#mindful education


Mindful Monday's

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation brings mindfulness to the moment-to-moment experience of walking. Typically, when we walk we’re focused on getting somewhere, and not on the present-moment sensations of walking. In contrast, in walking meditations, there is no destination, and we bring our awareness to sensations in the feet and lower legs. Although you can practice walking meditation at any time, it may be especially useful if you’re experiencing strong anxiety that makes it difficult to be still for other types of meditation.

Set aside at least 10 minutes for this practice. Find a place that’s quiet and private and allows you a path to walk back and forth. You don’t need much space, just enough for 10-20 steps. Remember, you’re not going anywhere, you’re just walking. Feel free to experiment with the length of your path. You can walk at any pace, but slowing down will help you notice more of the sensations you experience as you walk.

Being by noticing that you are where you are. Connect with your breath and then with the sensations of your feet on the ground. From a standing position, begin to take a step with the left foot. Notice the shift of weight from both feet to the right foot. Notice the sensations of the left foot coming off the ground. First the heel, then the ball of the foot. Sense how the pressure releases as you pick up the entire left foot. Experience the left foot and leg swinging forward. Then notice the sensations of placing the left food on the ground again.

Bring awareness to the shift of weight from the right foot to the left. The sensations of the right heel coming off the ground, then the ball of the foot and then the whole foot. Feel how the weight transfers graduallyto the left food as the right foot and leg swing forward to slowly begin another step.

Bring kind awareness to the sensations of pressure, the swinging of each foot and leg, muscle tension, touch, movement of clothing, and so on. When attention wanders away from the sensations of walking, as it will, practice patience and kindness. Let go of judgement and come back to the sensations of walking over and over again.

Mindful Monday’s

Mindful Stretching

Mindful stretching can promote awareness and the attitudes of allowing gentleness, and compassion toward your body and your life. Whether you practice yoga in a class or at home or stretch for fitness, you can bring these qualities to your stretches, transforming them into a mindfulness meditation. Just one caution: if you’re unsure whether certain stretches are appropriate for you, consult your doctor before doing them.

As you stretch, bring beginner’s mind to your body. Move slowly and gently, and explore sensations in the body as if for the first time. When the mind wanders as it will, gently return to noticing sensations.

As you stretch mindfully, open to any opportunities to learn (or relearn) important life lessons. If a stretch is challenging, you may notice that you react with aversion. In that case, you can purposely welcome sensations of tension as an invitation to rest and find ease in the stretch. You may find that breathing with sensations helps you let go of any struggle against them and allow them to be present. The body’s wisdom will inform you of its limits, helping you understand the difference between unpleasant sensations and pain and how to take care of yourself. It can help you know when you need to back off from a stretch - and when you need to back off from excessive attempts to please others.

The wisdom of the body can help you heal in many ways. When you stretch areas that hold chronic tension, buried emotions may be released. Don’t strive to make this happen; just notice sensations in the body. As you tune in to your experience, mindful stretching can help you learn from the inside out that letting go and mindfully sensing the places where you feel stuck can help you feel freer. Both in your body and in daily life.

For example, if your arms burn as you hold them out, you can gently challenge yourself to stay with the position for a few more moments. Noticing the sensations and the desire to relieve the discomfort. Experiment with allowing the sensation to be present without struggling to change them, releasing into the posture. This can teach you that you don’t have to react immediately to urges, and that sometimes they pass as you allow them to be present. In time, you can transfer these lessons to difficult approval seeking moment, applying what you’ve learned about aversion, letting go, and not acting on urges.

 スティーブンユニバース「心のトレーニング」 (“Steven Universe” Mindful Education was broadcast in Japan.) 最高で

(“Steven Universe” Mindful Education was broadcast in Japan.)

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