#disney marvel


RED 9/50: Daredevil

I’m creating a new project entitled “Red” the idea is simple, to draw characters from all across media that relate to this particular color. This is just a fan project and all characters belong to their respective companies.

You can see more at my INSTAGRAM account:

@ ultimatejulio_art

Or my FACEBOOK page:



Auto estima é tudo não é mesmo?? Kkkk

Apesar de ter gostado muito da série, ainda acho que poderiam ter explorado MUITA coisa, mas enfim… ficou para os próximos filmes, tenho fé!! Espero que gostem e um ótimo fim de semana

 #ViuvaNegra  atrasado igual o próprio filme ahahaha brincadeira a parte, eu tava com um bloqueio ho


atrasado igual o próprio filme ahahaha brincadeira a parte, eu tava com um bloqueio horrível gente mas saiu é o que importa

Post link

In Portuguese, this reads:

“Go fuck yourself @marvelstudios.”

Translation: “For those who are asking, yes it is official. It’s concept art from WandaVision’s book. The joke about ‘Sokovian seer’ in the Halloween ep was that they would initially dress Olsen in stereotypical Romani women’s clothing. Defend that shit now.”

That’s… that’s Elizabeth Olsen. Who is white. They even curled and darkened her hair. This is some EGREGIOUS brownfacing. Fuck.

Sure, maybe somebody stepped in at the studio to say, “Hey, I think this might be racist?” But then they… included it in the art book?


What’s going on here? Can you explain this with anything but blatant racism? Asking for my Romani kids.

Wondering how my Jewish followers feel about Oscar Isaac playing Moon Knight(Steven Grant/Marc Spector) in the upcoming series?

Isaac’s mother is Guatemalan and his father is Cuban. Apparently, he has some Jewish heritage on his father’s side. However, that same father was an extreme evangelical Christian.

“My dad was a man of extremes. And the way my mom was raised, she followed her husband. So if God spoke to my father one day and said we were not supposed to have a TV in the house, it was suddenly gone. The Hernandez home became the site of a kind of ongoing tent revival … I was never frightened by it. I was more curious why I wasn’t feeling the real thing myself,“ he told GQ.

Given that Moon Knight is canonically Jewish-American, and the son of a Rabbi, I just wondered how you guys are feeling about this?

For those unfamiliar with Moon Knight, and without spoiling too much: The fact that Marc is Jewish is completely central to his storyline. An antisemitic attack is the reason he first recognizes his unique physical abilities. The trauma that causes his dissociative identity disorder is also directly related to that attack.

I saw no evidence whatsoever that Moon Knight is Jewish in the trailer. I’m really nervous about possible erasure, given Disney/Marvel’s track record. I’m also worried that his DID might be used as an excuse to gloss over his religious and ethnic background.

To make matters weirder, Ethan Hawke is also playing Arthur Harrow. (SPOILER ALERT! Possibly?) Harrow is a minor villain in Moon Knight: Fist of KhonshuNo. 2 by Alan Zelenetz and Chris Warner. He’s a former-Nazi scientist performing horrific human experimentation, and his work began in Auschwitz-Birkenau. That appears to be a completely different character than the one played by Ethan Hawke, though?

It bothers me that the trailer focuses on Steven Grant rather than Marc, since Steven in the trailer has no similarity (that I could see) to the Steven of the comics, who is a wealthy playboy. It gives us a complete unknown. They don’t appear to be following the comics very closely, if at all, which gives Disney/Marvel all the wiggle room they need to write out Moon Knight’s Jewish background.

I really like Oscar Isaac, but I have to wonder what motivated him to take a role like this. I’m reminded of the decision to cast Lucian Msamati to play John Faa in His Dark Materials. At the very least, Msamati was ready for an international breakout role, which makes me somewhat more sympathetic to his decision.

Oscar Isaac is already an international superstar; he was named one of Time Magazine’s ”100 Most Influential People“ in 2016. He’s coming from Star WarsandDune.At a certain point, we need to ask big-name actors whythey’re agreeing to take on characters who really ought to go to people with different marginalizations.

Thoughts? Am I prematurely concerned? Should I stay in my lane? Or are we looking at another example of an MCU television series with complete erasure of the character’s Jewish roots?

XOXO, Earnest



  • Yeah well, I was a little scared about what the poster could mean. Like, was it all actually Marc’s imagination and he was indeed in a psychiatric? Then I realized the reason of the poster and everything was fine.
  • “Whatever else who might be there.” Oh Harrow, you have no idea…
  • I’m not really surprised that Layla is going to look for them. Alone. With a knife only. *sighs*
  • Taweret. I had this Lucifer flashback. Remember when he sent a demon to talk to Chloe? No? Well, i do.
  • She asked Layla to be her avatar.
  • To which she said no.
  • And, of course, the Gods are freed by breaking the statue. As simple as that. I did not think my theory was right but… it was.
  • Ngl, I WAS expecting Layla to become Khonshu’s avatar. I did wanted to see her as Moon Knight (yk, like Tabitha from Earth trns 590 [I believe I wrote it correctly]).
  • But I’m somehow happy she didn’t accept.
  • “You’re the only superpower I ever had.” Man, Marc went back for Steven, he turned to sand and placed (quite literally) his heart between them, bringing him back. It was emotional.
  • And we have Taweret helping them, old softies, stopping the sand.
  • The bullets falling when Marc stands up. The suit forming. Lemme just… .
  • So, just like that? Did Khonshu accept to free Marc (and Steven) for good, just like that? There’s just something there that’s not convincing me.
  • That frame. That fRAME of him covering the moon with the suit. *chef’s kiss*
  • Taweret is a baby and I love her. And you love her too. We all love her.
  • You know what I also love? The costume she chose for Layla to wear as her Avatar. 10/10. Quality.
  • Now, the transition between Marc and Steven (aka Moon Knight and Mr. Knight) is sick.
  • The fact that Steven fixed the suit while still fighting, leading him to be thrown away was so funny. I like this kind of humor.
  • The girl asking Layla if she’s a superhero and she going “I am.” ajzñdkzñsñ. Yes, you are!
  • We can all agree that it was him. Steven didn’t do it and Marc blacked out (again)..AAAAAGH!!!
  • Now, what the hell was that, at the asylum with Harrow?
  • For a moment, I thought about that theory saying that everything was, in fact, in Marc’s head and nothing was real.
  • Which would have the poster making sense, but it didn’t. Not when Harrow’s footsteps were printed in blood on the floor.
  • Aaaand, they wake up in Steven’s apartment, and Marc falls because he has this clamp thing (sorry, idk what’s it called xd) around his heel.
  • Harrow (Ammit), in a psychiatric, being strolled out of the hospital by someone, put in a car and then BHAM! we have Khonshu telling him that Marc didn’t know how messed up he was.
  • Wait, wait, wait. Did I miss the “MOON KNIGHT WILL RETURN” at the end of the credits? Was it not there? Why am I always asking questions I know the answer to?
  • Anyway, this series was phenomenal! The best, I dare to say, Marvel has done so far (and I’m talking about Marvel Disney, because Daredevil is still the best), I don’t think the projected ahead can top it but we’ll see.
  • Now, we have to wait for Ms. Marvel and hope for the best.



  • I’ll start saying that I love the fact that they added Marc’s nose injury. A good touch, Marvel. I understood that reference.
  • I knew she was Taweret, what I didn’t know was that they were in Duat, the Egyptian underworld.
  • Which means, of course, that they’re dead.
  • Also, did I mention how cute Taweret is?
  • Who, by the way, mentioned the Astral Plane. And of course, she knows about it, but it’s always good to have things like that mentioned in different MCU projects.
  • Did she take their hearts out? And put them on the scale? And now, the poster makes sense? The answer to all those questions is yes.
  • For a second I was sure that that memory, if him on the street was Jake because neither of them seemed to recognize it.
  • Hello, I hate Marc’s mom. You do too? Let’s start a club. My poor little baby didn’t deserve any of that!
  • I would have liked it if we could see the whole thing, but I guess that peek would do.
  • Also, i agree with Steven. Khonshu took advantage of Marc’s situation, but we already knew that.
  • “My fist of vengeance, my Moon Knight.” I’m sorry if y'all heard my scream.
  • Lemme tell you, Marc’s story is devastating. I do not wish anyone to have a mom like his, or to experience anything he went through.
  • But well, thanks to that we got to see how and why Steven was created. A coping mechanism to deal with all that.
  • Marc explains that his mom is dead. For a second I thought that, maybe, she didn’t answer Steven’s call because, well… we know why, but now we know it is because she’s dead and I feel so bad for Steven at this point.
  • Now, nOW!! We see Steven in Harrow’s office. I was not expecting that.
  • Even less, seeing Harrow calling Steven’s mom.
  • And he, Steven, is crying. If there’s something I hate with my entire soul is watching a man, an adult, cry. It makes me wanna cry.
  • And the fact that the memory of the street was Marc, outside of his parent’s house, drinking during his mom’s funeral (where he cried as well) broke my heart completely.
  • Oscar Isaac, love you buddy. You’re, hands down (and forgive me, please RDJ) the best freaking actor there’s ever been in the MCU!!
  • Taweret is really helping them. One would think she’s not allowed but, well, I love her too, your honor. She was rooting for them.
  • Steven freaking fell off the boat and turned into… i mean, why? Why did that had to happen? Why didn’t he make it to the boat? Why is the scale balanced? Why am I asking all these questions?
  • However, I’m going to ask one more: How am I supposed to survive a whole week to watch the final episode? There’s no way in making it alive.
  • Now I know why everyone was saying that this episode was their favorite. It was mental!! It was awesome and I can’t wait to see what happens next.



  • Let’s start saying that, Layla, you’re a badass and I love you.
  • Steven, I love you too, but Marc’s got a job to do… please let him do it!!
  • Sorry, guys, but that kiss you two share felt incredibly wrong to me. I knew it would happen eventually but it still feels like it.
  • And that punch in the face, Marc? Jakajssk. Hilarious.
  • “It’s a-maze-ing.” Dude, I can’t get enough of Steven fangirling so hard about everything. He’s a baby and we must protect him at all cost.
  • Now, nOW!! My hands were sweating. I thought that thing would find Layla and we’d have a (well expected but still surprising) jump scare.
  • But we didn’t so, we’re good.
  • Despite that, that thing does catch Layla, scaring the shit outta me. I was really, stupidity not expecting it to actually happen.
  • But luckily, as I said, Layla is badass and handled it herself.
  • I don’t know why I was surprised when Harrow told the story about Layla’s father.
  • Like, I should have seen it coming. Marc being there when he died, that (probably and most likely) being the reason he met Layla, the fact that he couldn’t save him…
  • I don’t know, it’s a lot of information to get in thirty seconds.
  • Aaaaaand apparently Marcos dead… again.
  • I am eager to see what happens in the next episode. Like, how is he (are they) coming back?
  • Anyway, I haven’t said this since WandaVision but, what the actual hell? What’s happening? What’s going on? Why is he in that place? And most importantly, WHY is he there?
  • So Marc and Steven are together…, in this place…, separately… In different bodies. I have a lot of questions.
  • Like, for example, is Jake finally showing up? Do they have to find him to get out of there? Am I going too far with this?
  • Ugh. Is it next week already? I need answers.


Let’s do this…

  • So you know, with the scarb in his possession, there’s no way Arthur is on the wrong side of the river.
  • Not a good time for The Mummy references? Got it.
  • I just… Steven, let the man do his job, pleaaaaase!
  • You guys, Steven sis not kill those guys, Marc did not kill those guys. Is Jake here already? Are we getting a brand new personality for the MCU? Am I making a lot of questions?
  • Remember back in my TFATWS spoilers when I said the “One world, one people” was the new “Hail Hydra”? Well, “Praise Ammit” has joined the chat.
  • Now, Steven is so cute when geeking out about the pyramid. He is. I don’t make the rules.
  • Aaaaaand, the gods are useless af. Why am I surprised?
  • You know? Marvel knows how to make those posters. As strange would say “A simple stell but quite unbreakable.” They make no sense until they do.
  • THAT fighting scene. With Steven asking Marc to take the body back. I’m sorry, it was sooo funny not to mention.
  • I gotta point out that the change between Marc and Steven are so well done. Oscar Isaac, *chef kiss*, buddy.
  • It was, and I’m quoting Steven here, mental how Khonshu changed the stars.
  • And only to have him imprisoned… *sighs*.
  • So, these idiots are informing Arthur now? About fucking everything or what?
  • Istg I thought Arthur would take the statue with him or he’d try and break it. I don’t know. That’s what I thought.



  • Yes, I didn’t watch it today at 2am bc I fell asleep. I’m old, leave me alone.
  • Got excited. Sorry.
  • I love that they added Blinding Lights and not only for the trailer.
  • Kamala being a hard core fangirl is such a mood. Like, I can totally see myself doing that (I’m not good at drawing but ykwim).
  • Also, i know for a fact that my driving test would go the same way. I wouldn’t make it to the next block without hitting something.
  • This dude called her “Camelia” and, he was there for half a second but I already hate him.
  • Now, Bruno is a bay and i love him. Something happens to him and I go riot. K?
  • Uuugh. I relate to Kamala in this. I know what is like to have strict parents and growing up like that. I feel ya, girl.
  • I. Just. Love. How the text messages and Kamala’s plan shows with this changing art and neon lights on the streets. They’re dope!!
  • Now, nOW!! Did you see the belt? She was about to add it when her parents entered her room. Añdkdkñd.
  • And talking about her parents, ngl, I did feel bad for them. Like, they were going to let her go with their conditions and i know it was a wrong way to express her thoughts but we get it.
  • And the fact that she said that she made her dad cry just gives me this unsettling feeling. Idk, I’ve mentioned this in the past. I hate the idea of grown ass men crying. It makes me wanna join them.
  • But well, her plan with the bus didn’t go as planned, obviously. And even though I felt bad for her bike, it was a funny touch.
  • I’m gonna mention just a few of the references I catched from the AvengersCon:
  • The Star Spangled Man song, the girls from the Stark Expo, that card? with America’s ass, the iconic “I can do this all day”.
  • And I’m sure there are more but I’ll check them later.
  • Okay but, ✨ Zoe’s costume ✨ The original (sort of) Ms Marvel costume.
  • I got scared for a moment with the giant Ant-Man’s head started moving, then I was like “okay, they’re cheering, it’s all cool”, then it moved a vain and it fell and caused the giant Mjölnir to play a wrecking ball and drag Zoe with it and i was scared again.
  • Luckily (and obviously) Kamala saved her.
  • And i don’t know why people complained about her powers and why they were changed. They look so f-ing cool. They look cOSMIC!
  • Did you see the art in those credits? The Kamala from the comics? I mean *chef kiss*.
  • And last but not least… *clears throat* WTF was that post-credit scene? Who are these people and why do they want to bring her in? Mind your own business, floks and leave my girl alone.
  • Or don’t. I wanna see what happens next.



  • So, we start with Steven asking Marc through the mirror if he’s there.
  • And i loved when he said “I don’t care how handsome you are.” Like yep, he is.
  • And of course, he explains to Steven what happened to him and why he is serving Khonshu.
  • I did not expect Marc and Layla to be married but well, I told you she was gonna be the MCU version of Marlene.
  • And as such, they looked for the scarb together.
  • Okay but now, wasn’t it obvious that those officers were a part of it? They seemed a little suspish from the beginning.
  • Now, NOW! At last we have a mexicano that’s not from Ciudad Juárez. And im happy about it.
  • I would have loved listening to him speaking, yk, with that yucateco accent. Idk I love how they speak.
  • Back to the episode, Khonshu is “Real justice” and Arthur used to be the “Fist of vengeance”. Those dudes watched The Batman and it shows.
  • Bad joke? Yeah, I know. Couldn’t help it.
  • So, the scarb is a compass to Ammit’s tomb. Steven was right about his first assumption.
  • Except, of course, he didn’t know what it pointed to.
  • Let me, really quick… *clears throat* mR KNIGHT’S SUIT, PEOPLE!! Looking good, Scotty.
  • And well… Hello, Marc I’ve been meaning to see how you work. And I’m not disappointed at all.
  • I’m sad, though. I know Marc is the actual owner of the body but… poor Steven with a V.
  • He’s gonna be trapped inside for some time.
  • Ugh, and of course, Arthur has the scarb. What did I imagine would happen with it?
  • Khonshu wants Layla as his next avatar and is like blackmailing Marc with that? That’s low, dude.
  • I really can’t wait for the next episode. I’ve seen people who watched it already saying that it is one of the best episodes of the series and I’m so exciteeeeed!
My mind picturing the Khonshu Brothers right now. 

My mind picturing the Khonshu Brothers right now. 

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