

Another Prop dump from the Mitchell’s vs the Machines , this time for the cabin set I designed. At one point this set was a little more prominently featured in the film so I built out more props for it then ended up being necessary. Rick Mitchell built this cabin himself and used to be a chainsaw art artist, hence all the north woods aesthetic animals. I think I’m most happy with that steel guitar which belongs to Linda. The Door design is a reference to the door that was on my old house back in Dallas.

Realized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the MacRealized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the Mac

Realized I hadn’t posted any of the visual Development work I did for the Mitchells vs the Machines here on Tumblr. so here is the first batch! I primarily worked on environments and effects design as well as some color keys and story moment paintings. Had a blast working on this movie. It was my first film I got to work on. Truly a special project. The Blu-ray just dropped for any of you who are interested!! Hope you enjoy these, Ill post more in a few days or so. 

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