Y/N? I know you’re home.” Shoto’s voice was a bit muffled through the wood. “Please let me in.”

“Coming.” I unburied myself and slowly got up. I was relieved that it was Shoto. He is my best friend and the one person I actually would want to be around right now. I unlocked the door and hid behind it as he came in.

“Y/N?” I closed the door with my forehead pressed against it. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him with new tears forming in my eyes. “Come here.” As soon as he opened his arms, I launched into his chest. I sobbed while clutching his shirt.

“Shoto…” He held me close and rubbed my back. He whispered soothing words while running his other hand over my head. My knees were starting to give out.

“Let’s get you back to the couch.” He quickly kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket. 

I went to walk to the couch but Shoto scooped me up and held me to his chest. I just went limp in his arms as he carried me. He sat down on the couch and pulled my blankets over us. He just let me cry into his chest until I calmed down.

“Why… Why did they do it?” I gasped. I pulled back to look at Shoto. He had a somber expression on his usually stoic face. “Did I do something? Could there have been something I could have done to, to, to…I don’t know, to make them stay? I could have been better…”

“Hey, hey, hey. No, none of that.” Shoto wiped tears. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Then, why did they…why did they break our engagement? Why did they break up with me?” I sputtered, covering my face. I felt Shoto shift and a couple of tissues were held in front of my face.

“I don’t know. They won’t talk to any of us.” He sighed and looked off to the side. “I mean I could do some undercover, super secret Private I work to find out.” I chuckled through the tears. I set my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine.

“No.” I said softly. “No point. They’re not in my life any more anyway.” He nodded and I cuddled into him more, tucking my head under his chin. He pulled the blanket up higher on my shoulders.

“You know… You’re perfect the way you are. All of us will tell you that, even Bakugou. For whatever reason he decided he wanted to end things, please know that you are still worth all the love in the world. That you are not alone, even if we’re not with you at the moment. One day you’ll find someone who will be smart enough to never let you go. And, um… crap, still not the best with words.”

“Shoto!” I laughed. He smiled. “That’s alright, what you said was perfect. Thank you. It’s going to be a bit before I’m alright but I know I have you and everyone else too.” I hugged him. We snuggled on the couch for a bit before he got up to go to the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“I am going to make some Tempura for us.”

“You are?” I teased. He gave me a glare before turning away.

“Yes, me. Bakugou has been helping me. So shush.” I laughed before laying back down on the couch. After a while of hearing him in the kitchen, he came out with a cup of tea. “Here.” I locked eyes with him.

“Thank you.” He smiled and nodded. He leant down and kissed my forehead. It wasn’t long before he brought out the food. We ate with some small talk and with some argument, Shoto did the dishes. It was late by the time he finished.

“You need some sleep.” He said while poking my cheek softly. “I can see it.”

“You’re not wrong.” I said. I got comfortable against his side.

“You’re just gonna sleep here.” I hummed an affirmative. “The lights are still on and I can’t move due to the leech on my side.” I whacked his arm. He chuckled. I blindly reached for the remote for the lights & more. Once I found it, I clicked the lights off.

“Goodnight, Shoto.” I said while already dozing.

“Goodnight, Y/N. Just know that I’m always here for you.”

3rd POV

Shoto watched as Y/N fell asleep against him. He admired his friend. If he was being honest with himself, he’s been in love with them for a long time. He never pursued them because they never showed romantic interest in him. It broke his heart when they got into a relationship with their now ex but he was happy they were happy.

“Sleep well, love.” He brushed a couple stray hairs back. He traced their face tenderly. Y/N wrinkled their nose before smiling and snuggling in more. He got comfortable and closed his eyes, falling asleep while holding them tight.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee

Equal. Pt.2 - BakuKami x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

2915 words

Warnings: Mad Bakugo, sad Kaminari, nothing major

+ After the break up, you avoid the two blondes at all costs. You couldn’t bare to be near them. After a few days, everyone starts to notice the tension between the three of us. You open up to a select few before going home for your birthday weekend. On your birthday, the two blondes show up in attempt to explain, apologise, and make it up to you.

Tokoyami wrapped his arms around me after getting over the initial shock. He didn’t push for answers but just let me cry until I calmed down. I hiccuped as I pulled away. I looked at Dark Shadow as she made a sound of concern. I pet her head.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head. He nodded in understanding. “Is this about Bakugo and Kaminari?” I choked on a sob. He sighed and hugged me again. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat. Get you calmed down and relaxed.”

He led the way off campus and towards some food joints that were nearby. I was silently sniffling most of the time while he went to order the food. Hu didn’t press on the subject but distracted me with random talk. Dark Shadow even kept me entertained until I was relaxed.

“Are you okay to go back to the dorms?” He asked. I sighed but nodded. I glanced outside and saw dark clouds rolling in the sky.

“We better get back before it rains.” He agreed and began the walk back. It was a silent walk back until I finally fessed up. “We broke up.” He stuttered to a stop. He looked at me surprised.

“You want? Which one?”

“Both.” I looked down at the sidewalk.

“My word… very unexpected chain of events.” He said wistfully. I chuckled at his normal decorum. He always had a savior-faire on how to make me feel better even if he was just being himself.

“Yeah…” We got to the steps of Heights Alliance. “I’m going to go to bed. I’m exhausted.” A yawn forced its way out. He chucked.

“Are you going to be okay? I can stay with you if you need it.” He asked.

“No. It’s alright. Plus I’ve kept you from your boyfriend long enough. I know you two had plans.”

“It’s alright. I texted Shoji earlier and he understands.” He assured me. I smiled and hugged him.

“I’ll be okay. It’s going to hard but it’ll be okay.” I pulled back and walked towards the doors. “Now go see your boyfriend!”

We parted ways and I paused for a moment outside. I took a big breath and peaked in. I saw Kiri and Mina at the couches and I could hear Iida and Aoyoma somewhere. There was no sign of Kami and Bakugo. I quickly maneuvered through the common room towards the elevators. They started to open and I heard an unmistakable gruff voice.

“What are we going to do?”

“Shit.” I darted into the stairwell and paused around the corner.

“I don’t know, Kat.” Kami’s voice was shaking. “How could they think they weren’t equal… How could we let them think…” I didn’t want to hear anymore so I quietly ran up to my room.

I spent days avoiding the two blondes with everything I had. Everyone in the class was confused except Tokoyami & Shoji. I think Tsu had an idea but was nice enough to not ask. Kami and Baku both tried to talk to me together and on their own but I never let them.

“So what are you going to do for your birthday in a couple of days? It’s over the weekend right?” Uraraka asked from her spot on the floor. Uraraka, Deku, Yami, Todoroki, and I were lounging in the common room.

“I don’t know. I think I’m just going to go home and hide it out.” I chuckled. I knew nobody was going to be home. My mom had called saying her and dad had to go on a last minute business trip. “I never do much for my birthday anyway. I was going to spend it with…” I paused. A small pang went through my chest. “But that fell through.” Everyone was silent for a minute.

“L/N… we don’t want to pry but,” Deku paused. “Did something happen between you, Kaminari, and Kacchan?”

“We broke up.” I said after a moment. They all burst into hysterics except the two who knew and Todoroki.



“When?” They all started asking questions. Uraraka and Tsu came over and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged back tight and silent tears slid down my cheek.

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I whispered.

“Of course.” Uraraka said hurriedly. Tsu left for a moment and I cuddled with Uraraka in a tight ball. She ran her fingers through my hair and just let me cry into her chest. 

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to arguing and Uraraka’s hands over my ears. I heard Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki. I could hear Bakugo and Todoroki arguing and I could hear Kirishima trying to calm Bakugo down. I opened my eyes and noticed my head was in Raka’s lap and Shoji was kneeling next to me.

“They don’t want to be near you right now, Bakugo.” Todoroki said firmly.

“I don’t need you to tell me something I already know, Icyhot. But I need to talk to them. I need to explain…” I heard a bit of scuffling. “Get out of my was you damn Icyhot!”

“Bakugo! Calm down!” Kirishima’s voice was strained so I figured he was holding the blonde back.

“Let me go, dumb hair!” Bakugo growled. I started shaking in Urarake’s lap and I felt her grip tighten. More tears were adding to the stains on my cheek.

“Kacchan please be quiet.” Deku urged.

“Shut up Deku!” He snapped. “This doesn’t concern you! I need to talk…” I hopped up and darted for the stairs, not able to take anymore. “L/N! Wait!”

“Bakugo!” I heard a chorus of voices before the faint familiar sound of ice crackling echoed up behind me. I ran to my room, wishing the weekend would come sooner. Later that night, I heard soft knocking and Kaminari’s voice barely making it through the wood.

“Baby? Are you there?” He paused. I sat up and looked at the door. “I know you don’t want to talk to us and it’s only me right now but… We are so sorry.” His voice shook. I got up and took silent steps towards the door, setting my hand on the door. “We never meant to make you feel that way. And I know Bakugo didn’t help earlier but we… we just don’t know what to do. We’re desperate.”

“Kami…” He was silent for a minute before a humorless chuckle broke it.

“And you’re probably asleep right now and not hearing a word I say. Ha ha, well goodnight love. Sleep tight.” I heard him walk off. I leant on the door and slid to the floor. I missed them both terribly but didn’t know what to do myself.


I was sitting at home on the balcony a couple of days later. It was my birthday and my phone had blown up with messages from my friends and family, even Aizawa-sensei.  My parents had called me and talked for a while. They hung up with promises of going to my favorite restaurant and more when they got home. The only people that haven’t gotten ahold of me were Bakugo & Kaminari.

“I’m getting hungry.” I muttered to myself as I watched the clouds. I got up to go inside when I heard my name being called.

“L/N!” I gave a confused look around before leaning over the railing to see two familiar blondes on the ground below me.

“What are you doing here?” I called back.

“We’ll explain. Can we come up?” Kaminari asked. I paused and thought about it. My mind and heart fought with each other. My heart won.

“Yeah. Come on up.” I stepped inside and went to wait by the door. A soft shock came and I let the two in. I led them in and they followed silently. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Kaminari smiled at me. I looked and saw Bakugo wouldn’t meet my eyes. He was looking around and I saw a confused expression come over his face.

“Where are your parents?” He said.

“In Nagasaki on a business trip.” I revealed. Bakugo finally looked at me with surprise.

“So you came home even though no one was here? To spend your birthday…alone?” He asked in disbelief. I just shrugged before walking into the kitchen. I began to look through the fridge and pantry looking for something to eat. “We brought you food.”

“What?” I turned to the two.

“Bakugo made you your favorite.” Kaminari pointed. I saw a nicely prepared and packaged meal in Bakugo’s hand that I hadn’t noticed before. I stood there agast because I didn’t think they knew my favorite meal.

“It’s still warm.” Bakugo opened it and set it in front of me. It smelled amazing. I looked up at them. They both looked like lost puppies, not sure what to do next. I gave them a soft smile.

“Looks and smells amazing.” I said. I saw their shoulders relax. I got a fork and took a bite. “I hate to say it Bakugo but… you’re a better cook than my grandmother.”

“So you like it?” Bakugo rubbed his arm.

“Of course I do.” I smiled. “Come on, We’ll talk in the living room. Make yourselves comfortable.” We all sat down. I looked at them and could tell they were trying to figure what to say. I offered them a bite and while they chewed, I spoke up. “I heard you Kami. The other night. ” He sputtered while Bakugo looked between us confused.

“You did?” He asked nervously.

“Yeah. I was still up and heard every word.” I looked down at my food.

“I, I…” Kami stopped to take a breath. “I meant every word I said. We are both really sorry. We didn’t even realize…”

“We are so stupid to not to have seen what we were doing to you.” Bakugo said through his teeth. I could read that he was beating himself up all over his face. “We were just trying to … We should have realized that you would feel weird coming into an already established relationship.”

“We could have and should have helped you better.” Kami hid his face in his hands. Noone said anything for a few minutes.

“I should have said what I was feeling. Not kept it to myself.” I admitted. I set the bowl on the table. “I just felt left out when I would come into a cuddly movie night and not know. A text ahead of time to tell me would have been nice. And when you both freaked out at me over coming in when you were doing whatever it was When you invited me over hurt. It also hurt when you practically ripped me a new one for just looking around.”


“I felt left out a lot of the time.” I looked up at them. They were watching me with sad eyes. They shared a look before Kami crawled over to me. He wrapped his arms around and hugged me tight.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into my hair.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have yelled like I did. I also shouldn’t have acted that way in the common room.” Bakugo cuddled up to my back, burying his head in my neck. I had missed them both so much.

“I’ve missed you.” I admitted. I reached back and ran my fingers through Bakugo’s hair and held onto Kami’s hand. Both of them moved in closer and held me tighter.

“We’ve missed you too.” They both mumble. I could tell they were wanting to ask that one question but also they didn’t want to cross a line.

“Katsuki, Denki.” They both looked up at their given names. I signed. “Equal? Right?” I saw both of them perk up. Denki shook his head vividly.

“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed. I turned to Kat and I saw watery eyes staring back at me. He was frozen. “That?” Denki reached and cupped his face.

“Yo-you’re serious?” He stuttered. “You’ll take us back? I didn’t completely screw this up?” I turned and hugged him tight. I felt him sigh in relief and felt water droplets hit my skin. Denki joined in the hug.

“We’ll be better.” Denki said into my hair.

“We promise.” Kat pulled away and I wiped his tears before he could hide the fact that he was crying. He turned quickly and pecked my palm. He reached out and grabbed my food. “Finish your food.”


I finished my food with a few bites going to each of the boys. That immediately turned into a cuddle session while catching up on (TV/show), which we had started before everything happened. It was getting later when Kat spoke up. I was leaning back against his chest while Denki was in my lap.

“Come back with us to the dorms?” He asked. Denki looked up at me hopefully. I hummed as I thought for a moment.

“I don’t see why not.” I finally said.

“Yes!” Denki threw up his hands in triumph.

“Ep!” I yelped, moving away from his wild hands.

“Watch it, Sparky!” Kat snapped, blocking his hands.

“Sorry!” He jerked his hands down.

“You’re going to have to let me up so I can go pack up my bag, Denks.”

“No!” He rolled over and buried his face in my stomach. I groaned and looked back at Kat for help.

“Come on Spark plug.” He reached and poked his side. Denki yelped and popped up. I hopped to my feet and laughed as Kat kept pestering Denki.

It was only a little bit before I had the apartment locked up and we were leaving. I sent a text to my parents to let them know. As we got closer to UA, Denki got more and more giddy. Kat to my bag as we walked up to Heights Alliance. I could see Kat had a small smirk.

“Okay. What’s up with you two?”

“We’re just happy.” Denki pulled me into a quick kiss before running inside. I turned to look at Kat. He just shrugged and grabbed my hand. He pulled me inside and I was bombarded with yells.


“Happy Birthday!” I jumped and saw the whole room decked out and everyone was there. Uraraka and Mina came running at me.

“Guys!” I hugged them. Tokoyami came up and hugged me next. “This is, thank you guys.” I turned back to Kat. He was fully smirking now. I chuckled and hit him in the chest. “Sneaks.”

“Not sorry.”

The party was in full swing when Denks pulled me to the side. He pulled me over to Kat who was waiting by the front window. Once next to him, Kat pulled us in for a hug.

“What’s up you guys?”

“We have something for you.” Kat said. He reached for a box next to the window. He handed it to me. I looked at them before going to open it. I pulled off the paper and opened the box.

“Oh my.” I gasped. Laid nicely in the box was an array of items. 

First was a personalized photo album with a collage of our hero logos and friends logos on it. Inside were a multitude of pictures of us and the rest of the class over the past year. Next was a coffee cup I had been wanting. “Don’t speak, not yet, OK I’m listening” was written at different levels on the cup. The last thing was what took my breath away.

“Guys…” I pulled out the Silver necklace. I looked at it and saw there were two charms on it. A black lightning bolt and a little gold explosion burst. I looked up to say something but stopped when they pulled matching necklaces. Only theirs had a charm to match my quirk and the opposite boys.

“We hope you like it.” Denki said nervously. Kat was blushing.

“This is what we were working on all this time.” Kat said while walking over. He took the necklace and put it on me. “The party, your presents… We freaked out because we didn’t want the surprise ruined.”

“We should have just explained but were both a little dumb sometimes.” Denki walked up as Kat wrapped his arms around me from behind. Denki did the same from the front.

“I love everything. Thank you so much!” I snuggled up to them. “This day only would have been better if my parents were home but it’s still been the best day ever.”

“Good."Kat gruffed.

"We’re sorry again.” Denki kissed the end of my nose.

“I know. It’s alright. You don’t have to apologize anymore.”

“We still feel like we need to make it up to you.” Kat muttered. I sighed and leant into him. I perned up when a thought popped into my head.

“Fine. I know how you can do that.”

“How?” They chorused.

“When the party’s done, we have a snuggle party in my room for the rest of the night.” I said while looking between them. “Deal?”

“Deal.” Denki said. He kissed me cheerfully.

“Do we really have to wait for the end of the party?” I swore it was almost a whine that came from Kat’s mouth. Denki and I both laughed while the blush from earlier returned to Kat’s face. He pouted before hiding himself in my neck.

“Katsuki’s a sucker for snuggles!” Denki exclaimed.

“Spark plug!”

Oh, it was good to be back with my boys.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee

Bridal Dress Fantasy (Kirishima x reader) *Smut*


18+ only, minors do not interact

Summary: Kiri has a wedding dress kink

Words. 560 

Warnings: Smut, 18+ stuff

A/N: sorry this is really badly written. I just needed to get to idea out of my head before i exploded. Also characters are all aged up in this fic


Kirishima Ejiro’s partner recently got into the show ‘Say yes to the dress’. Of course, they would drag him to watch the show together. He didn’t mind watching it with you, however, lately, he has been a little bit apprehensive about watching it. It wasn’t because it was considered a chick show or shows like this would ruin his manly man image. In fact, he really liked the show and most of his friends were aware of it.

He was apprehensive because lately, he has been turned on by the idea of you wearing a bridal gown. His newest fantasy is to be to consummate the marriage with you still wearing the dress. He doesn’t why this idea turns him on but it just does.

Looking at all the dresses Randy has pulled out, he can’t help but think which dress would be the best to fuck you in.

If you wore a fit and flare or a mermaid, he would have to put aside the idea of being able to fuck you in the dress. You two would possibly have to strip off the dress to be able to have sex. Although this dress type would definitely compliment your ass.

If you wore a ballgown, he would be able to give you oral sex. he would get under the dress and he’d be able to lick/suck your intimate part until your sweet juices flood out. But he’s pretty sure intercourse would be a little bit hard as most ballgowns are huge or require the bride to wear a hoop. He doesn’t want the tule to get in the way of your face while he has you in a mating press.

Deep down he kinda wants you to wear an a-line, empire or sheath as he believes that those are the ultimate dresses that could fulfil his fantasy. He’d be able to take you in all sorts of positions and have his face in between your legs. In his fantasy, he wants to give you the most mind-blowing oral. He doesn’t mind the idea of getting under the dress or having you bunch up the skirt when he goes down on you. All that matters is being able to lick/suck you until your nectar spurt out.

The first position he wants to have you in is a mating press, he wants to be able to cum deep into you while looking at your delicate face twist in pleasure. He hopes that by the first round some parts of your dress would be sullied by his cum.

 Just because you have already consummated your marriage, the sex doesn’t stop there. He would definitely want you to ride him. While you ride him, he would tell you how the dress compliments you. If you ever start slowing down, he’ll thrust up into you.

He’ll take you in all sorts of positions and wouldn’t stop until the sun rises. By the end, your holes should be oozing with his cum. You should be practically shaking like leaves due to the overstimulation. To top it off, you and your dress should be covered in it as well.

He wants to fulfil this fantasy, not only the fantasy of fucking (y/n) in a wedding dress but to also fuck (y/n) as their husband. Of course, this gives him the idea to propose. Maybe he would get to fulfil his fantasy sooner than later
