#mlb dc crossover


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Chloe was pissed and it was taking everything Marinette had to keep her from going after Adrien. Even being attached to her was barely keeping her in the apartment.

“You can’t go around fighting anyone who says something bad about me, even if they deserve it.” Chloe grumbled above her and Marinette was content to let her if it meant she stayed put. “We don’t even know what he said for that matter.”

“Whatever it was got his mommy down here to grill you. That’s more than enough for me. Everything is always someone else’s fault. I was a brat but at least I was honest about it. Adrien didn’t ever get in trouble when we were little because when he did do something, granted it was rare, he always had someone else to take the blame. Me, his bodyguard, his father. I swear all he had to do was say Gabriel told him to do something and his mother let him off scott free.” That actually made a lot of sense. He seemed to do everything in his power to avoid confrontation until it was too late so passing off the blame was definitely in his wheelhouse.

“He knows how to work the system and where the pressure points are. It makes sense. Everyone does what they can to get what they want, he just came up with a strategy more suited to his situation.” Chloe let out a scoff.

“Well I want you to be happy and if that prick keeps messing with you I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.” Marinette just gave a tired sigh.

“He can’t do anything to us. My parents aren’t going to suddenly turn on me because Adrien told his mother I’m a terrible person. Damian’s father isn’t going to pull our agreement and none of my clients will believe gossip either. Not to mention I have you. Everything will work itself out, I promise.” She was finally starting to relax, so of course a new voice chimed in.

“I always did wonder why you resented me so much. I just figured it had to do with the way your mother was with you.” Chloe was up and off the couch in seconds. Marinette could only watch as she began to tear up before running out the door. She only vaguely noticed Selina running after her.

“You just had to poke the hornet’s nest didn’t you? Do you enjoy opening wounds that are better left closed?” It took her a moment to realize those words and that tone came out of her and not her Maman. Everyone but Damian was staring at her in shock, he just had a small smirk on his face. “I don’t care what you came here for, but I want you out and I don’t want to see you here again. This was the only safe space Chloe had and you just destroyed it.” Sabine was the first to recover.

“You heard her, please leave.” Mme. Agreste was still staring at Marinette as though trying to figure out what she was but Nathalie spoke up indignantly.

“What about the video?”

“I’ll send a copy to you by courier. There’s no reason you need to watch it here.” Nathalie continued to argue with Sabine, who seemed ready to throw them out, literally. Marinette would let her if it meant she could transform and go find Chloe. Not to mention she really didn’t like the way Mme. Agreste was staring at her.

“It’s fine Nathalie, we don’t want to overstay our welcome.”

“Too late.” Marinette’s hands flew to her mouth when she realized that, once again, came from her. What the hell was wrong with her? The adults were all frowning at her. Her maman looked concerned, Nathalie looked offended, and Mme. Agreste just looked confused.

“She’s not wrong.” She had to force herself not to sigh as they all turned on Damian. He sounded bored but she could see his amusement in the way he fought to keep his expression neutral. At least someone was enjoying this. “Do you need someone to show you the door or can you find your own way out?” Mme. Agreste narrowed her eyes at him.

“We’ll be fine on our own, thank you Mr. Wayne.” She walked out and Nathalie glared indiscriminately around the room before following. Damian let out a scoff once they heard the door to the street close.

“That woman claims to be an empath?”

“Feeling people’s emotions and understanding what causes them are two completely different skill sets.” Dear Kwami, she was spending too much time around Damian and Chloe if she was developing this much snark. “I need to go find Chloe.”

“No.” She could only blink at her maman, not processing the denial. “Selina will find her and how will it look if you go chasing after Chloe as Ladybug when these things happen? Not to mention we need to talk.” Luka pulled Damian out of the room. Traitors.

“Talk about what exactly?” Arguing about going after Chloe was not a battle she was likely to win but if she could get this over with quickly she could sneak out when she went down to the bakery.

“You need to stop and deal with what happened to you.” That… was not what she expected.

“I am dealing with it.” The look Sabine was giving her reminded her of all the times she’d snuck cookies for Tikki in the middle of the night and they’d ask her about it. She really should have just told them she was eating them or taking them to school but no, she had to say she had no idea what they were talking about. This time though, she wasn’t lying.

“No you’re not. You’re pretending that nothing has changed and avoiding the things that have. You haven’t been up here since you told us what happened. You avoid your wheelchair unless there are no other options. You’ve been running yourself into the ground to make sure you don’t have time to feel the things you don’t want to. I’m not sure if it’s just because you need to feel strong for everyone or because somewhere inside you, you haven’t really processed the fact that Hawkmoth is gone, but you don’t have to hide. Not from us or yourself.”

The longer she talked, the harder it was for Marinette to breathe for some reason. She wasn’t avoiding anything, she just had responsibilities, things she had to do. She just hadn’t been to the apartment because she was busy. It wasn’t like she’d been avoiding the bakery. Yes, she’d been taking on too much, but it was just a habit, not running away. Why couldn’t she breathe? Why was everything blurry all of a sudden? When she managed to focus on her surroundings again she was in her Maman’s arms sobbing. She had no idea why.

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Bruce spent the next two hours not understanding a thing that came out of her mouth. He would like to believe it was how fast she was talking but honestly most of the words he did catch were, at best, vaguely familiar. Adrien stuck close to them and whispered explanations when Marinette wasn’t paying attention but for the most part he just agreed with whatever she said and told her that her ideas sounded more than acceptable for the Gala. Gina was just looking on in amusement and adding her own praise every so often. Marinette caught Cass eyeing a bolt of forest green fabric and started detailing a dress she could make her. After that Cass kept her gaze firmly on the walls or ceiling and the fabric was bought along with everything else Marinette so much as looked at. It was certainly overkill on his part but he needed her to understand that he was serious about providing whatever she needed.

“We can’t buy all of this.” Marinette was looking at the piles of fabric and accessories in horror but Bruce just shrugged at her.

“I assure you we can. And I’m more than happy to. At least your interest is safe and lucrative. Every time I see a new charge from the boys I have to make sure they’re not trying to kill each other or themselves.” He may have been exaggerating, but only slightly. It did earn him a giggle and she did stop arguing even if she still looked insanely uncomfortable. The owner seemed to help when she was ringing them up. She talked to Marinette about her projects and gave her a business card so she could call and request any material or supplies they didn’t have in stock and they could order it for her. By the time they left the store she seemed far less worried. On the ride back to the Manor though she was quiet and he had no idea if that should worry him or not.

Gina ended up staying for dinner and Bruce was a bit horrified at how well she fit into their dynamic. Granted it was nice to know that the insanity of his family wouldn’t drive away Marinette’s only supportive biological connections, but considering the way she talked about weapons with the boys… he had a feeling things were going to get even more interesting. Marinette kept shooting him furtive looks throughout the evening and he got the impression she was trying to work up the nerve to say something to him. When Gina finally left he lingered in the entryway waiting for Marinette to make a decision.

“Dad?” He couldn’t help the small smile that appeared. He was certain he’d never get used to having someone actually call him that.


“I… I appreciate you buying everything today.” She stopped and fidgeted, not looking directly at him.


“It’s just… I was thinking, if you’ll let me, I could start up commissions again and I should really keep all of that separate and it would be better to be in the habit of keeping all my business expenses in one place. Plus I wouldn’t feel right about you buying things I make money off of without paying you back. Also it would be beneficial to get into a business mindset now so I can learn everything and make mistakes without it causing me to completely fail…” She just trailed off and he wasn’t certain if it was because she ran out of breath or words.

“I think it’s a great idea for you to start your business up again. We can have a sit down with Jagged and Penny, maybe Tim or Chloe too since they can both help you with the business side of things, and figure out some of the financial and legal details. As for paying me back that is unnecessary, but if it makes you feel better you can keep the receipts and once you’ve actually received payment for a commission you can pay me back for the materials used in that project.” She just blinked at him. Given how her parents had acted at the end he had a feeling she didn’t expect him to agree to the idea, let alone actively help her with it. From everything he’d heard from the others, they were never truly involved with her interests or business. They let her do as she wished until they thought she was a problem but were too busy with their own business to help her. “I could even help you draft a proper business plan if you’d like so that you can see how it’s done. It may give you a better idea of all the things you need to concentrate on that you may not have thought about before.”

Her eyes welled up and Bruce panicked. He tried to figure out what in his words could have possibly set her off and didn’t have the first clue. He was about to reach for his phone to call for backup when she hugged him. Oh thank god they were good tears. He returned the hug, still feeling extremely awkward with them, and waited. When she pulled back she actually smiled at him.

“I’m going to go check on Syd and talk to Chloe about it. Thanks Dad.” And she was gone, leaving him to doubt if the interaction had even happened.


Chloe scowled when she heard a knock on the door. What didn’t these people understand about do not disturb? She whipped the door open, ready to lash out, but immediately turned worried as she saw Marinette standing there uncertainly.

“Is everything alright?” She didn’t realize how tense she was until Mari nodded and she relaxed.

“I just wanted to make sure Syd is healing properly. No questions I promise. And I was hoping I could talk to you about something.” Chloe opened her mouth to respond but Syd, who she was fairly certain had been pretending to sleep, beat her to it.

“Please! Anything to stop the constant hovering.” Chloe turned her glare on her less than cooperative patient while Mari tried to stifle giggles.

“If you would stop trying to get up and scratch under your casts I wouldn’t have to keep hovering. Not to mention you broke my favorite nail file in the process.” Syd had the sense to look sheepish at that at least. Yes, casts were itchy and uncomfortable as all hell but that didn’t give her the right to use her things to deal with it.

“It was an accident. I have nothing else to concentrate on and it’s driving me insane.”

“Well, if Tikki will let me, I might be able to heal you enough to get the casts off. But, you’ll still have to stay off your feet and not overstress your wrist. So no violin for at least a couple more weeks.” Syd’s face scrunched up into an annoyed pout before she caught herself, but she did nod.

“Anything to make the itching stop. Pain is so much less annoying to deal with.” Tikki and Pollen were both shooting Mari a flat look from the corner.

“She will heal fine on her own, it’s unnecessary for you to intervene more.” Tikki sounded like she was tired of saying the same thing constantly. “You may think you’re well rested but you nearly killed yourself healing her the first time. There is no good reason for you to risk yourself in this instance.”

“Hang on, what happened?” Chloe winced. She probably should have told Syd all of what happened, but with all the other stress she didn’t want to pile more on. “Okay, no. If they’re worried about your health then I’m fine. Maybe someone can just get me an antihistamine or something.”

“I’m fine, and you’re my responsibility when using a Miraculous. You shouldn’t have to suffer when I can fix it.” Syd looked like she was about to fire back but stopped herself at the last moment, frowning at Mari. Chloe had no idea what she saw but she looked away before speaking.

“If it’s all the same to you I’d rather stay out of commission until the Bats deal with that cult.” Mari sucked in a sharp breath.

“Oh Syd, I’m so sorry I didn’t even think… if you’re sure.” Syd was back to studying her and began cursing violently.

“You know.” It wasn’t a question and Marinette panicked.

“Everything just lined up. Tim and I are the only ones who know though and we both agreed not to say anything to the others since it’s your secret to share if and when you want. Dad knows we’re not telling him everything but he’s not pushing for an answer. I swear I didn’t mean to figure it out.” Syd had been trying to get her attention but Mari didn’t notice so Chloe grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Breathe bug. Just breathe, no one’s mad at you.” Mari calmed down slowly but did finally nod.

“You knowing is fine, but the Sirens can’t find out. At least not until he’s contained somewhere they can rip him apart without civilian casualties.” Syd’s tone was dry but Chloe didn’t think she was actually joking. “So what did you need to talk to Chloe about?” And the damn burst. They spent all night going over ideas for Mari’s business. She and Syd both asked Chloe a lot of questions. Syd more to distract herself most likely but she did come up with some good questions that would help Mari. Chloe was just glad to see Mari so excited again. That thought brought guilt with it that she struggled to hide. The last time Mari had been this excited Chloe was still in her brat phase doing everything to stop her from being happy. This was her chance to finally be there for her the way she deserved.

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Bruce was in a state of mild panic. Mild only because he was fairly certain his brain had shut down in protest with all the unexpected information being thrown his way. He tried to focus on one thing at a time but even then the sheer strangeness of it all was overwhelming. Just watching the girls together made his head spin. Cass didn’t relax, ever, but here she was snuggled into Marinette’s side, playing with one of the buttons on her shirt while the two of them communicated in a way he was certain he’d never understand. When he’d told her about Marinette the day before all she said was ‘Oh, that makes sense’, and walked away. How was he supposed to respond to that?

Then there was Marinette herself. Forgetting for a moment that she was apparently using magical artifacts to defend Paris and had gone up against the League already, she was nothing like what he’d expected. Granted his mind had automatically gone to the worst case scenario, but even the less doomsday prophecy version of her in his head was insanely off the mark. First, unlike the rest of his children, she was an adult. Maybe not in age but her maturity was obvious. Even Selina backed down when she insisted. And wasn’t that just a great surprise? His only consultation was that Alfred hadn’t known either. He was going to have to ask Marinette how she’d managed to get Selina to put something back. In his experience once she had her hands on something it was hers. Period.

“Guilt.” He blinked in Marinette in confusion. “Usually when she steals something it’s not a big deal because institutions have insurance to cover things, but since Paris is dealing with a terrorist that feeds on negative emotions, stealing something here is creating targets for him. Harley actually was the one that finally convinced her by talking about the huge mental toll all of this must be taking on the people of Paris.” He was almost certain he hadn’t voiced that question out loud but his shock over that was derailed quickly.

“You know Harley too?” She just offered him a sympathetic smile and that was one more thing to add to the list of things he didn’t expect. She was obviously nurturing, protective, and empathetic. If any of the boys were in her place they’d be laughing at him and storing it for blackmail material later. Every time she sprang something else on him he could tell she was trying to soften the blow even though she felt pressed for time.

“Well, yes.” Her look turned sheepish. “I was a bit overwhelmed at the time so instead of arguing with Selina I may have made a portal to her home and shoved her through it so I didn’t have to worry about Akumas coming after me while I talked to her.” He blinked at her.

“You can make portals from Paris to Gotham?” He had been trying to avoid the whole magic topic until the idea settled a bit more but if this was something anyone who had one of these artifacts could do that was a problem.

“Well no, not me specifically. One of the Miraculous in my charge has the ability. I had been keeping it on me in case I needed to leave Paris to let out negative emotions.” She sounded ashamed and Cass was giving him a look that said he needed to say something. Yeah, because him talking to his children always went so well.

“Everyone needs a break. You’re not shirking your duties by taking care of yourself. I imagine there are grave consequences to more than just yourself if this villain manages to get inside your head so it makes sense for you to do anything in your power to keep that from happening.” She peeked at him, looking for something but he had no idea what, before offering a tense smile.

“Still, I’m sorry for entering Gotham like that. I know how you feel about outsiders. In my defense I had no idea where I was until they told me and I left as soon as Selina agreed to not steal in Paris until I’ve dealt with Hawkmoth.”

“How do you make a portal to somewhere and not know where you are?” The words came out harsh because of his confusion and Cass glared at him. Tikki was the one who ended up answering.

“Kaalki doesn’t need a geographical location to get somewhere. Mari wanted to take Catwoman home so that’s where they made the portal. We Kwami aren’t confined by your limited knowledge. In our aspects we have very few limitations.” Well that didn’t sound at all ominous.

“The Kwami themselves aren’t limited but the Miraculous and their holders can create their own barriers. For instance, if you don’t think you can get somewhere without knowing exactly where it is then Kaalki won’t be able to get you there. Your perception of what is and isn’t possible plays a large part in how a Miraculous can be used. I think that’s why Master Fu chose such young holders. He thought we would be more open minded about the possibilities.” There was sadness in her tone but there was also a bite to it. He wanted to ask about it, but given his track record with shoving his foot in his mouth he wasn’t sure it was a good idea. Luckily Plagg decided to chime in.

“That may be why he picked Chat Noir but Tikki chose you. We weren’t about to let him pick someone less in harmony with the Miraculous for arbitrary reasons.” Tikki was glaring at Plagg and given the way Marinette shrank in on herself, she didn’t know that.

“So he didn’t want me to be Ladybug?” Tikki sent Plagg one more scathing look before hovering in front of Marinette.

“It wasn’t a matter of want. He felt that you being so in tune with me when we couldn’t find a black cat to match would be a problem we couldn’t overcome. You proved him wrong regardless but we told him he needed to find your real partner and as far as we know he never bothered.” The underlying rage in the Kwami’s tone was impressive if he was being honest. Given he had no idea what the beings were capable of he was glad it wasn’t directed at him.

“He didn’t. I asked him about it when Chat Noir started sitting out fights and he said that they were doing fine with the way things were.” Plagg’s words came out in a growl and Marinette tightened her arms around Cass.

“One more person trying to keep us apart. I have to wonder how much of it is chance rather than fate. Maybe there’s a reason this is happening now.” Marinette sounded less than thrilled with that observation. Cass just gave a hum of agreement. “Either way, focusing on what has happened serves no purpose. I’m the Guardian now and no one will ever separate us again.” There was an edge to her voice that actually had Bruce feeling sorry for any poor soul that tried.

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It took nearly two hours to get Marinette and Gina out of the house and by the time they left Bruce could feel a migraine coming on. It started with Damian finding out about it and demanding he go with them but since he apparently had a target on his back no one wanted to let that happen. It soon devolved into everyone in the house demanding to go to make sure she was safe. He finally forced them down to a reasonable number and it ended up being Marinette, Gina, Adrien, Gustave, and Cass. Cass was more to keep Damian in the house than anything else. Now he was sitting in his office with Kagami trying to come up with the best strategy to approach her mother. He couldn’t bring himself to be surprised when he heard a voice yelling, getting closer to his office, even though it didn’t belong to any of his kids.

“How dare you! You said you were going to help her but you’re just as bad as her parents!” He was trying to make sense of Jagged Stone storming into his office and it took a moment for the words to penetrate. Once they did he still had no idea what the man was talking about.

“In what way exactly?” Arguing wasn’t likely to get him anywhere when he wasn’t certain what he was arguing against, but the question just made Jagged puff up in irritation. Luckily Penny chose that moment to make her appearance.

“Mari called to ask for money from her trust so that she could make you all gifts.” Her calm indignant rage was probably far more dangerous than Jagged’s temper if he was being honest.

“She did what?” The words just came out in his surprise. More that she was planning on actually making them something when she’d been so reluctant to touch any of the supplies Alfred had bought her than because she’d asked for the money. But, no, that made perfect sense when he thought about how surprised she’d been when he asked her to make something for herself. Given the story about the dance that her classmates had expected her to make them outfits for she probably thought he wanted her to make suits and gowns for everyone for the Gala. Well that backfired spectacularly.

“So you didn’t encourage her to do this?” He shook his head at Penny’s question as he tried to find some way to fix this. Honestly though, what were the chances that she’d actually believe him if he told her she didn’t have to? Apparently he should have sent Selina with them.

“Did she say where she was?” No matter what he did now, she was going to assume she was in trouble so he was going to have to go find her so that he could reassure her in person that she wasn’t. Trying to do that over the phone would be worse than useless.

“No, she just asked for access to the trust.” And they likely hadn’t asked for details given how upset they were about it. Bruce pulled out his phone to text Cass for the location and ask if Mari seemed worried or upset. He cursed when he got her reply. She was trying to hide it but Cass could tell she was fairly close to a panic attack.


As soon as Bruce entered the fabric store Cass appeared by his side and pointed him in the right direction. Marinette was near the back of the store with both Adrien and Gina trying to calm her down.

“He said he wanted you to make a dress for you to wear. That’s all. I’m sure he doesn’t expect you to do anything else.” Gina sounded like she was trying to hide her exasperation.

“She’s right Mari. Mr. Wayne’s always been clear with his instructions before hasn’t he?” Adrien’s voice was far more gentle.

“Well yes, but after all the problems I’ve caused since I got here I have to do something to make up for it. I… I don’t want to be sent away again.” He barely heard the last part as her voice began to choke up. He’d thought they had made it past that worry but he should have known better.

“You haven’t caused any problems and if I even suggested sending you anywhere, which I have no wish to do, my family and your friends would ban together to murder me.” Marinette spun around with a squeak and would have fallen if Adrien hadn’t caught her. Her mouth moved like she was trying to talk but no sound came out.

“Come to check up on us?” Bruce felt his eye twitch at the sharpness in Gina’s tone. He was going to have to find a way to get her to be less hostile towards him but he had no idea how to do that when he couldn’t explain half of what was going on.

“Jagged and Penny came to see me.” He watched as all the color drained from Marinette’s face. “You’re not in trouble. I just thought I should come down here to explain that the credit card I gave you isn’t just for things I’ve pre approved. It’s for anything you need.” He could see her gathering arguments in her head. “Marinette, I’m a multibillionaire. You could buy everything in this store and it wouldn’t make a dent. And trust me, given some of the things the boys have bought, nothing you buy will even throw up a red flag.” Cass let out a laugh beside him. Between Jason buying C4 on the black market and Damian buying an armored helicopter because the one they had wasn’t safe enough, Marinette could buy every fabric and craft store in the city and he’d be happy to let her.

“But I… then how am I supposed to pay you back?” She sounded so lost and confused and he had no idea how to convince her that none of them expected her to pay them back. That there was nothing to pay back in the first place.

“When you helped and made gifts for your friends and classmates did you expect them to pay you back for it?” She shook her head but he could see pain and maybe guilt in her eyes. “Did you think you were paying them back for something?” There it was. She was fidgeting and wouldn’t look him in the eye. “What were you paying them back for?”

“For putting up with me.” It was probably a good thing she was staring at the floor given the murderous expressions on everyone else’s faces. That was the root problem. She believed that she didn’t deserve friends, didn’t deserve to be treated well at all, so she owed anyone who did.

“What makes you think that they were just putting up with you?” He kept his voice as neutral as he could but she still tried to curl in on herself.

“No one… when I was little everyone thought I was strange. All the other kids teased me and I didn’t have any friends. Maman and Papa said I needed to give them a reason to like me. I tried a lot of different things but the only one that worked was presents, or doing things they didn’t want to do.” So she felt she had to pay for friendship, or even just approval. It may have been the only reason she ever got her parents’ attention as well. He knew the attitude was ingrained, but he didn’t realize how far back it went.

“Marinette, while friends and family generally do give each other gifts and look out for each other, it isn’t supposed to be a condition. None of us expect you to buy our good opinions and I promise I will never expect you to make or buy any of us gifts, or expect you to use your own money for it.” He knew she wouldn’t believe him but repetition was his best weapon at the moment. “I know you enjoy making things and you’re more than welcome to make gifts if you want to, but even if you don’t you’re still part of the family and no one is sending you away.”

“Okay.” It took all his willpower not to let out a sigh at the rote answer but he managed it. Patience. He just needed to be patient. “Do you… do you want to see my ideas for the Gala?” Great, she thought he was here to check up on her progress. Well, maybe it would help her stay calm if she could make sure he approved of what she had in mind.

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“And what price are they going to have to pay for your magic?” Marinette couldn’t help but smile at the protective tone in Bruce’s voice as he glared at Plagg. She was beyond relieved that he seemed to be a good person and even her Guardian instincts were calm around him.

“The Miraculous are all about balance. In our case, as true Chosen, they affect us whether we use them or not. That’s why Cass’ life has been so difficult and mine has been relatively calm. Actually being in possession of Plagg’s ring will make things better for her. As for other holders, it varies. The longer you hold a Miraculous the more it pulls out certain traits in you. Good or bad depends on both the person and how in tune with the Miraculous they are.” Chloe’s over protective nature and Adrien’s possessiveness were both likely side effects of being holders but there was no way for her to know for certain.

“So they begin to turn you into a different person?” Marinette was shaking her head before he was even finished. She really wasn’t good at explaining things to other people.

“No. Any traits that the Miraculous bring out were already there. If anything they bring out a person’s true nature so they can’t hide who they really are. My former partner for instance was always showing his best face to the world around him but Plagg’s influence allowed those looking for it the ability to see some of his less desirable qualities. Especially when transformed.” While it made perfect sense that the ring had brought out the things Adrien felt he had to hide from the world, she still felt guilty. She also had to wonder how different his life would have been if she’d found her real Black Cat sooner. Cass burrowed into her side.

“Not your fault.” Marinette just hugged her twin closer. Even if Fu had picked Adrien, as the current Guardian he had still been her responsibility. She’d let her knowledge of his personal life define how she treated him when she should have simply judged his actions as a hero. It had been reckless and irresponsible. She’d put everyone at risk. She felt a vibration at her side and actually laughed when she realized Cass was purring to calm her down.

“Well if I needed any more proof that you are Plagg’s chosen, the fact that you’re picking up cat traits without even having the ring on you would have done it.” Cass stopped abruptly and buried her head into Marinette’s shoulder with an embarrassed whine. Mari just grinned and kissed her temple to try and soothe her. “At least yours is cute. The first trait I picked up was reflex bleeding.” It was a small consolation that Lila had a rash for over a month after grabbing her.

“Do I want to know what that is?” Marinette offered Bruce a commiserating smile. It was a lot to process.

“My skin secretes a toxic substance when I feel threatened. Sadly enough it’s actually helped in battles before. Poor baby August tried to eat me a few times while Akumatized.” Bruce just blinked at her and Marinette could practically hear him thinking ‘what the fuck?’ She grinned at him. “Once you’ve actually been through an Akuma attack, remind me to show you footage of past battles. It will prove educational and quite possibly entertaining.”

“You expect me to be entertained by one of my children almost being eaten?” He sounded insulted at the suggestion but Marinette rolled her eyes.

“No, but the fact that Hawkmoth tends to Akumatize the worst suited people into villains should. The only reason he’s still around is because he’s a coward. If I could find him all of this would be over in a heartbeat. Hopefully with Cass here my luck will keep shifting for the better.”

“I thought you were the one with good luck.” Mari let out a frustrated breath.

“Technically yes. However having the Miraculous active, especially with the ring being held by someone so much less in tune than I am, has been affecting me. It’s gotten better since I added other permanent holders but certain things haven’t improved at all. Also, the Kwami are of the opinion that Cass and I rubbed off some of our luck on each other in the womb. It’s likely the reason she ended up with you around the same time I first became Ladybug. Being together will allow us to buffer each other.” Bruce was still frowning at her but it seemed more contemplative than anything else.

“Cass.” She watched her sister peek at Bruce from her position. “What do you want to do?” Marinette let out an approving hum at the question. She got a strange sense of satisfaction that he treated Cass with such care even though she wasn’t his. He wasn’t as warm as her parents, but it was obvious he did care.

“Stay. Help.” Bruce let out a sigh but nodded. Cass relaxed further and Marinette could feel contentment radiating off her.

“So Selina said you’re a fashion designer?” Marinette rose an eyebrow at the subject change. “Since there’s nothing more to be done at present about what’s going on in Paris and it doesn’t appear to be an urgent issue, I would like to get to know you and I’m sure Cass does too.” She felt Cass nod.

“Yes, I’m a fashion designer. It was always what I wanted to do, but my actual start was one of the first twists of fate after I got my Miraculous. I ended up designing something for Jagged Stone and everything just sort of took off from there.” Cass stiffened slightly and Marinette saw Bruce’s eye twitch.

“You’re the designer he’s always bragging about?” Marinette felt her face flush. It hadn’t really occurred to her that he would be familiar with Jagged. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. “The boys are not going to leave you alone. Dick, Jason, and Tim have a running bet over who can get a commission from you first. I apologize in advance for whatever happens at dinner.” She laughed at his dry tone and caught Cass’ smile out of the corner of her eye.

“I assure you it can’t be worse than Uncle Jagged himself. He introduces me to all my new clients and I swear it gets more embarrassing every time. I’m fairly certain he practices just to annoy me.” Bruce’s mouth twitched into something between a smile and a grimace.

“Do not underestimate the boys’ ability to be annoying or embarrassing. That’s not even counting the fact that Damian is likely to challenge you to a duel in order to prove that he’s meant to be my true heir and I have no idea what weapons he managed to smuggle on the plane.” Marinette rolled her eyes. Why wasn’t she surprised?

“I take it Talia’s teachings are still strong?” He frowned at her. Oh right, he didn’t know she knew. “When she and Ra’s were in Paris she enjoyed bragging about him and his bloodlines. That’s how I figured out you were Batman. But don’t worry, I can handle him.” The skeptical look he shot her just made her grin. “Trust me. Besides, I just have to prove I’m not a threat to him. Given that I have no wish to take over your business and I have my own hero problems to worry about there’s no reason for him to take issue with me.” Bruce still seemed uncertain but Cass signed something at him and he nodded.

“I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.” While Bruce obviously doubted her, she felt nothing but confidence from her twin. As nervous as she was to meet the others, Damian trying to kill her wasn’t that big a problem. At least with him, she knew what to expect.

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“It’s odd that Damian didn’t know where she was. He seems to be attached to her constantly. Let’s go ask Bruce since that’s where he left her.” Selina and Mrs. Dupain had been looking around the Manor for Marinette for close to fifteen minutes. She was starting to get a little worried that they hadn’t at least run into Alfred yet. Once they got to Bruce’s office she walked in without knocking. “Hey Bruce do you know-”

Selina cut herself off and grinned at the sight before her. Bruce was on the couch on his tablet, probably business since he hadn’t noticed their entrance. Marinette had tucked herself under his left arm and was fast asleep. She pulled out her phone to take a picture and noticed Gina doing the same.

“Something to send to my son once he removes his head from his ass.” Selina was honestly impressed by the frost in the woman’s tone. She didn’t say much about them but she always referred to them as her son and his wife, never Marinette’s parents. Selina wondered if it was for Marinette’s benefit or she thought the title was too good for them. Possibly both. Bruce still hadn’t noticed them so she knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Selina rolled her eyes when he didn’t even look up.

“We’re already in.” That finally got a reaction, though not much of one. When he glanced up the only indication that he was surprised was a blink when his gaze landed on Gina. He nudged Marinette but she didn’t even move. Gina smiled at the girl fondly.

“Some things never change. That girl could sleep through bombs going off. Given the Akumas she may very well have at one point.” Her expression darkened for a moment. “Has she told you about any of them?” Selina glanced at Bruce and he shook his head slightly.

“She explained the situation in broad terms but I don’t remember her discussing any specific Akumas.” Bruce was frowning as he spoke and Selina realized he was right. They hadn’t wanted to press her given how fragile she still was. Not to mention all the other things that had come up. Gina sighed.

“She was targeted by quite a few of them, including me I’m sorry to say. She seemed to handle it so well at the time… but I realized later that she did what she always does. She was trying so hard to comfort and cheer me up. I have no idea how she actually felt about it, let alone all the other times something similar happened. I assumed she talked about it with her friends, or them.” Judging by the vitriol on the last word Selina figured she meant Marinette’s parents. She made a mental note to ask Adrien and Chloe about this. Specifically, if she ever opened up to them about this. She had a feeling she already knew the answer unfortunately.

“Maybe we can try bringing it up with the other’s in the room so they can all talk about it. I believe I’ve heard that they were all targets at various points. That way it won’t seem like we’re pressuring her to open up and it might help all of them come to terms with everything.” Gina gave an approving hum at Bruce’s idea.

“It is more likely she’ll share with them, if for no other reason than to make them feel better. As much as I wish she’d confide in me, I know it’s just likely to make her close off more and feel even more guilty. Even though it was completely my fault, she still blames herself for me getting Akumatized.” That definitely sounded like Marinette. From what Selina had gathered from the others Mari had taken the blame for everything even before her life had fallen apart. It was honestly disturbing how ingrained it was.

“So Gina, did you just drop by to see Mari or did you have specific plans?” Gina was frowning at Bruce but his tone had been neutral bordering on friendly. It was honestly a bit creepy.

“Well from what Chloe and Adrien have said Marinette has only been out of the Manor for school and that incident at the university. I was hoping I could get her to agree to go out to eat or possibly shop for fabrics. I’m not sure how much damage they did to her by forbidding her to so much as doodle, but she would always go into such a cute, manic hyperfocus any time she was in a fabric store. I just want to see her happy again.” She sounded so wistful, even Bruce’s expression softened. Selina knew that they’d never seen Mari truly happy or even relaxed. She couldn’t even imagine how much it must hurt to have seen it and compare that to how she was now.

“Given the way she’s reacted to things so far… it might be best if Selina went with you. Marinette will be more willing to listen to her when she says I won’t disapprove of something. Otherwise it might be best to stick to getting food until we have a better idea how she’ll handle that kind of trigger.” Given that Marinette still refused to go near any of the sewing supplies unless they asked her to fix something he had a point. Marinette began to wake on her own and Bruce nudged her again.

“You’ve got a visitor Mari.” The girl yawned and blinked at him in confusion before her eyes scanned the room. It took a couple of passes but she finally noticed them in the doorway. Selina saw her eyes light up before some thought clouded them.

“Hi Nonna.” Her voice was hesitant like she still wasn’t certain of her welcome. Anger flashed across Gina’s face, almost too quick for her to see, before she settled into a soft expression.

“How are you?” Selina was confused by Marinette’s body language. She actually burrowed further into Bruce before answering. Gina noticed as well given the way hurt flashed across her face.

“I’m okay.” Her voice was soft and timid. She seemed to be afraid to do or say anything. She’d greeted the woman warmly before, what had changed? Bruce was frowning down at her as well. Gina at least seemed to guess what the problem was.

“Marinette, I don’t care what your parents believe, I know you. Even if I was willing to talk to them beyond yelling at them until they come to their senses, nothing will change how I feel about you. You’re my fairy and I know exactly who you are.” Marinette began tearing before launching herself at the woman for a hug. “Rolland is beyond pissed as well. Tom went to go see him and he went after him with a rolling pin for daring to send his Granddaughter away. Since Gotham seems permanent, he’s going to sell the bakery so we can both stay here to keep an eye on you.” Selina shot Bruce a glance but he just shrugged at her. It was amusing how he was just rolling with the fact that Marinette’s fan club just kept getting bigger.

“You shouldn’t have to give up your lives because of me.” Gina let out a huff.

“We’re retiring and we want to spend more time with our only grandchild. You wouldn’t want to deny us that would you?” Selina heard Marinette giggle as she hugged the woman tighter. “Speaking of which I was hoping to spend the rest of the day with you. Maybe go out to eat and do some shopping.” She pulled back to glance at Bruce who gave her a nod and an encouraging smile. She still hesitated.

“Alfred can drive you. If anything happens you have all our numbers.” It took her a minute to realize that Bruce was actually pushing her to go with Gina alone. She didn’t have the first clue why though. “I also have a favor to ask.”

“Okay.” Marinette just waited for him to talk but Gina was glaring murder at him. Bruce ignored her.

“The charity Gala Jagged and I are putting together is going to be in two months. Now, all the others have been here long enough that they have proper attire but you didn’t come prepared for that type of gathering. Normally that means a ridiculous amount of time in dress shops and tailors which is not my favorite thing.” He was watching Marinette’s expression as he spoke. Guilt was making an appearance but he just kept going. “It would be a tremendous help and relief if you could design and make your own gown for the event. You don’t have to, but you do know your tastes better than anyone else and I’m certain anything you come up with will be suitable.”

Marinette just stood there blinking at him, face completely blank. That was one hell of a push. Gina was frowning at Bruce thoughtfully but Selina watched Mari. She had no idea if the girl was just processing or freaking out internally. Bruce just waited until she finally cleared her throat.

“You want me to make something for myself?” The confusion in her voice was heartbreaking.

“You’ll be saving me time, money, and hassle. I trust your judgement.” She still didn’t seem to know how to respond. “I’m sure Gina can help you find something appropriate as well. If she doesn’t mind adding a fabric store into your shopping plans.” Selina felt the corner of her mouth twitch as she tried to hold back a laugh. While manipulation wouldn’t have been her first choice with Marinette, she understood why he was doing it. Unfortunately it was easier to guilt Marinette into doing what she loved than to convince her she was allowed to enjoy something. Marinette continued to stare at Bruce as Gina assured her she’d be happy to find a fabric store.

“I… if you’re sure… I can try.” Poor kid looked so confused. Bruce gave her a reassuring smile.

“I’m sure. Why don’t you go change and grab one of the sketchbooks Alfred left for you so you can note down any ideas. Oh, and before I forget.” Bruce stood and walked to his desk, pulling something out of a drawer and handing it to Mari. She blinked at it in confusion.

“What’s this?”

“Your credit card.” That didn’t seem to help her understanding at all.

“I have a credit card?”

“It’s to one of my accounts but the card is in your name. Even Damian has one to use as needed. And you’ll certainly need it to get any fabric and supplies you require.” Selina was fairly certain he’d broken her. The girl’s mouth opened and closed a few times before she managed any sound.

“I can ask Penny for some money from my trust, you shouldn’t have to pay for it.” Gina’s expression flashed with anger but Bruce’s expression softened.

“I am your guardian Mari. Any necessities, including clothing to an event you wouldn’t have to go to if not for me, are my responsibility, not yours. Not to mention it is my job to support the hobbies and passions of my children whether it’s just encouragement, a place to practice, or monetary. I’m merely supporting you as I do for all my children.” Mari’s eyes filled with tears as she practically dove into Bruce for a hug. Selina was happy to note that he seemed to be getting better at them. He didn’t even tense up this time.

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“Absolutely not!” Selina walked back into the room to find Ladybug glaring at Plagg while the creature pouted at her. Harley looked like she was struggling not to laugh but Ivy seemed to be bracing for an explosion. “I’m not about to let you lose in the city Plagg. The last time you ‘helped’ me you collapsed the catacombs!”

“Oh come on Pigtails, you know that was an accident and Tikki fixed it. Besides I’m not going to use my powers. I just want to go with her so I can make sure she gets the right food since you won’t even tell them you’re allergic to shellfish which is in almost everything they ordered.” Ladybug’s face went bright red even though she still looked ready to murder the Kwami. Harley looked devastated.

“Oh kiddo, you should’ve said something. I’m so used to ordering for the three of us I didn’t even think to ask. I’ll call them back, just tell me what you want.” The hero’s expression turned sheepish.

“I’m sure I can find something to eat in what you ordered. I don’t want to be a bother.” Her mumbled words just brought a huff from Plagg.

“Pull up the menu on your phone and I’ll tell you what she’ll eat.”


“If you get sick and Tikki knows I could have prevented it I won’t hear the end of it for centuries. I’m getting you food you can eat without breaking out in hives.” As the Kwami and Harley retreated to a corner the girl still looked embarrassed, but she seemed far less agitated.

“You really should have told us. The last thing our reputations need is us being accused of intentionally killing a hero in Paris.” Selina meant it as a joke but considering the horrified expression on the girls face it missed the mark.

“I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation the allergy wouldn’t actually affect me transformed so even if they could link my civilian identity to you I doubt anyone would make a fuss over it.” She wasn’t sure what pissed her off more; the matter of fact way the girl said it or the fact that she felt that way in the first place.

“It’s not, and you don’t need to apologize. I can see where trusting us with that information could be considered dangerous.”  Ladybug gave a non committal hum and continued to watch Plagg warily. When the Kwami flew back over it looked both smug and mischievous.

“Alright now let’s go get some cheese.” Ladybug was rubbing her temples with a pained look on her face. Finally she gave out a resigned sigh.

“Fine.” The Kwami perked up and the hero pinned him with a stern look. “You talk only if Catwoman is the only one that can hear you and under no circumstances will you use your powers. I mean it Plagg.” The creature was just nodding along.

“Of course. I’m not going to risk my cheese over a little bit of fun.” Given the girl’s face, she was less than reassured. “If you’re that worried about it just make it an order.”

“You know I don’t like doing that. Taking away your freewill is not the way I want to do things. I’d rather you respect me enough to do as I ask.” Plagg’s ears dropped for a moment before they looked thoughtful.

“Oh, you’re good. Guilt tripping me into good behavior. Tikki would be so proud.” Ladybug rolled her eyes.

“I was being sincere, but if it works I guess I’ll take it.” Her tone was dry. It was definitely an interesting dynamic between the two. “Not to mention Catwoman has to agree to take you along still.”

“I’d be happy to have the company, and you can call me Selina.” Plagg flew closer to study her before giving a thoughtful hum. They didn’t speak but Ladybug was watching the interaction with trepidation.

“Don’t feel pressured into buying the most expensive cheese in the store. Plagg likes to be dramatic about food. You’re doing us a favor and they’ll eat whatever you buy.” The last part was obviously a warning but the creature just rolled their eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’m used to dealing with strong personalities. We should head out so we can get back before the food gets here.” Ladybug hesitated but did nod and Plagg flew into her collar. “We’ll be back before you know it.” The girl gave her a tense smile but Selina figured it was the best she’d get so she headed out the door.

“She’s a good kid. If you’re planning anything I would suggest rethinking it. As she mentioned I’ve destroyed far larger things than a few people.” The threat just made her smile.

“I don’t doubt it. You can rest easy though. None of us mess with kids, and we all have a soft spot for street kids especially.” The creature let out something that sounded like a growl.

“She’s not a street kid, not really. If not for us and the responsibilities forced on her she’d be in a much better place.” Their frustration was obvious, and Selina had one more thing to think about. “Since we’re already going to the store do you mind picking up food for the others?”

“Other’s?” She wasn’t really paying attention, too busy wondering how being a hero put the girl on the streets. Not to mention getting angrier by the second that someone had allowed it to happen in the first place.

“The other Kwami. As Ladybug says we all have our favorites and the easiest way to get on everyone’s good side is food.” Selina let out a chuckle.

“Sure, may as well load up before she can protest.” She felt Plagg laughing against her collar bone.

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