#mr night



Let’s do this…

  • So you know, with the scarb in his possession, there’s no way Arthur is on the wrong side of the river.
  • Not a good time for The Mummy references? Got it.
  • I just… Steven, let the man do his job, pleaaaaase!
  • You guys, Steven sis not kill those guys, Marc did not kill those guys. Is Jake here already? Are we getting a brand new personality for the MCU? Am I making a lot of questions?
  • Remember back in my TFATWS spoilers when I said the “One world, one people” was the new “Hail Hydra”? Well, “Praise Ammit” has joined the chat.
  • Now, Steven is so cute when geeking out about the pyramid. He is. I don’t make the rules.
  • Aaaaaand, the gods are useless af. Why am I surprised?
  • You know? Marvel knows how to make those posters. As strange would say “A simple stell but quite unbreakable.” They make no sense until they do.
  • THAT fighting scene. With Steven asking Marc to take the body back. I’m sorry, it was sooo funny not to mention.
  • I gotta point out that the change between Marc and Steven are so well done. Oscar Isaac, *chef kiss*, buddy.
  • It was, and I’m quoting Steven here, mental how Khonshu changed the stars.
  • And only to have him imprisoned… *sighs*.
  • So, these idiots are informing Arthur now? About fucking everything or what?
  • Istg I thought Arthur would take the statue with him or he’d try and break it. I don’t know. That’s what I thought.