
Hi friends, sorry for being MIA! Been working on something cool that I’ll share soon! Somehow

Hi friends, sorry for being MIA! Been working on something cool that I’ll share soon!

Somehow forgot to post this Earthbound fanart I did last year. I really really love this game. #mother2 #earthbound

#art #illustration #drawing #illo #painttoolsai2 #artistsoninstagram #digitalart #digitalartist #doodle #sketch #artoftheday #fanart #artist #instaartist #instaart

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Ness from #mother2! ✨#EarthboundPsd + behind scenes + hd file and video on patreon!———————————★PATRE

Ness from #mother2! ✨


Psd + behind scenes + hd file and video on patreon!



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 『MOTHER』公式トリビュートコミック第二弾、 【Pollyanna2】の献本届きました! この豪華執筆陣の原稿を ステキな大きな本で読める幸せ! 拙作のボケみのあるペンタッチもとてもいい感じ!  『MOTHER』公式トリビュートコミック第二弾、 【Pollyanna2】の献本届きました! この豪華執筆陣の原稿を ステキな大きな本で読める幸せ! 拙作のボケみのあるペンタッチもとてもいい感じ!

『MOTHER』公式トリビュートコミック第二弾、 【Pollyanna2】の献本届きました! この豪華執筆陣の原稿を ステキな大きな本で読める幸せ! 拙作のボケみのあるペンタッチもとてもいい感じ! 10月21日ほぼ日ストアにて先行発売、 一般書店10月28日発売です! ぜひぜひ

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 『MOTHER』公式トリビュートコミック 【Pollyanna 2】 ヨシコシとタメキチを描きました! ……ていうことはつまり クマトラとダスターなんですけども。 10月21日、ほぼ日ストアにて先行 『MOTHER』公式トリビュートコミック 【Pollyanna 2】 ヨシコシとタメキチを描きました! ……ていうことはつまり クマトラとダスターなんですけども。 10月21日、ほぼ日ストアにて先行 『MOTHER』公式トリビュートコミック 【Pollyanna 2】 ヨシコシとタメキチを描きました! ……ていうことはつまり クマトラとダスターなんですけども。 10月21日、ほぼ日ストアにて先行


【Pollyanna 2】 ヨシコシとタメキチを描きました!

……ていうことはつまり クマトラとダスターなんですけども。



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PK THUNDER Or PK Thunder 2 if you’re turning yourself into an electrified human missile. Eithe


Or PK Thunder 2 if you’re turning yourself into an electrified human missile. Either way it’s a versatile move and fun to use. Some Ness art inspired by Super Smash Bros.  

Art by me. Available as stickers and shirts on my teepublic site here:


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When on your way out
Be sure that you say goodbye
Then lock the door tight.
-Everdred’s final haiku

Putting the final touches on Pollyanna! So close to being finished I can taste it! This will probabl

Putting the final touches on Pollyanna! So close to being finished I can taste it! This will probably be one of the last screenshots I post before the entire video is available on the project’s Youtube account, so please subscribe to that channel if you want an instant update on when it’s finished. I estimate perhaps another week or two of animation, maybe a month in total to polish everything and add little details I didn’t think I would have time for. It will be released a little bit late for the official Mother 2 anniversary which was in August, but still well short of Earthbound’s 20th anniversary next year, so I call it even. This video will be based more on the Earthbound release than the Japanese original because that’s the one I played, but there aren’t too many differences.

I also plan on releasing the entire rough boarded sequence (some of which can be seen in the Rough Test 2 I posted a year ago) so you animation process geeks can compare how much the final version adheres to the original sketches!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOTHER 2! As August 27th, 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the cult classic video game known to us as Earthbound, and because I have my own fanimation devoted to it that is very close to being completed, today I will post about my “authentic” Mother 2 experience during my recent visit to Japan this summer. 

As some of you may know, Japan has many “Gashapon” (or Gachapon) capsule dispensers that are essentially gumball machines with toys instead of candy. There is a dense concentration of them in Akihabara, an area in Tokyo known for carrying a huge selection of anime, manga and game-related goods- everything from DVDs, toys and accessories to cosplay fashion and idol band merchandise.



Somewhere in all of this pop culture chaos exist a small number of Mother 2 Gashapon dispensers. The one I encountered was on the upper floor of a well-known retro game store called Super Potato (pictured above). I’ve heard there are one or two others, but this was the only one I ran into.


Like most Gashapons, each attempt at nabbing a toy costs 200 yen, about 2 US dollars. The selection is completely randomized, which means I spent the better part of 10 minutes just cramming money into the slot and feverishly opening each plastic ball to inspect the contents in mounting frustration. I have included a highly scientific illustration of this process below:


Countless 100 yen coins and extra Paulas later, I finally acquired the final figure and completed the entire set: Ness, Jeff, Paula, Poo, Master Barf, Master Belch, and of course the elusive Mr. Saturn! The pink monster is supposedly “rare” but I have two of him to Mr. Saturn’s one. Not a bad investment as the Mr. Saturn goes for about 5 times the Gachapon price on eBay and re-sell stores. (Technically I think these are phone straps which are hugely popular in Japan, but to me they’d be more amusing as Christmas tree ornaments.)


The Super Potato store also carries original copies of the Mother 2 Famicom game, and features a huge print-out of the Magicant map from Mother 1 in one of their many stairwells. Pretty cool!






The only evidence of Mother 3 that I saw were copies of the actual game in a glass display case going for $80 (?!), but it was probably good for my wallet that there wasn’t any merch of Lucas or the Magypsies. Anyway, if you ever find yourself in Tokyo, definitely check this place out and have a go at collecting your own Mother 2 souvenirs straight from the source!

PK THUNDER!! Screencap from an epic battle scene.

PK THUNDER!! Screencap from an epic battle scene.

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I love how most of my posts start with “hey it’s been a long time since I’ve drawn stuff, I promise

I love how most of my posts start with “hey it’s been a long time since I’ve drawn stuff, I promise I’ll update more.”

But now that I’m finally done with college, I hope I’ll be able to do that less.

The incoming rewards for the “We are Earthbound” kickstarter and the imminent release of the PK Zine got me drawing Earthbound again! 

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Apple Kid! Here’s a lil Earthbound fan art as I continue to practice and try to wrap my mind around

Apple Kid!
Here’s a lil Earthbound fan art as I continue to practice and try to wrap my mind around Procreate.

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Jane has a Mother2parallel

Earlier today, I said Jane might parallel a precursor to Li'l Ms. Marshmallow, and yes. She does.

@princess-adrienne reminded me I needed to look into Electra, Pokey Minch’s maid while he’s working as a consultant for Geldegarde Monotoli, and that’s in Mother2, aka EarthBound. Technically, she’s Monotoli’s maid, working in Monotoli Building, in Fourside, but she serves Pokey whenever he’s visiting.

Porky Minchi (Pokey Minch in the EarthBound localization) is “upgraded” to King Porky in Mother3, and Electra is the human precursor to Li'l Ms. Marshmallow. By the events of Mother3, Electra would have died, simply because so much time has passed. Porky doesn’t die when he becomes King Porky, simply because the prototype of Dr. Andonuts’ time machine keeps him alive, even though he’s aged considerably due to a fault in the prototype. While he’s “king”, King Porky keeps a robot as a maid, and she seems to be based on Electra, possibly as a reminder of her to him.

So, Jane is Electra’s parallel, as she’s working as a soldier/maid for Chris Heathfield at Heathfield Manor, in Yorkshire. Electra is the human precursor to Li'l Ms. Marshmallow (a machine), while Jane is like a (presumably) human precursor to Layla (an advanced bizarre doll). When Jane’s hair is down, you can see how she’s an older looking version of Layla but with a shorter braid. Forget age; the shorter braid makes Jane a precursor, as an adversary, and we encounter Jane first anyway, so she’s a precursor time-wise, too.

Annie (and to a lesser degree Ran-Mao) becomes the main parallel to Paula in this situation, even though I’ve already got other parallels to Paula in other Black Butlersituations.

I have to choose Annie over Ran-Mao for Paula because Ran-Mao’s drugs wear off quickly, whereas Annie has to be disconnected from the machinery and woken up.

According to the fandom wiki, Paula’s weakness is paralysis.

That leaves Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao as the parallels to Ness and Jeff here, since they are the ones infiltrating the joint to set the maids free, just like Ness and Jeff set Paula free. Ness is generally going to be a stand-in for Lucas when it’s a Mother2 parallel instead of Mother3, and whoever Ness is with is typically a stand-in for whoever is with Lucas at the time (which is usually Boney, the dog)… so Mey-Rin serves as a stand-in for our earl while Ran-Mao serves as a stand-in for Sebastian. Notice that Ran-Mao and Jeff Andonuts (Dr. Andonuts’ son) have the same short, straight, shiny, and very evenly-cut bangs. (His sprites in the game show his hair to be shiny.)

This makes Geldegarde Monotoli (new mayor of Fourside) the parallel to Chris Heathfield (baron of Heathfield Manor), which makes perfect sense, because Monotoli keeps Paula as a hostage, just like Heathfield essentially keeps all those maids (particularly Annie) as hostages in his basement.

Here’s Electra (for Jane), Monotoli (for Heathfield), and Paula (for Annie):

He’snot a strong enemy to begin with, but when Monotoli is released from Giygas’ influence, he’s very physically weak, and that reminds me of Ran-Mao beating Heathfield up before she’s added to the other maids plus all the released maids (minus Ran-Mao) beating him up again as soon as he shows up after their release.

Afterwards, Monotoli relinquishes the town of Fourside back to the previous mayor and becomes a low-level worker again. Heathfield is still a baron, of course, but Polaris reports that the guy was arrested.

Jane gets one last major parallel to Electra because, as @princess-adrienne pointed out, Electra specifically says she doesn’t really care about what Pokey Minch is doing – she’s not entirely swayed by his goals – but she will fight on behalf of whichever side seems stronger. And that’s very similar to Jane’s approach to working for Heathfield and the Aurora Society’s operations there, which she swears she doesn’t know much about. Neither Electra nor Jane is especially loyal to her respective employer/master.



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