#mt eddy


HI I’ve been gone for quite a while. Well not really gone I just haven’t been posting. But I’ve been wanting to start again so I will. I went to the Atlanta show on Tuesday and it definitely gave me the inspiration I needed lol. Very excited to collect pictures again

-Green Day, archives

The Signs As Bands You’ve Probably Never Listened To But Should Definitely Check Out:

Aries:VANT (bc we’re angry and angsty like this band)

Taurus:The Tuts (bc you guys are loyal and truthful like how this band is)

Gemini:Mainland (bc y’all are energetic and stuff)

Cancer:Gang of Youths (bc you guys are sensitive and loving like the lyrics of their songs)

Leo:Made Violent (bc y’all are charismatic and kinda impulsive like this band)

Virgo:The Regrettes (bc you are intelligent, capable and indifferent to assholes)

Libra:Spring King (bc y’all are sweet but can’t make decisions and ask a lot of questions like this band’s lyrics)

Scorpio:Mt. Eddy (bc you guys are passionate and loving)

Sagittarius:The Sherlocks (bc you guys are energetic and optimistic)

Capricorn:Circa Waves (bc y’all are ambitious and adventurous like this group)

Aquarius:Ron Gallo (bc you guys are intelligent and forward-thinkers who challenge norms)

Pisces:The Shelters (bc you guys are sensitive and can adapt to any situation like this positive band)


Music Recs

If you like The Strokes… listen to Mt. Eddy (Working Tile, Wilshambe, Orange)

If you like Led Zeppelin... listen to Greta Van Fleet (Safari Song, Highway Tune, Black Smoke arising)

If you like The Black Keys… listen to The Record Company (Rita Mae Young, Turn Me Loose, Baby I’m Broken)

If you like 90s pop/rock… listen to VANT (Parking Lot, The Answer, Karma Seeker)

If you like The Clash… listen to SpringKing (City, Who Are You?, Rectifier)

If you like The Beatles… listen to TobiasJessoJr. (How Could You Babe, Leaving LA, Can We Still Be Friends)

If you like mellow Weezer stuff… listen to Zuli (kubadiver, neither am i, blaze)

If you like 70s rock… listen to TheShelters (Rebel Heart, Liar, Never Look Behind Ya)

If you like Oasis… listen to DMAs (Play it Out, Laced, Too Soon)

If you like The Verve… listen to Blossoms (My Favorite Room, Getaway, Honey Sweet)

If you like Hole…listen to Skinny Girl Diet (Okay, Silver Spoons, Lazy Eye)

If you like Courteeners… listen to TheSherlocks (Escapade, Was It Really Worth It?, Live For the Moment)

If you like 60s blues/rock... listen to RonGallo (Young Lady, You’re Scaring Me, Put the Kids To Bed, Started a War)

If you like The White Stripes… listen to RoyalBlood (Out Of The Black, Don’t Tell, Little Monster)

•before you all lose your shit, these are just bands that I feel somewhat resemble their counterpart. It’s not exactly the same so don’t get all pissy in the comments people•

Alternative Bands You Need To Listen To Part 4:

Pale Waves (takes me back to the good ole early 2000s punk era, super cute band and really catchy songs)

Wolf Alice (even though you SHOULD have heard their stuff by now, if you haven’t please do. my absolute favorite band who are underrated af with a mix of hard punk, alternative, rock, and slow songs)

DMA’s✖️(one of the greatest bands I’ve ever heard, big Oasis vibes, highly recommend)

The Struts (retro rock, super catchy)

Dante Elephante (<i love this emoji lol but this band is a few yrs old with bops that nobody knows about, indie-alternative stuff with good riffs and melodies)

Bloodboy (good punk/pop, not some emo screamy shit, amazing voice and cool songs)

SWMRS☀️(right in between the indie and punk genre - anyways it’s catchy and super good music)

Shame (an awesome band with songs that have a classic-rock sound to them with modern influences, some of my favorite new songs)

The Buttertones (think of The Cramps with a saxophone, really really unique alternative music that is really worth a listen)

Gang of Youths▪️(more indie-alternative but really catchy songs that are actually deep and not about cigarettes and sex and british shit)

Otherkin (garage-punk songs, basic riffs and melodies that are composed so well together, reminds me of early alternative/punk stuff)

Gallus (they only have one song and ik they’re gonna be huge, so please give a listen)

Mt. Eddy (their album is one of my favorites, reminiscent of early Strokes stuff, alternative/indie sounds with strong guitar and drums)

Alex Lahey ⚡️ ~ indie pop songs that will immediately make you fall in love

Catfish and the Bottlemen (just in case you haven’t listened to these fools, please do and thank you. indie-alternative godly music that will make you an expert in british slang {“lippy” is chapstick HA} while restoring your faith in decent music)

( Other Lists: https://pancakeruby.tumblr.com/post/175560566057/links-to-my-posts-of-new-bands-to-listen-to)
