#miya atsumu x you



you had taken a different route to work today. you’d overslept, but it was supposedly okay because you were taking an off tomorrow anyway. your parents were coming to your apartment to visit you, because you’d moved to a different part of tokyo as soon as you’d gotten your job. you check your watch as you fasten your speed. and as your eyes look up again, they glance over a little sign on the window of the restaurant you pass by. you keep walking, but as soon as the information processes in your mind, you stop. and then your feet make a one-eighty degree turn on their own, walking back towards the sign. your eyes widen as you stand on the pavement, the board above the restaurant making your heart jump out of your chest.

onigiri miya.

miya?” you murmur, blinking profusely. your lips part, and you think. maybe, just maybe.

you open the door.

the bell jingles as you walk to the counter, waiting in the line to see the cashier. there’s two more people in front of you. one of them seems like an ordinary businessman. the other is an old lady, smiling as she pulls out her purse to get the exact amount of cash she needs for her order. it seems as if she’s a regular. since when was this place open, anyway?

“welcome to onigiri miya, what can i get you today?” the cashier asks. he seems like a tired college student. you ponder for a moment, looking up at the menu before you say, “i’ll have the second combo with a lemon iced tea as the drink, please.”

“that will be seven hundred yen, would you prefer cash or card?”

“erm, card please-”

“oi, takeuchi, make sure to restock the tuna in half an hour! the counter’s runnin’ out any second now- [y/n]?” and there he is. just like you suspected. miya osamu, standing in all of his glory, clad in a black baseball cap with an onigiri embroidered on it. he wears a black tee, and a black apron with the same onigiri logo. his grey eyes blink at you profusely as you give him a tight-lipped smile.

“hi, ‘samu,” you say, “h-how are you?”

“excuse me, if you could just finish paying. i’m kind of in a hurry,” the man behind you interrupts. he wears glasses and stands in a three-piece suit, and you apologize before handing your card to takeuchi, who swipes it and tells you to go to the other side of the counter where osamu assembles all the food—by himself.

“ya haven’t called in months,” he says, handing someone their order before he continues, “why’s that?”

“i got busy with work, a big project came up and i honestly lost touch with like fifty people,” you nervously chuckle, “i’m sorry.”

“don’t worry, ’s an understandable excuse,” he chuckles, “ya wanna pop in tonight after closin’ time? i usually clean the kitchen every night by myself. would be nice ta have some company every now ‘n then.”

“only if i get food,” you joke. osamu then hands you a paper bag, a tumbler and a straw. he smiles, “'course, dinner’s on me.”

your day goes by pretty smoothly. your co-workers don’t bother you when you decline going to drink with them at the end of the day—which you’re honestly glad for, because sometimes they irritate you into coming with them, only for you to have the worst hangover the next day.

and now you’re walking inside onigiri miya for the second time today, eyes brightening up as soon as they fall on osamu. he waves you over to sit on a barstool as he wipes the counter, asking you if you want anything to drink. you decline, saying you’d rather not wake up with a hangover since your parents are visiting the next morning.

“tell me, how’s tokyo been treatin’ ya?”

“ugh,” you groan, “it was hell at first. college was so lonely, half the kids knew each other because they were high-school friends. and the ones that didn’t, made their own little cliques. i felt so out of place. but i found a friend or two by the end of my first year. so everything went well after that.”

“are ya workin’ now?” he raised an eyebrow as he slid you a plate of food. you thanked him before continuing, “well, yes. it’s my first year actually working. pretty good so far, i won’t lie. the pay isn’t half-bad, either.”

“well, ’m glad yer happy,” he says, “i opened this restaurant a couple of months ago, actually. just after we stopped talkin’. guess we both got busy during the same time.”

“i guess so.”

just then, something so unexpected happens that your heart jumps out of your chest and begins flopping on the floor like a fish out of water.

the bell jingles. you and osamu look towards the door. your eyes widen. your heart pounds in your ears.




part one|part three.

© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


“he loses his voice when he yells too much,” you mumble. the memories of you taking care of him after stupid fights making you smile—it’s a sad smile, and osamu can’t help but feel sympathetic for you. the two of you sit on a bench at the park; you’re mindlessly staring ahead of you as osamu looks at you with glassy eyes. maybe you’re looking at the playing children. or at the sun slowly beginning to set. or the little particles becoming visible by the tyndall effect. you don’t know.

“oh, and he also ends up getting sick if he stays up past two in the morning,” you chuckle now, the time when you’d called him at midnight flashing before your eyes. your boyfriend’s voice was soft that night, as he listened to you ramble and then did the same thing himself. it was around two-thirty when the two of you ended the call and went to bed, and the next day, he passed out next to you in math class.

“and whenever he walks home with me, we usually end up getting strawberry icecream or cream puffs,” your eyes blink softly, to stop the tears from flowing. you’re successful in doing so, and your mind takes you back to the time when you forced the boy into the convenience store at the end of your neighborhood. he was talking about how he needs to get home or his mother will give osamu all the soup and the fatty tuna. he stayed with you anyway, eating ice-cream from a small cup in his hands as the two of you laughed about nothing and everything at the same time.

“and he doesn’t like that onigiri you make with chicken. he hates it but he says he doesn’t wanna hurt you,” a glum blush takes over your cheeks, “he cares about you a lot, even though he doesn’t show it. but you probably know that already.”

you remember atsumu complaining about the chicken tasting weird with the rice, but he’d continued eating the snack that osamu had dropped off anyway. when you’d asked why, he’d reply with, “because ‘samu made it. fer me.”

“ya know you don’t gotta to do this, right? he’s stupid, he’ll come around eventually,” osamu croaks, his voice cracking at the end. you give the grey-haired twin a melancholic smile in return, “don’t really have a choice anymore, 'samu. my dad got a job in tokyo, and i got into the uni there. i can’t stay even if i want to.”

osamu shakes his head, tears escaping his eyes like a dam finally breaking through. he’s had enough. he can’t have his best friend leave him, and he knows it’s selfish to think that way, but he couldn’t help himself. not only were you his best friend, you were also atsumu’s everything. and you couldn’t just leave without telling him, that would be unfair on many different levels.

“he’s an idiot for sayin’ all that shit to ya, but c'mon. you can’t just leave like this without tellin’ him,” osamu reasons, “’s not fair to him. just because he hurt you, doesn’t give ya the excuse ta just up and leave like this.”

“'samu,” you whisper, “even if i tell him, it’ll be all for nothing. you know my train is tomorrow.”

“you suck, ya know that?” the boy only looms down at his lap, his voice becoming quieter. you chuckle, closing the distance between the two of you as you rest your head on his shoulder, “i love ya, though. i’ll miss ya.”

“aww,” you giggle, “you finally admit it.”

“stupid ’tsumu loves ya more,” he mumbled under his breath, “yer like a sibling to me but yer the love of his life.”

“i know,” you whisper, “and i’m sorry.”

“both of you are so, sostupid.”

“i know,” you chuckle, “and i’m so, sosorry.”

and the sun finally goes down.


part two|part three.

© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

part one|part two.





atsumu’s scared. he sees you after years of no contact at osamu’s restaurant, and now the three of you are making half-awkward conversations. atsumu stays quiet for the most of it, but he watches you. he watches your body language, the way you laugh, the way you smile—and god, does it feel good to see and hear it again.

he wants you again. he wants you in his arms, in his embrace—you haven’t left his mind ever since the day when you got in a fight with him and he said the harshest things he could to you. he regrets it all, of course. but would you want him again after he caused you so much pain? and you moved away from hyogo and didn’t even spare him an explanation after that, so how was he supposed to feel anything but regret and guilt?

you get up from your spot now, and osamu smiles as he says goodbye. atsumu shakes himself out of his trance, and looks up. you’re walking away. you’re walking out of the restaurant. holy shit, you’re gone.

“oi,” he hears osamu say.

he blinks profusely, looking up in a panicked state. osamu slaps the side of his face lightly, “go get ‘em, moron.”

“right,” he gets up, fumbling towards the door as he runs out, “i’ll pay ya for the food later, i promise!”

“we all know you won’t!”

atsumu sees you. you’re around twenty paces from the restaurant. god, why do you still walk so fast? his mind is filled with fog, yet somehow there’s a billion thoughts just floating around. would you even talk to him? would you forgive him? would you stay this time? would you give him another chance? would you perhaps fall in love with him again?

you stop when you hear his hurried footsteps. atsumu almost crashes into you, and is now standing with his hands on his thighs as he pants. you look at him with furrowed brows and inquisitive eyes, as he says, “i parked my car 'round the corner, lemme drop you home.”

atsumu, that’s not necessary-”

“please, ’s the least i can do,” he smiles, standing up straight. you nod awkwardly, and then the two of you begin walking side-by-side when he decides to break the silence, “how’ve ya been?”

“good. i got a job right after college so the pay’s been great too. mom and dad visit whenever they can—speaking of, they’re actually coming tomorrow. all my coworkers are nice and we go drinking every now and-”

“i asked how you were. not yer coworkers, or yer job, or yer parents. you. how are you?” his look is of sincerity, and you sigh.

“i guess i’m okay,” you say. there’s a long pause, and then, “i’m sorry.”

“why’re ya sorry?” he questions. you had no reason to be sorry. if anything, he was sorry. he drove you away with his arrogant personality and crude behavior. he called you multiple times after you left, but you never answered them. and after he changed his number, he tried to keep you off his mind. but he ended up failing anyway. he would ask osamu how you were, because apparently his brother was the only person you kept in touch with.

“i… left without telling you. i got into tokyo university and my dad got a big raise and a transfer. so we had to come here either way. even if you hadn’t yelled at me that day, i wouldn’t have told you that i was leaving because i didn’t want to hurt you,” you mumble. but then you chuckle dryly, “i guess you would’ve been hurt either way. because me leaving without saying anything is worse than me confronting you about it. you must’ve felt horrible. and i’m sorry for being a dysfunctional coward.”

“so ya weren’t mad at me all these years?” he asks in disbelief, “why’d ya never return my calls?”

“because i’m an idiot who wanted you to find someone better,” you admit, “i didn’t want to hold you back from volleyball. or string you along while i live a thousand miles away.”

“i can’t believe you were never mad at me.”

“you thought i was mad at you?” you ask, eyes big and blinking up at him as the two of you stop. he nods, swallowing a hard breath. a huge weight had just decided to drop off his shoulders. and he was so, so glad it did.

“i thought ya hated me. i yelled at ya, that too for no good reason. i was irritated that i didn’t win a game. and ta make things worse, i blamed ya for things ya didn’t even do.”

atsumu,” you halt. the yellow light above the two of you fixating on your eyes as he looks down, “i’m so sorry.”

“it’s not yer fault,” he reasons. you give him a melancholic smile before you get knocked out of your daze, “i’m gonna take the train, don’t worry about dropping me home. if i hurry, i can catch the one that leaves in ten minutes.”

you’re about to leave, and atsumu feels like you’re sand rushing out of the palm of his hands. and then, his voice takes action on its own.

“if i can’t drop ya, can i buy ya coffee sometime?”

you stop, widening your eyes. he’s doing the same—there’s a blush on his cheeks too, and he slaps a hand over his mouth before you throw him the happiest grin he’s ever seen, “i would love that very much, ’tsum.”

he smiles as if this is the most joyous day of his life as he says, “g'night.”

“i’ll ask 'samu for your number when i get home!” you yell before going down the subway stairs.

i would love that very much, 'tsum.

he punches the air and jumps around like he’s a teenager again. your voice rings in his ears as he unlocks his car, and he sleeps like a baby that night.

© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
