#mha x reader


love language — supporting each other

What is having a girlfriend if not having the best cheerleader of all time? That was basically what you got when you started dating Ochaco Uraraka. It didn’t matter what you did, you could always count on her to not only have your back but hype you up.

Whether you pass the test. “That’s amazing! You seriously so smart, (Y/N). I can’t believe I’m dating a genius.” With only a hint of sarcasm. Or if you fail the test. “We can study together! I know you’ll do better next time. Your awesome and super smart.” That time it’s all genuine support and sincere.

If you want to try a new style, like a shocking new hairstyle. Cutting it super short, braids, dying it, doesn’t. Ochaco will blush and talk about how pretty you are, stumbling over her words and floating away.

No matter what you want to do, Ochaco is there with a bright smile and positive energy. If you want to try a new hobby, she is there to support you. Cheering you on and there to help if you need her. Even if she can’t be there with you physically, she is always there in spirit. And blowing up your DMs with encouragement.

“You got this, sweetie!”

And you return that unconditional support. Especially when you cheer her own when she’s kicking ass.

love language — doing something nice for them

Often times Tamaki Amajiki just seemed unable to get out of his own head. His anxiety and self-doubts would take over and he would basically shut down. It was almost debilitating sometimes. Truly he didn’t get enough credit for how functional he could be all things considered. And through it all, he had you.

“Where are we going, (Y/N)?” He whispered, you held his hand in a firm grip and as usual he let you lead. But now he was unsure, as you weren’t in your usual date locations that were familiar and predictable.

You turned and smiled at him, “a surprise, and were almost there, so no complaining.”

Tamaki remembered how the day started. He was in a bad mood, he had embarrassed himself in class during an oral presentation, and he wanted to spend the weekend hiding away from the world. But as his loving partner, you had other ideas and dragged him out of the dorms for a very special date, apparently.

Finally you arrived at the mystery date spot, after walking down a seemingly endless path in the middle of nowhere. It was a glass green house of some sort. You opened the door and ushered him in.

All around you in a glass room was the bright and blue sky, the bright greens of the plants and colorful flowers, but most incredible of all were the dozens of butterflies that flew around the green house. Tamaki had never seen so many butterflies together in one place. It was just the two of you, surrounded by Tamaki’s favorite thing in the world.

“I thought a trip to a private little butterfly sanctuary would put a smile on your face,” you tease, playfully.

Tamaki felt a smile return to his face for the first time that day, staring at those butterflies and then finally at you. How you always knew how to get him out of his own head and out into the world was amazing. Tamaki couldn’t imagine a bad day without you.

love language — caring about each other’s health

For someone like Mirio Togata, who gave his all in everything he does, to forget all sense of self-preservation. In the moment, his thoughts are always about the other person before he even stops to consider himself and his needs.

It was probably one of his worst traits. But he thought it was one of the things that made him a great hero.

But you would have to disagree as someone who cared quite a great deal for his well-being.

When he was placed in the hospital, it felt as if everything in his body was broken. But he comforted himself with the fact that there was nothing broken that couldn’t be fixed. All except one thing. But he tried his best to not dwell on that, he made his decision and he would make it again every single time.

The only thing that hurt was seeing you upset. When he opened his eyes, there you were with tears in your eyes with a million concerns and fears. You were angry at his recklessness but you were gentle with his injuries, making sure no to hurt him more.

“I’m okay, (Y/N),” he assured you. He pulled you into an embrace, even though it hurt his ribs to sit up, it was worth it to hold you. “I promise.”

“No, you’re not,” you chuckled, pushing him back onto the bed, moving to sit beside him to hold him in a more comfortable position. “But you’re gonna be.” That was a promise.

love language — giving small gifts without special occasion

“You didn’t have to get my anything.” Humble as ever, though your fingers were reaching for the neatly wrapped gift that your girlfriend cradled gently.

This wasn’t the first time Momo Yaoyorozu had gone out of her way to give you something out of the blue. While you usually reserved gift giving for holidays like Valentine’s Day or Christmas, and of course birthdays, Momo seemed to believe that there didn’t have to be certain days to bestow gifts to you.

You would feel terrible, if Momo wasn’t the girl who had everything but could also make anything.

No, gift giving was something that Momo liked to give rather than receive. Because there was nothing that you could give her that she wanted more than what you already provided her with. Something intangible, without a price and without effort. And she hoped that she gave that same feeling to you, and one of the ways she communicated that was with lavish presents.

“I wanted to,” Momo swore, handing the box to you, your hands resting over each other, her thumbs running over yours. “I saw it and thought of you.”

You leant forward and pressed a peck against her lips, the tall girl’s face turned a tint more flush than usual. “Thank you,” you took the box from her and rested it in your lap, and she watched anxiously as you unwrapped the present, waiting for your reaction.

Although, you both already knew how you felt about the gift, because it came from someone who you already knew how you felt about.

love language — taking their load off of them

It just felt there was too much sometimes. He supposed everyone felt that way sometime. Like there was no point in starting when the finish line seemed impossibly far away. And after a week of teaching, meetings, and patrolling, the idea of going over his lesson plans for the upcoming week was insurmountable.

You placed you hands onto his shoulder. Shouta Aizawa leanedinto your touch, his fingers pinching his tired eyes and the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t even look at the screen anymore, it was painful.

“You need to rest,” you whispered.

He groaned, it was so tempting especially when you rubbed his shoulders, melting the tension away, “I can’t. I have to check through this and—”

“And you have been working yourself to the death all week. You deserve to take some rest. It’s the only way that you’ll be able to give it your best.” You were right again, more than he would like to admit. You leant down and pressed a kiss to his dark hair. “I can check through it for you, and if there are any problems, I can take care of them. It’ll be okay.”

He surrendered to your wise words. “Thank you.”

“No problem, now go and take a nap,” you ordered, playfully, reaching over and taking his laptop from him. He knew that you would do as you said you would and he knew you would do it well. It made it so easy for him to finally relax, knowing that he could trust it all with you.

love language — caring about each other’s lives outside of the relationship

It was so easy to get caught up in each other. No one could ever accuse Eijiro Kirishima of not being passionate. Everything he did, he approached it with an open heart and extreme enthusiasm. He gave everything a hundred percent, and that included Eijiro’s relationship with you.

When he saw you, Eijiro couldn’t help but want to embrace you like a child would a stuffed animal. He would pick you up like something precious and didn’t want to let go. The two of you would remain in your disgustingly affectionate couple bubble. But eventually you two would have to pull apart.

And you both had lives outside of each other as well.

So, he would pick you up, and give you a little spin, before burying his face into your hair. And when he finally put you down, looking at your perfect face, he would ask you, “how was your day?”

Eijiro wanted to know everything about you. No detail was too small that he didn’t become completely invested in. Whether it was a conversation you had with your friends, something you learnt in class, or just your latest obsession in television or social media. If it was something you were interested in, then Eijiro wanted to know everything about it.

And everyday was the same. He never wanted to stop asking you about your day, and getting the chance to be more interested in you and know you better.

love language — lots of innocent and not so innocent touches

She hadn’t always been an affectionate person. Not when she used to have to suppress who she truly was, having to pretend to be someone else made it hard to express herself in authentic ways. But thankfully, she was free to be herself, and let all her love out. Now, Himiko Toga was obsessed with affection.

Well, she was obsessed with being physically affectionate with you.

Interlocking your pinkies whenever you two would walk somewhere, she found it so much cuter than just holding hands. Holding your cute little pinkie in her own little pinkie. If you would offer her your pinkie to hold, Himiko would follow you just about anywhere.

And when there was nothing to do in the world, Himiko just liked to sit in your lap. She really enjoyed being held. Sometimes she would do nothing, being like a rag doll in your arms. Other times, she sat on you like a chair while doing other activity. And then there were times like this, when she straddled your lap so she could face you properly.

She liked to run her nails up and done your skin, whether smooth or rough, tracing over your lips. Himiko especially loved to pepper kisses all over your face, taking little nips at your cheeks and jaw. And while you’re distracted, she also enjoyed slipping her hand underneath your shirt and hearing you laugh.

love language — writing each other notes

You had first slipped a note into his shoe locker before class, thinking he would find it cute. Hitoshi Shinsou had given you love letters before confessing. He was too shy to speak to you then, surprisingly. But now you communicated openly, no need for anonymity. So it was surprising to find a letter from you.

It was something cheeky. “You look cute today” and then a little heart and a few x’s like kisses with your signature. It was a joke, something you must have written while bored in class. But it made him smile and exhale through his nose as he reread it.

And Hitoshi decided to write you. Another cheeky letter, nothing really romantic. Just something he hoped you would find that would make you think of him and smile. And that was how a tradition began.

Simple letters. In the same vein of that first letter. Reminding each other of how you thought about each other. A compliment, a cheesy one-liner, sometimes you would even ask each other on a date in these letters. An invitation to lunch on the roof or asking if you were free on the weekend to go out.

Histoshi could have easily disposed of those letters. So many of them were practically the exact same. But he kept them in a drawer in his room. To pull out to read again, trace his fingers over your penmanship. Think about you writing them, and how it was something that was yours, just for the two of you.

You would write a lot in your silly letters of yours, except those three words. You didn’t have to.

tags:; shoto x reader, established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, mentions of food

wc:  371


“Lovie can you hand me that.” You asked Shoto waving for the seasoning next to him.

Shoto didn’t move processing your words. He was internally getting giddy at the pet name. Warmth spreading through his chest at your words

Realizing that your hand was still empty you looked across the kitchen. He was completely spaced out.

“Sho. Earth to Sho.” You sang waving your hand to get his attention.

“Yes?” He blinked, the tops of his ears pink.

“Can you hand me that…” You repeated slowly. Being with Shoto for as long as you have patience was necessary with him.

He cleared his throat grabbing the bottle handing it to you.

“You okay?” You looked at him. He was all flushed. You learned very quickly that your boyfriend got flustered very easily when you were around. It was adorable that just your presence could make him so on edge. Especially when he was basically a monotone statue with everyone else.

“Yes.” He cleared his throat in reply trying to shield his face from your eyes dipping his face so all you could see was his split colored hair.

“Are you sure? You’re all red.” His ears were flushed red and his neck was matching in color

“Uh yes I just like when you call me that.” Shoto admitted with a shy smile.

“What? Lovie.”

“Yes.” He confirmed loving the feeling spreading throughout his chest. He loved the effect you had on him.

Shoto got up out his chair leaning over your shoulder to see what you were cooking.

“I know it’s not soba but we need to change it up so we don’t end up malnourished.” You explained leaning into him.

Shoto laid his head on your shoulder inhaling your scent.

“Thank you for cooking.” He cherished moments like this with you. He had such a rough childhood and never thought he could ever get as comfortable with someone as you. Not even able to reminiscing on what a mother’s love was. Domestic moments like this were so out of reach before and now Shoto couldn’t imagine anything different.

“No problem lovie.” You repeated smiling to yourself.

He smiled into your shoulder kissing your cheek wrapping his hands around your waist.


tags:; hangry reader, mentions of food, Sero speaking spanish, mentions of feet, cute ending, sero x reader

wc: 664

Staring at the cereal box on the highest shelf you were irritated.

He always did this but you were not in the mood.


Hanta heard your tone of voice from the bedroom and froze. You were not happy.

“Yes, mi amor.” He called out hoping his words would calm you down. It didn’t.

“Sero what did I say about putting shit too high!” You yelled out.

He peeked his head out of the doorway, “Um…”

You met his eyes from the kitchen, “Why is the cereal on the highest shelf.”

He sheepishly smiled, “I forgot…”

“I’m going to break my ankle if I have to keep climbing on these counters to get food and if I break my ankle, I’m going to break your neck.” You yelled jumping on the counters reaching for the Fruit Loops. One wrong move and you were going to slip.

Your usual step-stool was MIA causing you to become a monkey once again like when you were a kid.

Sero saw what you were doing and hurried into the kitchen. You were very accident-prone. Usually, you used a chair or something not climb on the counters.

“What are you doing!”

“I’m grabbing food that you think is funny to put out of reach for me.” You called out on your tippy-toes on the ledge, fingers brushing the box.

He came up behind you wrapping his arms around you and putting you on the floor.

“Why do you keep picking me up like a ragdoll.”

He liked how soft you felt, even when you were squirming in his grasp. “Lo siento mi mariposa.” He apologized using your pet name and kissing your temple.

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” You grumbled, feet finally on the floor.

Sero let out an internal sigh, you weren’t actually mad, just hangry. He could deal with hangry.

Shooting out a piece of tape he tugged and Fruit Loops was in his hands.

“This is what you wanted?”


He looked at the box then at the kitchen clock /7:06pm/. Putting together why you were so moody.

“What did you eat today?” He stared down at you.

You knew you were in trouble.

“I had breakfast.”

He squinted leaning down towards you. Dark eyes studied yours.

“What was your breakfast?”

Damn it, he knew you too well.

“An…ice coffee.”

Yep, he knew it. You always did this. Drank a coffee then ran around all day forgetting to eat.

“Sit down, I’m making you food.”

“But I want cereal…”

“Shut up.” He sat you down on the couch kissing your cheek before shuffling around in the kitchen.

About an hour later both of you were back on the couch. The dark living room was only lit up by your TV showing one of your favorite trashy reality tv shows.

You were eating a plate of your favorite food, feet in his lap, as he pressed his fingers into the soles of your feet.

“Thank you, babe.” You hummed miraculously in a good mood.

Sero could roll his eyes at you. You were such a baby.

He kissed your leg you smiled at an idea. You brought up your foot to rub against his face.

He groaned pushing your foot away.

“You’re a freak.”

“Only for you baby.” You laughed as he twisted his face away in disgust until you put your foot down.

“Are you going to finish that?” He asked gesturing to the plate in your lap.

You leaned forward fork in hand, “Here you go.”

Hanta opened his mouth making you feed him in his lap. Giving you kisses between bites you smiled at him.

“What?” He asked smiling down at your fingers caressing your hips.

“Nothing I just love you.” You said giving him small pecks.

“You better or next time I cook you’re getting poisoned.” He laughed.

You spent the rest of the night shit-talking the couples on the TV, Hanta eventually falling asleep on top of you on the couch.

Lunch with him

tags :; established relationship, shinso being a good boyfriend, shinso being flirty, fluff, making fun of people

wc: 509

Sitting at lunch with Shinso was always a break you were looking forward to. You liked your class 1-A but sometimes they got on your nerves with how eccentric they could be. Bakugou’s yelling was what ticked you off today. Not many people knew this about you but you had a snarky little mouth.

You managed to keep it well contained but once you started dating Shin it came out naturally. He also had one so both of you would go back and forth being assholes with your funny jokes together.

“He looks like a demonic Pomeranian,” Shin said making you giggle. His tired violet eyes lightly lifted at that melodic sound he always wanted to hear from you.

“And he sounded like a tortured banshee. I just don’t know how he hasn’t lost his voice yet.”

You both were eating off of each other’s lunches and occasionally feeding each other. Enjoying the nice weather on the roof of the school.

“I can always make him shut up if he’s annoying you.” He suggested as you shoved some rice into his mouth.

You snorted at the thought. The boy would probably combust and disintegrate into dust if he was going to be muzzled.

“I appreciate that Shin.”

“Do you have training with Aizawa today?” You asked

“Yeah, I have to master the capture device.” He shrugged scratching his neck.

Shin looked more tired than usual, his bags a shade darker. You gently grabbed his face to get a better look at it.

“Okay remember to take a nap after and if you can’t just stop by the dorms and we can have another sleepover.” Rubbing your thumb across his eyebags.

He raised his eyebrows at your suggestion.

“Oh shut up you perv, you know what I meant.”

He chuckled and nodded at you. You leaned in giving him a light peck and let go of his face.

Shin stared at you as you turned back to your lunch. He was in awe that he actually managed to get you to like him back and date him. So many boys throughout the school found you attractive and tried to get with you and he somehow succeeded. The guy that everyone saw as a villain you treat like a baby. Making sure he’s eating and sleeping enough, checking on his mood, and being a great girlfriend to him when he doesn’t deserve it.

You noticed his silence and felt his eyes on you forcing you to turn to him. “What why are you staring? Is there something on my face?”

He cleared his throat and blinked, “Uh no”

“Do you want my last sushi roll?” You frowned trying to figure out why he wasn’t letting up on his gaze.

“No, I just love you.”

You blinked back at his words, “Duh I’m amazing,” You joked, “No I’m kidding I love you too sweets.”

He kissed the top of your head making you smile.

He stood up and held his hand out for you, “Alright let me walk you back to class.”

seeing their s/o in their hoodie

anon asked: Hi, can i request headcanons of soft (dom) hawks, hitoshi, and or maybe kirishima seeing their SO with their hoodies/shirt(?) and somehow it turned them on?

warnings:aged up!characters, suggestive content, gn!reader

  • seeing you in his clothes is honestly one of his favorite things
  • being half bird and all, he likes to have his scent on you whenever he can
  • and you in his clothes are just one way to meet his wants!
  • keigo usually asks you to wear his shirt or bring a shirt of his if you leave for a work trip or something
  • you never knew why until you did some research and asked another one of your hybrid friends
  • since he always asked for you to wear his clothes, you decided to take it into your own hands and wear a shirt yourself
  • the LOOK. on his face. when he comes home to see you cleaning up
  • clad in nothing but his oversized merch shirt and underwear
  • his wings kind of flutter a little, and when you turn to look at him he looks a little dazed
  • “welcome home, keigo.” you’d smile innocently at him, walking up to hug him
  • and his eyes just go…⬇️⬇️
  • “looking—good, birdie.” he’ll murmur, wrapping his arms around your waist
  • you smell like you, but you also smell like him
  • and you can tell he really likes it because his wings fold over the both of you guys too and he starts kissing at your neck
  • “do you like this?”
  • “mm..” and his hands would just go straight to your ass LMAO
  • cue him picking you up with his wings still around you and carrying you back to the bedroom ‍♀️
  • he gropes you for the entire day
  • shinsou is the king of wearing hoodies and sweaters
  • they are his comfort clothes.
  • he’s never thought of you wearing his clothes or whatever
  • not that he doesn’t want that, you just never asked and he never offered
  • so he can’t believe his reaction when he comes home from hero work and sees you, his lovely spouse, in one of his favorite purple sweaters and some shorts
  • his eyes r basically glued to your legs. but the sight of you in his favorite sweatshirt makes his face a little hot
  • “y/n,” he’d ask you, approaching you from behind, his face in your neck
  • “why are you wearing that?”
  • “do you not like it?” you’d pout, especially when he held you tighter. “i’ll take it off.”
  • no,”his mouth would find your pulse point, hands massaging your stomach underneath the hoodie.
  • “don’t take it off. ever.”

hawks requests? smut, fluff, anything <3 i’ve never written a lot for him so!! send in some hero/villain requests all together lol


@mayah-bay-bee asked “I’ve been in the mood for some Dad!Cellophane lately. Maybe reader is the mom of his kids and he wants to make another ;)???”

warnings:aged up!sero, fluff, smut! fem!reader

a/n: dad sero cute <33

“Hisae! I told you to stop running around everywhere!” you felt yourself sigh as your two year old daughter ran up to you with a giggle. She flattened her palms and in them, you could see what looked to be miniature figures of you, Sero, her and her brother, Hiyuu. True to her name, your daughter was extremely skilled in whatever she tried, and she was finding new ways to use her taping quirk that she adopted from her father every day.

“Ooh, what’s that? That for me?” his voice rings out behind you as he takes your son from your arms. Hisae’s eyes beam as her father admires her figures, and she nods quickly at him. “They look just like us, Hisae~ wanna make some more?”

A sigh of relief leaves you once you realize what he’s doing. “Thank you,” you mouth at him as he whisks your children away on your private beach, and he only winks and blows a kiss as they walk further into the sand. Now, you can actually relax, letting your body sag in the foldable beach chair on the patio of your beach house. The sun is setting, and the slight warmth sinks into your bones, your body unwinding.

When you first announced that you were pregnant two years ago, you knew having kids would be stressful. Not only were you married to one of the top Pro Heroes of Japan, but you were quirkless. At first, you had doubts that you couldn’t do it—your kids would come out with quirks (and they definitely did) that you wouldn’t be able to handle. Yet, in that hospital room, when Sero took ahold of your hand and kissed the back of your palm, you knew you could do it.

You’d never seen a more proud dad in your life. Sero was used to being casted aside early in his career, so whenever he was able to give his kids his full attention, he did it. You couldn’t recall the amount of times you came home from work and saw tape everywhere, but you couldn’t be mad. Especially not when you saw your exhausted kids passed out on the chest of their exhausted dad, your heart warming at the view.

Your motherly instincts and skills had kicked up a notch themselves. You worked a normal, everyday job, nothing as serious as Sero’s. Because of this, you could devote a lot more time to being a mom than you expected. Your kids knew from a young age that you would always be in their life and they were loved from both parents equally. Actually, you were sure that both of you were full of too muchlove.

The thought of another child wasn’t something you shied away from. You accepted it, because you loved being a mother and your relationship with Sero wasn’t souring anytime soon. You closed your eyes, thinking of how you would bring it up to him, not noticing that your body took that as a sign to rest.

“Hiyuu! Don’t wake mommy.” Sero scolded his son as tape shot from his elbow and wrapped around his waist. Hiyuu stuck his tongue out at his father, making Sero roll his eyes—why was Hiyuu the one to inherit Sero’s sassiness?

The two ran into the beach house as Sero’s arms wiggled underneath you, lifting you up. The movement caused you to stir, and you awake to your long haired husband leaning down to kiss your cheek.

Mi amor—had a good nap?” he smiled, and the sight of all those pretty teeth was enough to make you fall in love again.

“Mmm… where are they?” you asked, in reference to your kids.

“They’re going to wash up. They stink. Both of them smell like fish.” he gagged, making your chest rumble with laughter.

“Shut it,” you scolded him, but your words weren’t serious. “What if they heard you saying all that?”

“They’d agree with me!”

Your snickering continues as he sits you down, your sliding glass doors of your bedroom balcony wipe open. The sun is leaving and the moon is making her appearance, while Sero undresses you, his hands lingering long enough on your bare skin to make you peer at him.

“What?” he whispered, that deadly grin making its appearance. Your stomach flutters. “Not my fault you’re still so… mm.No wonder I put twins in you the first time~”

Sero.” you stated, already getting a little sweaty.

“It’s true, cariño.Couldn’t get enough of ya then, why’d you think I’d finally have my fill after you had children, hmm?” He purrs, and Jesus, the way he’s talking is enough to make your pussy drip. His lips don’t leave your face and neck as those long fingers slide over your hips and grip at your ass, squeezing and fondling. His body crawls over yours, and the breeze from outside causes your nipples to perk. Your husband is quick to notice, tugging down your sundress to wrap his lips around a bud, your back arching towards him.

While he pleasures you, the thought of another baby never leaves your mind. The long haired hero touches you in all the right ways, those slim fingers burying themselves deep inside of your cunt, pressing up in the only way he knows how. He can’t get enough of your expression—how drunk on pleasure you look, running the back of his hand down your cheek.

“If those expressions don’t stop mi amor, I’ll have to put another one inside ya.” he teases, his hand pressing against your tummy.

“Do it—do it-“

“Hmm?” he raises an eyebrow, fingers slowing their pace. “You want that?”

You nod quickly, your hands reaching to grab at his biceps. His body is so perfect and slender, you can’t help but want him right now—everything he has to give.

A big grin sets on his face. “You shouldn’t have said that y/n… you know your husband can’t stop himself when it comes to you~”

“I want it.” you whimper out, pleading. “I want it-please, Hanta…”

Safe to say, your kids are very confused when their mother is “walking funny” the next day.

bday bae

anon said: i want to request some shinsou, baku, (or/and whoever you choose) hcs (domestic or fluff pls im fluff deprived T___T) about them waking up with their s/o (gn or fem ok) and realizing it’s their s/o birthday (what will they do)

warnings:fluff <3, gn!reader

a/n: i went all out for bakugo (bday baby) so i only did him here <//3 i’m sorry, i will do shinsou next tho! cuz i love him sm

  • he would go all out but also wouldn’t go all out for your birthday
  • you cannot tell me you wouldn’t wake up to him holding a cupcake w/ a your favorite color of candle and one of those balloon things in his mouth
  • “happy birthday, y/n.”
  • he’d blow it AND IT’D BE SO FUNNY PLSS
  • he’d just dote on you physically the entire day
  • this is really when his acts of service come through
  • your uniform would be already ironed and laid out for you
  • and yes, he added a satchel to it. you didn’t even know he had one made but you love the fact that he did
  • hearing everyone wish happy birthday to you makes him grin
  • he loves the fact that you’re getting attention, and that he’s right next to you while you are
  • walking hand in hand to class for once
  • if anyone comes up to you and their first words aren’t happy birthday y/n! he will be screaming at them
  • he’s basically you lap dog the entire day
  • he opens your locker for you
  • carries your books / bag
  • walks you to your desk
  • if anyone calls this out though he will glare so hard
  • and at lunch, he secretly threatened the class to all give you snacks that you really liked
  • “he’s scary, but you can tell he really cares.” mina would tell you after she exposed him for threatening everybody
  • when you two get back to the dorms and are kind of alone, he does lift you and spin you in a hug
  • i know. bakugo spinning someone in a hug? unrealistic
  • but it’s your birthday and he wants you happy, so he does it <3
  • “so where do you wanna go today?”
  • “well, i-“
  • “shut up. i know where you wanna go, pipsqueak.”
  • and he’s true to his word. he knows exactly where you wanna go
  • and bakugo won’t let you spend any money. he asked his mom for a couple thousand for today and he spends alllll of it on you.
  • the way your face lights up when he buys you something pretty is just <33 ugh it makes him feel all lovey and shit
  • probably takes you to a fair nearby as well, and definitely gives you a really special birthday kiss at the top of the ferris wheel
  • carries all your bags
  • drives you around too. such a babe omg
  • when you get back to the dorms, everyone has planned another surprise party, even aizawa joined
  • “did he set you guys up to this?” you would ask kirishima and of course he would nod
  • “well, yeah but… we wanted to do it anyway. i think the fact that he came to us makes it more special, don’t ya think?”
  • andyes, you think as you stare at your boyfriend across the room who’s bringing out a special designed cake for you, cute words in his handwriting and all
  • yes it does.

kirishima blushes if you call him cute when he wears his hair down. will not be taking any other opinion on this


also send in requests! i’m back from my little break and since a few episodes of the new season are out, i wanna write a little! send in some smut, fluff, angst, WHATEVER about any of the characters i write about and let’s get back in this

why does like every mha blog have dc on it damn can i just read some normal shit

*GIF not mine*

A/N: Got outta writer’s block with this bad boy. Enjoy!

Word count: 2138

  • “Katsuki, this isn’t you! Look at what you’re doing!”
  • But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Red rage burned in his eyes as he raised his sparking hands, both trained on you. 
  • Gritting your teeth, you settled back into your own defensive stance. Feet planted on the hard cement, you raised your arms across your chest and braced for impact, eyes glancing back and forth to ensure no more civilians were left on the street. 
  • The sun shone brightly in the sky, soaking into your skin and creating a halo around Bakugou’s blond head, despite which he still looked like a devil. A leer hung on his face as he circled you, a lion waiting to pounce on his prey. 
  • Pro Heroes were supposed to be arriving any second; after all, this was just supposed to be a simple academy training mission. You and Bakugou were supposed to survey a local villain terrorizing the streets and observe how a Pro Hero would go about capturing him. 
  • They should’ve remembered who Bakugou was and realized that he wasn’t the type of person to hold himself back from a fight, however, though distantly you assumed they believed you would be able to hold him back. 
  • They were dreadfully wrong.
  • “Katsuki, I don’t wanna hurt you,” you pleaded, softening your stance a bit. 
  • “Cute that you think I’m the one who’s gonna end up hurt,” he sneered, curling his hands into fists. Sweat dripped down his forehead and arms, further fueling the weapons attached to his arms. 
  • Panic struck you as you realized he had no control over himself and that no doubt he would use those weapons on you, full force. 
  • There was only one way to stop him before that happened. 
  • You would have to attack him first, hard
  • “Just remember, babe,” you shook your head solemnly, “I don’t mean any of this, and I would never hurt you unless I absolutely had to.”
  • Bakugou cocked a brow and curled his lip, hands sparking now more than ever. 
  • “Oh, and I also don’t forgive you for eating my muffin this morning.”
  • A grunt escaped him as he flew through the glass window of the restaurant behind him, crashing and collapsing against a table and chairs. You dropped your leg back to the ground, worry taking over your face as you strained to see his form in the dark restaurant. 
  • “Katsuki?”
  • “YN!” All Might’s voice dragged your attention away, leading you to watch as he landed on the street a few yards away. “Are you all right?”
  • Glancing back into the darkness of the restaurant one last time, you pursed your lips and turned, making your way toward the Pro Hero. “I’m fine, but Katsuki got-”
  • The wind gets knocked out of you just as you try to take another step, a blast of pure heat slamming into you and knocking you to the ground. 
  • Head smacking against the concrete, you bite down on your tongue hard enough to draw blood. 
  • “Shit,” you wheeze out as you roll onto your back, blue sky blurring above you. The epicenter of pain is on the left side of your skull and your head pounds with every heartbeat. Whooshes of blood flood your ears and a voice calls your name before everything turns to black. 
  • “YN. YN. YN!”
  • A hand pats your cheek gently, urging you to stur. When you continue to refuse, two fingers peel open your eyelid, flooding it with pure light and increasing the headache that had only been steadily pulsing before. 
  • “Ughhh,” you moan, unable to form words as the same person lifts open your second eye. 
  • A muffled “pupils are dilating” sounds far off in the distance before you feel your body being lifted up off the hard ground and onto something softer. 
  • Words like “hospital,” “concussion,” and “serious” filter in and out as you try to open your eyes, even the millimeter you actually obtain being a strain. 
  • Where is he? You try to form the words but your mouth feels stuffed with cotton and someone shushes you. Even in the blinding brightness, though, you can see him. 
  • He’s struggling in All Might’s grip, unsuccessfully trying to rip both arms away and barking at every EMT who walks past–who then begins to walk even faster–as his gaze continually glances from them on to you then back. 
  • Bakugou stops mid-shout and grows still when he finally sees your smallest of movements–the twitch of your fingers, the blink of your eyes, and the mouthing of his name.
  • Every ounce of fight in his body drains in that instant, and he slumps back against All Might, shoulders and brows drooping as he holds eye contact with you. 
  • Even in your daze, you wonder why he doesn’t come with, why they won’t let him come with, but that question falls from your mind the instant the ambulance doors are shut and they begin to drive away. 
  • Two days later, you were released from the hospital. You had a minor concussion and first-degree burns on your left arm, but otherwise you made it out unscathed. 
  • And during that time Bakugou didn’t contact you once. Not even a lame “Hey, u good?” text. Though technology was forbidden for the first couple days after your concussion, you still snuck out your phone from time to time to call him, text him, anything. He never responded. 
  • You told him that you were okay, that it was okay. You knew everything that had happened wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t in control of himself. Someone had forced him to hurt you and he’d had no part in it. If he had, he would’ve stopped it, you were sure. 
  • Nothing. 
  • All you would get was a little check mark marking each and every one of your messages as “seen.” 
  • Now that you were coming back to school today, you could finally give him a piece of your mind after that silent treatment. 
  • First thing you did when you arrived was look for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. People flooded you as you entered, asking if you were okay and how many fingers they were holding up. 
  • You noticed they were asking all but one question: What happened? 
  • Although you didn’t necessarily want to answer it anyway, this still piqued your curiosity and just as you prepared your own inquiry Aizawa entered and they scurried to their seats. 
  • Still no Bakugou in sight. 
  • The most acknowledgement the weary teacher gave you after your absence was a nod and an unceremonious grunt before diving right into the lesson. 
  • Though your doctors would blame it on your concussion, you found yourself unable to pay attention. It wasn’t even anger towards Bakugou at this point, but genuine panic that he hadn’t shown up yet. You never even thought to wonder what happened after you were knocked out until now. 
  • Maybe he got hurt too, or was it possible he could still be hypnotized? No, no way. You saw him recognize you post-knockout. So where was he?
  • The minute class ended you were out the door and running to the dorms. If Bakugou wasn’t there then obviously this situation was more serious than you thought. 
  • You hit Floor Four and bounded past Kirishima to the absent blond’s room, pounding on the door with all your might. 
  • “Katsuki? Are you in there?”
  • His red-headed friend watched as you knocked, flinching each time the door shook hard enough to rattle the entire level. “YN.”
  • “Katsuki I swear to God if you keep ignoring me-”
  • “YN.” He tried again, growing anxious. 
  • “I’m gonna kick your ass so bad you won’t even-”
  • “YN.” 
  • “What, Kirishima, what?”
  • It took a few seconds to register that he hadn’t said your name the third time. Snapping your head to the other side, you faltered at the sight of the blond. 
  • Hair ratty and tangled, eyes puffy and sunken, cheeks pale and bloodless. If anyone were to guess, they would think Bakugou was the one who took the beating. 
  • “YN.” He repeated your name like he was pondering over it. 
  • You heard a door click and turned to see Kirishima gone, disappearing into his room. Glancing around the hallway, you realized it wasn’t exactly the perfect place to have such a serious conversation and gestured for Bakugou to open his door. 
  • The second it was closed, you turned back to him and threw him a dirty look. “Why didn’t you respond?”
  • He stayed quiet for a second, looking you up and down, up and down. His mouth opened and closed like a fish gulping, and you took the time to notice how bloodshot his eyes were. Then, finally, he spoke. “Are you okay?”
  • Anger swelled at his dismissal of your question, but before you erupted you noticed something. Though Bakugou’s hands twitched at his sides, every time you moved closer toward him he would inch away. 
  • Taking a deep breath, you moved another step closer, startled when he took one back. 
  • “Why are you…” you trailed off, struck by his apprehension. 
  • “Are you okay?” he asked–no, he insisted. When you responded “yes” he nodded slowly and clenched his jaw, turning away. “That’s good.” Instead of facing you he began to fiddle with his desk chair, rotating it from side to side. 
  • You step closer, reaching out your hand to touch him and sighing when you see his shoulders tense. It hurt to see him like this, avoiding your every touch like it would give him the plague. “Why?” you whispered sadly.
  • “I read all your texts, you know.” He turned around and leaned back on his desk, propping himself up on his hands. When his eyes met yours, you saw the crimson was filled with pain. “You said it wasn’t my fault that you got hurt, that it was someone else. Someone else burned you, knocked you out. Someone else hurt you. ” He swallowed roughly. “But that’s a lie.”
  • “Katsuki, no it’s not-”
  • “It is, YN!” he snapped, pushing off his hands and pacing “I’m the one who hurt you! I used everything I had against you, to purposefully hurt you.” When he stopped in front of you, his cheeks were puffed and red, a muscle in his jaw twitching. 
  • He was angry now, pissed off but you knew it wasn’t at you. It was at himself for something he couldn’t control. 
  • You hated it when he was like this. 
  • Quickly, before he could flinch away you grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him in, close. He wriggled in your grasp, even preparing to wrench your hands off with both of his own on your wrists before you raised a brow. “You really wanna do that?”
  • Hesitantly he dropped his arms to his sides and gave in to your hold. The muscles in his face relaxed under your touch, and you started to brush your thumbs over his cheeks with a small smile. “Katsuki,” you leaned your face in closer, “the only thing that hurt me during all that time was you ignoring me. Did you know that?”
  • “YN, I was just trying to-” Before he could finish you yanked his forehead down to press against yours, effectively shutting him up. 
  • “Did you know that?” you repeated, slower this time. 
  • He rolled his eyes and pressed harder against your forehead. “No.”
  • “Look at what I’m trying to tell you, Katsuki. The only time you ever hurt me, the only time you ever caused me pain, was when you ignored me after I was injured.”
  • “I’m…” ever so slowly he let his hands trail up to your hips, settling there and squeezing for just a second. He closed his eyes and let out a soft breath. “I’m sorry.”
  • Your mouth twitched. “Sorry for what?”
  • “Come on, YN, don’t-”
  • “Sorry for what?” you laughed, tugging him back in after he tried to pull away. 
  • Apologies, especially of the genuine kind, were rare for Katsuki. In fact, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d even heard those words fall from his lips. 
  • But here they were, some of the hardest words to ever say, laid out for you and you only. 
  • Bakugou’s gaze travelled up your face, pausing on your grinning lips before continuing on to a permanent stop on your eyes. His own lips perked for a second. 
  • “I’m sorry for ignoring you after you were hurt.” 
  • Carefully, like you were a china doll, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. His body was harsh but warm against yours as he leaned his cheek against your hair. 
  • It was sweet. The sweetest you’d ever gotten out of him, but…
  • “God, you are one awkward hugger.”
  • “Don’t test me, YN.”

marked up

warnings: kind of smutty?
characters: shouto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, eijiro kirishima, izuku midoriya

summary: their favorite place to mark you with hickeys.

a/n: these are the shortest headcanons i’ve written in a hot minute lol. but ayee, my first mha writing :) can y’all guess who i’m a simp for?
also, everyone is aged up (18+)


 hipbones / lower tummy

- likes it because you’re extra sensitive there

- plus he just loves your hips

- you’ll squirm and unintentionally try to move away from his touch

- but he won’t let you

- is truly obsessed with the soft mewls you make

- will definitely get carried away

- like if you don’t stop him, your lower abdomen will look like a crime occurred 

- likes leaving marks where he knows only you and him will see

- even though sometimes he silently wishes people could see just how well he marks you up 

you’re laid out in front of shouto on the bed, fully nude and vulnerable. his hands rise and fall along the dips and curves of your body, taking a liking to the soft skin of your hips. he lowers himself so that he’s laying between your plush thighs, his warm hands still resting on your hips. he places unbearably soft kisses along your lower stomach, just above your sacred area and your breath gets caught in your throat. he keeps peppering small kisses along your stomach until he reaches your hips, stopping there for a moment to glance up at you through eager eyes. you know exactly what’s coming next and brace yourself for the overwhelmingly ticklish yet pleasurable feeling bound to come. he attaches his mouth to the inner area of your hip, sucking gently on the skin there. the first time he did this caught you so off guard, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the way his mouth tickled against you. but now that you’re a lot more used to the previously unusual feeling, the instant his tongue grazes against your body, a jolt of pleasure rushes directly to your core. 

nnh, shouto.” you hiss, placing your hand within his two-toned hair. this only motivates his antics even more, and once he’s satisfied with one mark, he moves onto the next. you watch him amusedly as he uses his mouth to paint dark purple bruises along your skin. he looks so content, so pleased with the noises you’re making and the marks that he’s leaving that you fail to notice just how many hickeys are currently covering your hips and abdomen. your eyes widen a bit at the sight, not quite wanting to stop your boyfriend, but knowing you probably should in order to salvage any clear areas of your skin. 

“shouto, baby. maybe you should stop. i look like i just got beat up.” you giggle and he pulls away at your remark. his eyes go wide, just like yours did, while he looks over the damage he dealt, mouth slightly going agape.

“oh shit, sorry. i didn’t know i made that many.” he blushes and you laugh at him a little harder. 

“it’s ok, at least it felt good.” you compliment, only deepening the red tint dusted across todoroki’s cheeks. 

“yeah, and they actually look pretty in my opinion. really pretty.” he replies, grazing his hand across the marks littering your skin and now he isn’t the only one blushing.   


chest / boobs

- personally, i believe bakugou is equally as much of an ass guy as he is a boob guy

- and since you won’t let him leave hickeys on your ass, he settles for the next best option

- your tits

- is fascinated by how soft they feel in his mouth

- and the way you moan above him sort of makes him weak

-though he won’t admit that

- could honestly suck on your titties for hours if you let him

- and you probably would bc he’s really good with his mouth 

bakugou’s lips are attached to your breast, just above your nipple as you sit straddling his lap wearing nothing but your underwear. you watch as his mouth works sinfully at bruising a bold hickey onto your skin and his fingers mindlessly tease the nipple of your other boob. he looks up at you momentarily, his calm yet lust blown expression causing your heart to flutter. why is it that he looks the most peaceful when he has my tit in his mouth? you think silently to yourself, accidentally letting out a quiet laugh in the process.

“what’s so funny?” his head snaps up and your skin releases from his lips with a wet smack. 

“nothing, nothing. keep going.” you say and bakugou raises an eyebrow at you, but doesn’t further question your laughter. instead he nips at your skin harshly, sending a shock of pain through your chest. but much to his surprise, you let out a breathy moan as opposed to the whiny protest he was expecting to receive from you which makes him look up at you with a smirk. 

“oh, so you like that? of course you’d like that.” he grunts before nipping your skin again, then licking gentle circles across the area to soothe the pain. you let out another moan that satisfies bakugou immensely, and he continues the routine of nipping and biting and sucking your skin, alternating between each breast. once he’s finished placing six deep purple love bites over your chest, he sits back to admire his masterpiece. 

“that’s so hot.” he groans, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes rake over each mark he left on your body. 

“it is, and now it’s time for me to leave some on you.” you smile innocently, though your next course of action proves to be just the opposite of that.



- honestly, kirishima likes kissing and leaving marks on you everywhere

- and i mean everywhere

- but he loves leaving hickeys on your collarbone especially

- partly because he loves that a lot of the time, people could see them if you don’t take the time to cover them up properly

-it’s a way to show the world that you’re his

- and partly because he loves how needy you get when he does it

- kirishima is a fool for needy y/n, yes he is

sometimes when kirishima gets bored, he gets needy and when he’s needy, he wants you to be needy too. so he’ll do whatever he can to get you in the mood with him. though it never really takes much work on his end because honestly,  kirishima is quite difficult to resist. you’re watching a show on the couch, paying kirishima no mind as he looks at you like a puppy begging for food from the other end of the couch. normally you were the needy one, begging for attention like that. but the roles have been switched this time. the difference between you and kirishima though, is he won’t actually tell you that he’s needy. he’ll just show you. so you’re waiting patiently for him to do just that. 

as if he read your mind, he makes his way over to your end of the couch, sits down, and pulls you into his lap with ease. 

“y/n, i’m bored.” he sighs looking at you with those same puppy dog eyes again. 

“just let me finish this episode, then we can tend to your needs.” you chuckle and kirishima frowns.

“but i wanna tend to them now.” he huffs, wasting no time to attach his lips to the exposed skin of your collarbone from the loose hanging t-shirt you’re wearing. your breath hitches almost immediately and sometimes you curse yourself for being so sensitive, especially when it comes to kirishima. he begins doing what he does best, marking you up the way he loves to so much. you actually still have faint marks from where he left hickeys on you a few days ago. but you’d be a bold face liar if you said you didn’t like it too. you just enjoy giving him a hard time. 

“babe, i’m trying to watch my show.” you sigh. though the way you shut your eyes and lean your head back, seeping into his touch, clearly contradicts that.

“yeah, and i’m trying to watch a different type of show.” kirishima says, pulling away from the hickey he was forming. he looks over your body that’s straddled around his lap quickly before focusing his eyes back on your face. he flashes you a sly smile, which slightly irritates you because you know he’s going to get exactly what he wants and he knows it too.

but you do what he wants regardless, you give him a show. and oh one hell of a show it is. 


neck / below the ear

- more often than not, midoriya’s head is placed in the crook of your neck

- he just finds comfort there

- whenever he hugs you, or the two of you are cuddling, he’ll put his head there

- and you love it

- it’s quite precious really

- unless he’s in the mood

- then it’s a bit less precious and a lot more spicy™

- not that you’re complaining

you and midoriya are having a lazy day. sometimes you just absolutely need one of those. a day to relax and take a step back from the stresses of the outside world. it’s nice. midoriya is cuddled up against you, his head tucked into the crook of your neck as per usual. the soft strands of his deep green hair are flowing through your fingertips as you massage his scalp. his breaths are soft, slow. quite frankly you thought he was asleep until you feel him place a kiss right below your ear. you thought it would simply end there, a nice innocent sign of affection. but no, midoriya has other plans.

his kisses evolve into languid sucking. his hands are resting on your sides, thumbs rubbing light circles there as he works his mouth along your skin. you can’t help but let out a few whimpers every now and then, you’re grip on midoriya’s hair tightening in relation to his sucking growing harsher. he switches between leaving hickeys and simply just kissing your neck, which makes you begin to grow hot with desire.

hm deku, that feels good.” you hum. he doesn’t respond verbally, but smiles against you before deepening one of the hickeys he had already placed. he continues this for a little while, completely lost in your breathy moans and the way you jut your hips against him occasionally. though he comes to the realization that your neck is very visible to other people, so he probably shouldn’t mark it up too much. he stops his actions, pulling away to look at you.

“all done.” he smiles and you giggle at him.

“thanks deku, i’m sure i’m gonna have fun figuring out how to cover them up tomorrow.” you tease.

“hey, don’t pretend you didn’t like it. sure sounded like you did.” he teases back.

well, he’s got you there.

The Letter | Katsuki Bakugo x Reader

Warning: Maybe I did Oc!Bakugo

Summary: In a conversation with the Bakusquad you end up talking about the first boy you liked.

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away and Mina somehow ended up convincing you and the Bakusquad that they will help her make chocolate to confess. As they cooked, they ended up talking about the experiences each had on Valentine’s Day. You laughed at Denki when you heard that she gave a girl some chocolates made with salt instead of sugar.

“In my defense, salt and sugar look alike!” he said after Bakugo called him stupid.

“Okay Denki. I’ll save you from this shame by telling my story” you said when you noticed that he was embarrassed “When I was seven I liked a boy from my grade so I wrote him a letter …”

“Don’t tell me, you were wrong and someone else read it” Mina interrupted you.

“No, worse” you said while you put the chocolate mixture in the molds “He broke the letter. And that’s how I had my first broken heart at seven years old” you added while putting your hand on your chest in a dramatic way, you tried not to make you uncomfortable at the look Bakugo was giving you.

You didn’t think he would be upset if you told the story since you didn’t say his name and it had happened years ago. It was already a matter of the past, you got over it. Just a silly childhood crush, right?

“I didn’t know that seven-year-olds could be so cruel,” Sero said.

Maybe Sero would change his mind if he knew that little Bakugo, after seeing you cry with Izuku, went to the garbage can where he had thrown your letter in the hope of fixing it so that he could read what it said only to find that the letter did not have salvation after having destroyed it with his quirk.

“Did he at least apologize to you afterwards?” Kirishima asked.

“Not exactly, but the next day he brought me a stuffed dragon” you replied “I’m sure his mother forced him but I kept him anyway” you shrugged.

You were wrong. His mother did not force him, Bakugo himself asked his parents to take him to the toy store to buy you a stuffed animal in the hope of seeing you smile again because he hated knowing that he was the reason for your sadness. And his plan worked because he just gave you the stuffed dragon you smiled at him and hugged him while thanking him.

“Anyway, that’s my seven year old heartbreak story”

But for the little Bakugo the story didn’t end there.

Next Valentine I look forward to your letter, but that year you didn’t write a letter to him but you made cookies for the whole grade. This time there was nothing special for him. So he decided to wait until the following year to give you the bracelet that he had made for you with the help of his father. Only the next year you didn’t give him a letter either and again you baked something for the whole grade. The worst that that year your desk was full of letters from his classmates. Unlike him, you didn’t tear any letters but thanked everyone for the gesture and apologized for not reciprocating their feelings.

“What about you, Bakugo? Don’t you have any history?” Mina asked making the blonde snap out of her thoughts.

“No, maybe next year” he replied without taking his eyes off you making you blush.


Valentine’s Day had arrived. You couldn’t care less so you were in your room eating candy while watching rom-coms until you heard a knock on the door.

You get up from your bed and open the door to find Bakugo.

“Hello” you said, unable to hide your surprise.

“For you” said the blond, getting straight to the point, handing you a box along with an envelope.

“Bakugo, it is not necessary, if it is because I told about the letter it was not for you to feel pressured to do this” you said clearly nervous and with red cheeks.

“Shut up, just open the envelope” he ordered crossing his arms.

“Good” you murmured and stood for a few seconds without doing anything thinking that he would leave. Then you realized that he wanted to be present when you read whatever he wrote to you.

Without wasting any more time, you opened the envelope to find a pink paper, like the letter paper you gave him years ago, with stickers of hearts and stars on the edges, also the same stickers that you had put on your letters, and written “I’m Sorry” in large print in bright red ink. You couldn’t believe that Bakugo will remember the details of your letter. You took your eyes off the paper to meet the blond’s red irises.

“I’m really sorry to have broken your letter” you felt your heart warm when you saw the gentleness with which he looked at you, it was not normal to see that kind of look in Bakugo “Now can you write me another letter? ”


“Why?” He repeated “Getting together with Denki is doing you wrong, it is affecting your neurons ”

“Bakugo!” you complained.

“You just want to hear me say it right?” you nodded with a smile “Well, I like you” And as if it were possible your smile grew even more.

“I think I like you too”

“Do you think?”

“I don’t know, I need something to check it out”

“Idiot, just say you want to kiss me” he said making you laugh.

Shoto Todoroki x Reader

Sorry for disappearing I was busy with school I hope I can write more often

Summary:Soulmate AU. Todoroki meets his soulmate during the provisional license test.


“Seij-senpai, it’s him” you whispered, shaking the boy from one side to the other without being able to contain your excitement when you saw that Shoto Todoroki got off the bus that was bringing the UA students.

Since you were eight years old you knew that Shoto Todoroki is your soulmate. His name popped up on your wrist while you were in school and all the girls in your class started screaming because you were the first person in the whole room to have his soulmate mark.

For years you didn’t have a face for Shoto until Inasa described him what he was like after you pressed him a thousand times, but you finally had a fixed face when he watched the UA sports festival on television. You didn’t leave the screen for a minute because you don’t want to miss anything about it. You screamed many words of encouragement at the television even though you knew it couldn’t hear you. From there your excitement to meet your soulmate increased more and you spent it thinking thousands of scenarios where they were for the first time.

“Idiot, you have to concentrate on the exam” Shishikura scolded, releasing annoyance from your grip.

“But senpai, what if this is the only time I see him? What if I don’t have another chance? “ you said whimpering.

You knew that Shoto Todoroki knew of your existence because he must have your name on his wrist, just like you have his, but unlike he had never seen you, and you had that stupid fear, according to Seiji, of taking too many years to meet Shoto and that he decided to ignore their soulmate bond and fall in love with someone else.

"I told you to focus on your exam” he replied pulling your hair causing you to moan “Once you pass you can talk to him or whatever”

Of course, you ignored Seiji and instead of going with Inasa, as they had planned before, you decided to go after Todoroki. Apparently, you did well because your soulmate seemed to need help.

“Didn’t I tell you, Todoroki? Even if you are from UA, acting only says that you trust yourself too much ”said who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"Hey!” They all said when they saw how one of the nuts that the leader had thrown was going in the direction of the group. Some fell out of the tank where they were when they tried to avoid the nut.

You took advantage of the group’s distraction and hid behind the ice that Todoroki just created.

“Okay soulmate, I have come to help you,” you said with a smile causing Shoto’s stoic face to change into a surprised expression. You laughed when you saw how cute he looked.

“Y / n Y / ln?” He said and you nodded.

“He deceived us, he is not alone!” said one of the group.

“It doesn’t matter, go on with the plan” ordered the leader and began to throw more nuts and bolts.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this” you said when you saw how Todoroki’s defense was broken. You raised your hands and sent some of the metals in the opposite direction.

Shoto wastes no time and attacks with his fire those you set free. But before he could reach them, two of the group members began to dump dirt and water. Again Todoroki had to create another ice defense although it did not do much because it was instantly broken.

“Sorry, I can’t handle that much,” you said frustrated.

“Be careful” said your soul mate and he took you by the arm drawing you to him, you blushed when you saw how close they were, to avoid that one of the tanks hurt you. “I will create a distraction. Don’t follow me, focus on passing ”

Shoto felt guilty watching your face drop. He thought maybe he didn’t express himself well. He didn’t mind you helping him but he didn’t want you to end up disapproving of him because of him. Once they finished the exam he would speak well to you.

You saw how Shoto fired fire at him again. Instantly the others contracted with land and water. Shoto didn’t stop until a large amount of smoke formed. It was hard for you to see but you still struggled to find at least one of the members of the group. Thanks to the color uniform you were able to distinguish one so you took your chance. From your belt, you took some handcuffs and with your quirk, you managed to put them on the feet and hands of your enemy. Apparently, the others did not realize because they were after Todoroki. Without wasting any more time you ran towards your prisoner and placed the balls in him. You sighed, relieved to hear that they had just said that there was another one approved. It wasn’t long before they said the same thing again. You turned around to see that Todoroki had taken care of the rest of the group.

“We should go,” you said without knowing what else to say.

“If you are right”

Then the two of them began to walk in silence. Todoroki noticed how several times you were about to speak to him but then you closed your mouth again. You were unsure, so he decided to start the conversation.

“Thanks for your help”

Your eyes lit up again and Todoroki liked seeing you more so he said and insecure.

“I couldn’t let them widow me before my time” you joked without thinking, but then you realized what you said and panicked “Sorry, it’s not that I don’t trust your combat skills in fact you already showed at the festival that you are excellent and today again I am impressive, you are amazing. Oh my god, I should stop talking "you blushed.

"You are amazing too,” he said without any shame.

“Todoroki, you’re going to kill me,” you said hiding your face in your hands.

“Why do you say that?” he asked worriedly and pulled your hands away so he could see your face in search of a blow “Does something hurt? Do you need a doctor? Do you need a ride?”

You didn’t even have time to respond when he was already carrying you and running with you in his arms.

“Shoto, I’m fine! It’s just a saying, I wasn’t serious!” you screamed in disbelief that this was all happening the first time they met.

“Oh sorry” he stopped and carefully lowered you.

“Sorry for worrying you” you ran a nervous hand through your hair.

“Okay” he agreed and they walked calmly again “You should give me your number when we finish the exam”

You bit your lip to contain your cry of excitement. Shoto Todoroki would be your death, how could he speak so naturally and without nerves. You were also excited to know that he liked you enough to want to keep in touch with you.

“Sure” you smiled at him.

I made a kofiso if you want you can help me by giving me a tip or asking for a commission. I would greatly appreciate it

The Reason | Natsuo Todoroki x Reader

Summary: Natsuo explains the reason why he rejected you.


When Enji invited you home for dinner after finishing your last day as an intern, he thought Natsuo would be more excited. You hadn’t appeared at home for a long time, he thought it was because you were focused on the UA but there was another reason, something had happened between you and Natsuo.

Now it made sense because Natsuo hadn’t been to see you at the sports festival or visit his agency all week.

Throughout the night they did not speak directly to each other, yet both looked at each other every so often hoping the other did not notice. The two of them yearned to be together, their eyes said so clearly. Pff, teenagers, why don’t you talk directly about the problem instead of just staring at each other?

Normally Enji Todoroki wouldn’t get involved in his children’s lives unless it was Shoto, but he was tired of all this stuff. So instead of taking you home, he told Natsuo to do it. He was sure that once they were alone one of the two would have the guts to start the conversation they obviously needed.

And he was not wrong.

“I’m sorry” Natsuo apologized as they walked.

“It’s not your fault, Natsuo. I can’t force you to feel the same as me” you answered without looking up from the ground, without seeing how the boy clenched his fists “Although yes, your reaction was rude”

Months ago when the two of you finished middle school, you confessed your feelings to Natsuo. You thought that he would accept your feelings and they would be together, apparently, you read the signs wrong because that was not what happened. Natsuo denied your feelings, he called you a liar and after that they never spoke again, leaving you heartbroken.

“I have feelings for you,” said Natsuo making you look at him surprised “I can’t stop thinking about that day”

“Then why?”

You couldn’t even finish speaking when he was already answering you.

“I thought you just wanted to go out with me because of my father”

It hurt to know that he had ruined his chance with you because of his insecurities. If he hadn’t gotten carried away by negative thoughts telling him that you were only using him to succeed as a hero in the future then he could be with you right now, be happy with you instead of yearning for you all the time.

You pulled Natsuo out of his thoughts when you took his hand and made him stop. You felt your heartbreak again when you saw pain, regret, and insecurity in the boy’s gray eyes. You didn’t like that look on him.

“Natsuo, I would never do that to you” you took a deep breath before continuing “You are more than Endeavor’s son. I don’t love you for being the son of hero number two. I fell in love with you because of the little things, when you laughed at my bad jokes, when I was cold and you lent me your scarf or when you shared your lunch with me "you smiled” You are a good person, you always helped me without expecting something in return and you are the only person who knows when I have a bad day just by looking at me. How could I not fall in love with you? “

"God, I didn’t know that I could fall in love with you more but after this speech wow,” Natsuo said making you laugh.

Natsuo during all these months I can’t stop thinking about you, every time he was about to send you a message he would back down because he thought you hated him after rejecting you in such a rude way. He now felt like an idiot for not having spoken to you earlier to clear things up.

“Y / n, would you give me another chance? I want to show you that I can be a good boyfriend”

“Yes,” you answered intertwining your fingers with his.

“Thank you” I kiss your hand.

“You know? You can kiss me elsewhere if you want.”

When Natsuo was about to bring his face close to yours he rang his cell phone ruining the moment. I was going to ignore it but it rang again.



You covered your mouth trying to stifle your laughter when you saw how embarrassed Natsuo was by Fuyumi’s call.

You started walking.

“We’re fine” the boy answered as he followed you.

“Oh, I’m glad. I was worried because you were taking a long time to come back …

When Natsuo finished talking to Fuyumi, the two of you had already arrived at your house. Natsuo regretted wasting their last minutes together by talking to his sister.

"I guess the kiss is for the next time” you shrug and try not to smile at the disappointment of your boyfriend “Thanks for joining me, Natsuo” you kiss his cheek and enter your house.

I made a kofi so if you want you can help me by giving me a tip or asking for a commission: https://ko-fi.com/mai_dragoste

I would greatly appreciate it


If you want you can leave me requests to write

a/n: gahh i need to write more, i’m gonna try and scramble and ending for my wattpad story, but ehhh writing just feels so weirdkdskdsn, i love it, but i’m just in a funk rn, hoping it gets better-anyway don’t think i’ve ever seen a college au overhaul fic-if one exists pls dont be shy and hand me that link…

summary: when you unintentionally run into your cousin at the same college, he introduces you to his dormmate in hopes to find him another friend, though things develop a little deeper than just friends

key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk

gender neutral reader

college au ; quirkless au ; 18+, MINORS DNI

warnings: swearing, fluff, smut (a blowjob and grinding), suggestive themes

word count: 2.3k

nsfw under the cut!!

»»————- ★ ————-««


** i believe this is an edited cap, if anyone knows the original artist please let me know, as this image do not belong to me! **

»»————- ★ ————-««

It’s honestly a surprise to both of you. Hari smiles warmly as he hugs you, completely astounded to have bumped into his cousin attending the same college as him.

The two of you catch up, and you’re honestly shocked you don’t at least share one class together considering you’re just about the same age, Hari of course had to be just one year older than you to spite you.

When he brings you back to his dorm room to meet his best friend and so called partner in crime, you’re dumbfounded.

“It’s so…”

“Clean? That would be Kai’s touch.” Hari smiles, nodding over to the chestnut haired male working away tirelessly at his desk on some sort of paper. The entire space is clean. 

It smells freshly of teakwood and sage, the oddly sterile room seems to feel almost medical.

“If you insist on bringing romantic partners over, I’d hope you’d do so whilst I’m not here.” The comment quickly has you bursting out laughing, shaking your head and punching your cousin.

“Noooo! Hari please-”

“They’re my cousin! Gross! If you’d let me introduce them before you start making your accusations!” Hari wants to slap Kai on the back of his head but he knows better than to interrupt him while he’s writing, let alone to touch him in general.

Kai places his pencil down before turning in his chair to meet you. And for a few moments you feel the world stand still. This guy is next to gorgeous, his amber eyes seem to piece straight through you, making you feel invisible under his gaze.

And Kai can’t help but think the same thing. You’re…peculiar.

“Cousins?” Kai repeats, glancing at the both of you.

“We’re not going to look identical!” Hari shuffles over to his bed and takes a seat, shaking his head as he tugs his bookbag off and pulls out his own laptop, ready to see what assignments he needs to complete and turn in before the night is over with.

“Whatever, just, don’t put your hands all over everything.” Kai takes one more full glance at you, starting at your feet and heading upward, almost as if he’s trying to memorize what you look like before turning back around to complete his own assignment.

“Right…It’s nice to meet you, Kai.” You smile sweetly though he can’t see it. And whilst you can’t see his face, the corners of his own lips point upward in a small grin.

You meet up with Hari and Kai on occasions, eventually getting Hari’s new number and Kai’s. Though your relationship with Kai seems curt and strictly ‘in case of emergency when Hari won’t pick up his damn phone’ it begins to blossom into something, much more.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you use your phone so much.” Hari teases the brunette as Kai types away on his phone while sitting in bed.

“If you’d tell your cousin to go to bed at a reasonable time I wouldn’t be having such a crisis.” Kai bites back, shooting a sharp glance toward Hari. The LED strip lights hung around the top of the room only seem to give Kai a headache these days, but once you made the comment about how they had them hung up, he hadn’t been able to stop turning them on.

“So you’re texting (Y/n)? What about? Don’t you guys have calculus together or something?” Hari sits up in his own bed, now much more invested in whatever conversation his best friend is having with his cousin.

“I don’t see how it’s any of your business. And it’s chemistry.” 

“So you two have chemistry~” Hari teases furthermore, placing a red tint on Kai’s cheeks.

“Go to bed.”

“Aye aye captain.”

Kai’s sleep schedule doesn’t get wrecked because of you, but he finds himself staying up just beyond his normal time, enough to see you text him goodnight along with a string of other messages before you fall asleep yourself.

But perhaps when Kai begins to really fall is when he’s gingerly knocking on the door to your own dorm around seven at night.

“Hey…Kai?” You stare at him, a little embarrassed only dressed in your sleepwear.

“Your cousin decided to have a date over.” You can tell he’s embarrassed himself, just even mentioning the activities your cousin might be getting up to.

The tops of his cheeks are red, along with the tips of his ears. It’s quite cute.

“It’s probably not up to your standards, but come on in. I try to keep it picked up as best as I can.” You let Kai in. Luckily, your dormmate had dropped out two weeks before midterms, and they’d never filled the empty space, so you used it for storage.

Your ‘side’ of the dorm was completely clean, save for maybe a sweater on the ground from earlier, but Kai was reluctant to find his best friend’s cousin wasn’t living in filth, like he may have, ahem, thought so.

It wasn’t anything personal, but he’d never really encountered someone who kept their room as clean as theirs, and while this wasn’t close to his standard, it sure beat every other room he’d been in. He could manage.

“I would’ve thought he’d gone over to this date’s place.” You take a seat on your bed, motioning for Kai to join you.

“I can’t just deny him his half of the room. I just expect him to keep it clean.” Kai’s lips poke upward in a smile, it’s his version of a joke. You can’t help but smile yourself.

“Have you ever had anyone over, Mr. Charmer?” You tease the guy sitting on your bed now.

“What? That’s none of your business.” Kai averts his gaze and looks around your room. You have your own set of LED strip lights, albeit hung up much more nicely than whatever the two tried to accomplish. 

“Oh come on, you mean to tell me you haven’t had at least one date over?” You want to touch him, punch his shoulder jokingly, but you’ve seen how Hari acts, it’s like they barely even interact. You like Kai, you’d rather not overstep your boundaries without asking.

“What I do with my dates does not concern you.” Kai protests, glancing back over at you.

“So does that mean you have a girlfriend or something?” Your heart wrenches in your chest, thinking that maybe you won’t have a shot at all.

“Or something?”

“I don’t know, boyfriend? Throuple?” You bury your face in your hands, laughing quietly.

“No. I’m not in any kind of relationship.” Kai can feel the tension between you two growing. He wanted to close the gap between you two, slam his lips on yours and be done with the space.

“Are you?” Kai follows up, catching your attention.

“Uh, no. I learned quickly college boys were a nightmare.” You teased.

“Not all college boys,” You interjected quickly. 

“Mhm.” Kai smiles again.

“Can I…”

“Where.” Kai doesn’t let you finish your sentence, he knows you’ve been wanting to, wanting to ask.

“Your hands.” You say softly.

“Can you, wash your hands first?” 

Kai can hear the running water from your bathroom, and when you come back, you’re extra careful to not touch anything with your hands. You sit back down and wait for Kai.

“They’re cold just so you know.” You warn, watching as Kai places one hand under your cupped ones, breaking them open slowly.

“You’re not supposed to use cold water you imbecile.” Kai has half a nerve to flick you in the forehead, but he decides at least you cleaned them.

“You have nice hands.” Kai comments, examining them as he drags his fingers across your palm, bending your fingers just to play with them. You can’t help the heat that spreads on your face. His touch was so gentle, and graceful.

“Thanks, I don’t think anyone’s ever really said that.” You can’t hide your fluster now, wiggling your fingers slightly to catch his attention. It works. His gaze wanders up your arms and to your face, where he sees you staring at his own hands.

“H-have you ever had sex?” The question falls from your lips absentmindedly. You don’t mean to ask but it’s much to late to take it back now.

“I have. Have you?” Kai asks, tugging your hand, catching you off guard. Your face stops mere inches from his crotch, your eyes widening as he holds onto your arms to keep your face from connecting to the material of his jeans.

“Sure!” You lie. Okay so you still had you v-card, big deal, but he didn’t have to know that.

“You’re awfully jittery to have already had sex.” 

“Having sex doesn’t mean you can’t be nervous!” You glare up at him, biting your bottom lip.

“Mhm.” Kai leans down, connecting his lips to yours.

“What’s kept you waiting?” Kai speaks between gentle kisses. His own nerves have boiled down, more like he’s forced them down, and he leads as he pursues you.

“N-nothing! Just never really had the chance, I suppose.” You can’t believe this is happening.

“Can I blow you?” You blurt out. Kai’s cheeks burn red, and you see a tent form in his jeans just out of your peripherals. You begin to get antsy. You’re excited, you’re not so much as nervous as you were shocked that this was happening.

“Hari’s gonna fuckin’ kill me.” Kai doesn’t waste any time undoing his pants, watching as you stare at his bare cock in awe.

“Go on, it won’t hurt you.” Kai teases, slapping the tip of his cock against your lips. You’ve seen porn before, but you’ve never sucked a dick before, let alone you really don’t have any experience with sucking things. Sure you jokingly deepthroated that banana during lunch but who didn’t?

No teeth was the number one rule-the golden rule.

You started slowly, kitten-licking the head of his cock, your heart skipping a beat as you heard his breaths stutter, one of his hands rest on the back of your neck, fingers crawling through your hair.

“Fuck.” Kai breathes, your lips finally opening around his tip which leaks pre, swallowing just the head. You guide your head down as far as your throat will let you, turned on by the sensation.

Kai’s hand seems to guide you along, helping you set a steady pace that feels good. You braced one hand on his thigh, using the other to work the base of his cock. Eventually, you were working at your own pace, seemingly hearing no complaints from Kai, who was instead moaning softly.

“F-fuck how is this your first time? Shit!” Kai twitched in your mouth, gripping your shoulder, pulling you off of his cock quickly, watching as it moved on its own.

“Not letting you make me cum that fast.” Kai groaned. Tilting your chin up to look at him, which was adequately covered in a mix of drool and pre. Kai wasn’t a big fan of the mess, but he had to admit it was rather hot to see.

“Come on where’s your sense of adventure?” You teased, leaning back down, licking a stripe on the underside of his cock. It should’ve been a warning, his words, but you didn’t listen. And now your face was coated in his cum.

You stared at the male, blinking as his warm spend stuck to your cheeks, across your lips and dangerously over your eyes.

“Fuck, sorry.” Kai quickly searched around for something to clean you up with. 

“No wait-take a picture.” You asked, staring up at him with wide eyes. How could he fucking resist you like that? He pulled his phone from his pocket and carefully snapped a few pictures of your face, coated in him, in his load, god you looked perfect. He’d kiss you but he wanted to clean you up first. He did make the mess on your face…

After cleaning you up, Kai pulled you into a kiss, a passionate one. You sat in his lap, his hands roaming down your back until they landed on your ass. 

Your movements against his lap were lead with a slow pace, grinding your hips against his, making out with the guy you’d slowly fallen in love with. Small moans caught in your throat when the friction hit just right until there was a knock on the door.

“(Y/n)? Open up! Is Kai in there? He’s not answering his damn phone.” Hari’s voice sounded and then the door open, leaving you no time to hop off of his lap. 

Hari froze in his tracks as you practically leapt off of Kai’s lap onto the floor, hurting yourself a little more than you thought you would.

“Oh shit-sorry!” Hari whipped the door closed again, waiting outside, trying to scrub the image of Kai’s hands all over you out of his mind.

The walk back to their dorm was awkward, leaving you in front as Kai and Hari followed behind you. It was quiet, and unnerving.

It was an unusual atmosphere back in their dorm room as you sat on Kai’s bed, tired and wishing you’d stayed back at your dorm so you could sleep even though you had the day off tomorrow.

“So are you uh…” Hari starts.

Kai glances at you and can tell your sleepy. You nod your head and smile, snuggling into one of Kai’s pillows behind him.

“Just started.” Kai announced. Your relationship was official at least. You closed your eyes and fell asleep to them talking quietly. About an hour passed when they both realized you’d completely passed out.

“Just let them sleep, we’re off tomorrow.” Kai drapes a blanket over you and squeeze under his own covers, falling asleep shortly after Hari, taking his time to admire you.

The following day you open up about your feelings toward Kai and Hari jokingly approves of your relationship. It was definitely not something he’d seen coming, but he was nonetheless happy that Kai had found someone.

And he supposed, you as well.

»»————- ★ ————-««


a/n: slow updates as usual, i cut the tip of my finger at work changing receipt paper so bear with me, that shit hurteded :(  this is just a little self-indulgent piece, so i hope you guys like it!! this is also hella short, i apologize >-<

summary: a hangout with your close friends turns into a little fuss for your affections

key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk

gender neutral reader

warnings: swearing, fluff, multiple characters x reader

word count: 503

»»————- ★ ————-««


*i’m unsure of this image’s ownership!! so credit to whoever owns this!!*

»»————- ★ ————-««

You’re sitting in Sero’s lap, his arms locked over your shoulders as you lean on his chest, his head resting on top of yours. You giggle at a tiktok that Kaminari shows you, and everything just feels right.

Kirishima is painting Bakugou’s nails, despite the blond saying he could do it himself. After a sort of bad day, you’d asked if you could all hang out, and thankfully they all agreed, so here you were, in Sero’s room, just vibing.

When Kirishima was done, he looked over at you, now snuggling under Sero’s knitted sweater. 

“What’re you doin’ under there!” Kirishima lightly nudged where your head would be, forcing you to pop up from the neck-hole, glancing at him.

“Searching for treasure.” You said with a grin.

“Under his shirt? You’re not gonna find much.” Kaminari teased.

“Oh shut up!” Sero called to the yellow-blond.

“It’s warm under here at least, unlike someone’s freezing cold ass.” You mutter, poking fun at Kaminari, who was unusually cold all the time.

“It’s not my fault!” Kaminari protests, crossing his arms over his chest, moping away from the group. 

Bakugou is sadly forced to sit patiently while his nails dry, and it’s going to take a few minutes. He wants to snatch you away from Sero and hold you on his own.

You give Sero a light peck on his cheek before leaving his sweater and moving over to Kirishima.

“You guys are so mean to one another, there’s plenty of me to go around.” You huff, sitting in front of Kirishima.

“Paint my nails next!” You smile, holding your hands up.

“Anything for you, beautiful.” He murmurs, smiling as he reaches for the bottle.

Kaminari moves behind you and begins playing with your hair.

“That feels nice.” You hum. 

“Are you feeling better?” He asks quietly, leaning his head on the back of your shoulder.

“Much, thanks for letting me bug you guys.” You speak to all of them as Kirishima leans in and presses a tender kiss to your forehead. You glance at Bakugou who looks left out.

“Hey, dumbass.” You mock him lovingly.


You cut him off with a peck on his lips, leaving him speechless, his cheeks turning pink as the rest of his friends begin to chuckle at his expression.

“Too easy man.” Sero laughs.

“Shut up!” Bakugou yells, a smile on his lips, growing as he stares at you.

Kaminari nudges for you to turn and glance at him, and when you do he places a peck on your cheek.

“You don’t bug us, dummy.” 

“Yeah! We’re always here for you!” Kirishima adds in.

“You guys are the best.” You smile. Enjoying the comfort that they give you. It seemed silly to be so in love with the four, but here you were, falling more and more in love with each of them.

That night consisted of pizza, video game raging, and cuddles for everyone, and needless to say, the bad day you’d had, had melted away almost instantly.

»»————- ★ ————-««



a/n: first post back from my break, i’m feeling so much better, and to be completely honest, i’ve really missed writing. i think a break was definitely what i needed, but it feels right to be back, to be tuning my thoughts into this creative process, it really frees my mind.

summary: at first, it’s just a coincidence that bakugou stumbles upon you at your job, but soon it becomes a selfish urge to get to know you, outside of classes.

key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk

warnings: swearing, fluff, bakugou likes coffee/tea?, slight obsession/possessiveness,

word count: 2.1k

;cut for length;

»»————- ★ ————-««

It’s really almost ironic how Bakugou, or as you like to call him-in the privacy of your loneliness, Katsuki, walks in, completely unaware. And while Katsuki isn’t some sort of nickname, rather his first name, you still feel embarrassed calling him anything but Bakugou.

He walks in as you’re topping a caramel latte with some cinnamon-truly you’d recognize that head of blonde hair anywhere.

He’s dressed casually, as he would be, it’d make no sense for him to be in his hero costume, or in the school uniform since he was neither getting off from classes nor out on patrol for a work study. He was just out and about, you’d assumed.

You worked at a café for some spending cash, nothing too draining, and nothing you couldn’t handle on top of all your studies. You’d gotten the school’s permission to work off-campus as long as you proved with your grades, that you could handle it. 

When his crimson eyes met with your (e/c) ones, you felt like time had stopped. No one from your class had ever asked what you did outside of classes, let alone had anyone found out that you had a job. 

With what seemed like a selfish smirk, he sauntered up to the counter and began to analyze the menu.

“Hi, how are you today?” You ask politely, nerves washing over you as you stare at your classmate. Despite being within the same age range, and in the same class, attending the same school, managing in about the same skill level, you felt so small in his presence.

“Doin’ great, didn’t know you had a job.” Bakugou’s voice is quiet, matching with the calmness inside the small café. He glances down at you, his smirk fading away into a normal expression.

“You never asked if I did.” You retorted, leaning against the counter. It was your turn to glance at him. 

He’s wearing jeans, and a baggy tan sweater. It was what you assumed was some sort of casual streetwear? Whatever it was it looked really comfortable. And for what seemed like the millionth time today, you’re distracted by another customer to not even notice anything else around you.

While staring at the embroidered logo on the chest of his sweater, you don’t even hear what he wants. It’s not until he flicks your forehead, your hands shooting up to cover where he’s just inflicted a small stinging pain, that you realize what’s happening.

“Sorry! Can you repeat that?” You ask, looking away, readying up at your register.

“A caramel macchiato, with cinnamon on top.” Bakugou glances down at your tip jar and then back up at you. He pays for his drink, but you don’t fail to notice the few bills he slips in, a small nod in your direction following as he goes to sit down, scrolling through his phone.

 You begin to make his drink, preparing it like you were being watched by the owner of the business you worked for, preparing it with the upmost caution and preciseness, making sure you had perfect lines of caramel on the froth on top, and a pleasing amount of cinnamon on top of that.

“Katsuki!” You call, your voice breaking slowly toward the end of his name. It was the first time you’d said his name in front of him. At least his first name. When he reaches the counter, you can tell that his cheeks are visibly redder than usual. You want to ask if he’s okay, but you’re pulled from your thoughts when you feel his fingers brush against yours as he takes his drink.

“Thanks.” Bakugou comments quietly. He steps away from the counter and then pauses, turning back to look at you.

“What time do you get off?” He questions, peeling the wrapper off of his straw, disposing it into the nearby trashcan.

“I’m here till we close today, why?” You ask but you get no answer. Bakugou hums and walks off, the bell dinging above the door as he exits.

You don’t expect to see him later that night at all, but when he walks in, just a few minutes before closing, your heart swells. It’s an odd feeling, despite the crush you already have on him.

“Welcome back.” You say softly. He’s the only customer in the store, thankfully things had slowed down as the night carried on. Surprisingly, people didn’t care much for coffee at nine at night.

“You got any of those fudge slices left?” Bakugou approaches the counter.

“I saved one just for you.” You tease, pulling it out from it’s glass display case.

“It’s on the house.” You nod, handing him the small napkin holding the fudge slice.

“Thanks.” Bakugou walks over to one of the tables and sits down, munching on the fudge.

“You almost ready to go?” Your manager steps out, having finished cleaning all the machines for the night.

“Just about.” You watch Bakugou from behind the counter, his crimson eyes peaking at you every so often.

Eventually though, you have to walk him out, locking the door behind him. It doesn’t take long for you to close up, and when you step outside, you’re met with the chilly night air.

Until you’re nudged by Bakugou as he walks by you.

“You gonna stand there?” 

“Why’d you wait out here, it’s freezing!” 

“Someone had to walk you home, you’d probably trip over your own feet on the way there and freeze to death.”

“I’ve worked nights before and made it home completely fine. I think you just wanted to walk me home.” You tease him, your face stinging in the wind. It’s a cold walk back to the campus, but you’ve mastered getting there as quickly as possible due to things like the nights getting colder, and rain.

“Shut up, dumbass.” 

The following day, you’re off, much to Bakugou’s surprise when you both bump into each other in the common room.

He just nods at you as you pass. Later on, you decide to repay him, sliding the tip he’d left you back under his door. You felt bad for taking his money like that, he was your classmate. You made plenty of tips anyway.

But Bakugou wasn’t having any of it.

He made it a point to return that tip to you, even if he had to sneak in your room to do so.

Although you answered after his third knock.

“Hey, what’s up?” You questioned in your doorway.

“This is for you to keep, idiot.” Bakugou groaned, handing you back the folded bills. You shook your head.

“I don’t need it, besides you could use that to buy another drink or-”

“I’m not leaving until you take this.” 

“Stubborn.” You mumbled, reaching for the folded up tip. You feel awful taking his cash, and in this moment it feels almost illegal. Like he’s just paying you for something you do so often you feel like you haven’t even done anything worth receiving this money for.

“Barista.” The job-title almost feels like an attack when he says it. You just shake your head and glance away.

“Hey!” You lean over and flick his forehead.

“No one else knows, shut up.” You’d finally taken your revenge. Bakugou’s eyes widen, as if he’s just been told the biggest secret in the world.

Later in the week, when you’re off, Bakugou catches you leaving early in the morning, apron in hand. Luckily it’s just him awake, and you hadn’t realized he’d even been awake.

He comes and visits you, as much as he can.

On your nights, he walks you home, and you begin to really enjoy his presence. You don’t realize how safe you feel walking alongside him until one night he comes in and tells you he won’t be able to walk you home.

He recommends calling Kirishima, but you ask him politely to keep your side job just between the two of you. Bakugou respects that and gives you his phone number in case something happens.

That walk home, a little past nine, is cold, dark, and eerie. You miss the stubbornness of Bakugou’s wit as he tells you not to walk so close to the road, gripping the sleeve of your coat and yanking you over to the side he was walking on.

You miss the way he’d warm your hands up with his, telling you to be still so he didn’t accidentally hurt you.

You missed him.

Thankfully, him not being there wasn’t a recurring thing, and he showed up on time for a fudge slice a few minutes before close, he fought with you to pay for it, but you always gave it to him on the house.

However you begin to realize these meetings in secret are much deeper than you thought.

It’s when you’re sitting on the couch in the common room and Kaminari asks about Bakugou always going out somewhere, and you always being gone when he leaves.

“Are you guys doing some training together or something?” Kaminari asks, just curious.

“It’s none of your business.” Bakugou retorts, eyeing you as he answers. You keep your mouth shut, not even thinking about telling the truth to your absence. The last thing you needed was more of your classmates showing up to your job-not that Bakugou was a hassle, but because you enjoyed sharing something with just the two of you.

“That makes it seem like you guys are doing something romantic.” Kaminari wiggles his brows.

“I’ve never seen Bakugou outside of class anyway? What makes you think we’re just together all the time?” You pop in, biting your lower lip anxiously.

“When you’re gone, Bakugou leaves. And he’s staying up later. Is it wrong for me to assume you’re not doing anything secretive together? C’mon even Kirishima thinks something is up!” 

“Don’t loop me into your mess!” Kirishima butts in.

“We’re not doing anything.” You answer, and Kaminari just sighs. But you and Bakugou both know this is simply not the end.

It takes one night. Bakugou waited outside again, this time, with an umbrella since it was raining.

“Everything good?” Bakugou asks as you scurry under the umbrella, your arms touching as you reach and cling to him for heat.

“Yeah, just cold is all, I have no idea how you stand out here waiting.” You mumble, beginning your walk back.

“Here.” Bakugou grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours, his palms heating up to warm your hand up.

That warmth spreads through your body as you walk back to the campus. 

You’re so cold, and focused on getting warmer, you completely forget your habit of walking in a few minutes before or after Bakugou, and you go in together.

Kaminari is up waiting with Kirishima, Sero, and Mina. The four of them simply stare at you and you feel as if you’ve just been caught stealing the big shiny diamond from a museum.

“Well, well, well.” Kaminari starts.

“Just get back from a date?” Mina chimes in, teasing the two of you. You quickly leap away form each other, shaking your head.

“I got suckered into a scam at the mall and called Bakugou to help. We didn’t realize how late it was.” You quickly tried to come up with an excuse.

“You went to the mall but didn’t get anything?” Sero adds.

“They’re not entitled to buy anything, dumbass.” 

“I don’t know. You’ve got something on your chin, looks like chocolate.” 

“And you.” Kaminari stands, walking over to you. He glances down and smirks.

“You only ever wear those shoes whenever you leave. Those are work-grade, anti-slip.” Kaminari smiles.

“You have a job.” 

“And you visit them at this said job, and walk them home when they work nights.” Kaminari had solved the mystery.

You glance at Bakugou and sigh.

“Please don’t tell anyone. It’s just to earn some spending cash-”

“It’s okay. Next time just tell us. It’s not like we’re gonna show up and bug you. Unlike someone.” Kaminari jokes. 

“But are you guys together or something?” Kirishima asks. You shake your head, your face warming up as you glance over at Bakugou.

He doesn’t respond and begins to walk off.

“Goodnight to you too Bakugou.” Sero teases. You nod and walk off after him, stopping him before he heads inside his dorm.

“Thank you, for walking me home. Again.” You thank the blonde.

“Someone’s gotta’ make sure the barista who tops caramel macchiato’s with extra caramel doesn’t get hurt.” Bakugou smirks.

“Hey uh…” You stammer.

“Thank you, for keeping this whole thing a secret, I really appreciate it, and all that you’ve done for me, and the café.” You look down at the ground, but Bakugou’s fingers stop you, tilting your head back up to stare at him.

His lips are on yours before you know it. It’s warm, like his hands, and you don’t want it to stop. However, oxygen is a vital part to both of yours and Bakugou’s existence. 

He’s silent when he pulls away.

“Tastes like fudge.” You laugh quietly.

“Shut up.” Bakugou’s cheeks are red as he closes the door slowly.

“Goodnight.” You tell him quietly.

“Yeah, goodnight.”

»»————- ★ ————-««


Rude Awakening (Literally)

Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader

Word Count: 745

Synopsis: You and your boyfriend were just trying to enjoy a peaceful, sleep-filled Saturday morning when suddenly someone bursts through the door, not only ruining your peace but your secret relationship as well.

A/N: OK but for anyone who’s seen jjk,, imagine this concept but with Megumi as Bakugou and Yuuji as Kaminari. Nobara is the rest of the bakusquad. you’re welcome.

Warnings: cursing, I wrote this during the late hours of the morning and it isn’t beta read so it’s a lil rough

Taglist formmasterlistao3 link

It was a peaceful Saturday morning during your third year at UA high school. You were currently with your boyfriend of two years in his dorm room spending the morning in and out of sleep, cuddling after you spent the night there.

The two of you began dating in the second half of your first year, and decided not to tell anyone. Not only was it not the most important thing to be talking about with all that had been going on (things had thankfully calmed down since then), but you both wanted to keep that information private.

Both being members of the Bakusquad, you didn’t want your nosy friends to annoy you or tease you. Since you and Bakugou were always close they just assumed you two were still close friends, it’s not like you did anything in public to indicate you weren’t. Of course, this closeness garnered a lot of questions about whether or not you had romantic feelings for one another, and it was always fun to deny it even though you were in a committed relationship with him.

Last night you snuck into Bakugou’s dorm room to spend the night, a frequent occurrence for you. It was a good way to spend time together away from possible prying eyes.

The cuddles were a bonus too. After all, when Bakugou is tired he gets snuggly and you wouldn’t miss seeing that for the world.

The problem on this particular night was that Bakugou was even more tired than usual, and so were you, causing the door to remain unlocked after he let you in for the night. And while you would usually set an alarm for whoever was in the other’s room to go back to their own, neither of your sleep-deprived brains had the bright idea to plug in your phones.

Now, the Bakusquad only has two modes: asleep and annoying, and this morning that was no different. It was only 8am and Kaminari and Mina had decided they wanted to play a prank on Sero, so they went to wake everyone up. (Except Bakugou, of course. They already knew how that would go).

Upon seeing that you weren’t in your room (your dumb ass also forgot to lock your door behind you last night) they freaked out. You were never awake before noon on a Saturday, so obviously you were kidnapped.

They decided they needed to search for you immediately, waking up Sero and planning to wake up Bakugou. None of them wanted to fuck with him this early in the morning, but this was an emergency.

Meanwhile, you and Bakugou were still peacefully sleeping. You ended up being the big spoon that night, latching onto his back like a koala. One would think that with your boyfriend’s insane ego he would insist on being the big spoon, but he was actually a huge softie and liked being held.

One second you were relaxed with your face buried in Bakugou’s back, him just as relaxed as you are, and the next you both were being awoken with a loud yell.


You could hear the faint crackling noises of your boyfriend’s quirk and could sense the intense glare on his face. He was pissed. Before he could make matters worse you sat up from behind him and spoke. “What the fuck are you talking about I’m right here.”

The screech that left Kaminari upon seeing you there was deafening. “BAKUBRO, YOU’RE THE LITTLE SPOON?!?!”

Bakugou let out a sound of attack and charged at him, “I’LL BEAT YOUR ASS DUNCE FACE!” Could be heard down the hall after Kaminari ran for his life.

The other members of the Bakusquad just stood there slack-jawed staring at you.

“Are you two dating?” Sero was the first to recover.

“Yeah, why?” They looked even more surprised. You figured at this point there was no use trying to hide it. Your two years of privacy in your relationship were nice but all good things come to an end.

“Sincewhen?” Kirishima asked this time.

“Like. The middle of first year.”

A chorus of “WHAT?!?!"s Sounded throughout the room.

You laid back down in your boyfriend’s bed as they started firing questions at you. You covered your head with the blankets, missing Bakugou’s warmth.

"Will you guys shut up now? it’s too early for this.”

Yes,thisis mostly inspired by that vine


Taglist form

All is Fair in Love and War


series masterlist

main masterlist



Don’t forget to read the fun facts at the bottom!

Taglist form or you can send me an ask or pm!

A/N:I AM ONCE AGAIN APOLOGIZING FOR TAKING SO LONG HOLY SHIT I AM SORRY anyways enjoy this chapter it’s not as chaotic but v plot heavy

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.


Fun facts:

  • They did in fact pull the classic ‘lock them in a closet until they confess’ prank
  • Very basic but we can’t all be pranking geniuses like Y/N and Bakugou
  • In order to get them in there the bakuy/ns had to literally shove them in there as they were walking past
  • It took an embarassing amount of time for them to do so
  • It took exactly 2 minutes for Bakugou to cave and text Y/N back
  • He’s soft for them
  • Bakugou tried to kiss Y/N but they stopped him on the logic of not wanting their and Bakugou’s first kiss to be in a fucking closet
  • Obviously they couldn’t let the rest of ua know that their plan worked,, so stay tuned to see that play out!
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993@bakukags@GabbyGibbsGirl@superhermit@marvel-love-posts@theycallme-becky@sunflowerv69@bubblegum-bixch


~Shouto Todoroki~

Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x reader

Fairytale: Cinderella (Try to guess what fairytales the other characters will be!! I already have them figured out so it’ll be cool to see what you guys think!!)



~Fairytale Phenomenon masterlist

~Main masterlist

A/N:HI IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! I’m a lot less busy than I have been so hopefully I’ll have more time to write! This was kinda difficult to write due to the circumstance of the plot, you’ll see why but I’m super proud of this!!

Word Count: 4.2k(the longest thing I’ve ever written!!)

Warnings: cursing, reader is female leaning, wears dresses, and mentioned as being a maiden however they/them pronouns are used. Slight manga spoilers?? I used a currently manga-only character (Chitose Kizuki, most likely will be animated this season) as the evil stepmother because I didn’t want to do that to anyone else, however the only spoiler is her existence and appearance.

Thank you so much to @granddecoffee and @melancholymetropolis for beta-ing!!!!


“Oh! It’s starting! You got lucky, this time it’s Cinderella! And you get to play Cinderella themself! I’m sure you’re familiar with the tale. Make sure not to break character or the story gets reset!”

“What?! That’s it you’re just gonna-”

“I’ll leave you to it then! Have fun!”

The quirk wielder’s form faded along with the dark abyss around you, taking you through flashbacks of a Cinderella childhood. Though you couldn’t control your actions, you watched through the eyes of your character.

In the beginning you watched from the point of view of a child, looking upward toward two adults you assumed to be your parents in this fairytale world. They showed themselves to be incredibly caring parents, and you felt a warm feeling in their presence, despite not really knowing them.

As the story goes, you saw your fairytale mother fall ill and pass away, left with the view of a grief stricken father attempting his best for his child. A father that remarried because he believed it to be what was best, even though his following death only made things worse.

Still not in control, the body you were watching from gradually grew older as scenes of mistreatment from the stepmother, named Chitose Kizuki, occured. She had light blue skin and lavender hair, her eyes were a brilliant emerald green with blackened scleras. She was beautiful, but even without knowledge of the storyline you were about to face, anyone could tell she was no good.

Your new stepsisters mistreated you as well, though you could tell it was from the coaxing of their mother and not necessarily of their own accord. What surprised you, was that these were the first two faces you recognized so far. Your so-called evil stepsisters were none other than your own classmates and friends:

Uraraka and Tsu.

Well what the fuck? Why are two of the nicest people I’ve ever met the villains?

You noted that you were not permitted to call members of your stepfamily by name; you were only to refer to them as stepmother or stepsister, and you observed as your body completed the harsh regimen of chores that awaited you.

Goddammit, I’m stuck doing housework? Why couldn’t I have gotten put in Sleeping Beauty or something? A 100 year nap sounds SO nice.

As you gained control of your body you realized that now, acting out the rest of the story was up to you. All you had to do was stay in character. Would it really be that hard?

“Y/N-ieeeeeeeee,” you heard the high pitched voice of your stepmother call.

Your eye twitched. Yeah. It’s gonna be hard not to snap.

You commenced with the housework assigned to you, and time passed by as if you were in a movie montage.

I wish I could put this little time and effort into chores in real life.

After the montage, you heard the doorbell ring. You figured it was your duty to get the door, and it’s not like you didn’t know what it was. You opened the door, expecting a random palace worker there to invite your family to the ball.

What you did not expect was another one of your classmates and friends, Tenya Iida himself.

You supposed it made sense for the fastest man around to be delivering things for the palace. Though quirks seemed not to exist in this reality, you were sure that the quirks of those you knew in your real life would transfer to the skills of their fairytale selves.

Iida gave the exact spiel you were expecting, telling you to extend an invitation that was now in your hand to every eligible maiden in your house. The invitation itself was a nicely decorated scroll, with beautiful lettering.

The way he spoke was comfortingly familiar in this alternate reality, though you couldn’t risk breaking character by acting suspicious.

Once your friend left, you went to read the scroll, but before you could unroll it it was snatched from your hand by your stepmother.

“The prince is holding a ball, girls!” Uraraka and Tsu came barreling into the front room, squealing with joy and asking a million questions.

“When is it?”

“What will we wear? I only have two suitable gowns!”

“Will the Prince fall in love with me?”

Jesus CHRIST this is not how they act in real life!

“Girls!” Your stepmother shushed as you observed silently. “We only have a few days to prepare, Y/N will make us the dresses we need,”

I will what?

“And rest assured, the prince will fall in love with one of you! And then the three of us will live happily ever after! Y/N, go into town for materials and get started on our gowns right away.” She placed a bit of money into your hand.

Knowing how the story goes, you knew better than to ask to go to the ball. But the story seemed to be on pause, as if waiting for something.

Really? Now I have to beg?

“Stepmother, shall I make a dress for myself?”


She and her two daughters looked at you incredulously and scoffed. You couldn’t say you weren’t expecting this, but for the sake of not starting over, you pretended to have a genuine reaction to what happened next.

“You can go if you manage to make yourself something in time. It did say every maiden in the land is to attend.” She had a look on her face that told of her true intentions, and you were sure that you’d be extremely suspicious had you not known what she would eventually do.

And with that you were transported into town, almost like a scene change in a movie.

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

You looked around for a shop where you could purchase the materials you needed, however your search was cut short when you walked right into a hooded figure.

“I amso sorry I should have been wat-”

“It’s alright, miss. Are you okay?” You heard the familiar voice and looked up to find that sure enough, a head of read and white hair was revealed to be under the hood.

Todoroki’s here too?

You felt a wave of disappointment. If Todoroki was a random townsperson this meant that he wasn’t your prince. That you didn’t get to be with the one you have feelings for, even in a fairytale. When the fairytale quirk user spoke of your “little crush” you immediately knew they were talking about Todoroki. But if he wasn’t the prince, then who was?

While you were wallowing in your missed opportunity to romance Todoroki, the man himself was staring at you blankly. You realized you still hadn’t responded.

“I’m fine! Again I’m so sorry for bumping into you-”

“It really is alright, miss…” He looked at you expectantly.

“Y/N L/N, but you can just call me Y/N.”

“Shouto Todoroki,” he began

Yeah, wow, shocker, didn’t know that.

“But you can just call me Shouto.”


You gave him a warm smile despite your internal freak out and shook his outstretched hand.

“I’m looking for a fabric store, do you happen to know where I could find one?” you asked, figuring this was his role in this reality.

“No, I don’t come here very often, sorry. I can help you find one though, if you’d like the assistance?”

You, of course, accepted, and you and Todoroki were off. As you made your way around the town together, you found yourself in another montage.  Soon enough, you were talking and laughing. While you weren’t fully experiencing what was going on, a warm, joyous feeling filled your entire being. You just felt happy.

It took you a while to find a store, and Todoroki announced that he must take his leave, saying he’d spent too much time away from home and there were people worrying about him. Though by the look on his face you could tell he didn’t want to go. Knowing his rocky relationship with his father, you weren’t surprised, though you had hoped he’d be able to catch a break from the man in a fairytale world.

“When can I see you again?” His words made your heart flutter.

“Um… I don’t know when I’ll be in town next. I have to make dresses for my stepfamily for the ball and-”

“Oh! That’s it! The ball! I’ll see you there, alright?” He looked so excited, and you could only nod enthusiastically, knowing how the story goes. Todoroki walked away, leaving you in front of the shop a moment longer, stuck in your thoughts.

Does this mean he is the prince? Isn’t this how some of the Cinderella stories go?

Before you could step foot into the shop you took so long to find you were suddenly transported to your room, or rather the attic, eith a pile of fabric. You were launched right into another montage, this time including you sewing, a skill you didn’t know you possessed in this capacity.

Really? All that for nothing?

The dresses you created were beautiful. Uraraka’s was a light pink color, with white lace detail and trim. Tsu’s was an elegant gown with a large skirt, in a stunning emerald green. Your stepmother’s was a light lavender that matched her hair.

The most beautiful of all was yours, a brilliant (f/c) with a stunning style that you knew would flatter your body type.

It’s such a shame this is gonna get torn to shreds. At least I get to wear it for like,, five minutes.

After dressing your stepfamily you slipped into your own gown, making sure to take a moment to study yourself in the mirror. You looked gorgeous.


You said a mental goodbye to the stunning dress before heading downstairs to ‘go to the ball’; but it’s not like you didn’t know what was really about to happen.

As you descended the stairs you could hear the soft gasps of your stepfamily, all three of them in awe of the garment on your body.

Oh great. It’s gonna be worse than I thought, isn’t it?

“What do you think you’re doing?” Tsu and Uraraka were still staring in awe as your stepmother questioned you.

“You said I could go to the ball if I made myself a dress. Here it is.” You gestured to the garment on your body.

“No, that won’t do; it’s all ragged and torn!” She replied without hesitation.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s all torn, isn’t it girls?” She gestured wildly to her daughters, trying to get them to get the hint.

Are they purposefully ignoring that, or are they just stupid…?

“No, mother I don’t see a problem with it at all!” Tsu was the first to speak.


“In fact, it’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen!” Uraraka said her piece.

“Now why would you go and make a dress more beautiful than ours for yourself, hmm?”

You held back your tongue. This woman had the audacity-

She ripped the dress. She ripped it. Tore it. The absolutely gorgeous piece of art that you wore. Ruined.

RIP most beautiful thing I’ve ever worn. It shall be missed.

Uraraka and Tsu looked just as betrayed as you felt. It seemed that neither of them wanted the glorious dress to be destroyed either. They shot you twin apologetic looks.

“Well, now that that’s taken care of we’ll be off girls.” Your stepmother motioned for her daughters to follow her to the door, but before she could go through it she turned to say one more thing. “Oh, and make sure to clean the fabric scraps you left on the floor.”


Uraraka and Tsu both turned to you and mouthed sorry, you gave them a slight smile and a nod back, letting them know you would be fine. You knew what happened next, after all.

You entered the back garden, making sure to really play up the sadness for the sake of not breaking character, though some of the sadness was very real. That was a really pretty dress.

As you sat on the ground, resting your arms on the edge of the fountain, you saw a poof of purple smoke appear next to you: your fairy godmother you assumed. You had been wondering who it would end up being since the beginning, and looking up you were faced with…


Pro-hero and UA teacher Midnight stood there in all her glory. You looked at her in awe. She was wearing a glittering, form fitting, deep purple gown that complimented her dark hair well. She had her signature weapon in place of a wand.

“Oh dear, what happened to that beautiful dress?”

“Uh- it got torn,” you responded dumbly, too distracted by the fact that she was your fairy godmother to properly gather your thoughts.

“I can see that,” she chuckled, “Why don’t you let me spruce that up a bit for ya?” She didn’t wait for a response before waving her ‘wand’ and releasing a cloud of gas to surround you, fading away to reveal a new gown. A gown that, to be expected from Midnight, showed a tad too much skin for a royal ball.

I’m not saying I don’t look great right now, but I probably shouldn’t wear this to this kind of event.

“Um, this is a littlerevealing-”

“What do you mean? There’s no such things as toorevealing!”

“I’m going to a royal ball…”

“Ah… right.”

The gas enveloped you once more and left you with a jaw-dropping gown fit for royalty. It was f/c and f/style. It was somehow even more gorgeous than the one that your stepmother tore. And of course, the look wouldn’t be complete without the iconic glass slippers.

Midnight waved her arms in excitement “Oh you look absolutely stunning! You’re sure to snag the prince in that get-up!”

Though you knew that would happen, you tried to stay in character. “Oh I’m not there to woo the prince. I merely wish to see someone I met a few days ago, that’s all.”

“Well whatever you do, you’ll need a way to get there.” She began searching the area. “Let’s see… this pumpkin could make a good carriage! And what’s this, some mic? They’ll be horses and footmen soon- a little magic should do the trick!”

The same gas that dressed you surrounded some of the garden, and as it cleared, a carriage with two horses and two footmen became visible.

Midnight turned to you with a wide smile. “Have fun! But not too much fun, if you know what I mean!”

Oh my god

“Oh! One more thing!”

Let me guess, it all wears off at midnight?

“The magic wears off at midnight, so be careful!”

Wow, didn’t see that one coming.

“I will! Thank you so much!” You stepped into the carriage and as it rode off, you saw Midnight disappear in a cloud of gas herself.

You then suddenly arrived at the palace. Your footmen opened the door to your carriage and helped you step out and onto the path to the doors. You were late so there weren’t many people around, only palace guards.

The guards nodded to you and opened the doors. You entered the castle, and, after being guided there, you stepped into the ballroom. The moment you entered, the murmuring throughout the grand space silenced for a split second. All eyes in the room were on you.

Well damn, I really do clean up, don’t I???

As you descended the staircase, you watched as a head of red and white hair raced through the crowd to meet you at the bottom. He held out his hand for you to take.

“Could I interest you in a dance?”

Oh my god he IS the prince. This is going to be a lot more enjoyable than I thought.

“Why of course.” You took his hand and he led you to the dance floor. He smiled softly at you as you danced, another thing you didn’t actually know how to do. This fairytale world sure was full of surprises.

“I’m glad you’re here. I hadn’t seen you so I lost a bit of hope,” he whispered.

“I’m so sorry about that! I had a… wardrobe malfunction!” you frantically apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. What matters is that you made it at all.” He smiled softly and your heart warmed.

As the song died down Todoroki began to pull you through the crowd. “Let’s go to the garden. We can talk more there.”

You felt another montage come on, quite like sewing montage and the one with Todoroki earlier. The two of you talking about anything and everything, laughing so hard you doubled over where you sat, and getting into serious topics that had you both reaching out to the other to comfort them.

There was a lull in the montage and you were hit with a question that caught you off guard.

“I know this sounds crazy, but if I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?”

Oh Todoroki, my beloved you have no idea.

“It’s just that my dad wants me to find someone to marry and if I don’t he’ll choose someone for me. And even though we’ve only met a few times, I feel like we understand each other. The only person I’ve ever felt this way around is you.”

God damnit. I get this kind of romance then I’m going to have to go back to my pining in the real world where he doesn’t feel that way about me at all. At least I get to enjoy this while it lasts.

“I feel the same. You make me feel like no one else can.” You said with complete sincerity, conveying what you were too scared to in the real world. “So to answer your question-” Before you could finish you were forced to take off running.

Bells had started ringing. It was midnight.

oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh SHIT.

“I’m so sorry! I really have to go!” You shouted as you ran.

Shouto followed behind you, calling your name and begging you to come back. It broke your heart to run from him, it really did. But even though you had to, you at least had the advantage of knowing everything would turn out fine.

As expected, while you hurried out of the palace one of your glass slippers fell off. You abandoned it, leaving Todoroki with a way to track you down.

As you hastily boarded your carriage and yelled for it to take off, you looked back once more to see a crestfallen prince holding your shoe.

I’m sorry Shouto, I really am.

The carriage began to fade around you, you stepped out of it and awaited the full breakdown of the magic. Sure enough, in front of you stood a pumpkin and a few mice that quickly scurried off. Your beautiful gown turned back into the shredded one you’d worn previously, and all that remained was, of course, your single glass slipper.

You were more thankful than ever for the movie-like teleportation- it brought you directly to your attic rather than making you walk all the way home. You changed into your 'regular clothes’ and quickly went downstairs to clean the mess your stepmother made earlier. 

Just as you finished, your stepfamily got home. You rushed upstairs to pretend you were asleep, but could hear their faint chatter. They seemed to be talking about how they didn’t get the prince’s attention all night, but neither Uraraka nor Tsu were very mad about that. It was their mother that was complaining.

After a few minutes, you heard footsteps approach the entrance to your attic room. You used your best acting skills to make it seem as if you were asleep, but your stepsisters saw right through it.

“Y/N? You’re awake, aren’t you?” Tsu asked.

You opened your eyes and sat up. “What are you two doing up here?”

They looked at each other for a moment before Uraraka responded “We just wanted to apologize for earlier. And thank you for our dresses.”

Aww, see? They could never be evil.

“Mother has always been so cruel to you, and I don’t know why. It isn’t right. I’m sorry we never did anything about it; it was wrong of us.” Tsu bowed her head, and Uraraka followed her lead.

“No it’s okay! You don’t have to apologize for it, it’s not like it’s your fault! And don’t feel bad for not doing anything. If you had she might have treated you guys badly too. You were only protecting yourselves.”

The three of you talked a bit more before going to bed, and you were happy to see the stepsister redemption. You’d always liked those versions of Cinderella better anyways.

Of course, going to bed didn’t mean you’d sleep. Not in this fairytale world, it didn’t. You traveled immediately to the next day. You were doing your morning chores in the living room when your stepmother stormed in, fuming with anger.

“Care to tell me what this is?” She shoved a piece of paper in your face. It had the royal seal on it and announced that the prince was in search of a Y/N L/N that he danced with at the ball. It said any information on their whereabouts would be rewarded, and that he’d be searching for them nonetheless, going door to door.

You weren’t able to come up with a response. Not one in character, anyways. You thought about saying something that would possibly send you back to the beginning, but you’d come this far and being put into a romantic situation with Todoroki made you want to go back to real life and confess as soon as possible. Who knew getting put into a weird fairytale-coma would be what it took for you to tell him how you felt?

Your stepmother grew impatient with your lack of response and grabbed your arm, dragging you up the stairs.

“How dare you defy me and go to that ball? What did you even wear after I shredded that monstrosity of yours? And now you’re stealing away the prince’s affections frommy daughters?” She continued to interrogate you as you neared your attic. You still didn’t respond. “You witch! You won’t even talk to your mother?”

That’s it. This bitch is annoying me. Time to give Cinderella a backbone.

“You are not my mother. You treat me like a slave. And if anyone’s a witch here it’s you!”

She looked horrified as she shoved you through the attic entrance and locked it. “Prince Todoroki can search for you wherever he wants, but he sure as hell won’t find you here.”

That’s what you think. But I know how the story goes.

Not too long after you heard her footsteps fade away, you could faintly hear your stepmother tell Todoroki and his guards that you weren’t there. You grew worried at the situation- you didn’t know how to get out of this.

But your worry faded when you heard Tsu tell the guards that their mother was lying and that Y/N was, in fact, upstairs. Despite your stepmother’s protests, Tsu began to describe what had been done to you your whole life. As she spoke, you heard footsteps hurriedly approach.

The door unlocked and swung open, revealing Uraraka on the other side with a wide grin on her face. “I managed to snag these while mother was freaking out.” She held up a ring of keys.

You tackled her in a hug. “Thank you! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?”

“Go and live your happily ever after. That’s all Tsu and I want to see. Oh, and invite us to the wedding!”

I guess this is kinda like living a happily ever after, huh?

You chuckled. “Of course.”

You ran down the stairs and saw that Midoriya and Bakugou had your stepmother restrained while Tsu stood smiling and chatting with Tokoyami and Ojiro, the other guards.

Todoroki stood by himself, obviously waiting for you. And as soon as he heard you descend the stairs he turned toward you and the happiest smile you’d ever seen spread across his face.

GOD I am in love with this man.

You ran to him and the two of you embraced, your arms around his neck and his around your waist. You pulled back slightly and rested your forehead on his, both of you smiling so wide it seemed as if your faces weren’t wide enough.

“Hi.” Your smile somehow grew wider.

“Hi.” And so did his.

And then you pressed your lips to his, kissing for the first time and beginning the happily ever after of this augmented reality.

In that moment, you guiltily wished you could stay there forever. Inside a literal fairytale, living your happily ever after with Shouto Todoroki. But as the scene faded out and you could no longer feel his touch you knew you’d have to find that happily ever after back in the real world, and you couldn’t be more excited to do that.



IMPORTANT!!! If you filled out the taglist form and Shinsou wasn’t on there and you want to be tagged in his then you can edit your response/ submit another one, sorry I forgot to add him originally!

Taglist form


All is Fair in Love and War

Chapter 10- Kinda expecting a 400k slow burn ngl

series masterlist

main masterlist



Don’t forget to read the fun facts at the bottom!

Taglist form or you can send me an ask or pm!

A/N: HI OMG I’M SO SORRY IT’S BEEN SO LONG AHHHHH I should know better than to start a oneshot series while I have an entire smau going on and my real life is busier than ever but here we are. Anyways this is a long ass chapter so enjoy!!!

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.

Warnings: cursing

Fun Facts:

  • Everyone was so excited that the clowns finally admitted their feelings that they forgot they were dealing with pranking geniuses (unsurprising tbh)
  • Kirishima this is a direct call out. Just because Bakugou says he isn’t pranking you doesn’t mean he isn’t pranking you.
  • Surprisingly, Kaminari is the only one that’s still suspicious of y/n and Bakugou’s feelings
  • Both y/n and Bakugou had a moment of “Oh shit I really am in love” during their respective text conversations
  • But more on that in the next chapter!!
  • There might only be a few more chapters left :(
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993@bakukags@gabbygibbsgirl@superhermit


While fighting you were hit with a quirk that knocked you out immediately, but were you really knocked out? Suddenly you find yourself being thrust into a literal fairytale, only able to wake up once you find your happy ending. After the prologue choose which fairytale you live out and who you live it with!

1.Shouto TodorokiCinderella

2.Izuku Midoriya

3.Katsuki Bakugou

4.Eijirou Kirishima

5.Tamaki Amajiki

6.Mirio Togata

7.Denki Kaminari

8.Hitoshi Shinsou

9.Keigo Takami (Hawks)


My main Masterlist

Taglist Form (or send an ask or pm, you can ask to be tagged for certain characters or for everyone!) If you’ve already filled it out and didn’t see a Shinsou option, my bad I accidentally deleted him but he is there now you should be able to edit your response


While fighting you were hit with a quirk that knocked you out immediately, but were you really knocked out? Suddenly you find yourself being thrust into a literal fairytale, only able to wake up once you find your happy ending. After the prologue choose which fairytale you live out and who you live it with!

Fairytale Phenomenon masterlist

Main masterlist

Warnings: cursing!!

Word count: 350

It was a dark and stormy night…

Nah, just kidding! It was 8am! Which is way too early to be doing what you’re doing right now!

As if simply existing at this hour wasn’t exhausting enough, you were fighting with all your might, landing hits on your enemy left and right.

Despite your battle success thus far, you weren’t invincible, and that fact was made apparent when you were knocked out by an embarrassingly large hit from someone whose quirk let out a shining ray of light, the last thing you laid eyes on before your vision went dark and you lost consciousness.

Immediately after passing out you found yourself in a dark abyss, the only presence other than yourself the person whose quirk you were under.

Okay what the fuck.

“Welcome Y/N.”

Okay what the FUCK.

“Don’t be shocked! This is simply an effect of my quirk! I’m not even real, and neither is this place! It’s all in your head!”

“So where’s my body?!”

“I’m sure your colleagues will eventually bring you to some sort of medical care, they only think you’re in a coma after all!”

“They’re still fighting and I’m just lying there useless?!”


Okay. What. The. F U C K.

“Well then how the hell do I wake up?”

“Oh! This part’s fun!” You were quickly losing patience, you didn’t have time for the quirk wielder’s peppy attitude, you needed to get back out there and help your team.

“My quirk is called fairytale: It puts people to sleep until they beat the story it puts them through. You are about to be transported into an alternate reality in which you live out a fairytale! You won’t wake up until you get your happy ending with your prince!”

“With my what?”

“Oh Y/N, I’m in your head, remember? I know all about your little crush!” You couldn’t believe the situation you were in. This is a dream right? A simple delusion? You don’t actually have to live a fairytale?

“Oh! It’s starting! You got lucky, this time it’s-”

To be continued…

A/N: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!! AHHHH!!!! I have so many Disney movies to watch for research ASDMLSKS. Basically this is the universal prologue, then there’s a masterlist which will link each character’s oneshot! There will eventually be a route for all 10 characters I write for! This might take me a while tho, so bear with me here. I’m gonna be pretty busy for about the next month, so the first oneshot may not come out very soon but this idea lives in my mind rent free and I decided to go ahead and write the prologue and post it!!


To be tagged in future parts fill out this form or send me an ask or pm! You can ask to be tagged for certain characters or for all of them! (Those who I tagged here won’t be tagged in future unless they ask to be, I don’t want to spam!)

All is Fair in Love and War


series masterlist

main masterlist

Don’t forget to read the fun facts at the bottom!

Taglist form or you can send me an ask or pm!

A/N: IT’S OUR FAVORITE POMERANIAN’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! also 420 ahahahahahaha

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.

Warnings: cursing

Fun Facts:

  • This is not a plot relevant chapter!!! It’s an extra!!!!
  • In case the texts weren’t clear enough Y/N glitter bombed Bakugou
  • The glitter was pink, Bakugou was p i s s e d
  • There was at least one visible speck of glitter on Bakugou’s face every day for 2 entire months
  • Y/N did not hesitate to point this out
  • When Bakuhoe first received the gift he was actually really happy that it was all zip tied cause poor emotionally constipated baby wouldn’t be able to handle a genuine gift from Y/N, it would’ve been too weird and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop blushing
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993

All is Fair in Love and War

Chapter 9- Edgelord Recovery

series masterlist

main masterlist



Don’t forget to read the fun facts at the bottom!

Taglist form or you can send me an ask or pm!

A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG AHHH my life literally just got 80 times busier and will be for like another month and a half so I’ll try to update once a week but that honestly might not happen

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.

Warnings: cursing

Fun facts:

  • Here’s the video that Y/N sent to Bakugou at the beginning
  • People on the internet started calling Bakugou a simp
  • He is
  • The bakuy/n movement is very popular, fans are all over it
  • The lie detector test idea was inspired by OfflineTV’s video with it, so was the streamer house component of this smau I got really into them during quarantine
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993

Fake Dating Headcanons

Pairings: Eijirou Kirishima x reader, ShoutoTodoroki x reader


Synopsis:Fake dating to lovers!!!!! Because I love that shit

Word count: 821 total (Todos is a lot longer than Kiri’s I’m sorry )

Warnings:a bit of cursing

Taglist form

A/N:I don’t like these very much but uh here you go sfmskssI’ve been just posting chapters of my smau lately and nothing else I missed actually writing

My masterlist

  • You went to the same middle school as Kiri and Mina, and being best friends with Mina you were a part of the Bakusquad when you got to UA
  • You and Kirishima grew pretty close
  • Both of you had developed crushes on one another, though in an effort to preserve your friendship as much as you could neither of you said a word
  • You even ended up dating someone else who asked you out
  • …who turned out to be a psychotic asshole
  • Said psychotic asshole had been harassing you, even long after your breakup
  • He kept talking about how since you weren’t with anyone you were obviously holding out for him
  • As if you would willingly give him a single thought
  • When Kiri found out about this harassment he was livid
  • He was actually the one that brought up the fake dating
  • He figured if your ex would possibly leave you alone, it was the manly thing to do
  • Now, he did not think about it very thoroughly, if he had he would have realized that with his feelings for you this could end up hurting him
  • He did not anticipate how nice it was to hold your hand, or kiss your cheek, even if it was acting
  • I mean he did but this was fake why was it so nice?
  • It just made him fall even more for you
  • And you didn’t realize how amazing it would feel to lay your head on his shoulder, or sit in his lap, even if it was acting
  • I mean you did but this was fake why was it so nice?
  • It just made you fall even more for him
  • It ended up lasting good few months, and those few months were like heaven even with the circumstances under which you started “dating”
  • By the time your ex gave up you were enjoying your fake relationship so much that you waited a little longer before reluctantly telling Kirishima that it could end
  • “What if I don’t want it to?”
  • You kissed him on the lips for the first time, and that was that

  • You and Todoroki somehow clicked when you started at UA and became friends right away
  • You knew each other inside and out, you talked about literally everything and would hang out together 24/7 to the point where people thought you were dating, even though you weren’t
  • When Todoroki visited his mom he talked about you all the time, you were best friends after all
  • Rei ended up asking her son if you were his s/o, she knew you weren’t but wanted to plant the seed in Shouto’s brain, being able to obviously see his affinity for you
  • She didn’t expect him to say yes
  • And when he said he’d bring you along to his next visit all she could think was This is gonna be good
  • He said yes without really thinking, it felt natural and he didn’t want to disappoint his mom and she looked so happy when she asked
  • He was also looking for an excuse to introduce you to her
  • With how close you were you knew about Todoroki’s home life, and about his visits to his mother
  • So when he asked you to come with him to see her, you readily agreed
  • But when he confided that he accidentally told her that you were dating and he wanted you to pretend to be his s/o you were a little shocked
  • This really didn’t seem like the type of thing Todoroki would do
  • But despite that you agreed, wanting to help out your bestie and because you had a fat crush on him and wanted to at least pretend you get to date him
  • And so the day came for your visit with Rei…
  • You walked into the room, hand in Shouto’s, and she had a shit eating grin on her face
  • You figured this was because she was happy to see her son bring an s/o to meet her, but it was really because Rei knew exactly what was going on
  • As the visit went on you found yourself wishing more and more for it to be real
  • Little did you know, Todoroki was feeling the exact same way
  • This was very obvious to his mother, she could see the pining in the both of your eyes
  • You decided to leave a bit early and go get some groceries for the dorms, mostly to allow Rei and Shouto some alone time
  • As soon as she knew you wouldn’t be able to hear any more Rei questioned her son
  • “You like them for real don’t you?”
  • He stayed silent, caught off guard at both the realization that his mother knew that was fake and the question asked
  • “They obviously like you too, you know, you should do something about it before it’s too late”
  • Andas soon as he got back to the dorms, he did


Taglist Form

Note: I accidentally used she/her pronouns on Todoroki’s originally, that was changed to they/them!

Like Silk | Chapter 2


Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x reader

Warnings:Spiderman au!, violence, descriptions of injury and blood, lots of swearing, izuku is a hopeless mess, reader is still mean, all characters are 18 years or older

Word Count:6822

Part Two of Thirty - Chapters come out every 2 weeks to 1 month

Note: hey hey friends, im back with ch 2! hopefully you guys will enjoy! remember that ch 3 is already out on AO3!

Related links: Masterlist+Taglist+Playlist+AO3


When you’d stomped your way up two flights of stairs to get to the Midoriyas’ apartment, you had not been expecting to find out the identity of Musutafu’s most wanted criminal.

You’d only left your room because Midoriya wasn’t answering his damn phone, even after he’d so fervently promised you that he would just hours earlier. You’d approached him back at school after the pair of you had, so unfortunately, been assigned as partners for your upcoming home economics project. It was apparently a big deal - some kind of long term assignment to build life skills which would run for the rest of the semester (right up until you all graduated) and, for some ungodly reason, Mr Aizawa was refusing to give you any kind of hint as to what the project might actually entail. Back at school, you’d cornered Midoriya to talk to him about how the pair of you were going to figure this shit out - although, granted, when you looked back, you realised it probably wasn’t the best time to do so since he’d been rushing off some extra mural you couldn’t care about. But he’d promised to text you later so you could sort out all the details before getting dumped with the bulk of the project information tomorrow. He’d promised. 

As it turned out, he’d lied. 

Which was exactly why you’d been absolutely seething as you stormed up the stairs from your apartment to his to bang loudly on his front door. 

His mother had answered it, and soon after let you into the apartment to go wait in his room. Which he was so conveniently (note the sarcasm) not in. And so you’d sat on his bed for almost ten minutes, your blood boiling and you knee jumping rhythmically as you waited for him to get home so you could rigorously chew him out. 

What you weren’t expecting in the slightest was for the man the entire city seemed to simp over to climb through his bedroom window. And what you’d been expecting even less was for the guy to rip the infamous green and silver patterned mask off his face to reveal the freckled boy you’ve been so unfortunate as to share a classroom with since before either of you could read. 

The pair of you stare at each other for a moment, both wide eyed and breathing hard. Midoriya looks like he’s about to shit himself while your own mind has gone blank, struggling to process what you’re seeing right before your very eyes. You can only manage a grand total of two thoughts. 

The first of which is ‘His hair looks horrendous’

And the second being ‘ What the fuck?!’ 

No, but seriously… what the fuck? 

Midoriya holds up his hands before you can do something stupid, like scream. His own eyes are wide and terrified, looking way too green surrounded by the familiar moss colour of Spiderman’s costume. He reaches out to you, very slowly as if he’s trying to approach some kind of startled animal. And then you jump when you feel his fingers gently brush against your shoulder. 

Your mouth drops open and you suck in a long breath, getting ready to speak or yell or laugh, or anything that enables you an answer to the question of What The Fuck? However, before any sound can actually escape you, Midoriya’s face contorts and hastily - almost too fast for you to actually make out the words - he squeaks out, “Remember your promise!” 

You pause. Fuck , you do remember your promise. Which immediately rules out a few of your current options, like yelling for his mother or calling the police. Still, your words continue to stick in your throat like real irksome marshmallows and it takes you a few seconds of opening and closing your mouth like a fish before you can finally say anything

When you finally do, your voice is hoarse and croaky. “When you said you had an explanation, thiswasnot what I was expecting, Deku!” 

It’s supposed to be hostile but you don’t sound very threatening even to yourself, your words closer to those of some teenager going through a rough patch of puberty. Midoriya huffs out a shaky breath and runs a hand through his thick hair. 

“Look,” he starts and you can hear in his voice that he’s just as freaked out as you feel. “I know it’s a shock- 

"A shock?!” you squeak, your head spinning. “Hah! It would’ve been a shock to find out you and Spiderman were shaking up somehow… this is… totally different…” you reach up to press your hands to either side of your face as your panic rises. “You're… you’re Izuku fucking Midoriya and Spiderman… Spiderman is you and .. holy crap I’m gonna be sick!" 

You aren’t sick, thankfully, but your legs do finally betray you and you sink back down to sit on Midoriya’s bed once again. Your whole body feels hot as you struggle to process what it is you’re feeling about the knowledge that your childhood rival is Spiderman, of all people. Midoriya follows you, kneeling down so he can see your face properly, however you can’t bring yourself to look at him. Whenever you do, you’re faced with the unsettling mix of Izuku Midoriya’s face on top of Spiderman’s body and it makes you incredibly uncomfortable. 

The feeling only gets worse as you begin to realise how fucking obvious it has really been from the start. While the idea that that lame kid who sits doodling in the back of your chemistry class spends his nights fighting crime on the city streets is a disgusting one in your head, you can’t help but think back and realise… it all matches up. The constant exhaustion, the sudden weird affinity for gym class, when in middle school he hadn’t even been able to run three laps. Those bruises you’d accidentally seen all along his ribs that one time he’d raised his shirt when he thought no one was looking. And… the bruises that cover his face now, many of which you recognise although you’d never even thought to consider their origin before. 

You suddenly feel really, reallystupid. 

 "I should’ve figured it out earlier." 

Midoriya gives you a terrified look, his green eyes boring into yours in a way that makes you want to shove his head away. "Please don’t say that,” he says and his voice is weak. “If anyoneever figured things out… my whole life would be screwed." 

He sits back on his haunches then and drops his head to press the heels of his hands into his eye sockets. "Just the fact that you know… fuck, this is gonna cause so much trouble." 

You hold up your hands in defence immediately. "Hey, lemme remind you it was your decision to say anything. Just like it was your decision to climb in here without checking if the room was empty first." 

He looks like he wants to argue for a second but then his shoulders slump and you can’t help your smirk, knowing you’ve got him. "I guess that’s true. But youdidn’t exactly give me another choice either, so we’re both at fault." 

You can’t argue with him, because now he’s right. But you can pout like a small child, and cross your arms over your chest - which is exactly what you do. 

"I don’t see the big deal, anyway,” you grumble, looking away from him to survey his room. It looks just like a normal teenage boy’s might, maybe a few extra posters of the odd famous scientist. Nothing even slightly sketchy which, now that you know it also belongs to a literal superhero, makes you even more suspicious. 

“Wouldn’t it be, like, really nice if people know? You’d be famous - you could probably get whatever you wanted in life." 

You say it with just the slightest twinge of jealousy. However, Midoriya shakes his head, his eyes downcast and sad.

"I probably could,” he agrees with you and then sighs. “But there’s more to it. If people know who I am… they’d know who I care about. And that’s not information I’d really like my enemies to have. Besides-” his nose wrinkles in disgust, ”- d'you know how the kids at school would react? Yeah, no thanks, I’d rather go to college with an intact self-image.“ 

"You’d probably be worshipped in the hallways." 

"Exactly.” Midoriya makes a face and rises to his feet. “They’d either treat me like a god or hate my guts, neither of which sounds all that fun when I’m trying to study, ya know?” He turns away from you, as if he’s looking for something, and it takes you a second to realise that he’s in the midst of trying to wrestle his gloves off. 

You watch on, absolutely fascinated as the glove peels away to reveal the end of his sleeve, which has a looping hooking around his thumb. Then, without thinking, you jump to your feet and approach him as your curiosity gets the better of you - after all, it’d not like you’ve ever had the chance to observe Spiderman up close before. 

Midoriya’s eyes widen and he all but freezes up as you reach out to run your fingers along the material on his shoulder. You barely notice though, as your head cocks a little to the side and one of your eyebrows curves upwards as you realise that it’s…


"Wha-? Oh, yeah.” He nods sheepishly, still standing completely still and tense as a stone as you run your fingertips over the rough fabric.

“Did you makethis yourself?” you ask him as you walk in a slow circle around him. Spiderman’s costume is infamous, mostly for its unmissable colour combo but also because it’s completely skin tight, a fact that all his fangirls love to drool over, and you’re very interested in whether or not its flashy design was intentional on Midoriya’s part. 

Midoriya himself colours deep at your question and reaches up to scratch at the back of his head. “Uh, yeah,” he mumbles eventually. "I had to watch a fuck tone of YouTube tutorials." 

The corner of your mouth twitches a little as you continue to thumb at the green material. It’s heavy and thick, a lot more durable than it looks when he’s out in action, and you find it a little hard to believe he could get his hands on such professional-grade stuff without suspicion. When you ask him about it, he blushes even more. 

"I actually, uh, hacked into a company server and ordered it in bulk,” he mumbles. “One of those big sports wear companies. I paid for it all myself, of course!” He adds hastily, as if determined to show you he’s not a criminal. “I just figured… it’d be easier if they thought it was just a standard shipment, you know?" 

You nod, because it does make sense. But it’s still no less funny. As you trail your hand down the back of his shoulder blades and along the thin lines of silver that make up the webbing design that runs all over his costume, you can’t help but let out a small snort. 

"Your embroidery is shit." 

Midroiya flushes. "H-hey, I’ve never done this before, okay?” He stutters in his own defence, pouting when you finally finish your circle and come to stand in front of him again. “And it’s not like I could ask anyone for help!" 

Your laughter grows as you take in his frustrated expression, that stupid little pout and puffed out cheeks that somehow make his big childlike eyes even bigger. You’re almost tempted to reach out and ruffle his hair but you restrain yourself when you remember that, technically, you don’t like him. 

Thankfully he doesn’t notice your little screw up because he’s already dropped his gaze, head down tilted as he begins to fiddle with the limp pair of gloves in his hand. 

"L-look,” he starts and you have a feeling he’s about to start spouting off excuses again. “Even though you’re really the only one who knows about this… I don’t want you, like, getting involved or anything. It’s- it’s really dangerous and-" 

You cut him off with a practised scoff and turn to throw yourself back onto his bed. Crossing one leg over the other, you tilt your head to the side and give him an unimpressed look. 

"Me,get involved with you? Yeah, no thanks, Midoriya. I’m just here to get this project done and once it’s over I’ll be on my way." 

He looks so relieved you almost want to laugh, his shoulders slumping as the tension leaves them, and his expression visibly relaxing. "S-so you don’t wanna… help me, or anything, right?" 

You’re sure to make your scoff even louder this time, as it’s accompanied by a very unattractive snort of laughter. "Fuck no. I think you’re forgetting we’re competing, Midoriya. You having to deal with all this shit meansIget a better shot at being at the top of the year when graduation finally comes. I’m not doing shit to get in the way of that." 

He pouts again. "That’s not very fair." 

You give him your sweetest smile. "Whoever said success was fair?” Your head flops back then and you close your eyes as you picture it all playing out in your head. “I’ve told you all my life I’m aiming for the top. How I get there doesn’t really matter to me though." 

You open your eyes again when Midoriya lets out a short laugh of his own. Narrowing your eyes, you give him a long suspicious look as he begins to move away from you, heading in the direction of his closet. 


"Oh, nothing,” he tells you but there’s a sparkle in his eyes. Your own narrow further and you point a finger right at his face. 

“No, tell me." 

"I was just gonna say,” he says, actually smirking as he stuffs his gloves in one of his draws and then begins to pull off his boots. “That you reminded me exactly of Kacchan when you said that." 

"Hah?” You give him a very long, disgruntled look which only makes him laugh harder. “The fuck do you mean?" 

"Just… this?” He gestures up and down to you, and then makes a concerted effort to point directly at your face. “And that. I think you’ve been hanging out with him a bit too much." 

"With Bakugou?” you splutter. “Are you stupid? No way I’d ever hang out with thatloser." 

You regret saying it almost immediately because Midoriya’s pointing only becomes more exaggerated as his shoulders shake with uncontrolled laughter. "There!” He exclaims, his finger almost touching the tip of your nose. “That’s it right there!”

A flash of something which you assume to be annoyance passes through your and you give an exaggerated eye roll before slapping his hand away from you. Turning around, you give him a very disgruntled cold shoulder while he just continues to chuckle. “Yeah, whatever.”

“You don’t even see it,” Midoriya hiccups through his laughter. Then he gives a sharp intake of breath, followed by a small hiss and when you look back at him, he’s doubled over, clutching at his ribs. 

You jump to his side before you even have time to think, your eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown as you stare at the way his hand awkwardly tries to soothe across his torso. “What’s wrong?” You ask, looking back up at his face. “Are you hurt?”

If Midoriya notices your very forced lack of concern over his apparent pain, he doesn’t say anything. Instead he just clenches his jaw and growls something under his breath before straightening out to stand at his full height again. 

“I’m fine,” he tells you. “It’s all good.” But something deep in his green eyes tells you he’s lying. 

Without even thinking, you reach out to prod a finger right at the spot Midoriya was previously clutching and by some miracle he’s too slow to stop you. The touch sends a shudder right through his body and he stumbles away from you, clutching at the spot again as his eyes water. Your own eyebrow twitches, a desperate attempt to hide your smugness over his almost comical attempt to brush off the fact that he is, indeed, hurt. 

“I call bullshit. Now show me." 

Midroiya stares up at you from where he’s half crumpled on the floor. "What?" 

"Show me,” you say again, hands propped against your hips as you give him your best unimpressed look. “You’re hurt. And if this”- you gesture to his bruised and bloodied face, -“is anything to go by, it’s bad." 

"Seriously, I’m fine,” he tries to counter, waving his hand around in what you assume is supposed to be a nonchalant gesture. It doesn’t work though, not when he puts a little too much pressure on his own injury and has to hunch over again. An all too telling groan falls from his lips and you huff out an annoyed sigh. 

“Jesus fuckin’-” you grumble out to yourself, rubbing a hand hard over your eyes. Then you drop it again to give him a nasty glare. “Midoriya, I swear to fuck… Can you at least tell me what happened, if you’re not gonna let me help you?" 

He blinks. Once, twice, and then his eyes widen even more. "You want to… help me?" 

You realise how it sounds just as he says it and it makes you cringe. "Don’t get the wrong idea,” you tell him very quickly, eyes narrowing. “You still annoy the shit outta me. But I don’t want you dying or… something like that.”

“O-oh.” He looks away, embarrassed, before sighing softly. Then his hand comes up to run through the thick curls of his hair, looking suddenly sheepish. 

“W-well, I, uh… I guess I… hit a few things while I was out today?" 

He really is a terrible liar, and you almost laugh out loud yourself at the way he phrases it almost like he’s asking you a question. "You hit something?" 

"Y-yeah,” is all he gives you in reply and this time you do actually snort. 

What, Midoriya?" 

"A, uh, a stop sign? And a no parking sign… And- And a grappling hook?”

He’s rubbing at his hair almost fanatically by now, messing up his curls as his face burns a dark pink. Long lashes dip over bright green eyes as he keeps his gaze on your feet and you can’t help but stare down at the top of his head with a new feeling curling in the depths of your stomach. You almost want to say… he’s cute . But as soon as you realise it, you force it down, because it’s still Midoriya, the guy who’s supposed to be your biggest rival. 

Instead you just shake your head at him and exhale softly through your nose. “A stop sign?” you repeat slowly. “And a no parking sign… And a grappling hook… Where the fuck did you even - ? You know what, never mind.” Then you reach forward to flick his forehead since it’s the only thing you can really think of, as, for the who-knows-how-many-time tonight, your brain struggles to process what he’s said. 

Midoriya looks up at you, only briefly, and his eyes are so full of pure embarrassment that it almost makes you laugh. 

“I just…” you try again, reaching up to rub at your temple. “How?” 

He only shrugs in reply. 

“Wouldn’t you have seen… all those things? I mean, road signs aren’t that easy to miss and a grappling hook…?”

Midoriya sniffs and seems to curl into himself a little more, hand pressing up to his side that - now that you take a closer look - you can see is dark with blood.  "You’d think,” he says and his tone sounds bitter. "But I was chasing someone and he kind of attacked me with the grappling hook. And I guess the signs just sort of… appeared.”

“Jesus,” you mumble again. 

Itis kind of funny. Just a little. However, the more you stare at him, at his expression, with the shock of his revelation finally wearing off and your logical and rational thinking returning, you start to notice the actual condition on his face. Because it’s not good. In fact, it’s pretty bad

His lip is busted and also his nose - although thankfully, it doesn’t look broken - and there’s a collecting of purplish bruises running up along his cheekbone. His eyebrow itself is also bleeding and on top of it all he looks…exhausted. 

A wave of sympathy rushes through you, one which you immediately try to discard. You want to tell yourself, as awful as it is, that the fact that he’s struggling is good for you. The pair of you have been competing at school since before academic success was even a thing, way back in kindergarten, and yet it has always felt like he’s had the upper hand on you. Because he’s popular and he’s nice and he’s a boy . And it’s only since high school started that you’ve felt like there is even footing between you, because he’s just been so tired

Only now you’ve found out that he’s tired because he’s doing yet another amazing thing but literally saving people’s lives as an extra-curricula. And it makes your heart ache just a little because finally you realise, as you stare down at him, still dressed in the iconic green suit that’s ripped and dirty and covered in blood from hours of helping everyone in Musutafu city, that you’re never ever really going to be able to compete with him.  

“Fucking hell,” you mumble out and it’s far more to yourself than to him. Your chest heaves as you sigh. And then you reach down to grab his jaw and pull it up so he’s no longer staring at the floor. 

“Stop looking so dejected. Shit happens. Now, where do you keep your first aid kit?" 

He looks shocked, as if he’d never in a million years expected you to care. But you just kick at his foot lightly with your own, and scowl. 

‘C'mon Midoriya, I already told you,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “I may be a bitch but I’m not a shitty person. Plus, if we get you sorted out quicker then we can go through this stuff for the project faster, and then I can go home and pretend all of this shit is just a bad dream.”

You wonder if he’s going to cry. It’d be fitting, really, since this is the first time at least ten years that you’ve actually done something nice for him, and he was always such a crybaby about anything. And for a moment, he really looks like he will. Thick tears well in his eyes, beading on his waterline, but then he blinks them away. Scrubs a hand over his face, sniffs and then looks up at you again with a straight face. 

"Okay,” he mumbles, finally resigning himself to your reluctant caring. “The first aid kit is in the cabinet in the bathroom across the hall." 

You nod and begin to turn, already prepared to fetch it yourself since Midoriya really does not look like he should be wandering around the house right now. However, you’re stopped by a grab to the back of your hoodie. When you peek back over your shoulder you see Midoriya with an outstretched area, wide pleading eyes fixed on you. 

"Don't… let my mom see you fetch it,” he says and it sounds a little desperate. “She’ll get worried and … look, obviously I can’t hide all the injuries from her but I told her it’s from gym class. And I heal real quick so they’re never as bad when she sees them. Just - " 

But you cut him off because you can see he’s starting to ramble, out of pure panic. Another stab of sympathy hits you as you remember he’s been doing this by himself up until now. And you almost want to say something to him, maybe just to try and comfort him, to get that desperate look out of his eyes. 

But you have no clue what to say. So you just nod your head once and then turn away. 

Thankfully, his bedroom door doesn’t squeak when you open it and after peeking first one way and then the other, you slip out into the empty hallway. You can hear Mrs Midoriya in the kitchen, humming to herself idly as she most likely makes dinner, and your shoulders sink a little in relief. The bathroom Midoriya has mentioned is just a few steps down the hall and you all but run to the door, easing it closed as quietly as you can once you step inside. 

When the handle finally clicks into place, you let out a long breath you didn’t even realise you were holding. 

The bathroom itself is neat and organised, just like the rest of the Midoriyas’ residence, and you have no trouble locating the first aid kit in the cabinet. However, you do take a moment to pause, gripping the fabric of the bag hard when you catch your own eyes in the mirror and stare. For a split second, the reality of the situation washes over you and you feel your knees grow a little weak. The reflection of you in the mirror pales visibly and your lips mouth out the words "What the fuck?

But then you steel yourself again and force your expression to harden right back into indifference, reminding yourself that none of this shit is even your business. You’re just a bystander in this whole thing and once you’ve got that stupid kid patched up, you can go home and stop caring again. 

As you turn away from the mirror, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that that very thought is a privilege for you and the kid sitting battered and bruised in his bedroom across the hallways doesn’t have that kind of luxury. 

It doesn’t take you a long time to flit your way back to Midoriya’s bedroom and before long you’re using your back to ease his bedroom door closed once again. 

Midoriya, who’s still sitting on his bed, looks up when you enter and you realise with a sudden shock that he’s disrobed further since your exit. The top half of his suit had been peeled off completely now, revealing a pair of broad, muscled shoulders, toned arms, and a chest and abdomen that look like something copy and pasted right out of Vogue: Japan . You gape at him for a long second, stunned because since when did he look like that??? However, when he looks up at you and his deep green eyes meet your own, you quickly snap your mouth closed. 

He may be hot now, but that doesn’t mean you care. 

Besides, when he reaches out to take the first aid kit from you, his arm shifts away from his body and you see for the first time the extent of the damage to his ribs. A full-body wince travels up the length of your spine. 

It’s not pretty. Not at all.

Blooms of deep purple bruises are flowering over the open space just beneath his left pectoral. Not only that but he’s cut up there as well, the skin along the bulges of his ribs ripped and torn in a way that makes you think he got scraped across something. There’s dried blood all around the area, as well as fresh blood beading at the wound and you have to hold back a visible expression of disgust - just looking at it makes you feel sick, you can barely imagine what it’s like to actually feelit. 

You wonder briefly is there’s a chance that you won ’t have to help him deal with it - you know you offered but you were young and stupid back then. Surely he’ll be fine on his own, especially if he’s done this before - but then you notice how much trouble it seems to be for him to bend round in order to actually see the stupid thing properly, as well as the fact that you are, in fact, aiming to become a doctor, and any hope of just sitting back like a useless fuck goes flying out the window. 

With a long sigh, you step forward to snatch the first aid bag back from him and then rip it open, beginning to eye your way through the contents. 

"I-I can do it-” Midoriya tries to protest but you don’t even acknowledge him as you begin to take the things you’ll need out of the bag and set them onto Midoriya’s nightstand in a neat line. Disinfectant, soft bandages, a suture needle - you pause for a moment to stare at it. God, you hope he doesn’t need stitches, this really is past your own limits already. 

Thankfully, when you kneel down on the ground in front of your classmate in order to inspect the wound, it seems that it’s not too deep. The angle that it cuts across his ribs makes it seem far worse than it is, and already the bleeding is slowing. Hopefully, it won’t need much more than a clean and a covering. 

Even if it does , you think, that’s not my responsibility. 

That’s kind of a lie but you don’t allow yourself to acknowledge that. Instead, you grab a full water bottle off of Midoriya’s nightstand and turn to wave it in his face. 

“Is this clean water?" 

He looks up, takes in you holding the thing and then nods mildly. There’s pain evident on his face now, as the adrenaline of first the swing here and then you finding out seems to be wearing off, and you make a mental note to dig through the bag again afterwards in search of painkillers. For now, however, you pour out some of the water onto a clean washcloth you also find in the bag and then use it to very gently wipe at the wound, trying to get some of the dried blood away so you can see what you’re doing. 

Midoriya winces and hisses at the first touch, recoiling away from you. However, he brings himself back before you even have to ask him and doesn’t move again when you touch him a second time. When one of your eyebrows raises, he mumbles out, "It was cold." 

You doubt it was. But you keep your mouth shut anyway. 

As the blood is washed away more and more, you begin begin see that it really does look like he was raked over a set of sharp spikes. As you dab gingerly at the rips in his skin, trying not to press directly on the wound, you think back to when Midoriya had told you he’d been hit with a grappling hook. No doubt, this is the damage from that, and you’re honestly a little miffed that you hadn’t noticed the injury earlier. 

You purses your lips, eyebrows furrowed in a frown. Then you glance up at Midoriya’s face again and meet his gaze from where he’s already watching you. 

"Is this from the grappling hook?" 

He hesitates for a second and you wonder if he’s trying to spare you the grisly details. “Yes,” he admits eventually. “I kind of…got in its way.” 

Your eyebrow jumps. “What happened?” 

"The guy I was chasing,” Midoriya starts. His voice is barely more than a mumble. “He has this modified gear. Grappling hooks that he was using to swing around and get away from me. It’s not unusual - with big companies like MightTech, it’s pretty easy for randos off the street to get their hands on pretty high tech weapons. This guy was pretty skilled though, he actually knew how to use it. He threw a hook at me and I couldn’t dodge it properly, so it caught me pretty hard.” 

You bite your lip, resisting the urge to say something stupid like ”That must’ve hurt.“ 

"It’s no big deal though,” Midoriya adds quickly. “This’ll all be mostly healed by the morning. I just wish I hadn’t let him get away…" 

The pair of you fall into a slightly awkward silence during which you just knowMidoriya is beating himself up. You can see it in his face; the downward tilt of the corners of his mouth, the way his eyes seem dull and even his hair droops. He feels guilty, for getting hurt, for not catching the guy like he wanted…

But there isn’t exactly much you can say to comfort him so instead, you try to change the subject. 

"So is that one of your powers? Fast healing?" 

"Kinda,” he mumbles, then winces as you press on a particularly sensitive spot. “Shit." 

"Sorry,” you say. 

He shakes his head, “It’s okay,” he replies before returning to what he was saying originally. "It’s more like a side effect than an actual power. My cells are just constantly working overtime, so they regenerate much faster than the average person. That and the fact that my body is just more durable in general means injuries aren’t as much of an issue for me." 

"That’s pretty cool,” you mumble before you can stop yourself. Then you blush and duck your head, avoiding his gaze completely. 

Midoriya actually chuckles at that, his chest vibrating. Then he coughs and makes a face. “Ow." 

"Stop laughing,” you tell him sternly. “I’m pretty sure that you have broken ribs under all this crap." 

"That’d make sense." 

The silence returns again and you shift uncomfortably. This situation is awkward, undeniably so, with you and Midoriya closer than you’ve been since you were practically toddlers. It gives you the violent urge to talk, or hum, or do something to try and distract Midoriya and yourself. 

And so, you ask, "Are your powers actually spider related or is that just a name you gave yourself to try and seem cool?" 

Midoriya gives you a disgruntled look, however the pain does fade a little from his face. "Okay first of all,” he says, pointing a finger at you. "I didn’t give myself that name. The media did and I haven’t been able to escape it. And second…” he pauses like he’s debating telling you something. “My powers arespider related. They actually came from a spider." 

"Is that so?” You raise an eyebrow as finally you finish cleaning away the blood and turn to drop the cloth onto the nightstand. Midoriya nods firmly. 

“Yeah, although it was sort of an accident. I was… poking around somewhere I shouldn’t have been." 

You stifle a snort as you reach for the bottle of rubbing alcohol and a few of the thick wipes that you had laid out and ready. You swallow in anticipation of what you have to do next, already well aware of how much it’s going to sting for Midoriya. You decide to try your best to keep him talking, in hopes of possibly distracting him. 

Also, although you don’t want to admit it, you’re curious about his situation. 

"So the webs…” you start as you pour a bit of the alcohol onto one of the wipes. “Do they… come out of you?" 

Midoriya actually snorts and you don’t miss the way he goes to rub at his wrist with his opposite hand. His thumb moves back and forth against his own skin, like he’s testing it, trying to find something. 

Eventually, however, he says, "No. I make them." 

"Make them?” You ask. 

“Yeah,” he replies. “I figured it’d been a cool way to get around and so I found a way to mimic the actual composition of spider’s silk, using chains of amino acids and - oh fuck!" 

You’d pressed the wipe right into his wound as he was speaking, in order to begin the process of soaking the sight in alcohol. Midoriya chokes at the sudden feeling, his pupils dilate as his eyes go wide and then water considerably, and he tries to jerk away from your touch. But you’ve already anticipated it and follow him, gritting your teeth as he lets out another low gasp of pain. 

"I’m sorry,” you mumble but don’t look up at him. You only barely hear his wheeze of acknowledgement. 

“C'mon,” you say, more to yourself really, then to him. “Just get through this part. And then you can tell me your whole backstory while I bandage you up." 

Midoriya whimpers again and you think maybe it’s supposed to be in agreement. However, you’re not entirely sure so you just keep pressing, keep blocking out his grunts of pain, and just keep thinking, ’Once this is all done, we can discuss the project and then I can go home.

It’s not much but it’s comforting, and it gives you the strength to keep going. Although, even though you don’t admit it, a little twinge of disappointment flickers deep in the dark recesses of your heart; disappointment that at some point this little secret is going to be over and you’re going to go back to the real world. 

You don’t even let yourself acknowledge it. 

As it turns out, you’re a liar. Neither of you get any work done. 

It takes over a hour for Midoriya to relay his entire backstory to you; things like how he got bitten by some wack-ass spider while visiting MightTech on a field trip, how he’d learnt that because he now has the power to help others, if he chooses not to he’s as good as hurting them himself, and how he can now stick to walls and shit. 

Despite yourself, you find the whole thing fascinating. Just the fact that a spider capable of giving such powers to a human actually exists is insane, and the more he speaks the more your eyes widen and widen until you have to forcibly close them for fear that your eyeballs might fall right out of your head. 

Midoriya too, seems to be enjoying himself. As you bandage him up he keeps talking, keeps rambling away about every little detail to do with his life as a vigilante now. In any other situation, you might have told him to shut up. But you have a feeling this is more than just his usual rambling about nonsense - this is a result of keeping everything stored up inside for the better part of three years and now finally having somewhere to let it out. 

Still, you’re happy to listen and even once he’s all bandaged up, you sit neatly on the floor staring up at him, happy to listen, and ask questions, and talk, and generally engage, your ego completely forgotten for the sake of learning something new. 

It’s only when Midoriya’s mother comes knocking, her head peeking around the door to give the pair of you a warm smile as she says that dinner is ready - thank god, Midoriya had put some proper clothes on by then and hidden the suit - that you realise you’ve been here way too long  

Not to mention the fact that Midoriya’s eyes are drooping and you know he won’t last five minutes once he’s eaten and flopped back into bed. 

That’s your cue to give up for the night. Resign yourself to the fact that you’ll have to plan the logistics of the project tomorrow and make as graceful an exit as you can without arousing suspicion from Midoriya’s mum. 

She smiles kindly at you when you politely decline her offer to stay for dinner and begin to head towards the door. It hits you in the gut, seeing her warm eyes and familiar gentle nature - after all, you’ve known her almost as long as you’ve known your own mother. It brings back memories of the few times back in kindergarten, before the hostility and competition took over, when you and Bakugou and Midoriya would all arrive unceremoniously at this very apartment for unplanned playdates and then trash the living room and kitchen in your games about mad scientists and heroes while Inko watched on happily.

You don’t think you’ve been back here since those days, and with your return there comes a certain type of nostalgia that twists like eels in your gut. You try your best to ignore it though, and when Midoriya himself comes to show you out the door, you give him your ugliest scowl in lieu of a goodbye. 

It comes back to you later that evening, however, when you’re lying curled up in your own bed in your own room, and as you drift off to sleep, you slip into a dream full of concoctions made of bathroom soaps, spiderwebs and a tiny kid with midnight green hair and the kindest eyes you’ve ever known. 
