#on point






The 11th house & your social encounters

- The 11th house is ruled by Uranus & brings out Aquarian themes; it rules over humanitarianism & revolution, but also platonic companionship, internet mutuals, & one’s overall social self. Looking at the 11H shows us how we interact in social settings & how we may influence others.

Aries in the 11H: You influence others to be more forward & impulsive. You are the friend that gets people together & calls the shots. You don’t wait for others to say something; if you want it, it will get done. It is rare for you to consider possible consequences & you aren’t always the wisest decision maker, but you are not static. You keep people on their toes; you bring so much passion into your relationships with people. You are a fun & optimistic friend.

Taurus in the 11H: You influence others to engage in a more lux lifestyle. You are the friend that pays for dinner and/or who has the best book & movie recommendations. You are full of life & the beauty of it. When your friends are with you, they feel as though they can finally slow down & breathe. You aren’t the most daring friend, but you are one that others can count on. Reliable & dependable, you’re the friend that always seems to have their life together.

Gemini in the 11H: You influence others to be more youthful & enthusiastic. You are the kind of friend who makes plans to go to brunch or grab some coffee to catch up, & the two of you end up talking for hours. You like to enjoy the moment, & sometimes that means you have to do it on your own. You are an extrovert & may at times be a bit clingy towards your friends; however, no one’s absence can stop you from having a good time.

Cancer in the 11H: You influence others to be more vulnerable. You’re the caretaker friend. You soften those whom you are close with; they can depend on your comfort. Your friends appreciate you for your thoughtful gestures. You are not the most direct friend, even if you disagree with someone’s choices you may not say much at first. You will be there for your friends when they want help, but maybe not every time they need it.

Leo in the 11H: You influence others to be more lively. You don’t like to sit around or wait for anyone; the fun starts with you (not them). You are the friend to keep track of parties & events, and to convince your friends to come along. Most of your friendships are surface level, despite one or two who would always have your back. A best friend or a few close ones is all you want, and the rest are just for fun (& vice versa).

Virgo in the 11H: You influence others to be more image-oriented. You like hanging out with people who match your theme, or aesthetic, in life. You want to compliment your friends, and want them to compliment you. The kind of friend that is known for being a part of a group, or having a best friend that you are inseparable to. You can be overly judgmental towards your friends, but most of the time you have their best interest in mind.

Libra in the 11H: You influence others to see both sides. You keep an open-mind. Not to say you are disloyal, but that you always care to understand peoples motives. When two people you care about are not getting along, you try to stay uninvolved. At best, you are a perfect mediator; at worst, you are seen as double-faced. With an approachable & easygoing nature, you are a friend to all.

Scorpio in the 11H: You influence others to reflect & be more authentic. You are the kind of friend that can always read your friend’s moods; the kind of person that people go to because they feel like they can share their secrets with you. You are not always the most level-headed, but you are a truly caring friend. You would never betray a loved one; the worst thing someone could do to you is betray you. You have an energy that allows friends & acquaintances to be their most raw selves when they are with you.

Sagittarius in the 11H: You influence others to see from a different perspective. Your friends enjoy hearing what you have to say; you have a persuasive personality. Your characteristics & opinions rub off on your friends, they may even start to copy you. Intimacy is not what you are known for, rather you are liked & valued for your open-mind and strong character. You are not one to follow the lead. Your friends admire your views on life, and learn from you.

Capricorn in the 11H: You influence others to have higher standards. You’re the kind of friend who reminds your friends that they could do better; you are always complimenting & encouraging your friends because you can see their potential. You don’t like people who have no vision for their life. You will leave someone alone soon after the friendship becomes one-sided. You are wise & “know best”. People come to you for a second opinion. You can be a bit too harsh in friendships, but you always mean well.

Aquarius in the 11H: You influence others to not really give a fuck. You are the friend who tells it like it is; you can be overly blunt with no mind to people’s feelings. You can see right through facades, and your friend group consists of “raw” individuals who are all on different life paths. You have an independent streak, your friends do as well. You view friendship as an experience rather than a personal pairing between two people. You get along with many types of people, as long as they aren’t trying to be something that they are not.

Pisces in the 11H:You influence others to be more compassionate. You are the kind of person to befriend people at their low points. You may have experienced some hardships that have made you a more sympathetic person to others. Your friends usually come to your house, or you drive them, etc. Your friends are grateful to have someone as loving as you. Friends come and go for you, each one brings a unique perspective. You long for a friend who will care for you as you care for them.

Sun in the 11H: You stand out in your friendship circles. You shine your brightest & just appear to be glowing when you are being social & hanging out with your friends. Others may refer to your social circle as “(your name)’s friend group” & other things like that. You are an extrovert and/or have lots of connections.

Moon in the 11H: This is the “mom friend” placement. You have a maternal quality that shows up with friends, acquaintances, & possibly online. This placement doesn’t necessarily make you soft, more-so it makes you protective. You will go to bat for your friends.

Mercury in the 11H: This means 1 of 2 things based on the sign it’s in, aspects, & other significant placements: 1) you talk about everything with your friends; you’re an oversharer or, 2) you are the one who gives all of your friends the advice. In some rarer cases, it can mean both at the same time lol.

Venus in the 11H: You develop crushes on your friends; orrrr you need your romantic partners to double as your “best friend”. + You are a very loving & sweet friend.

Mars in the 11H: You may be approached with friends-with-benefits type situations. Your friends may express a sexual attraction to you in a casual way lol. You may be selfish in friendships, or have a strict intolerance for certain behaviors in your social circles that you enforce (the intolerance would mainly depend on Mars sign & aspects)

Jupiter in the 11H: You develop friendships that end up benefiting you. Friends with loving families that take you in, friends who may have more money or social status than you do; because of your personality, you attract people who have the means to “boost” your life. You are a good friend & are rewarded for it (this can & will reverse if you turn out to be a really “bad” friend though)

Saturn in the 11H: You are the responsible friend. Things sometimes go wrong for you, & not always at your doing. Be careful of reckless friends, or friends who will never “take the blame”. You don’t want to have to take the shit for your friendship circle’s actions. You oftentimes feel used or lonely; be mindful of who you let close to you.

Uranus in the 11H: Online friends or followers are more prominent than irl ones. You may have long-distance friends, or friends who have grown up in very different environments/lifestyles from you & one another. Diverse circle.

Neptune in the 11H: “Friends” may take advantage of you. Be sure to set up boundaries & enforce them. You sometimes go ghost on people; you like to be alone a lot. You feel misunderstood by people sometimes, but don’t let yourself push everyone away. Try to make friends with people who have similar interests as you, this way you are less likely to feel swamped.

Pluto in the 11H: You have dealt with betrayals from friends in the past. You feel like you always “choose the wrong ones”. You have a lot of influence over your friend groups; you may deal with friends who become obsessive/copy you. Jealousy & distrust are themes that show up in *some* friendships with this placement. Be careful of fake friends.

Chiron in the 11H: You have had friends who made you feel bad about yourself. You felt like you were in their shadow/s. You have struggled with feelings of exclusion. As you grow, you will gain confidence in your independence & solitude. Friends will find you, & when they do you should let them in.




S7 AU where instead of squeezing his hand scar to ground himself Sam gently holds his boob instead

#does that mean in the stone number one scene dean firmly squeezes sam’s booble instead of his hand (via @mannequin3thereckoning)

“you gotta make it stone number one and build on it, sammy. no… not our relationship… your boob”




depiction is not the same as glorification and I need people to get that 

depiction from the POV of a character who thinks it’s okay is still not glorification


A big rant about Mo’s loneliness

He tian and Mo guan shan differences have been shown very clearly by now, not only on their social/monetary positions but also on their views of life,

One of the mains ones being how they face the future, Mo seems to try and completely ignore it. He doesn’t seem particularly interested in thinking or even having hope about it, because he has a very realistic/pessimistic view on life. He wants to live on and win money, that’s it, he wasn’t even willing to feed his hope of learning to play the guitar. And, most importantly for this post, he doesn’t seem to think at all about having a partner

The only time we’ve seen him talk about it he gave a vague answer, (“as long as they are cute”) I think he mostly sees his future as gaining money and that’s it.

But then, He tian happens

And he starts to build a hope for a future together, HT loves to talk about it, to build it, and to put some light into the concept of loneliness. He tian wants more from life, and he wants Mo to live it with him, to have their dreams and lives entwined.

Ht is lonely and I think that makes Mo realize that he is too. Lately we’ve seen him start to reflect on this a little more, starting with the fish. (Yeeah I’m bringing him back)

At this point Mo is at his lowest (except from the beating lol) and he identifies himself with the fish. “Alone” and dying, but we see that that’s not what he desires, I think this is an indication that he starts to want more as well, to not disappear/die alone. So he tries to save the fish.

And then he sees this.

He tian also takes care of the fish, without even questioning it. This makes their bond concrete, this brings Mo to accept HT care, and companionship. He tian is now the person who Mo trusts the most, and the person who he is now realizing keeps him from his loneliness.

And then in this chapter we see him staring at the lonely dancer, and ponder about the future and the idea of being alone.

And then in contrast, we see Ht coming back, taking care of him and once again, planning a future together. We see that that future is no longer what awaits him, because now he has HT, someone that (even without saying) he trusts and loves.

In short, I think Ox has been showing us the development of their relationship in a very subtle and amazing type of way, from not even wanting to think about the future, to recognizing his loneliness, to then choosing to escape that future and live being loved.

Tldr: I love mo guan shan, he didn’t actively know he was lonely and then he did and now he isint anymore, and he finally sees how Ht has changed that.

Recently I reread the last 40/50 chapters (can you believe that this whole arc started more than a year ago O.O) and it’s all so beautifully build. The conflict with SL, HT knowing that he has to leave and how he is behaving with that knowledge at heart, Mo and HT relationship development. It’s fucking HUGE the whole thing! OX is a genius! I highly recommend rereading it too. It brings so many things into perspective. Have to make a post about that in the future. But probably won’t.


I watched a couple episodes of Prince of Tennis and a couple seasons of Futurama over break


part of what’s so heartbreaking about all of this is, despite the scumminess and scheming and cutting corners and lies that jimmy has been responsible for or complicit in, throughout his erosion and shifting self, there’s only one thing he’s consistently wanted, and it’s a life with kim. it was an office. it was, you and me, is this happening, even if i choose not to take this cushy job you’ve helped arrange for me, and then, even after i tank this cushy job? it was taking the cigarette directly from her mouth being tantamount to a kiss even when things were too unclear to just kiss her. it was daydreaming about horses and getting a smoker. it was doodling WMs together like a giddy kid with a crush. it was taking her to a fancy open house and giggling when they turned on the shower, the suggestion that maybe someday they could have this. it was admiring her, telling her she deserved to be somewhere where she was valued, where they cared about her. it was letting her in on hurts and vulnerability and vindictive plans, and then trying to give her an out - you’ll never hear about things like this again, i know we went too far here - only for her to help, or go even further, or push him frantically against the wall, and him realizing she wanted this too, and all their jagged edges and pieces fit. it was screwing up and being terrified of losing her only for her to say, maybe we get married, and the marriage of convenience and disguise and legal arrangement being something real and true and tender. it’s the intimacy in their space, the only times we see them with all facade stripped away, curled together watching movies and eating take out on the couch. she’s not in the game, she’s not even game adjacent. the only thing that kept me going out there was you. if anything happens to her, i can’t do this. it was taking care of one another through injury and trauma - the car accident, chuck’s death, the mugging, the desert - through personal and professional setbacks, through jimmy, you are always down, through, i had an urge not to tell you, so i’m telling you. through am i bad for you and implying he should leave, and her defiantly reaching back to hold him tighter, as if she’d let him go after she thought she’d lost him.

they are intertwined in every sense. they have no one else. not family, not friends, not colleagues. no one knows them or cherishes them for themselves except one another. they come from damaged places but make each other’s worlds fuller, complete. so jimmy daydreams of them working together, then he daydreams of them having a home.

the sanctity of their home has been invaded and turned red, our color association with the criminal in their world. all that blue splashed crimson. but more than the law, more than simply being alive from one moment to the next, the very worst thing they could ever lose is the foundation of their love. that’s (the kind of heartbreak time could never mend…) their something unforgivable. how do you recover from losing the mirror and twin flame of your soul?

they desperately, damagingly cling to one another. when someone insults him, she takes it personally because it’s demeaning to the part of her that IS him. it’s not as simple as corruption, or one makes the other worse, because that implies they don’t already understand one another. it’s much more a revelation, of identity, or darknesses, of light. all this, messes and tragedies and comedies of error, all of it is their love story. i did it for kim. they love each other. that’s the beginning and end of everything. that’s what will be the most terrible to lose.

Date night prep Date night prep

Date night prep

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on point


The Batfamily As Bird Memes









(Bonus) Alfred:


Down the rabbit whole we go

(Credits aren’t mine)

Dita Von Teese, stunning in blue.

Dita Von Teese, stunning in blue.

Post link


Thinking back Padme Amidala went so damn hard every day with her fashion like…she didn’t have to scalp the entire galaxy like that?!?! Every time she walked into a room, SHE MADE DAMN SURE her ass was the best dressed!!! *Steps out into the backwoods desert of Tatooine where they’re literally wearing potato sacks* Serves nothing but high fashion. Simple picnic with her young Splenda Daddy™? TRULY DOING THE MOST SHE DIDN’T HAVE TO GO THAT HARD. Want to enjoy some space fruit salad with bae? SERVE SOME GALACTIC CYBER PUNK DOMINATRIX REALNESS ON THEM!!!! On a mission to save Obi Wan? SLAYING FOR THE GODS IN ALL WHITE CASHMERE AND SUEDE BOOTS LIKE?!?!

God she couldn’t even go to sleep without being extra™ she had to wear that Galactic Marchesa Blue Silk Gown embellished with Swarovski crystals and pearls just to prove a point I fucking love Padme….
