#ms marvel thoeries




  • Yes, I didn’t watch it today at 2am bc I fell asleep. I’m old, leave me alone.
  • Got excited. Sorry.
  • I love that they added Blinding Lights and not only for the trailer.
  • Kamala being a hard core fangirl is such a mood. Like, I can totally see myself doing that (I’m not good at drawing but ykwim).
  • Also, i know for a fact that my driving test would go the same way. I wouldn’t make it to the next block without hitting something.
  • This dude called her “Camelia” and, he was there for half a second but I already hate him.
  • Now, Bruno is a bay and i love him. Something happens to him and I go riot. K?
  • Uuugh. I relate to Kamala in this. I know what is like to have strict parents and growing up like that. I feel ya, girl.
  • I. Just. Love. How the text messages and Kamala’s plan shows with this changing art and neon lights on the streets. They’re dope!!
  • Now, nOW!! Did you see the belt? She was about to add it when her parents entered her room. Añdkdkñd.
  • And talking about her parents, ngl, I did feel bad for them. Like, they were going to let her go with their conditions and i know it was a wrong way to express her thoughts but we get it.
  • And the fact that she said that she made her dad cry just gives me this unsettling feeling. Idk, I’ve mentioned this in the past. I hate the idea of grown ass men crying. It makes me wanna join them.
  • But well, her plan with the bus didn’t go as planned, obviously. And even though I felt bad for her bike, it was a funny touch.
  • I’m gonna mention just a few of the references I catched from the AvengersCon:
  • The Star Spangled Man song, the girls from the Stark Expo, that card? with America’s ass, the iconic “I can do this all day”.
  • And I’m sure there are more but I’ll check them later.
  • Okay but, ✨ Zoe’s costume ✨ The original (sort of) Ms Marvel costume.
  • I got scared for a moment with the giant Ant-Man’s head started moving, then I was like “okay, they’re cheering, it’s all cool”, then it moved a vain and it fell and caused the giant Mjölnir to play a wrecking ball and drag Zoe with it and i was scared again.
  • Luckily (and obviously) Kamala saved her.
  • And i don’t know why people complained about her powers and why they were changed. They look so f-ing cool. They look cOSMIC!
  • Did you see the art in those credits? The Kamala from the comics? I mean *chef kiss*.
  • And last but not least… *clears throat* WTF was that post-credit scene? Who are these people and why do they want to bring her in? Mind your own business, floks and leave my girl alone.
  • Or don’t. I wanna see what happens next.