

imagine!! Deep Space Nine + Two-era Doctor Who crossover

The Sisko and The Doctor plan plannings to save the day and butt heads a bit on some things but generally quite enjoy each other

Jamie gets lost on the Promenade and is terrified out of his wits of all these aliens around without the Doctor to cling to but he tries (and fails) to look like he isn’t nearly wetting himself in panic instead he ends up looking shifty and Odo confronts him after swooping down from the rafters (??) like a huge eagle and turns into himself

jamie lets out a very un-jamie like shriek and faints dead away and when he wakes up in medbay to zoe and julian chattering on about Clever Brainchild Things and quite frankly it sounds just like a different language and OH GOD A LARGE-EARED FANGED BEASTIE OH GOD OH NO AND THE EAGLEMAN

jamie proceeds to try to attack because oh god panic attacks beTTER LASH OUT so zoe and julian have to calm him down and reassure him that they aren’t dangerous everything is o k a y, jamie

later the doctor finds zoe and jamie and jamie clings to him like an orangutan baby the entire time “och doctor it was terrible the hawkman who isn’t a hawk he’s an everything was going to put me in the brig and then the ugly fanged beastie kept trying to buy my sporran for lah-tee-dum please i want to leaaave”

meanwhile julian is flirting and flirting and flirting with zoe and zoe doesn’t *seem* to be getting that he’s flirting with her so like a goob he continues to be more and more obvious until jadzia basically comes in going like, “zoe what are you doing later tonight~ – oh hey julian” and zoe giggles and smooches jadzia right on the face and julian goes right to quarks to drink and drink and drink and sob on morn’s shoulder

I trick my dehydrated body into drinking water by putting ice in it because then it feels like I’m drinking Crispy Water™ and that’s just so much better than regular water

First day of my sophmore year and I hate it

I came back home had an anxiety attack then fell asleep

But my frand kissed me on the cheeck tho so that’s nice


In 3 months it will sound like this in the mornings out there.

a7estrellas: PEDRO PASCALStar Wars Vanity Fair Cover Shootph. Annie Leibovitz 


Star Wars Vanity Fair Cover Shoot
ph. Annie Leibovitz 

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Self indulgent ‘Needed-a-solo-suit-shot’ yihhh

Self indulgent ‘Needed-a-solo-suit-shot’ 


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Saleese is the kind of person who if things hadn’t worked out with Plo, she would have sworn off love.

If she can’t have love she’ll take power

robatica:I wanna eat takoyaki :Q_


I wanna eat takoyaki :Q_

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Fanart for @stonenautilus „it‘s ok to just be Pluto“ – Chapter 15. this was an adventure to finish. I was always torn between „oh it looks ok“ and „ i hate it“. #NoStraightRoads #nsr #DJSupertomicSupernova #nostraightroadsfanart

wtxch:Passage, by Cornelia Konrads in Chaumont-sur-Loire 


Passage, by Cornelia Konrads in Chaumont-sur-Loire 

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the one comin in hot live video where they brought 2 people on stage and charlie was like “haha make some noise if u want them to kiss” and everyone (including danny) started chanting for them to kiss and then the girl was like “i’m 16” and danny just goes nONONONONONO

i think ab it a lot

to add on to this that one video of danny jorel nd dylan in the bus and danny just found out reese was having a boy and they were all congratulating him and shit



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