#fist of khonshu




  • Yeah well, I was a little scared about what the poster could mean. Like, was it all actually Marc’s imagination and he was indeed in a psychiatric? Then I realized the reason of the poster and everything was fine.
  • “Whatever else who might be there.” Oh Harrow, you have no idea…
  • I’m not really surprised that Layla is going to look for them. Alone. With a knife only. *sighs*
  • Taweret. I had this Lucifer flashback. Remember when he sent a demon to talk to Chloe? No? Well, i do.
  • She asked Layla to be her avatar.
  • To which she said no.
  • And, of course, the Gods are freed by breaking the statue. As simple as that. I did not think my theory was right but… it was.
  • Ngl, I WAS expecting Layla to become Khonshu’s avatar. I did wanted to see her as Moon Knight (yk, like Tabitha from Earth trns 590 [I believe I wrote it correctly]).
  • But I’m somehow happy she didn’t accept.
  • “You’re the only superpower I ever had.” Man, Marc went back for Steven, he turned to sand and placed (quite literally) his heart between them, bringing him back. It was emotional.
  • And we have Taweret helping them, old softies, stopping the sand.
  • The bullets falling when Marc stands up. The suit forming. Lemme just… .
  • So, just like that? Did Khonshu accept to free Marc (and Steven) for good, just like that? There’s just something there that’s not convincing me.
  • That frame. That fRAME of him covering the moon with the suit. *chef’s kiss*
  • Taweret is a baby and I love her. And you love her too. We all love her.
  • You know what I also love? The costume she chose for Layla to wear as her Avatar. 10/10. Quality.
  • Now, the transition between Marc and Steven (aka Moon Knight and Mr. Knight) is sick.
  • The fact that Steven fixed the suit while still fighting, leading him to be thrown away was so funny. I like this kind of humor.
  • The girl asking Layla if she’s a superhero and she going “I am.” ajzñdkzñsñ. Yes, you are!
  • We can all agree that it was him. Steven didn’t do it and Marc blacked out (again)..AAAAAGH!!!
  • Now, what the hell was that, at the asylum with Harrow?
  • For a moment, I thought about that theory saying that everything was, in fact, in Marc’s head and nothing was real.
  • Which would have the poster making sense, but it didn’t. Not when Harrow’s footsteps were printed in blood on the floor.
  • Aaaand, they wake up in Steven’s apartment, and Marc falls because he has this clamp thing (sorry, idk what’s it called xd) around his heel.
  • Harrow (Ammit), in a psychiatric, being strolled out of the hospital by someone, put in a car and then BHAM! we have Khonshu telling him that Marc didn’t know how messed up he was.
  • Wait, wait, wait. Did I miss the “MOON KNIGHT WILL RETURN” at the end of the credits? Was it not there? Why am I always asking questions I know the answer to?
  • Anyway, this series was phenomenal! The best, I dare to say, Marvel has done so far (and I’m talking about Marvel Disney, because Daredevil is still the best), I don’t think the projected ahead can top it but we’ll see.
  • Now, we have to wait for Ms. Marvel and hope for the best.



  • I’ll start saying that I love the fact that they added Marc’s nose injury. A good touch, Marvel. I understood that reference.
  • I knew she was Taweret, what I didn’t know was that they were in Duat, the Egyptian underworld.
  • Which means, of course, that they’re dead.
  • Also, did I mention how cute Taweret is?
  • Who, by the way, mentioned the Astral Plane. And of course, she knows about it, but it’s always good to have things like that mentioned in different MCU projects.
  • Did she take their hearts out? And put them on the scale? And now, the poster makes sense? The answer to all those questions is yes.
  • For a second I was sure that that memory, if him on the street was Jake because neither of them seemed to recognize it.
  • Hello, I hate Marc’s mom. You do too? Let’s start a club. My poor little baby didn’t deserve any of that!
  • I would have liked it if we could see the whole thing, but I guess that peek would do.
  • Also, i agree with Steven. Khonshu took advantage of Marc’s situation, but we already knew that.
  • “My fist of vengeance, my Moon Knight.” I’m sorry if y'all heard my scream.
  • Lemme tell you, Marc’s story is devastating. I do not wish anyone to have a mom like his, or to experience anything he went through.
  • But well, thanks to that we got to see how and why Steven was created. A coping mechanism to deal with all that.
  • Marc explains that his mom is dead. For a second I thought that, maybe, she didn’t answer Steven’s call because, well… we know why, but now we know it is because she’s dead and I feel so bad for Steven at this point.
  • Now, nOW!! We see Steven in Harrow’s office. I was not expecting that.
  • Even less, seeing Harrow calling Steven’s mom.
  • And he, Steven, is crying. If there’s something I hate with my entire soul is watching a man, an adult, cry. It makes me wanna cry.
  • And the fact that the memory of the street was Marc, outside of his parent’s house, drinking during his mom’s funeral (where he cried as well) broke my heart completely.
  • Oscar Isaac, love you buddy. You’re, hands down (and forgive me, please RDJ) the best freaking actor there’s ever been in the MCU!!
  • Taweret is really helping them. One would think she’s not allowed but, well, I love her too, your honor. She was rooting for them.
  • Steven freaking fell off the boat and turned into… i mean, why? Why did that had to happen? Why didn’t he make it to the boat? Why is the scale balanced? Why am I asking all these questions?
  • However, I’m going to ask one more: How am I supposed to survive a whole week to watch the final episode? There’s no way in making it alive.
  • Now I know why everyone was saying that this episode was their favorite. It was mental!! It was awesome and I can’t wait to see what happens next.



  • Let’s start saying that, Layla, you’re a badass and I love you.
  • Steven, I love you too, but Marc’s got a job to do… please let him do it!!
  • Sorry, guys, but that kiss you two share felt incredibly wrong to me. I knew it would happen eventually but it still feels like it.
  • And that punch in the face, Marc? Jakajssk. Hilarious.
  • “It’s a-maze-ing.” Dude, I can’t get enough of Steven fangirling so hard about everything. He’s a baby and we must protect him at all cost.
  • Now, nOW!! My hands were sweating. I thought that thing would find Layla and we’d have a (well expected but still surprising) jump scare.
  • But we didn’t so, we’re good.
  • Despite that, that thing does catch Layla, scaring the shit outta me. I was really, stupidity not expecting it to actually happen.
  • But luckily, as I said, Layla is badass and handled it herself.
  • I don’t know why I was surprised when Harrow told the story about Layla’s father.
  • Like, I should have seen it coming. Marc being there when he died, that (probably and most likely) being the reason he met Layla, the fact that he couldn’t save him…
  • I don’t know, it’s a lot of information to get in thirty seconds.
  • Aaaaaand apparently Marcos dead… again.
  • I am eager to see what happens in the next episode. Like, how is he (are they) coming back?
  • Anyway, I haven’t said this since WandaVision but, what the actual hell? What’s happening? What’s going on? Why is he in that place? And most importantly, WHY is he there?
  • So Marc and Steven are together…, in this place…, separately… In different bodies. I have a lot of questions.
  • Like, for example, is Jake finally showing up? Do they have to find him to get out of there? Am I going too far with this?
  • Ugh. Is it next week already? I need answers.


Let’s do this…

  • So you know, with the scarb in his possession, there’s no way Arthur is on the wrong side of the river.
  • Not a good time for The Mummy references? Got it.
  • I just… Steven, let the man do his job, pleaaaaase!
  • You guys, Steven sis not kill those guys, Marc did not kill those guys. Is Jake here already? Are we getting a brand new personality for the MCU? Am I making a lot of questions?
  • Remember back in my TFATWS spoilers when I said the “One world, one people” was the new “Hail Hydra”? Well, “Praise Ammit” has joined the chat.
  • Now, Steven is so cute when geeking out about the pyramid. He is. I don’t make the rules.
  • Aaaaaand, the gods are useless af. Why am I surprised?
  • You know? Marvel knows how to make those posters. As strange would say “A simple stell but quite unbreakable.” They make no sense until they do.
  • THAT fighting scene. With Steven asking Marc to take the body back. I’m sorry, it was sooo funny not to mention.
  • I gotta point out that the change between Marc and Steven are so well done. Oscar Isaac, *chef kiss*, buddy.
  • It was, and I’m quoting Steven here, mental how Khonshu changed the stars.
  • And only to have him imprisoned… *sighs*.
  • So, these idiots are informing Arthur now? About fucking everything or what?
  • Istg I thought Arthur would take the statue with him or he’d try and break it. I don’t know. That’s what I thought.



  • So, we start with Steven asking Marc through the mirror if he’s there.
  • And i loved when he said “I don’t care how handsome you are.” Like yep, he is.
  • And of course, he explains to Steven what happened to him and why he is serving Khonshu.
  • I did not expect Marc and Layla to be married but well, I told you she was gonna be the MCU version of Marlene.
  • And as such, they looked for the scarb together.
  • Okay but now, wasn’t it obvious that those officers were a part of it? They seemed a little suspish from the beginning.
  • Now, NOW! At last we have a mexicano that’s not from Ciudad Juárez. And im happy about it.
  • I would have loved listening to him speaking, yk, with that yucateco accent. Idk I love how they speak.
  • Back to the episode, Khonshu is “Real justice” and Arthur used to be the “Fist of vengeance”. Those dudes watched The Batman and it shows.
  • Bad joke? Yeah, I know. Couldn’t help it.
  • So, the scarb is a compass to Ammit’s tomb. Steven was right about his first assumption.
  • Except, of course, he didn’t know what it pointed to.
  • Let me, really quick… *clears throat* mR KNIGHT’S SUIT, PEOPLE!! Looking good, Scotty.
  • And well… Hello, Marc I’ve been meaning to see how you work. And I’m not disappointed at all.
  • I’m sad, though. I know Marc is the actual owner of the body but… poor Steven with a V.
  • He’s gonna be trapped inside for some time.
  • Ugh, and of course, Arthur has the scarb. What did I imagine would happen with it?
  • Khonshu wants Layla as his next avatar and is like blackmailing Marc with that? That’s low, dude.
  • I really can’t wait for the next episode. I’ve seen people who watched it already saying that it is one of the best episodes of the series and I’m so exciteeeeed!