


gang, you ever think about becoming a monastic to escape the world?

Chastise your cat for walking all over your manuscript.

“Self-quarantine?” Is that what you kids are calling “being a hermit” these days?

Be grieved that the friend you once trusted has broken the seal of confession.



Monasticism out here is just [prays] [bakes bread] [reads a Psalm] [prays] [illuminates a gospel] [complains in Ogham in the margins] [pets a cat] [prays] [gets attacked by Vikings] [prays]

What’s a viking?

You know, the DubgentiandFinngenti? They keep stealing our stuff and enslaving our people and we’re all kinda done with it.

Monasticism out here is just [prays] [bakes bread] [reads a Psalm] [prays] [illuminates a gospel] [complains in Ogham in the margins] [pets a cat] [prays] [gets attacked by Vikings] [prays]

  • St. Brigid and St. Darlughdach
  • St. Patrick and St. Odran
  • An evangelist and his symbol (i. e.: St. Mark and his lion, St. John and his eagle)
  • St. Gobnait and her swarm of bees
  • St. Brigid and her red cow
A Franciscan Martyr of the Cristero WarFray Junípero Vega professed his solemn vows in February 10,

A Franciscan Martyr of the Cristero War

Fray Junípero Vega professed his solemn vows in February 10, 1905, in the state of Querétaro. With franciscan humility he dedicated his life to prayer, counseling the novices of the Order, serving the sick and poor, and above all, he spent hours every day saving of souls in the confessionary.

During Plutarco Elías Calles’ government and persecution of the Church, Fray Junípero was sent to prison and then freed many times, until he was arrested by the police in La Piedad, Michoacán. From this place he was taken to the nearby train tracks, between the towns of Yurécuaro and Ecuandureo, where he was martyred via firing squad by the civil authorities in February 6, 1928. There was no reason for his execution, except the barbaric hate of Christ and His Church that the judeo-masonic revolutionary government professed.

Fray Junípero Vega’s canonization process begun in 1998. 

¡Viva Cristo Rey y sus mártires!

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