
12. on va se calmer un boutte. je mélange deux concepts qui sont quand même reliés, le cryptide et l

12. on va se calmer un boutte. je mélange deux concepts qui sont quand même reliés, le cryptide et les esprits de la forêt // let’s calm the f down for a while. mixing two adjacent concepts, cryptid and woodland spirits.

#octencre #inktober #sasquatch #bigfoot #basajaun #ngen #grandbois #selvans #artemis #mielikki #pachanama

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aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She aredhels:which worldwide deity am i? Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She


which worldwide deity am i?

Mielikki is the Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt. She is referred to in various tales as either the wife or the daughter-in-law of Tapio, and the mother of Nyyrikki and Tuulikki. She is said to have played a central role in the creation of the bear. In the Finnish national epic Kalevala, the hero Lemminkäinen offers her and Tapio prayers, gold and silver so he can catch the Hiisi elk. In another passage, Mielikki is asked to protect cattle grazing in the forest. In a country where the forest was central to providing food through hunting, gathering and cattle grazing, it was thought very important to stay on her good side. Mielikki is known as a skillful healer who heals the paws of animals who have escaped traps, helps chicks that have fallen from their nests and treats the wounds of wood grouses after their mating displays. She knows well the healing herbs and will also help humans if they know well enough to ask her for it. Her name is derived from the old Finnish word mielu which means luck.

tagged by @pclyxena, tagging @queeniegoldtsein,@ereinixn,@penhallow,@carstairsjames,@jediknightrey,@freiyja,@elvntari,@andrewsminyards,@andromedes

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Mielikki, is the finnish female forest spirit or goddess. She is the wife of Tapio and she takes car

Mielikki, is the finnish female forest spirit or goddess. She is the wife of Tapio and she takes care of the woods and the animals living in it. Hunters used to beg good hunting luck from Mielikki. Also the ones who want to pick up berries and mushroom should ask for her permission.

180cm x 120cm, Charcoal by Linda Piekäinen

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