#no minors allowed


Ennoshita Chikara: I Wanna See Your Peacock(cock) (½)

(Inspired by a video I saw on Insta/and lowkey katy perry lol)

Masterlist to Haikyuu Smutshots

Part ½

It was a lovely evening in the botanical gardens as Ennoshita wandered around with his camera in tow. Although he had a long week at the clinic he worked at, the young man loved dedicating his weekends on his passion for photography and film making. He was actually going to take part in an online international photography competition and this time the theme was related to the beauty of nature. When he read the details of the competition’s open call, he didn’t really care about the prize money or award… No, all he wanted to do was capture the perfect moment on his camera.

The botanical gardens was his favourite place to venture because not only was in Spring time and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom amongst the vibrant multitudes of colourful flowers. He admired the pheasants and peacocks which often wandered around the gardens. They were gorgeous, some of them were pure white and others were with iridescent blue necks, and bright green tail feathers dotted with eyespots. Ennoshita had his eyes on one particular peacock.

A few weeks ago the physiotherapist had encountered the rare moment when the bustling proud peacock had puffed out his breast, shaking his tailfeathers until they fanned out, revealing the most breath-taking tailfeathers. They were large and majestic and he cursed himself because this was that one time he had left his camera at home…

It had been a cat and game mouse ever since, Ennoshita would stalk the bird around, clutching his camera close to him, waiting to capture that moment but the damn creature seemed to be aware of him, and. It felt like he would purposely give him hope whenever he’d strut around but each weekend, the man was left frustrated by the bird’s teasing

“…I’m gonna get you once and for all.” He muttered to himself, he eyes wandering around the gardens and he finally noticed the peacock he was searching for. Cursing because it was far from him, he quickly stalked across the pathway, making his way to the unsuspecting bird.

Ennoshita carefully timed his steps, slowly creeping after the peacock, turning the hedge. He readied his lens, his eye peering through the view finder, getting the perfect angle.

“Just do it already” He muttered but both him and the peacock froze and when he caught something else in his shot… Ennoshita’s breath hitched when he saw her sitting by on a fountain ledge under the blooming cherry blossoms, her lovely face was so calm and serene as she read her novel… He felt his cheeks heat up when she moved a stray lock of her hair, tucking it behind her ear… The breeze flowed gently, picking up swaying petals from the trees, making them dance around her, enrapturing him even further…

Ennoshita wasn’t the only one who was infatuated by her…

The peacock strutted towards the woman and she looked up from her book letting out an awe at the approaching creature.

“Hi” She beamed, a little scared when the bird strutted so close to her but she knew he meant no harm.

Ennoshita was shocked from how easily the peacock raised his tail feathers, proudly shaking and displaying them for the woman and she sighed in bliss, watching the peacock strut back and forth in front of her, making sure she saw his feathers in all its glory

“Wow, you’re so beautiful!” She muttered and his cheeks heat up, finding her even more sublime as she stared dreamily at the extravagant bird…


He didn’t mean to do it, it was just… The perfect moment for him but it was shattered the moment he took the photo, the obnoxious click of the shutter distracting everyone and he realised she immediately looked up, making eye contact with him through his viewfinder, looking startled while the bird closed his feathers, strutting away…

Setting her book down, she stood up and he quickly lowered his camera when she approached him, crossing her arms

“Um… Did you just take my photo?” She said, giving him a wide-eyed look and he panicked, quickly shaking his head

“No! I mean yes… But by accident! I swear I’ll delete it! I–I was trying to take a picture of him! I’m taking part in a photography competition and the theme is ‘Beauty and Nature’” He rambled in his panic, pointing to the peacock that was busy pecking the ground and she raised a brow… She wondered if he was some pervert or something because this sounded fabricated…

“Are you a photographer?” She asked and he froze, expecting a beat down but he rubbed the back of his neck

“I’m a physiotherapist but film making is my passion… I do a bit of photography too” He muttered and she eyed the large camera bag slung over his shoulder, the heavy camera hanging from the strap around his neck… Maybe he was telling the truth, she looked into his eyes and he felt his cheeks heating up from her intense gaze… She was absolutely beautiful now that he had a closer look at her face… He averted his gaze, nervously clutching his camera

“Can I see the photo you just took?” She asked and he was confused,


She cocked her head to the side, smiling

“Show me”

Ennoshita was trying to control his shaking hands when she stood by his side, peering into the screen of his DSLR… He could smell the perfume wafted from her, it smelt just as sweet as she looked. He turned his camera on, going onto his gallery, opening the recent photo.

There was a silence between them because he was actually entranced, her mouth parted, brows lifting

“I must admit… This is the nicest photo anyone’s ever taken of me.”

She muttered and Ennoshita broke from his trance, looking at her. His breath hitched because she was looking at him again, but she was smiling wider

“Can I look at your other photos?” She asked and he rubbed the back of his neck


She grinned, ushering him towards the ledge of the fountain she was sitting on earlier. He shyly followed her, sitting next to her before he removed the camera from around his neck, handing her his camera, nervously watching her go through his library. While she was engaged with the device, he couldn’t help but steal timid glances at her. It had been a while since Ennoshita found himself developing a crush…

With a job like his, he didn’t really get many clients his age and nor did he have the energy afterwards to actually go out and socialise. The guys would often joke and call him ‘Grandpa’ because if he wasn’t working, he had to laze about at home instead… He was so out of practice, he had no idea how to talk to a woman his age…

“Oh wow, these are wonderful! You’re the real deal, huh? Your social media page must be insane” She said, showing him the photos he was already very familiar with. He blushed, laughing shyly

“N-Not really… I don’t really post stuff online” He muttered, she looked at him, setting his camera carefully into its bag before putting it on the floor.

“But… These deserved to be shared with the world. People should know how talented you are” She said and he froze, his cheeks feeling warm


She giggled, smiling at him again, making his heart skip a beat. Her eyes widened for a moment, letting out an ‘Ah!’ and he was confused


She shook her head, giggling again

“You still can’t fix that sleepy look, can you?” She asked and he was even more confused, everyone always did tell him he looked sleepy or unbothered but how did she know…

She watched his brows furrow in confusion, not sure what to say to her, making her chuckle again

“You don’t remember me, do you?” She asked and his eyes widened, rubbing the back off his neck. She rubbed the back of her neck, a little embarrassed but it had been years.

“Did we go to the same college?” He asked and she shook her head,

“Close… But actually I went to Karasuno with you.” She said and he was in disbelief, he would have surely remembered her… There was no way, a girl like her would escape his attention… Or anyone elses as a matter of fact

“We did? I-I’m sorry, were you in the same year as me?” He asked and she shook her head.

“I was in first year, you were a third year… W-We never really spoke but…”

Her cheeks heated up and she bit her lip,

“Do you remember your graduation day? Um, right after the ceremony, you were leaving…” She said and he thought back, really trying to go back into time. He thought about what happened after the ceremony. He how Tanaka and Nishinoya argued about who was going to give Kiyoko the second button of their school jacket. It had surprised everyone when she actually accepted Tanaka’s… Making his friend almost faint and left everyone in shock.

He was never infatuated with Kiyoko like the others. He respected her as their former manager and an upperclassman. The boy was always focused on his studies or his team… He remembered he was about to leave when someone had shyly tugged on his jacket

Ennoshita yawned, watching Kiyoko and Tanaka walk away from the group. He was feeling tired and was ready to go home. Gripping his bag, he turned making his way to the school gates but he suddnely felt a tug on his sleeve, making him turn around to face a shy girl who was looking at her feet

“Yes?” He asked

“U-Um… Senpai…” She muttered shyly and he raised a brow, looking at the very timid girl who clutched the ends of her skirt shyly. He couldn’t really see her face from the bangs that covered it but he could tell her lips were shaking. Her head was lowered and she avoided looking at his face

“Yeah?” He asked and she took a deep breath

“C-Congratulations on graduating…” She mumbled

“Thank you” He smiled, trying to catch a glimpse of her face but she looked at her feet

“Is there something you need?” He asked and she nodded,

“C-Can I have your button!?” She squeaked shyly, bowing suddenly and he blushed… He really didn’t expect this and while his friends began oo-ing… He swallowed the embarrassment, pulling the button off his jacket.

“Here” He said, handing it to her and she gasped, when it dropped in her palms. But before he could ask her name and to see her face properly…

“T-Thank you! Bye!” She stammered, immediately turning around and running away, leaving him in the dust…

Ennoshita was brought back to reality and he looked at her

“You were the girl that asked for my uniform button…” He said and she got embarrassed, covering her face and he gasped,

“Oh my god, its you…”

She removed her hands from her face, biting her lip

“It took me a while but I recognised you because of your eyes…” She muttered, she could never forget how cute she found Karasuno’s captain because of that forever sleepy look he had… Ennoshita was still in a state of shock, so she spoke again

“L/n Y/n… We never actually spoke in highschool… But I would come to your matches”

Ennoshita snapped form his daze, when she extended her hand and he gripped it, shaking it softly

“Ennoshita Chikara”

A smile slipped on her lips, “I know that already…”

He shook his head, “S-Sorry, I’m still shocked about this coincidence…”

She felt like this was getting awkward so she tried to divert the situation

“S-So you’re a physical therapist now? That’s amazing!”

He nodded, “What about you?”

“Me? Oh, I’m a dance instructor now, I teach classes at a studio downtown!” She beamed and he hummed,

“Really? What do you teach? Ballet?” He asked…

“Ballroom actually…”

His eyes widened and he was impressed,

“Wow… Have you been dancing since your childhood?”

She nodded, grinning

“Yup, my parents used to be ballroom dancers. Its actually their studio I work at! Although I never went pro like they did… I’m too shy to dance in front of a crowd… But I like seeing my students in action, they’re brilliant!” She cooed

He hummed, “Wait, were you in the dance club or cheer squad?” He asked her and she shook her head,

“Not really… I wasn’t really in any clubs… Couldn’t really stay after school because I would help my parents at the studio… I barely had time to socialise, we weren’t doing well financially at that time , my mother discovered she had arthritis so we had to stop the classes she was giving and my father couldn’t really handle additional students back then… So they needed all the help they could get… Luckily, everything’s going well after I got my certification! I have a lot of classes now!”

He let out a content sigh, “That’s a relief… I’m glad its working out for you”

She nodded, “Yeah… Its wonderful”

There was a silence between them, just staring at the scenery in front of them. He was wracking his brain, trying to remember any other moments with her but nothing came to mind… If they barely had interactions then…

“Why did you ask for my button?” He blurted, cutting the silence and she looked at him with wide eyes before her cheeks warmed, gripping the skirt of her dress

Y/n shrugged, “Um… I had a crush on you back then” She admitted and his jaw dropped

“Really? How come you never spoke to me back then?” He asked and she smiled awkwardly

“You were already dating someone else and I thought there was no point… I found out on the graduation day that you had broken up with her… So I tried to take my chance back then but I chickened out the moment you gave me your button” She laughed and he hummed, smiling too

“You ran so fast, before I could even say a single word…”

“I’m sorry but I was just 16… I was terrified of rejection back then and asking for your button was a huge step for me… I didn’t really think you would give it to me”

“Well… You asked for it and I didn’t really see any reason, not to say no…”

He smiled at her and it was her turn to be flustered,

“What did you like about me? I wasn’t really much of a ‘stand-out of the crowd’ kind of guy…”

Even though it had been years, to see your first love suddenly and then have your first conversation bring about your crush on him, was utterly embarrassing for her. She felt like she was in highschool again

“…You stood out to me… I mean, you were really cool on the court and the way you would handle your teammates… I liked how kind you are…”

He swallowed, suddenly feeling butterflies in his stomach…

“Hey Y/n…” He started, catching her attention again. She gazed at him, and he licked his lips, leaning closer.

“Yes Ennoshita-san?” She asked timidly, her heart pounding

“Can I have your number? I-I’ll send you that photo I took today…”

She felt happy, nodding

“Yes! Ofcourse, give me your phone! I’ll add it in”

He felt relieved, searching for his phone before he handed it to her. She quickly added her contact

“There! I look forward to your message” She beamed and he blushed… He found her so cute, he wished that this wouldn’t end. He wanted to spend more time with her… Swallowing, when their eyes locked into one another’s.

While the couple was lost in an intimate moment, inching closer, they didn’t realise the envious eyes glaring upon them. He parted his lips…

“Are you free–”

A squawk was heard, snapping their attention and before he could react, she yelped and he gasped when the peacock had launched at him, startling him. He immediately fell back into the fountain with a splash

“Ennoshita-san!?” Y/n squeaked, looking at the soaked man who was baffled while the peacock huffed, strutting away smugly… He cringed feeling the water soak into his clothes but she slipped her sandals off, hoping into the shallow water, towards him.

“Are you okay?” She asked, bending down and he was left flustered when the neck of her dress, dropped low, revealed her cleavage. He averted his gaze,

“I’m a little wet…” He muttered and she reached towards his face, making him freeze when her fingers touched his head …

“Um… There’s a Lilypad on your head” She said, pulling it off him and he wanted to die… She had moments ago told him how she had found him cool and now he was a moron that was attacked by a peacock…

She extended her hand, “Come on, you’ll get sick if you sit there any longer”

He reached for her hand, his fingers wrapping around hers. She tried to ignore her racing heart, pulling him up… They both climbed out of the fountain and he sighed. He definitely couldn’t face her after this… He lost his chance…

“I better get home… Before I start smelling like fountain water and get dirty looks on the train…” He muttered, bending down to grab his camerabag…

“It was really nice meeting you again Y/n…”

He bowed before he turned, trying to make a speedy exit but he felt a tug on sleeve, making him freeze


She swallowed, trying to control her face

“Um… Ennoshita-san…” She said and he swallowed,


“D-Do you want to use my bath!?” She blurted and his eyes widened, both of them blushing and she stammered,

“My apartment is nearby… You could use my shower if you want, I have a dryer too!”

He was silent, a little surprised that she wasn’t put off by what happened… There was no way in hell he would miss out on this opportunity… Rubbing the back of his neck, he nodded

“If you don’t mind …”


Hirugami Sachiro: Lucid Dreaming (Part 3/?) NSFW

->Masterlist to Haikyuu Smutshots

->Part 1

->Part 2

AN: Palm Springs is such a good movie… Part of this Smutshot was inspired by it)

Part 3/?

Wake up.” Someone whispered

Y/n’s eyes slowly opened, and she took a minute to adjust to her surroundings. The sun was setting, and she stretched, letting out a long yawn before she gazed at the pink and orange hues, reflecting against the calm sea. Letting out a dreamy sigh, she hugged her knees, perched on a lounger

“How beautiful…” She beamed; she loved the ocean. She really felt like she was in paradise…

Her eyes widened and she stood up

“Wait, where am I!?”

Confusion filled her and she looked at the very short dress she was wearing, it made her feel like a beachy Marilyn Monroe…

“I don’t own this…?”

She had no idea where she was, the beach looked secluded as well… There was nobody around her… Turning around, she realised she was sitting in the terrace of a beach hut. Looking inside the entryway, she noticed it was quiet. Slowly treading through the patio, she looked around but there was no one.

“Have I been kidnapped?”

But what kidnapper in their right mind would take her to a fancy secluded beach…? Unless she was going to be murdered… Oh god, dread filled her and she knew she had to get out before trouble arose. Quickly rushing towards the entrance, she let out an oompfwhen she collied into someone.

“Hey, where are you going in such a rush?”

His arms wrapped around her waist and she gasped, clutching his weird tropical themed shirt

“Hirugami-san!? Where are we!? I think we’ve been kidnapped!” She panicked and he raised a brow, letting out a laugh confusing her…

“Why are you so calm?” She asked him and he rubbed the back of his neck,

“Why are you being so formal with me? We’re on our honeymoon, Y/n…”

Her eyes almost went wide as dinner plates,


She squeaked and he nodded, gripping her hand, kissing it. She noticed the wedding bangs on their fingers and was about to freak out because she swore, she fell asleep in her bed…

Her eyes widened again, and she let out a laugh,

“Ohhh! This is another one of my wild dreams, isn’t it?” She laughed, of course it was…

A lot of it felt real but she remembered she was super tired after work and she crashed onto her bed when Hirugami-san had dropped to her home. He must have been on her mind before she crashed, which is why she was probably having this crazy dream.

She stopped laughing when his hands gripped her waist, pulling her close to him.

“Hirugami?” She asked and he clicked his tongue,

“You’re really going to call me by my last name?”

She shook her head, right this was a dream, and she might as well play her part… She gave him a sweet look, looking into his adoring brown eyes, feeling herself swoon a bit.

“Sorry Sachiro… Force of habit… So, where are we?” She asked him and he held her hand, walking out onto the terrace again. It surprised her, the setting sun remained in place, leaving everything in a glowy haze

“My paradise…” He answered, before looking at her. She blushed when he smiled at her,

“Its beautiful!” She beamed and he flushed…

Barks were heard and her ears pricked making her turn her head to see a large fluffy dog dash towards them, jumping at her excitedly. She laughed in delight, bending down to pat and nuzzle the sweet little angel

“Oh my! You’re so precious!” She cooed, rubbing the dog’s belly, watching her pant in delight. Hirugami watched her in content as she continued loving the friendly creature

“Mocha” He cooed, bending down to ruffle Mocha’s fur, making her bark happily, licking his cheek

“She’s my best girl” He cooed again, and they watched Mocha dash down the hut stairs, running around the beach. Y/n grinned,

“Can’t argue there! She’s your dog?”

He nodded, “I’ve had her since I was a child. She’s been with me through everything” He muttered, watching Mocha run away from the crashing waves onto the shore.

“Is she the reason you became a vet?”

He nodded, glancing at Y/n before he stood up, extending his hand to her. She gripped it, easily lifting up on her feet and he led her to a hammock, she gasped when he pulled her against him, lying on the hammock, letting it sway softly. She felt embarrassed but she kept reminding herself this was a dream. She rested her head against his chest, enjoying the breeze and the warmth. It was the perfect temperature.

“I really wish I didn’t have to wake up…” She muttered and he swallowed,

“All good things have to come to an end eventually” He answered, making her look at his face. He was surprised when she cupped his face, observing his features

“Y/n?” He asked and she hummed, “You really are so handsome… Even at the clinic, I’m left in a fluster around you… But you make me feel safe” She answered but she saw the pensive look in his eyes, baffling her

“Sachiro?” She asked, making him look into her eyes but he smiled again, cupping her face

“You’re beautiful… I find it hard to be around you too… You make me feel like a glutton…”

She raised a brow, “A glutton?”

He hummed, grazing her cheeks softly and she watched his brown eyes radiate slowly…

“You make me feels starved…” He cooed,

The scenery above her began changing and she clung onto him when she felt like they both were falling. Letting out a gasp when her back hit something soft, she opened her eyes only to find herself trapped under him

The sounds of the ocean could still be heard but the rustling of the chiffon white curtains that hung above the canopy of the bed got her attention… She sat up and she realised they were no longer in the beach house… The sun had almost set but sea still glittering… Somehow Hirugami and her had teleported on the beach but they were nestled on a bed.

The chiffon cloth danced in the breeze but she didn’t feel cold, catching glimpses of the secluded beach through the gaps. Her eyes drifted back to him but her breath hitched.

“Sachiro?” She asked but his hands gripped hers, intertwining his fingers with hers, pressing her hands into the utterly soft mattress. She seriously felt like she was sinking in

“Everytime I see you…” He purred, the tip of his nose rubbing against hers, making her bite her lip, “I just want to eat you up… I spent years building up my self-control, but the moment I saw you… You did something to me…”

Mmh…”A soft grunt let her lips when he began kissing her throat. Her hands gripped onto his tighter, feeling his gentle caresses against her skin

“Will you let me satiate my hunger, Y/n?” He muttered, his hand now trailing up the side of her thigh, teasingly going under her dress. There it was, that sensual tone he used which made her knees go weak. She found her reasoning leaving her. All she wanted was him

She nodded shyly, averting her gaze “S-Since it’s a dream… It won’t hurt right?” She asked and he chuckled, kissing her cheek

“I’ll make sure you only feel pleasure…”

It was still… She couldn’t hear the waves; she couldn’t hear the birds… All she could hear was her own heart beating.

This dream felt so real… It scared her…

But it was only because she was with him that she sat up and he leaned back, watching her as her hands went to the back of her neck, untying the straps that held her dress against her front. As soon as her bare breasts were revealed, she looked into his eyes, feeling flustered.

“Be gentle” She whispered, and he smiled, his fingers tugging his own shirt off. Hirugami held her shoulders, slowly laying her back down and she tried to calm her beating heart. The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering when he caught the top of her dress, pulling the loose fabric effortlessly down her legs.

“You’re gorgeous…” He sighed, letting his hands feel her warm skin under them. She shyly turned her head, unable to feed on his compliments. She really wished she didn’t have to wake up

Hirugami bent down, kissing her lips deeply before he pulled away, pressing more kisses down her body. She whimpered when his teeth nipped at her under breast, suckling at her pillowy flesh before his hands squeezed her breasts, making her sigh

“Would you prefer if I licked or sucked on your nipples?” He asked her teasingly, his fingers rubbing her hardening buds as he licked his lips. Y/n quivered when the breeze picked up, making her nipples harden even more

“I-I don’t know… W-Whatever you want” She answered and he chuckled,


She gasped when his lips wrapped around her nipple, sucking at it while his tongue swiped her hardened bud, She moaned, her knees bending as her feet dug against the bedding.

‘He’s doing both at the same time…’ She thought but it was disrupted when his fingers began playing with her neglected nipple

O-Oh…Sachiro” She whimpered, feeling the dampness grow in her between her legs. He littered kissed down her body, tickling her stomach but he froze when he noticed a scar that he didn’t see earlier on her hip. His thumb traced it and he looked at her,

“What happened here?” He asked her and she swallowed, who knew even in her dreams it would show up.

“I-It’s nothing…” She answered, but he gripped her face, his glowing eyes looking into hers

“I-I was attacked after a party …” She answered and he frowned, making her smile.

“Its alright… I’m over it now but the scar is hideous, I know… If only I knew how to get rid of it in my dreams, but I guess it will follow me everywhere I go …” She said softly. He looked at her, his brows softening. She stilled when his palm slid over the scar, eyes widening when the skin under it began glowing


He moved his palm and she was shocked, her hand feeling her skin

“It’s gone…?”

Hirugami watched her shock-stricken face but he gripped her hips

“Only for now… If I could get rid of your insecurities in real life, I would do it in a heartbeat”

She cupped his faced, smiling as she shook her head

“You’re so kind…”

“Am I?” He purred, his hands sliding over hers before he pulled them away from his face.

“I’ve dreamt about you two days in a row now”

He raised a brow, looking amused, “You’ll be seeing a lot of me in your dreams. It’s the only place where we can be alone and you’ll be safe” He answered, she stood on her knees, wraps wrapping around his neck as he pulled her on top of his body, his hands wrapping her legs around his waist

“I’m afraid Sachiro” She whispered, puzzling him

“Afraid of me?” He asked but she shook her head

“I’m afraid I’ll fall in love with you… because of these dreams…”

Hirugami froze when her fingers caressed his wavy bangs, her face was flushed and this time he felt like her eyes were sending him into a daze.

His forehead pressed against hers and he sighed, “The real me will only disappoint you… You won’t fall for the real me…” He muttered against her lips, “But you can love me all you want here… I’ll fulfil all your desires, my precious”

“Take me now, Sachiro… I’m scared I’m going to wake up” She whispered, and he gave her a soft smile, gripping her chin

“Just enjoy the moment for now”

She hummed when he began kissing her neck, gently pushing her back onto the bed

‘Please never let this dream end’ She prayed


Y/n’s eyes opened, and she sat up. The disappointment lingered when she realised, she was in her own bedroom.

“Nooo” She whined, letting out a groan of frustration.

She gripped her face in embarrassment, that dream was so good…

Getting up, she realised her shorts were soaked, groaning when she caught sight of her bedsheets… Why did she keep having intense dreams about him? Never in her life was she bothered about sex and now all of a sudden, she kept dreaming of her boss…

It felt so real… His caresses, the way she sucked her skin… His kisses… It all felt so real…

She walked past her mirror, stopping to lift her shirt but she was met with the deep scar, her fingers running over the marks left by the stitches…

“It really was a dream…” She sighed in disappointment. Glancing at the clock, she gasped.

She had slept the entire day!? This was insane, she was rambling around to throw strip her bedding off, trying to change it in a haste before she took her own clothes off, rushing to try the washing machine on before running to the bathroom in a naked panic

“How could I sleep for so long!?”

She was shocked, she naturally rose early… It was so unlike her to sleep over 8 hours… and today she had slept for almost 15. She had just an hour left before she had to be in the clinic. Cursing to herself, she sped through her day routine…


“I made it!” She panted, clutching her knees as she tried catching her breath. The daytime receptionist just laughed, carefully lifting herself up while she rubbed her swollen belly

“You shouldn’t worry Y/n! I can wait a little overtime if you run late. It’s really no issue”

Y/n grinned, fixing her clothes

“No way, you sit here for hours! I cant make you wait longer, you should be relaxing! Not too long left before the babies get here” She cooed, and her friend laughed,

“It sounds cute but carrying twins? Not fun… At all…” She sounded tired, and Y/n felt bad, bowing

“I’m sorry for making you wait”

The other receptionist ruffled her hair, “Don’t beat yourself up, I’m already grateful you accepted switching shifts with me.”

Y/n stood up, smiling. She wondered if he was already at the office?”

“Um, is Hirugami-san here?” Y/n asked and she shook her head,

“Not yet…”

Y/n hummed, she wanted to ask her friend if she knew more about him. She worked here for way longer than Y/n, she had to know something

“So… What’s he like in the clinic?” She asked and the receptionist hummed,

“He keeps to himself mostly. He’s a gentleman but we’ve never engaged in much conversation. To be honest, he always looks worn out and too grumpy to talk…”

Y/n raised a brow, its true he looked annoyed and tired in the beginning but he seemed friendly and talked to her quite often…

“How would you get off after the nightshift? Did the boss ever drop you home?”

The receptionist looked puzzled,

“No, he’s never dropped me… In fact, he stays in the clinic after I leave. My husband usually picks me up” She answered and Y/n kept silent, the door buzzed and the receptionist lit up,

She smiled and Y/n turned catching sight of a friendly looking man, waving towards the receptionist. She beamed,

“Speak of the devil” To her husband and the door opened behind the couple. Y/n made eye contact with those mystical brown eyes that haunted her. Her cheeks flushed when Hirugami nodded to her,

“Good evening Miss Y/n. I hope you’re feeling better?” He asked and she was confused. He was being so casual… Reality hit her when she realised they only shared an intimate moment in her dreams… The real Hirugami felt nothing towards her.

“Oh… Yes, thank you for taking me home again. I’m sorry for the trouble I caused” She said and he just smiled,

“It was no trouble… But please tell me you have hidden the spare key” He asked and she quickly nodded, her head

“Oh… Yes I did!” She lied, laughing it off and he raised a brow,

“Really? Then why do I have your key?” He asked and she felt embarrassed, figuring he must have opened her door last night. He slipped the key into her palm, raising his brow

“Be safe” He muttered, walking past her down the hallway. Her heart fluttered, looking back at Hirugami’s retreating figure. A hand cupped her. Shoulder, almost making her jump and the receptionist laughed,

“Have a good shift Y/n! I’ll see you soon” She chirped, and Y/n bid her farewell, watching her affectionate husband dote on her outside the clinic, doing his best to wrap her coat around her belly. She sighed in bliss,

“How wonderful…”

Taking her seat, she looked around and it wasn’t to her surprise the clinic was empty. Sighing, she rested her head on her desk. She began wondering what her future had instore for her… How long would she be working here for until she landed her dream job?

Getting up, she decided to clean up the reception room. She knew Aunty would try climbing on the step ladder to clean the shelves but at her age, it wasn’t safe. This should make it a bit easier for the older woman if Y/n took care of the harder tasks

Humming, she went to the kitchen. Her heart speeding when she walked past his office. Putting the kettle on boil,

‘Do I make him a cup…?’

She felt so awkward after her dream… But it wasn’t like he had an inclining… She had to be normal, she needed to stop making herself conscious. Grabbing the spare cup, she made him a mug of coffee too

Y/n took a deep breath, knocking at his door

“Come in…”

She popped her head inside and he looked at her, smiling

“I was just thinking about coffee” He said softly and she blushed,

“Looks like I read your mind” She laughed, walking inside. He smirked at her,

“Really now?”

Calming her heart, she set the mug down before seating herself in front of him. He was amused looking at the latte art again, he wasn’t sure what this animal it supposed was to be…

“Elephant.” She answered and he raised a brow,

“I was a little confused… It looks like a weird penis… No offense”” He said and she almost spit out her coffee, swallowing it

“P-Penis…!?” She said ever so quietly, suddenly remembering her dream, her body burning from embarrassment and he laughed, giving her a weird look

“Sorry, penis was too harsh but if it makes you feel better, an elephant was my second guess…” He lied and she raised a brow,

“Now that I’m looking at it… It kinda looks like one” She mumbled

Knocks were heard on the door and both of them straightened when another vet walked in

“Good evening Hirugami-san! Miss Y/n” He said and they greeted him. He stepped to the desk, showing Hirugami a folder

“This is a little tricky… A patient’s come in with a chameleon…”

Y/n let out an ooo

“A chameleon!”

He nodded,

“Its fascinating but I sense a massive lump on his side. I think it’s a tumour”

“Oh no!” Y/n gasped and Hirugami frowned, looking at the reports

“It can’t be… He needs a CT scan and then we can figure out the cause”

The vet nodded, looking at Hirugami’s mug, raising a brow

“Is that a dick–”

“Okay, I think you should get to that CT scan!” Y/n interrupted, getting up with the vet, pushing him out of the office with her. She could hear Hirugami chuckling behind her, she was embarrassed, sitting back at her desk

“It looked like an elephant to me…” She mumbled, filing in the new patient.

Hours passed and the other vet had left, Hirugami and him found out the pet chameleon had a large bladder stone which needed to be operated on. They had planned to send their patient to the animal hospital with Hirugami in the morning. Now Y/n found herself sitting at her desk, bored.

She wanted to go sit in his office again but she wondered if that made her look incompetent at her job. Trying to remain professional, she sat in her station just letting her mind wander back at her dream last night…

That beach looked so familiar but she was certain she had never been there before… She wondered if she had dreamt about it before…

“Miss Y/n?” Hirugami called and she was startled, turning to look at him


He smiled, beckoning to her to follow him,

“Come with me, there’s something I want to show you” He answered, and she got up,

“What is it?” She asked and he smiled,

“Come on”

Following behind him, he led her to a special animal care room and she was confused, following him.

“I found her in the alleyway at the back a few weeks ago…” He said moving to show her and Y/n let out a small awe. A happy cat laying in her kennel, nursing five adorable kittens.

“You’re so precious” She cooed and he glanced at her, but she seemed unaware, just gazing fondly at the adorable sight.

“It wasn’t really a medical emergency but when I was throwing out the trash, I realised she was pregnant and didn’t want to leave her out in the cold… These guys were born a week ago. You can’t touch them yet, they’re too young but you seemed to be a bit dazed today… II thought this would cheer you up”

She smiled happily at him, “It really has! Thank you so much” She said before bowing

“Again, I’m sorry you had to carry me home… I’ve been feeling quite tired lately and it’s been taking a toll. Hehe, I’ve been having weird dreams too” She hinted shyly and was taken back when his eyes almost widened but he remained stoic

“…That’s not good… You do seem like you’re running low on energy…” He muttered, confusing her again

“Energy? Why do you and Aunty always bring up my energy…?” She asked and he kept quiet, not expecting her question

“I-I… Um it’s because you were super energetic when you joined. That’s all.” He said and she frowned,

“Oh, I see. That makes sense! Maybe I’m just not used to nightshifts, Ill get into the swing of things” She pepped herself and he nodded,


His phone buzzed and he slipped it from his pocket, she couldn’t help but glance at his wallpaper, her eyes widening when she saw a young Hirugami with his hands wrapped around,

“Mocha…?” She said out loud and he froze…

Her heart was pounding, and she knew this couldn’t be a coincidence. She stared at him in utter confusion and he swallowed,

“How do you know that…?” He pretended and she furrowed her brows,

“I-I… Lucky guess?” She lied through her teeth and she knew he knew she was lying but he played dumb

“Lucky indeed…”

There was a silence between them and she cleared her throat,

“How long have you had her?” She asked and he averted his gaze,

“Since my childhood… She passed away a while back…”

Y/n was a bit freaked out that his deceased dog showed up in her dreams. This was getting too much for her.

What was happening?

“She’s the reason you became a vet…” Y/n answered and he swallowed, making her eyes widen

“Hirugami-san, are you having the same drea–”

He quicky walked to the door,

“Y/n, you need to go back to your desk. Your shift isn’t over” His voice sounded cold and she swallowed,

“Why are you being so cold all of a sudden?” She said and he turned, giving her a frown

“We aren’t friends. You are my employee.” He said and her own frown grew,

“Yes Sir…” She mumbled and he stilled, feeling bad.

“Y/n… I–”

She huffed, pushing past him

“I no longer require a drop home, Sir. Afterall, a boss shouldn’t waste his precious after hours on his employee.”She said, walking away and he cursed under his breath, going back to his office.


Things were getting dangerous for them… He didn’t take Y/n for being so intuitive… She was close to finding out his secret if they spent more time together. He cursed himself for trying to get close. If this carried on, her own life would be in danger.

Gripping his phone, his dialled Aunty’s number, waiting for her to answer

“Obachan… We need to talk”

“You’ve been troubling Miss Y/n haven’t you? The poor girl was zoned out yesterday… How much energy did you take?” She asked and he sighed,

“A lot more than intended… You hired her on purpose…” He said and his grandmother hummed,

“I can sense something strong from her… Her energy is best suited for you… Remember Sachiro… You only have 3 years left till your 30. If you don’t find your true soul mate, you will live with this curse forever.”

Hirugami sighed, he hated this stupid curse his family had secretly suffered from for generations…

“But Obachan, this could hurt her… I don’t want to harm her. I’m better off living this way…”

Aunty sighed,

“She’s special.” She answered and he looked at the ‘elephant’ latte art, feeling his heart squeeze in guilt

“I know…”

Plain Jane (Timeskip!Terushima Yuji x OC) NSFW Series

Chapter 5: Insatiable (NSFW)

->♡SiNfUl CoLleCtIoN♡ (HQ Smut List)

->Plain Jane Masterlist

-> Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Y/n poked her head out of the bathroom door, checking if the coast was clear. Quietly she pushed open the door, quickly sneaking into her bedroom with Terushima following close behind her.

“Stay here” She whispered, clinging onto the towel wrapped around her body. Terushima grinned, dropping the towel on his waist by his ankles. She flushed when his hand stroked his cock, winking at her

“We’ll be waiting”


She blushed, rolling her eyes, shutting the door behind her. Now trying to brace herself for Jumi, she walked towards the lounge where Jumi was scrolling on her phone.

“Jumi…” Y/n called out and Jumi hummed, quickly standing up.

“You take long showers! My goodness, I wish my heating lasted more than 15 minutes!” She whined before stretching. Jumi raised a brow, stepping close to Y/n, observing her from head to toe, making her feel conscious

“Um… Jumi, you’re a bit too close…” Y/n muttered and Jumi hummed,

“Your skin is glowing! I need to know what products you use!” She asked,

“O-Oh… Um, I’ll send you the details later… Listen Jumi–”

Jumi cut through again, “Gosh, I don’t know why but you look quite sexy! Next time I’ll use your shower. This must be the magic of having long-lasting hot water!”

The long-haired girl flushed from embarrassment… She was trying her best to curb her hornyness but she couldn’t help but think about how Terushima was waiting in her room to pounce on her…

“Anyways–” Jumi’s voice cut her from her thoughts, giving a blushing Y/n a weird look before she walked away from Y/n, grabbing her bag. She made her way to the entrance, confusing Y/n

“Where are you going?” She asked and Jumi grinned, flashing a peace sign

“I got a call from Team Leader, need to stop by the office and email the Directors the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting. Seems like I forgot to CC them in the email, silly me! Since the office is close to my apartment, I’ll just get ready from there! I’m sorry for ditching you Y/n… I hope you don’t mind?” Jumi asked and Y/n tried not to shake her head so quickly

“Oh… I hope you’re not in trouble… Do you need my help?” She asked and Jumi laughed,

“Fortunately, Team Leader caught my error before the meeting, so he let it slide but I promised to get it done ASAP! Thanks for offering but letting me crash here for a bit was more than enough! I’ll see you tomorrow!” She sang chirpily, carelessly opening the front door wide open. Y/n was startled, moving out of the way before her neighbours caught sight of her in her towel but Jumi didn’t realise, turning around

“By the way, I’m going to set you up on a blind date! We’ll go on a group date together soon! It’ll be so much fun!” Jumi beamed and Y/n panicked,

“B-Blind date!? Jumi I don’t think I’m ready for that right now…”

Jumi stilled, a hand over her mouth

“Oh gosh… I shouldn’t be so rash with my decisions… I was meaning to apologising for yesterday too… I never consulted you before dragging you to Yuji’s salon… I should have asked first…”

Y/n didn’t want to admit but she was thankful for Jumi’s persistence… After all, she had gotten laid after so long… But she was appreciative that Jumi was beginning to understand that she needed to be a bit more considerate too. They only just became friends…

“Okay Y/n! If you’re ever interested in meeting someone. Let me know! I won’t ask again” She grinned and Y/n felt relieved, smiling

“Thanks Jumi…”

Jumi waved her goodbye, shutting the door behind her and Y/n let out a sigh of relief… Her feet carried her fast down the hallway, and she opened her bedroom door

“Yuji?” She called out… She was puzzled, the room was empty and she wondered where the hell he could have gone this time… She didn’t hear the door closing behind her as he crept towards her

“Gotcha!” He beamed, making her almost squeak from being startled and he laughed.

“D-Don’t do that!”

But he was grinned ear to ear,

“Jumi’ss finally gone!” He announced and she nodded, letting out a sigh of relief

“This has to be the most hectic morning I’ve ever had in my life…” She muttered, not noticing his hands that had cupped her shoulders. Terushima began massaging her tense muscles, making her sigh

“C’mon doll, lemme get rid of all that tension.” He purred. Y/n hummed, squealing when he ripped her towel off, throwing her onto the bed.


It was so bright in her room and she closed her legs, covering her breasts with her hands. Whereas Terushima had his hands on his hips, still grinning as he flashed her in all his glory

“Oh come on… We’ve seen everything already… Don’t be shy now…” He cooed and Y/n scoffed,

“You look like an old man… Standing like that…” She muttered and he laughed, climbing on her bed. His hands gripped her wrists, pulling them away from her breasts.

“Call me an old man now… but I have incredible stamina…” He purred, pinching her nipples making her mewl…

“You really do have sensitive nipples…”

She squirmed under him when his fingers kept teasing her buds, making her hips move.

“Why do you have to say such embarrassing things out loud…?” Her shaky voice muttered, unable to ignore the way he flicked them. Terushima leaned down, parting his lips…

“Because I like watching you get embarrassed… You become a hundred times more cuter!” He cooed, his hot breath tickling her breasts… She anticipated his next move when his cheek grazed her breast, happily.

“Hey… It’s a little hard to suck them in this position…” He hinted and she tried not to pout…

“Yes Yuji… I know I don’t have pornstar tits… Thanks for the reminder” Now her bottom lip jutted out and he grinned, letting his tongue swipe up one nipple.

“Oh c’mon, I didn’t mean it like that baby… I really find you sexy…” He whispered, kissing the skin between her breasts. She felt flushed, being showered with compliments after so long did make her ego inflame a little. Despite his crassness, Terushima really did make her feel confident…

She cupped her breasts, pushing them together as she arched her back…

“Is this better…?” She mumbled in embarrassment, not looking into his eyes. She could feel his grin radiating against her skin. Licking his lips, his teeth grazed her nipple making her whimper

“My little Tsundere” He cooed and she clicked her tongue…

“Stop calling me tha– Ah!”She gasped sharply when he suckled on her tit, making her moan. Her back arched and he hissed when he felt her nails dig into his back, making him let go of her wet nipple with a pop

“Damn, you’re a feisty little one! Go ahead, scratch me up all you want” He winked at her, going back to suck on her other breast, biting and nipping at her soft flesh.

Ngh~” Her chest heaved, lifting to push more of her breast into his mouth. She knew he was feeling smug right now, she knew the guy for a day, but his personality was quite easy to read. Her eyes opened when she felt his other hand snake over her thigh, softly rubbing and massaging her inner flesh.

“Heh, you’re soaked…” He muttered, rubbing her slit. She mewled, her knees lifting when he pushed a finger inside, watching her face

“You’re so cute…”

Y/n’s eyes opened, and she sat up, pushing him on his back. Terushima was startled by her flustered face, but she tried to look stoic despite the heavy flush on her skin. He raised a brow when she stood on her knees, on either side of his head, giving him a view for days… He felt his own cheeks heat up when she gathered her long tresses, pushing them behind her shoulders.

“Um Doll?” He muttered but she gripped his hair, raising a brow at him

“You talk too much.” She muttered and he licked his lips when she lowered her hips.

“Itadakimasu~” He cooed and she blushed, pushing her pussy over his mouth

“I-Idiot! Do you have no shame– Hah!

She groaned but his hands held her ass, lifting his chin up to delve his tongue between her folds. Holding tighter onto his head, she bit back her moans, grinding herself over his mouth. Her head arched back and he almost squirmed when the ends of her long hair tickled his stomach, but Terushima couldn’t focus on anything but the delightful meal in front of him. His tongue lapped up her juices, going all the way to clit, wrapping his lips around him it, humming. She moaned, rolling her hips again

“Yesss~”She whined

She called him shameless but the way she was behaving right now, baffled her. Was it because she had no feelings for Terushima that she felt like she had no need to hold back? He clearly didn’t see her other than a fuck buddy… But this is probably why friends with benefits existed… Just two people allowing themselves to be shameless with each other, relieving tension and having fun.


That’s all it was…

With Saburo, she really couldn’t be herself… But Terushima made her comfortable, she felt no need to impress him. She was just getting what she wanted.

His fingers spread her folds apart, going back to tongue fucking her. His cock was standing erect from all of the sounds she made… Opening his eyes, he felt himself throb when he caught sight of her expression. It made him wonder why she kept calling herself a plain jane…

‘She’s gorgeous…’ He thought, his hands reached to grip her hips, making her move faster against him. Lifting his chin higher, he lapped at her pussy watching her grip her headboard, weakly moving her hips…

“Yuji~” She panted, making him stop. Y/n opened her eyes, glancing down at him

“Why’d you stop…?” She whined but he laughed, spanking her ass

“Because you’ve had your fun”

She gasped when he held her hips, sitting up. She raised a brow when his hands gripped her shoulders, making her sit on his lap. His arms wrapped around her waist, grinning at her

“You don’t have a gag reflex… I’ve noticed…” He muttered. She was embarrassed but she tried acting nonchalant…


He chuckled, “So, just how naughty were you two years ago? I envy the lucky guy that discovered this little talent before me” He whined and she flicked his temple,

“Like I said… There isn’t much means of entertainment in my hometown… There was only so much couples could do… I’m not shy… If that’s what you were expecting”

He shook his head, his hands squeezing her ass cheeks, licking his bottom lip before he slid his hands up her back, gripping the back of her head

“You’re so cute when you try taking control… But let me show you how its done…”

She flushed from his sensual tone, it kind of took her back when he began pressing kisses to her neck, his hands busy braiding her damp hair behind her back. She gasped when he sucked on her collarbones. His tongue danced circles on her skin, tracing up her throat before he hovered by her lips.

“Open your mouth, sweetheart”

He dropped her heavy braid, hooking his thumb into her mouth, lowering her jaw.

“What a lewd face…” He cooed, leaning forward to slide his tongue into her mouth. She mewled, her arms wrapping around his neck, letting him explore her mouth.

Lost in a heap of passion, both of their moans filled the room and Terushima soon found himself lost in a daze, watching her moan when he began thrusting his cock inside of her. His hands gripped her knees, pushing them to her chest, making her mewl when she felt her walls tighten around his cock.

“Yuji~ Don’t stop” She whimpered, she dug her nails into his back and he grunted, rolling his hips into hers hard. She felt his cock sliding even deeper, her legs unwrapping from his waist, stretching from the ecstasy, letting out a moan

“Feeling good?” He grunted into her ear and she nodded her head frantically.

Yeah~”She moaned, sending a chill down his spine. He grinned sliding his hand under her back, lifting her up. He brought one knee to hook onto his shoulder, her other leg pressed against his side. Her head tilted back and he relished in her aroused expressions

“So fucking naughty” He purred, kissing her throat. His gyrated his hips, smirking when he heard her hiccupped moan.

“Oh… You like that?” He cooed, rolling his hips even more, “C’mon, move with me… It’ll feel even better”

She felt too lost to move but even in her haze, she began to lewdly grind her pussy against his cock, making them both moan. He groaned, holding her hip tightly, feeling her soft walls squeeze onto him.

“I-it feels so good” She mewled, when her clit rubbed against his abdomen… Her head rested on his shoulder, she could help but whimper.


He grit his teeth and she gasped lightly when he felt his cock grow a little more inside her.


He dropped her knee of his shoulder, pulling out in one quick thrust. Before she realised what happened, she squeaked when he roughly shoved her onto her stomach. He was breathing hard, getting off the bed. She wasn’t given a second to rest when his thighs pressed hers against the edge of the bed, locking her legs.

She lay on her front, trying to catch her breath but she felt his hand grip her braid. He wrapped her long hair around his arm, his hand gripping the base of her braid.

AGH!–”She cried out when he tugged her head up, immediately thrusting his cock inside her in one thrust. It was so intense, her pussy squeezed him and he felt her gush around him.

“Cute~ You fucking came from a little rough play…” He purred, feeling her juices slid down his balls. She whimpered when he held her head up, it felt so dirty but he pulled her body back onto his cock while he pounded into her core.

“Let’s see how hard you cum now” He teased, his other hand sliding towards her pussy, rubbing her clit. She mewled his name, gripping the bedding while he ruthlessly pistoned his hips. Her head felt like it was stuffed when nothing but air, she was already so sensitive from that small orgasm earlier but every time his dick rubbed her heightened bundle of nerves, she couldn’t stop herself from gushing again.

“Oh god, you’re so fucking hot” He groaned, feeling show slick his fingers got, he was close to cumming too.

She was sobbing from pleasure, rolling her ass against him making him lick his lips. Pulling his hand back, he smacked her ass making her head jolt, eyes opening, yelping from shock. He grinned when she clamped onto his cock, trying to milk him.

He continued to spank her, groaning from the way her pussy squeezed every time. With one final thrust, her breath hitched, and she felt an overwhelming orgasm take over. Terushima let out a shaky curse under his breath. He quickly pulled out of her, his hand gripping the base of her braid so hard, it forced her to look up.

“Fuck–Fuck–Fuck!”He grunted spurting ropes of his thick cum down her back. Letting go of her hair, she dropped onto the bed, panting hard. Her legs were still shaking, and he finished off the last remnants of his orgasm on her.

Terushima flopped next to her, trying to catch his own breath. She turned her face to him, mumbling him name and he hummed…

“Did you really have to cum on me… We just showered…” She muttered and he chuckled, swiping his bangs from his eyes, winking at her

“Sorry babe, but I forgot to put a condom on… I don’t think you would’ve appreciated if I did it inside…” He replied and she nodded, “True…”

There was a silence between them and she didn’t know what else to say to him…

“Um… That was… Wow…” She cringed but he laughed, sitting up. He picked up his towel, wiping her back with the damp cloth. She flipped onto her back when he announced she was clean but once she realised just how wet the bed was under her, she had to sit up.

“Oh god…” She muttered, looking at the large wet patch. Terushima grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, making them flop back down

“You came so many times, I mean you squirted too… What a grand finale!”

Y/n elbowed his side, making him chuckle but he wrapped his arm around her, settling himself comfortably. She wanted to tell him to get up and leave but it had been so long since someone held her like that… She decided to just enjoy it for now. He’d leave eventually

“You got some big meeting tomorrow? I heard Jumi talking about it” He asked and she nodded, looking at the light shining from under her curtain

“Yeah… They’re going to decide new which teams are going to design the upcoming lines for this year… I hope I get the summer collection…” She muttered… She hated team meetings, no one ever listened to her ideas… and she had to face Saburo once again…

“Oh… No wonder you have a studio in the other room. I saw the sewing machine and stuff…” He answered and she raised a brow, “Were you snooping around?”

He grinned, leaning to bite her shoulder, making her squeak

“You shoved me in there when Jumi surprised us… I mean, what else was I supposed to do?” He answered and she remembered in her haste, she had randomly opened a door without checking…

“Sorry about that…”

He smiled, “I saw some cute clothes on the rack. Did you make them yourself!?” He asked and she nodded,

“Yeah… I used to make clothes for people in my town… My mother taught me how to stitch and sew… My aunt lived in the city but she used to send us a lot of magazines cause my mother loved fashion… We’d sit for hours and she used to try copying outfits for my brothers and me…” She said softly, feeling glum again.

He sensed the sadness in the tone of her voice and he guessed her mother had passed away. He pulled her closer against his body…

“You must have been very close…” He said and she bit her lip, she could feel her eyes beginning to well in tears but she held them back,

“She was my bestfriend.”

Y/n moved from his arms, sitting on the edge of the bed. He didn’t know what to say but she untied her braid, standing up

“I’m gonna shower again but feel free to make yourself at home” She said and he sat up, he would’ve teasingly asked to join her again but he knew she was not in the mood. He watched her leave the room and he sighed,

“Why’d you have to pry… Idiot…” He muttered to himself…

Y/n took a deep breath, trying to forget about the past as the heavy water hit her body. She looked at her hair, feeling the wet locks between her fingers.

“Y/n, look at this!” Her mother beamed to her. Y/n rushed to her side, her mother smiling trying to fix the 8 year olds hair. She was sitting by the sewing machine and her daughters eyes sparkled when she showed her a fancy princess dress

“Wow! It’s just like the picture book!” Y/n gushed, remembering the princess book her mother read to her the week before. Okasan laughed, ruffling her hair and Y/n noticed the cuts on her mother’s fingers

“Okasan, are you okay? Your hands–”

She mother curled her fingers, just smiling

“Do you like it?” She asked and Y/n nodded her head excitedly.

“It’s for you, my little princess!” Her mother gushed, laughing when Y/n dramatically gasped, dropping to the floor in shock

“Hehe, I really need to stop letting you watch those dramas with me…” Okasan chuckled and Y/n quickly got up to tackle her mother in a bear hug, carefully of her pregnant stomach

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She gushed and her mother grinned, kissing her temple

“Do you want to put in on and give Papa and brother a fashion show? You can wear this to your birthday party next week!”

Y/n gripped the princess dress, spinning in a circle,

“Yeah!” She cheered

It didn’t take long for Y/n to speedily put on her dress, showing her mother in a fluster

“My, my, you are the most beautiful princess in the world!” Her mother said in awe before patting to the space between her legs. Little Y/n sat down obediently, excited when her mother began styling her hair in a silly updo

“Hehe… I’m good at making clothes but I’m awful with hair… It looks like a bird’s nest…” She sighed but Y/n shook her head,

“I love it!” She beamed. Okasan gave her a gentle smile, “I’m so lucky to have a daughter like you… If only I could have given you a little sister… But you’re getting two more brothers instead…” She laughed, rubbing her pregnant stomach.

“I love you Okasan” Y/n chirped

“I love you ever more, Y/n”

Y/n shook herself form her thoughts, she splashed her face getting rid of her tears before she turned the shower off. Wrapping herself in a clean towel, she took s deep breath preparing for Terushima’s banter.

“Yuji” She said as she walked into her room but she raised a brow, her bedsheets were changed and the mess in her room was cleared… Confused, she heard rustling in the kitchen and she walked there, calling his name. She caught him putting the last few clean dishes away. He was in his boxers but he grinned,

“Yo! I made us some lunch!”

She was impressed looking at the food set on the table,

“Wow… That actually looks good! You made this?” She asked and he nodded,

“Yup, I’m a pretty good cook. So got get dressed and then we’ll dig in”

Y/n gave him a smile,

“Give me a minute”

“Take your time, doll”

Quickly going to her bedroom, she pulled on a clean pair of panties and another oversized shirt before she walked to the kitchen, joining him on the table. She really had to compliment his cooking, it was delicious.

The mood between them had lightened and she actually enjoyed his banter. He made her laugh over the stupid shit he said.

“Yuji, you didn’t have to clean up… I wouldve done it!” She said but he shrugged,

“It was the least I could do… After the stressful morning you’ve had” He teased and she giggled,

“You’re not such a pest after all” She teased back,

They finished their meals, cleaning up in the kitchen and she wondered if he was going to leave. She was starting to enjoy his company but she kept reminding herself this was just a casual hook up. She offered to clean the dishes while he showered. Humming to herself, she appreciated his thoughtfulness…

She expected him to be a slob with his laidback attitude. Terushima walked back into the kitchen, with a towel wrapped around his waist just in time for when she had finished cleaning up.

“Alright, come on” He said, gripping her wrist, bringing her back to her bedroom. She raised a brow when he pushed her onto the bed

“Again?” She asked and he laughed,

“Relax horny one. I’m doing a bit of self-care on you. You seemed stressed about the meeting tomorrow” She raised a brow when he went back to her kitchen, returning with a bowl

“I made a homemade mask, we’re gonna put it on our faces and relax. Then I’m gonna treat your hair with some TLC”

She looked at the bowl before raising a brow, looking at him

“It looks like vomit.”

He burst out laughing, “Its all-natural ingredients! I swear it will make your face glow”

Y/n let out a laugh of disbelief…

“Thanks Yuji… but I’m not into these kinda things”

She squeaked when he pushed her onto her back,

“Babe, shut up and just let me spoil you this once”

She rolled her eyes, sighing


Terushima grinned, he began spreading the mask on her face before he did the same to himself, laying down next to her. She had to admit, it smelt really nice and it was cooling too

“How long do we have to keep it on?” She asked

“Until I say so. Now close your eyes and relax… If you say another word, I’m gonna spank you again” He warned and she blushed, closing her eyes. She lay there for a few moments, thinking about how ridiculous this situation was… What kind of hook up gives self care treatments…? Did he do this with the other girls he hooked up with?

She wanted to feel special but she reminded herself this was Terushima… She had to be careful with her feelings. She didn’t want to be humiliated again… She wasn’t sure how much time had passed but she did drift off into a nap.

He had woken her up gently,

“Doll? Time to wash it off. Ive already done mine” He cooed and she grumbled but she opened her eyes


He grinned, “Its been 40 minutes… I let you keep it on a bit longer because you were fast asleep”

She went to the bathroom, washing the mask off her face

“Oh wow… My skin really does look nice…” She mumbled to herself.

“Told you~” He sang, scaring her.

Yuji! Don’t do that!” She scolded but he stepped closer observing her face,

“You look so pretty!” He beamed, making her freeze

‘Don’t fall for it’ She reminded herself.

Terushima showed her a serum,

“I carry this with me everywhere because I have to put it on after washing my face. It’s a face oil, itll keep your skin fresh. Look up”

She tilted her chin up and he poured a little on his fingertips, rubbing it into her face… She hissed when he purposely pushed her cheeks together, making her make a funny face

“Yuji!” She hissed, and he laughed,

“Sorry but you looked really adorable! I had too” He smirked

“You can be really annoying sometimes…”

“I know”

Y/n made her way to her bedroom and he followed behind her,

“I’m assuming you have more planned… So lay it on me. I need to brace myself”

Terushima grinned, making her sit at the end of the bed, unwrapping the towel off her head, explaining what he had planned next

“Yup, I’m gonna put in a leave in conditioner in your hair, then we’re gonna brush the knots of it. After that’s done, I’m gonna moisturise your body because that’s really important and you should always moisturise after a shower. And then once you get turned on by my massage, I’m going to fuck you again” He grinned and she froze, a heavy blush on her face…

What an insatiable man….

“Yuji… You really have no shame…”

He grinned, leaning down to level his face with hers. She was startled when he pecked the tip of her nose



tw — this post discusses the current discourse surrounding 18+ content. do not read this if it could potentially trigger you

you know maybe no one will read this but i need to get it off my chest

i’m seeing comments being made about how, “people at 16 can be more mature than someone at 21” and “i was having sex at **, and that’s more experienced than someone who’s 25 and a virgin writing smut” — and countless other claims

let’s be clear — if you are underage, you are not mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually mature

you have been conditioned by a predatory society into believing you are

do you know how many times i was told as a teenager, “wow you’re so mature for your age”, or “i can’t believe how grown your are for a teenager

do you know how many grown men actively tried to pursue me and sleep with me

this wasn’t because i was actually mature for my age — it’s because it was easy to manipulate me into believing that i was because i so desperately wanted to be ‘taken seriously’ and seen as ‘mature’

also saying, “age of consent is different in other countries. in my country it’s 16+”, does not help your argument — once again, it perpetuates the laws created by predators. because if this is the hill you want to die on then in some countries, children under the age of 13 are considered as being able to ‘give consent’ — which is abhorrent, and fucking disgusting. so, what’s your argument there?

minors should not be writing smut, and distributing it — that is not difficult to understand

as an adult, who used to read smut in my teenage years — it completely disillusioned the reality of sex, and sexual encounters as well as romantic relationships. it severely affected my psyche, and to the day, i’m still actively trying to right that wrong. i wish i knew how much this would affect me back then — but because i’d been so conditioned into thinking i was ‘mature’, i thought it was fine for me to read — when it most certainly was not

in conclusion — if you are defending a minor for participating in adult content — you are a part of the problem, and need to take a step back and do some self reflection. because it is fucking detestable

however — do not attack a minor for the choices they’ve made, because they are also a victim of a society that has them believing what they are doing is “okay” — when it is not

also, bringing light to this situation is important, and there is nothing wrong with sharing this information so that creators and readers are aware

and i’ve said it many times, so i’ll say it again — if you are a minor, do not follow me or any other 18+ blogs. do not interact with any of our work. do not reblog, or like, or send messages

18+ content creators are not responsible for your media consumption, and you do not get to take advantage of that fact
