#good dad bruce wayne


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Bruce was in a state of mild panic. Mild only because he was fairly certain his brain had shut down in protest with all the unexpected information being thrown his way. He tried to focus on one thing at a time but even then the sheer strangeness of it all was overwhelming. Just watching the girls together made his head spin. Cass didn’t relax, ever, but here she was snuggled into Marinette’s side, playing with one of the buttons on her shirt while the two of them communicated in a way he was certain he’d never understand. When he’d told her about Marinette the day before all she said was ‘Oh, that makes sense’, and walked away. How was he supposed to respond to that?

Then there was Marinette herself. Forgetting for a moment that she was apparently using magical artifacts to defend Paris and had gone up against the League already, she was nothing like what he’d expected. Granted his mind had automatically gone to the worst case scenario, but even the less doomsday prophecy version of her in his head was insanely off the mark. First, unlike the rest of his children, she was an adult. Maybe not in age but her maturity was obvious. Even Selina backed down when she insisted. And wasn’t that just a great surprise? His only consultation was that Alfred hadn’t known either. He was going to have to ask Marinette how she’d managed to get Selina to put something back. In his experience once she had her hands on something it was hers. Period.

“Guilt.” He blinked in Marinette in confusion. “Usually when she steals something it’s not a big deal because institutions have insurance to cover things, but since Paris is dealing with a terrorist that feeds on negative emotions, stealing something here is creating targets for him. Harley actually was the one that finally convinced her by talking about the huge mental toll all of this must be taking on the people of Paris.” He was almost certain he hadn’t voiced that question out loud but his shock over that was derailed quickly.

“You know Harley too?” She just offered him a sympathetic smile and that was one more thing to add to the list of things he didn’t expect. She was obviously nurturing, protective, and empathetic. If any of the boys were in her place they’d be laughing at him and storing it for blackmail material later. Every time she sprang something else on him he could tell she was trying to soften the blow even though she felt pressed for time.

“Well, yes.” Her look turned sheepish. “I was a bit overwhelmed at the time so instead of arguing with Selina I may have made a portal to her home and shoved her through it so I didn’t have to worry about Akumas coming after me while I talked to her.” He blinked at her.

“You can make portals from Paris to Gotham?” He had been trying to avoid the whole magic topic until the idea settled a bit more but if this was something anyone who had one of these artifacts could do that was a problem.

“Well no, not me specifically. One of the Miraculous in my charge has the ability. I had been keeping it on me in case I needed to leave Paris to let out negative emotions.” She sounded ashamed and Cass was giving him a look that said he needed to say something. Yeah, because him talking to his children always went so well.

“Everyone needs a break. You’re not shirking your duties by taking care of yourself. I imagine there are grave consequences to more than just yourself if this villain manages to get inside your head so it makes sense for you to do anything in your power to keep that from happening.” She peeked at him, looking for something but he had no idea what, before offering a tense smile.

“Still, I’m sorry for entering Gotham like that. I know how you feel about outsiders. In my defense I had no idea where I was until they told me and I left as soon as Selina agreed to not steal in Paris until I’ve dealt with Hawkmoth.”

“How do you make a portal to somewhere and not know where you are?” The words came out harsh because of his confusion and Cass glared at him. Tikki was the one who ended up answering.

“Kaalki doesn’t need a geographical location to get somewhere. Mari wanted to take Catwoman home so that’s where they made the portal. We Kwami aren’t confined by your limited knowledge. In our aspects we have very few limitations.” Well that didn’t sound at all ominous.

“The Kwami themselves aren’t limited but the Miraculous and their holders can create their own barriers. For instance, if you don’t think you can get somewhere without knowing exactly where it is then Kaalki won’t be able to get you there. Your perception of what is and isn’t possible plays a large part in how a Miraculous can be used. I think that’s why Master Fu chose such young holders. He thought we would be more open minded about the possibilities.” There was sadness in her tone but there was also a bite to it. He wanted to ask about it, but given his track record with shoving his foot in his mouth he wasn’t sure it was a good idea. Luckily Plagg decided to chime in.

“That may be why he picked Chat Noir but Tikki chose you. We weren’t about to let him pick someone less in harmony with the Miraculous for arbitrary reasons.” Tikki was glaring at Plagg and given the way Marinette shrank in on herself, she didn’t know that.

“So he didn’t want me to be Ladybug?” Tikki sent Plagg one more scathing look before hovering in front of Marinette.

“It wasn’t a matter of want. He felt that you being so in tune with me when we couldn’t find a black cat to match would be a problem we couldn’t overcome. You proved him wrong regardless but we told him he needed to find your real partner and as far as we know he never bothered.” The underlying rage in the Kwami’s tone was impressive if he was being honest. Given he had no idea what the beings were capable of he was glad it wasn’t directed at him.

“He didn’t. I asked him about it when Chat Noir started sitting out fights and he said that they were doing fine with the way things were.” Plagg’s words came out in a growl and Marinette tightened her arms around Cass.

“One more person trying to keep us apart. I have to wonder how much of it is chance rather than fate. Maybe there’s a reason this is happening now.” Marinette sounded less than thrilled with that observation. Cass just gave a hum of agreement. “Either way, focusing on what has happened serves no purpose. I’m the Guardian now and no one will ever separate us again.” There was an edge to her voice that actually had Bruce feeling sorry for any poor soul that tried.

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“It’s odd that Damian didn’t know where she was. He seems to be attached to her constantly. Let’s go ask Bruce since that’s where he left her.” Selina and Mrs. Dupain had been looking around the Manor for Marinette for close to fifteen minutes. She was starting to get a little worried that they hadn’t at least run into Alfred yet. Once they got to Bruce’s office she walked in without knocking. “Hey Bruce do you know-”

Selina cut herself off and grinned at the sight before her. Bruce was on the couch on his tablet, probably business since he hadn’t noticed their entrance. Marinette had tucked herself under his left arm and was fast asleep. She pulled out her phone to take a picture and noticed Gina doing the same.

“Something to send to my son once he removes his head from his ass.” Selina was honestly impressed by the frost in the woman’s tone. She didn’t say much about them but she always referred to them as her son and his wife, never Marinette’s parents. Selina wondered if it was for Marinette’s benefit or she thought the title was too good for them. Possibly both. Bruce still hadn’t noticed them so she knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Selina rolled her eyes when he didn’t even look up.

“We’re already in.” That finally got a reaction, though not much of one. When he glanced up the only indication that he was surprised was a blink when his gaze landed on Gina. He nudged Marinette but she didn’t even move. Gina smiled at the girl fondly.

“Some things never change. That girl could sleep through bombs going off. Given the Akumas she may very well have at one point.” Her expression darkened for a moment. “Has she told you about any of them?” Selina glanced at Bruce and he shook his head slightly.

“She explained the situation in broad terms but I don’t remember her discussing any specific Akumas.” Bruce was frowning as he spoke and Selina realized he was right. They hadn’t wanted to press her given how fragile she still was. Not to mention all the other things that had come up. Gina sighed.

“She was targeted by quite a few of them, including me I’m sorry to say. She seemed to handle it so well at the time… but I realized later that she did what she always does. She was trying so hard to comfort and cheer me up. I have no idea how she actually felt about it, let alone all the other times something similar happened. I assumed she talked about it with her friends, or them.” Judging by the vitriol on the last word Selina figured she meant Marinette’s parents. She made a mental note to ask Adrien and Chloe about this. Specifically, if she ever opened up to them about this. She had a feeling she already knew the answer unfortunately.

“Maybe we can try bringing it up with the other’s in the room so they can all talk about it. I believe I’ve heard that they were all targets at various points. That way it won’t seem like we’re pressuring her to open up and it might help all of them come to terms with everything.” Gina gave an approving hum at Bruce’s idea.

“It is more likely she’ll share with them, if for no other reason than to make them feel better. As much as I wish she’d confide in me, I know it’s just likely to make her close off more and feel even more guilty. Even though it was completely my fault, she still blames herself for me getting Akumatized.” That definitely sounded like Marinette. From what Selina had gathered from the others Mari had taken the blame for everything even before her life had fallen apart. It was honestly disturbing how ingrained it was.

“So Gina, did you just drop by to see Mari or did you have specific plans?” Gina was frowning at Bruce but his tone had been neutral bordering on friendly. It was honestly a bit creepy.

“Well from what Chloe and Adrien have said Marinette has only been out of the Manor for school and that incident at the university. I was hoping I could get her to agree to go out to eat or possibly shop for fabrics. I’m not sure how much damage they did to her by forbidding her to so much as doodle, but she would always go into such a cute, manic hyperfocus any time she was in a fabric store. I just want to see her happy again.” She sounded so wistful, even Bruce’s expression softened. Selina knew that they’d never seen Mari truly happy or even relaxed. She couldn’t even imagine how much it must hurt to have seen it and compare that to how she was now.

“Given the way she’s reacted to things so far… it might be best if Selina went with you. Marinette will be more willing to listen to her when she says I won’t disapprove of something. Otherwise it might be best to stick to getting food until we have a better idea how she’ll handle that kind of trigger.” Given that Marinette still refused to go near any of the sewing supplies unless they asked her to fix something he had a point. Marinette began to wake on her own and Bruce nudged her again.

“You’ve got a visitor Mari.” The girl yawned and blinked at him in confusion before her eyes scanned the room. It took a couple of passes but she finally noticed them in the doorway. Selina saw her eyes light up before some thought clouded them.

“Hi Nonna.” Her voice was hesitant like she still wasn’t certain of her welcome. Anger flashed across Gina’s face, almost too quick for her to see, before she settled into a soft expression.

“How are you?” Selina was confused by Marinette’s body language. She actually burrowed further into Bruce before answering. Gina noticed as well given the way hurt flashed across her face.

“I’m okay.” Her voice was soft and timid. She seemed to be afraid to do or say anything. She’d greeted the woman warmly before, what had changed? Bruce was frowning down at her as well. Gina at least seemed to guess what the problem was.

“Marinette, I don’t care what your parents believe, I know you. Even if I was willing to talk to them beyond yelling at them until they come to their senses, nothing will change how I feel about you. You’re my fairy and I know exactly who you are.” Marinette began tearing before launching herself at the woman for a hug. “Rolland is beyond pissed as well. Tom went to go see him and he went after him with a rolling pin for daring to send his Granddaughter away. Since Gotham seems permanent, he’s going to sell the bakery so we can both stay here to keep an eye on you.” Selina shot Bruce a glance but he just shrugged at her. It was amusing how he was just rolling with the fact that Marinette’s fan club just kept getting bigger.

“You shouldn’t have to give up your lives because of me.” Gina let out a huff.

“We’re retiring and we want to spend more time with our only grandchild. You wouldn’t want to deny us that would you?” Selina heard Marinette giggle as she hugged the woman tighter. “Speaking of which I was hoping to spend the rest of the day with you. Maybe go out to eat and do some shopping.” She pulled back to glance at Bruce who gave her a nod and an encouraging smile. She still hesitated.

“Alfred can drive you. If anything happens you have all our numbers.” It took her a minute to realize that Bruce was actually pushing her to go with Gina alone. She didn’t have the first clue why though. “I also have a favor to ask.”

“Okay.” Marinette just waited for him to talk but Gina was glaring murder at him. Bruce ignored her.

“The charity Gala Jagged and I are putting together is going to be in two months. Now, all the others have been here long enough that they have proper attire but you didn’t come prepared for that type of gathering. Normally that means a ridiculous amount of time in dress shops and tailors which is not my favorite thing.” He was watching Marinette’s expression as he spoke. Guilt was making an appearance but he just kept going. “It would be a tremendous help and relief if you could design and make your own gown for the event. You don’t have to, but you do know your tastes better than anyone else and I’m certain anything you come up with will be suitable.”

Marinette just stood there blinking at him, face completely blank. That was one hell of a push. Gina was frowning at Bruce thoughtfully but Selina watched Mari. She had no idea if the girl was just processing or freaking out internally. Bruce just waited until she finally cleared her throat.

“You want me to make something for myself?” The confusion in her voice was heartbreaking.

“You’ll be saving me time, money, and hassle. I trust your judgement.” She still didn’t seem to know how to respond. “I’m sure Gina can help you find something appropriate as well. If she doesn’t mind adding a fabric store into your shopping plans.” Selina felt the corner of her mouth twitch as she tried to hold back a laugh. While manipulation wouldn’t have been her first choice with Marinette, she understood why he was doing it. Unfortunately it was easier to guilt Marinette into doing what she loved than to convince her she was allowed to enjoy something. Marinette continued to stare at Bruce as Gina assured her she’d be happy to find a fabric store.

“I… if you’re sure… I can try.” Poor kid looked so confused. Bruce gave her a reassuring smile.

“I’m sure. Why don’t you go change and grab one of the sketchbooks Alfred left for you so you can note down any ideas. Oh, and before I forget.” Bruce stood and walked to his desk, pulling something out of a drawer and handing it to Mari. She blinked at it in confusion.

“What’s this?”

“Your credit card.” That didn’t seem to help her understanding at all.

“I have a credit card?”

“It’s to one of my accounts but the card is in your name. Even Damian has one to use as needed. And you’ll certainly need it to get any fabric and supplies you require.” Selina was fairly certain he’d broken her. The girl’s mouth opened and closed a few times before she managed any sound.

“I can ask Penny for some money from my trust, you shouldn’t have to pay for it.” Gina’s expression flashed with anger but Bruce’s expression softened.

“I am your guardian Mari. Any necessities, including clothing to an event you wouldn’t have to go to if not for me, are my responsibility, not yours. Not to mention it is my job to support the hobbies and passions of my children whether it’s just encouragement, a place to practice, or monetary. I’m merely supporting you as I do for all my children.” Mari’s eyes filled with tears as she practically dove into Bruce for a hug. Selina was happy to note that he seemed to be getting better at them. He didn’t even tense up this time.

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Jason: Alright kid. I’m calling in a favor you owe me.

Damian: Fine. What do you need?

The rest of the Batfam:

Tim: That’s IT?


Tim: Not even a single protest?

Damian: There is no need to make a big deal of this.

Tim: Last week when I asked for help you laughed for fifteen minutes straight!

Damian, shrugging: I owe Jason some favors.

Dick, suspiciously: How many favors are we talking about here?

Jason, grinning slightly ferally:Enough.

Steph, impressed:How?

Damian, scowling: None of your concern, Stephanie.

Duke: What’s the big deal? I thought everyone owed everyone else favors at this point.

Bruce: *sighs and puts some batheadphones on*

Steph: Not Damian.

Tim: Damian owes no one anything, ever.

Damian: Just because I don’t make a habit of incompetence…

Dick: Jason, seriously, how come Dami owes you a bunch of favors?

One week ago

Damian: Did you get it?

Jason, pulling a small kitten from his jacket: Here you go.

Three weeks ago

Talia, on the phone:Boys.


Jason: Hey mom, guess what? I broke into the CIA again.


Talia: I know what you’re doing, Jason.

Jason: Oh, and if Luthor calls you it’s totally not my fault that his laser prototype thing went missing.


Jason: I mean, I suppose it sort of is, since I’m the one who stole it and all, but-


Talia: Damian, I apologize for being upset over the giraffes. Please continue doing your best to convince your brother to stay out of trouble, darling.

Damian: Of course, Mother.

Two months ago

Damian: I need you to hide these.

Jason: Look, we both know I have skills, but how am I supposed to hide a whole ass elephant?


Jason: You know, your puppy dog eyes were a lot more effective when you were six.



Five months ago

Jason: I hope you have a good explanation for this, brat.

Damian: I don’t see what the big deal is. I just asked you to pick me up.

Jason: In a JET. From FINLAND!


Clark: [congenially] So how are things at home?

Barry: [under his breath] god it’s like you never learn

Bruce: [flipping through a report] The kids are fighting

Clark: What’s it about?

Bruce: The Kennedy assassination

Clark: [pauses] I- was not expecting that

Bruce: It’s fine. It’s nowhere near as bad as the war of the roses altercation


Bruce: That’s two weeks of my life I’d rather forget

Barry: Do your kids just… find things to fight about even when they’re not actually mad at each other?

Bruce: I raised them to be argumentative

Bruce: It fosters critical thinking and independence


Bruce: I will admit that I did not entirely think this philosophy through when I initiated it, but to be fair I only had the one child at the time.



Bruce: [answering his phone] Yes, Damian?

Bruce: [sighs and keeps flipping through the report] I’m sure you can look up the exact distances involved online

Bruce: No I don’t- wait, Tim is arguing WHAT?

Bruce: How would that even- no wait, put Dick on the phone

Bruce: Dick, did Jason manage to get Tim on his side in arguing that the Kennedy assassination was faked and JFK got extensive plastic surgery and is now a Canadian Country singer?

Bruce: What do you mean “they made a good case”?

Bruce: No! It isn’t probable! It’s not even feasible!

Bruce: You’re a detective!!

