#minors fuck off



Hirugami Sachiro: Lucid Dreaming (Part 3/?) NSFW

->Masterlist to Haikyuu Smutshots

->Part 1

->Part 2

AN: Palm Springs is such a good movie… Part of this Smutshot was inspired by it)

Part 3/?

Wake up.” Someone whispered

Y/n’s eyes slowly opened, and she took a minute to adjust to her surroundings. The sun was setting, and she stretched, letting out a long yawn before she gazed at the pink and orange hues, reflecting against the calm sea. Letting out a dreamy sigh, she hugged her knees, perched on a lounger

“How beautiful…” She beamed; she loved the ocean. She really felt like she was in paradise…

Her eyes widened and she stood up

“Wait, where am I!?”

Confusion filled her and she looked at the very short dress she was wearing, it made her feel like a beachy Marilyn Monroe…

“I don’t own this…?”

She had no idea where she was, the beach looked secluded as well… There was nobody around her… Turning around, she realised she was sitting in the terrace of a beach hut. Looking inside the entryway, she noticed it was quiet. Slowly treading through the patio, she looked around but there was no one.

“Have I been kidnapped?”

But what kidnapper in their right mind would take her to a fancy secluded beach…? Unless she was going to be murdered… Oh god, dread filled her and she knew she had to get out before trouble arose. Quickly rushing towards the entrance, she let out an oompfwhen she collied into someone.

“Hey, where are you going in such a rush?”

His arms wrapped around her waist and she gasped, clutching his weird tropical themed shirt

“Hirugami-san!? Where are we!? I think we’ve been kidnapped!” She panicked and he raised a brow, letting out a laugh confusing her…

“Why are you so calm?” She asked him and he rubbed the back of his neck,

“Why are you being so formal with me? We’re on our honeymoon, Y/n…”

Her eyes almost went wide as dinner plates,


She squeaked and he nodded, gripping her hand, kissing it. She noticed the wedding bangs on their fingers and was about to freak out because she swore, she fell asleep in her bed…

Her eyes widened again, and she let out a laugh,

“Ohhh! This is another one of my wild dreams, isn’t it?” She laughed, of course it was…

A lot of it felt real but she remembered she was super tired after work and she crashed onto her bed when Hirugami-san had dropped to her home. He must have been on her mind before she crashed, which is why she was probably having this crazy dream.

She stopped laughing when his hands gripped her waist, pulling her close to him.

“Hirugami?” She asked and he clicked his tongue,

“You’re really going to call me by my last name?”

She shook her head, right this was a dream, and she might as well play her part… She gave him a sweet look, looking into his adoring brown eyes, feeling herself swoon a bit.

“Sorry Sachiro… Force of habit… So, where are we?” She asked him and he held her hand, walking out onto the terrace again. It surprised her, the setting sun remained in place, leaving everything in a glowy haze

“My paradise…” He answered, before looking at her. She blushed when he smiled at her,

“Its beautiful!” She beamed and he flushed…

Barks were heard and her ears pricked making her turn her head to see a large fluffy dog dash towards them, jumping at her excitedly. She laughed in delight, bending down to pat and nuzzle the sweet little angel

“Oh my! You’re so precious!” She cooed, rubbing the dog’s belly, watching her pant in delight. Hirugami watched her in content as she continued loving the friendly creature

“Mocha” He cooed, bending down to ruffle Mocha’s fur, making her bark happily, licking his cheek

“She’s my best girl” He cooed again, and they watched Mocha dash down the hut stairs, running around the beach. Y/n grinned,

“Can’t argue there! She’s your dog?”

He nodded, “I’ve had her since I was a child. She’s been with me through everything” He muttered, watching Mocha run away from the crashing waves onto the shore.

“Is she the reason you became a vet?”

He nodded, glancing at Y/n before he stood up, extending his hand to her. She gripped it, easily lifting up on her feet and he led her to a hammock, she gasped when he pulled her against him, lying on the hammock, letting it sway softly. She felt embarrassed but she kept reminding herself this was a dream. She rested her head against his chest, enjoying the breeze and the warmth. It was the perfect temperature.

“I really wish I didn’t have to wake up…” She muttered and he swallowed,

“All good things have to come to an end eventually” He answered, making her look at his face. He was surprised when she cupped his face, observing his features

“Y/n?” He asked and she hummed, “You really are so handsome… Even at the clinic, I’m left in a fluster around you… But you make me feel safe” She answered but she saw the pensive look in his eyes, baffling her

“Sachiro?” She asked, making him look into her eyes but he smiled again, cupping her face

“You’re beautiful… I find it hard to be around you too… You make me feel like a glutton…”

She raised a brow, “A glutton?”

He hummed, grazing her cheeks softly and she watched his brown eyes radiate slowly…

“You make me feels starved…” He cooed,

The scenery above her began changing and she clung onto him when she felt like they both were falling. Letting out a gasp when her back hit something soft, she opened her eyes only to find herself trapped under him

The sounds of the ocean could still be heard but the rustling of the chiffon white curtains that hung above the canopy of the bed got her attention… She sat up and she realised they were no longer in the beach house… The sun had almost set but sea still glittering… Somehow Hirugami and her had teleported on the beach but they were nestled on a bed.

The chiffon cloth danced in the breeze but she didn’t feel cold, catching glimpses of the secluded beach through the gaps. Her eyes drifted back to him but her breath hitched.

“Sachiro?” She asked but his hands gripped hers, intertwining his fingers with hers, pressing her hands into the utterly soft mattress. She seriously felt like she was sinking in

“Everytime I see you…” He purred, the tip of his nose rubbing against hers, making her bite her lip, “I just want to eat you up… I spent years building up my self-control, but the moment I saw you… You did something to me…”

Mmh…”A soft grunt let her lips when he began kissing her throat. Her hands gripped onto his tighter, feeling his gentle caresses against her skin

“Will you let me satiate my hunger, Y/n?” He muttered, his hand now trailing up the side of her thigh, teasingly going under her dress. There it was, that sensual tone he used which made her knees go weak. She found her reasoning leaving her. All she wanted was him

She nodded shyly, averting her gaze “S-Since it’s a dream… It won’t hurt right?” She asked and he chuckled, kissing her cheek

“I’ll make sure you only feel pleasure…”

It was still… She couldn’t hear the waves; she couldn’t hear the birds… All she could hear was her own heart beating.

This dream felt so real… It scared her…

But it was only because she was with him that she sat up and he leaned back, watching her as her hands went to the back of her neck, untying the straps that held her dress against her front. As soon as her bare breasts were revealed, she looked into his eyes, feeling flustered.

“Be gentle” She whispered, and he smiled, his fingers tugging his own shirt off. Hirugami held her shoulders, slowly laying her back down and she tried to calm her beating heart. The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering when he caught the top of her dress, pulling the loose fabric effortlessly down her legs.

“You’re gorgeous…” He sighed, letting his hands feel her warm skin under them. She shyly turned her head, unable to feed on his compliments. She really wished she didn’t have to wake up

Hirugami bent down, kissing her lips deeply before he pulled away, pressing more kisses down her body. She whimpered when his teeth nipped at her under breast, suckling at her pillowy flesh before his hands squeezed her breasts, making her sigh

“Would you prefer if I licked or sucked on your nipples?” He asked her teasingly, his fingers rubbing her hardening buds as he licked his lips. Y/n quivered when the breeze picked up, making her nipples harden even more

“I-I don’t know… W-Whatever you want” She answered and he chuckled,


She gasped when his lips wrapped around her nipple, sucking at it while his tongue swiped her hardened bud, She moaned, her knees bending as her feet dug against the bedding.

‘He’s doing both at the same time…’ She thought but it was disrupted when his fingers began playing with her neglected nipple

O-Oh…Sachiro” She whimpered, feeling the dampness grow in her between her legs. He littered kissed down her body, tickling her stomach but he froze when he noticed a scar that he didn’t see earlier on her hip. His thumb traced it and he looked at her,

“What happened here?” He asked her and she swallowed, who knew even in her dreams it would show up.

“I-It’s nothing…” She answered, but he gripped her face, his glowing eyes looking into hers

“I-I was attacked after a party …” She answered and he frowned, making her smile.

“Its alright… I’m over it now but the scar is hideous, I know… If only I knew how to get rid of it in my dreams, but I guess it will follow me everywhere I go …” She said softly. He looked at her, his brows softening. She stilled when his palm slid over the scar, eyes widening when the skin under it began glowing


He moved his palm and she was shocked, her hand feeling her skin

“It’s gone…?”

Hirugami watched her shock-stricken face but he gripped her hips

“Only for now… If I could get rid of your insecurities in real life, I would do it in a heartbeat”

She cupped his faced, smiling as she shook her head

“You’re so kind…”

“Am I?” He purred, his hands sliding over hers before he pulled them away from his face.

“I’ve dreamt about you two days in a row now”

He raised a brow, looking amused, “You’ll be seeing a lot of me in your dreams. It’s the only place where we can be alone and you’ll be safe” He answered, she stood on her knees, wraps wrapping around his neck as he pulled her on top of his body, his hands wrapping her legs around his waist

“I’m afraid Sachiro” She whispered, puzzling him

“Afraid of me?” He asked but she shook her head

“I’m afraid I’ll fall in love with you… because of these dreams…”

Hirugami froze when her fingers caressed his wavy bangs, her face was flushed and this time he felt like her eyes were sending him into a daze.

His forehead pressed against hers and he sighed, “The real me will only disappoint you… You won’t fall for the real me…” He muttered against her lips, “But you can love me all you want here… I’ll fulfil all your desires, my precious”

“Take me now, Sachiro… I’m scared I’m going to wake up” She whispered, and he gave her a soft smile, gripping her chin

“Just enjoy the moment for now”

She hummed when he began kissing her neck, gently pushing her back onto the bed

‘Please never let this dream end’ She prayed


Y/n’s eyes opened, and she sat up. The disappointment lingered when she realised, she was in her own bedroom.

“Nooo” She whined, letting out a groan of frustration.

She gripped her face in embarrassment, that dream was so good…

Getting up, she realised her shorts were soaked, groaning when she caught sight of her bedsheets… Why did she keep having intense dreams about him? Never in her life was she bothered about sex and now all of a sudden, she kept dreaming of her boss…

It felt so real… His caresses, the way she sucked her skin… His kisses… It all felt so real…

She walked past her mirror, stopping to lift her shirt but she was met with the deep scar, her fingers running over the marks left by the stitches…

“It really was a dream…” She sighed in disappointment. Glancing at the clock, she gasped.

She had slept the entire day!? This was insane, she was rambling around to throw strip her bedding off, trying to change it in a haste before she took her own clothes off, rushing to try the washing machine on before running to the bathroom in a naked panic

“How could I sleep for so long!?”

She was shocked, she naturally rose early… It was so unlike her to sleep over 8 hours… and today she had slept for almost 15. She had just an hour left before she had to be in the clinic. Cursing to herself, she sped through her day routine…


“I made it!” She panted, clutching her knees as she tried catching her breath. The daytime receptionist just laughed, carefully lifting herself up while she rubbed her swollen belly

“You shouldn’t worry Y/n! I can wait a little overtime if you run late. It’s really no issue”

Y/n grinned, fixing her clothes

“No way, you sit here for hours! I cant make you wait longer, you should be relaxing! Not too long left before the babies get here” She cooed, and her friend laughed,

“It sounds cute but carrying twins? Not fun… At all…” She sounded tired, and Y/n felt bad, bowing

“I’m sorry for making you wait”

The other receptionist ruffled her hair, “Don’t beat yourself up, I’m already grateful you accepted switching shifts with me.”

Y/n stood up, smiling. She wondered if he was already at the office?”

“Um, is Hirugami-san here?” Y/n asked and she shook her head,

“Not yet…”

Y/n hummed, she wanted to ask her friend if she knew more about him. She worked here for way longer than Y/n, she had to know something

“So… What’s he like in the clinic?” She asked and the receptionist hummed,

“He keeps to himself mostly. He’s a gentleman but we’ve never engaged in much conversation. To be honest, he always looks worn out and too grumpy to talk…”

Y/n raised a brow, its true he looked annoyed and tired in the beginning but he seemed friendly and talked to her quite often…

“How would you get off after the nightshift? Did the boss ever drop you home?”

The receptionist looked puzzled,

“No, he’s never dropped me… In fact, he stays in the clinic after I leave. My husband usually picks me up” She answered and Y/n kept silent, the door buzzed and the receptionist lit up,

She smiled and Y/n turned catching sight of a friendly looking man, waving towards the receptionist. She beamed,

“Speak of the devil” To her husband and the door opened behind the couple. Y/n made eye contact with those mystical brown eyes that haunted her. Her cheeks flushed when Hirugami nodded to her,

“Good evening Miss Y/n. I hope you’re feeling better?” He asked and she was confused. He was being so casual… Reality hit her when she realised they only shared an intimate moment in her dreams… The real Hirugami felt nothing towards her.

“Oh… Yes, thank you for taking me home again. I’m sorry for the trouble I caused” She said and he just smiled,

“It was no trouble… But please tell me you have hidden the spare key” He asked and she quickly nodded, her head

“Oh… Yes I did!” She lied, laughing it off and he raised a brow,

“Really? Then why do I have your key?” He asked and she felt embarrassed, figuring he must have opened her door last night. He slipped the key into her palm, raising his brow

“Be safe” He muttered, walking past her down the hallway. Her heart fluttered, looking back at Hirugami’s retreating figure. A hand cupped her. Shoulder, almost making her jump and the receptionist laughed,

“Have a good shift Y/n! I’ll see you soon” She chirped, and Y/n bid her farewell, watching her affectionate husband dote on her outside the clinic, doing his best to wrap her coat around her belly. She sighed in bliss,

“How wonderful…”

Taking her seat, she looked around and it wasn’t to her surprise the clinic was empty. Sighing, she rested her head on her desk. She began wondering what her future had instore for her… How long would she be working here for until she landed her dream job?

Getting up, she decided to clean up the reception room. She knew Aunty would try climbing on the step ladder to clean the shelves but at her age, it wasn’t safe. This should make it a bit easier for the older woman if Y/n took care of the harder tasks

Humming, she went to the kitchen. Her heart speeding when she walked past his office. Putting the kettle on boil,

‘Do I make him a cup…?’

She felt so awkward after her dream… But it wasn’t like he had an inclining… She had to be normal, she needed to stop making herself conscious. Grabbing the spare cup, she made him a mug of coffee too

Y/n took a deep breath, knocking at his door

“Come in…”

She popped her head inside and he looked at her, smiling

“I was just thinking about coffee” He said softly and she blushed,

“Looks like I read your mind” She laughed, walking inside. He smirked at her,

“Really now?”

Calming her heart, she set the mug down before seating herself in front of him. He was amused looking at the latte art again, he wasn’t sure what this animal it supposed was to be…

“Elephant.” She answered and he raised a brow,

“I was a little confused… It looks like a weird penis… No offense”” He said and she almost spit out her coffee, swallowing it

“P-Penis…!?” She said ever so quietly, suddenly remembering her dream, her body burning from embarrassment and he laughed, giving her a weird look

“Sorry, penis was too harsh but if it makes you feel better, an elephant was my second guess…” He lied and she raised a brow,

“Now that I’m looking at it… It kinda looks like one” She mumbled

Knocks were heard on the door and both of them straightened when another vet walked in

“Good evening Hirugami-san! Miss Y/n” He said and they greeted him. He stepped to the desk, showing Hirugami a folder

“This is a little tricky… A patient’s come in with a chameleon…”

Y/n let out an ooo

“A chameleon!”

He nodded,

“Its fascinating but I sense a massive lump on his side. I think it’s a tumour”

“Oh no!” Y/n gasped and Hirugami frowned, looking at the reports

“It can’t be… He needs a CT scan and then we can figure out the cause”

The vet nodded, looking at Hirugami’s mug, raising a brow

“Is that a dick–”

“Okay, I think you should get to that CT scan!” Y/n interrupted, getting up with the vet, pushing him out of the office with her. She could hear Hirugami chuckling behind her, she was embarrassed, sitting back at her desk

“It looked like an elephant to me…” She mumbled, filing in the new patient.

Hours passed and the other vet had left, Hirugami and him found out the pet chameleon had a large bladder stone which needed to be operated on. They had planned to send their patient to the animal hospital with Hirugami in the morning. Now Y/n found herself sitting at her desk, bored.

She wanted to go sit in his office again but she wondered if that made her look incompetent at her job. Trying to remain professional, she sat in her station just letting her mind wander back at her dream last night…

That beach looked so familiar but she was certain she had never been there before… She wondered if she had dreamt about it before…

“Miss Y/n?” Hirugami called and she was startled, turning to look at him


He smiled, beckoning to her to follow him,

“Come with me, there’s something I want to show you” He answered, and she got up,

“What is it?” She asked and he smiled,

“Come on”

Following behind him, he led her to a special animal care room and she was confused, following him.

“I found her in the alleyway at the back a few weeks ago…” He said moving to show her and Y/n let out a small awe. A happy cat laying in her kennel, nursing five adorable kittens.

“You’re so precious” She cooed and he glanced at her, but she seemed unaware, just gazing fondly at the adorable sight.

“It wasn’t really a medical emergency but when I was throwing out the trash, I realised she was pregnant and didn’t want to leave her out in the cold… These guys were born a week ago. You can’t touch them yet, they’re too young but you seemed to be a bit dazed today… II thought this would cheer you up”

She smiled happily at him, “It really has! Thank you so much” She said before bowing

“Again, I’m sorry you had to carry me home… I’ve been feeling quite tired lately and it’s been taking a toll. Hehe, I’ve been having weird dreams too” She hinted shyly and was taken back when his eyes almost widened but he remained stoic

“…That’s not good… You do seem like you’re running low on energy…” He muttered, confusing her again

“Energy? Why do you and Aunty always bring up my energy…?” She asked and he kept quiet, not expecting her question

“I-I… Um it’s because you were super energetic when you joined. That’s all.” He said and she frowned,

“Oh, I see. That makes sense! Maybe I’m just not used to nightshifts, Ill get into the swing of things” She pepped herself and he nodded,


His phone buzzed and he slipped it from his pocket, she couldn’t help but glance at his wallpaper, her eyes widening when she saw a young Hirugami with his hands wrapped around,

“Mocha…?” She said out loud and he froze…

Her heart was pounding, and she knew this couldn’t be a coincidence. She stared at him in utter confusion and he swallowed,

“How do you know that…?” He pretended and she furrowed her brows,

“I-I… Lucky guess?” She lied through her teeth and she knew he knew she was lying but he played dumb

“Lucky indeed…”

There was a silence between them and she cleared her throat,

“How long have you had her?” She asked and he averted his gaze,

“Since my childhood… She passed away a while back…”

Y/n was a bit freaked out that his deceased dog showed up in her dreams. This was getting too much for her.

What was happening?

“She’s the reason you became a vet…” Y/n answered and he swallowed, making her eyes widen

“Hirugami-san, are you having the same drea–”

He quicky walked to the door,

“Y/n, you need to go back to your desk. Your shift isn’t over” His voice sounded cold and she swallowed,

“Why are you being so cold all of a sudden?” She said and he turned, giving her a frown

“We aren’t friends. You are my employee.” He said and her own frown grew,

“Yes Sir…” She mumbled and he stilled, feeling bad.

“Y/n… I–”

She huffed, pushing past him

“I no longer require a drop home, Sir. Afterall, a boss shouldn’t waste his precious after hours on his employee.”She said, walking away and he cursed under his breath, going back to his office.


Things were getting dangerous for them… He didn’t take Y/n for being so intuitive… She was close to finding out his secret if they spent more time together. He cursed himself for trying to get close. If this carried on, her own life would be in danger.

Gripping his phone, his dialled Aunty’s number, waiting for her to answer

“Obachan… We need to talk”

“You’ve been troubling Miss Y/n haven’t you? The poor girl was zoned out yesterday… How much energy did you take?” She asked and he sighed,

“A lot more than intended… You hired her on purpose…” He said and his grandmother hummed,

“I can sense something strong from her… Her energy is best suited for you… Remember Sachiro… You only have 3 years left till your 30. If you don’t find your true soul mate, you will live with this curse forever.”

Hirugami sighed, he hated this stupid curse his family had secretly suffered from for generations…

“But Obachan, this could hurt her… I don’t want to harm her. I’m better off living this way…”

Aunty sighed,

“She’s special.” She answered and he looked at the ‘elephant’ latte art, feeling his heart squeeze in guilt

“I know…”
