#aone takanobu


How we doin’ guys? Personally I feel like I am ~crumbling~ inside but that is FINE. I’m just being vibe checked from God. Anyways; I wanted something that would make me cry but also feel better soooooo enjoy

These are some headcanons of mine about how Haikyuu peeps would comfort you

  • Asahi is a big hugger. You feel sad? Hugs all around. They are also immaculate. 10/10 would hug again
  • Sugawara like aggressively loves you. You don’t get the sweet little “it’ll be okay” no. You get the “you are a bad bitch. Mkay?” 
  • Kuroo is a fucking impeccable listener. He’ll never tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing, he listens and just lets you express
  • Bokuto is also a big hugger, but like BIG HUGGER. That man will bear hug the tears out of your body and will not let go until you at least smile
  • Daichi gives the best advice, he literally just knows everything. He never judges you and generally just puts things straight like “okay look this is what needs to happen”
  • Atsumu’s specialty is making you laugh. He isn’t good with words but he never fails to make you smile
  • Osamu, on the other hand, is quite gentle. His tone, demeanor, literally everything softens when you’re upset. It’s just generally calm and he gives you the energy you need to just breathe
  • Oikawa plans straight up murder. Someone hurt you? Don’t worry babe, Oikawa is planning it and pitching it to Iwaizumi later 
  • Akaashi lets you lay with your head on his thighs and plays with your hair because he knows it usually calms you down. His advice is also top-notch
  • I just KNOW Nishinoya’s exact quote would be so casual “whatcha’ sad about?” I can hear it in his voice. He buys you sweets and lets you vent out your problems. It’s most likely that afterwards he shows you a trick he’s working on, even more likely he fails (on purpose to make you smile)
  • Tsukishima is literally so fucking blunt it’s incredible. However, he has this whole protective vibe to him that he’ll never admit to. You basically bully each other back and forth until you feel better
  • At first it seems like Kenma doesn’t care, but, he actually forces you to play games with him because he wants to distract you from your sadness
  • Kiyoko makes you a whole ass care package. Snacks, face mask, lil post-its about how amazing you are. Literally the queen of comforting (and everything let’s be real)
  • Ukai thinks that you’re faking it at first but quickly realises that you’re not. He offers to beat someone’s ass if they hurt your feelings
  • Tendou is literally a serotonin refill station. Anything he does just makes you smile. He is quite prone to wholesome confusion like “I don’t get it why would someone say that to you???”
  • Saeko literally goes “hell no” and takes you on a day out because fuck being sad, all my homies hate being sad
  • Mad Dog has NO IDEA what to say to you. If someone has hurt you, the next day you find out that he got into a fight with them. He refuses to admit he did it for you
  • Iwaizumi being SUPER protective joins in on the fight. He keeps a really close eye on you for a while to make sure that you’re okay
  • Aone, also an incredible listener. By the end of your rant, he gives you little pat on the head
  • Tanaka contemplates threatening whoever/whatever caused your sadness, but settles for cuddles while watching your favourite movie

Head empty. Just ‘me do a good spike. me so happy feels’ God I love that boy.
I started writing this literally bawling my eyes out but not I’m just… eh. My eyes feel weird tho hjkgfcx 
Hope y’all are okay <3 Feel free to message me if you need to chat with someone

I just got random inspiration at 4am so here we are :D
Also these are based on just canon behaviour of characters, like I know the fandom basically made everyone gay but I’m going based off the show and manga <3 don’t mean to disappoint, trust me, Bokuaka? UGH otp

  • Tanaka has a massive thing for girls in beanies or grunge outfits
  • Nishinoya is a natural at skateboarding but never told anyone. Not for any specific reason, he just hasn’t mentioned it
  • Sugawara has a sort of parental role on the team because he often has to look after his younger brother a lot and finds it hard to break out of the responsible older bro headspace
  • Asahi likes big girls. Period. He is also the best hugger out of everyone
  • Kuroo takes away Kenma’s games everyday for at least an hour to force him to study
  • Bokuto rambles and gets very flustered around people who he finds attractive, Akaashi often has to translate for him
  • Ushijima takes mental notes while watching people interact because he wants to be approachable
  • Oikawa has a lot of breakdowns at night, most about his sense of identity and where he’s going in the world
  • The only person who can break Iwaizumi out of his rage is actually Oikawa but Iwa will never admit it
  • Tendō hates mirrors, he’ll often pull faces at them to make himself feel better
  • Suga once dared Daichi to break a watermelon between his thighs, which he did with ease
  • Tsukki sometimes just sits in his room and thinks about future snarky remarks and comebacks
  • Hinata is convinced that if you eat a seed, a plant will grow inside your stomach
  • Aone is super duper comfortable to lay on 
  • Kageyama is quite a good artist when he tries. He sits in class doodling eyes in his notebook, when he’s not sleeping that is
  • It is extremely easy to make Semi blush 
  • Mad Dog is actually quite fond of Nishinoya but will never admit it
  • Suna is saving up videos of the twins fighting for a compilation that he will present on their birthdays
  • Yachi is scared of the dark so she has one of those cute lil unicorn lamps that you hit and it changes colour
  • Ukai yells at anyone in the store who starts badmouthing Karasuno
  • Terushima got drunk with the team someone pierced his tongue, they all still have no idea who did it
  • Daichi can play the guitar, his hands are large and skilled enough to reach basically any chord
  • Nishinoya fake-bangs literally the entire team if they bend over to pick up something
  • Yamaguchi is afraid of spiders and makes Tsukki get them
  • On the contrary, Akaashi owns a spider. A tarantula to be exact
  • Kenma adores Halloween, it’s his favourite holiday

I’m so tired so that’s all I got. I hope you liked it :)

This is an Aone Takanobu x reader.
Complete fluff :) Aone is baby and I wanted to write about him.

It’s very late. You were supposed to take the first train home but missed it. Darkness seeps over the sky following the bright stars. You stand alone by the tracks. There’s something about your route home that’s so much more terrifying at night. You clutch the bottom of your hoodie to try and escape your own anxiety. 

The train pulls up beside you. Scattering bodies find their way inside along with yourself. Seats were quickly filling. Everyone appeared as if they were just your average everyday people, however, your mind had morphed them into dangerous individuals. 

Anxiety isn’t fun. Nor is overthinking. You know this too well. You take deep breaths and grip the handle to steady yourself. As the train took its departure your eyes scan your surroundings. At the very end you notice a man sitting alone. Both seats beside him open yet no one took them. He seemed to be frowning from what you could tell. He had no eyebrows after all. 

Something about this sight hurt your heart, seeing that people would rather stand than sit next to this man. Sometimes your empathy gets the best of you. Your legs carry you towards his direction, making you stop right as you reached the seat next to him.
“Hello,” He looks up at you, his expression didn’t seem to change by much but something about him gave off a shocked reaction that you spoke to him. “Could I please sit next to you?” You ask with a gentle smile. He nods, the frown disappearing from his eyes. 

As you sat you began to notice his overwhelming height. He was a big man. You wonder if that’s why no one sat next to him. He may have looked intimidating but there was a soft vibe to him that you picked up on almost instantly. Other train-goers shoot strange looks in your direction. It hurts your heart just that little bit more.
“My name is Y/N.” You muster up the courage to say. He looks back at you and gives a half bow. He wasn’t scary at all. There was even something almost familiar about him. “I apologise if I’m bothering you. Train rides at night kinda scare me and I’m not really sure why, but you’ve kind of made me feel better.” His eyes soften ever so slightly. Never saying a word. He was quite shy which surprised you.

You take notice of the tracksuit he’s wearing. It’s white and green. The colours of Date Tech, a school a few streets away from your own. Then it hits. 
“Wait, are you Aone?” This once again takes him by surprise. He nods. A wide smile spreads across your face. “Wow, I don’t know how I didn’t remember sooner! I’ve been to your games before. You’re pretty amazing.” You pull out your phone and show him a picture that was taken of you posing with Kanji. “I remember taking this photo with him, even though the game was a loss he was still so positive. It was amazing to see.” Aone seems fixated on the picture. Both people smiling widely at the camera. 
The train pulled up to its next stop. “Ah, this is me. It was lovely meeting you,” You bow to him as you stand up. “Thank you for helping my nerves. I hope to see you again.”

From that day, you took the train almost every day and sat next to Aone. Each day he seemed more and more comfortable with you. 
One day, you walked to Date Tech from your school and waited for his practice to end. As he stepped out of the gates you smiled at him. “The train isn’t running today, I was wondering if you wanted to walk home with me.” The players beside him all dropped their jaws.
Aone nodded. His usual response to your questions. As you walked in silence down the empty streets, he stopped in his tracks. “Everything ok?” You asked looking back at him. 
He bowed looking toward the ground. “Thank you.”

Those were the first words he ever said to you.

Character:Takanobu Aone
Summary: You told nobody about your haircut. You left Date Tech one afternoon with long hair and returned the next day with boyish short hair. There was barely enough to tuck behind your ear. 
Warning:Fluff, First Kiss, Confessions
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You told nobody about your haircut. You left Date Tech one afternoon with long hair and returned the next day with boyish short hair. There was barely enough to tuck behind your ear. 

As you walked through the halls, all eyes were on you. You tried not to pay too much attention to the stares, but it was hard with the amount of them. You found yourself playing with your hair, running your fingers through it as you walked to your locker. 

What you weren’t expecting was the reaction Aone was going to have. When he saw you approach your locker with your short hair, he nearly dropped his books and his cheeks went bright pink. 

  “Hello Takanobu.” You smiled as you opened your locker, “Did you get too much sun yesterday, you’re looking very flushed.” You reached over to touch him on the shoulder but he nearly flinched.

  “Your hair.” He said in his quiet tone.

  “Oh yeah. I got it cut yesterday.” You shrugged, “I hated the bob the hairdresser was going for so I just asked them to chop it all off. It’ll grow back.” You smiled as you patted him on the shoulder, “Are you sure you didn’t get too much sun?”

Aone swallowed and clutched his books tighter, “I’m okay.” He turned back to his locker. His hand shook a little. He didn’t understand how you could look cuter? He already thought you were the utmost beautiful, but this sudden lack of hair made you seem more adorable. 

You scratched your head, feeling the lack of length, then grabbed your textbooks for your first class, “It’s not too short is it?” You looked over to him, “People have been giving me far too many stares.”

Aone blushed deeper as he looked down, “You look great.” And then stilled when you shoved him playfully.

  “Oh, Takanobu! You’re such a sweet talker. I still don’t understand how you don’t have a girlfriend yet.” You laughed as you got your books and closed your locker. 

Aone’s words became a jumbled in his mouth, a mix of wanting to thank you for the compliment, tell you he doesn’t want a girlfriend and confess his undying love for you. Instead he remained silent with the tips of his ears feeling hot. 

  “Well, buddy, I’m going to head to class now. I’ll see you later, we’ll meet at our spot for lunch.” You playfully bumped your hip against him before your beautiful laugh left your lips as you walked off to your first class. 

Aone sighed and closed his locker. There was no way a girl like you would end up with him, you were just too perfect. Even now with the short hair that complimented every beautiful feature of your face, there was no stopping every guy at Date Tech from wanting to date you. 

You were just too beautiful now. 

When lunch time rolled around, Aone’s thoughts were about your haircut. He couldn’t get his mind off of the sight of it. How beautiful you looked with the short cut, it was something so new for you that he was surprised you hadn’t tried it before. 

When you met under the willow tree on campus, he was already sitting there with his lunch in hand. Which was usually water, a milk carton from the vending machine, a protein bar, a salad, and usually some kind of leftover from the night before. 

  “Taka!” You chirped. 

He waved to you, becoming flustered once more. You sat beside him, too painfully close for him to not become more flustered. He swallowed back his emotions and went back to eating. He watched you open your lunch bag and get your food out. 

You chatted about your first three classes as you picked at your food. Even at one point, stealing some of his fish from his container. He could’ve melted at the sight of you eating the food that he cooked. He wanted to cook for you all the time, he wanted to do all kinds of things with you. 

  “And then I said, there was no way that was possible. That sounded so fake, but you know how she is. Totally fake!” You laughed, “But then again she gets all the guys.” You sighed and laid down on the grass, “I wonder what that’s like.” 

  “There’s guys who like you.” Aone said as he put his container down and laid beside you. He blushed further when you reached over and took a hold of his hand. 

  “Well, they’re being very quiet about it.” You squeezed his hand, “Like if you have a crush on someone, let them know. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Aone swallowed, “Well.” He trailed off. 

You looked at him, “Yeah, Taka? Do you have a crush on a girl?” Your eyes went wide, “You’ve never had a crush on a girl before! Who is she? Is she in our year?”

Aone blushed further, “Well. You see.” 

  “Tell me! I have to know everything. You’re my best friend after all! I gotta approve of her first” You chirped as you squeezed his hand and got closer, “Tell me.” 

  “She is-”

  “Spit it out, Takanobu!” You exclaimed.

  “It’s you!” He said loudly. Probably the loudest he had ever been with you. He let go of your hand and gripped the grass under him, “It’s you. And you’ve only gotten cuter with that haircut.” 

You blinked at him, “It’s me? You have a crush on me?” You crowded his space and looked at him from an odd angle. 

  “Yes.’ He spat out, “Ever since first year. I’m sorry.”

  “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” You said as you sat up and looked down at him, “Don’t apologize. I just didn’t know. Wow. This entire time. Why didn’t you say anything?”

He let go of the grass and sat up with you. He sighed as his eyes casted downwards, “I didn’t want you to hate me. I value you too much- “ And before he could finish the sentence you kissed him. Your hands on his face as you touched lips with him softly. 

His eyes were wide for a moment before they fluttered closed and he returned the kiss. His hand rested on your wrist. You stayed like that for a while, kissing one another as the birds chirped and your food was left forgotten. 

When you pulled away, you ran your fingers through your short hair, “I like you, Takanobu. For a long time now.” You smiled at him and placed your hand back on his cheek, “I mean it.”

He could’ve died at that moment. He asked, “Does this mean-”

You smiled, “yes!” 

  “Perfect. And you’re keeping the haircut right?” He asked as he took you in his arms softly. He kissed the top of your head.

You held onto him gently and nodded, “Yes, plus it’ll be a bitch to grow out. I’m glad you like it.” You combed your fingers through it, “It feels nice. Touch it, it’s so soft now!” 

Aone chuckled lightly and touched your hair, you felt perfect in his arms. His heart felt like it was going to burst, but he was content if not beyond happy. He held you as you started to ramble about your potential first date. 

This was bliss, this was heaven. This was perfect.

☼ — fluff ☁︎ — angst ☾ — smut ☗ — smau

⿻ file name | futakuchi kenji

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | aone takanobu

nothing here. try again?

⿻ file name | koganegawa kanji

nothing here. try again?

⿻ back to main file ?yes ▷ no

Being Date Tech’s Manager

Manager Dating Aone Takanobu

Aone Takanobu featuring Date Tech x Female reader

Warnings: none

AN: This is an Anon request!

Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing

  • First off, what a sweet bby
  • He’s like Bokuto but quiet
  • He’s the core of the Iron Wall of Date Tech and he’s too good for this world
  • You’ll have zero clue this man likes you
  • He’s definitely an “observe from far away” type man
  • He will wait for you to approach him
  • And the best way to do that would be to have class with him
  • Which thankfully you do
  • The first day, you sit next to him and try to strike up a conversation
  • He will be super polite but he doesn’t say much
  • Thankfully you have zero issues talking
  • Soon you find him walking you to and from classes and a sweet friendship blooming
  • Futakuchi will catch Aone staring at you and he will tear him relentlessly
  • “Just ask YN out already! If you don’t, I will”- Futakuchi
  • Aone will give him a death glare that says
  • “Touch YN and just SEE what happens”
  • Aone figures there’s no rush
  • Futakuchi thinks otherwise
  • Which is why he approaches you and asks you the be Date Techs manager
  • You really-
  • “Yeah YN I think you’d make a great manager!”- Futakuchi doing this to help his bestie out
  • So when you show up at the teams practice with Futakuchi, Aone is heckin MAD
  • “Everyone meet our new manager YN!”- the little shit
  • You
  • Please Aone is ready to full out Iwaizumi a ball at Oikawa
  • That is until you interrupt
  • “Aone isn’t it great! We get to hang out even more now!”- you ‍♀️
  • Please the man is stunned you want to hang out more with him!
  • “See I told you I’m full of great ideas!”- Oikawa Jr. Futakuchi
  • As the year progresses you get closer and closer to Aone
  • Soon he’s walking you to and from class as well as walking you to and from school
  • Mans will go out of his WAY to do this YN
  • One night, as he’s walking you to your door he drops the bombshell
  • “YN, will you go on a date with me?”- Aone, blushing ☺️
  • First off, you counted 9 words he strung together in a row
  • That’s HUGE
  • He’s a man if very few words so the fact that he asked you that is honestky Incredible
  • You, being not a person of few words, literally turns into Aone
  • You ok-
  • You made him so happy YN I can’t even
  • The following weekend he takes you out to dinner and takes you on a walk through a floral garden ✋
  • He would be the kind of man to make floral crowns and I stand behind this 1000%
  • It’s there that he will just blurt it out
  • “Yn will you be my girlfriend?”- Aone
  • This time, you don’t lack any words
  • “OMG YES!”- You screaming and jumping into his arms
  • He totally spins you around too
  • Husband material
  • At practice, things stay relatively the same
  • You do your job as manager and Aone does his job as core of the iron wall
  • You two don’t explicitly tell anyone you’re dating because why should you?
  • Instead it just kind of comes out
  • For instance, one day Futakuchi finds Aone just staring at you with a cute smile
  • Obara and Koganegawa comes up and watch
  • “I can’t believe how bad Aone has it for YN. Dude he should just ask her out already!”- Obara
  • “YN’s so hot too”- Koganegawa
  • Aone’s head snaps to Kogane
  • “Whoa sorry! I meant it as a compliment”- Kogane backpedaling
  • Aone turns back to watch you before going back to practice
  • Futakuchi is now determined to ensure Aone has a chance with you
  • Unbeknownst to him, you’ve already been dating a month
  • Guess you don’t know everything Oikawa Jr
  • At the end of practice, Futakuchi approaches you
  • His intent is simple male Aone jealous so he will ask you out
  • I mean does this man not have eyes? Like you and Aone have been practically inseparable
  • “Hey YN. Say are you free this weekend?”- Futakuchi
  • “Umm- I might be? Why need something done for the team?”- you, clueless
  • Aone is now watching your interaction
  • “Actually I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out with me”- Futakuchi
  • Ope-
  • Futakuchi is Aone’s best friend but lort he’s gone too far!
  • Aone arrives at your side just as you dug I to Futakuchi
  • “Kenji, you do realize I’m dating Takanobu right?”- you, standing there with Aone looming behind you
  • Futakuchi whet-
  • “YN is my girlfriend”- Aone
  • “But- but HOW? WHEN?”- Futakuchi confused
  • Just as the confusion sets I further, our favorite 3rd tears return to check on their precious juniors
  • “Hello our amazing underclassmen and how are we doing today?”- Kamasaki with Moniwa and Sasaya in tow
  • “Jesus christ not now! Aone, YN when did you two start dating?”- Futakuchi
  • “Idk like a month ago”- you looking at Aone who nods his head in agreement
  • “Wait ✋ YN and Aone??”- Moniwa
  • “Holy crap”- Kamasaki
  • “Well I guess we don’t need my plan after all”- Futakuchi walking away
  • “Are we just going to pretend you didn’t just ask me out?”- you
  • “YN I’m not interested in you like that”- Futakuchi
  • Please Aone growls
  • “Whoa big guy, YN’s gorgeous but she’s nit my type”- Futakuchi
  • “And who is your type?”- Kawanishi
  • “Apparently no one since he hasn’t had a date in 3 months”- you sliding in with the facts
  • Please the upperclassmen of Date Tech die of laughter
  • “I’ve had dates YN! Just none that I really liked!”- Futakuchi defending
  • “Sure”- you turning around, taking Aone’s hand and walking out
  • “That was pretty funny YN”- Aone
  • You smile at him wide

Everyone’s just chill and fine,yet the Dateko guys are still not done blocking.

Maybe they could block the titans when there are no more soldiers left to fight (?)

anime-or-anigay: Haikyuu!! Eyes: A study in colour In which, I picked out a few of my favs, took eac


Haikyuu!! Eyes: A study in colour

In which, I picked out a few of my favs, took each colour of the rainbow, and messed about with it.

This is also part of an AU I’m working on in which these 7 are Guardian Deities and brothers, but I haven’t decided whether I will draw more art for that story or not. Don’t hesitate to come yell at me if you’re interested.

I keep forgetting this exists and then suddenly it’ll get a note and surprise me… so I thought I’d reblog it to my art blog to bring it back from the dead.

The AU hasn’t been touched in a long time but if you’re still interested come shout at me and I’ll happily dust off the cobwebs…

Post link
“You know, Aone, no one would have guessed you were such a good dancer.” “…”“Don’t look at me

“You know, Aone, no one would have guessed you were such a good dancer.” 


“Don’t look at me like that, I’m saying I’m impressed.” 

An Aofuta edition to the dancer au! I’ve never drawn these two before now but this was a lot of fun!
Thank you for the request @sakunamikou13! I went on holiday without wifi so I’m sorry it took so long… 

If you want to see any other pairings in this style, let me know!


Post link

How is aofuta still rare *sobs* okay to remedy my heart, here are some hcs!!:

-Futakuchi lowkey LOVES teddy bears.
-The first time Aone goes to his house as 1st years, he’s shocked to say the least. Futa has like 8 bears all of them he gives cute names and makes them cute outfits and ARE YOU SURE THIS IS FUTAKUCHI’S ROOM?
-Futa’s fav is a relatively big white bear he named “Yuki” because snow is white wow how original.
-Futakuchi hugging his bears when he takes naps is so so cute Aone wants to cry. Internally of course.
-Aone never gets tired of seeing Futakuchi go soft around his teddy bears.
-Futakuchi makes him pinky promise (also a few threats here and there) to not tell anyone about it. Aone doesn’t plan on letting anyone besides him see this adorable side of Futakuchi anyways.
-Futakuchi thinks Aone is like a teddy bear, so big and tough-looking like a real bear but actually really soft, fluffy and gentle on the inside. Also… he’s really cute. (Not that Futakuchi would ever admit it out loud. Also Futakuchi really really wants to hug him.)
-Futakuchi, surprisingly, confesses first. With a white bear wearing a red ribbon, and a blush mirroring the color of the ribbon, uncharacteristically stuttering a confession.
-Aone’s heart can’t take much more so he just nods, with 500 shades of pink dusting his cheeks, and pulls Futakuchi (and the bear) into a big warm hug.
-Futakuchi, for once, is speechless and starts crying.
-Aone pulls away worriedly and gives him a ? look.
-Aone has learned that one can shut a Futakuchi Kenji up with a kiss.
-(Futakuchi calls him “Teddy Bear” when they are alone :3)

Aone Takanobu: Teddy-kun (2/2) [NSFW]

Part 1

Masterlist to more Haikyuu Smut

Smutshot (2/2)

Aone was aware of the stares he received when he stepped onto the train cart, with a grunt, he carefully manoeuvred himself to an empty seat, setting the gift he brought for his girlfriend next to him. Eyes burrowed into the burly man but he calmly shrugged it off, letting out a sigh as he stretched his aching shoulders.

He had a tiny smile on his face, excited to see his precious Y/n after a hectic day. He placed the empty lunchbox she made him on his lap, flushing at the sweet bear pattern cloth wrapped around it. His feet began tapping against the floor, feeling giddy on the inside. It was finally a month into their relationship and he really hoped she’d like the gift he got her.

The trained slowed to a stop, reaching her station. Aone stood up, lifting her lunch box with one hand and lugging her gift over his shoulder as he tethered through the station. He was glad she lived a few minutes away otherwise he would have struggled.

Aone feel shy when he climbed up her apartment complex, standing in front of her door but taking a deep breath, he knocked a few times before ringing the doorbell.

It only took a matter of seconds, when he heard her yelling from the other side, swinging the door open widely

“Teddy-kun!–” However his nickname was cut off by an excited squeal when she eyed the huge teddy bear in his arms. It was almost as tall as him

“Is this for me!?” She squealed again, bouncing with joy and he blushed, nodding shyly

“H-Happy one month” He mumbled and she immediately hugged his side hard

“You remembered our anniversary!!! I’m soooo happy!” She beamed, standing on the tips of her toes to plant a sweet kiss to his cheek. She dragged him inside, setting the empty lunch box on the table before extending her arms towards the giant teddy bear


He hummed, pushing it her away and she laughed, trying to hug it but it ended up in a squeak when the heavy bear slumped over her, sending her onto the floor. Aone grunted in shock, reaching out towards her

He panicked, but it was cut off the moment he heard her giggling from underneath the large bear

“Oooh Takkun! It’s just like when you get on top of me!” She teased, making his cheeks warm up immensely and he quickly lugged the stuffed teddy off her, setting it to the side. Y/n was still laying on the floor with a grin, but she reached out for his hand, letting him pull her up.

Giggles were heard and Aone’s cheeks were bursting with heat from the way his delightful little girlfriend was clinging onto his arm. It was early evening and the couple opted to stay indoors to avoid the searing heat of the summer sun outside. 

Y/n was a firecracker, sparkling up the man’s life ever since they got together. He found himself having fun as each day went by

“I love my anniversary gift! Now I’ll feel less lonely while you’re working so hard on site!”

Y/n let out a grunt as she tried to lift the bear but she failed. Looking at Aone helplessly 

“Takkun, can you help me put him in my room? Pleaaaase?” 

He nodded, lifting the teddybear over his shoulder, lugging it to her room where he placed him on the bed. Aone was amused, he didn’t realise how huge the thing was until it lay on her bed, taking over the entire space… 

A small smile etched on his face. She never complained in his presence, a large smile was always plastered on her. He liked every ounce of her, especially her adorableness. He loved when he had a match, how she would erratically jump up and down from her seat in the bleachers, cheering loudly for him without a care in the world. Or those moments where he would be idle, minding his own business and she would stop doing whatever she was doing to stare at him… But her face would break into glee and she’d quickly embrace him for a sweet nuzzle, muttering

“Teddy-kun ♡” Against his chest

Aone went back to the lounge, where he spotted her sitting on the couch. SHe smiled at him, patting the seat next to her

“Come here!” She chirped, 

He dropped himself on the sofa. The sudden weight, almost made her bounce, startling her for a second but she just giggled. He glanced at the woman beside him, his browbones lifting when he realised, she was staring at him with adoration, her thick false lashes brushing her cheeks with each innocent blink.

She blushed, titling her head

“What?” She asked and he hummed, his rough fingers grazing the side of her face, just shaking his head. She clutched his palm, kissing it softly, and he noticed the mark her lip stain made on his hand, clutching it into his fist. 

The last month had been going great for Aone and Y/n, he could find no fault with her. However, there was just one thing that kept running through his mind… 

As he stared at the lipstick mark on his hand, he realised that in the entirety of their dating journey for the past month, he had never seen his girlfriend without a full face of makeup… 

No matter the time or place, Y/n was always dressed to impress and her makeup was always done on point. He knew she liked putting extensions in her hair too. Something he learnt people did to their hair recently, when they went shopping. Her tight, flashy outfits never bothered him, he never thought about it really. He’d only just find her prettier and prettier each time but her makeup…

He thought back to the times when they’d have sex, even then, her makeup was perfectly in place… It would just be him who was in a mess, littered in lipstick marks all over by the end of it… 

He wondered why she’d sneakily wait for him to sleep before hoping into the shower and he noticed how she would wake up bright and early, dressed and ready by the time he was awake…

Fingers grazed his brow bones and he broke from his thoughts, humming when Y/n stood up, only to hook her leg over one side of him, straddling his lap.

 Blushing, he inhaled her perfume when she delightfully hugged him tight

“Teddy-kun, what’s on your mind baby? I know you’re quiet, but you look a little pensive…” She muttered, fingers gliding against his scalp, smiling

“Want to share?” She asked and he shook his head, muttering

“It’s nothing…”

She pouted, pushing his back against the sofa, making him grunt

“Its not nothing, talk to me!” She cooed and he felt shy, his hands clutching her hips. Biting his lip, he wondered how he could simply bring up the topic without offending her… Staring at her innocent face as she meekly blinked at him, he swallowed his question down his throat

“I liked the way you did your makeup today…” He mumbled, watching her lips curl into a grin, hugging him

“Awe baby, you’re so sweet! I wanted to go for a summery look! There’s glitter in my highlight today! I bought it that day when we went shopping! It’s the new trend lately. Even the girls at work have started using it” She laughed, showing him her shiny cheekbones so that he could see the specs of glitter, glimmer.  

“Do you like it?” She asked eagerly and he fell silent but the excited look on her face made him feel guilty so he nodded

“Pretty…” He muttered making her blush. Gripping his face, she planted a kiss on each cheek and he felt the blush growing larger on his face. 

“You’re the sweetest… I could smother you in kisses all over!” She teased, reaching to grip his collar, making him swallow when she pressed her lips against his, her crotch grinding against him. He closed his eyes, feeling her lips mould with his but she parted from them. Her lips began planting kisses along his jaw, neck and cheeks. He let out a small groan when her fingers unbuttoned the top of his shirt,

“I haven’t given you your anniversary gift yet…” She cooed, kissing down the bare skin of his chest, lowering herself between his spread legs. Aone’s heart was racing, when she cheekily smiled at him, her palm pressing against his crotch, letting out a small oh

“Hehe, you’re getting excited… So cute, Takkun! ♡”

Aone grit his teeth, when she unbuttoned his pants, her hand pushing into them to pull his half erect cock out. He held his breath when she gripped it, looking up at him with an innocent smile before her warm breath tickled his cock

“Like I said, I could kiss you all over…” She teased, turning her face to kiss the tip of his dick. He swallowed a groan, closing his eyes when he felt her soft lips worshipping his cock until he stood tall and proud

“Y-Y/n…” He muttered ever so quietly but she was insistent, kissing his shaft back and forth, until she felt his vein throbbing against her. Her fingers sneakily rubbed his glans, taking pleasure in the sharp gasp he let out 

“I’m thinking you want more than just kisses now…” She hummed, her finger circling his tip. Aone was flustered, watching her part those painted lips, wrapping them around his cock. His chest heaved and he closed his eyes, feeling her bob back and forth his cock, sucking on his length

Her name slipped from his lips, making her giddy. Peeking up at his sweet beet-red face, she moved faster along his length, pushing it even deeper down her throat. He gasped, hands immediately clutching the sides of his head, panting


But it fell upon deaf ears, she pulled off his length, only to lick his length repeatedly 

“I’m just showing you how much I appreciate you” Y/n cooed, rolling her tongue against his blunt cockhead.  Just as she parted her lips to engulf him again, Aone’s breath hitched when he felt her fingers brush along his balls, and she squeaked when his cock unexpectedly spurted all over her face

“Oh my gosh, Takkun!” She whined, sitting back while he tried catching his breath. Aone swallowed, feeling embarrassed the moment he noticed the pout on her cum drenched face, 

“Sorry…” He muttered when she stood up, trying to wipe her face with a tissue

“My makeup…” She mumbled and he held his breath… 

“I’m sorry” he apologised again but she quickly shook her head 

“It’s alright, I didn’t realise you were getting so excited” He blushed, nodding

“… it felt good…” He mumbled and she bit her lip, blushing

“Um… I’ll be back in a few minutes….” Y/n muttered, slowly walking away. He sat there on the couch, letting out a sigh. The mood suddenly went dark and he felt nervous, he had never seen her look so serious before. Minutes went by and he raised a brow, realising it had been almost half an hour. 

Getting up, Aone walked towards her bathroom, knocking once before slowly opening the door

“Y/n? Are you okay?” 

Y/n’s back was facing him, her bath towel tied around her body. He couldn’t catch her reflection in the foggy mirror. She froze when she heard his voice, pressing her washed face into the small hand towel she was holding

“T-Takkun!” She squealed and he hummed, 

“I-I’m fine! But you can’t see me like this!” She blurted, confusing him. 

“But I’ve seen you naked before…?” 

Y/n fell silent, super embarrassed

“…I meant my face…” She muttered into the hand towel and he frowned, stepping towards her however she refused to look at him. Placing a hand on her bare shoulder, he hummed again, alerting her that he wanted to see.

She knew how to read his expressions and she knew she couldn’t hide it any longer but the anxiety filled her. 

She peeked from the towel. Her heart almost leapt out of her chest when she realised his face was mere inches from hers…

“No! I-I can’t!” She whined, pushing him away and rushing out of the bathroom in lightning speed, leaving her baffled boyfriend behind in a trail of dust. But, before she could slam her bedroom door close, Aone’s hand gripped the door pushing it open easily, making his way inside. 

He gripped her wrist, pulling her into his arms

“Stop hiding from me” He grunted softly

She took a deep breath, her eyes welling in tears making him panic when he heard her sniffle, but he rubbed the top of her head, hiding her face against his chest. There was a moment of silence between them but he swallowed,

“Why won’t you show me your face?” he asked her and she hid herself against his chest, her heart pounding… 

“Because I’m ugly!” She sniffled and he raised his brows. 

“You are not.” 

She shook her head, 

“You haven’t seen the real me… My ex told me I was a catfish and broke up with me… I don’t want you to see my real face because you will leave me too!” She wailed but Aone rubbed her back. He wondered what she meant by ‘catfish’… Now imagining her bare face resembling the fish… However he shook his head, he had no idea what she meant but he could no longer endure it. Whatever the real Y/n looked like, it didn’t matter to him. He liked her for who she was, not what she looked like

“I don’t care if you wear make up around me or not. I love every part of you…” He muttered, feeling his cheeks heat up before finally taking the plunge, clearing his throat

“I-I love you…” He mumbled shyly and she froze, finally looking at his face in shock

“You do?” She asked in disbelief and he nodded, a small smile plastered on his face, cupping the side of her face, scanning her features. 

“So these are your real eye colour…” He muttered, looking into her dark irises. She always wore blue or green contacts, they made her eyes look bigger than they were, but this didn’t bother him at all. 

Y/n realised she had finally revealed herself, holding her breath waiting for his disappointed reaction. Aone was staring hard and this time she couldn’t read his expressions, her eyes welling in tears once again

“See, you find me hideous! You’re too shocked to speak!” She whined making him quickly snap from his thoughts, erratically shaking his head


“T-Then?” She sniffled

Aone held her face, forcing her to look at him again while he continued scanning her. His thumbs began tracing her delicate unfilled brows, a little chuckle leaving his lips

“What…?” She asked, flushing in embarrassment but he just smiled wider

“…We both don’t have eyebrows…” He answered and there was a moment of silence. She looked at his amused face, his calm expression making her chest warm and she finally broke out in a fit of giggles. 

He felt relief wash over him, wiping away her stray tears. 

Aone moved closer to her face, his nose nuzzling hers sweetly

“…prettier without make up…” He mumbled. Y/n felt like she could cry again, her bottom lip jutting out as her glimmering eyes rounded

“You don’t care that I look like this?” She asked timidly and he shook his head, she swallowed

“Even though I’m not wearing my hair extensions or lashes…?”

He immediately nodded with a pleased face. He held her chin softly just staring at her with soft eyes. She did look different without all of that stuff but to him, she looked especially ethereal right now. With or without makeup, she was the woman he loved regardless. 

Those eyes glimmered so brightly, framed by her natural lashes. All he could think about in this moment was how much he loved her. 

Her eyes widened when she caught his expression, immediately reading his thoughts. 

Her lips parting 

“Takanobu… I love you too! Like so so much!” She blurted, hugging him tight. 

Aone grunted from her tight hug but he sighed in content, his chin tucking her head underneath while he caught her in a bear hug. Mushiness emitted from the lovey dovey couple, he felt like he was on cloud nine. It was only when his hand accidently brushed her back and she squeaked that he realised her skin was bare. Opening his eyes, he looked down only to be met with the delicious view of her ass, the bath towel was nothing was a crumpled heap by her ankles. 

Y/n blushed, she definitely felt more confident when she had make up on during sex… But now she really felt naked and vulnerable, under his eyes. Shyly she folding her arms around her breasts, pressing her thighs together to hide her shame

“Takkun… I’m going to change now…” She muttered but his ears perked from how erotic his name sounded right now. Her timid expression made his skin heat up, heart pounding slowly as the blood rushed into his growing erection. She furrowed her brows when he didn’t move, until she realised he was hard, making her shyer 

“Takanobu… D-Don’t tell me you’re turned on by me right now?” She slipped, reaching for her towel but he quickly gripped her wrists

“Don’t” He muttered, quickly pulling her against his burly body. Y/n flushed when his hands gripped her ass, pushing her hips against him. She held her breath feeling his heavy erection press against her stomach. However, this gave her the sudden revelation that he definitely truly loved her. She had always been insecure about her ordinary face when she was a teenager, often bullied by her peers. It was after high school that she knew she wanted a different college life, completely revamping herself and losing her real self in the process. 

All of a sudden, it felt like she could breath. The binds that were wrapped around her were finally freed by Aone. Her knight and shining armour… As her insecurity shrunk, she slowly reached for his shirt, finishing the few buttons that weren’t unfastened. 

Utter silence between them as they slowly discarded the remainder of his clothes, until he stood just as bare as her. Y/n swallowed, although it wasn’t the first time they were having sex, it felt like it a little. 

She gasped when his rough hands gripping her thighs lifting her up, before she could say his name. She squeaked when he threw her on top of the bed. Her heart was racing, she felt the soft plushness underneath her, realising she was laying on top of the giant stuffed toy, sinking in slightly. 

Aone’s eyes were fierce, and she swore her heart was going to rip out of her chest. He was never rough with her before, his sudden eagerness made her aware of the wetness threatening to seep from her folds. Slowly but surely, his hands placed themselves on her legs, slowly rubbing their way up her thighs. Y/n quivered, tilting her head against the teddybear, biting her lip. 

He didn’t utter a single word while he gently rubbed and soothed her body with gentle caresses. He stopped when his face finally levelled with hers. She bit her lip from nervousness which was instantly washed away when he nuzzled her nose with his, calming her down.

“Takanobu” She mewled and he swallowed his name with a kiss. Y/n closed her eyes, kissing him passionately. She gasped when she felt sneaky fingers rub her folds, letting him push his tongue into her mouth. Tonight was full of firsts for the woman, she usually initiated their heated make outs but feeling his tongue rub hers so lewdly made her mind become hazy. 

She spread her legs over the giant toy’s and Aone pushed his middle finger between her folds, gliding against her slippery slit. She moaned against his mouth while he felt his cock throb from the juices coated his thick finger. 

Y/n pulled away from his lips, panting but it didn’t stop him from pushing his finger deep inside her, making her hips jolt. Sitting back, he looked at her aroused expression, feeling his cheeks heat up. It was so sultry and natural, he felt the need to suddenly ravish her. 

Ah!” She moaned when his thumb found her clit, rubbing it in circles. He swallowed when she felt her walls squeeze his finger. Her hips lifted, mewling but he pressed his palm on her abdomen, pushing her hips back down, pinning her in place. Y/n couldn’t help but call his name, making him heat up. 

Aone pushed another finger inside her pussy, slowly thrusting them into her clamping cavern, until they were completely slick

She squeezed her lips into a tight line, trying to hold back a deep moan when he teased her clit again. His fingers picked up their pace, feeling her velvety walls squeezing against him. Slowly he spread his fingers, making Y/n hiss from the stretch, her walls clamping, threatening to fight back. He watched her juices slid down his knuckles, licking his bottom lip. Going faster, she felt her legs trembling, whimpering but he hummed, his other hand going back to tease her clit, rolling it gently between the pads of his fingers.

While his fingers worked their magic, she felt like her head was spinning, her chest heaving hard in choked pants. 

“T-Takkun– I-I­– Mmm!”

Eyes closing shut, Y/n squealed feeling her orgasm take over. Throwing her head back, she sobbed when she came all over his hand. 

He was taking deep breaths, pulling his soaked fingers out of her pussy… Looking at her spread folds, he was intrigued by the heavy arousal coating her cunt… Trying to catch her breath, she blushed looking at him… And when he pushed his fingers into his mouth, she covered her eyes with her hands feeling shame…

But she couldn’t help spreading her fingers to get a naughty peek. 

Something stirred in the man’s mind when he tasted her on his tongue… He stared down at her, looking at the way her face was flushed. Entranced by how her body was dotted in perspiration, messy hair framing that erotic face while her legs were vulgarly spread wide apart, over the legs of the innocent anniversary gift he had gotten her. It felt so wrong but she just looked so sexy… He felt the need to unravel her completely. 

He wanted to ravish her

“Oh!” She squealed when his hands held her hips tight, Aone didn’t wait a moment, burying his face between her thighs. 

“Takanobu! What are you!–” A pitchy moan slipped when his tongue thrusted between her spread folds. Her hands went above her head, gripping the plush toy, mewling and crying out. 

“Wait! I’m still so sensitive–” Biting her lip to stop her words because he had already spread her folds apart, his tongue lapping at her soaked pussy. Her hands gripped her scalp, feeling her senses heighten to another level

Aone felt like he was getting intoxicated by her pussy. She always gave him oral sex but he was never given the chance to return it. He regretted being shy in the bedroom before… He had really been missing out.

Y/n cried out, she couldn’t lay still, twitching and jutting while he ate her out. His tongue moved in feral movements and she felt like she was seeing stars. Trying to reach out for anything, in her haze she gripped the heavy arms of the toy, encompassing them around her front, holding onto dear life. 

Aone moved from the throbbing hole, gliding his tongue along her slit before he teased her clit, his eyes caught sight of hers. Looking at the tears dotting the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill. Aone felt like he was mesmerised, burying his mouth against her pussy. Her moans became shaky whimpers, she had already cum once but her second orgasm was on its brink. 

Despite him being preoccupied, he blindly reached for her hands, intertwining his fingers with hers as his tongue teased her. She draped her knees over his shoulders, her feet pressing against his lower back, lifting to grind her hips with his mouth. Moaning out his name, he knew she was going to cum again, he could practically taste it. Letting go of her hands, she gripped his hair while he squeezed her breasts, pulling and rubbing on her soft nipples. 

Her thighs pressed against his cheeks and she cried out his name, finally climaxing but he didn’t expect her to orgasm so hard. She had almost soaked his face, startling both of them.

He pulled away to look at her while she panted, blushing heavily

“Are you okay? You came really hard…” He asked and she timidly nodded, biting her lip

“Y-Yeah… It’s just that…” She trailed off, stilling panting and he raised a browbone at her sudden shy expression. 

“Um… It feels like there’s two of you right now…” She admitted, confusing him but she gripped the arms of the plush toy, blushing

“I-It’s like you’re holding me while you were doing… that, down there… at the same time” She whispered under her breath, hiding her embarrassed face in the soft toy’s arms. Usually, she was upfront with her sex talk, however he felt like he was being exposed to her softer side tonight. Aone’s cock throbbed, his chest heaved from a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding and he sat up, confusing her. He unwrapped the plush toys arms from her body, carefully gripping her wrists, holding them above her head. Y/n gasped when he pressed hot kisses along her neck and throat, slowly littering her skin with his marks. 

“So gentle ♡” She cooed, giggling lightly from the ticklish feeling of his kisses. Opening his eyes, he was met with her jiggling breasts and he couldn’t help but reach out for them.

His hands squeezed her pillowy breasts, massaging them while his thumbs rolled her now pebbled nipples. Y/n moaned, her fingers lacing through his hair when he dipped down, his lips wrapped her nipple between them, sucking on her gently. 

Mmh~ Teddy-kun, that feels so good” She sighed while he adored her breasts. He kept suckling her nipples and she felt his cock press against her side, making her realise just how hard he was. Slowly, she reached towards it, wrapping her fingers around his shaft making him groan. 

Aone looked at her with a heavy blush, eyes lidding from passion as she slowly stroked him. She panted when he went back to showering her tits with affection, his fingers pushing between her legs to tease her pussy while she stroked him. Soft moans grew between the couple, the heat between them was searing. 

He could feel her clenching down on his fingers in desperation but he was certain he was almost at his limit. Her other hand, caressed his scalp and Y/n turned her head to whisper in his ear

“Takanobu” She panted, “I want you now” 

It sent a shiver down his spine and he sat up. She watched him, reach for his previously discarded pants, shuffling around the pockets until he found the condom he had stashed. Quickly rolling it over his cock, he stood on his knees, between her spread legs. She bit her lip, reaching towards his dick, pressing it against her pussy

“I really do love you” She said and he smiled, gripping her other hand to kiss the back of it

“I love you too” He muttered, squeezing both of her hands with his. She gripped them, looking at his thick cock brush her slit, biting her lip. Her knees bent and toes curled, the moment his cock pushed between her folds, into her pulsing hole

Hah! Ooo Taka–” She gasped, her hands gripping his forearms while he pushed all the way inside with his thick cock. Aone groaned from the way her pussy clamped around him. He felt like his dick was being swallowed. Biting his lip, he broke from her hold, his hands clutching under her thighs, lifting her knees to her chest. Releasing a sharp gasp, she cried out feeling his body pressing into hers, that her legs spreading her knees part. His dick pushed in so deep inside her, that her legs stretched. 

It felt so hot between them, his heavy body pressed hers deeper into the soft fur on the bear, she felt like she was sinking in. Being completely wrapped and suffocated by her boyfriend. Clinging onto him, he began to thrust himself inside her. Every single thrust got harder and faster, her moans began a string of mewls into his ear. 

Every time he rolled his hips, he pinned hers harder underneath him, making her feel every single inch of his cock. She kept crying out for love for him, fueling his ego. His hand slid under her back, pushing her up to meet his lips in a heated kiss, swallowing her moans. As their tongues mingled, his thrusts became sloppier. Their chests rubbed against each other but he held her close, grinding himself into her, humping her harder.

Mmm… Mmm!” Y/n mewled against his mouth, her pussy couldn’t take it anymore. She was so desperate to cum, it hurt from the way she was clamping down hard on his cock, refusing to let him slip out. Her feet crossed against his lower back, turning her hips to gasp

A-Ah! There!” She cried out, grinding into him. He held her hips, his fingers digging into her skin, going harder. Aone hissed when he felt her cling onto him, screaming in ecstasy when she gushed over his abdomen. 

“I-I love you!” She sobbed and he moaned, his cock finally spurting into the condom but she felt the heat pooling inside of her. Aone stilled, panting. He finally slumped on top of her, making her squeak but Y/n ended up in a fit of giggles, hugging him. He was still inside her but she realised he was still weakly rolling his hips into her

“Are you still cumming?” She cooed softly into his ear and he hid his red face between her breasts, nodding and grunting. She caressed the back of his head, letting him finish until he calmed down. 

Slowly and shyly, he lifted himself up. She sighed when he slid his softening cock from her pussy.

“Wow… That’s… a lot, Takkun” She said in shock when she spotted his heavily filled condom. He blushed, pulling it off quickly and tying the end of it before he discarded it. Sighing, he fell beside her and she turned on her side, smiling at him

“I like this side of Takkun” She whispered and he hummed, draping his arm over her side. Gazing at her gently face, he felt his timidness wash over

“And I like this side of you” He said, loud and clearly. Y/n’s eyes widened, breaking into a giddy smile. 

“Oh… I just love you so much!” She squealed

She had to give him a sweet kiss, which he happily accepted. Relishing in the sweet taste of her lips, their kiss broke into affectionate pecks and caresses before he began listening to her pillow talk, feeling at ease. 

She stopped talking midway, sitting up from his arms and he was confused, following her. 

“What’s wrong?” He asked and she pouted, lifting herself of the ginormous teddy bear…

“We got him dirty…” She mumbled and he realised they had indeed violated the poor thing… Aone rubbed the back of his neck

“I’ll wash him and air him out…” He muttered and she glanced at him before gasping. Aone was confused when she stood up in all her glory, quickly dashing out of the bedroom door… But she was just as quick to return, plopping herself back onto the bed. 

“Um… Its our one month anniversary and I didn’t get you anything so… I want you to have him” She said, her hands pushing her sentimental one eyed teddy bear to him. He was shocked, looking at her

“I cant accept this… He means a lot to you” Aone said but she shook her head, smiling

“You mean more… Besides I now have two Teddy-kun’s!”

Aone bit his lip, feeling himself blush as he accepted the small stuffed toy but it didn’t stop the smile stretching on his face and she grinned, hugging him

“I have a piece of you and now you have a piece of me too!” She laughed making him chuckle. He happily stared at his gift before looking at her. She cocked her head in confusion,

“Takkun?” She asked, watching his lips etch into a grin

“Thank you… Teddy-chan” He muttered and Y/n’s eyes widened from hearing his nickname for her, for the first time. (AN: its cheesy and idgaf)

It was finally her turn to blush hard, covering her face to conceal her giddiness. Aone set his bear on top of hers, it was so tiny compared to the one he got her but he didn’t care. Instead, he gripped her arm, pulling her on top of his body. She giggled when he kissed her neck again, wrapping her arms happily around her favourite teddy bear, gushing 

“Takkun! ♡” 

In utter joy

Aone Takanobu: Teddy-Kun (NSFW) (Part ½) 

Part ½(No smut in Part 1)

Aone stood by the platform waiting for the midnight train to arrive… He sighed, looking at his breath fog up in front of his face. His ears picked up the screeching of the rails, looking up to see his train approaching. Standing straight, he patiently waited as his carriage slowed down, stepping inside. 

It wasn’t a new occurrence of his when he spotted an empty seat at the end of the row, making his way to it…

And just as predicted, the moment he sat down, the seats next to him immediately emptied and he didn’t even bother looking at the nervous passengers making their way to the other side of the cart. When he was younger he could never understand why people avoided him on the train but Futakuchi eventually told him why…

Now into adulthood Aone just accepted the fact he looked intimidating… It was no wonder why the blind dates his bestfriend set up would never showed up… 

Why it was difficult for him to find a job at first… He was lucky that he managed to date one girl but they broke up quicker than he expected, but at least Futakuchi was still dating her best friend…

“Um… I’m sorry Aone… but I don’t think this is going to work out between us…” She muttered, awkwardly looking at her feet. He was perplexed, his brow bones lifting. He thought things were going great between them

“Why?” He asked and she swallowed, rubbing the back of her neck

“…It’s just… You’re so sweet and all but… I found someone else and I really like him… I hope we can still be friends.” She answered truthfully and he felt his heart drop, he had no words and she bowed, before walking away.

The train cart jutted Aone from his thoughts, checking the screen just to see he was arriving at the next station, crossing his arms he waited as the doors opened, people leaving, and new passengers entered. Like he was on replay, he watched them avoid the seats next to him, clearly putting distance when they got one look at him, making him pout. 

Folding his arms, he sighed looking at his work boots. He caught sight of the flecks of dried cement staining the legs of his boiler suit, making him cringe because he definitely needed to shower. Maybe this was the reason why people weren’t sitting next to him…

He locked eyes with a lady walking by and she almost squeaked from shock, rushing past him to go to the next cart. Tucking his hands into his pockets, he slumped against his seat… Aone just looked outside the window glumly, watching the street-lights outside pass by in a blur. Minutes passed and the train slowed down, he straightened his posture so that people could walk past him, leaving the cart emptier than before. 

He watched the doors of the carriage signalling they were about to shut

“Wait for meeee!!!” He heard a squeal, raising his brows he watched a lady clumsily enter the cart, grabbing onto the support pole as she caught her breath

“I-I made it!” She said cheerily to someone who stood next to her but he just focused on his newspaper making her pout. Aone was mesmerised, this woman was unusual to him… She was dressed very fancily for someone getting onto the train… 

A tight body-hugging dress ending just at her midthighs, extra volumized hair and a face full of makeup. She fixed her handbag, before strutting ungracefully down the carriage looking for a seat.  He realised she wasn’t walking straight, giggling to herself…

(AN: Today I was in the mood for an unusual OC. Someone you would never expect Aone to end up with hehe) 

He tried to keep his eyes off her, waiting for her to walk past him. He could smell the alcohol lingering and mixing with the sweet scent of her perfume. However, he froze when she took a seat next to him. He had no idea what to do… He didn’t not expect such an attractive woman sit next to him… He didn’t expect anyone to sit next to him, really…

She was fanning her face, looking at her phone

“…Oh god, that client mad me drink too much…” She muttered, feeling a little tipsy as the train moved… He heard her but Aone knew there was no point in interacting, she was talking to herself and she would certainly be alarmed if she saw his face so he turned his head, wondering what her job was…

Aone tried to distract himself as he stared at his feet, however he took note of her (really) high heels, her coloured toenails distract him… Raising a brow, he snuck a glance at her hands and he was fascinated by her nails. They were long, bright and decorated with tiny gemstones. His vision was obstructed when the cart jutted and her breasts bounced in the tight dress, making his cheeks heat up and he looked straight ahead, heart pounding. 

He was not a pervert by any means… 

He was raised better by his mother. 

Aone distracted himself by scrolling through his phone, he had a journey ahead and it would be best to mind his own business. However, he was startled when her hand fell against his thigh, almost making him jump out of his skin and he glanced at her, alarmed. But he was met with her sleeping face… 

He never realised that the young woman had fallen asleep, her head bobbing lightly with the movement of the cart. As the train curved, he held his breath when her body leaned against him, her head now resting against his shoulder. Aone’s cheeks were burning at the point, he sat like a statue, listening to her mumble happily to herself. 

Swallowing when she leaned closer to him, hugging his arm in her slumber, he could feel those pillowy breasts press against him and he was beginning to perspire. Aone had never been in this predicament before, he was so shocked that he sat in place missing his stop as the train went on… 

He didn’t move a single inch until the train had finally come to a halt, the sudden jerk of the carriage made her wake up in a daze, rubbing her eyes

Mmh… Where am I?” She muttered, squinting at the display board but she let out a sigh of relief, 

“Just three more stops…” She muttered to herself, going back to resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. She smiled to herself, letting out a happy grunt when she hugged his arm again

“So comfy…” She said to herself making him blush.

However, it only took a few seconds before her eyes snapped open and she quickly pulled away from the burly man

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you!” She whined, gasping in embarrassment when she realised her foundation and lipstick had stained his boiler suit. Aone was frozen when she turned to him, trying to wipe her makeup off his shoulder. He now had gotten a good look at her face, and he was totally mesmerised as she kept talking away. He had no idea what she was saying but he swore he could watch her talk for hours if he could.

“…pay for it!” He heard, shaking from his thoughts when she cocked her head, staring at him

“…I-I’m sorry…” He muttered and she blinked, rubbing the back of her neck

“Oh, I was asking if you would let me cover the costs of getting your uniform dry cleaned? I insist” She said and he quickly shook his head

“No need, I work at a construction site, I’m used to getting dirty” He said and she froze, a smile breaking on her face as she giggled. He blushed, looking at his boots shyly

“Oh my, a construction worker? No wonder you’re so hunky and beefy! I was so comfortable sleeping on you, it felt like I was cuddling my teddy bear!”

Aone’s cheeks were pink and he raised a brow

“Teddy bear…” He muttered, that was a first… No one had ever compared him to a teddybear… A gangster, sure… But a stuffed toy… 

That was a first…

“Where are you currently working?” She asked him and he told her about the new hotel they were currently making in the city centre. She nodded, 

“Oh I know where that is! I pass it sometimes! How exciting, I heard it’s going to be a fancy hotel”

“Um… What do you do?” He asked, glancing at her again before clearing his throat

“Coming back from a party?” 

She laughed again, shaking her head

“I wish, Teddy-kun! I’m actually a Hostess! I work at a hostess club most nights” She beamed and he was taken back. Aone had never been to a hostess club before, his friends had gone plenty of times but he never saw the need of going there. 

‘Teddy-kun…’ He blushed from her nickname, watching her giggle and twirl a lock of her hair while she waited for him to speak. He felt obliged to say something but she swayed a little, making him alert

“Are you okay?” He asked and she hummed, trying to sit properly

“Sorry Teddy-kun, a customer was a bit forceful with making one of our newbies drink… I may have had a little more than intended because I didn’t want her to get wasted… I just need to get home and sleep it off” 

Aone just nodded, her attire made sense to him now. He knew those bars tended to be flashy and it was usually where business men would go to unwind after a long day of work. It kind of bugging him to imagine her sitting on a random man’s lap while he ogled her but this was her profession. He had no right to discourage it.

She realised he was quiet but it didn’t stop her from starting a conversation

“I’m Y/n” She said and he furrowed his brows,

“Aone Takanobu…” He mumbled but it made her smile more. He wondered why she was so chirpy with him, it must have been the alcohol… She probably couldn’t see his features clearly to see how scary his face was

“Takkun!” She cooed making his ears turn bright red. Her friendliness was really throwing him off but he was entranced. 

He was remained quiet, completely flustered and she was about to ask him another question but the train came to a halt and she looked outside

“Oh! This is my stop!” She said, standing up. She almost tilted over but he quickly stood up, his hands holding her hips to stabilise her. She clutched his arm, her cheeks heated up from feeling the solid muscle under the baggy sleeve of his uniform, quickly letting go and laughing

“Hehe thank you Teddy-kun, I should get home now.” She smiled, walking towards the doors, before she stepped off, she turned to look at him, smiling

“Hope we meet again” 

With that Y/n exited the cart, humming to herself

Inhaling the crisp air, she tried to calm her hazy sight walking down the street. Her feet were aching from entertaining clients in these god forsaken heels for hours. She was dying to kick them off, pull her flash lashes off, shower and pass out. 

“Definitely going to be hung over…” She muttered, turning a corner. She passed a group of men, rolling her eyes when one tried to cat call her. She was so used to this, men were so vile…  

She wondered if Aone was like this is reality. He didn’t really make any creepy passes at her, it seemed like he wanted to talk but just couldn’t. A small smile curling on her lips

“What a cutie ♡ ” 

“Are you talking about me?” She stopped, turning her head, realising one of the men from the group earlier was following her. Instead of feeling intimidating, she folded her arms

“You wish” She said before walking ahead but he called out to her. She walked faster but he managed to catch up, gripping her arm

“Oh c’mon, don’t be like that. I just wanna be your friend” He grinned making her frown, pushing him off her

“Do not touch me with your filthy hands” Y/n spat making him frown, grabbing her. She was already feeling light headed from the drinks, this was going to be a tough situation.

“Oye, who said you could talk to me like that? I was being nice to you but it seems like you don’t know yer place.” 

He called out to his friends and now her heart was pounding, she knew she was in trouble when the group surrounded her, staring at her vilely. 

“J-Just let me go home” She muttered, avoiding his gaze but he gripped her face

“How about we escort a pretty thing like you home?” He asked and she swallowed, shaking her head

“Please just… Hey!”

One of the guys grabbed her clutch and she tried to grab it but he threw it to his friend. She struggled trying to catch her bag but they began pushing her between them back and forth. She was starting to feel sick but grunts were heard as a few of the men were pushed aside roughly and she felt someone grab her against them. Her heart was pounding, looking up at him with eyes wide

“Takkun?” She muttered but he was focused on the group in front of her. The instigator just smirked, hands in his pockets as he stalked towards the couple, giving Aone a one up

“Oye, beat it you freak. Cant you see we’re busy here” He muttered but Aone didn’t respond. In fact he looked quite unphased by the group. His lack of response irked their ‘leader’, shoving Aone back once,

“I’m talking to you. Does a pussy like you not know how to speak?” He shoved Aone again, making him grunt, pushing Y/n behind him. She clutched the back of his uniform,

“Takanobu-san, let’s just go…” She muttered, worried because the group was starting to get riled up. The leader had enough of his silence, he eyed Y/n trying to make a grab at her but it took less than a second for him to see a flash of white when a fist collied into his face, sending him flying back. Everyone was stunned, Aone simply stood there looking unbothered as ever. She had no words, shocked and he calmy gripped her hand, heading towards the group that flinched. 

Aone’s eyes glanced at one man, looking at the fancy clutch he was holding in his hands before locking eyes with him. 

“U-Uh… S-Sorry” He shuddered, handing her clutch back and Aone hummed, tugging her away from the group, shielding her as they walked down the road. Y/n felt like she had sobered up a little, now feeling her small hand wrapped in the hold of his much larger one. She was dazed by his sudden and heroic entrance…

“Takkun… Were you following me…?” She asked him and he stopped, realising he was gripping her hand tight. Embarrassed, he rubbed the back of his neck avoiding her sweet eyes, clearing his throat

“…You left this…” He muttered and she raised a brow, realising he was clutching onto her silk scarf. Aone handed it to her and she smiled,

“Well aren’t you my knight in shining armour!? Hehe, I love this scarf, I would’ve been sad if I lost it!” She smiled at him before she bowed, “Thank you for helping me earlier… I thought I had it under control…” She said and he hummed, blushing from her compliments. Aone was a man of few words but he was glad he saw the scarf fall from her bag in time. 

Y/n glanced at his hand, gasping

“Oh no, you’re hurt” She said, gripping his large hand, she observed the grazes adorning the pale skin on the back of hand, Aone could feel butterflies in his stomach because she looked so concerned. 

“Come on Takkun! I have a first aid kit at home!” 

Aone was in a state of shock, she was in her pyjamas, makeup still on while she focused on cleaning his cut, making him grunt from the stinging by the alcohol swab. Y/n glanced at him, giggling

“You’re a big baby, aren’t you!? Look its all clean now” She chirped, going through her medicine box 

“Now for the final touch! Hehe sorry this is the only bandages I have” She said, peeling open the paper, he raised a brow when he saw the large cartoon bear shaped band aid she had stuck over his wound. It covered the back of his hand and he stared it, Y/n eyed the sticker and then his face, laughing again. 

“I like bears. They’re so cute! See” She pointed to her sofa and he saw the stuffed toy laying in the corner, gripping it. One eye was missing and it seemed old but she grinned,

“Sentimental value, I’ve had him since I could remember!” She answered and he nodded, putting the bear back down. She stood up, stretching her limbs. He eyed her shirt lifting, showing a little of her skin and he quickly stood up startling her

“Oh, do you need something?” She asked but he shook his head, bowing

“Thank you” He answered, walking towards the entrance, leaving her baffled

“Takkun, its 2am. You can stay the night if you’d like, I can prepare the sofa bed–”

Aone quickly shook his head, flustered

“N-No. You shouldn’t let strange men spend the night! Its dangerous” He answered reaching for his coat, she was shocked, standing there but an amused smile grew on her face

“Hehe, it’s the first time I’ve heard someone call themselves strange…”

She took note of his burning ears, smiling even more when he opened the door. She followed behind him, standing by her door as he bowed again

“Goodbye Y/n-chan” He said and she hummed, giving him a charming smile.

“Wait!” She muttered, gripping the sleeve of his clothes and he hummed, turning to face her but the breath left his body when he felt her lips press against his cheek sweetly

“Sweet dreams, Teddy-kun” She said, giggling as she watched his flustered form walk away. Putting a hand of her face, she sighed dreamily

“So cute! ♡”

Aone was in a daze throughout his journey home, he was stunned. He could still feel his cheek tingling from her soft lips, heart pounding. When he got home, he realised her lipstick left a print on his face and he spent 30 minutes pondering over the fact if he should’ve washed it away or not…

Sighing he stared at the band aid on his hand, feeling glum because he knew that was probably the last time he was going to see her.


“Oye, you’ve been spaced out all day” His coworker muttered, and Aone just grunted, focusing on the blue print in front of him but his mind was still swirling about last nights events.  She was like a princess… He felt like he had dreamed last nights events but sure enough when he saw the band aid on his hand, he knew it was real

“Sorry…” He mumbled, trying to ignore the smell of the cigarette. Smoke blowing his way, making him cringe. Aone focused on his thermos, drinking the tea he had prepared earlier. He wondered what she was up to, whether she was thinking about him… 

“Aone-san, whats up with you? I’ve been talking to you for a while now but you’re out of hit” His coworker said again waving his hand in front of Aones face before he grinned,

“Oho, I think you’re in love…Aren’t ya?” He asked, watching the quiet man’s ears go bright red, making him laugh

“Hit the nail on the head, didn’t I? What’s she like then?” He asked and Aone thought for a moment, his brows furrowed and the only word that slipped from his mouth was


Before his coworker could pry further, both men were distracted when they heard


Aone’s heart sped and he turned to look at the fence, startled when he saw her face popping from above it, weaving at him excitedly

“…Y-Y/n?” He muttered and she laughed, 

“Found you!” She sang. 

He was in a state of shock when she walked into the site, rambling.

“I may have been tipsy last night but I remembered you telling me that you were working here!”

His coworkers began gawking at her when she came into full view. He had no idea how she did it but she looked flawless. She was wearing a cropped top, clinging to her bust with tight jeans and of course she was wearing high heels. He could hear the men behind him mutter things between themselves but before she could step any further, he quickly made his way to her, holding her arm and turning her around in lightning speed

“It’s dangerous to come onto site without safety gear” 

He quickly led her back outside where she was still smiling ear to ear making him blush

“W-What are you doing here?” He asked timidly and she laughed, holding a bag up

“Now that I’m sober, I realised you saved me from what could’ve been the worst night of my life! I made you lunch as a thank youI hope you like it, it’s completely nutritious but also delicious, I promise! I’m sure working on site requires a lot of energy and– Oh…” She trailed off, realising the top half of his boiler suit was unbuttoned and tied at his waist, showing off his muscular body under his black wife beater, now staring at his muscles in a daze. He was oblivious, looking at the bag, blushing

‘She made me food…’ He thought in giddiness, quickly bowing

“Thank you. I will return the favour” He answered, taking her back and she smacked his back happily, laughing

“Hehe you’re so silly. I’m the one who’s returning the favour! You don’t owe me anything” Y/n giggled, handing him the bag. He clutched it tight, it was close to lunch break and now he was looking forward to his bento lunch. Y/n’s heart skipped a beat looking at the giddy look on his stoic face, she realised his ears always went bright red when she spoke, it made her feel very happy. 

She knew they met last night but she shyly tucked her hair behind her ear, looking at him timidly

“Um… I know this may be forward of me but… Do you have a girlfriend?” She asked and it was in that very moment when Aone felt like his body drifted onto cloud nine.

“No…” He answered, watching her bite her lip for a second

“Then… Would you like to go on a date whenever you’re free?” She asked him shyly. 

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking at his boots but she saw the little smile on his face, nodding

“…I’d like that”


firebird [part 3] || who’s the gay cousin

>>mama, there is only so much i can do // tough for you to witness but it was for me too <<

previous||masterlist||playlist || next

pairing : aone takanobu x f!reader

genres : greek mythology au, humor, fluff, angst, coming of age, friends to lovers

style : mixed smau and written au

warnings : nsfw language and swearing, alcohol, futakuchi kenji, bokuto on a road trip, probably references to violence and stuff like that???

a/n: plot twist akaashis the gay cousin

taglist !! : @dwcljh@galagcica@elianetsantana@tomura-heart@deepseavibez@kr33tivity@morpheus-rex@multifandomphenomena@janenks@strawberrymarshallow@haengbokpixie@austriasmariazelle@prettyinblack231@alohablue@r0llingthunderr@katsumi-sumi@sugarsymphonyy@k1rbb1@wow-life-love4@zbops@kamalymaly@heyheyheyhaikyu@bikinibrattoms@ushitoshi


firebird [part 2] || we’re gonna be okay, right?

>>  r.i.p to my youth // if you really listen, then this is to you <<

previous||masterlist||playlist ||next

pairing : aone takanobu x f!reader

genres : greek mythology au, humor, fluff, angst, coming of age, friends to lovers

style : mixed smau and written au 

warnings : nsfw language and swearing, alcohol, futakuchi kenji, bokuto on a road trip, probably references to violence and stuff like that???

!! chapter warnings !! : angst, potentially upsetting descriptions of death, child death

a/n: i think ill probably only be posting the text updates of the au for early access mostly bc the written parts take me like 8 hours to write and i am too impatient to wait after that – lmk what you think!! also i was going to do 3rd person writing but i think ive been doing 2nd person for so long on this blog that it felt weird to switch back lmao

taglist !! : @dwcljh@galagcica@elianetsantana@tomura-heart@deepseavibez@kr33tivity@morpheus-rex@multifandomphenomena@janenks@strawberrymarshallow@haengbokpixie@austriasmariazelle@prettyinblack231@alohablue@r0llingthunderr@katsumi-sumi@sugarsymphonyy@k1rbb1@wow-life-love4@zbops@kamalymaly@heyheyheyhaikyu@bikinibrattoms


“Finally our last year, huh? It’s kind of weird to think about.” You look up at the place you’d called home almost your entire life – The Mt. Olympus School for Demigods – and breathe out a laugh, glancing up at Aone while he walks beside you. He’s already peering down at you – not exactly one for conversation, he’d grown into a habit of just watching other people. It’s disorienting for some, Futakuchi often complaining that having Aone’s eyes on him is overwhelming, but you find it nice. Not to mention that, while a man of few words, he still manages to get his point across. Even now, his eyes are curious, wondering what else is on your mind. 

“I mean – we grew up here. Normal kids, they go to school for eight hours a day or something, and then they go home. They live in cities, towns, places where people they don’t know just exist around them. We… only have this. We spend 10 months out of the year here, and we at the very least know every single face that exists within a 10 mile radius of us. And now it’s almost over. That’s crazy to think about.” You’re rambling now, a habit around Aone simply because you find him easy to talk to. As you make your way up the winding forest path toward the gate that looms in the distance, the school comes even more into view. 

The campus consists of a secure and heavily guarded stretch of endless forest, the buildings scattered in a way that looks meaningless to the untrained eye. But for someone that’s spent almost every day of your childhood in this place, it’s not hard to pick out the paths from the random patches of trees, the strategic placement of the dorms, the common areas for recreation, the training grounds. It’s all there, order hidden in the safety that chaos can sometimes provide. 

The school buildings are the first contact point for anyone who crosses the gate. They’re more of a collection of old houses, really – the kind that are built upon with annexes and walls that don’t match, but they have the kind of intimidating aesthetic that’s expected of any ancient school. Silhouettes of other buildings peek out of the shadows in the background, but it’ll be a bit of a hike before the two of you will get any clear view of the dorms.

When you get close enough to the gate to see who’s guarding it, you find a smile breaking out on your features. 

“Saeko!” The daughter of Ares has already seen you coming, her advanced reconnaissance ability granting her extended vision, so the blonde is already grinning widely once you come into view.

“Well, if it isn’t the Princess of the Underworld herself – and Mister Sunshine, of course.” The name makes you scrunch your nose in disapproval, Aone choosing instead to appear quite confused at his own. 

“That’s usually Koutarou’s name.” Saeko gasps, pointing her weapon jokingly at him.

“He speaks! Who are you, and what have you done with Aone Takanobu?! Pull your hood back immediately and show me your face, imposter!” He frowns and pulls the edge of his sweatshirt hood even further down over his eyes defensively, glancing down at you for help. You just pat his shoulder with a smile.

“Every summer, our friend group deals out a series of ‘Summer Homework’ to be completed by the time school starts again, and Mister Aone here did not complete his assignment to ditch the hood.” The edges of his lips tilt up in the ghost of a smile, his shrug playful as he tugs at the ends of his clothes, the edges of his unnecessarily long sleeves brushing against his fingertips. Saeko smiles at the boy in front of her, shrouded head to toe in cloth. She’d only been granted the chance to see his eyes clearly a handful of times, but she can guess that you and your friends might be more lucky with the introvert.

“So what was your assignment, Miss Y/l/n?” You open your mouth to respond, but the baritone of Aone’s voice cuts you short.

“To donate anything she finds with her financial luck. She also failed.” You gasp, nudging his elbow roughly.

“I did not! I gave that kid on the plane 500 bucks!” He peers knowingly down at you before shaking your bag, which he’d insisted on carrying at the beginning of your trek through the forest.

“The other half of which is still in here–”

“Iasked you if you wanted it!” He huffs once and shakes his head, the kind that sounds like a dismissal to most but is evidently a laugh to you after over ten years of hearing his various communicative sounds. Saeko watches with intrigue, noting that she never once has heard Aone speak this much. She’s about to mention it, but there’s someone hollering behind her inside the gate, the sound getting louder very quickly.

“Y/n! Aone! They’re back, they’re back! We’ve been waiting ages!” Bokuto Koutarou barrels down the forest path toward them, almost running over a couple first-years in the process. They shriek and jump back, and he has to stop to check rather emphatically on them – he is quite large, after all. Akaashi lingers not far behind, but once Bokuto’s done apologizing, the son of Apollo returns to his overzealous welcome, leaving Akaashi to approach them at a much calmer pace. 

He latches onto the two of you easily, Aone’s hand flying up to catch the hood of his shirt before it can fall too far back on impact. Bokuto’s not that much shorter than Aone, so he doesn’t realize sometimes just how tall he is, but you are definitely feeling the effects of his height, his elbow wrapped almost comically around your throat as you struggle to breathe. Poking at his torso until he lets go, you take a couple deep breaths and smile up at the beaming boy. 

“I missed you too, Bo.” Aone nods in agreement, patting Bokuto on the shoulder kindly. “And you, Akaashi.” Keiji smiles gently as he finally gets within earshot of them. His stride is nothing short of majestic as he walks up to them. He and his siblings have been noted to float through the air when they walk, almost like they’re gliding, and as the oldest, Akaashi’s easily caught the most attention. 

The children of Aphrodite – from birth, they garner looks and comments from all around. Charming and sweet as children, they’re the ones with the most admirers and crushes, the ones that get confessed to almost daily. As they grow, the sweet innocence of a childhood crush becomes lethal attraction, and, if careless, ruthless heartbreak. 

In Akaashi Keiji’s case, his beauty can be dangerous to those who haven’t built an immunity to him – his eyes, his smile, his grace. Some would even compare him to a siren, an ethereal presence that hides what he’s truly capable of. His lovely exterior is, as with all children of Aphrodite, completely out of his hands, nothing more than lucky genetics – but damn if he hasn’t learned to use it to his benefit. 

It’s always a bit of a shock to reacquaint yourself with Akaashi’s beauty at the end of every summer, even Aone seeming a bit awestruck, but it’s nothing compared to the feeling one gets seeing him for the first time. At one point in your childhood, you’d all had a huge crush on him, something he likes to remind you of when he’s in a mischievous mood.

He steps up to you, wrapping an arm around you gently while you blink away the fog of attraction that’s always just been a side effect of his abilities. You return the embrace once the feeling’s faded, happy to see him again. He does the same with Aone, looking the two of you over with understanding eyes as you finish readjusting. Bokuto laughs loudly at the scene, even gesturing with a snort over at Saeko, who’s openly gawking up at him. Akaashi smiles and waves at her, prompting her to blush deeply and look away, scanning the forest with immense interest.

“See, this is why I actually spend most of my summers with Akaashi – that way, I don’t have to look as ridiculous as you guys just did!” Akaashi rolls his eyes, nudging Bokuto disapprovingly and nodding back in the direction they’d come from. 

“Kenji’s unpacking – he’s being stubborn because we changed the group chat and said he didn’t want to come with us.” You roll your eyes affectionately, unable to find your best friend as annoying as most probably do.

“Let’s go get the dummy – I want to hang out before the bonfire tonight.” 

The dorm system at Mt. Olympus is even more scattered than the campus layout, but it’s really organized once you know who lives where. Every dorm acts as a home for the children of each godly parent, their locations predictably related to the kind of god that parents it. House Poseidon sits on the shoreline of the lake that splits the campus in half and stretches out endlessly into the distance – it’s more of a beach house than anything, with its docks that are perfect for sunbathing and the canoes that make for both great training and great fun. You spot a couple kids in your year setting up a tire swing along the treeline as your group makes it past the school buildings and heads deeper into the forest.

The next dorm in view is House Dionysus, essentially just a glorified frat house. Streamers and signs hang from the balconies, ping pong tables lining the front porch. It’s included in the clearing that’s mostly used for recreation and events. The only difference between this and an actual frat house is the lack of alcohol – it’s distributed strictly to children of Dionysus and only for training. Much like Futakuchi, they tend to have trouble with alcohol tolerance, their bodies burning through it immediately and rendering them virtually incapable of feeling its effects. While it’s not exactly battle training to work on getting drunk, godly abilities are not much different than muscles – they need to be trained in order to grow properly – so there is a supply of alcohol located within the house, but no one outside the house has ever seen it.

You walk up to the porch, peering up at the open window on the fourth floor. Futakuchi’s had the same room ever since first year, conveniently located within rock-throwing distance. You scoop one up off the ground and fling it up at the window, looking back at the boys with wide eyes when it makes contact with something solid. Futakuchi sticks his head out angrily, rubbing at the fresh red spot on his forehead, and scowls when he sees the group.

“Go away, I’m busy!” You laugh, waving for him to join you.

“Come on, dumbass, let’s go chill at mine.” His scowl only holds for another moment, his eyes becoming playful as he disappears back into his room. It doesn’t take him long to exit the house, ruffling the hair of one of his younger sisters affectionately as he goes. He hops off the porch, spreading his arms open when he lands.

“We’re finally 18, bitches!” Practically skipping over to the group, he pulls you into his arms roughly, digging his knuckles into the top of your head once he’s trapped you. “How’s my favorite person turned traitor? Learn anything new this summer, like maybe how to betray people? Is betraying people fun, are you having fun?” His questions are rapidfire, his preferred way of annoying people, but it doesn’t affect you.

“Yes, I had a wonderful time betraying you, and I plan to do it again in the future.” He releases you and claps Aone on the back, pulling the taller boy’s hood down over his eyes playfully. Futakuchi’s fond of causing trouble, but he’d jokingly pulled Aone’s hood off the other way when they were kids, and the boy had been so shaken and upset that Futakuchi still apologizes for it sometimes, several years later.

“I’d say it’s good to see you, but I haven’t been able to see you in years, bud.” Aone’s smile peeks shyly out at him, and Futakuchi knows that’s all he’s getting. “Alright, boys and girl, let’s head on over to Casa Hades – everyone got their phone flashlights on? ‘Cause, as usual, it’s gonna be really fucking hard to see.” You roll your eyes at the quip, knowing he’s not wrong but not willing to admit it.

“I’ll have all you losers know that they recently installed torches outside the house – nice and bright!” Aone huffs out a laugh again, adjusting both of your bags on his shoulders as he follows Bokuto first in the direction of House Apollo. The rest of you trail after, and you reach for your bag.

“I can take my bag back, you really didn’t have to carry it all the way here –hey!” Aone’s moved to avoid you, his hand coming out so he can plant his pointer finger smack in the middle of your forehead, keeping you away. You can see that he’s smiling at your affronted surprise, and you find that you can’t keep your own smile away for too long. Aone’s eyes happen to glance over your shoulder at Akaashi, and when he finds that he’s being pinned with a knowing look and a smirk, he drops his hand and spins around, almost marching after Bokuto stubbornly. You blink and turn to the boys behind you with a confused look, but Akaashi just smiles back with a suspicious amount of innocence in his eyes.

House Apollo sits at the top of a cliff overlooking the lake, across the bridge that’s near enough to House Poseidon that it’s used as a hangout spot. It’s the highest point on campus, understandably as close to the sun as possible. The cliff makes for an ideal spot to watch the sun rise and set, and there’s a makeshift archery station just off to the side. It’s one of the furthest points from the training grounds, aside from House Hades, so it makes sense that at some point one of the children of Apollo decided trekking all the way through campus for late-night training was too much.

It’s made with quite a lot of glass, allowing for ample sunlight to stream through into the first floor, which is essentially just an open-air theatre, the far wall completely missing. It opens out onto a massive deck that can be turned into a sizeable viewing space for performances put on by those in House Apollo that are musically and theatrically inclined. 

Bokuto himself, while not one for formal theater, tends to use the space to entertain during parties or just when the younger kids want a bedtime story. He’d also been the star of more than a few plays when they were kids, but he has a lot more fun as an audience member these days. You can always expect to have your Friday night plans randomly cancelled when he texts and demands that everyone come support his younger siblings at their productions. Of course, it’s Aone that has to remind him when there are scheduled performances during any given week, but Bokuto’s enthusiastic enough for the both of them.

Just as Bokuto’s heading up the stairs, something materializes only a few feet away from him, and he jumps violently. The shape takes form, leaving Kageyama Tobio in its wake – or, rather, it leaves a near-perfect replica of Kageyama Tobio in its wake. He’s made entirely of water, the vaguest of blue-green tints staining what is supposed to be his skin. He blinks up at Bokuto, who’s reaching out to touch him with concern. When his finger dips into water instead of a shoulder, Bokuto pulls back, glancing over at you.

“Your new friend scares me.” You smile, moving to hug Kageyama but pausing when you realize it would just be an unpleasant experience for you and your currently dry clothes.

“Kags! I was wondering if you’d gotten here yet.” Kageyama nods, pointing back over his shoulder. 

“I saw you crossing the bridge, but you were too far away to call out to. I wanted to say hi.” The group heads around the side of the house, and when you peer over the edge of the cliff down at House Poseidon, you grin at the real Kageyama Tobio standing at the shoreline, waving calmly up at you. You wave back with much more energy before turning to his doppleganger.

“Well, I’ll give you a real hug when I see you at the bonfire later, yeah? You promised to keep training with me even during school – don’t pretend you don’t know me now that you’re back with your friends, Tobio!” He looks over your friend group, his eyes lingering with awe on Akaashi for a moment longer than the rest, before turning back to you.

“I think you’re the one with the cooler friends, so maybe I should be the one that’s worried.” You tut disapprovingly at him, to which he only sends back a half smile before the projection dissolves, leaving a puddle where he was standing. You look at the group, gesturing to the empty space beside you.

“So that was Kageyama – a good bean, isn’t he?” Futakuchi hums, his eyes narrowed.

“Is he always that serious? Because I’m gonna have to fuck with him if he is.” You scoff, following Bokuto up the stairs.

“Yes, he is, and no, you will not. I will protect him with my life.”

The group moves into the house, and you wave at a few girls in your year when you see them sitting in the center of the room practicing their individual instruments. They wave back at your group, calling out a welcome to Aone as he moves to the stairs. Aside from your immediate friend group, the children of Apollo are the only other people that seem to acknowledge Aone with ease, having grown up with him. The younger ones, of course, always need time to adjust to him when they first get here, but Aone’s more than kind and helpful when they need it, so it’s not as hard as it is with other kids. You’ve even seen some of the quieter ones gravitate toward him during study periods or mealtimes when they’re overwhelmed. It’s endearing, really.

Once you make it to the right floor, Bokuto leads the way into the bedroom he and Aone share, throwing the door open and heading straight for his bed. You stand with Futakuchi and Akaashi in the doorway while Aone sets his bag down at the foot of his bed before removing the few items he’d taken home with him for the summer. The rooms are never changed around once they’re assigned, so it’s not hard to unpack after school holidays. He moves to his dresser and organizes his clothes quietly before storing his bag in the closet on Bokuto’s side of the room. When he’s done, he glances around at them expectantly, no words needed. Bokuto rolls off his bed with a groan, complaining that Aone should have taken longer to unpack so he could rest, and Futakuchi points dramatically back in the direction of the stairs.

“To the Underworld!” 

House Hades is buried deep within the forest, so far under the canopy of the trees that the first years are given a guide just to show them where it is and told to travel in pairs just in case they get lost. It seems you’re all just in time for the tour, a group of four boys no taller than your waist and no older than six being led carefully into the forest. You fall in line behind the last child, marching diligently with them. The boys join you, following one at a time as the tour group suddenly more than doubles in size. 

At the front of the line stands a son of Ares, and when he turns to check on them, you find yourself meeting Kuroo Tetsurou’s even gaze. His eyes practically bug out when he sees the five of you behind him, and all he can do is laugh in disbelief and shake his head. The four kids all turn to see what he’s laughing at, yelping at the line of much older students behind them. One of the kids tries to pull the rest out of the way so you can pass, but you just smile and shake your head at him.

“No worries, kiddo, we’re with the group! I know the idea of having a bunch of new siblings is kinda weird since you’re so young, but I’m your sister! These dummies behind me are unrelated and therefore unimportant.” You gesture over your shoulder, and at Bokuto’s shout of protest, the kids all seem to relax, turning to catch up to Kuroo. The son of Ares calls back to you calmly as the visibility in the forest noticeably lessens, the torch in his hand becoming unbearably bright.

“Have a nice summer, Y/n?” You nod, unseen by him. 

“Yep! Went to Hell and back – twice!” He laughs loudly at your response, his smile widening when he looks back and sees that the kids are staring up at you, trying to gauge whether you mean it or not.

“And how’s your dad doing, huh?” 

“I will let you know when I find him – did you know the Underworld’s basically a massive fucking maze?” Kuroo levels you with a warning glance over his shoulder, and you smile awkwardly down at the kids. “Swearing’s bad, kids, don’t do it.” Kuroo sighs heavily at you as he steps into the clearing that holds House Hades, and he moves off to the side to give the first years a better view. Your group files in behind them, staring up at your home.

It’s almost completely dark in the clearing, the little light that breaks through the tree canopy offering almost nothing in the way of assisting your vision. There’s a half-circle of torches lining the edge of the clearing with a couple more in front of the house. You squint uncertainly at the placement of torches so near a treeline, and when you glance up at Kuroo, he’s meeting your eyes with the same uncertainty. He hands the torch in his hand off to you before moving to the circle of light, calling back at you.

“Can you take them inside and show them to the second floor? I’m gonna move these to a spot that’s not… completely stupid.” You smile and usher the kids into the house, sticking the torch just in front of the house and glancing back at your group as you head up the porch. They’re helping Kuroo move the torches further into the clearing and away from the trees, and you can’t help but think that, even though it’s all a bit dramatic and dark, this place really does look a lot like Hell.

After showing the kids up to their room, an appropriately large space with four very small beds lining the walls, you let them know that your room’s just above theirs if they need anything and to always travel in pairs for the first few weeks. You stand in the doorway and get to know them for a few minutes while they claim beds and start to unpack, and it reminds you so much of your own first year that you find yourself becoming fond of them rather quickly. The difference is that it had just been you in your first year, not even a brother to live across the hall from. It hadn’t been hard to adjust, but you can’t say it wasn’t lonely sometimes. It still is, late at night with nothing but the dark to surround you. You remember having to travel with some second years until you’d gotten a handle on the path – after meeting Bokuto, he would bring Aone with him to walk you home at night, not wanting to get lost himself on his way back to House Apollo. You’d been lucky to meet such good friends so early on, so you’re glad that these four kids in front of you at least have each other for the time being.

“You forgot this.” You’re pulled away from your thoughts by the baritone of a very familiar, very quiet voice. Turning, you find Aone by your side, holding your bag out to you. Taking it with a grateful glance, you bid farewell to the first years and head to the stairs, noting the lack of the others. “They’re catching up with Kuroo – I thought maybe you were waiting for your stuff, so I came first.” Looking back, you see that he’s observing you the way he does with everyone around him, and that he must have seen you looking for them.

The two of you head up to the third floor and to the door on the left side of the hallway. There’s another door across the hall, clearly meant to split the year by gender, but since it’s just you, it’s become more of a study/training room exclusive to you and whoever you share it with. Not such a bad setup after all, having two rooms.

You push the door to your room open, frowning at the dust in the air as you set your bag on the bed. You move to open the window, but you see that Aone’s already there, pushing the glass open with his sleeve. You can’t but smile fondly at his back, appreciating him immensely in that moment. You turn to unpack your bag before he can see your face, knowing that it’s just an embarrassing moment waiting to happen. You can hear him pulling your desk chair out to sit, giving you a wide space to do your thing. 

“You can sit on the bed, you know. I don’t have that much stuff.” You don’t expect an answer, since it isn’t really something that needs one, but you’re surprised when he’s suddenly at your side, having crossed quietly over to you. He sits carefully at the edge of the bed, peering into your bag and then looking away quickly when he realizes that you could have personal stuff in there. You snort when you see him sit up straight.

“Relax – I already unpacked all my undies.” You say it cutely just to bother him, his sigh of frustration bringing you satisfaction. Heading to the closet to organize your clothes, you think back to the email from admin and groan quietly. “How do you think the evals are gonna go? I’m worried.” When you look back, he’s frowning up at you. “Are you worried, too?” A nod, and then he looks down at his hands.

“My abilities…” You blink and move to sit next to him.

“What, your heat resistance thing? What could they possibly do, throw you into a burning fire?” You laugh to yourself but stop when you notice that he’s still examining his hands solemnly. “Okay, they’re notgoing to throw you into a burning fire, Aone.” At that he smiles, nodding again.

Looking at him now, you can’t help but feel the way you always seem to feel when Aone steps foot into House Hades. It doesn’t seem to affect Bokuto in any way, but you’d noticed that Aone, if possible, closes in on himself and becomes almost quieter than he already is, like he’s afraid his voice will disturb the quiet of the dark. The inside of the house is, of course, not as dark, but it’s nothing compared to House Apollo, so you often find yourself wondering if he feels himself being muted in a space like this – a space without the sun.

You want to ask him – ask him why he’s always okay with doing study groups here and hanging out here if it ultimately might be affecting him – but you don’t get the chance. The door to your room flies open, revealing the rest of your friends on the other side, and Futakuchi wiggles his eyebrows at the two of you when he sees how close you’re sitting.

“Are we interrupting something?” Bokuto looks back at him in confusion before examining you, his eyes going wide when he gets what Futakuchi’s implying.

“Are you guys secretly dating?! How could you not tell us?!” 

A few hours after reassuring Bokuto that you and Aone are not dating and that you’re not keeping secrets from him, you get a message. It doesn’t come in the way you expect, and you can’t say you find it pleasant.

Can I assume you’re all together? 

The entire group jumps, the conversation and general mayhem happening in your room cut short at the intrusion on everyone’s thoughts. You grimace and rub at your temples, never having gotten used to the feeling even after years of knowing Tsukki.

“Why the hell did he ask all of us? He could have just asked you!” Futakuchi complains as he shudders, and Aone nods in agreement. 

We’re in my room – wait, is this thing on? Testing, testing, one, two –

I can hear you just fine. Your mind’s not a microphone.

Okay, well, excuse me for not knowing how your abilities work. What’s up?

I’ll be there in five. It’s about evals.

You groan, not wanting to think about the mandatory evaluations again, and Aone peers up at you from where he’s sitting on the floor, leaning against your bed. Futakuchi lies on the couch against your far wall, Bokuto sprawled out on the floor next to your desk where Akaashi sits. You look at each of them quickly.

“Wait, was it just me in that conversation with Tsukki?” They all nod, Futakuchi yawning.

“I figured you’d handle it, so I stopped thinking thoughts. Even though I wanted to think some pretty choice expletives for scaring me like that.” They all nod again, understanding his sentiment.

“Well, you can just say them to me now.” You all jump at the new voice, and Tsukishima Kei smirks from your bedroom door. Futakuchi sits up and lobs one of your throw pillows at him in annoyance, which he dodges easily. You pat the spot next to you on your bed when he meets your eyes.

“How’d you get here so fast? You said five minutes.” He shakes his head at your offer and points to the middle of the room, planting himself on the floor there.

“I move fast when I have a lot to do – can everyone come over here? I have to explain the evals for this week.” You all join him in a circle, curious about what he has to say. He pulls a stack of folders out of his backpack, sifting through them before tossing one down in front of him and putting the rest back. “Admin put me in charge of letting everyone know their assignments.” Akaashi cringes, offering Tsukki a smile and pretending he doesn’t see when the blond stares for a second.

“They already have you working like that? We just got back…” Tsukki shrugs, opening up the file with a sardonic grin.

“It comes with the territory.” You all nod, aware that House Athena is always at the forefront of any event or mission planning, which, apparently, includes the evals. “So, it’s been decided, in the interest of time and also not wanting to have to create a unique exam for every single student, that evals will be done as group missions. I made sure you guys got grouped together when I was helping out.” Bokuto claps him on the back with a grin.

“Way to go, Tsukki!” Tsukki sighs, shaking his head as he turns the file for you all to see.

“Don’t thank me. When they were working out a mission that could use all of you and your skills, you really got screwed over. It’s easily the worst one.” You lean over to look at the file, and immediately you lean back, turning your head away and shutting your eyes. You hear Aone inhale sharply beside you, but it’s overshadowed by Bokuto and Futakuchi swearing loudly.

There’s a photo inside the file, presumably from an autopsy report. It’s of a little girl, no older than the kids you’d just helped settle in downstairs. She very obviously dead, her skin and hair scorched from what could only be a fire.

“The girl in this photo was kidnapped from a grocery store this summer, and during the police chase, the man that kidnapped her crashed the car. It burst into flames. He died on impact. She, unfortunately, did not.” You hear him shift the papers in the file around, so you figure it’s safe and look back. Everyone seems to deflate as soon as the photo’s gone from view, the air tense and solemn. Tsukki pulls out the instructions for your group, pointing down at them.

“Your job is to find her, bring her back, and revive her. The school medical staff will be on site to take care of her once she’s alive, but she will be in a lotof pain.” Aone shuts his eyes, only imagining the amount of pain she was in, and understanding that he’s about to know very personally just how much that is. “There’s something else.” You all look up at Tsukki, wondering how it can possibly get worse. He pulls another autopsy photo out, this one of what can only be the man that kidnapped her. You grit your teeth and shake your head.

“We’re not bringing him back. No.” Tsukki only looks you over once before setting the photo down in front of you.

“I actually don’t know what this part of the mission is. I was just told to include the photo. Admin said you would know what to do.” There’s more silence, but this time it’s filled with a discomfort that Tsukki doesn’t understand. Slowly, you reach for the photo, but Aone sets his fingers down on it first, almost like he knows you don’t want to do it. Carefully, he slides across the floor, leaving it in front of Akaashi. Keiji takes it, looking it over carefully. Tsukki hisses through his teeth suddenly, having seen what everyone else in the room is thinking.

“You – you can do that?” Akaashi meets his eyes, and this time when Tsukki looks away, it’s more out of intimidation than anything remotely related to Akaashi’s beauty. Keiji only smiles bitterly, mimicking Tsukki’s sardonic tone from earlier.

“It comes with the territory.” 

Later – much later, long after the welcome bonfire, which, naturally, had been difficult to enjoy for your group – you’re lying in your bed, staring up at your phone, at the call button on Akaashi’s number. You’d never known what to say to him when it’d come to this, to dealing with an ability that controlled him more than he could control it. The only ability that’s out of your hands is your financial luck, and it’s not exactly a huge problem for you to find money randomly. 

Sighing, you pocket your phone and get out of bed, not even bothering to put on shoes as you head down the stairs and out of the house. The air is still warm, but it nips at your skin occasionally just to remind you that summer really is ending. You pad barefoot down the dirt path, unaffected by the complete and total darkness that exists outside the ring of torches. Years of this – growing up in this – had made you immune to that little tingle in the back of your head, the one that always tells you as a kid that there’s something in the darkness behind you. It had taken some getting used to, but you’ve found that children of Hades always seem to grow up a little faster than the rest. There’s really no other choice once you reach a certain level of familiarity with death.

Once you can see the moon, you know that your destination is not far. It comes into view only a few minutes later, House Apollo towering over you in the moonlight. You head up the stairs, slipping through the door quietly and examining the space. The instruments are all lined up and organized against the wall, the couches and table empty. Light from the moon streams in through the open wall, outlining the silhouette sitting out on the deck, shrouded in clothing. 

You approach quietly, causing Aone to jump slightly when you sit down next to him, letting your legs hang free over the edge of the cliff as you lean your head on the bars of the railing. It’s clearly a safety measure, preventing anyone from falling, but the bars are so far apart that it also makes for a comfortable resting spot, a place to sit and look down at the lake.

You look over at Aone once you’re settled, meeting his curious eyes with a tired smile. 

“You’ve always had a shitty sleep schedule.” He grins at your explanation, one of the real ones that’s hard to come by, and returns his gaze to the water below. It only lasts a second, and then it’s gone as quickly as it had come, his eyes distracted.

“You know… my peace keeping. It doesn’t work if I use it on myself.” It’s seemingly out of the blue, a sentence that requires a lot of prior context to understand, both about Aone’s abilities and about Aone himself, but luckily you have both. You know the feeling of Aone’s peace keeping, the way he can ease anyone’s mind with just a touch, making you forget all about your problems for some time. It’s the ultimate comfort, so the fact that he’s bringing it up means that he must have tried it on himself – and failed, it seems.

You reach out, taking his hand and linking your fingers, setting your joined hands down in your lap. He looks at you in surprise, but you’re only looking down at your hands. Were your hands always this small? Or does it just seem that way right now, when they’re enveloped in his? Have his hands always been this warm? Or are yours just cold? 

Blinking when you realize that you’re getting lost in your thoughts, you send Aone a small grin. 

“It’s not exactly the same thing as peace keeping, but hopefully it’s enough.” He swallows hard, staring down at your joined hands once more before looking back out at the lake. You sit there for a minute, probably thinking about the same thing, the same problem you’ll have to deal with in only a few days. 

“Aone?” He hums without looking at you. “We’re gonna be okay, right?” He turns, searching your face carefully even though you won’t meet his eyes. Finally, he squeezes your hand, and you find yourself glad that, while he’s had the chance to wash away your fears with nothing more than his own will and his palm in yours, he’s choosing not to do it. You would be more worried later if he’d used his ability on you, thinking your task ahead was more than you should have to handle. In the end, it’s his words, always so simple and direct, that comfort you more than anything.

“We’re always okay, aren’t we?”

Love me a vague sci-fi au. wish I could come up with a good plot so I could draw little scenes but I can’t think of much past what each group’s thing is, Kageyama having main character energy, and bits and bobs about various characters.

These are just some 2nd pass ideas about the different styles for each group.


• “What if they think I’m a monster?” The redhead mumbled to himself, pacing back and forth.

• He was currently alone in his house, trying to work up the courage to ask you out at the Shiratorizawa new years party. All he had to do was head down to the dorm lobby and he’d be there, so he couldn’t be late.

• He just didn’t want to make a fool of himself if you were to reject him.

• His hands are very sweaty and he fidgets with the bandages around his fingers which he had forgotten to take off from yesterday’s practice match.

• He runs a hand through his hair, god why was he so nervous? You were just some person, why did was he overthinking this so much?

• He’s snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. He opens his eyes wide, slowly walking over to open the door. He stops in his tracks.

• It was you.

• Why were you here?

• “Hey y/n! Why aren’t you at the party?” He asked, tilting his head, he stepped outside so the two of you could talk in the hall.

• “I just hadn’t seen you around the party and thought I’d check on you” you spoke, looking up at him. You would have assumed he would have loved the atmosphere. Maybe you didn’t know your crush all too well..

• “Oh!! Yeah I was just about to leave. Let’s go y/n!!” He said, grabbing a hold of your hand and dragging you back to the party.

• You giggled as he dragged you back to where you once were with such excitement. He was so fun and happy. You wanted to spend every year of your life with him.


• This precious boy is nervous

• He’s shaking and he’s so jumpy

• You two are at a new years party with Shiratorizawa, you two were hanging out as friends.

• Little did you know the wannabe ace had feelings for you, and at the moment Tendo was hyping him up so he could kiss you at the stroke of midnight.

• Grabbing yourself a drink and sitting down, you look down at your phone and smile as everyone has fun, you looked around, yet couldn’t find Goshiki.

• A sigh escaped your lips, your hand running through your hair as you looked around.

• Looking down at the clock you glance at the time

• The clock read 11:56pm, four minutes until the new year. God, would some stranger try to kiss you? Ugh, sounds awful.

• You look up to see a very stiff Goshiki, a pink tint on his face as he slowly sits down next to you.

• A smile greets your face. “Hey Tomu, where have you been?” You asked

• He jumped from hearing your voice, “I uh, I was talking to Satori-san!” He explained, which wasn’t wrong but he may not have given you every detail.

• You chuckled, looking over at him, “okay, just don’t leave me for such a long time, I got so bored without you!” You said extending your arm over the couch.

• “Yeah, I won’t do it again, I promise” he said, you noted how stiff and uncomfortable he looked.

• Roughly 3 minutes passed and you noticed it was 30 seconds until midnight, wow time really does fly by.

• You look at Goshiki, he’s twiddling with his thumbs, and he keeps glancing at you.

• You hear people start to count down, mostly Tendo shouting just to keep things entertaining

• 10!

• 9!

• 8!

• 7!

• 6!

• 5!

• 4!

• 3!

• 2!

• You feel lips crash against yours, your eyes widen looking to see who had just kissed you. And.. it was Goshiki.

• You were speechless. You had never considered dating him, but, he was always so sweet to you, and he hadn’t done anything wrong. Plus he was pretty cute. You smile into the kiss, playing with his hair. You could hear Tendo snickering from across the room.


• Today was the day

• It was the perfect opportunity to ask out the head of Shiratorizawas volleyball team

• That’s right, Ushijima Wakatoshi, the man of your dreams

• Sure he wasn’t normally your type, but there was something about him that made him special. There was something to him that made him seem special. He was so.. cool? You never knew how to describe him.

• The Shiratorizawa dormitory was hosting a new years party in the lobby, you put on one of your best outfits, you felt confident in your charisma to speak to your crush, which the male lacked.

• Glancing at the time, you read the clock.

• Shit

• 11:58 the clock read

• Oh shit, you spent so much time getting ready, you had completely lost track of time.

• You rushed outside of your dorm, you were so stupid!!

• As you rushed out to the party, you felt a sudden thud as you collided into a large mass.

• You fell to the ground, looking up you saw him, Ushijima. He stared down at you, an almost unapologetic look on his face.

• “Oh. Are you alright?” He asked, extending a hand, which you eagerly took, he hoisted you up back to your feet.

• “I.. yeah I’m fine, why aren’t you downstairs with everyone else?” You asked, looking up at the tall man, you were confused as to why he could possibly be here.

• He was about to answer before you remembered your purpose, “nevermind, what time is it?” You asked.

• “It’s 10 seconds until midnight, what is the significance of wanting to know the time so late at night?” He asked.

• “Okay listen Ushiwaka, I need to tell you something. I really really like you, and I’d like to start the new year with you” you spoke, looking up at him. You were embarrassed, but proud of yourself.

• You watched him kneel down to your height, placing a kiss on your lips, he pulled away slowly, but made sure it wasn’t too long.


• Homeboy is stressed

• Currently Noya is trying to hype him up outside of the gym, since that was where Kurasuno’s volleyball team wanted to have a party, and though it wasn’t actually going to be a real party at midnight since most had to spend time with their family, they would still have a fun time during daylight.

• He definitely dressed way too formal for this, it was supposed to be casual but he showed up in a fancy suit, his hair all fancy, trimming his beard.

• He was ready to ask you out physically, but no where close mentally.

• Meanwhile you were inside the gym speaking to Yachi and Kiyoko, chatting about your new years resolutions and what you had planned for family. You guys agreed to all spend some time after the party and go out and have some extra fun.

•  Soon, everyone had arrived, music was playing loudly around the gym, cheap colorful lights for decoration, Takeda and Ukai actually weren’t there, they were getting drunk together somewhere in town.

• The time was roughly 4:30, a pretty good time for teenagers to enjoy themselves at a party. Asahi was standing in the corner, Sugawara was helping him this time.

• You glanced at the two, Asahi was looking more.. intriguing today, he looked nice, but nervous, was he planning on asking someone out?

• You pondered this though, glancing over at the two, Asahi had a bright blush on his face, and Suga seemed confident in what he was saying.

• Asahi was soon pushed out back into somewhere close to the center, Suga laughed as he watched the male walk timidly in your direction.

• You tilt your head in confusion, but before you had time to process what he could ever possibly be doing, he was already right in front of you.

• “Y/n, I need to speak with you in private.. is that alright with you?” He asked, you nodded, allowing him to take you to a more secluded area of the gym.

• “I..I really like you y/n! I’d like to spend my life with you! If.. that’s okay of course.” He spoke.

• You chuckled. Kissing this tip of his nose, “Asahi, you’re really sweet, ya know that?” Accepting his confession.

• You swore his face was red for a whole week


• Oh boy he’s cocky.

• Not cocky in a way that he was bragging, but he was definitely confident in his charismatic ability to woo you.

• At least that’s what he said to Daichi

• Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t scared like Asahi

• Confidently walking into the Kurasuno Gym where a party was being hosted for the team, he noticed you were off more to the side.

• As Suga entered, you were thinking about how you would ask him out.

• A face dusted in pink once you both msre eye contact, Asahi had dragged the grey haired male off to the corner as he spoke about his crush, giving him some advice he pushed the taller male towards his crush.

• He laughed as he watched Asahi stumble towards his crush, he went off to do his own job.

• Walking up to you, he extended a hand towards you, “care to dance?” He asked, as a very spunky song started to play.

• The two of you danced around, laughing together, people watch, and though no one joined in, no one seemed to laugh or make fun if you.

• After the song was coming to an end, the male leaned in close, mumbling a quiet, “can I kiss you?” You nodded, your lips colliding into a passionate yet caring kiss.


• Oh my god

• Can I just say

• This woman is the definition of gorgeous

• Btw in this story you’re a girl because I think the only man Kiyoko could get with is Tanaka and otherwise she loves women.

• I love her so much

• And so do you, she is the light of your life. She’s so pretty, and kind. She inspires you to do things you’d never do.

• The two of you were leaving the Kurasuno party to go to the sauna for an hour, though Yachi had to cancel because her mother was finally home for the day, the two of you decided to enjoy yourselves and have some girl time alone together.

• Once arriving at the sauna, you two rented out a personal bath, undressing yourselves you two got into the warm water.

• A sigh of relief escaped Kiyokos lips, she was definitely stressed due to having to deal with a whole team of volleyball players.

• You noticed her legs were pulled up to her chest. “Your legs, they’re covered in scars. I heard you used to do track and field but I didn’t think they’d leave that big of a mark.” You said.

• The females ears perked up as you spoke. “Oh, yeah. I fall quite often, I used to be so clumsy back then.” She giggled, tucking some stray hair back from behind her ear.

• “Well, whether you like them or not I think they’re beautiful. Scars make people unique.” You said with a smile.

• Kiyoko smiled, looking over at you. “Thank you, y/n. Your way with words really amazes me.” She said, turning to face you.

• Time passed, the two of you spoke, laughing and enjoying yourselves. Once you two were about to leave, Kiyoko stops you.

• “Before we depart, we should definitely hang out together a lot more. I like spending time with you alone.”


• Oh boy

• This man

• this stupid lanky man, doesn’t even realize he has a crush on you.

• Yaku literally had to spell it out for him and he still didn’t understand

• “Wait.. I’m in love with y/n? That isn’t possible, I mean sure I get really happy when I see them, and they’re really fun to be around! But I don’t like them like that.”

• Yaku had to go through so much to get it through his thick skull, “that idiot, those two of you are so dumb neither would even notice.” He mumbled.

• Now as Yaku mentioned earlier, the two of you are actual idiots, two dumbasses who keep eachother somewhat out of trouble.

• Kuroo was hosting a party at his house for the team, and being their manager you were invited as well.

• Knocking on the door, you were one of the last to show up to the party, as Kuroo opened the door, you walked inside and saw him.

• “Lev!!!!” You shouted excitedly, jumping into his arms, wrapping the Russian in a hug as if you didn’t see him yesterday.

• “Y/n!!!” The male cheered, picking you up and whirling you around. He was happy to see you, barely even thinking about what Yaku had said about the two of you both having mutual feeling which neither of you even knew about.

• The Nekoma party was going well, Kuroo was chatting with most of the team, Kenma was sitting in Kuroos room avoiding people, Yaku kept to himself, sometimes glaring at lev when he was being an idiot.

• The sun had set long ago, and the team was preparing to count ten seconds to midnight.

• As the countdown began, you and Lev shouted and cheered the numbers in unison, but just as soon as everyone was about to shout “1” you felt a small palm grip the back of your head and push your lips into the silver haired males.

• Pulling away with a laugh, you noticed that Yaku had a grip on both of your heads, the shorter male had forced the two of you into a kiss, which unsurprisingly both of you enjoyed.

• “That was fun y/n! Let’s do it again!” He cheered, a large smile on his face.


• Similar to Asahi, my homeboy is nervous

• He struggled to show it, but he does love you, he just doesn’t know what to do about the growing sickness in his stomach when he sees you.

• Luckily he got some help from the internet, telling how to flirt with his crush.

• Though date tech wasn’t hosting a party or anything, you had invited him over to your house to hang out for new years. Since your parents were out of town, you two had the night to yourselves.

• You heard a knock on your door, upon opening it you looked up to see the tall male which you had invited.

• “Oh! Hey Takanobu, come inside. You arrived later than I had expected, I didn’t think you’d even show up!” You laughed, walking him up to your room so the two of you could relax.

• “I’m sorry, should I have.. shown up sooner?” He asked, and before he could let you answer he remembered he had brought you something. “I brought you flowers, is that okay? I heard most people enjoy them on occasions like this.” He spoke in such a soft tone, needing reassurance for his actions. He was stiff, standing awkwardly at the door of your bedroom.

• You smiled, reassuring him that you were very thankful. You gestured him to sit on your bed with you, you hoped he’d make himself comfortable in your home.

• As he sat down, you smiled. The two of you spoke for hours, never once was it awkward for either of you. I guess that’s why Aone loved you, you were so easy to talk to, and you could always hold a conversation with him.

• As time went on, neither of you seemed to realize just how late it was, you had spoken for so long that you lost track of time.

• In a small break of silence, the larger male spoke up.

• “Y/n, I’ve.. known you for quite some time and though I may be scary, and you might hate me, I wanted to say that I like you a lot. I’d like to see you as more than a friend.” He spoke, a furiously red blush coating his cheeks as he sputtered out the words that came to his mind.

• You giggle, looking up at him you kiss him on the cheek, “I could never be afraid of you, Aone, you’re one of the sweetest people I know. I like you too.” You spoke with a smile, looking down you checked the time.

• “That kiss was right on time I guess. It’s exactly midnight!”
