#scorpio moon


new pics for ya’ll cause i rarely use tumblr but if you wanna keep up with my shenanigans you can find me on insta: @nessa.diederich :-)


aries moons are just as scared of expressing their more gentle emotions that make them vulnerable as aquarius/capricorn/scorpio but they feel anger is an emotion that makes you empowered, not vulnerable, so they often channel every single feeling they have into aggression, rage that can often appear infantile, and thick-skinned hostility. they’re the definition of “looks angry, is actually sad and hurt”. there’s a lot of difficulty in admitting their vulnerability even to themselves.

taurus moon understand people really well but pretend they often end up pretending they don’t understand because they are very protective of themselves and they consider every point of view that’s different from their own to be a threat to their stable and comfortable way of life. that’s why they shut off their natural inclination to be understanding of others and choose, sometimes without even realizing it fully, a lifestyle for themselves that rarely changes, therefore has little room for improvement.

gemini moons create all by themselves so much noise in their heads and hearts just so they can run away from things like commitment, emotions, making choices and knowing what they want. they seek stimulation from various sources all the time so they can be able to switch their focus from their emotional world to…idk, something supposedly more interesting but actually just less scary for them. they use their incessant inner monologue to talk over the voice of their real feelings.

cancer is a peculiar archetype - it’s associated with both the mother and the baby. this shows in cancer moons as an inner indecision which role to take - the nurturer or the nurtured. in the first case, they might feel as if they don’t receive enough love. in the second, they might feel as if they don’t give enough love. that’s why it’s important to remember you can be both and that maturity is often connected to learning how to implement and appreciate ambiguity. other people might make it hard for you too, expecting you to be either baby or a mom person for their peace of mind they find through simplicity, and you may internalize those expectations.

leo as an archetype needs outside validation. or, best case scenario, they don’t need it, they just feel really good when they get it. leo suns often have a natural inclination for attracting attention but leo moons have trouble doing that. they really need praise and appreciation to be happy with anything they do but also they don’t know how to ask for it and feel that if they somehow called forward the appraisal, it’s actually not genuine and given to them out of pity or smth. so they’re often stuck in situations where they can’t really say what they want and count on other ppl to guess it.

virgo moons… actually i have absolutely no fkn idea. like that’s the thing with you guys, you’re so damn secretive. i mean everyone knows capricorn and scorpio are hiding stuff so they’re obvsly not so good at doing it, but you? you really just don’t believe people can understand most of your inner world and you have disillusioned yourself to the point of just believing no one will ever be good enough to comprehend you, that’s why it’s best to pretend there’s nothing to understand in order to make annoying ppl stop trying and let you be.

libra moons are some of the most adapting ppl but this leaves them with a suppressed anger that others dont adapt enough and always demand more flexibility from them. they might end up feeling chronically dissatisfied in their relationships because of this. they’re often switching between extremeties like “it’s all my fault, i am probably really selfish and horrible cuz i did this one thing for myself four years ago” and “you never did enough, i am always so considerate and thoughtful and you’re not at all”. it’s hard to reach balance in that state of mind and that’s what libra is all about after all.

scorpio moons really just need peace but keep starting drama. the intensity of their emotions just really doesn’t leave them much choice, there’s just a natural inclination to control and hide the power of their feelings, but when you do that systematically there is a specific kind of pressure building up inside that demands to be let out in some way. so scorpio moons, unwilling to show how DEEPLY they’re feeling but at the same time needing an outlet of the tension inside, stir up dramatic and extreme situations that they don’t really need to be in. and this disrupts the peace they need in order to express their emotions properly and build some trust.

sagittarius moon is very similar to gemini, after all they’re opposite signs. the difference here is that while gemini moon uses the internal monologue to avoid things, sag uses other people for the same purpose. when they don’t wanna face something, they just get lost in other people’s internal monologues, odd as it is. or in philosophy, or some sort of art or science, something to study in depth. I’ve noticed it’s quite common for sagittarius moons to have people around them that try to make them pay attention to the parts of themselves they’re avoiding. and they just love to argue with said people in order to prove how they’re not avoiding anything at all and they’re just ruining everything.

capricorn moon culture is caring so much about some things that you totally suppress your care and come out as completely uncaring and freezingly cold so you have to pretend to care about shit you don’t care about in order to appear at least a tad bit caring - as you really are. like you gotta fake who you really are cuz you can’t show it truthfully cuz it’s too much if you know what i mean. so you end up expressing real traits of your character but in a fake way and this confuses you emotionally even further.

aquarius moons are the most fragile ones imo. they’ve usually had a detached mother figure that didn’t provide them the attention they needed and didn’t really trust their feelings. that’s why it’s difficult for them to trust someone with their vulnerabilities. yet they really crave the type of intimacy that comes by sharing the sensitive parts of you - and let me tell you aquarius moons are really sensitive. so their reaction when they’re in a rut and realize they wish they could share why they’re upset to someone is to detach. to just run away somewhere, close themselves in their cage and deal with this on their own. they want someone to show them they care but every attempt of doing so may feel like an intrusion to the safety of detachment.

pisces moons are basically a bundle of self-sabotaging mechanisms. honestly it may really take a while with this moon to figure out which mechanism started where and how it intertwines with another and cancels a third one and so on. they’re both detached from their feelings - yes they are - and very emotional, both deeply emotionally intelligent and kind of dumb with feelings. they know what they feel but they don’t if it’s them feeling it or someone else. it’s basically a mess of contradictions and they must implement some strict routine of introspection, meditation or some form of creating art in order to receive the clarity they so desperately need.

/this was originally just a rant exposing my capricorn moon ass but i started thinking about similar mechanisms working with the rest of the moon signs and this happened lmao/

Aries Moon: the ‘you’re giving your Mother a headache’ child

Taurus Moon: the ‘are you sure it costs that much?’ child

Gemini Moon: the ‘do you ever stop asking questions?’ child

Cancer Moon: the ‘do you really have a tummy ache or do you not want to go?’ child

Leo Moon: the ‘yes we will still love you if you don’t get an A/come first’ child

Virgo Moon: the ‘do you have to eat differently from the others?’ child

Libra Moon: the ‘you know you don’t have to be friends with them if they are mean to you?’ child

Scorpio Moon: the ‘where have you been? Haven’t heard from you all day’ child

Sagittarius Moon: the ‘yes it’s only five more minutes away’ child

Capricorn Moon: the ‘how did you figure out how to do that?!’ child

Aquarius Moon: the ‘I think those friends are a bit old for you..’ child

Pisces Moon: the ‘no that just a dream you had’ child


Moon Signs +-

~Aries Moon
1. Protective/Loyal
2. Authentic/Heart on sleeve
3. Attempts to learn from past mistakes

  1. Emotional Recklessness
  2. Allows people who have hurt/angered them to live rent-free in their inner life
  3. Seeks justice for past betrayals in present relationships

~Taurus Moon
1. Pure intentions
2. Generous with internal and external resources
3. Relieves stress by being alone

  1. Emotionally stoic/unresponsive
  2. Attachment-Detachment relating style
  3. Hedonistic behaviour as a form of emotional avoidance

~Gemini Moon
1. Always there to let you talk about it
2. Humour as a form of resilience
3. Does not dwell on negative interactions/disagreements

  1. Purposely evasive in revealing true feelings
  2. Troubles with anxiety
  3. Loses sight of the bigger picture/emotional tunnel vision

~Cancer Moon
1. In touch with the inner life/responsive to the feeling state
2. Emotionally in tune with Feminine intuition
3. High emotional resilience

  1. Lack of interpersonal boundaries
  2. Sense of losing control
  3. Gastric sicknesses caused by emotional distress

~Leo Moon
1. Emotional warmth and responsiveness
2. Willingness to be vulnerable/ask for help
3. Unrestrained compassion

  1. Difficulty sitting with discomforting emotions for any amount of time
  2. High emotional demands
  3. Theatrics

~Virgo Moon
1. Natural ‘pause to respond and not react’ type
2. Finds solutions to problems at the worst of signs
3. Respectful of interpersonal boundaries

  1. Usually emotionally unsettled by something
  2. Conversion to gastric sickness
  3. Tells nobody what they are going through

~Libra Moon
1. Honours the unseen struggle in others
2. Reads emotions like a book
3. Does not judge natural emotions of the human condition

  1. Poor interpersonal boundaries
  2. Over reliance on a certain person
  3. Relationships as avoidance for dealing with past issues

~Scorpio Moon
1. Understands the depths of the human condition
2. People feel safe revealing traumas/secrets
3. Past pains become reborn psychic gifts

  1. Refusal to let others in - emotional islander
  2. Unrelenting sense of being wrong done-by
  3. Emotional compulsions

~Sagittarius Moon
1. Genuinely interested in the experiences of others
2. Finder of the silver lining
3. Emotionally idyllic; 'the best is yet to come’

  1. Flight or flight from anything that hurts inside
  2. Emotional distress = hostility/frustration
  3. Low distress tolerance

~ Capricorn Moon
1. Inner strength to confront past issues alone
2. A safe place for others
3. Wants to take care of someone

  1. Overly internalised - shuts people out
  2. Excess analysing of emotions/responses
  3. Work/activity as a form of emotional avoidance

~ Aquarius Moon
1. Compassionate fascination
2. Ability to view the scenario with a clear emotional head
3. Does the inner work to respond better in the future

  1. Intellectualises emotions to a state of numbness
  2. Rejects advice of others
  3. Withdraws and blames the world

~ Pisces Moon
1. Provides a safe and soothing refuge
2. Emotional telepath, experiences feelings belonging to others
3. High emotional IQ

  1. Relationships as a form of escapism
  2. Emotional distress = stops drinking water
  3. Sensitivity that is taken advantage of easily



■ scorpio moons & Pluto in the 3rd house have a really hard time sharing personal info, if they do it means your trustworthy or they want to get something out of it. Be careful.

Mars in cancer can be really rough at sex so some people would consider them ‘bad’ at it bc of this, but it’s just about preferences. But they’re also givers so it’s easy for them to adapt.

■ Mars in sagittarius are very sexual and is the type to flirt w everyone they meet just for fun (esp. males)

□ aries placements (venus & mars mostly) have a necessity to be liked romantically by other people (esp. females) they might not even like that person but they want to be liked asap

■ sagittarius risings have more of an oval head shape and pretty smiles. They actually enjoy being annoying lol

pisces moons/moon in the 7th want to be liked and accepted by others so they actually try really hard for it.

venus in pisces males are into 'girly girls’ or just that type of “feminine” energy while Mars in pisces males prefer someone with much more energy that leads them without hesitation.

□ your best friend zodiac sign is most likely your rising/moon (conjunct or opposite) or the sign in your 11th house. Also, your 11th house talks about the role you play in your group of closest friends.

Gemini risings have either a really petite nose or a flat somewhat big nose.

□ leo suns/risings have lots of hair. Leo risings especially have defined (noticeable jaw) yet soft features and usually small defined lips.

■ leos are all very extroverted, if you know an introvert one it’s bc they’re not comfortable enough to show their true side yet.

□ aquarius is even more egocentric and self-centered than leo (as most people consider) but they have their way to people so nobody ever notices.

virgo moon/venus/risings can’t stand not doing the right thing. They have a constant fear of not being good enough.

□ libra mars like to think of themselves as very smart and politically correct when arguing.

venus in taurus are very touchy especially when they have a crush on someone.

capricorn sun/risings tend to be very physically attractive bc they have a really good bone structure. Great proportions. You can easily tell them apart by their famous blank stare.

■ the 2nd house rules the throat & voice:

Air signs in this house tend to have more of an airy/soft/clear tone and can play with their voice with ease, so high notes are easier to reach. (Ex. Mariah Carey, Camila Cabello, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande)

Fire signs tend to have a more prominent tone, that definitely stands out for being either loud or very sweet to the ear. (Ex. Billie Eilish, Zayn Malik, Jaehyun NCT, Katy Perry)

Earth signs tend to have a voice that’s stable. Low notes specially, they can just talk and it’d still sound good. (Ex. Freddy Mercury, Demi Lovato)

Water signs tend to have a whiny tone yet defined tone so it’s easy for them to project emotions. (Ex. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Christina Aguilera)

□ Gemini placements are hella funny and tend to have great sense of humor as well.

■ mercury in cancer is the best listener.

Mars (sometimes rising) in virgo actually enjoys cleaning.

■ siblings usually have same house overlays (ex. my sister and I have venus in the 12th house), have sun-moon conjunctions (ex. Your sibling’s an aquarius and your moon is in aquarius) and/or have sun-rising conjunction or sun in the 7th house.

□ cancers never miss a thing and always remember everything. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

AESTHETICS (updated): Gemini Sun / Scorpio Moon / Scorpio Ascendant

libra sun | scorpio moon | scorpio rising 

libra sun | scorpio moon | scorpio rising 

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Moon signs aesthetics (8/12): Scorpio Moon“Needs privacy, intensity, soul bonding, strong sexual che

Moon signs aesthetics (8/12): Scorpio Moon

“Needs privacy, intensity, soul bonding, strong sexual chemistry or to feel like part of a ‘power duo’. Has a hard time trusting and opening up—the person who wins a Scorpio moon’s confidence will be rewarded with eternal loyalty.“

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leo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo risingleo sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising

leo sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising

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A Letter to my unrequited love - II

{Confessions of a scorpio moon}

You’d dump your trauma on me and I’d take it all happily, thinking it’d help you feel better, lighter. I thought you deserved to feel the happiest. And I’d easily swap your pain with the rare moments of joy I managed to feel. I stayed up at nights listening to you vent about your failed relationships, madly in love with you, shattering silently on the floor of my bedroom, ignoring my pain and paying heed to yours. You always came first, right? You were so dreamy, how could anyone ever hurt you? It felt absolutely cruel. I wanted to nurse your wounds and it was honestly too late when I realized that I was burning myself all throughout to warm you up. I didn’t stop though. Why would I? You were someone I’d never want to lose. You made me feel wanted for a short amount of time. Your scraps of love and attention made me feel like a queen. I felt so loved. It touched my heart. No one ever expressed that kind of love to me before. I didn’t even love myself half as much as I loved you. I was trained to be a giver, to cater to everyone else’s needs and the same pattern unfolded here. You kept depleting me of the little love I had and I didn’t mind it. We both would pour our love into you and I’d watch you bloom. You’d give your love to everyone except me. I wanted to claim a piece of your love. Your time. Your attention. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to go deep into your psyche to understand and explore every bit of you. Everything you did made me fall for you harder and harder. It seemed to me like you enjoyed hurting me. Making me wait. Watching me get jealous. Triggering my childhood wounds. You’d feel cocky and arrogant knowing I was so desperate to talk to you. I’d sacrifice my self-respect and initiate a conversation all the time. You’d play it cool. You were cool. But you were cold. And distant too. You often called me names, insulted me and made me feel like trash. You didn’t hesitate to walk all over me or use me like your punchbag. You took your anger out on me and I took the abuse not knowing how to pull myself out of the mess I got into.

I have spent sleepless nights trying to figure out what why I wasn’t enough. I questioned my worth several times. I never felt like I could match up to you. I could never meet you up there. The more I loved you, the more I began to hate myself. I didn’t love myself even half as much as I loved you. It didn’t make sense to me. But I didn’t care. Until you broke my heart. Brutally. You stabbed my back with a smile on your face. Damn, your smile. It melted my broken heart. I couldn’t bring myself to hate you. But I had to. I had to do something about it. I had nothing left. I felt hopeless and powerless. It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Had it been a little sooner, I wouldn’t have to move mountains to heal myself. Maybe it’d come easy.

Thank you for being the braver one among the two of us. One of us had to do it. One of us had to break my heart. Thankyou for leaving me broken. I’ve built it stronger this time. Don’t bother knocking on the door. You’re not welcome.


A letter to my unrequited love - I

{Confessions of a scorpio moon}

I thought I loved you. It was dangerous. I was intimidated how severely you controlled my mind. I was willing to do anything to please you. To give up my freedom, my studies, my family, my friends, my foundation just to spend time with you. I’d stare at my phone with anxiety crawling up my skin, wondering if you were ignoring me on purpose. You always did it intently. It would drive me mad. I’d be so hurt and pissed knowing you’d read my messages but would never care to reply. I would never understand why I would reply to you in milliseconds when you’d make me wait for hours. Why I’d hurt after hurting you as a form of reactive abuse. I always wanted to soothe your pain, to ease your suffering, to make you feel loved because I saw past your facade. I knew how you’d be the cool guy, the life of the party, the social butterfly who could charm anyone. But I wanted to be the special one who’d lock eyes with you and make you mine. I never felt like I deserved you. I put you on a pedestal and worshipped you like God. I always felt like you were everything that was considered “cool” by the society. People would admire you. They would give in. I did too. You could draw in anyone you liked. You had the game. You could lay eyes on anyone and have them by sweet talking them into your trap. I knew you were playing me. My intuition tried to warn me several times. The red flags seemed dangerous every now and then but being the reckless lover that I am, I thought you’d be the right person to break my heart. Maybe, I expected too much from you. I wanted you to fill the voids I had. I wanted to be consumed by your love. I needed your attention constantly. I wanted to talk to you 24*7 although I never really had much to talk about. I was boring as hell but you, there would always be messages lined up for you. I felt privileged and honoured to receive a reply from you. It validated me. I felt seen. And heard. And appreciated. It was the best feeling ever. I had only been abandoned, discarded and used all my life. Being validated felt magical for a change. It made me want to surrender my life to you. I started living as per your terms. I’d do little things you’d mention in conversations to become your ideal lover in hopes of being noticed by you. But time and again, you’d fail to notice me. As if I was never there. But I was. I was always there for you. Through thick and thin. Right before your eyes.


Moon signs (part 2)

The harmony comes when you understand who you are and what’s your needs, however, very often people don’t have answers for such important questions. There’re descriptions for each moon sign that can help to find the answer.

Libra Moon:

a lot of complexes; doubting too much about everything; can’t find compromises; high expectations from people.

✔ can find the balance of feeling and emotions; polite and tactful; a good sense of beauty; know what they worth; try to make this world more beautiful place; caring about social problems; the life and soul of the party.

Scorpio Moon:

revenge to everybody who insulted them; remember how their neighbor didn’t wave them back two years ago; want to kill everyone and especially themselves; don’t trust anyone

✔ understand how the life is working; amazing at giving advises; magnetic; can control others; brilliant businessmen; easy to forget and let things go.

Sagittarius Moon:

try to run away somewhere else; however, can’t do it because laziness is their second name; eat as much as they want at anytime; never finish things they started.

✔ best philosophers ever; enjoy to get deep down in other cultures but don’t forget about their owns; can control their diet and never give up until the end

Capricorn Moon:

waste their lives; no goals and plans; don’t tell how they feel and what bothering them; absence of steady job and place of living; depression; closed from people

✔ have a plan for everything; know who they want to be and do all that possible for reaching the perfection; can express their emotions and worries; very patient; have steady incomes and can guarantee no worries about money

Aquarius Moon:

always ran away from ordinary life; unstable emotionally; concentration problems; rejection of reality; dreams are better then real life

✔ acceptation of reality, but still being an unique person; optimistic as hell; try to make this world optimistic too; friendly to everybody no matter who they are; equality is their second name

Pisces Moon:

apathy; closed from this world; reject own feelings; never helps others; naive; alcohol addiction; loneliness

✔ try to help everybody who is in needs; feeling love to everyone and especially to themselves; creative and intuitive; big hearts; try to make the world a better place

Persona Moodboard (Request) : Personal : Slytherin / INFP / Virgo Sun / Sagittarius Rising / Scorpio Moon / Lisa

“I’ve never been a millionaire but I just know I’d be darling at it.”


SCORPIO: Be Proud of Yourself For Working Through Your Darkness! - Spiritual Reading June 2022


Here is a ritual for tonight’s Blood/Super/Full Moon in Scorpio. This ritual can be applied to other Full Moons, especially Aries, Cancer, Pisces, and Aquarius.

Moon sign Descriptions part 1

~Aries Moon, Gemini Moon, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Moon~

Aries Moon - They are outspoken and impulsive, often being the one to speak their mind too much. Aries Moons will be very open about pretty much everything, their thoughts, their feelings, their opinions, anything, to the point where it can become inappropriate, and this is often what gets them into trouble with others. Their quick mind sometimes gets the best of them, by taking action without thinking about the damage they could cause. They can also give other people the impression that they lack maturity if they don’t learn to control this Aries mind.

Gemini Moon - These people have restless minds. They are easily bored and often have to stimulate their minds constantly. They can be brilliant at multitasking, for example: watching tv and reading a book at the same time. Gemini moons can also be sarcastic and quick-witted, with the ability to dominate a conversation with their love of talking. Their changeable moods can give them a reputation of being moody and that they have two sides to their personality. They can be terrible at sitting still for long periods of time which is only intensified if you have a Gemini dominated Chart.

Scorpio Moons - This is a very dark and secretive moon. They are extremely sensitive to how other people treat them and act around them, sometimes too sensitive. Scorpio moons will often hold a grudge for years or maybe even until the day they die. Often these grudges are over something that most people would move on from after a week or maybe not even take it to heart at all. It’s this sensitivity mixed with secrecy that makes them so dangerous, because they will often find ways to get back at you if you hurt them enough, and yet you will never even suspect it. Scorpio Moon individuals are probably the most loyal and protective towards the people they truly care about. In relationships they can be quite possessive and easily betrayed. These moons rarely forgive and never forget.

Aquarius Moon - One is the darker moons, but this may be unnoticed to the untrained eye. Aquarius moons will never show their true emotions to others. In fact it is common for these moons to appear emotionless or lacking in empathy because of this. It is almost as if they fear feelings and emotions and this can cause them to act out in bizarre and sometimes cold ways in order to conceal this side of them. Aquarius moons are natural humanitarians who need to have friends in their life to feel secure, they love their friends. However, not even friends stop this moon from remaining detached and aloof when it comes to their own thoughts and feelings, as well as handling other people’s emotional issues.

Scorpio Moon ☪️♏️


_____________ how they feel _____________

scorpio is a passionate and deeply erotic sign and certainly the person with this moon sign is capable of exhibiting both to the partner in their life. when deeply anxious about intimacy, they can be a fly-by-night player. however, their soul yearns for a much deeper connection, where they are able to respond with passion and intensity.

in general, this is one individual who is not easy to know. they may seem extremely slow to someone who doesn’t know them. this is because they have an all-or-nothing attitude to a romantic relationship. if a partner doesn’t deeply click into their psyche, they can be extremely cold, detached, remote, and ambivalent. this is a person who is not only very complicated but who also tends to make matters complicated - in their own mind. having a very calculating mind and a horror of any kind of vulnerability, they are deeply self-protective and would never venture forth in a romantic situation if there was a chance that they might get hurt. as much as they might like an intensely passionate, erotic relationship, they are not at all comfortable surrendering to it until they know that they can either trust their lover completely or else control them successfully. this person knows this sort of surrender means possible loss of control and mental clarity, which is exactly what they need for survival. therefore, it is not uncommon to see moon in scorpio individuals who are emotionally dead, living off their smarts and successes, carefully compartmentalizing the time and energy spent on a relationship, which, as a result, becomes empty and meaningless.

some individuals with this moon sign completely repress their feelings and project their own darkness and hostility onto their partner. in this case, it is the partner who either carries the weight or becomes the sole source of their emotional problems. other people with the moon in scorpio are very moody, and the darkness from their unconscious will leak through and bring them deadening bouts of depression. this person may attribute these emotions to any number of external factors but will usually never admit that they have anything to do with something inside themself.

it is not uncommon for a moon in scorpio individual to be so cut off from others and themself that they don’t really know what they feel. often their anger over a situation doesn’t surface for days, and when it does, it shows itself in the form of a mood swing or depression. this is an individual capable of great emotional extremes. on the surface they always seem perfectly in control. however, what is going on underneath the surface is another story. in the extreme, when pushed, this is a person capable of cold violence and emotionally vicious acts.

this is the sort of individual whom you can ask “what were you feeling then?” and get the response “I don’t know.” it might be that they don’t want to know, and it might also be that they don’t want to know, and it might also be that they do know and they don’t want to talk about it. emotionally, this person can be a very secretive, closed person who would rather put up a happy front than honestly reveal what they are really feeling.

the moon in scorpio individual is so uncomfortable with their own feelings that they hold them in and hope they will magically disappear. even if they are madly in love, they are often very distrustful and cautious about expressing themself. they play their cards very close to their chest to maintain their safety. they are also uncomfortable around heavy emotional displays, gushing sentimentality, self-pitying behavior, and violent or hysterical anger. instinctively, they know the latter can trigger their own anger and violence, which is just waiting under the surface, should something or someone provoke it at the right time. because they are not comfortable with their deeper feelings, they do not communicate them. they are intensely private and prone to pushing emotions further down so that they will be able to sustain and display a steely kind of control. emotional vulnerability is what their suspicious mind fears most. should they be brought to their knees through some emotional devastation, they will be very slow to recover or may never do so fully. instead they may simply become more contracted, controlling, and suspicious over time.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in scorpio individual may be both passive-aggressive and very critical. however, when they trust, they can also be passionate and talk from the depths of their soul. they are potentially a very deep person when they are not living through repression, control, and defense mechanisms. perhaps the way they they are most comfortable expressing their feelings is through sex. their is a deeply sensual and erotic nature that craves the kind of stimulation that allows them to lose their mind to the act. because they are so instinctively sexual, they can be a sublime lover with an erotic sensibility that is boundless.

when their anger is aroused, however, this person’s emotional display is equally boundless and potentially terrifying. they are capable of cold withdrawal. they are also able to display the sort of vicious acting out that, chances are, will never be forgotten. from scathing verbal abuse to cruel, calculated manipulations designed to destroy the perceived enemy, this person’s anger can be extremely painful. it is also highly effective. the moon in scorpio individual knows how to hit deep and hard and when they are angry usually won’t be able to stop themself from striking out in any other manner. having emotionally sadistic tendencies, they can derive a great deal of satisfaction from how horribly they can wound and destroy. this ability, which is as instinctive as their sexual prowess, makes them feel safe and separate from their own potential emotional pain. when operating from an unevolved level, this moon sign is a psychological killer. when evolved and operating from a spiritual consciousness, this person has great compassion and depth of intuition, intelligence, insight, and feeling. the difference is usually dependent on how much this person is willing to work on themself psychologically to truthfully and courageously face their own demons and grow into a human being who lives life more openly without the single goal of control.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

they are sensitive and emotional, sentimental and deeply instinctive. they are so in touch with their own feelings that they are completely comfortable with the feelings of everyone around them.

warm, affectionate, loving, and caring, the moon in cancer individual is fully present in emotional situations. their emotions can go very deep and, whether positive or negative, are long-lasting.

when hurt, they may withdraw for a bit to lick their wounds and brood about how slighted they feel in the situation. however, unlike a lot of other moon signs, they won’t cut themself off. at a certain point they will emerge from their shell and be willing to communicate. the moon in cancer is very similar to the moon in scorpio in that it may forgive, but it will never forget. in between, both can hold a grudge like a torch that inflames their own sense of justice.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

when deeply connected, the moon in cancer individual is openly affectionate and will share their feelings in their own time and way. quite conscious and sensitive to everything around them, they know what they feel and it simply flows forth.

unlike a number of other moon signs, they don’t repress painful moments or erect elaborate defenses to cope emotionally. when hurt, they will withdraw for a time. when angry, they may be passive-aggressive or piercingly sarcastic. the moon in cancer individual can have a lacerating sense of humor that they use to express hostility.

whatever the situation, they usually make their emotions felt by those around them. the moon in cancer individual is so full of feeling that there is nowhere they can really go to hide it. whether positive or negative, their feelings often overflow, and they are suddenly at the mercy of the rushing current.

who they are emotionally


________ who they are emotionally ________

the moon in scorpio individual is often an enigma unto themself. since scorpio is the sign of sex, death, and regeneration, this is the most complex moon placement in the zodiac. therefore, at various times, in response to various people, the moon in scorpio individual exhibits a wide variety of emotional responses. they can be cold, controlling, emotionally intense, but also very private, critical, moody, mysterious, indifferent, passionate, driven, compulsive, obsessive, compassionate, and completely distant. this is a very difficult moon sign to live with - for both them and their partner.

control is key to the moon in scorpio individual’s personality, and they will not only carefully control their own emotional response, they will control and manipulate their partner as well. control makes them feel safe. it also makes them cut off from anything that deeply disturbs them - whether it is their own complicated emotions rising to the surface or a lover who has made them extremely angry. to be completely out of control is this individual’s nightmare, since their emotions can be so intense and engulfing that they can completely overwhelm them, leaving them feeling powerless. at their most emotionally chaotic moment, they are capable of intense passion, jealousy, violence, excruciating moodiness, and black depression. even if they don’t know their limits well, they have some idea of what they are capable of on the negative side, and it frightens them. they also know that their survival is dependent on their ability to keep their feelings in check despite what they may feel like on the inside. therefore, this moon sign encourages suppression and the sort of stiff-upper-lip attitude that appears to the world as cool, inscrutable, and invulnerable. this is an individual who appears indifferent to their own pain and who thrives on performing under duress and coming out on top, even under the worst conditions. many moon in scorpio individuals are workaholics who throw themselves into their career or business with a compulsion that leaves little or no room for them to comfortably experience their own emotions.

scorpio is the sign of power - power over others as well as power from within. usually, individuals of this moon sign opt for power over others and themselves. these individuals feel a great deal of pride in their own sense of power and often don’t grow emotionally until they are trapped in some life-changing situation that makes them feel completely powerless. there can be so much rigidity in this moon sign that often this individual’s emotional vessel has to completely crack open before they are able to face their strong feelings. as is most often the case, these individuals take great pleasure in their own willpower and invulnerability and will drive themselves hard in their chosen direction. they do this because they are frightened of the demons lurking in their inner landscape. those individuals who are able to rise to the challenge of becoming more human, the individuals who are strong enough to face their own demons and not project them on their lovers, have the most extraordinary potential for wisdom, depth, emotional brilliance, and profound emotional healing. however, this option is only open to those individuals who have done deep psychological work. these are the individuals who drive themselves to be more than mere control mongers, having the laudable strength to face themselves and the complex forces that drive them.

how they feel and show their emotions
