#moon sign


Yes I know you can’t compare astrology to you’re sexuality but this what I have figured out in people their charts, thought I would share. 

Aquarius/scorpio: can make someone have gender issues, and make that person transgender, non binary, etc

Scorpio (esp venus)/sagittarius placements: makes a person quickly bisexual

Pisces placements: I have noticed a lot of gay people have strong pisces in their chart

Air signs: can make a person more towards the asexual spectrum because they think more rational about their feelings and attraction towards people.

Libra: I have noticed a lot of libra’s are aromantic, which may sound weird because they get ruled by venus what is the planet of love

Leo moon: may jump from this sexuality to the other because they have some trouble figuring out what their sexuality is

Virgo/taurus placements: mostly makes a person a vanilla and like basic stuff 

Aquarius placements: is literally attracted to everyone and call themselves mostly pansexual

Leo placements: may indicate this person was pushed out of the closet without being ready for it.

signs as stranger things characters

Aries: Chief Hopper

Taurus: Will

Gemini: Dr. Martin Brenner

Cancer: Lucas

Leo: Nancy

Virgo: Mike

Libra: Eleven

Scorpio: Steve

Sagittarius: Dustin

Capricorn: Jonathan

Aquarius: Barbara

Pisces: Joyce



No wtf it’s too hot so its just me getting burned all the time, it’s fun for like a week then you get bored, and I’m definetly NOT beach bod ready:
Taurus ᯽
Pisces ☾
Capricorn ᯽
Virgo ᯽

Yeah I enjoy it, I mean no school right? Gives you an opportunity to have fun and not worry but you know sometimes it’s nice to see all your friends at school:
Aries ☼
Aquarius ➶
Libra ➶
Gemini ➶

I THRIVE on summer, tanning is my strange obsession, the beach is my home, I do whatever I want and just don’t care. Also don’t have to run into any snakes at school:
Leo ☼
Sagittarius ☼
Scorpio ☾
Cancer ☾


Aries: Partying ☼
Taurus: DIY projects ᯽
Gemini: Traveling around the world ➶
Cancer: Going on an adventure ☾
Leo: Tanning ☼
Virgo: Cooking ᯽
Libra: Swimming ➶
Scorpio: At a pool party ☾
Sagittarius: Going to the beach ☼
Capricorn: Riding their bike ᯽
Aquarius: Writing their book ➶
Pisces: Vacationing ☾


A - Super secretive, Shady, Always planning something, Too smart for their own good:

Hanna - Breathes fashion, Is not logical, Willing to cut a bitch, Bold and knows it:

Emily - Drop dead gorgeous, LGBTQ+, Very predictable, Athletic af:

Aria - Takes pics of everything, Always in a relationship, Lowkey sus, Quirky:

Spencer - The “perfect” one, Obvious leader, Hides problems, Succesful

Alison - Queen B, Driven and passionate, Manipulative at times, Extremely popular:

Exposing myself like:

 Aries - Allspice, Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal Resin, Cumin, Deerstongue, Dragons Blood

Aries - Allspice, Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal Resin, Cumin, Deerstongue, Dragons Blood Resin, Fennel, Frankincense, Galangal Root, Juniper, Musk, Peppermint, Pine

Taurus - Apple Blossom, Cardamom, Daisy, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Magnolia, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Plumeria, Rose, Thyme, Tonka Beans, Vanilla Beans, Violet

Gemini - Almond, Anise, Bergamot, Citron Peel, Clover, Dill, Lavender, Horehound, Lemongrass, Lily, Mace, Mastic Resin, Parsley, Peppermint

Cancer - Calamus, Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lotus, Myrrh Resin, Rose, Sandalwood, Violet

Leo - Acacia, Gum Benzoin, Cinnamon, Copal Resin, Frankincense, Juniper, Musk Oil, Nutmeg, Orange, Rosemary, Sandalwood

Virgo - Almond, Bergamot, Cypress, Dill, Fennel, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Lily, Mace, Moss, Patchouli, Peppermint

Libra - Apple Blossom, Catnip, Lilac, Magnolia, Margoram, Mugwort, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Sweet Pea, Thyme, Vanilla Bean, Violet

Scorpio - Allspice, Basil, Clove, Cumin, Deerstongue, Galangal Root, Gardenia, Ginger Root, Myrrh Resin, Pine, Vanilla Bean, Violet

Sagittarius - Carnation, Cedar, Clove, Copal Resin, Deerstongue, Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, Ginger Root, Honeysuckle, Juniper, Nutmeg, Orange, Rose, Sage, Sassafras Bark, Star Anise

Capricorn - Cypress, Honeysuckle, Magnilia, Mimosa, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Vervain, Vetivert

Aquarius - Acacia, Almond, Gum Benzoin, Citron Peel, Cypress, Lavender, Gum Mastic, Mace, Mimosa, Patchouli, Peppermint, Pine

Pisces - Anise, Calamus, Catnip, Clove, Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lemon, Mimosa, Nutmeg, Orris Root, Sage, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Star Anise, Sweet Pea

herb correspondences

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Don’t follow me yet on Twitter and Insta? Let’s fix that! Plenty more Virgo memes and fun on both of these!!! Thank you for supporting and sharing this blog, especially during my long break over the summer, I love you!!! ♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️



- the fighter aries

Frequent emotional disturbances are possible due to your fiery irritability. Patience is not your strong point and if things do not turn out the way you want, you can walk away like lightning. Your tendency is to be spontaneous, moody, unrestrained, assertive and hate limitations. You hate to show any personal weakness or need for support, comfort or care from others. Your enthusiasm for starting new things is huge and you are probably better off as a frontrunner than as one who completes the job. You are adventurous, fearless and independent. You do not like to be told how to do things and you want the freedom to do things your way.

- the calm taurus

Your emotional nature is stable and others find this characteristic comforting. You are generally calm and peaceful, you do not get upset easily and you do not show off emotionally. You can be completely stubborn at times, especially when changes are going to happen that are emotional in nature or require emotional adjustment. You seek security and often expect it to come from material possessions and resources. Therefore, you want to accumulate material goods and money. Hold on tight to things from the past or things you used to find that security. You need a lot of affection and closeness and this helps to alleviate feelings of insecurity. But sometimes you hold on so tightly to people that they feel they can’t breathe.

- the intelligent gemini

You tend to rationalize your emotions. Your moods are transmitted through your words. at times you are completely ignorant of your own and other people’s deeper feelings and emotional needs. You show your feelings and moods. Your primary need is to communicate and share knowledge. Avoid heavy, emotional relationships and entanglements due to a small tendency to be shallow. Your commitment scares you. Demand plenty of spiritual motivation and feel closer to people with whom you can share views and spiritual interests. You have a talented and flexible mind, with a great desire for knowledge. You can be charming, witty and cordial. Tension, nervousness and stress can be a problem for you. You may dislike disagreements and tend to talk too much. You can tell people what they want to hear despite the truth.

- the emotional cancer

You react very easily to the emotional environment in which you are placed. You suck emotions like a sponge. Maybe that’s why you become so easily moody, irritable and unstable in thought and emotion. Learning to control your moods can be very difficult, but it is necessary for you. Your greatest need is to nurture and care for someone or someone. You often seem irrational to others, as you can not always explain the cause or source of your emotions. You are also very supportive and understand the unspoken feelings and needs of others. You are easily hurt and although you may forgive a mistake from a friend or loved one, you will never forget it. Your senses and emotions are quite strong and it would be wise if you listened to your inner side as you can be quite intuitive. You are very persistent and do not give up or leave things or people easily.

- the royal leo

You are warm, generous and lovable, you give affection and show great devotion and faith in your loved ones. You want to be worshiped and worshiped like the king or queen you feel you are. You need and want a partner to be proud of and to be proud of someone is very important to you. You can not love someone you do not respect and are not proud of. It is very important for you to feel recognized and appreciated. Your feelings are hurt when you feel ignored. You hate emotional games and insincerity. You are popular, dignified, loyal and ambitious and you have perseverance, penetration and a mind with leadership and creative ability. You dramatize the events in your life and your feelings. On the downside, you may be self-centered, vain, and ostentatious with a tendency to be open-minded about your emotions.

- the analyser virgo

You are very sensitive, careful and possibly shy about showing your feelings to others. Although you may love and care for someone very much, you rarely express these feelings openly and freely. You are probably more spiritual than emotional, at least externally. It can be difficult for you to receive warmth, affection or appreciation because of the common feeling that you do not really deserve it all. Therefore, you may look colder and more distant, much more than you feel. At times you may become so critical of others that you drive them away and their love. You need to learn to forgive yourself and others when things do not reach perfection. You have the ability to analyze people and situations and then find the fastest and most effective way to achieve anything you need.

- the harmonious libra

You are polite, supportive, eager, optimistic, fair and you really enjoy social gatherings. You are a discreet friend and have a genuine talent for making others feel accepted and valued. At the same time, you probably have good critical thinking skills and the ability to draw the right conclusions. There is a love for art and music. You need people and relationships. Avoid personal frictions or any expression of tension and unpleasant behaviors. You fight for peace, harmony and perfect balance. You can be quite hesitant and indecisive. You are much more strange to yourself than to what others would assume by observing you from the outside. It is sometimes difficult for you to change your mind because you see an issue from all sides and you always want to be fair.

- the sensual scorpio

You are secretive and tend to be silently melancholy about the mistakes people have made, either in reality or simply in your mind. The spiritual and emotional focus can be on sensual things, sex or death. It is difficult to trust people as you are suspicious of their innermost thoughts and plans. You open up to very few, as you do not easily trust others. It is difficult for you to allow yourself to be vulnerable and you do not want to lose control of your relationship. You love and hate with passion. Everything is done emotionally and vigorously. You can be very jealous and possessive in your relationships. Maybe your mother was too authoritarian. You are accustomed to sticking to mistakes that have been made in the past, you do not forgive or forget. Guilt, resentment and revenge must be overcome. Learn to express your feelings externally rather than suppressing and burying them. You are magnetic, energetic, independent, irritable, patient and determined.

- the independent sagittarius

You are independent, open, generous, enthusiastic, idealistic, inspiring and optimistic and these characteristics attract many friends and acquaintances. Grow through travel, sociability, camaraderie and expressing your views to anyone who will listen. You are also adventurous, playful, with a love of freedom and always ready for a pleasant experience. You seldom allow difficulties to overwhelm you, no matter how sad the past or the present, you always expect a better, brighter future. You often try to make others happy or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurt, but you unconsciously avoid or ignore the emotions involved. Friendship means a lot to you, maybe much more than love or affection. You also need a lot of emotional freedom.

- the grounded capricorn

You tend to be very serious and responsible, thinking that duty is above all. You do not feel comfortable expressing your feelings in public and you certainly would not want others to think that you need help and support. You never want to look emotionally weak. There is a great sense of vanity within you, perhaps because you feel unloved, unwanted or inadequate. You work very hard because it makes you feel important or needed. You need to feel safe. The feeling of security is what gives you strength. You may be shy and insecure about your own worth and you may be overly sensitive to real or imagined hurtful situations. Sometimes you feel like you have to carry the weight of the whole world on your shoulders. You feel particularly uncomfortable with emotional dependence. Your feelings and devotion are deep, but you often do not let people know how much you care. You also need to learn to relax, to have fun.

- the rebellious aquarius

Your emotions tend to be driven by intelligence and you can be very distant when you are called to deal with them. Others may find you cold and distant because they do not understand how you deal with your emotions. You find security when you manage and work with groups of people, especially in efforts that benefit the majority. You are inventive, authentic and progressive in thinking and you want to make the world a better place to live. You need freedom and independence in your relationships with others. Withdraw when they come too close. You like to experiment and play on many boards. You tend to be friendly, intuitive, humanistic, progressive and independent. You are open-minded with a desire to explore all knowledge. You may have difficulty understanding the emotional needs of others. From time to time you express unusual ideas just to shock or surprise others or just to see what kind of reaction you will get. On the downside, you can be impersonal, stubborn, contradictory, rebellious, rigid and selfish.

- the ethereal pisces

You are compassionate people. You are sensitive, affectionate and kind, imaginative, shy, tender-hearted and have an inner understanding of how other people feel and react to situations. It hurts if someone else gets hurt. Because of your tenderness and uncritical attitude, people with problems, pain or despair come to you hoping to find answers. It is difficult for them to realize that you can be in pain yourself, but even if you are in pain you will do your best to help them. However, from time to time, your tender heart falls into exploitation and then you feel the need for isolation to regain your strength and balance. Music plays an important role in your life and you instinctively complete through it. It helps you to express emotions that are sometimes so vague or vague that they cannot be put into words. You have a very romantic nature and you can fall in love. Sometimes your emotions and imagination get so carried away that you become overly emotional.

written with love, Ellie<3

aries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINIS

aries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aesthetic

requested by: anon


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astrolocherry:Natal Moon in Virgo - Emotional SchedulingNatal Moon in Virgo individuals emanate


Natal Moon in Virgo - Emotional Scheduling

Natal Moon in Virgo individuals emanate a cautious consideration and practicality. Generous resources are poured into duties of organization and exploring the potential variable in every situation. These individuals possess a sparkling mental acuity that retains its crystallized composure under the threat of disorder, and portray a natural levelheadedness that urges others to rely on them. Even in the midst of emotional frays, their acute common sense is the intrinsic reflex used to navigate situations that inflame their inner world. Lunar Virgos blend the empathetic resolve of the Moon with the transcendental healing energies of Virgo and make naturals in all health and service related fields.

Moon in Virgo people possess material thought streams and prefer to confront problems immediately rather than let issues restlessly simmer. These individuals are ravenous in search for knowledge that can be applied in practical form and delight in  conversation once emotional ties have been built. For Lunar Virgos the sentiment of communication provides a great remedy for anxiety. Much of their nervous energy will directed into organization, de-cluttering and attempting to refine the external world in hope the internal sparkles in reflection. During times of emotional upheaval they may regress into primitive behaviors such as foot tapping or hair twirling, and find it difficult to remain still in high pressure situations. Lunar Virgos may experience intense difficulty negotiating emotions and prefer to work most sentiment through a logical framework. During times of distress, it is a reflex for these personalities to withdraw into their own bubble and eschew the support of others. Virgo’s placement here is associated with rampant intellectualization, self contemptuous behavior and digestive upsets during difficulties.
Lunar Virgos make a rapid critical assessment of their environment seep beyond the surface into the underlying mechanics of functioning. These individuals are at victim to a harsh inner critique and inflamed eyes that immediately distinguish the surrounding flaws. Environments of disorder are likely to trigger their anxieties and restlessness, and it can be impossible for them to relax with a door left partway open or mess scattered about. They can be fierce defenders of their imaginative worries and spend a lot of time in preparation. Lunar Virgo’s are intrinsically nurturing people who feel emotionally compelled to offer service, mostly in the practical form. Where the the Sun in Virgo keeps the room in order, the Moon in Virgo straightens out the knotted emotional ripples.

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Moon Sign descriptions part 3

~ Cancer Moon ~ Libra Moon ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Capricorn Moon ~

*Always look at your other signs and placements as well as the house in which your moon is placed. These descriptions will only be a part of your astro personality*

Cancer Moon - Cancer moons are just like any other water moon sign, they feel deeply with their emotions. Cancer Moons tend to be very caring individuals but their sensitivity can get the best of them, and they can go out of their way to hurt people who’ve hurt them over matters that appear childish and immature. This is because they are easily hurt by even the slightest of things you could do or say and they will be sure you know they are upset too. Expect this sign to sulk and take everything you say to heart. Don’t be surprised if a Cancer Moon starts lying to others about you, spreading rumours and turning people against you. Cancer moons are indirect with their approach to anger and conflict which causes them to use others to help them bring you down. They can be good at manipulating others, but don’t forget this is only the dark side of the moon. On the bright side, mature Cancer moons can be extremely caring and fatherly/motherly to the people they love or people they feel are in need. Mature Cancers will usually be emotionally intelligent with abilities in empathising and looking after others. Sometimes cancer moons can come off as quite vulnerable and childlike, embracing their inner child. Cancer moons tend to feel the extremes of every emotion and learning to control this side of them is really important for their wellbeing otherwise they could suffer from self-destructive tendencies,mental health issues, drug, alcohol or emotional problems.

Libra Moon - Libra moons love stability and thrive on fairness. Libra moons are always fighting for what they think is right and they will not be afraid to shout it out to the world either. Libra moons are social butterflies at heart and their friends and family are very important to them. You will often find that Libra moons can be very flirtatious and it comes very naturally to them, and they are almost always the one that is constantly in a relationship. On the darker side, some Libra moons (also depends on the rest of their chart) can come over as drama queens or queen bee like individuals who live off drama and feeling the need to control every situation that comes their way. More dark traits of this moon is bitchiness, passive aggressiveness and drama after gossip after drama, as well as tendencies to manipulate situations and people, but this is only the toxic side of the moon. Libra moons will often be friendly, very light and bubbly individuals with a strong-willed and serious streak. Even though these moons detest conflict and try to avoid it at all costs, they will most certainly fight for the people they love and what they believe is right.

Sagittarius Moon - These moons love to explore and you’ll never guess what they will do next. Travelling comes naturally to these moons, they will travel and investigate pretty much anything that interests them. These moons can be multitalented too, taking up different hobbies and interests or exploring different career paths. Sagittarius moons are adaptable and driven, which helps them immensely career wise. However, Sagittarius Moons can be prone to recklessness, being unreliable and irresponsible which could cause issues with substance abuse and overindulging themselves in having fun. Sagittarius moons can be the life of the party but they need to make sure they don’t let this side of them take over other areas of their life.

Capricorn Moon - Capricorn moons can evolve their life around their work and they will usually accomplish anything that they set their heart to, even if they have no natural talent in the subject. Capricorn individuals can be quite aloof individuals, even though they will always speak up when they need to. These moons may struggle with high expectations in their work or studies as well as possible issues in relationships or friendships, not because they can’t hold one, but because Capricorn moons can sometimes pick their work and career over dealing with people. Capricorn moons can also come over as hypercritical of themselves and other people, and they need to be careful they don’t overdo it! Overall Capricorn moons are practical, organised, strong-willed and critical people who need a work environment and lifestyle that challenges these traits in a healthy way.

Moon sign descriptions part 2

~Taurus Moon~Leo Moon~Virgo Moon~Pisces Moon~

*Always look at your other signs and placements as well as the house in which your moon is placed. These descriptions will only be a part of your astro personality*

Taurus Moon - These moons hate change and are the most stubborn of the moon Signs. These moons thrive on predictability and stability in order to feel at ease. Taurus Moon individuals are very head strong and will work hard towards whatever goal they set their mind to. They love the finer things in life and love anything to do with the senses, and may be a regular buyer of extravagant perfumes, silky fabrics, soothing moisturisers and bath oils or anything that’s pleasing to the eye. Taurus moons often have a natural grace and serenity that draws people in. These people are not unpredicatable as this is something they do not stand by, instead they are often the most stable people you will ever meet. Taurus moons will probably have a beautiful home and someone that has good taste. Taurus moons can be a lover of tradition, especially if tradition was exposed to them growing up. They may dream of a a fairytale wedding or having a perfect family as a child, and they will probably end up living this dream as they will usually end up completing any goal that falls onto their lap. Their stubbornness can sometimes get the best of them, because their opinions and ideas are rarely changed and they may have trouble listening to other people’s side of the story, which can cause issues if they get into an argument. Taurus moons sometimes struggle with new situations and unpredictable environments as they tend to very fixed characters and adaptability and spontaneity is not their strong suit.

Leo Moon - Leo moons aren’t always as outgoing as some may like to think. Sometimes people with a Leo Moon might be described as someone who is shy or quiet especially around new people, until they get to know you, in which you start to see they are more outgoing. But that doesn’t mean that these moons are not outgoing, it just means that not all of them are as outgoing as you’d think. These individuals will usually have strong ‘Leo’ traits, and depending on the persons chart, this Leo energy may not be noticed until you really get to know the person. Leo moons are usually very generous people to those that they love as well as very loyal, even to people that may not treat them the same in return, which could be an issue. They often have strong leadership abilities, so don’t be surprised if you see a Leo Moon take charge of a situation with ease, it comes very naturally to them. Leo moons can be very dramatic and always caught up in the latest gossip (can depend on how strong Leo is in your chart). They can be attracted to the performing arts and anything which has the spotlight on them. One of the problems this moon could face is self-esteem issues if they don’t receive enough compliments and are criticised by other people. These moons don’t take criticism lightly. Even though these moons tend to be generous and loving, this doesn’t stop them from sometimes acting conceited and like they’re better than everyone, they will tend to do this when they’re going through a lot of emotional turmoil or if people allow them to act this way.

Virgo Moon - Virgo moons are structured and critical. When it comes to organisation, these moons are pros. Their everyday life will seem perfectly structured and this is something people will often pick up from a Virgo Moon individual when they first meet them. They hate a messy schedule and environment and they are excellent when it comes to getting things done. They are the epitome of a perfect employer and student and this is what will help them in life. They are perfectionists when it comes to anything and will strive to perfect their knowledge and ability on anything that interests them. There is however a couple of negatives associated with their perfectionism, and this is what makes them come over as overly critical, especially towards other people. Virgo moons will often pick out the flaws in others and this may cause them to have high standards when it comes to friends and relationships. They are one of the most likely to bitch about someone, for being bitchy (the irony) as well as pretty much any flaw to everyone they meet because they can be so sensitive to the negative attributes in people as well as themselves that they fail to pick up the good. These individuals need to focus more on the good things in life, because focusing on the negatives is what brings you down and you know it. Being critical isn’t a bad thing, it just depends on how you use it. If Virgo moons used their criticism to help others instead of putting them down, it may help them a great deal.

Pisces Moon - Pisces moons are one of the most moody, if not the moodiest sign there is. They tend not to hold grudges for long but they are easily hurt and very sensitive to how you treat them. You may never know that they are mad at you until you try and confront them because they always use an indirect approach to conflict, but if you confront them during the time they are mad at you, don’t expect them to be nice, passive-aggression comes quite naturally to them, especially when they are mad. But, Pisces moons will love you again in no time, they get over fall-outs pretty quickly. Pisces can be shy and quiet, but may have loads of friends as they can empathise and read pretty much anyone. Pisces moons can be extremely creative, probably the most creative out of all the moons and often finding themself in artistic careers such as arts and crafts, acting, music and dancing. They tend to give off a vulnerability that can cause people to take advantage of them, but luckily their psychic ability (look at your chart) can often prevent them from letting those people get to them because they are usually the first to sense if someone has bad intentions or is up to no good. However they may sometimes be easily led or influenced by other people, especially if that person takes advantage of their empathetic nature. They may be called ‘cute’ and ‘sweet’ often by anyone they come into contact with. These signs may seem innocent and dreamy when you first meet them, but don’t let that side to them fool you. Pisces moons tend to have a darkness hidden beneath a layer of warmth and light, with the succeptability to turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, crime and self destruction. If you hurt them enough you will know, and you will probably find yourself feeling so bad for what you did that you will be begging on your knees for their forgiveness. Don’t underestimate these moons, no matter how vulnerable and innocent that they seem.

Moon sign Descriptions part 1

~Aries Moon, Gemini Moon, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Moon~

Aries Moon - They are outspoken and impulsive, often being the one to speak their mind too much. Aries Moons will be very open about pretty much everything, their thoughts, their feelings, their opinions, anything, to the point where it can become inappropriate, and this is often what gets them into trouble with others. Their quick mind sometimes gets the best of them, by taking action without thinking about the damage they could cause. They can also give other people the impression that they lack maturity if they don’t learn to control this Aries mind.

Gemini Moon - These people have restless minds. They are easily bored and often have to stimulate their minds constantly. They can be brilliant at multitasking, for example: watching tv and reading a book at the same time. Gemini moons can also be sarcastic and quick-witted, with the ability to dominate a conversation with their love of talking. Their changeable moods can give them a reputation of being moody and that they have two sides to their personality. They can be terrible at sitting still for long periods of time which is only intensified if you have a Gemini dominated Chart.

Scorpio Moons - This is a very dark and secretive moon. They are extremely sensitive to how other people treat them and act around them, sometimes too sensitive. Scorpio moons will often hold a grudge for years or maybe even until the day they die. Often these grudges are over something that most people would move on from after a week or maybe not even take it to heart at all. It’s this sensitivity mixed with secrecy that makes them so dangerous, because they will often find ways to get back at you if you hurt them enough, and yet you will never even suspect it. Scorpio Moon individuals are probably the most loyal and protective towards the people they truly care about. In relationships they can be quite possessive and easily betrayed. These moons rarely forgive and never forget.

Aquarius Moon - One is the darker moons, but this may be unnoticed to the untrained eye. Aquarius moons will never show their true emotions to others. In fact it is common for these moons to appear emotionless or lacking in empathy because of this. It is almost as if they fear feelings and emotions and this can cause them to act out in bizarre and sometimes cold ways in order to conceal this side of them. Aquarius moons are natural humanitarians who need to have friends in their life to feel secure, they love their friends. However, not even friends stop this moon from remaining detached and aloof when it comes to their own thoughts and feelings, as well as handling other people’s emotional issues.

Aries: the spontaneous friend who texts you at 2am because they need your opinion on something completely irrelevant, that person in your life who everyone is attracted to, the classmate who could intimidate anyone (including the teacher), the definition of ADHD, the lover who will kiss you 2.0 seconds after a HUGE argument, the bold and brave friend who always takes the lead when it comes to doing stupid things, always tired tho

Taurus: the fancy friend who is always up to date with all the gossip, the person on the street who is either dressed like they’re going camping or to the runway, there’s no in between, the shy but cute flirt (who thinks they can’t flirt but who secretly invented flirting), the friend who loves singing in any situation (good or bad - catch them having a blast at a funeral or sth lmao), that person who always eats out at fancy restaurants but somehow never pays for anything because people simply love them, they might appear materialistic but they secretly only value relationships with other people, from family to friends and lovers

Gemini: that friend who thinks that they are a genius but really can’t do much without the help of someone else, the person you meet at an art gallery/museum and starts talking to you about random things and somehow you end up being their new friend, the one who never shuts up (they either mumble or literally talk out loud about anything), the person everyone gossips about, the person who gossips about everyone, always posting on Instagram stories, easily bored, tries to encourage everyone out of kindness but people read it as “being fake”, has anxiety, the cheeky fun and quite childish friend who challenges your mind, aesthetics are on point

Cancer: the friend everyone goes to for advice, the most sexually aware people I have ever met, sensual and beautiful people who could make anyone fall for them, the colleague who leaves all the work for last minute and then stresses about it, moody, not even near as sensitive as everyone is trying to portray them, the mysterious artist you see at the metro station, the family member who has a significant other but still accidentally flirts with the waiter at the restaurant, probably some of the strongest people you will ever meet, great at whatever it is they are passionate about, always wearing comfy but cute clothing

Leo: the stubborn friend who asks the group for advice but listens to no one, just to come back after a few days and say “you were right about it guys”, the people who will hold back their tears even in front of their loved ones because they don’t want them to worry about anything, if you are their friend you are also their partner in crime, spontaneous, the unique person who gets all the attention, sensible people will label them as selfish but the truth is they are the most selfless people I have ever met, ambitious and determined, the person with the  strongest goals and values, the protective lover who gets jealous easily but doesn’t want to admit it, sometimes their attention span is non-existent lol

Virgo: that person in your life who gets bored very easily and always needs stimulation in all areas of their life, the bossy friend who will try to monitor everyone’s actions and plans but hates when someone forces them to do something, that elegant person you’ve been staring at for the past hour, either super clean or super messy, probably knows how to cook really good meals, the lover who has super high-standards but somehow always accepts the bare minimum from the person they are in love with because they are afraid to lose them, they have a heart of gold but their guard is always up, the colleague who is either the best at their job/the worst (works for students too) 

Libra: the friend who values and NEEDS their alone time even though they might seem to always be out and about, the person with the most unexpected and intriguing hobbies and interests, the friendly person who will listen to anything you have to say even though they secretly dislike you, the lover who is committed but whose romantic past intimidates and worries their partner (because they’ve been with quite SOME people, and are probably still in contact with them, even though they are just friends/ acquaintances), definitely has a past lover who changed their life and gave them trust issues, the friend who most likely has a “flip the coin” app on their phone for moments when a decision needs to be made, always beautiful 

Scorpio: the people who brag about being mysterious, even though everyone knows the tea about them and their life, the person with the nice body (regardless of it’s size) who can build up sexual tension in any situation and with anyone, witty and quick action takers, struggles with their confidence (especially in their youth years), the friend who hates to look and feel vulnerable, they look their best when they wear darker colours, the lover who will manipulate you into doing things their way, if they have a secret and they want to keep it, be sure that they’ll take it to the grave, the people who should really be careful when it comes to addiction and processing + working out their feelings, because they can really fall down dark and deep loopholes

Sagittarius: the brutally honest friend who would much rather break your heart with the truth than bother with making up lies, fake scenarios or sugarcoated stories just to please you, the lover who won’t settle down unless they actually feel like they want to take you with them on all of their adventures, intense feelings and mood swings (occasionally), will immediately sense it if you are fake/masking your true self and will trash the hell out of it, they value open, weird people who are not afraid to look like idiots from time to time, they easily make friends because they are very confident and self-aware, interested in true crime, the paranormal or spiritual stuff (or all of them lmao don’t underestimate them), very, very, extremely, impressively smart 

Capricorn: the friend who likes to pretend they have their sh*t together but is actually crumbling inside, emotional baddie, that one person everyone had a crush on at some point, they post intellectual memes about philosophy that the “regular mortals simply don’t get”, Draco Malfoy vibes, the friend who likes to appear rational and use logic in every situation but is secretly obsessed with tarot tik toks, loves solitude, dancing and sleeping naked in their house while listening to their favorite tunes but despises the feeling of loneliness, will choose money over love even though it would hurt them - love won’t pay their bills, workaholic who will probably open up a business if they don’t have one already (they tend to accustom themselves with working and making money from a young age) 

Aquarius: the friend who thinks they can hide their feelings but who has the most obvious facial expressions and energy shifts EVER (still, they are not good at speaking about how they feel), the hopeless romantic who, sadly,  always gets screwed over, the person who broke more hearts than any other sign but who is completely oblivious to this fact, treats people with kindness (yes, this is a Harry Styles reference), they have very distinct personalities - you just simply know when they walk into a room, glam and extravagant a bit “out there” fashion choices or life choices (or both lol), the person Karens are declaring war against, the lover who is most likely to experience “blind love” or fictional relationships, misunderstood, optimistic despite their idea that they are “depressive and negative”, balls of sunshine and joy who only want to make others smile, they can easily get you addicted to their presence and therefore are the people who have caused major changes in the life of those they have connected with (either good or bad) 

Pisces: the cheesy sensitive lover that will only do what their partner says, only values the opinions of those who they consider as close as family, most of them (not all of them) experienced a thirst for rebellion and troublemaking in their childhood/teenage years, the friend who will help you bloom, the person who catches the eye of everyone and, speaking of eyes, they are know to have the most beautiful, shiny eyes in the entire zodiac (especially Pisces Rising people), has an addiction or an attachment issue 100%, everyone wants to be their friend or lover because their sweetness is beyond unmeasurable, cringe machines, everything pastel and expensive is their aesthetic

Astrology observation

Part 2

• You can sense if a Virgo men likes you by the way he look at you. and if he does little things for you.

• If a persons venus falls in your 1st house/conjunction to asc he/her sees you as his ideal of beauty and/or femininity

• When a virgo men likes you he’s sensitive to what you say about him and what your actions are towards him. He however most likely won’t admit it.

• Sagittarius mercury men/woman but the men asspecially can come off as assholes they are blunt and don’t think about what they say or they know but dont care.

• you can sence a scorpio mars from a mile away appecially with a fire sun.

•if you wanna know more about your appearance look into vendic astrology.

•opisite signs can have alot of sexual tesion like ALOT but there comes this weird hate with that.

Gemini moon

Good at so many things, but lacks the consistency to stick with any of them.

Pisces moon

Has the ability to go deep an understand other people’s emotions but can barley understand there own.

Taurus moon

Blesses you with the ability to handle any disappointment or setback in stride but also doesn’t allow you to forget about it.

☾✨ ✨☽

Aries Moon

stands up for friends. honest. can be mean/ungrateful to their moms though. fun. periods may cause these folks migraines/headaches. may also make them more grouchy. usually very social. may like quick food like tv dinners, ramen noodles, etc. or “sport” drinks like gatorade. may also like general fast food(mcdonald’s, wendy’s, etc). may react to things first with anger. not really good to depend on emotionally. probably the least emotional out of all the fire moons. confident. rude/inconsiderate. music tastes may be rock, music w/screaming or just loud in general, rap, music that gets you jumping around/dancing lol. bold, but also acts 3.

Taurus Moon

eats their emotions away. distant. down to earth. laidback. hard headed for no reason. during period should take showers/baths with all fancy stuff like bubbles and soaps lol. wants food more than usual. might prefer sweets over savory. when i think of this placement i think of dark wine, or just “sensual” food in general like strawberries. romantic food. eats slowly, and may stay full for awhile. probably likes rnb, jazz, or classical music. songs focused on romance. usually emotionally stable. mom may be stable and sensible, but distant or not too warm. kind.

Gemini Moon

loves taking quizzes, and personality tests. overthinks more than usual on period, or thinks of the past more than usual. very agitated lol. flows aren’t consistent, one day it’s heavy, then it’s light lol. has a new crush every other day, unless you’re mysterious. our daily schedule is talk abt useless things/gossip, go on some type of technology, have a mood swing/mental breakdown, then be all happy again 2 minutes later. eats snacks through out the day. fast eater, or doesn’t stay full for too long. more than likely to have anxiety or fidget a lot. we love us some aqua, virgo, and sag moons. intelligent. usually talented in some way. copes through humor. restless. never boring/very interesting. likes all types of music esp edm, 80s/90s music, pop, and rap. lots of rappers are gemini moons. the most emotional air moon. charming. versatile. forgets easily, cause there’s so much information in our heads.

Cancer Moon

mood swings galore. defensive. great listeners. will write you a paragraph. always there for family and friends, and great ppl to go to when you’re sad. emotional beings, and overly sensitive. periods may make you want to just sleep and eat. nipples may get delicate, and stomach may get puffed up. may prefer home cooked meals, but may also go out every now then. likes music associated with how they are feeling at the moment, so may like a few genres of music, it just depends on their mood. playlists/specific artists for every feeling lol. loyal, and very reliable. romantic. warm, i love these ppl. most emotional water moon.

Leo Moon

good vibess. very funny, and charming. warm, but can be shallow. may love to party. enthusiastic. wants to be catered to during period. over dramatic. either lives fancy food, or junk food lol. might like both. likes pop music. probably also likes soul or rnb. probably plays music on speakers/very loudly. guys here are annoying but in a charming way. can be bossy. may also have selfish tendencies. most emotional fire moon.

Virgo Moon

notices all the little details. observant. freaks out over the littlest things. silly, sometimes. cries in private. reliable. straight up. very caring, and honestly this placement is underrated. when in a bad mood tho, can be nit picky/over critical. probably gets muscle aches during period. also more worrisome during period. usually eats healthy, like low calorie foods. fruits may be the only thing they eat as snacks. smoothie lovers. another placement that likes all/a lot of music genres. sweet, and always thinks of others. most emotional earth moon.

Libra Moon

unbiased. very jealous when it comes to love. friendly. very shallow. usually loyal. indecisive. wants to be around S/O or friend during period. indulges in lavishness during period. may “balance out” how they eat, for example:if they eat something too sweet they’ll eat something savory to balance the taste lol. also likes sensual foods. rnb, sexual songs, pop, and songs focused on relationships and sex are probably your go to’s. diplomatic. makes either good lovers or shitty no in between the least emotional air moon

Scorpio Moon

lies abt the stupidest things. reliable. the petty/bitter ex/ex bsf. values privacy, and doesn’t trust easily. chill. can be funny. periods can be rather strong lol. more sensitive during this time. not rlly picky abt food, or zealous abt it. might like “dark” music. bands. sexual music, or taboo. probably likes eminem lol(hes hella explicit in some songs). these folks are intuitive, and can be charming in a mysterious way. assholes sometimes tho lol. the least emotional water moon

Sagittarius Moons

shit talkers. funny. these ppl are just vibes. most likely smokes. honest. inconsiderate. probably wants to be left alone on their period. definitely can’t just stay in the house during their period tho(unless they’re binge watching tv & eating snacks lol). not rlly picky. probably likes foreign food more than anything. thai takeout, may eat at an indian place, etc. probably likes music in languages they don’t even understand/foreign music. also probably rlly likes rap and pop. crackhead energy, just like gem moons lol. unreliable, but always down to have a good time

Capricorn Moon

standoffish. reliable. too serious. loyal. focused on work/school. cold. go getter. more negative, and sad when their on their periods. stresses out easily. may not really care much for food. eats a normal amount. may be picky w/food. likes their food natural. may like old school music. “boring” music like classical lmao, or just instrumentals. disciplined. the least emotional earth moon

Aquarius Moon

very chill. zealous abt society. cares deeply abt friends, and may prefer them over family. likely to be an activists. may have quite a few online friends. actually can give good advice. can be aloof too tho lol. may sleep less during periods. unpredictable cycles. may like “weird” combinations of food, fries and ice cream, nutella and pickles lmao, etc. likes to try new foods. either loved or hates mainstream music. probably prefers disco or edm music lol. charming ppl tbh. open minded, but also erratic/all over the place.

Pisces Moon

forgives rather easily lol. loving. the victim mentality does need to go tho. great listeners. creative in one way or the other. you’re out of energy when it’s that time. might have weird dreams on their periods lol. may love junk/unhealthy food. appetite increases OR decreases when anxious. loves seafood or maybe hates it lol. more than likely has a sweet tooth. likes all types of music, and probably has lots of playlists. intuitive. always thinks of others, but can be overly sensitive.

.4 ✨

~mars/lilith-pluto aspects, and maybe even scorpio moons/moon in 8th house might have a sex addiction.

~venus/moon-neptune, and moon/venus in 12th might be great at art or just really enjoy it in general

~pisces/neptune in 7th house attracts broken lovers while these on the 11th house attracts broken friends

~aquarius sun men either have small penises or big ones no in between while their opposite sign most of the time have big dicks

~they say an empty house means that area isn’t significant in your life but that seems to be the exact opposite? like i have an empty 7th house but i love relationships and have them a lot lol

~aquarius/uranus in 4th might prefer to hangout with friends than family

~aquarius/uranus in 5th might do unusual and/or even illegal things for fun lol

~taurus in 3rd house might be slower learners than others, but have nice writing

~leo in 8th are territorial of their lovers

~virgo in 5th might ignore red flags when they like someone or only focus on the good traits of their crushes

~also virgo and gemini in 5th might be the types to have a new crush every week lol

~venus/uranus aspect or uranus in 7th house might be in a poly or open relationship

☺️~mars in taurus girls might prefer a traditionally masculine boyfriend

~sun-saturn aspects can be shy and/or reserved

~i feel like moon, mercury, your 2nd/5th house ruler aspecting uranus might make you like adult animations like american dad, rick and morty, etc

~sagittarius are the “least” fire sign. like ik a few that are more chill/laid back and aren’t really athletic. they still aren’t afraid to curse you out doe lmao

~earth sign girls are usually like unique from style to personality

~speaking of earth sign girls, taurus girls are either really basic or weird in a good way lol.

~dating your 4th house sign can be like a nurturing love. they encourage you to do certain things, want the best for you, they feel like they have to protect you, etc. it’s just a warm relationship.

~but dating your 10th house sign can make you feel somehow inferior(sometimes)

~scorpio, capricorn, and maybe even gemini placements like people they can’t easily read/keeps them guessing

~cancer/moon, scorpio/pluto, and even virgo/mercury on the 7th house can have partners or be partners that share everything with their partners like passwords, keys, etc due to possessiveness.

~libra placements worry a lot, and can nitpick.

‍♀️~gemini placements love makeup(wearing it or doing it or both lmao)

~aries placements esp suns are definitely the “baby” of the zodiac. something doesn’t go their way and they start lashing out and being rude. can be selfish too

~but then again since they’re the “babies” they can be warm and sweet

‍♀️~taurus, and libra mars/mars-venus are more likely to do yoga

~adults/ppl of authority like saturn in 4th ppl lol

‍~teachers obviously have a soft spot for venus in 9th/sag ppl

~taurus placements are NOT lazy! lol they only do things if they’re interested/motivated, doesn’t necessarily mean their lazy bruh

‍♀️~i notice one twin can act like their actual sign and the other one like their opposite sign

remember you are amazing, and don’t take any of these too seriously. i love you all so much♡︎

a pisces is that daydreamer. the one who speaks with “if” instead of “when”. very calm and sweet. a good person to befriend if you want someone loyal and adorable. 

in private – a pisces in private is pretty much the same as when they’re in public. they love to listen to you and offer emotional support rather than giving advice. they tend to be pretty gullible. very loving and easy to love back. 

flirting – a pisces is a touchy flirter, but an awkward touchy flirter. they’ll go to touch your shoulder but quickly retract as soon as their fingertips brush. it may be obvious when they’re flirting. they tend to ramble and maybe even stutter. 

features - a pisces is just a big ol’ ball of cuteness. no specifics. just awesome. 

reads but doesn’t reply: aries, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn

says stuff but never gets a reply: taurus, cancer, gemini, aquarius, pisces 

aries: overspending, biting your nails, and eating fast food

taurus: road rage, humming constantly, and eavesdropping

gemini: licking the spoon after baking, talking during movies, and laughing at inappropriate times

cancer: biting at the end of pens, gossiping, and midnight snacking

leo: chewing gum obnoxiously, licking your fingers, and finishing people’s sentences

virgo: clicking pens, borrowing and never returning things, and whining

libra: swearing, comfort shopping, and reality tv

scorpio: speaking with your mouth full, fidgeting, and being a know-it-all

sagittarius: talking to yourself, flaking out, and being late

capricorn: cracking knuckles, excessive throat-clearing, and bragging

aquarius: one-upping, name dropping, and grinding your teeth

pisces: exaggerating, day-dreaming, and avoiding confrontation

aries: vitality, springtime, untiring, full of life, dynamic

taurus: folksy, rustic, of the earth, unyielding, yearning

gemini: airy, balmy, bellowing, pleasant, fickle

cancer: delicate, powerful, serene, of the sea, zealous

leo: fearless, unwavering, luminescent, spirited, radiant

virgo: bucolic, dreamy, astral, celestial, intuitive

libra: fluttery, harmonious, adored, exalted, enchanting

scorpio: luxurious, opulent, protective, dignified, regal

sagittarius: vagrant, enigmatic, electric, astir, compelling

capricorn: abstract, deep thinking, mysterious, frugal, sensible

aquarius: ethereal, divine, intangible, heavenly, of the sky and stars

pisces: imaginative, quixotic, poetic, amorous, whimsical 

Astro Theories

✬ Wherever Leo is located in your chart that is the part of you which was with you your whole life also the part where you are more sensitive about being criticized. Being criticized causes child-like aggression towards others.

✬ The sign that falls into the 8th house of either of your parents determined either your sun or rising sign.

✬ You mostly attract people who have the sign of your 8th house and it is a deeper relationship to have than the 7th house but it also can turn toxic real quick.

✬ A lot of rappers have their moons either in Aries or in Gemini.

✬ You tend to immediately like the people who have your Sun sign as their ascendant and tend to ignore the wrongs they do.

✬ Moon being the planet of instincts and emotional needs, as a young kid your Moon sign is more obvious than your Sun sign. 

✬ 2nd house may have a hand in telling us the relationship our parents had with each other.

✬ 9th House is where we are confident about preaching at others but after a certain point, we pay for being too cocky when dealing with the situations surrounding the 10th house. Both houses are also related to the father. The karma of the father is handed on to us through these two houses.

  • I believe in dreams:
    Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces

  • I believe in people:
    Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn

    (check your Sun/Moon sign)

I obviously know my sun sign (Which is Taurus); but I have just discovered that my moon is Scorpio, and my rising is Sagittarius. 

separated into categories:
you will have a total of 3 groups.
each category has a different set of 12 groups.

like if you got at least one of your favourite groups.
reblog & tag your sign and the groups you liked that you got.

Sun Sign answer; the group which best describes you.
Moon Sign answer; the group which music you relate to.
Venus Sign answer: the group which you love.

- BTS (sun)
- GOT7 (moon)
- PENTAGON (venus)

- TEEN TOP (sun)
- NU’EST (moon)
- Super Junior (venus)

- SHINee (sun)
- 2PM (moon)
- UNIQ (venus)

- NCT 127 (sun)
- 2AM (moon)
- CNBLUE (venus)

- BLOCK B (sun)
- MADTOWN (moon)
- VIXX (venus)

- BEAST (sun)
- FT ISLAND (moon)
- DBSK/TVXQ (venus)

- NCT Dream (sun)
- ASTRO (moon)
- BTOB (venus)

- UKISS (sun)
- DAY6 (moon)
- INFINITE (venus)

- BIG BANG (sun)
- MONSTA X (moon)
- iKON (venus)

- NCT U (sun)
- UP10TION (moon)
- Boyfriend (venus)

- B1A4 (sun)
- B.A.P (moon)
- Seventeen (venus)

- MBALQ (sun)
- Winner (moon)
- EXO (venus)

I’m sorry if this is a little confusing~
