#moon sign descriptions


Moon Sign descriptions part 3

~ Cancer Moon ~ Libra Moon ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Capricorn Moon ~

*Always look at your other signs and placements as well as the house in which your moon is placed. These descriptions will only be a part of your astro personality*

Cancer Moon - Cancer moons are just like any other water moon sign, they feel deeply with their emotions. Cancer Moons tend to be very caring individuals but their sensitivity can get the best of them, and they can go out of their way to hurt people who’ve hurt them over matters that appear childish and immature. This is because they are easily hurt by even the slightest of things you could do or say and they will be sure you know they are upset too. Expect this sign to sulk and take everything you say to heart. Don’t be surprised if a Cancer Moon starts lying to others about you, spreading rumours and turning people against you. Cancer moons are indirect with their approach to anger and conflict which causes them to use others to help them bring you down. They can be good at manipulating others, but don’t forget this is only the dark side of the moon. On the bright side, mature Cancer moons can be extremely caring and fatherly/motherly to the people they love or people they feel are in need. Mature Cancers will usually be emotionally intelligent with abilities in empathising and looking after others. Sometimes cancer moons can come off as quite vulnerable and childlike, embracing their inner child. Cancer moons tend to feel the extremes of every emotion and learning to control this side of them is really important for their wellbeing otherwise they could suffer from self-destructive tendencies,mental health issues, drug, alcohol or emotional problems.

Libra Moon - Libra moons love stability and thrive on fairness. Libra moons are always fighting for what they think is right and they will not be afraid to shout it out to the world either. Libra moons are social butterflies at heart and their friends and family are very important to them. You will often find that Libra moons can be very flirtatious and it comes very naturally to them, and they are almost always the one that is constantly in a relationship. On the darker side, some Libra moons (also depends on the rest of their chart) can come over as drama queens or queen bee like individuals who live off drama and feeling the need to control every situation that comes their way. More dark traits of this moon is bitchiness, passive aggressiveness and drama after gossip after drama, as well as tendencies to manipulate situations and people, but this is only the toxic side of the moon. Libra moons will often be friendly, very light and bubbly individuals with a strong-willed and serious streak. Even though these moons detest conflict and try to avoid it at all costs, they will most certainly fight for the people they love and what they believe is right.

Sagittarius Moon - These moons love to explore and you’ll never guess what they will do next. Travelling comes naturally to these moons, they will travel and investigate pretty much anything that interests them. These moons can be multitalented too, taking up different hobbies and interests or exploring different career paths. Sagittarius moons are adaptable and driven, which helps them immensely career wise. However, Sagittarius Moons can be prone to recklessness, being unreliable and irresponsible which could cause issues with substance abuse and overindulging themselves in having fun. Sagittarius moons can be the life of the party but they need to make sure they don’t let this side of them take over other areas of their life.

Capricorn Moon - Capricorn moons can evolve their life around their work and they will usually accomplish anything that they set their heart to, even if they have no natural talent in the subject. Capricorn individuals can be quite aloof individuals, even though they will always speak up when they need to. These moons may struggle with high expectations in their work or studies as well as possible issues in relationships or friendships, not because they can’t hold one, but because Capricorn moons can sometimes pick their work and career over dealing with people. Capricorn moons can also come over as hypercritical of themselves and other people, and they need to be careful they don’t overdo it! Overall Capricorn moons are practical, organised, strong-willed and critical people who need a work environment and lifestyle that challenges these traits in a healthy way.

Moon sign descriptions part 2

~Taurus Moon~Leo Moon~Virgo Moon~Pisces Moon~

*Always look at your other signs and placements as well as the house in which your moon is placed. These descriptions will only be a part of your astro personality*

Taurus Moon - These moons hate change and are the most stubborn of the moon Signs. These moons thrive on predictability and stability in order to feel at ease. Taurus Moon individuals are very head strong and will work hard towards whatever goal they set their mind to. They love the finer things in life and love anything to do with the senses, and may be a regular buyer of extravagant perfumes, silky fabrics, soothing moisturisers and bath oils or anything that’s pleasing to the eye. Taurus moons often have a natural grace and serenity that draws people in. These people are not unpredicatable as this is something they do not stand by, instead they are often the most stable people you will ever meet. Taurus moons will probably have a beautiful home and someone that has good taste. Taurus moons can be a lover of tradition, especially if tradition was exposed to them growing up. They may dream of a a fairytale wedding or having a perfect family as a child, and they will probably end up living this dream as they will usually end up completing any goal that falls onto their lap. Their stubbornness can sometimes get the best of them, because their opinions and ideas are rarely changed and they may have trouble listening to other people’s side of the story, which can cause issues if they get into an argument. Taurus moons sometimes struggle with new situations and unpredictable environments as they tend to very fixed characters and adaptability and spontaneity is not their strong suit.

Leo Moon - Leo moons aren’t always as outgoing as some may like to think. Sometimes people with a Leo Moon might be described as someone who is shy or quiet especially around new people, until they get to know you, in which you start to see they are more outgoing. But that doesn’t mean that these moons are not outgoing, it just means that not all of them are as outgoing as you’d think. These individuals will usually have strong ‘Leo’ traits, and depending on the persons chart, this Leo energy may not be noticed until you really get to know the person. Leo moons are usually very generous people to those that they love as well as very loyal, even to people that may not treat them the same in return, which could be an issue. They often have strong leadership abilities, so don’t be surprised if you see a Leo Moon take charge of a situation with ease, it comes very naturally to them. Leo moons can be very dramatic and always caught up in the latest gossip (can depend on how strong Leo is in your chart). They can be attracted to the performing arts and anything which has the spotlight on them. One of the problems this moon could face is self-esteem issues if they don’t receive enough compliments and are criticised by other people. These moons don’t take criticism lightly. Even though these moons tend to be generous and loving, this doesn’t stop them from sometimes acting conceited and like they’re better than everyone, they will tend to do this when they’re going through a lot of emotional turmoil or if people allow them to act this way.

Virgo Moon - Virgo moons are structured and critical. When it comes to organisation, these moons are pros. Their everyday life will seem perfectly structured and this is something people will often pick up from a Virgo Moon individual when they first meet them. They hate a messy schedule and environment and they are excellent when it comes to getting things done. They are the epitome of a perfect employer and student and this is what will help them in life. They are perfectionists when it comes to anything and will strive to perfect their knowledge and ability on anything that interests them. There is however a couple of negatives associated with their perfectionism, and this is what makes them come over as overly critical, especially towards other people. Virgo moons will often pick out the flaws in others and this may cause them to have high standards when it comes to friends and relationships. They are one of the most likely to bitch about someone, for being bitchy (the irony) as well as pretty much any flaw to everyone they meet because they can be so sensitive to the negative attributes in people as well as themselves that they fail to pick up the good. These individuals need to focus more on the good things in life, because focusing on the negatives is what brings you down and you know it. Being critical isn’t a bad thing, it just depends on how you use it. If Virgo moons used their criticism to help others instead of putting them down, it may help them a great deal.

Pisces Moon - Pisces moons are one of the most moody, if not the moodiest sign there is. They tend not to hold grudges for long but they are easily hurt and very sensitive to how you treat them. You may never know that they are mad at you until you try and confront them because they always use an indirect approach to conflict, but if you confront them during the time they are mad at you, don’t expect them to be nice, passive-aggression comes quite naturally to them, especially when they are mad. But, Pisces moons will love you again in no time, they get over fall-outs pretty quickly. Pisces can be shy and quiet, but may have loads of friends as they can empathise and read pretty much anyone. Pisces moons can be extremely creative, probably the most creative out of all the moons and often finding themself in artistic careers such as arts and crafts, acting, music and dancing. They tend to give off a vulnerability that can cause people to take advantage of them, but luckily their psychic ability (look at your chart) can often prevent them from letting those people get to them because they are usually the first to sense if someone has bad intentions or is up to no good. However they may sometimes be easily led or influenced by other people, especially if that person takes advantage of their empathetic nature. They may be called ‘cute’ and ‘sweet’ often by anyone they come into contact with. These signs may seem innocent and dreamy when you first meet them, but don’t let that side to them fool you. Pisces moons tend to have a darkness hidden beneath a layer of warmth and light, with the succeptability to turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, crime and self destruction. If you hurt them enough you will know, and you will probably find yourself feeling so bad for what you did that you will be begging on your knees for their forgiveness. Don’t underestimate these moons, no matter how vulnerable and innocent that they seem.

Moon sign Descriptions part 1

~Aries Moon, Gemini Moon, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Moon~

Aries Moon - They are outspoken and impulsive, often being the one to speak their mind too much. Aries Moons will be very open about pretty much everything, their thoughts, their feelings, their opinions, anything, to the point where it can become inappropriate, and this is often what gets them into trouble with others. Their quick mind sometimes gets the best of them, by taking action without thinking about the damage they could cause. They can also give other people the impression that they lack maturity if they don’t learn to control this Aries mind.

Gemini Moon - These people have restless minds. They are easily bored and often have to stimulate their minds constantly. They can be brilliant at multitasking, for example: watching tv and reading a book at the same time. Gemini moons can also be sarcastic and quick-witted, with the ability to dominate a conversation with their love of talking. Their changeable moods can give them a reputation of being moody and that they have two sides to their personality. They can be terrible at sitting still for long periods of time which is only intensified if you have a Gemini dominated Chart.

Scorpio Moons - This is a very dark and secretive moon. They are extremely sensitive to how other people treat them and act around them, sometimes too sensitive. Scorpio moons will often hold a grudge for years or maybe even until the day they die. Often these grudges are over something that most people would move on from after a week or maybe not even take it to heart at all. It’s this sensitivity mixed with secrecy that makes them so dangerous, because they will often find ways to get back at you if you hurt them enough, and yet you will never even suspect it. Scorpio Moon individuals are probably the most loyal and protective towards the people they truly care about. In relationships they can be quite possessive and easily betrayed. These moons rarely forgive and never forget.

Aquarius Moon - One is the darker moons, but this may be unnoticed to the untrained eye. Aquarius moons will never show their true emotions to others. In fact it is common for these moons to appear emotionless or lacking in empathy because of this. It is almost as if they fear feelings and emotions and this can cause them to act out in bizarre and sometimes cold ways in order to conceal this side of them. Aquarius moons are natural humanitarians who need to have friends in their life to feel secure, they love their friends. However, not even friends stop this moon from remaining detached and aloof when it comes to their own thoughts and feelings, as well as handling other people’s emotional issues.
