#mlp nextgen


Primary Ink and her hubby, Dust Bunny. Two very different personalities that work nicely together.

For those who are curious, Primary Ink is a mural painter who loves painting floral and botanical scenes. She was hired to paint murals inside Dust Bunny’s library, the Sunburst Atheneum. While she was working there, the two got to know each other and fell in love, eventually marrying and having two kids: Sketchbook and Pastel Paint.


Appledash next gen redesigns! A little bit of info under the read more:

(AJ and Dashie)

- Rainbow lost their wing in a one of those Saving Equestria fights, and was forcibly retired from the Wonderbolts because of it

- AJ gave her hat to her son, Zapapple, when he got his apple themed cutie mark

- Rainbow is in charge of the weather for Ponyville now

- AJ runs Sweet Apple Acres now that Granny Smith has passed

- Sweet Mac (deadname: Big Mac) has taken over the main barn and AJ made a home for her and RD on a hill in the orchard


- He’s the older child

- He inherited his mom’s hat when he got his cutie mark

- He’s autistic

- His hair is constantly frizzy and cannot be tamed


- She’s the younger kid

- She’s super braggy about how awesome her moms are

- She wants to be as strong as her moms one day
