#movie recommendations



You guys should recommend tv shows or movies to me. Yes.

For TV Shows…..I happen to like the BBC Shows (but you know those already), as well as Arrested Development. Adventure Time is a must if you don’t already. I’ve never tried Downton Abbey, but I’ve heard it’s good.

As for movies…..ohyesgood. Okay, so all the Studio Ghibli films. All of them. And Under the Same Moon was great. Tron: Legacy was pretty decent. Mao’s Last Dancer (no matter how strange it sounds). Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. The new Astro Boy was cute. Bread and Tulips isn’t incredibly recent, but it’s very nicely filmed. The Red Violin. XXY. Black Lightning/Chernaya Molniya. The Alien Girl/Chuzhaya. The Singing Revolution (Estonian documentary, if you’re into that). Taxi Zum Klo. The Little Traitor. Lemon Tree. Hop. La Femme Nikita, the 1990 one. Quiet Chaos. Two Women. The Bicycle Thief. Amelie. 

My list could go on, but…. |D

Kiss Kiss  Every kiss was a goodbye, and she refused to let go of a single one, clinging to it with

Kiss Kiss 

Every kiss was a goodbye, and she refused to let go of a single one, clinging to it with her teeth, her lips, forcing it to linger and strain, before it snapped away from her. She’d pout and moan, and he’d kiss her again, delaying the inevitable, torturing her anew. 

It felt like each time he started to pull away that might be the last time, that trepidation and his penchant for sadism might leave him declaring that was it for the night, that she’d be left frustrated and alone for the remainder. It left her dangling, hovering between the two possibilities, unsure, confused, desperate. 

Grateful, too. For each little piece that he gave her, drip fed and stretched thin, letting her wallow in the pleasure of it all when he was feeling generous, only to squirm and whine when he wanted to watch her plead. She could relax, but only for so long. 

And then he’d kiss her, that thing that he did just before he was about to do something, just before he was about to end, and the nerves would bounce around her stomach like a ricochet, sure to cause some damage when they stopped. 

She loved him for it. She hated him for it. She was his because of it. 

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does anyone have any campy, fun movie suggestions? it’s my birthday this weekend and i’m having a movie night with some friends and am struggling to think of a movie to suit all. i want it to be a little silly, last year we watched Spice World and it was great. pls let me know if you know of anything good!!!

Get Over It - Underappreciated romantic comedy about teens putting on Midsomer Night’s Dream that is just so damn funny and really doesn’t take itself too seriously. Made my husband watch it a few years ago and we had a blast (it totally holds up). Has some fun musical numbers and lots of big name actors.

Stardust - I feel like everyone knows about Stardust but if not, it is a fun fantasy adventure story based on a novel by Neil Gaiman.

Top Gun - I grew up watching this with my older brothers and again I’ve rewatched it recently and it holds up. Amazing 80s soundtrack. My brother describes this movie as “a chick flick for dudes” (we don’t have time to unpack the gender essentialism right now). Come for the action, stay for the homoerotic volleyball montage.

Cadet Kelly - one of my all time favorite DCOMs from my childhood. Enemies to friends via dance at a military school.

Here I am, watching Red Notice again because I just want a comedic adventure with queer subtext
