#morbidly obese




10 year challenge, didnt think it made that much of a diffrence

SUPER CHUB status has been achieved! He’s a beautiful man.

Here are two calculators that you can use to see exactly how unhealthy you have made yourself.


This one tells gives you, your fitness age and score


This one tells you, your chance of having a heart attack in the next 10 years, the weight limits out at 180kg(396lbs) which sucks though

Ask me your gaining / deathfeedism questions!!

It can be about anything related to gaining and or deathfeedism, including but not limited to things like;

•How to manage health conditions

•Maximising your gains

•How to use health conditions to your advantage

•The realities of gaining

•How to become more unhealthy

•How to get specific health conditions

Search my page for  “#gaining tips” for the other entries.

Medications and Weight Gain

So as I mentioned in my 4th guide post, there are diabetes medications that can cause serious weight gain, but what if I told you there are other medications that could also cause you to gain weight and some of them can be pretty “safely” taken without having the associated condition(s).

For the most part this guide won’t be as useful to Amercians, becuase you guys have to pay for your meds, but for those of you who live in a sensible counrty, you might want to consider starting some of these.

Diabetes Meds:

As I said in my previoud guide most diabetes meds with the exception of metformin (Glucophage) will casue weight gain, and the best part is that unlike some of the other meds mentioned later on, diabetes meds are guaranteed to casue weight gain, because thats just how they work and ontop of that they also casue the most weight gain out of the other drugs mentioned as well.

Becasue I’ve already got a whole post about this one I’m not going to elaborate further, instead just read that post.


Again these are some of the best meds for gainers, there are a few main types of antidepressants (SSRI, SNRI, TCA, MAOI) but the good part is they all can casue some pretty serious weight gain, that being said unlike diabetes meds antidepressants aren’t 100% guaranteed to casue weight gain and may do the opposite, but generally for most people they will gain weight while taking them and quite alot at that.

Therefore I would actually recomend that any deathfeedee or serious feedee, should go to their doctor and complain about having depression whether or not you actaully do is irrelevant, because for most people the side effects arent that bad even if you dont have depression, if offered turn down therapy or cognative behavioral therapy and they should prescribe one of the drugs listed above.

One thing to note about antidepressants is that the effects can take a very long time to kick in, in some cases up to 6 months but it’s worth sticking it out in my opinion as the weight gains worth it.

Side Effects;

Slight memory impairment - med-high risk

Cogantive impairment - med-high risk

Those 2 are bonuses for those into dumbification

Decrease in libido - med risk


These meds are usually used to treat hay fever, rashes, allergic reactions and insomnia, but a certai  type also have a pretty high chance of making you stay hungry for longer and generally less full. They also have the nice benefit of being able to be bought over the counter without a prescription at a pharmacy.

The best one for out purposses are chlorphenamine and diphenhydramine as they are widely avaliable over the counter and have the effects we are looking for, generally chlorphenamine is the better of the 2 as it doesnt make you as sleepy as diphenhydramine.

Becuase of how easy this one is, agian I would recomend it to everyone.

Side effects;

Dry mouth - med risk

Drowsiness  - med - high risk

Rapid heart rate - low risk

This is were the drugs become a little more serious and I wouldn’t actively recomend you seek them out, that being said if you do end up with one of the conditions thats these drugs treat well they just have a nice little bonus.


These drugs are usually used to treat high-blood pressure and heart failure, now you may be thinking that being a massive unhealthy fatty you have a pretty good chance of getting both of those and you would be right.

For weight gain beta-blockers have two main benefits; 1) they slow heart rate and casue fatigue therefore reducing you exersise tolerance and promoting a sedentary lifestyle and 2) they can also casue a slowing of your metabolism but thats not guaranteed.

For the deathfeedees out there, if you do end up with high-blood pressure, your doctor will probably prescribe you something called an ACE-inhibitor (usually their names end in “prill”) but thats no use for us, so if you tell your doctor that it gives you a really bad cough they will change it to either a beta-blocker (great) or a CCB (not as great), preferably we would want it to be the beat-blocker (name ends in “lol”) but it’s not the end of the world if you get the CCB (name ends in “pine”) as they can cause a little bit of water weight in your legs, it also means that you just have to gain some more weight the old fashioned way, causing your blood-pressure to get worse, then prompting your doctor to presciribe the beta-blocker as well.

Side effects;

Sickness - med risk, can be countered witht the antihistamines mentioned above

Cold fingers - low -med risk

Insomnia and nightmares - med-high risk

Oral Corticosteroids:

This one, I actually wouldn’t recomend at all just becuase of the side effects so wont go into much detail, basically they casue; increassed appetite, slower metabolism and water weight, they also can change the distribution of your fat to more favour your belly and pubic area, they basically work the same way as cortisol and stress which I have already wrote about, but they have even worse side effects, such as destroying your immune system.

Gabapentin and Pregabalin:

Lastly I want to touch on these two meds that are usually used for treating epilepsy and nerve pain, they also have decent chance of casuing an increase in appetite. For those of you who are all ready lucky enough to have diabetes, uncontrolled diabetes can acutally casue nerve pain and so this can be utilised to get your doc to prescribe you one of these, basically all you have to do is tell your doctor that you have a prickling, burning sensation and shooting pains in your hands or feet and they should presicribe you one of these to help, if they prescirbe something else, just don’t take it and go back and tell them it didn’t work.

Side effects;

Addiction - high risk

Sickness - med risk

Diarrhoea  - med risk

Dry mouth - low - med risk

Sleepy or dizzy - high risk

So there you have it a complete list of all medications that can help you gain more weight and how to be prescribed them, for the deathfeedees your number 1 priority should be diabetes as that has the biggest impact and is guaranteed weight gain, but I would also recomend antidepressants and antihistamines as i’d say the weight gain outweighs the potential side effects and therefore you should at least try them and see how it goes.

Search “#gaining tips” for the other entries.

Stress, Cortisol and Weight Gain

So I’m going to say right off the bat, that this part of the guide probably won’t be for everyone, but rather only the truest most dedicated feedees who want every little bit of help packing on the pounds as possible with zero regard for the consequences.

The reason for this is, if you do follow these tips, you will feel like shit there is no way around it and the amount of benefit weight wise isn’t that great for what it “costs” so to say.

But anyway lets get started.

Cortisol is another hormone but this one is related to stress and what your body actually does with the food once it is eaten.

Basically the more stressed your body is the more Cortisol your body will produce. And when Cortisol is high your body will store more food as fat. High Cortisol levels are also the only way to change where fat is stored on the body, having high Cortisol will cause new weight gained to mostly go to your lower belly, back  and pubic region, but it is in no way going to completely change the distribution of your fat, it will be a slight change if anything.

There are a few ways to increase cortisol;

Increase the temperature in your house ideally to above 35°C (95°F) as this increases Cortisol and stops your body from breaking down stored fat, this also has an obvious benefit for those of you into slob.

Sleep less, much less, the less the better, ideally less than 5 hours each night. In addition to this drink lots of caffeine right before sleeping, and use your phone or computer with the brightness at full right before sleeping as these both reduce the quality of your sleep increasing cortisol.

Don’t worry about feeling tired after a few weeks your body will adjust, and if it doesn’t, well that just gives you an excuse to drink more caffeine.

Another thing to consider is eating your largest meal right before you go to sleep because you won’t burn any calories sleeping.

Do as little exercise as possible, and I really mean that, even small things like parking as close to shops as possible and then using mobility scooters really help. This helps because exercise reduces your stress levels, so therefore not doing any will increase them, it also massively helps with you in developing diabtetes.

Try to drink as little water as possible, ideally one or less glass of water each day, any other time you feel thirsty, drink fizzy juice for example cola. This has 2 benefits, one it increases Cortisol and two it also causes your body to retain water as water weight.

Stay indoors as much as possible and avoid direct sunlight as this causes higher Cortisol levels.


  • Increases weight gain
  • Can seriously increase your chance of lots of health issues, such as; High blood pressure, diabetes, heart palpitations and arrhythmia, heart attacks, strokes, death and more
  • If you’re a masochist you might be into the fact that you will feel like shit 24/7


  • You will be exhausted both physically and mentally all the time

  • Depending on how your body deals with sleep deprevation, it might decrease appetite in which case obviously don’t follow these tips

  • You might feel a bit sick, this can be coutered with travel sickness tablets, but these also make you feel tired so you would need to increase your caffeine consumption to compensate


exhausted, I could no longer walk to get home ‍

Oh poor piggy, can’t even do the simple task of walking without getting out of breath.

But don’t worry about it, you just sit down relax and stuff your face, I’m sure that will make you feel better.


obesity has made me beautiful.

(yes I sit on two chairs)

The best part about obesity based beauty is that as you get fatter, you also become more beautiful with each pound, only stopping when your heart does.

Search “#gaining tips” for the other entries.

The Pavlovian Effect

Listen up hedonists, this one’s for you.

Did you know there are some lucky feedees out there that can actually turn themselves on and almost masturbate just by eating. These exceptionally lucky piggies brains are simply just wired differently, in such a way that their brains simply can’t tell the difference between eating and masturbating, as far as their brain is concerned they are one and the same thing.

For those of you not lucky enough to naturally experience this, don’t worry because it’s actually pretty easy to rewire your brain to experience this too, and the best bit is that it’s a lot of fun as well.

So you may be wondering how to actually go about rewiring your brain at this point, well don’t worry I’m going to tell you right now.

Step 1: Anytime you eat, you must also masturbate, and anytime you want to masturbate you must be eating at the same time.

Step 2: Keep doing it, thats it really, how long you will have to keep doing it depends on you each person is different but generally after a month of doing this most people’s brains will now just associate eating and masturbating as the same thing, meaning that if you now stop masturbating while eating, you should get the same pleasure you felt from it as before.

A word of warning though, once you have achieved this it can be pretty hard to separate the two again. This means that no matter where or when you are, if you are eating it’s going to feel like you are masturbating, so don’t come crying to me because it’s now really awkward to eat in front of normies.

Also because you are a feedee it stands to reason that your going to be eating a lot and very often, this means your going to be horny basically all the time, this can lead to addiction food addiction extremely quickly, for some of you this is simply a dream come true but if your not into that it’s best to avoid this.




Imagine coming home to your ball of fat

I would just dive face first into that huge gut!

Imagine turning a gym rat into this lard pile




Piggies inspiring other piggies to pick up that heavy cream and pile on more weight will always be a beautiful thing to see. Reach your goals piggy.


If all women looked like this and we had a a whole society of obese bed ridden slob pigs like this, the world would be a better place

When you do when your massively obese wife dies of heart failure at 1,000 plus pounds ???

Normally I hate watching my 600 pound life with ussbbw Cause I don’t like seeing them lose all their fat but who is this beautiful obese women? Like Damn! Long live female obesity!


Been a very fattening few weeks but I’m not trying to be fat I’m trying to be huuuge

Hi, my name is Cami! I am on a journey to lose over 150 pounds. I am currently doing Weight Watchers

Hi, my name is Cami! I am on a journey to lose over 150 pounds. I am currently doing Weight Watchers, daily yoga, and aerobics a few days of the week. Join me for a weird, fun time? With judgy cats and kittens that are learning the skill early too.

Starting Weight: 316.8 pounds (March 1st, 2021)

Current Weight: 299.2 (May 2nd, 2021)

My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeyL3PZHVv0gAWGp_fJuPvw

Post link

Mi first shower video, I hope you like It, I LOVE playing with my fat after sitting under very hot water because it softens and feels so blubbery.


When all you can do is just lay there because of how fat you and you need someone to milk your overstuffed blimp of a body.

Just some big guys that I’ve seen recently.

New Cody from this past weekend

Saw this big guy yesterday.
