#mo guan shan

story-kat: Art by  ghostly_dayPosted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)


Art by  ghostly_day

Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)

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Do you ever wonder how He Tian became the romantic that he is?  I do, all the time.  Especially since a lot of what we learn about romance and love when we’re young is through examples we see around us.

Though it doesn’t seem like He Tian had that in his immediate vicinity.  We don’t know exactly what happened with his parents but the way he speaks to his father doesn’t lead me to believe that he saw his parents lovingly holding each other or whispering affectionate words to one another as they embraced.  For all we know his mother may have passed when he was very young and he doesn’t have any memories of her at all.

So where did it come from?  Was it through movies?  Books?  Other forms of media?  Or is this just something that is inherently a part of who He Tian is as a person?

And he shows his love in all of the different love languages.  I won’t analyze every single one of them but I’ll just include examples (even so this is definitely going to be a long post).

Words of Affirmation


Can you imagine what it must have been like for Mo to hear that?  It’s the exact OPPOSITE of how people have been describing him for years.  For years Mo has been the son of a criminal so he probably cheats and steals and is an all around bad person.  But He Tian sees Mo for who he really is underneath the scowl and the sharp tongue - he sees the heart that is sometimes too big and too sensitive for the world that he lives in.


‘Do whatever you like to do.  I’ll support you…’


‘I want to see you every day…’

He expresses his desire to see Mo, to spend time with him - Mo who has been ostracized by his fellow classmates and society at large all because he’s guilty by association.  But He Tian doesn’t care, he would spend every waking moment with Mo if he could.  Which brings us to…

Quality Time


He’s genuinely interested and invested in Mo’s thoughts, his hopes, his dreams.  And he’s always asking for more time to spend with Mo, even going so far as to show up at his workplace just for a chance to be close to him (unfortunately he’s disruptive and it just ends up pissing Mo off).

Acts of Service


Again, just his absolute devotion is overwhelming.  He would do anything to prove his love to Mo - to prove that it’s real.

Receiving/Giving Gifts

I think this one is technically receiving gifts but He Tian is generally the gift giver (though Mo did gift him that sandwich when He Tian had his mouth rash).


Gifts that are truly thoughtful and given with intent.  So lovely to see.

And finally He Tian’s personal favorite (and mine too!)

Physical Touch


There are so many but this one in particular is so powerful.  He’s literally keeping Mo together here.

And then just a collection of my other favorite examples:


Sorry for the collage formatting on some of these but Tumblr only allows so many photos per post and there are obviously dozens of instances of He Tian showing his love throughout the manhua.

Mo is still my favorite character in the manhua but damn if He Tian isn’t coming in a very close second these days.  It’s really beautiful to see He Tian expressing himself this way because he really appears to be an individual that loves deeply and truly.  It’s just a part of who he is, a romantic and devoted soul that found his other half.  His other half isn’t quite there yet but he’s learning to be patient because he knows it’s worth it.  He’s all in - now and forever.

Please,PLEASEfeel free to interact with this post or add your own examples or favorites.  I’m positive I’ve missed some, there are just too many to include in one single post but I’ve just been thinking about this pretty much non stop since the last update and wanted to share.

Yes he is definitely a guy that loves to show his love by touching. But I think he also wants to be touched, to be held, to feel save and loved. Fortunately Mo is more and more willing touch He Tian too.

@beautifulboysbeingbusy I completely agree!! So true!!! He Tian desperately wants that physical touch and affection. I think that’s why he constantly puts himself in Mo’s orbit (as much as that bothers Mo ). He’s touch and affection starved, he just wants that connection so badly

He goes so far just for a like bit of physical comfort and contact

I have a headcanon for their future when they are in a real ass adult relationship. When they are out meeting the other guys or really just Mo working He Tian always is a wailing whining manchild and wants to go home because Mo does not show affection in public and does not like to be touchy-feely in front of other people but in private they are like



Do you ever wonder how He Tian became the romantic that he is?  I do, all the time.  Especially since a lot of what we learn about romance and love when we’re young is through examples we see around us.

Though it doesn’t seem like He Tian had that in his immediate vicinity.  We don’t know exactly what happened with his parents but the way he speaks to his father doesn’t lead me to believe that he saw his parents lovingly holding each other or whispering affectionate words to one another as they embraced.  For all we know his mother may have passed when he was very young and he doesn’t have any memories of her at all.

So where did it come from?  Was it through movies?  Books?  Other forms of media?  Or is this just something that is inherently a part of who He Tian is as a person?

And he shows his love in all of the different love languages.  I won’t analyze every single one of them but I’ll just include examples (even so this is definitely going to be a long post).

Words of Affirmation


Can you imagine what it must have been like for Mo to hear that?  It’s the exact OPPOSITE of how people have been describing him for years.  For years Mo has been the son of a criminal so he probably cheats and steals and is an all around bad person.  But He Tian sees Mo for who he really is underneath the scowl and the sharp tongue - he sees the heart that is sometimes too big and too sensitive for the world that he lives in.


‘Do whatever you like to do.  I’ll support you…’


‘I want to see you every day…’

He expresses his desire to see Mo, to spend time with him - Mo who has been ostracized by his fellow classmates and society at large all because he’s guilty by association.  But He Tian doesn’t care, he would spend every waking moment with Mo if he could.  Which brings us to…

Quality Time


He’s genuinely interested and invested in Mo’s thoughts, his hopes, his dreams.  And he’s always asking for more time to spend with Mo, even going so far as to show up at his workplace just for a chance to be close to him (unfortunately he’s disruptive and it just ends up pissing Mo off).

Acts of Service


Again, just his absolute devotion is overwhelming.  He would do anything to prove his love to Mo - to prove that it’s real.

Receiving/Giving Gifts

I think this one is technically receiving gifts but He Tian is generally the gift giver (though Mo did gift him that sandwich when He Tian had his mouth rash).


Gifts that are truly thoughtful and given with intent.  So lovely to see.

And finally He Tian’s personal favorite (and mine too!)

Physical Touch


There are so many but this one in particular is so powerful.  He’s literally keeping Mo together here.

And then just a collection of my other favorite examples:


Sorry for the collage formatting on some of these but Tumblr only allows so many photos per post and there are obviously dozens of instances of He Tian showing his love throughout the manhua.

Mo is still my favorite character in the manhua but damn if He Tian isn’t coming in a very close second these days.  It’s really beautiful to see He Tian expressing himself this way because he really appears to be an individual that loves deeply and truly.  It’s just a part of who he is, a romantic and devoted soul that found his other half.  His other half isn’t quite there yet but he’s learning to be patient because he knows it’s worth it.  He’s all in - now and forever.

Please,PLEASEfeel free to interact with this post or add your own examples or favorites.  I’m positive I’ve missed some, there are just too many to include in one single post but I’ve just been thinking about this pretty much non stop since the last update and wanted to share.

Yes he is definitely a guy that loves to show his love by touching. But I think he also wants to be touched, to be held, to feel save and loved. Fortunately Mo is more and more willing touch He Tian too.


the probability that she li saw them…


OX giving us a cute chapter makes me think of this emoji

Don’t do this….


I would stare at him all day long too.


Is this now the moment?????

Ok I am confused. From time to time I see posts like this that ask if we will see the kiss now that we were promised back then, but…

Isn’t that the promised kiss?!?

I bought the artbook a few year ago and it came with a lot of other merch and this little card and I always thought that’s it. That’s the promised kiss. Am I wrong here??


He Tian is such a hopeless romantic and I will never EVER stop writing him that way. He would move Heaven and fucking earth for Mo. He would fucking laugh while walking through the darkest pits of Hell if it was for Mo Guan Shan. Don’t come for me it’s just a FACT.

Besotted doesn’t even cover this anymore, that is soul deep DEVOTION in those eyes. He has made up his mind, there is no turning back, there will be no one else, Mo is his end game.


Mo: *Rolls over in bed and knees Tian in the ribs*

Tian: Ow! you kneed me.

Mo: *Sleepily* yeah, i do need you

Tian: *Voice Cracking* Okay

I need MGS to articulate his recently newfound revelations to HT before he leaves please. At least give this boy a tiny little hint will you?! Not just with actions but with words please.


A big rant about Mo’s loneliness

He tian and Mo guan shan differences have been shown very clearly by now, not only on their social/monetary positions but also on their views of life,

One of the mains ones being how they face the future, Mo seems to try and completely ignore it. He doesn’t seem particularly interested in thinking or even having hope about it, because he has a very realistic/pessimistic view on life. He wants to live on and win money, that’s it, he wasn’t even willing to feed his hope of learning to play the guitar. And, most importantly for this post, he doesn’t seem to think at all about having a partner

The only time we’ve seen him talk about it he gave a vague answer, (“as long as they are cute”) I think he mostly sees his future as gaining money and that’s it.

But then, He tian happens

And he starts to build a hope for a future together, HT loves to talk about it, to build it, and to put some light into the concept of loneliness. He tian wants more from life, and he wants Mo to live it with him, to have their dreams and lives entwined.

Ht is lonely and I think that makes Mo realize that he is too. Lately we’ve seen him start to reflect on this a little more, starting with the fish. (Yeeah I’m bringing him back)

At this point Mo is at his lowest (except from the beating lol) and he identifies himself with the fish. “Alone” and dying, but we see that that’s not what he desires, I think this is an indication that he starts to want more as well, to not disappear/die alone. So he tries to save the fish.

And then he sees this.

He tian also takes care of the fish, without even questioning it. This makes their bond concrete, this brings Mo to accept HT care, and companionship. He tian is now the person who Mo trusts the most, and the person who he is now realizing keeps him from his loneliness.

And then in this chapter we see him staring at the lonely dancer, and ponder about the future and the idea of being alone.

And then in contrast, we see Ht coming back, taking care of him and once again, planning a future together. We see that that future is no longer what awaits him, because now he has HT, someone that (even without saying) he trusts and loves.

In short, I think Ox has been showing us the development of their relationship in a very subtle and amazing type of way, from not even wanting to think about the future, to recognizing his loneliness, to then choosing to escape that future and live being loved.

Tldr: I love mo guan shan, he didn’t actively know he was lonely and then he did and now he isint anymore, and he finally sees how Ht has changed that.

Recently I reread the last 40/50 chapters (can you believe that this whole arc started more than a year ago O.O) and it’s all so beautifully build. The conflict with SL, HT knowing that he has to leave and how he is behaving with that knowledge at heart, Mo and HT relationship development. It’s fucking HUGE the whole thing! OX is a genius! I highly recommend rereading it too. It brings so many things into perspective. Have to make a post about that in the future. But probably won’t.

Не отпускает тема семейства Мо. Решила ещё порисовать миссис Мо, теперь с сыном. Я самоубийца блин, замахнуться на такую композицию. Сделала эскиз. Посмотрим, что будет дальше.

Как я эту женщину люблю, сил нет!!❤

The Mo family theme doesn’t let go. I decided to draw another picture of Mrs. Mo, now with her son. I’m suicidal, damn it, to take a swing at such a composition. Made a sketch. We’ll see what happens next.

I love this beautiful woman very much! ❤

the translation in the comments. Рыжик, любимая печенька с корицей) странно, что в итоге он вышел совсем не таким как на эскизе. Видимо потому, что дорисовывала лежа в больнице, настроение так себе. Но мне кстати нравится, характер вышел более каноничный. А ещё мне нравится думать, что у него волосы начинают виться, когда отрастают. Но Мо это не нравится, и он из-за этого стрижет их короче (потому что кудряшки — это слишком мило :)))
