#micheal imagines


you know what’s fucking crazy? That men AREN’T THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ABUSE, RAPE, ASSUALT OR FLAT OUT HURT OTHER PEOPLE ISN’T THAT CRAZY THAT WOMEN COMMIT CRIMES TOO WOW WHO KNEW???? but seriously all you feminists who think women are perfect fuckin angels can literally fuck off. -this is coming from a feminist that is a female

On another note if your ballsacks are sweaty and hairy and shit my pussy shouldn’t have to be shiny and perfect fuck off.

On the subject of me dying for a bit.

Soooo. To make a long fucking story short, I shoved a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass. Nah nah jk. I’ve been gone because highschool is just repeatedly fucking me in the ass with a chainsaw. (I’m a senior and I am 18 don’t flip out). I’ve been on a 504 plan since eight grade (a 504 is something to help students with mental and physical disabilities in the school setting). And a teacher I have is just straight up not respecting it so that’s hella stressful. Not to mention my grade has dropped from an A with extra credit to a D+ because he refuses to give me work for classes I miss because of anxiety. So that’s why I’ve been gone. There is also other reasons that I’d simply rather not say. I might be more active soon, but it all depends on what happens. Just wanted to let y'all know I’m not dead.



I don’t care if you think there are only two genders. I do care if you are bullying people who identify as otherwise. I do care if you are forcing your opinions on others. I do care if your constantly ranting about how there are only two genders.

thank you.

Rainbow emoji asks

= have you ever been given flowers?

= have you lost someone close to you?

= do you like red or green apples?

❤= who is your best friend on this app?

= first kiss?

= last time you were heels?

= do you like makeup

= when did you last get angry?

= fav fruit?

= fav veggie?

= do you dress up for Halloween?

= do you play sports?

⛺= do you like camping?

= who do you think is hot on this app?

= how much on you on this app?

= are you a morning person

= who are you smitten about on this app?

= when was the last time you genuinely smiled?

= when was the last time you cringed?

= when were you last sick?

=when were you last injured?

= do consider yourself a nerd?

= do you believe our fate is in the stars?

= cats or dogs?

= sweet or sour?

= last movie you saw?

= have you ever ridden a motorcycle/electric scooter?

= do you live somewhere with alot of cabs?

⚡= do you like thunder?

= do you play any instruments?

= do you journal?

= are you taken?

= when was the last time you puked

= who are you envious of?

= your opinion on slytherins?

= do you live somewhere warm?

= green or red apples (but in green)

= do you have snow for Christmas?

= do you knit/crochet/sew?

= do you like chemistry?

♻️= do you recycle?

= do you believe in aliens?

= are you cold right now?

= do you like wearing dresses?

= do you often wear hats?

= do you often wear rings?

= who do you have a love hate relationship with?

= do you fish?

= do you like butterflies?

⛲= last time you went to a fountain

✈= have you riden an airplane?

= have you ever surfed?

❄= do you live where it snows?

= laptop or desktop?

= last time you did research?

= last time you received a birthday card in the mail?

= kinks?

= do you like dancing?

= last time you got your nails done?

= any ex friends?

= last time you went swimming?

= have you ever sent the eggplant emoji?

= have you had your fortune told?

= do you like star gazing?

☂️= last time it rained where you are?

= fav type of music

☪️= what’s your zodiac sign?
