#my hero academia x reader


Not Affectionate - Dabi

First time trying to hold their hand. Does it go right or wrong?

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

+Anything intimate or ever on the verge of being lovey was not even on the table with Dabi. I don’t even know what I would call the thing between us. We’re not exclusive to each other but Dabi flips shit if he sees me with anyone else. Half of me is annoyed while the other half is flattered.

I was sitting on a bar stool in a popular bar near the middle of the city. I needed a bit of time to let go. Normally, I would just go to the bar at the hideout but I felt like Toga, Shiggy, and Dabi would just make me more anxious. Well, I actually would love to have Dabi here but even if he could he probably wouldn’t be here with me.

“Rum & Coke please.” I sat down at the bar. The bartender nodded and turned to work. It was easier for me to go out to a normal place like this then the others since I technically wasn’t a villain. “Thank you.”

“Pleasure.” The bartender winked before attending to another customer. I rolled my eyes. I turned to gaze at the dance floor. Half the people seem to be already plastered while the other half only slightly tipsy. I laughed at the outrageous behavior I was seeing tonight.

“Dip shits.” I smirked as a few people wired out. In the corner of my eye, I saw a tall figure approaching me. At first I thought it was a certain fire wielder. I looked sideways and saw a tall, brown haired man with tanned complexion.

“Why hello there, pretty thing.” He had an accent I couldn’t place. The man propped himself next to me. I looked up at him.

“Hi.” I simply said before looking back at the crowd. Only one guy has ever caught my attention and he certainly did not fit the bill.

“What’s your name, pretty thing?” He took a strand of hair and began to twirl it. I immediately used my quirk, took it out of his hand and turned to him.

“Do not do that. And none of your business.” I snapped.

“Oh come on.” He said playfully. He moved in closer. “Don’t be like that. I just want your name and to get to know you.”

“Don’t waste your time dude.” I moved away from the bar. I walked away towards an empty pool table. I set my drink down on a table and he came walking up.

“Playing hard to get are we?” He leant against the table.

“No.” I deadpanned while giving him a blank look. I flung my hand and the pool balls went into formation. I picked up a stick and began to play on my own. He stood there and watched me with a hungry look. I inwardly groaned.

“Damn, you are hot.” He kept up with his remarks. I ignored every one of them. He wouldn’t get the point that I wanted nothing to do with him.

Every now and again when I looked out into the crowd, I swore I saw a familiar black coated figure. It made me think back to my relationship with said man. I wish he wasn’t so against having something solid between us. My feelings for him were strong but he didn’t believe in that stuff. No hand holding, no cuddling, nothing affectionate. Or at least that’s what he kept preaching.

A waitress came and asked if I wanted another drink. I asked for Whiskey Sour. I needed something stronger to deal with the bozo. I took a drink as he looked at me over the edge of his glass. The hunger that was present earlier has intensified.

“Can you just buzz off?” I asked, annoyed. He only gave me a smile. How I wish Dabi was here so he could roast him.

“Nope. You’re too interesting to leave.” He said in a sultry voice. I scoffed in disgust and stood up to play another game. “Baby! Come back and sit with me.” He called me. “Baby!” He kept calling me. Eventually, I got annoyed and stormed over to the table.

“You are so fucking annoying!” I sneered and motioned my hand so the knife on the table would move to his throat. He put his hands up but continued to smirk.

“I’ve been told.” He shrugged. “But it’s a part of my charm.” I groaned, dropping my hand. The knife followed.

“Not in the slightest.” I muttered and I slumped back in my chair. I picked up my glass and brought it up to my lips. I saw a swish of black in the corner of my eye. I went to look but a voice spoke up first.

“Don’t.” A familiar voice snapped and a scarred hand pushed the drink from my lips and grabbed the glass from me. I looked up at Dabi in shock.

“Dabi?” He pressed himself against me, his chest to my back.

“This pathetic bitch drugged your drink, babe.” Dabi threw the glass at him before intertwining his fingers with mine, making me freeze. His aqua eyes were locked on the douche. I could physically see the man shaking with fear causing me to chuckle.

“D-ddda…” He stuttered. Dabi threw his other arm around my shoulders. He lifted his hand and ignited his blue flames. The heat from the flames broke my daze.

“Get lost.” The guy almost knocked the table over by how fast he ran away. He extinguished the flame. “You keep shit company.”

“Does that apply to multiple people?” I looked at him to see him give me a glare. “Plus, I wasn’t trying to keep him for company. He just wouldn’t take a fucking obvious hint.” I said irritated before letting my weight fall against him.

“I need a drink.” He groaned. He waved over a waitress. As he ordered his beer and another drink for me, I looked down at the hand he was holding. I was glad he was behind me because he couldn’t see the giddy smile on my face. “You could have told me you were going out. I would have come with you.”

“You would?” My hopes going up a bit. He took a big drink before slamming the bottle down.

“No shit.” He said looking around. His grip on my hand tightened a bit. “Who else would deal with these shithead perverts?” I laughed.

“Dabi… You’re a shithead pervert.” I said. He growled and tightened his grip again.

“Why you little…” He sighed annoyed. I looked down at our hands again. I reveled in the moment because I knew eventually he would pull away. I tried to subtly trace the juncture of his scar but I felt him stiffen. I did as well. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I was preparing myself for rejection.

“Here it comes.” I said under my breath. I heard him let out a heavy sigh. Instead of throwing away my hand, he brought it up to his lips and quickly pecked it.

“This place is getting boring. How about we cut out and find something better to do?’” He finished his beer. I gaped at him. He met my eyes and gave me a ‘what’ look. “What? What’s up with you?”

“Oh nothing. Just…surprised.” I took the last couple swigs of my drink before getting out of my chair. I went to let go of his hand but he grabbed my wrist. He maneuvered our hands so they were comfortable to walk with. “I…oh, okay.”

“Let’s go.” He said before tugging me along. He pulled me outside before pulling me to walk close to him. “Next time you get the urge to go out where there are dipshits like that bozo in there, be sure to tell me. I’m not letting someone lay they’re hands on me…ya.” He gruffed. I could hear the unspoken words at the end of the sentence. 'My girl/man/ partner.’ I hid my smile before he could see it.

“Sooo… why is that?” I said curiously. “It seems awfully close to being affectionate.” I lifted our combined hands into view. He sneered and growled a 'Whatever’ under his breath but nonetheless didn’t remove his hand from mine. He yanked them down and I laughed.

“Come on.” He gruffed. I looked up and saw his eyes locked on something across the street. I looked and saw a few police officers and heros. He pulled me down the opposite alley. I went to tease him again but he cut me off. “Don’t even.” I tried to contain my laughter as he sulked and pulled me along.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

You Are Safe ~Red Riding Hood Kirishima


iMHA MasterlistMain Masterlist

Halloween Imagines- Werewolf BakugoVampire Todoroki

  • 4779 words
  • 2nd Installment of the Halloween Series.
  • Warnings: Mentions of blood, wounds, and fear situations.

+Riding Hood Kirishima- Your mother had sent you out for roots and other ingredients she was running low on but you got a little too deep into the forest. In the midst of trying to find the last of the herbs, you ran into a wolf. In the midst of the chaos of being chased down by the wolf, you are saved by a man in a Red cloak and hood. ~

“Are you sure you don’t have enough to get you through?” I asked my mother. She sighed before turning to me. She set her hands on the table between us. I was leaning on my forearms.

“No, I don’t, darling. I’m sorry.” She said sympathetically. She set her hand on top of mine. “I would go myself but there are too many things I have to do here.” My mother was the local apothecary so she needed a lot of ingredients from the forest. “And I know there has been the sighting of a wolf but it’s been in the opposite direction. So please honey?”

“Alright.” I sighed. I got up and walked around the table. I kissed her head and looked at her work table. “What do you need exactly?”

“Well, lavender, arrowroot, hawthorn berries…” She listed off quite a few things before writing them down. I knew what each looked like and where each grew since I grew up with the work.

Before I went into the woods, I went home to grab a few things. My cloak, a basket, and a dagger my late father had made for me. Once I had everything, I made my way into the forest. It was a good ways walk to get anywhere near a patch of any of the ingredients.

“Hey there little guy.” I came across a bunny on the trail. I knelt down and held my hand out. He hopped closer before sniffing the air and hopping closer again. He finally got close enough to nibble on my fingers. I giggled as it let me pet him. He suddenly froze, staring off in the distance. He took off before I could blink. “Oh!”

I watched as he disappeared. I looked around and saw nothing. I shrugged before standing up straight and continuing on. I met very few people on the road until I veered off down a path. About an hour after leaving the village I found some of the ingredients right off the bat but some I could only find deeper in.

“I’ve got the hawthorn berries, arrowroot,…” I picked through my basket. “Now all I need is the lavender and goldenrod. Now where…” The displacement of leaves nearby caught my attention. I looked over, pushing my hood out of the way to see. I scanned the area but saw nothing until another bunny popped out.

I moved on and tried to find my missing herbs. It was getting strange and rather annoying. The normal place I usually find them were bare of any. I looked around confused at the missing herbs.

“Normally there are plenty around here.” I knelt down and sifted through leaves and other things. I didn’t find any but I did freeze When I found tracks and claw marks. “Crap.” I stood up and frantically looked around. “It would have already come after you if it was near.”

I calmed myself before moving on. I was looking over my shoulder a bit more than before though. I had finally convinced myself that there was no wolf nearby when I rounded a large bluff and came nearly face to face with one.

“Shit…” I muttered. The wolf was large and had light colored fur. It’s ear twitched in my direction before it looked at me. The air left my lungs as it’s red eyes met mine. It rose to its feet and bared its teeth at me. I wasn’t breathing as it watched me. I didn’t move until it released a growl. I dropped my basket, taking off fast. It immediately bounded after me.

I somehow stayed out of it’s reach as I ran, bobbing and weaving through trees as much as I could. It paid off because on one of the last turns, it stumbled and fell, giving me enough time to run up a stream and hide.

“Oh no, no, no.” I whimpered, pushing into the alcove as much as I could. I covered my mouth to stop my scared noises. A few minutes passed before the sound of the wolf growling grew closer. I seized when I saw it walk by.

I waited for a little while longer before moving out and looking around. The wolf seemed to have disappeared and I quietly walked out, looking both ways to make sure it was gone. I only got a couple of yards before a growl sent a chill up my spine. I turned and saw it on top of the rocks I was hiding between. It snarled before leaping at me.

“Ah!” I screamed and ran. This time I wasn’t as lucky as before. I tripped over a root and crashed into the dirt. I whipped around and crawled backwards as the wolf advanced on me.

I backed up into a bundle of tree roots. I covered my face as the wolf pounced. I awaited the pain but it never came. Instead, I heard a pained howl come from the Wolf. I slowly uncovered my face to see the wolf and a man in a red cloak stood with his back to me facing off.

“Get back!” He yelled. He was holding an axe at the ready. The wolf snarled, looking between the man and I. It went to take a step closer but the man swung the axe nearly hitting it. “I don’t want to hurt you but I will! Now get away!” The man swung again in warning before the Wolf ran off.

“What?” I whispered in confusion. The man turned towards me. He pushed down the red hood to reveal red hair.

“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” He rushed over, setting aside his axe. I stared at him but wasn’t really looking at him. It seemed like he was far away even though he was right in front of me. “Hey, you look pale. Are you…Shit!” I passed out as he doted over me.

I woke up with a start. I opened my eyes and looked around frantically. A blurry large figure was leaning over me and I stiffened. I tried to push away from them but they moved back.

“Hey, hey. It’s alright, you’re alright.” A male voice said, holding up his hands. I blinked rapidly to clear my vision. I finally got to look at him. He had long, red hair that was spiked on top. Bright red eyes that struck me as strange but comforting. I was surprised by the shark-like teeth but accepted it. “There we go. Calm down.”

“What? How?”

“Smelling salts.” He showed the bottle before setting it aside. He looked back at me. He smiled big at me. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay.” I said while sitting up. He stood and walked over to a fire. I took a look around and saw we were in a camp. I saw a makeshift tent, cooking supplies, and a few other camping necessities.

“Here. It’s tea.” He handed me a cup. I thanked him before taking a sip.

“Chamomile with cinnamon.” He chuckled and nodded.

“I would be surprised if I hadn’t seen what was in your basket.” He said while standing a few feet away.

I was able to get a better look at him. He stood at least 6’ tall and was very muscular. He wore brown leather boots with dark brown leather pants. He had on a white half buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow with black arm sleeves underneath. He also wore a brown and black corset belt with red laces. I could see the red cloak he was wearing earlier laid aside with a set of arm guards.

“Who are you?” I asked. He looked at me shocked before blanching. He nearly smacked his forehead.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Eijiro Kirishima.” He knelt in front of me. He held his hand out.

“Pleasure to meet you. I’m Y/N L/N.” I said, shaking my hand.

“The pleasure’s all mine.” He sat back on his heels. “Are you alright? The wolf didn’t hurt you in any way did he?”

“No, I’m mostly just shaken. The wolf hadn’t been seen in this part of the woods so it was shocking and terrifying.” He nodded in understanding. He moved to sit on his hips one leg out one leg propped up, leaning on his hand. “ How did you know I was in trouble or even out here?”

“Oh! I was tracking the wolf and I found your basket amongst the tracks.” He pointed to my basket. “I had heard what I thought was a scream and once I saw it, I knew that the wolf was chasing someone. So I followed and found you.” He explained.

“Oh, well good for me. Thank you! You saved my life.” I said earnestly. “And thank you for taking care of me while I was unconscious. ”

“It’s no problem. It’s the right and manly thing to do.” He smiled big at me and bumped his fist together. I smiled and chuckled. His face turned to realization. “Oh, I have a stew on!” He clambered up and over to the fire. I covered my mouth, laughing as he tripped as he got there.

“My word.” I laughed. He’s adorable. How is this the same man that faced a literal wolf? He got a couple bowls and brought one to me. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I do have to warn you, I am not the best cook. So it may not be the best but it’s filling.” He sat down in front of me again.

“That’s fine.” I took a spoonfull and there wasn’t much taste but it wasn’t terrible.

“So what are you out here for? I saw the herbs in your basket but didn’t want to assume.” He looked at me in curiosity.

“It’s fine. My mother is the Apothecary in my village. She was running out of some herbs and other ingredients but was too busy to come out herself, so I came for her.”

“Oh, that’s nice of you.” He said before bringing his bowl up to his mouth and tipping his head back to finish it off. A trickle of broth ran down from his mouth and down his neck before running down to his chest. I watched it trail down before he righted himself and gave out a satisfied sound. I turned away, blushing majorly.

“Shit.” I muttered.

“That was good and… Hey are you okay?” He asked concerned and innocently. I looked at him sideways and nodded. He eyed me before his eyes flashed with something. He turned and got up before I could see his expression. I looked him over once again as he walked around. He was a very attractive man and the nicest I’ve met in a long time.

“So why are you tracking the wolf?” I asked. I saw his back tense ever so slightly. He looked at me over his shoulder.

“It’s complicated.” He said solemnly. I stood up and took a few steps toward him. “It just involves a friend and…” A howl interrupted him. I gasped and he was next to me in a second. He pulled me in close. I placed a hand on his chest as my eyes darted around frantically. “Let’s get you home.” He said lowly.

“Okay.” He grabbed my hand and led me over to where my basket lay. He grabbed my cloak and placed it on me before putting on his own. He hooked his axe on his belt before grabbing my hand again. He pulled me to his side.

“Stay close.”

“Okay, but what about your camp?” He shook his as he pulled his hood up.

“Don’t worry about it.” He assured me as he rubbed my arm in comfort. I only realized I was shaking. “You said you lived in the nearby village right?”

“Yeah.” I nodded.

We talked the whole way back. Talking about ourselves, falling stories, and other things to get to know each other. He lit up when he talked about his friends and family. The same happened when he talked about what he loved. Seeing him so happy made my heart flutter. I was forming a fascination with this man fast.

“Here we are.” He said as the village came into view just as it was getting dark. A sudden sadness came over me. I wanted to spend more time with him. I turned towards him, not knowing what to say or do. He smiled softly down at me. “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah. I might be jumpy for the night but I’ll be alright. I can always stay with my mother or…” A thought pushed itself to the front of my mind. “Oh crap! I didn’t get the lavender or golden rod for mom.”

“Oh!” He lifted up the basket. “I forgot to tell you. I saw your list of the things you were looking for. I noticed those two were missing. There is a patch of both near my camp so I got some for you While you were still unconscious.” He handed me the basket.

“Oh thank you!” I hugged him without thinking. He made a sound of surprise. I realized what I did and pulled back quickly. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You just surprised me.” He assured me. I relaxed. I heard some yells from the village.

“I better get back before they create a search party.” I started backing up towards my home. I sighed and looked up at him. “Will I see you again?” I bit my lip. A bright smile came across his face. He reached up and cupped the back of his neck.

“Yeah, yeah you will.” He said shyly. “I will visit next time I pass through here.”

“Okay. I’ll be waiting. I mean I’ll be looking forward to it! Ah, I mean…” I stuttered, a blush raging on my face. “I’ll see you then. Bye Kirishima.” I waved as I walked away.

“Bye Y/N.” I turned and walked to mothers in a daze. I walked through the door and closed it behind me as I heard running footsteps come my way.

“Y/N! I was so worried! What happened to you?” She asked hurriedly but I was too much in a daze to answer. “Y/N? Are you alright?”

“Hm?” I hummed in question. She snapped her fingers in front of my smiling face but got no response. I felt her take the basket from me before cupping my face.

“Darling? What’s going on?” I finally looked at her. “What happened to you?”

“Oh, I got chased by a wolf.” I moved around her and started to empty the basket.

“What!?” She exclaimed.

“But then I was saved by the most… amazing Man.” I paused and looked at her. “He is the sweetest man I’ve ever met. He is kind, strong, funny, and gorgeous.” I bit my lip. “He’s just…”

“Amazing?” She asked teasingly. I blushed but nodded. “Is this really my Child? Is my child really getting giddy and bubbly over a man?”

“I guess I’m a little love sick. ”

“A little? Darling, I can literally see hearts in your eyes. You’re in love. It finally happened! My child is in love!” She rejoiced.


“Now where is he?”

“He left. He had other things he had to do but he said he would visit when he came back this way.” I put the herbs away before taking off my cloak. “Can I stay here for the night? I’m still a little shaken from the attack.”

“Of course you can! You know you’re always welcome. Even though you moved out this will always be home. Plus that means you can tell me more about… What is his name?”

“Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima.”

“Kirishima? Why do I feel like I’ve heard that name?” I shrugged as we moved farther into the house.

*Time Skip*

Weeks had passed since Kirishima and I met. He had yet to make an appearance so I was beginning to think he had forgotten about me. That was until I received a letter in the post from him. He wrote to me of being held up in a village far from mine and that he would be returning soon and how he was excited to see me again. I didn’t expect him to write so fondly.

“L/N!” A loud knocking came in the middle of the night. I woke up with a jump and hurried to the door. “Miss L/N!”

“I’m coming!” I lit a candle and ran for the door. It sounded like the town Century, Hizashi Yamada.“ What is it Mr. Yamada…” I froze when I opened the door to see a beaten and bloody Kirishima being held up by Yamada.

“He insisted on being brought to you, Miss L/N. He refused to go anywhere else. Do you know him?” I didn’t answer, too shocked by the gruesome sight. “Miss L/N?”

“Oh Yes! I do know him. Bring him inside please.” I hurried back in and thought what to do. I decided on making him a bed pallet in front of the fireplace.

“Here, place him here.” I helped lower him and nearly cried when he let out a sound of pain. “Recovery Girl is she still out?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Al-alright. Could you please go get my mother?”

“Yes. Of course.” He left and I quickly got a fire going. I put on some water to heat.

“Y/N…” I heard him mumble.

“Kirishima?” I knelt next to him. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me. “Hey. There you are.”

“Y/N. I need…Shit.” He groaned in pain. “You. Come here…”

“Shh. It’s okay. Everything is going to be alright. You’re safe.” I cupped his cheek. He was able to give me a soft smile before passing out.

“Y/N! What’s going - Holy lord, He’s a big man!” I chuckled at my mother as she barged in the door.

“No mom, You’re just a very small woman.”

“You are right there. Is this him?” I nodded before reaching for a rag and the water. I began to wipe off his face. “Eijiro Kirishima.”

“Yes.” She sat there and thought for a second. She looked him up and down. I looked up at her from where I was looking at his wounds. “Are you going to sit and stare or are you going to help me? He’s bleeding out mom.”

“He’s Red Riot.” She said simply.


“He is Red Riot.” She said again.

“Red Riot? The adventurer?” I asked. She nodded and I looked back at him. I stared in shock. Kiri was the famous adventure hero that travels around with a werewolf… I shook my head free of thoughts. “That’s fine and dandy but we need to patch him up.”

“Right, right. I’ll make a healing salve.” She stood up.

“I have ingredients in the cabinet.” I pointed and she moved quickly. I got up and went for my stitching supplies. I got back and began to quickly clean him up.

It took a long time to get him cleaned up, stitched up, and bandaged. Mom left with the notion she would be back tomorrow. I sat next to him as he slept only moving when I needed to go to the bathroom or get food or water. At some point I fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of knocking.

“Hello, L/N.”

“Hello Mr. Yamada, Mr. Aizawa. How can I help you?”

“We just came to check on the stranger. See how he is doing.”

“Well that’s kind of you. He is still unconscious but he is doing alright. Also, he’s no stranger to me.” I told them with a smile as I looked over my shoulder at the sleeping male.

“That’s good. Any idea of how he ended up like this. Hizashi said he was in a pitiful state when he brought him to you.” Aizawa asked. I shook my head.

“No idea. He had all sorts of wounds. Stab wounds, deep scratches, bad bruises, and many others. I can’t pinpoint anything until he wakes up.” I signed and wrung my hands together.

“You said you know him. Does he seem like the type of man to get into trouble like this?” Aizawa asked with a look I couldn’t place.

“Well, to be honest, the first time I met him was when he saved me from being attacked by a wolf. So that was troublesome but he came out on top.” I looked back at Kirishima in worry. “He seems like the type of person to always come out on top.”

“I’m sure he’s going to be fine L/N. You’re going to make yourself sick if you worry your heart so much.” My attention snapped to Yamada. He was smirking.

“W-what?” I stuttered.

“It’s not hard to read the emotion in your eyes L/N. You love that man.” Aizawa said. “If we find out anything, we’ll be sure to come to you.”

“Thank you.”

“Of course.” They bowed. “Now go where your heart yearns to be L/N.” I blushed as they left. I went back to his side. I tucked my knees under me on my couch and dozed off. It was only a little while later when I heard Kirishima stirring. I got up and moved to him.

“Mm. Damn.” He groaned and opened his eyes. He blinked rapidly and tried to sit up. I gently pushed him back down by his chest.

“Stay down.” I softly said. He looked at me. It looked like he wasn’t really seeing me but was trying to focus. He reached up and cupped the back of my arm.


“Yes, it’s me.” I brushed some sweaty hair out of his face. His eyes finally cleared and he looked at me. I saw excitement yet pain in his eyes.

“I made it. Shit.” He flinched as he adjusted. He took in a heavy breath. “I blacked out and I…”

“Hey.” I shushed him, cupping his cheek. “It’s okay. You’re safe, in my home.” I assured him. He looked around, eyes darting from one corner of the room to the other before returning to me and relaxing.

“Hm.” He closed his eyes and sighed. He opened his eyes and looked at me with such admiration, my heart and head forgot how to work. “Just where I want to be.”

“I, uh, oh.” I looked away blushing. That didn’t last long because Kiri grabbed my chin and turned me back to him.

“Hey.” He softly spoke, setting his forehead on mine. He cupped my cheek. “Keep those eyes on me. They’re so pretty I would miss them if I couldn’t see them.” I gasped as we Stared at each other. I gently grabbed his wrist. “Just like how I missed you the moment you left my sight… My love.”

“Eijiro…” I surged forward and kissed him feverishly. He responded with the same exuberance. He pushed up and wrapped his arms around me. I grabbed his neck as my lips moved against his.

“Shit.” He muttered as I pulled away to breathe. He immediately moved to pamper my neck with kisses. I reached up to run my fingers through his hair before gripping it tight as he nipped at my collarbone.

“Eijiro!” I heaved. Kirishima’s condition came back to mind. “Eijiro… not that I’m not, ah! Not enjoying this but we need to stop.” I pushed him away a little, placing our foreheads together again. We were both breathing heavily. “You’re hurt and need to recover.”

“Yeah. You’re right.” He purred before kissing me again. He pulled away and leant back, keeping a hand on my waist and grabbing mine with the other. “In my defense, you started it.”

“You’re right, I did. My love.” I pecked his nose before getting up to make some tea. It didn’t take long before it was ready. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” He took a sip before pausing. He chuckled. “Chamomile with Cinnamon.” He looked up at me with an amused look.

“Yep.” I stoked the fire. “So how did you end up like this, Red Riot?” In the corner of my eye I saw him freeze. I turned toward him and crossed my arms. He looked like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

“How did you find out?” He asked.

“My mother connected the dots when she saw you. Your name, red hair, well built, etc. She hears a lot of the tales of the road and figured out who you are. Imagine my surprise when I realized it.”

“I, I, I…” He couldn’t find words.

“It’s alright, Eijiro. It doesn’t make me feel different about you.” I assured him. He relaxed. “Now how did you end up this hurt?” I checked his bandages.

“I ran into some Creatures out there and overestimated my advantage.” He adjusted himself and told me he wasn’t hurting too much. “I barely got away. I was able to make my way towards here but as I said, I blacked out.”

“You were delirious when Yamada found you. He said you kept asking for me so he brought you here.” I gave him his shirt. “Did you not have Bakugo with you? You’re werewolf companion?”

“No he’s been under the weather and resting at home.” He explained. He seemed to choose his words carefully and I knew why. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up.

“Bakugo is the wolf that attacked me, isn’t he?” He looked at me shocked before guilt covered his face. He nodded.

“How did you figure it out?”

“Well it took me all night but I figured it out. First of all, you travel with a werewolf. Everyone knows that. Next, I’ve researched wolves and werewolves in the past and know that during Certain times of the year, werewolves can turn into full wolves. Lastly…” I sat next to him again. “Any normal adventurer would have killed the wolf instead of scaring it off. You spoke to it as if you knew him. ”

“Ha. You got me. It was Bakugo. When he turns into a full wolf, he loses himself sometimes.” He explains. “I have to make sure he doesn’t do anything he’ll regret so I follow him. Just until he changes back and takes time to recoup.”

“Thank you. On behalf of both of us. I would like to meet him one day.”

“I would like that too.” He pulled me close. “My best friend meeting the love of my life.” He kissed me slowly. I giggled against his lips.

“Well it’s only right.” I said as we pulled away. “He did bring us together.” He nosed my hair with a satisfied hum. “I guess my mother had her hand in it too since she’s the one who sent me out there in the first place.”

“Hmm. Then I’ll have to thank her too.” He said before kissing me again. I leant into him as we had another make out session. That is until my door opened.

“Y/N, how is he…oh!” We pulled away and turned to see my mother standing there. She had a surprised look on her face.

“Speak of the devil.” I joked. I got up. “Hello mom. Eijiro is doing okay. Come meet him.”

“Hello Mrs. L/N.” Kirishima got up. I grabbed his arm to help. Mom set down her basket and walked over. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well Mister Red Riot.” She smiled and shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet the man that has made my child so head over heels in…”

“Mom. "I groaned.

"Oh shush.” She laughed. “It really is a pleasure to meet such a hero and I wanted to thank you for saving Y/N’s life.”

“It’s what I do ma'am. Plus, as soon as I saw them, I knew I had to save them. I couldn’t imagine life without them.

"Eijiro.” I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. I heard my mother leave the room. “Stay?”

“I wouldn’t dream of leaving.”

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabirykissing neck

Deep In the Woods ~ Werewolf Bakugo


MHA MasterlistMain Masterlist

Halloween Imagines-Red Riding Hood KiriVampire Todoroki

  • 4606 Words
  • 1st Installment of my Halloween Series. It will mostly likely be all Halloween imagines until the end of October.
  • Warnings: Some language, slight intimacy, monster and fear situations

+Bored out of your mind on vacation, you go out and take a walk. While roaming the woods behind the cabin your family rented, you get more out of your walk then intended. You meet someone very interesting but you only find that out after he stops hunting you. But you also find out there is something even worse out there.

I groaned as I flipped over on my bed. I was beyond bored. Somehow my parents had convinced me to go on this vacation in the middle of nowhere in a cabin in the woods. And now they were not even acknowledging my presence. I got up and walked to my bay window to look out at the woods.

“Maybe a walk will help my stir crazy.” I ran down stairs and towards the door. My parents were in the living room with a few other couples.

“Oh, Y/N, darling. There you are!” My mother called. “We were wondering where you were.”

“I was just going to go for a walk in the woods.” She smiled and nodded.

“Be careful, sweetie.”

“These woods have a lot more wild creatures than back home.” My dad added. I rolled my eyes as I put on my shoes. I turned back.

“I know dad. I’m not a kid anymore. I am 21, remember?” I asked light-heartedly. He smiled and nodded.

“You should know there is a local legend about a beast deep in the woods. So do please be careful.” One of the other women spoke up. “It might be best to at least stay in the lighter parts of the woods.”

“Beast? What type of beast?” I asked.

“No one really knows but some say some type of monstrous wolf, a carnivorous dog, and some say a werewolf.”

“Werewolf? Oh, dear! You watch too many of those supernatural shows.” My mother laughed it off. I walked out the door while they started to argue. I walked down the path and into the woods.

“Werewolf? Ridiculous.” I laughed to myself.

I looked around and smiled as I heard the birds and squirrels. There was ever a pair arguing with each other. I walked past wild flower beds and I could hear a stream nearby. The serenity was overwhelming and distracting.

“Wow. So pretty.” A striking blue butterfly flew in front of me. I followed it down the path before I eventually wandered off the path.

In front of me was a perfect little oasis fed by small waterfall. It had crystal blue waters that was surrounded by lush greenery. I knelt down next to the water, leaning against a rock. I was nearly dozing off when I heard a growl.

“Hello?” I sat up. I looked around and realized something. I was deep in the woods.

Another growl rumbled through the meadow. My eyes darted around until I saw a glint of red. I locked onto it and saw the glow of red eyes in the shadows. I slowly got up and moved away.

“I don’t know what you are but I’m… I don’t mean any harm.” My voice was shaky with fear. “I’m just going to leave. I won’t come…” The eyes lunged forward. I yelped and ran.

I weaved through the trees, tripping over vines and roots but never falling. I could hear whatever it was chasing after me, snarling and growling with the sound of chains as well. I looked back but couldn’t see anything. In my distraction, I ran into the stream and slipped.

“Ah!” I fell and rolled on before I hit a rock. The back of my head hit the rock. I gripped it in pain but got up and ran again. I only got so far before the pain in my head got too much. I stumbled and fell to my knees in a wildflower bed. I lowered myself down and onto my back.

My vision was going in and out of focus. I could hear still and heard footsteps running towards me before stopping. It was paired with a low growl. I let out a whimper and the growling stopped. The creature then took slow steps toward me. A figure leaned over me but I couldn’t see it over the blurriness and the sun halo around it.

“Please don’t hurt me.” I pleaded. The figure moved in closer and I felt a human hand cup my face. Wait, a human hand? The hand moved back and lifted my head. I heard it sniff and growl. I flinched back as much as I could. A ring of black started to grow in my eyes. “Please…” I blacked out.

*Time Skip*

As I came back too, I could feel the softness under my body. I ran my fingers over it and it felt like fur. I pried my eyes open finally and saw it was in fact fur. Confusion washed over me as I pushed up. I was struck by the sight of cave walls. I looked around to see it was a rather large cave with a stream running through it. The ‘bed’ I was on was up on a ledge.

“Where am I?” I pushed the blankets off and crawled to the edge. I went to step down but the coldness of the floor made me realize I was barefoot. I stepped down again and walked around.

The cave was filled with things a normal house would have. Books, decorations, furniture, etc. I walked over to the stream and felt the water. It was cold so probably spring fed. Something that made me uneasy was the scratch marks across the walls. What could make such prominent marks on solid stone?

“Strange.” I said as I straightened up. The moment I got to full height, my head spun. “Woah.” I swayed before my knees gave out. I never hit the floor as arms wrapped around me.

“You already hit your head once today, dumbass. I don’t think you need to again.” A deep voice chided. I gasped before pulling away and spinning around. My head kept going as my body stopped. “What did I just say!”

“Crap.” Hands grabbed my waist. My head finally calmed down and I could finally look at the man. The first thing that caught my eye was his handsome face. He was scowling at me but it did nothing to hide his beauty. Next was his fluffy yet spikey blonde hair. He is also taller than me.

“What are you staring at? Huh?” He asked roughly. He led me over to sit back down on the bed. The next few things made a weird turn. The collar around his neck and cuff with a chain on his wrist caught my attention as he stepped back to look at me. I was able to get a better look at him. The clothes he was wearing are ratty yet still in good condition. The last three things I noticed were by for the weirdest and scariest.

“What…” He had a set of fluffy blonde with black tipped ears on top of his head and a bushy tail to match. I could finally see through his scowling and squinting to see bright red eyes. “Who are you? What are you?”

“Katsuki Bakugo.” He said before squatting down in front of me. “And I’m a werewolf.” My blood ran cold. The memory of the red eyes in the woods came back. I started to back up slowly. His eyes followed me as I backed into the wall. I saw what looked like hurt flash through his eyes.

“It was you…” He sighed and stood up, pushing off his knees. He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yes it was me.” He took a step closer. “But you were near my cave and a stranger so I got territorial. I was only doing what is normal.” He shrugged.

“So hunting people down like a beast and causing them to get injured is normal?”

“I was not hunting you!” He yelled, baring his teeth and ears laying back. I flinched back and he realized what he did, shock covering his face. He cursed under his breath. “Look I was not trying to hunt you down…I know what the people in the town say about me. That I’m a beast or a monster…” Pain flashed across his face along with so many other emotions. Sadness, anger, loneliness… “But if I really was what they said, would I bring you back here and make sure you’re okay?”

“I…” I couldn’t find words. He sighed again before walking away. He was right. Why would he do that if he was just going to hurt me? I instantly felt bad.

“Plus, there are worse things than me in these woods.” He disappeared around a corner. I curled in on myself in guilt. I slowly got to my feet again and walked in the same direction, needing to apologize. I turned the corner and saw a corridor that the stream ran down the side of it.

“Pretty.” I mumbled as I walked on. I got to a vine covered opening and walked out to see a gorgeous view. I was in awe and didn’t watch when I was going.

“Watch it dumbass!” I heard Bakugo’s voice before I was grabbed and yanked back. I stumbled back into his chest. “You nearly walked over the edge.”

“What are you…” I looked back and saw a drop off. “Oh.” I took a few steps forward to look down but Bakugo kept a tight grip on my wrist. I looked down to see the same oasis from earlier. “I see what you mean by close.”

“Yeah.” I felt his grip tighten a little before his thumb rubbed my wrist. I turned back to him. We stood there in silence as the guilt ate away at me.

“I’m sorry for calling you a beast.” I burst out quickly. He just nodded before letting go of me slowly. He looked up at me with hard eyes but there was some emotion behind it.

“Do you often go around trespassing and running through the woods, little lamb?” He smirked while jesting at me.

“No! I don’t often trespass! I don’t at all in fact!” I exclaimed. “And I have a name. It’s Y/N L/N.”

“Well little lamb, what made you come this far into the woods, huh? I’m sure since you said 'beast’ you were warned not to go too far in.” He said while walking back into the cave. I followed quickly.

“Yeah, I was.” I admitted. “I just got distracted by the beauty of the forest. The animals, the flowers, everything that I was this far in before I realized. Plus, I didn’t believe the warnings.” I crossed my arms over my stomach and looked down sheepishly.

“The beauty of the forest hides some pretty ugly secrets.” He said ominously. I looked up at him a little scared and saw a faraway look in his eyes. He shook himself out of his trance. “You get distracted easy you know.”

“I know. My mother always tells me that.” I chuckled. I went to say something else but my stomach interrupted me. I looked down at it embarrassed. “Uh sorry. I guess it has been awhile since I’ve eaten. It should be getting close… Oh god! How long was I out for? My parents are going to be so worried.”

“You were only out for a short time.” He said as he pushed up off his table. “I’ll take you to the edge of the woods.”

“Thank you.” I said. He handed me my shoes and we were off. We talked about random things and with him leading the way it didn’t take long to get out of the thickest parts. I could see the cabin by the time he stopped. “That’s me.”

“Figured.” He scoffed. I chuckled.

“Will I see you again while I’m here?” I asked while fiddling with my fingers, hope building in my chest. He gave a hearty chuckle.

“You really want to see me again? A fucking werewolf?” He said while still laughing.

“Well, yes.” I admitted and he froze. I have grown to like the boy in the short time I have spent with him. He looked at me in disbelief before his ears twitched in excitement.

“Well… I don’t see why…”

“Y/N!” I whipped around as my father called. “Dinner is ready!”

“Oh, I have to go. I…” I turned back to see Bakugo gone. “Oh…” I reached up to cover my gasp. I sighed in sadness but my heart was racing in yearning. I missed him already. “Bye Bakugo.” I turned to go back.

3rd POV

In the distance, hidden, Bakugo watched to make sure Y/N got to the house safely. He sighed when they disappeared into the house. He moved back behind the tree and leant against it. He slid down it as his heart raced. It took everything in him to hold his tail still around them.

“Dammit.” He wrung his hands nervously. “Why did it have to happen now? With a human?” He peaked out from the tree and was able to see them through a window. He couldn’t hold back the smile. He let his head fall against the tree as he admired them from afar.

Bakugo’s love sick thoughts were interrupted by a sound far off in the distance. His ear twitched in that direction before he looked. He looked up to see it was getting dark. A low growl escaped his chest. With one last look at the cabin, he took off back into the woods.

Y/N took a walk in the woods everyday waiting to see Bakugo again. They never ventured to far in though. Afraid of getting lost and/or caught by the 'worse thing’ Bakugo mentioned keeping them at bay. It wasn’t until the third day that they saw Bakugo again.

“Hmm.” Y/N looked around, passing a little deeper into the trees. “Did I dream it all?” They asked out loud. They passed a tree and failed to see the figure leaning on it.

“Then that must have been one hell of a dream if I was in it.” Bakugo said. Y/N jumped with a yelp that made Bakugo chuckle. They turned to him and gave the biggest smile that made his heart soar.


“Call me Katsuki, little Lamb.” Slight annoyance flashed through their eyes.

“As long as you stop calling me that.” They countered.

“I’ll think about it, little lamb.” Y/N huffed and crossed their arms. Cute. Bakugo thought to himself. “Come on. You wanted to see me again so let’s go dumbass.”

“Okay.” The two walked through the trees for a bit until the trees opened up to a meadow. “Wow this is beautiful.”

“It’s just flowers.” He shrugged before sitting on a rock. He thought back to the moment he got a good first look at Y/N. He hid the loving smile of admiration at the memory. They nearly plopped down on the ground.


“You got to be kidding me! You seriously did that? You really are a dumbass!” Katsuki yelled while falling onto his back, laughing. I laughed too.

“It’s true! And I’m not a dumbass.” I hit him in the knee. He was able to sit back up while still laughing. I rolled my eyes before looking around. A thought popped up in my head. “Hey Katsuki?”

“What?” He said in between breaths. I chuckled lightly before my smile cropped.

“What could be so bad in a place so beautiful?” His laughing ceased immediately. I looked up at him and saw a grave look on his face. “Katsuki?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” He snapped. I flinched a little. “I’m sorry. You’re not going to be here long so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Okay.” I tried to think of something else. “Why did you help me then? I mean you could have left me there. I would have woken up eventually and gone home. Why did you take me back to your cave and take care of me?” He looked at me surprised before he got a look of deep thought.

“Do you really want to know?” He asked quietly. I nodded. He sighed before moving to sit down in front of me. “The first time I saw you, I couldn’t really see you or smell your scent. The idea of a threat to my home overshadowed my perception and the water covering your scent didn’t help. The first time I really got a good look at you was in the meadow you collapsed in.”


“When you collapsed, it sent a message through my instincts that you were no longer a threat. I was able to actually look at you and get your scent. You smelled so sweet even in a field of flowers. Then when I actually got up to you… My heart nearly stopped.”

“Wh-what do you mean?” I was so confused.

“I mean… that when I looked at you my whole world changed. I looked down at you and you were surrounded by the flowers but you were still more beautiful than them. My heart stopped before it started to stutter. I couldn’t control it and I couldn’t…” He was interrupted by a loud wail. He visibly stiffened. The sound sent fear up my spine.

“K-Katsuki…” I whimpered.

“Sh.” He quietly hushed me. I saw his ears twitching before another, closer wail ripped knew the air and his ears laid back. “Shit.” He pushed me down onto my back and laid over me.

“What are you…” He covered my mouth with his hand.

“Covering your scent with mine.” He whispered. I suddenly felt the ground thumping and a growl came from Kat’s chest. “Don’t move until I tell you.” I nodded. The thumping got closer and closer until it passed. Kat pushed up slowly. “Okay, get up slowly and follow me. And whatever you do, don’t look behind you.”

“Okay.” He got up and helped me up slowly. Curiosity was running high and I just turned my head slightly when he caught my chin.

“No. Trust me. Don’t.” He looked at me solemnly and gently before his eyes darted from mine to behind me. He held onto my hand tight and we slowly walked away. That was until a huge gust of wind hit us in the face. “Shit.”

“What?” He didn’t get to answer. A loud roar shook me to my bones. Before he could protest I turned to look. A grotesque beast that had to stand at least 10 to 12 feet tall was on the other end of the meadow. It was brown colored for the skin and fur. The beast was very lanky and ugly with large, long stained teeth and white eyes that sent a chill up my spine. It was sniffing at the air before it turned and locked on us.

“Run.” Kat said plainly before taking off like a shot. He pulled me along as the beast roared. I stumbled a little but Kat kept me on my feet.

“Where are we going?” I yelled.

“My cave. He can’t get to it.” He yelled. We bobbed and weaved through the trees. We didn’t stop until we reached the Oasis. “Go on. I’ll try and stir him away.”

No! You said he can’t get to the cave. So just come up with me!“ He sighed, ear going wild as the beast got closer. "Please!”

“I have too. Now go!” He grabbed my waist and tossed me up onto the ledge the path was on. I groaned as I landed before looking down at him.

“Katsuki Please!” I reached down for him. He huffed in annoyance before a growl ripped from his throat.

“Go!” He growled at me in an altered, deep voice and glowing eyes. It scared me but I knew he was just doing it for my own good. I got to my feet and gave one last pleading look at him before running towards the cave. I ran all the way in and started to panic.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” I raked my hands through my hair, looking around. I didn’t know what to do, there was nothing I could do. Nothing but sit here and wait. I stopped to listen but was only met with the sound of the stream. No beast and no Katsuki. I whimpered at the silence.

Over an hour later, he still wasn’t back. I was curled in a ball on the floor, leaning against the ledge of the bed. I looked up at the entrance before getting up. I walked over to the stream to get a drink. I stalled when I heard rocks being kicked across the floor. I got up apprehensively and watched the entrance. I only relaxed when Kat walked in.

“Katsuki!” He trudged in with his head hung low and holding his side. I looked closer and saw one of his ears was bleeding and there were other spots of red here and there. “Kat?”

“I’m Okay, just…” He was breathing heavily. “Just a little bit beat up.” He stumbled before sitting down at the table. I quickly ran over and knelt in front of him. I lifted his head and gasped.

“A little?” I scoffed as I saw his busted lip, bruised cheek bones, and a cut that was bleeding above his eyebrow. “Take off your jacket.” He did and groaned while doing it. “Bandages and stuff?”

“Black cabinet.” He mindlessly pointed behind him. I found them and came back to him. I started disinfecting his wounds.

“Where do you get all this stuff anyway?”

“It’s not hard for me to hide my tail and ears, you know.” He grumbled. I sighed and put a bandage on his forehead. I looked up at his ear and went to touch it. He stopped me.

“I’ll take care of that one.” He brought my hand back down before pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckles.

“Okay.” I smiled, moving on to some bad claw marks on this forearm. They weren’t deep but still tore up. Luckily he didn’t need stitches. “Okay, now I need to see your side.”

“Fine.” I backed up on my knees as he moved. He stood up and pulled his shirt off. I froze in shock. My eyes locked on his six pack.

“Aa, Um…” I gulped. He chuckled. I looked up to see him smirking.

“See something you like?” He asked. I blushed before looking away.

“Just sit down.” I muttered. He laughed before groaning in pain. He sat down and I glanced at his side that was turning black and blue. “What did you do?”

“You don’t want to know.” He said quickly and sternly. I reeled back in shock before nodding. I softly touched his abdomen and he tensed for only a second. I felt around for any broken ribs but felt nothing wrong.

“Nothing broken at least.” I sat back on my heels. He nodded as I grabbed more bandages. “I’m guessing that is the worse thing in the woods?” I asked. He nodded. “Where did that thing come from and what exactly is it?”

“I’m not sure what he is. Some sort of mutant wolf I think. He’s been here longer than I have and is the actual monster of these woods that no one knows about.” He sighed. “I’ve had a few run ins with him but this is the first time he’s come out in the day time. I don’t understand it. I normally never go head to head with him but I couldn’t let it hurt you.” He looked me in the eyes with such intensity my heart started racing. I looked back at what I was doing. The conversation from before all this came back. He didn’t get to finish.

“What were you going to say…before this?”

“Oh…” He looked at me surprised before he smiled. “What I was trying to say was that now, I can’t think of life without you.” My movements stopped slowly looking back up at him.

“What?” He locked eyes with me. I saw honesty, admiration, and love in his eyes.

“I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you by my side. I want to wake up every day next to you. I want to see that smile of yours every day. I want to be able to hold you, kiss you, and everything a couple does.” His words went straight to my heart. I set my hands on his arms as the words set in.

“Katsuki…” I whispered.

“I know it’s stupid and ridiculous but I can’t help but want this. Want you. But it’s practically impossible and…” I pushed up and pressed my lips to his.

He immediately responded, cupping my face and pulled me in closer. I gripped his arm tight as our lips moved against each other. I pulled back and was breathing heavily.

“It doesn’t sound stupid to me.” I said earnestly. His eyes were blown in happiness, love, and even desire. I’m sure mine matched. The most genuine smile crossed his face. He moved fast as he reached down and picked me up by my thighs. “Ah!”

“Ha!” I latched onto his neck as he moved and dropped us on his bed. He hovered over me, watching me. I just smiled up at him before reaching up to cup his face. “Please tell me you’re not joking.”

“I’m not. I promise. I feel the same way even if I don’t understand it. How these feelings could come on so fast.” I said while I ran my fingers through his hair and over the uninjured ear. He shivered and fell to his elbows by my head, caging me in.

“It has to do with me being a wolf.” He gasped. “Wolves mate for life and their feelings are strong and undeniable once there.” He looked at me with soft eyes. “I knew immediately as soon as I saw you in the meadow.”

“After hunting me.”

“I was not…” He exclaimed before cutting himself off. I giggled as he groaned. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. He then laid his head on my shoulder. We just laid there in splendor until he spoke up. “I can’t take you away from your family.”


“You have family and you’re not from around here. I can’t take you away from that.” He pushed up and had a pained look on his face.

“Katsuki. Don’t you dare choose for me!” I snapped. I pushed him off me. He landed on his back and I got up off the bed. “I can make my own decisions. I am old enough to choose what to do with my life. I can choose to stay or leave.”

“Y/N, you have a life away from here.”

“A life that hasn’t amounted to much. I’ve still been trying to find my place in life and I’ve found it here.” I said honestly. I stepped up to the bed. Kat sat up to be close to me.


“Please don’t send me away.” My voice cracked. I could feel tears coming up. Kat reached up and shushed me. He pulled me into his lap. I buried my face in his neck.

“I would never.” He said. “I just don’t want you to throw anything for me.”

“I wouldn’t be.” I said. I pulled back to look at him. I placed my hard on the junction of his neck. “It’s not going to be easy but we’ll figure something out.”

“Okay.” He relented. He pulled me in by my shoulders and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me. I buried my head under his chin.

“Ha. Is the big bad wolf actually a softie?” I teased. I felt the growl before I heard it. He squeezed me before pushing me onto my back. He moved on top of me but stopped as he flinched. He grasped his side. I pushed up on my elbows. “Your adrenaline has run out?”

“Yeah.” He groaned.

“Come on. We need to finish patching you up.” I pushed lightly on his chest. He nodded and got up. He towered over me as he stood up.

“As long as you kiss it better afterwards.” He smirked and I blushed. I rolled my eyes as I got up. I grabbed the ring on his collar and pulled him down.

“I just might.” I sang before letting go and walking back to the table.

“Fuck, what a woman.” I heard him mutter. I bit my lip in giddiness as he walked up behind me.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabiry

Pathetic? F*ck No!-Dabi

MHA MasterlistMain Masterlist

  • 3243 Words
  • Warnings: Language, self degrading, etc.

+You have been very distant lately. Yes, the League wasn’t buddy, buddy but disappearing entirely wasn’t normal… unless you were Dabi. You’ve barely been leaving your room and when you did, you made sure no one was around. After so long, Dabi even gets curious and ventures up to your hidey hole.

3rd POV

The sound of glasses clinking and hitting the counter echoed through the room. Mindless chatter went along with it. Dabi leant back against the bar, bottle in hand. He took a swig, eyes scanning the room. Everyone he knew to be in the League at this time was here. All except one person.

“How long does this make for L/N hiding out?” He turned to Shiggy who was playing solitaire with Twice & Kurogiri.

“Going on for two and a half weeks.” He said.

“It’s rather weird. Who cares?” Twice commented.

“What’s the brat doing?” Dabi as needed while looking off towards the door that led to the private quarters.

“I don’t know but the only time they come out is when no one else is around.” Toga said in between chomps on the popsicle she had.

“And how would you know that if no one was around? Actually, I don’t want to know.” Dabi downed the rest of his bottle. He slammed it down on the counter before pushing off it. He stalked towards the door to the rooms.

“Wait! Dabi!”

“What?” He yelled.

“They were down a bit before they disappeared into that room.” Toga said. He looked off to the side in thought.

“And why should I care?”

“Well you were asking about them.”

“Yeah, and? I am just tired of working with two-bit wanna-be villians. Y/N is at least bearable to work with.” He walked away.

He walked slowly through the halls, up the stairs, before walking up to Y/N’s door. He paused outside the door, listening for anything from inside. He quietly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. He didn’t venture in but leant against the door.

“Nobody’s seen you in days.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest while looking over the figure on the bed.


I silently sighed as the deep voice I knew so well rang through the room. I pushed up off my stomach and onto my knees. I looked back at the door at the man that I had feelings for. He was standing there with a questioning look in his eyes.

“Can I come in?” I looked down at my knees. I moved, leaning back against the wall with my knees against my chest. I nodded. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. He walked closer, pulling his coat off, and threw it on the end of the bed. I stared at it as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“What do you want?” I asked, picking at my fingernails. He stayed silent for a bit. I looked up at him. He stared at me, almost glaring at me. I looked back down.

“Are you okay?” He finally asked.

“I’m fine.”

“Really?” He asked accusingly. My eyes snapped up to him.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked with a hard voice. He turned towards me completely.

“You’ve been distant and hiding away from everyone and everything.” He said plainly. I flinched at his words. “Kinda cowardly if you ask me.”

“I didn’t.” I snapped softly. I moved across the bed, shoving past him before walking over to my window.

“But you’re not one.” I heard him get up. “So whatever this is, it’s something major. So what is wrong?”

“I said I was okay. Just drop it, alright?” I looked at him over my shoulder.

“ No. I know you’re not okay so stop telling me you are…” He whispered as he stopped right behind me. I looked up at him through watery eyes. For a moment, I swore I saw concern on his face but chalked it up to be my blurry vision.

“Like you actually care.” I shoved him out of my way with my elbow but he quickly grabbed it. He pulled me back to be basically nose to nose with him.

“I’m here aren’t I? Asking YOU directly what’s wrong. Doesn’t that show something?” He growled and tightened his grip. I winced and latched my hand on top of his. He looked at our hands before closing his eyes and sighing. His grip loosened.

“You could have asked anyone.” Turquoise eyes met mine.

“But I wouldn’t get the real, honest answer, now would I?” He let go and sat on my bed. He leant back on his hands, legs spread wide in front of him. “They would spin their own tale of why you are hiding in here like some recluse. I’m not much for tall tales. I can see why you like it in here though. Cozy.”

“Nothing new.” I muttered under my breath. “I can tell, you’ve made yourself at home.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Silence filled the room. He sighed loudly, moving to his elbow and began fiddling with the corner of my blanket.

“So are you going to tell me or not?” He looked at me with lazy eyes.

“Not.” I sassed before turning back to go to the window. Dabi let out an annoyed groan.

“Oh come on!” He yelled. I flinched a little but kept my eyes forward. I watched the rain fall and drops race down the glass. “Why won’t you just talk? Huh?!”

“Maybe because not everyone is an open book like you Dabi.” I snapped. I looked over at him to see his eyes trained on me. “Not everyone has the confidence of a god.” He sat up and set his elbows on his knees.

“At least I have some. I thought you were stronger than that.” He scoffed. I glared at him as he repeated things I’ve heard muttered under breaths as I walked past or when no one thought I was around. His eyes traveled up and down my form. “Pathetic really.”

“You’re just like everyone else! You asshole!” I shot forward, kneeling over him with my hand wrapped around his throat. He laughed at me, holding his hands up.

“If you wanted to be in my lap baby all you had to do is ask.” He smirked. I growled while tightening my grip and baring my teeth. His smirk widened before grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in close. I gasped at the action.


“Careful sweetheart.” I felt his breath ghost over my lips. One hand left my hand and grabbed my wrist, removing my hand from his throat. His thumb began running up and down my wrist. The other hand moved from the back of my head forward and trace a finger across my cheek.

“Wha…” I was confused by the gentle gestures.

“You’re crying…” He said. I tried to pull away but he held me in place. I only fought a few more seconds before going still. We stared at each other for a second before I collapsed into him.

I buried my face in his neck, ignoring the staple that was poking me, and cried. He didn’t say anything but he did maneuver us. He moved back to lean against the wall while repositioning me to be comfortable in his lap. After a second, I felt something drape over my shoulders. From the scent of smoke and… burnt marshmallows?, I gathered it was Dabi’s coat.

“Why…what are you doing?” I hiccuped. He shrugged slightly while twisting his fingers through my hair.

“Just relax and let it out. You can chit chat after you’re done sobbing.” He said half-heartedly but I could tell there was more behind it. I did as he said though. I cried until my throat, lungs, and eyes hurt. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

The next time I woke up, it was 3 in the morning. I groaned softly at the sting and puffy sensation of my eyes. I was still wrapped in the scent of smoke and burnt marshmallows. I opened my eyes to see I was curled into Dabi’s side. I pushed up and saw his eyes were closed with his arm behind his head. I sighed and got out from under his arm.

“I really am pathetic.” I muttered as I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in them.

3rd POV

Dabi stayed still as he felt Y/N wake up. He didn’t open his eyes until he felt them move away and the words they mumbled. He looked over at them to see their back was to him. His coat was pooling around their waist. He lifted his hand from the bed where it had slid off too.

“Y/N.” He called softly, settling his hand on their back. They stilled before looking over their shoulder at him. “Do you want to tell me now?” He propped himself up on his elbow. “Or do I have to tell you what I think this is.”

“If you already know, why are you even here asking me all these dumb questions? Why are you letting me cry into your chest and fall asleep?” They went to get up but Dabi’s hand grabbed onto their arm.

“Because you need to be honest with yourself and not bottle this shit inside.” He sat up and moved up to be right behind them. From behind he reached up to cup their cheek. Y/N looks up at him through wet eyelashes.

“I… I don’t…” Y/N stuttered before the breath caught in my throat. Y/N felt the bed shift before Dabi’s legs were placed next to theirs as he sat behind Y/N.

“So you want to tell me why you’re avoiding everyone and everything?” He asked while placing his hands on Y/N’s biceps. It was silent for a short bit before Y/N took a breath.


“Because I am pathetic.” I said softly. “Everyone says so. I’m weak, pathetic, and I have no clue why Shigaraki ever let me into the League.”

“Who is everyone?” I went on ignoring his question.

“Plus, it always seems like everyone gets annoyed when I come into the room. Shigaraki always rolls his eyes when I come up to him. Also…” He interrupted.

“Okay, stop!” He pulled me back against his chest. He tightly wrapped his arms around me. “First of all, who is everybody? Because as far as I know everyone loves you. Toga annoyingly so.” He mumbled the last bit. “I even can stand you, you little shit, and stand isn’t ever the right word. With Crusty ass, he’s always like that. With everyone. He’d rather be in his room with his stupid video games than with anyone. So I repeat, who is everyone?”

“Recruits, other members of the League, and well, … apparently you.” I dropped my head and sniffled.

“Well they don’t matter, you idiot. Most of them are just jealous because of your standings in the League and your quirk. They’re just insignificant, expendable place holders while you’re a strong and important member of the League. Irreplaceable. Their opinions don’t matter. And with me…” He paused. I looked back at him. A conflicted look was on his face.

“Dabi?” My shaky voice caused his eyes to dout to mine.

“It’s… For me it’s actually… Ah! Damnit! I hate this!” He let go of me and flung himself back. The way he was acting was very out of character. I flinched when the thought of me being the reason. I caused him to be weird and he must really hate me. It made me feel even worse and sent a sting to my heart.

“You know what…” I got up quickly and took a few steps away creating space between us. He pushed up onto his elbows and eyed me. “I appreciate you trying but you don’t need to torture yourself by making yourself stay to comfort me. I know it must be really annoying to you. You can go, I’ll be okay.”

“Holy shit. Have you been listening to a word I’ve said?” He moved to sit on the edge of my bed.

“Yes I have and you’ve made your point clear.” I accentuated my words with my hands. “You also made it clear how much you hated this.” I motion from me to him.

“Then no you haven’t been listening. Not really listening.” He put emphasis on the word really. He stood up and I looked at him confused.

“What do you mean?” I looked up at him.

“I mean…I mean this!” He shot forward before grabbing my shoulders and pulling me to him. As I gasped from the movement, he crashed his lips against mine. It took me nearly a minute to realize what was actually happening. When it finally registered, I fisted Dabi’s shirt and pulled him closer. After a minute of passionate kissing we pulled back to breath.

“Get it now?”

“It’s getting clearer.” He scoffed before he backed me up against the wall and lifted me up. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist. One hand was placed on the wall next to my head and the other was cupping my cheek.

“You are a little shit.” He laughed before placing a long kiss on my lips. “You don’t annoy me. At least not like everyone else does. And you definitely are not all that shit you were spewing.”


“No!” He snapped before grabbing my chin and making me look at him. “Pathetic? Fuck no! I know shitty, pathetic, and weak. You are anything but. What annoys me is that you believe those little pests. You should believe me babe, I think I’m a little smarter than them.” He gave me a hard look as he moved his hand to the back of my neck. There was something in his eyes that stood out to me. An emotion that never made its presence known in Dabi.

“Okay.” I said softly with a smile. He smirked before pulling us away from the wall. He walked over and dropped me on the bed.

“Umph.” I bounced a little before settling. I looked up at him. He slowly gets on the bed and leans over me. His lips brushed over mine lightly. As I tried to push up into a kiss, he retracted. “Dabi!”

“What?” He laughed at my whine. He went to lean down when there was a hard knock on my door. The smirk on his face turned into a glare. “What!”

“Oh! Dabi’s in there!” We heard Toga squeal. There was some inaudible muttering before the doorknob was turned. Dabi pushed up onto his knees and glared at the door.

“You so much as open that door and I will roast you alive?” He snapped. The sounds stopped as I imagined them frozen.

“Why? Are you both naked in there?” Toga asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes at the girl’s weird fascinations.

“We should leave them alone. We should go in.” Twice grumbled.

“And what if we were, huh? Jealous that we`re getting some unlike the rest of you.”

“Dabi!” I whisper shouted, wacking him in the chest. He was quick to grab my hand. He looked down at me while bringing my hand to his lips.

“Rude!” We heard multiple people yell. Dabi laughed loudly, throwing his head back. I watched him silently as he continued to bicker with them through the door.

“What’s going on?” A muffled, raspy voice yelled. “ I can hear you all from the other side of the building and you all are annoying!”

“But Shiggy! Y/N and Dabi are in there ALONE and TOGETHER!” Toga shrieked. I giggled and saw Dabi’s eyes dart to me for a second.

“Does it look like I give a fuck!?” Shigaraki snapped. “The only fuck I give is how your annoying ME! Now shut the hell up!” We heard scrambling and running outside the door. It became quiet. Dabi then sighed very loudly.

“Now!” He leant down, pinning the hand he was holding next to my head. “Where were we?” He kissed me hard before I could utter a word.

I made a noise of amusement, kissing him back just as earnestly. He slowed down before pulling away. He let go of my wrist and set his forearm down instead. He reached up and traced my lips before caressing my cheek.

“Don’t listen to any of those pests that probably won’t ever be here at the end of the month. And if you do continue to have problems, you come to me. No questions asked.”

“Alright.” I nodded. He then wrapped an arm around my waist and flipped us over. “Ah! Dabi!”

“Shut it.” He grumbled as he settled back into my pillows with me on his chest. “I would like to get more sleep if you don’t mind.” I moved to lay at his side to be more comfortable. “You should get some more sleep to Little Shit.”

“And why are you so concerned?” I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. He gave me a side eye.

“Because I’m done with those pests being the only options for missions. They are worthless and dumb. At least you know what you’re doing and can get shit done without getting caught.” His words were annoyed but comforting. I laughed, setting my head on his chest.

The room fell into a comfortable silence. I absentmindedly started rubbing circles in his hip where my hand had landed. Every now and then I heard a low grumble go through his chest. It was lulling me to sleep but a shiver jolted me awake. I groaned quietly. I blindly reached for his coat that I was sure was still on my bed.

“Use an actual blanket this time.” Dabi rumbled. He pulled the blanket over us and I felt heat start to radiate off him. I hummed while relaxing again. It wasn’t long until I was out.

The next time I woke up, I came to, to the sound of giggling. Familiar giggling. I slowly pried my eyes open and saw Dabi asleep on my chest. His face is actually peaceful.

The giggling caught my attention again. I turned to see Toga and Twice. They hadn’t noticed me awake since they were looking down at a phone.

“So cute!” I rolled my eyes before turning back to Dabi. I gently shook him. He softly jerked awake and looked up at me. He gave me a questioning look. I motioned to the two. He looked and his expression turned into a glare. In the same moment, Toga lifted the phone but froze when she saw Dabi and I awake.

“I am going to roast you.” He said slowly and darkly.

“Ep.” The two chirped before darting out my door. Dabi jumped up and was right on their heels. I just started laughing as I heard distant screaming. I sat up and stretched but spotted Dabi’s coat halfway through. I grabbed it and held it in my lap before holding it up to my nose. I took a big breath. The unusual but purely Dabi scent filling my senses.

“I like it.” I whispered, feeling a lot better now than I have for a while.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

The Way You Are- Todoroki x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

This is for one of my best friends. Her fiance just broke up with her out of absolute nowhere. So I’m writing this small comfort piece with her favorite boy, our lovely Mr. Icy Hot. ❤️❤️

942 words

Warnings: self-deprecation

+ Your fiance of many years breaks up with you out of nowhere. It hits you hard because you thought you two were fine and so did everyone else for that matter. While hiding away, the youngest Todoroki finds you and helps you feel better even if it’s only for a moment.



I sniffled and burrowed further into my rest of blankets. I had my head covered and didn’t feel like moving. I was staying at the apartments that were there for the heroes at the agency I worked at. It was there for late nights and after long missions. The fates seemed to be against me in drones today because there was a knock on the door. I groaned and refused to move. The knocking continued and I was about to yell at them to go away when a familiar, smooth voice came through.

“Y/N? I know you’re home.” Shoto’s voice was a bit muffled through the wood. “Please let me in.”

“Coming.” I unburied myself and slowly got up. I was relieved that it was Shoto. He is my best friend and the one person I actually would want to be around right now. I unlocked the door and hid behind it as he came in.

“Y/N?” I closed the door with my forehead pressed against it. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him with new tears forming in my eyes. “Come here.” As soon as he opened his arms, I launched into his chest. I sobbed while clutching his shirt.

“Shoto…” He held me close and rubbed my back. He whispered soothing words while running his other hand over my head. My knees were starting to give out.

“Let’s get you back to the couch.” He quickly kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket. 

I went to walk to the couch but Shoto scooped me up and held me to his chest. I just went limp in his arms as he carried me. He sat down on the couch and pulled my blankets over us. He just let me cry into his chest until I calmed down.

“Why… Why did they do it?” I gasped. I pulled back to look at Shoto. He had a somber expression on his usually stoic face. “Did I do something? Could there have been something I could have done to, to, to…I don’t know, to make them stay? I could have been better…”

“Hey, hey, hey. No, none of that.” Shoto wiped tears. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Then, why did they…why did they break our engagement? Why did they break up with me?” I sputtered, covering my face. I felt Shoto shift and a couple of tissues were held in front of my face.

“I don’t know. They won’t talk to any of us.” He sighed and looked off to the side. “I mean I could do some undercover, super secret Private I work to find out.” I chuckled through the tears. I set my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine.

“No.” I said softly. “No point. They’re not in my life any more anyway.” He nodded and I cuddled into him more, tucking my head under his chin. He pulled the blanket up higher on my shoulders.

“You know… You’re perfect the way you are. All of us will tell you that, even Bakugou. For whatever reason he decided he wanted to end things, please know that you are still worth all the love in the world. That you are not alone, even if we’re not with you at the moment. One day you’ll find someone who will be smart enough to never let you go. And, um… crap, still not the best with words.”

“Shoto!” I laughed. He smiled. “That’s alright, what you said was perfect. Thank you. It’s going to be a bit before I’m alright but I know I have you and everyone else too.” I hugged him. We snuggled on the couch for a bit before he got up to go to the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“I am going to make some Tempura for us.”

“You are?” I teased. He gave me a glare before turning away.

“Yes, me. Bakugou has been helping me. So shush.” I laughed before laying back down on the couch. After a while of hearing him in the kitchen, he came out with a cup of tea. “Here.” I locked eyes with him.

“Thank you.” He smiled and nodded. He leant down and kissed my forehead. It wasn’t long before he brought out the food. We ate with some small talk and with some argument, Shoto did the dishes. It was late by the time he finished.

“You need some sleep.” He said while poking my cheek softly. “I can see it.”

“You’re not wrong.” I said. I got comfortable against his side.

“You’re just gonna sleep here.” I hummed an affirmative. “The lights are still on and I can’t move due to the leech on my side.” I whacked his arm. He chuckled. I blindly reached for the remote for the lights & more. Once I found it, I clicked the lights off.

“Goodnight, Shoto.” I said while already dozing.

“Goodnight, Y/N. Just know that I’m always here for you.”

3rd POV

Shoto watched as Y/N fell asleep against him. He admired his friend. If he was being honest with himself, he’s been in love with them for a long time. He never pursued them because they never showed romantic interest in him. It broke his heart when they got into a relationship with their now ex but he was happy they were happy.

“Sleep well, love.” He brushed a couple stray hairs back. He traced their face tenderly. Y/N wrinkled their nose before smiling and snuggling in more. He got comfortable and closed his eyes, falling asleep while holding them tight.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee

Equal. Pt.2 - BakuKami x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

2915 words

Warnings: Mad Bakugo, sad Kaminari, nothing major

+ After the break up, you avoid the two blondes at all costs. You couldn’t bare to be near them. After a few days, everyone starts to notice the tension between the three of us. You open up to a select few before going home for your birthday weekend. On your birthday, the two blondes show up in attempt to explain, apologise, and make it up to you.

Tokoyami wrapped his arms around me after getting over the initial shock. He didn’t push for answers but just let me cry until I calmed down. I hiccuped as I pulled away. I looked at Dark Shadow as she made a sound of concern. I pet her head.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head. He nodded in understanding. “Is this about Bakugo and Kaminari?” I choked on a sob. He sighed and hugged me again. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat. Get you calmed down and relaxed.”

He led the way off campus and towards some food joints that were nearby. I was silently sniffling most of the time while he went to order the food. Hu didn’t press on the subject but distracted me with random talk. Dark Shadow even kept me entertained until I was relaxed.

“Are you okay to go back to the dorms?” He asked. I sighed but nodded. I glanced outside and saw dark clouds rolling in the sky.

“We better get back before it rains.” He agreed and began the walk back. It was a silent walk back until I finally fessed up. “We broke up.” He stuttered to a stop. He looked at me surprised.

“You want? Which one?”

“Both.” I looked down at the sidewalk.

“My word… very unexpected chain of events.” He said wistfully. I chuckled at his normal decorum. He always had a savior-faire on how to make me feel better even if he was just being himself.

“Yeah…” We got to the steps of Heights Alliance. “I’m going to go to bed. I’m exhausted.” A yawn forced its way out. He chucked.

“Are you going to be okay? I can stay with you if you need it.” He asked.

“No. It’s alright. Plus I’ve kept you from your boyfriend long enough. I know you two had plans.”

“It’s alright. I texted Shoji earlier and he understands.” He assured me. I smiled and hugged him.

“I’ll be okay. It’s going to hard but it’ll be okay.” I pulled back and walked towards the doors. “Now go see your boyfriend!”

We parted ways and I paused for a moment outside. I took a big breath and peaked in. I saw Kiri and Mina at the couches and I could hear Iida and Aoyoma somewhere. There was no sign of Kami and Bakugo. I quickly maneuvered through the common room towards the elevators. They started to open and I heard an unmistakable gruff voice.

“What are we going to do?”

“Shit.” I darted into the stairwell and paused around the corner.

“I don’t know, Kat.” Kami’s voice was shaking. “How could they think they weren’t equal… How could we let them think…” I didn’t want to hear anymore so I quietly ran up to my room.

I spent days avoiding the two blondes with everything I had. Everyone in the class was confused except Tokoyami & Shoji. I think Tsu had an idea but was nice enough to not ask. Kami and Baku both tried to talk to me together and on their own but I never let them.

“So what are you going to do for your birthday in a couple of days? It’s over the weekend right?” Uraraka asked from her spot on the floor. Uraraka, Deku, Yami, Todoroki, and I were lounging in the common room.

“I don’t know. I think I’m just going to go home and hide it out.” I chuckled. I knew nobody was going to be home. My mom had called saying her and dad had to go on a last minute business trip. “I never do much for my birthday anyway. I was going to spend it with…” I paused. A small pang went through my chest. “But that fell through.” Everyone was silent for a minute.

“L/N… we don’t want to pry but,” Deku paused. “Did something happen between you, Kaminari, and Kacchan?”

“We broke up.” I said after a moment. They all burst into hysterics except the two who knew and Todoroki.



“When?” They all started asking questions. Uraraka and Tsu came over and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged back tight and silent tears slid down my cheek.

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I whispered.

“Of course.” Uraraka said hurriedly. Tsu left for a moment and I cuddled with Uraraka in a tight ball. She ran her fingers through my hair and just let me cry into her chest. 

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to arguing and Uraraka’s hands over my ears. I heard Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki. I could hear Bakugo and Todoroki arguing and I could hear Kirishima trying to calm Bakugo down. I opened my eyes and noticed my head was in Raka’s lap and Shoji was kneeling next to me.

“They don’t want to be near you right now, Bakugo.” Todoroki said firmly.

“I don’t need you to tell me something I already know, Icyhot. But I need to talk to them. I need to explain…” I heard a bit of scuffling. “Get out of my was you damn Icyhot!”

“Bakugo! Calm down!” Kirishima’s voice was strained so I figured he was holding the blonde back.

“Let me go, dumb hair!” Bakugo growled. I started shaking in Urarake’s lap and I felt her grip tighten. More tears were adding to the stains on my cheek.

“Kacchan please be quiet.” Deku urged.

“Shut up Deku!” He snapped. “This doesn’t concern you! I need to talk…” I hopped up and darted for the stairs, not able to take anymore. “L/N! Wait!”

“Bakugo!” I heard a chorus of voices before the faint familiar sound of ice crackling echoed up behind me. I ran to my room, wishing the weekend would come sooner. Later that night, I heard soft knocking and Kaminari’s voice barely making it through the wood.

“Baby? Are you there?” He paused. I sat up and looked at the door. “I know you don’t want to talk to us and it’s only me right now but… We are so sorry.” His voice shook. I got up and took silent steps towards the door, setting my hand on the door. “We never meant to make you feel that way. And I know Bakugo didn’t help earlier but we… we just don’t know what to do. We’re desperate.”

“Kami…” He was silent for a minute before a humorless chuckle broke it.

“And you’re probably asleep right now and not hearing a word I say. Ha ha, well goodnight love. Sleep tight.” I heard him walk off. I leant on the door and slid to the floor. I missed them both terribly but didn’t know what to do myself.


I was sitting at home on the balcony a couple of days later. It was my birthday and my phone had blown up with messages from my friends and family, even Aizawa-sensei.  My parents had called me and talked for a while. They hung up with promises of going to my favorite restaurant and more when they got home. The only people that haven’t gotten ahold of me were Bakugo & Kaminari.

“I’m getting hungry.” I muttered to myself as I watched the clouds. I got up to go inside when I heard my name being called.

“L/N!” I gave a confused look around before leaning over the railing to see two familiar blondes on the ground below me.

“What are you doing here?” I called back.

“We’ll explain. Can we come up?” Kaminari asked. I paused and thought about it. My mind and heart fought with each other. My heart won.

“Yeah. Come on up.” I stepped inside and went to wait by the door. A soft shock came and I let the two in. I led them in and they followed silently. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Kaminari smiled at me. I looked and saw Bakugo wouldn’t meet my eyes. He was looking around and I saw a confused expression come over his face.

“Where are your parents?” He said.

“In Nagasaki on a business trip.” I revealed. Bakugo finally looked at me with surprise.

“So you came home even though no one was here? To spend your birthday…alone?” He asked in disbelief. I just shrugged before walking into the kitchen. I began to look through the fridge and pantry looking for something to eat. “We brought you food.”

“What?” I turned to the two.

“Bakugo made you your favorite.” Kaminari pointed. I saw a nicely prepared and packaged meal in Bakugo’s hand that I hadn’t noticed before. I stood there agast because I didn’t think they knew my favorite meal.

“It’s still warm.” Bakugo opened it and set it in front of me. It smelled amazing. I looked up at them. They both looked like lost puppies, not sure what to do next. I gave them a soft smile.

“Looks and smells amazing.” I said. I saw their shoulders relax. I got a fork and took a bite. “I hate to say it Bakugo but… you’re a better cook than my grandmother.”

“So you like it?” Bakugo rubbed his arm.

“Of course I do.” I smiled. “Come on, We’ll talk in the living room. Make yourselves comfortable.” We all sat down. I looked at them and could tell they were trying to figure what to say. I offered them a bite and while they chewed, I spoke up. “I heard you Kami. The other night. ” He sputtered while Bakugo looked between us confused.

“You did?” He asked nervously.

“Yeah. I was still up and heard every word.” I looked down at my food.

“I, I…” Kami stopped to take a breath. “I meant every word I said. We are both really sorry. We didn’t even realize…”

“We are so stupid to not to have seen what we were doing to you.” Bakugo said through his teeth. I could read that he was beating himself up all over his face. “We were just trying to … We should have realized that you would feel weird coming into an already established relationship.”

“We could have and should have helped you better.” Kami hid his face in his hands. Noone said anything for a few minutes.

“I should have said what I was feeling. Not kept it to myself.” I admitted. I set the bowl on the table. “I just felt left out when I would come into a cuddly movie night and not know. A text ahead of time to tell me would have been nice. And when you both freaked out at me over coming in when you were doing whatever it was When you invited me over hurt. It also hurt when you practically ripped me a new one for just looking around.”


“I felt left out a lot of the time.” I looked up at them. They were watching me with sad eyes. They shared a look before Kami crawled over to me. He wrapped his arms around and hugged me tight.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into my hair.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have yelled like I did. I also shouldn’t have acted that way in the common room.” Bakugo cuddled up to my back, burying his head in my neck. I had missed them both so much.

“I’ve missed you.” I admitted. I reached back and ran my fingers through Bakugo’s hair and held onto Kami’s hand. Both of them moved in closer and held me tighter.

“We’ve missed you too.” They both mumble. I could tell they were wanting to ask that one question but also they didn’t want to cross a line.

“Katsuki, Denki.” They both looked up at their given names. I signed. “Equal? Right?” I saw both of them perk up. Denki shook his head vividly.

“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed. I turned to Kat and I saw watery eyes staring back at me. He was frozen. “That?” Denki reached and cupped his face.

“Yo-you’re serious?” He stuttered. “You’ll take us back? I didn’t completely screw this up?” I turned and hugged him tight. I felt him sigh in relief and felt water droplets hit my skin. Denki joined in the hug.

“We’ll be better.” Denki said into my hair.

“We promise.” Kat pulled away and I wiped his tears before he could hide the fact that he was crying. He turned quickly and pecked my palm. He reached out and grabbed my food. “Finish your food.”


I finished my food with a few bites going to each of the boys. That immediately turned into a cuddle session while catching up on (TV/show), which we had started before everything happened. It was getting later when Kat spoke up. I was leaning back against his chest while Denki was in my lap.

“Come back with us to the dorms?” He asked. Denki looked up at me hopefully. I hummed as I thought for a moment.

“I don’t see why not.” I finally said.

“Yes!” Denki threw up his hands in triumph.

“Ep!” I yelped, moving away from his wild hands.

“Watch it, Sparky!” Kat snapped, blocking his hands.

“Sorry!” He jerked his hands down.

“You’re going to have to let me up so I can go pack up my bag, Denks.”

“No!” He rolled over and buried his face in my stomach. I groaned and looked back at Kat for help.

“Come on Spark plug.” He reached and poked his side. Denki yelped and popped up. I hopped to my feet and laughed as Kat kept pestering Denki.

It was only a little bit before I had the apartment locked up and we were leaving. I sent a text to my parents to let them know. As we got closer to UA, Denki got more and more giddy. Kat to my bag as we walked up to Heights Alliance. I could see Kat had a small smirk.

“Okay. What’s up with you two?”

“We’re just happy.” Denki pulled me into a quick kiss before running inside. I turned to look at Kat. He just shrugged and grabbed my hand. He pulled me inside and I was bombarded with yells.


“Happy Birthday!” I jumped and saw the whole room decked out and everyone was there. Uraraka and Mina came running at me.

“Guys!” I hugged them. Tokoyami came up and hugged me next. “This is, thank you guys.” I turned back to Kat. He was fully smirking now. I chuckled and hit him in the chest. “Sneaks.”

“Not sorry.”

The party was in full swing when Denks pulled me to the side. He pulled me over to Kat who was waiting by the front window. Once next to him, Kat pulled us in for a hug.

“What’s up you guys?”

“We have something for you.” Kat said. He reached for a box next to the window. He handed it to me. I looked at them before going to open it. I pulled off the paper and opened the box.

“Oh my.” I gasped. Laid nicely in the box was an array of items. 

First was a personalized photo album with a collage of our hero logos and friends logos on it. Inside were a multitude of pictures of us and the rest of the class over the past year. Next was a coffee cup I had been wanting. “Don’t speak, not yet, OK I’m listening” was written at different levels on the cup. The last thing was what took my breath away.

“Guys…” I pulled out the Silver necklace. I looked at it and saw there were two charms on it. A black lightning bolt and a little gold explosion burst. I looked up to say something but stopped when they pulled matching necklaces. Only theirs had a charm to match my quirk and the opposite boys.

“We hope you like it.” Denki said nervously. Kat was blushing.

“This is what we were working on all this time.” Kat said while walking over. He took the necklace and put it on me. “The party, your presents… We freaked out because we didn’t want the surprise ruined.”

“We should have just explained but were both a little dumb sometimes.” Denki walked up as Kat wrapped his arms around me from behind. Denki did the same from the front.

“I love everything. Thank you so much!” I snuggled up to them. “This day only would have been better if my parents were home but it’s still been the best day ever.”

“Good."Kat gruffed.

"We’re sorry again.” Denki kissed the end of my nose.

“I know. It’s alright. You don’t have to apologize anymore.”

“We still feel like we need to make it up to you.” Kat muttered. I sighed and leant into him. I perned up when a thought popped into my head.

“Fine. I know how you can do that.”

“How?” They chorused.

“When the party’s done, we have a snuggle party in my room for the rest of the night.” I said while looking between them. “Deal?”

“Deal.” Denki said. He kissed me cheerfully.

“Do we really have to wait for the end of the party?” I swore it was almost a whine that came from Kat’s mouth. Denki and I both laughed while the blush from earlier returned to Kat’s face. He pouted before hiding himself in my neck.

“Katsuki’s a sucker for snuggles!” Denki exclaimed.

“Spark plug!”

Oh, it was good to be back with my boys.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee

Reader: Gender Neutral
Character:Denki Kaminari
Rating: G
Summary:After a day out at the carnival, you get a chill.
Tip Jar |Commission Info | Ask Box: Open


As you walked to the bus stop after a full day at the carnival. You started to shiver, it was nearing the end of summer and the nights were getting cooler. 

You still chatted with your friends as you waited for the bus. Kaminari stayed close to you, holding your hand and chatting with Mina and Sero. Ever so often you felt a shiver run down your spine. 

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Oh yeah I’m fine.” You smiled.

Mina piped up, “Of course they’re fine, we just had the best day ever! Like you won them a stuffed tiger, of course they’re doing great.”

Sero gave her a high five the two laughed. 

Kaminari leaned in to you and pressed a kiss on your cheek before he went back to chatting with his two friends. 

  “Just tell me if you’re not okay, okay?”

  “Of course, Denki.” You smiled as you kissed him again.

You shivered a little as you got on the bus and sat in the back with your friends. Kaminari was starting to notice that you weren’t just having a slight chill but you were getting quite cold. 

  “Hey.” He said

You looked over and saw him take off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. The jacket was oversized so it fit you quite well, the sleeves were long enough and it kept you warm. 

  “You don’t have to.” You said as you tried to give the jacket back. 

  “No, no, keep it on. You’re cold, babe.” He said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss on the side of your head. 

You kept it on your shoulders and it helped fight back some of the coldness that you were feeling. Kaminari rubbed your arm and kissed you on the cheek. 

  “Feeling better?” He asked.

You nodded, “Yeah, the jacket helps. Thank you Denki.” 

  “Oh it’s no big deal, that’s what boyfriends do after all.” He chuckled before giving you another kiss. 

You all continued to wildly chatter on the bus. Kaminari stayed close to you, giving you the occasional kiss and just being a comforting boyfriend while you warmed up in his jacket. 

You kept the jacket all the way home and promised to give it back to Kaminari in the morning. He chuckled and told you to keep it, it looked better on you anyway. 

Reader: Gender Neutral
Character:Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca
Rating: G
Summary:A seafood date with Gang Orca
Warning:Seafood, Fluff, Date Night
Tip Jar |Commission Info | Ask Box: Open


  “So you want to take me to endless crab leg night?” Kugo asked as he towered over you.

You nodded eagerly, “I found the flyer in our mailbox and I thought it would be a good date idea. You like seafood, I like seafood.” 

  “Yes, but you’re asking me if I want to go to endless crab leg night?” 

You nodded once more, “That’s what I asked. Do you want to go get endless crab legs with me tomorrow night?”

He smiled at you and pressed a kiss on your forehead, “Of course I would love to.”

The following evening Kugo drove you to the restaurant. You bound from the car to the front door and held the man’s hand tightly.

  “Excited for crab legs?”

 “Of course I am. I’m happy to spend time with you.” He smiled.

You lean up and pressed a kiss against his mouth. You lucked out by dating Kugo, even though he didn’t think so. He thought he lucked out with you. 

He opened the door for you and you entered. You both got seated and then you ordered your first round of crab legs.

  “This is so good.” You almost moaned after you took your first bite.

  “I’m glad you enjoy it.” Kugo said, “Thank you for taking me out tonight.”

  “Oh it’s no big deal, i know you love seafood and I wanted to go out with you. I love you Kugo, you’re the number one hero in my heart.” You replied with a smile.

He got a bit flustered and looked down, “Thank you for your love and support.”

You grinned and reached out and grabbed his hand, “I mean it, Orc-y.” You giggled.

The nickname was so stupid and childish, but Kugo liked it. It made him feel loved and accepted. You weren’t scared of him, or afraid that he was going to hurt you. You were completely in love with him, trusted him and felt safe with him. 

You both ate through many rounds of crab legs, paired them nicely with sushi and salad. You both even shared a bottle of wine together.

You gazed at Kugo lovingly, with bright eyes and an excited smile. You were just so happy to be with him tonight. To share such an amazing meal together.

  “I love you.” He said in his gruff voice.

  “I love you too, Kugo. Now try this salad, it’s so good.” You beamed as you leaned over with your fork and fed him. 

You graciously took the piece of salad and thought it was delicious. You chuckle and fed him another piece. And he in turn fed you a few pieces of crab. 

  “This was a wonderful idea.” He said, “It feels nice to have a great meal after woking with those kids all day.”

  “I know how to treat my body.” 

He chuckled, “You sure do.” 

By the end of the dinner date, you two were both full. You almost felt sick with how much you ate, but the crab legs were just so good, paired with the salad and sushi you got with it. It was a meal you’d never forget.

Kugo was nice enough to drive you home, he kept one hand on the steering wheel and held your hand with the other. 

  “Thank you for tonight, Kugo.” You smiled.

  “No problem, I’m sorry if I ate too much.” He apologized.

  “No need to worry, Orc-y, you ate just enough.” You laughed. Even though you had a great time with the best meal ever, you didn’t think you’d be able to go back there for a while. 

Reader: Gender Neutral
Character:Keigo Takami/Hawks
Rating: G
Summary:A day out with Keigo
Warning:Fluff, Dates
Tip Jar |Commission Info | Ask Box: Open

Keigo met you at the train station. He had been away for hero work for a few days and wanted to spend his day off with you. He was excited to see you and got to the train station early so he didn’t miss you.

But the entire time there just fluttering his wings and looking around excitingly. When he saw you, he rushed over and held you in his arms.

  “Kid!” He chirped.

You chuckled, “We’re the same age, Keigo. I’m not a kid.” 

He let go of you and slung an arm over your shoulders, “I know, I know. But it’s still fun to say. Oh I missed you so much.” 

You took the train downtown, Keigo tried to make sure that his wings didn’t get too much in the way. He ended up in the corner of the train car with you behind him, protected by his wings. 

  “Comfortable, babe?” He asked.

  “Yep, We get off at the next stop.” You replied.

You both got off the train and when you had enough room, Keigo stretched out his wings. He hated public transit, but he knew that you got scared when he carried you in flight.

You exited the station hand in hand and started on your trek across the main road. There was a lot to see, schoolchildren, food stalls, the occasional fan that wanted to take a photo with Keigo. There were arcades and shopping malls. The streets were alive and abuzz with the sights, sounds and smells of the food, people, and traffic. 

Keigo kept you close to him, one of his wings was partially extended to cover your back as you walked down the street with him. He had great hearing which sometimes made the city a little being overwhelming and he was worried about you getting hurt. 

  “Are you okay?” You assured him.

  “I’m fine, today isn’t so bad. Weekends are worse.” He replied as he kissed you on the cheek. 

You entered a toy store and Keigo found a plush version of himself. He gushed at it and held it up for you to see, “Look it’s me. Now you can have me with you always!”

  “Possessive much.” 

  “I’m not possessive.” He pouted, “Just loving. Do you want it?”

You chuckled, “Sure, Keigo. I’ll have my own little Keigo to protect me while I sleep.” 

He beamed, “Damn ri-” He looked over and saw a child staring at him, “I mean DARN right.” and sheepishly smiled at the kid. 

  “You’re something else, aren’t you, Keigo.” You laughed.

  “Yeah, but you love me. You love me so much.” He drew out as he walked over to the cash to pay for the plush toy. 

You carried it in your arms the rest of the day, a little Keigo to call your own. You went to a few bookstores, wandered around the mall. You tried on some clothes at a few of the boutiques inside the shopping centre. 

Keigo liked the outfits you picked and suggested that you both come back another time to try on clothes.

  “I keep wearing the same jacket.” He joked, “Best Jeanist said I need to broaden my horizon.” 

You both got hungry by mid afternoon, Keigo’s stomach started to rumble when you passed by a restaurant near the shopping mall. It made Keigo stop right away. 

  “I think I’m getting hungry.” He pointed out.

  “We have been doing tons of walking, maybe some food would do us good.” You smiled, “What do you want to get.” 

  “Chicken katsu.”

  “I don’t think you eat any meat other than chicken.” You laughed. 

  “I don’t think so either.” He chuckled, “What it’s a versatile meat!”

You laughed and entered the restaurant, “This places had katsu, c’mon.” 

Keigo paid for the late lunch, he even bought you a drink while you finished your chicken katsu. He watched you eat, and occasionally picked a few grains of rice off your plate.

  “You’re like a bird.” You joked.

He laughed, “Well, they call me Hawks for a reason.” 

You let him finish the last pieces of chicken and rice which he happily ate, when he pretty much licked the plate clean you both got up and exited the restaurant. 

You yawned loudly and stretched your hands over your head, “It’s been a good day.” When you dropped your arms, he took your by the hand and half onto it tightly.

  “I love you.” He said..

  “I love you too.” You replied with a smile.

When you took the train back home, you closed your eyes for a moment and laid your head on Keigo’s shoulder. You sighed happily as you snuggled closer to him.

Keigo puffed out his wings sightly and used one of them to protect you while you rested beside him. 

  “Thanks, Keigo.” You said with a yawn, tired from your long day out together.

  “Anything for you, babe.” He replied, “Anything.”

Wet Clay (P.5)

Shouta Aizawa x Reader

Summary: You’ve got your own handful of problems- being a counselor doesn’t mean you can’t also have anxiety or feel overwhelmed by it all.

A/N: it’s finally here!! thank god!! and thank you everyone who was so patient waiting for the new part. i honestly had a lot of fun making this new chapter- i wanted it to be a bit longer as a Thank You for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy it, and look forward to the next chapter!

Word Count:5,500+

Tag List:@babayaga67,@cosmichorse95,@sugacookiies,@howthe-f-didigethere,@rintomoj​,@missadorable96

Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four


Technically-not-but-still-technically House Arrest is finally over, much to your relief.

You, Bakugo, and Midoriya were finally freed from Aizawa’s punishment and proceeded with your regular schedules. And while Bakugo and Midoriya have a lot of catching up to do, the same goes for you.

Which you weren’t expecting at all, but you’re pleasantly surprised by a few students standing at your office on your first day back greeting you and asking for a scheduled meeting.

Slowly but surely, word of you and your practice has been moving around the school, which is exactly what you were hoping for. Especially since it got out that you were able to have a successful session with Bakugo, of all people, the students seem to suddenly have a newfound interest in trying therapy that wasn’t there before. It’s the progress you’ve been waiting for to report to Nezu, letting him know that students even outside of the hero course were asking about therapy.

Due to your agreement, you couldn’t give them a session. Your time was pointed strictly at the hero classes for the time being, but it wouldn’t always be that way. You had the interested students fill out a simple questionnaire once the idea popped in your head, which helped you immensely for your reports to Nezu.

They were simple questions, not asking anything too personal, of course. Things like, ‘why does therapy interest you?’, ‘what problems would you like to talk about?’, and ‘what are some of the things that stress you daily?’

The answers you received confirmed that you were right from the beginning- U.A needed a proper counseling team hired, and it would be best if it was sooner rather than later.

And on top of all that good news (though kids needing therapy admittedly wasn’t the best news, but at least it was being assessed instead of being ignored), Nezu agreed with you! After hearing and reading your reports on the students, he agreed to start working with you to begin making after-school programs and looking for professionals to hire. It would take a few weeks, if not more, but the beginning of your dream for U.A was finally taking big steps, and it was overwhelmingly exciting.

You haven’t been able to fill anybody in on your news quite yet, but your change in attitude was noticeable by the staff and the students. It’s especially noticeable to the staff when you come in one morning, cups of coffee and tea hot and ready that you had bought for them when they came into the Teacher’s Lounge before class.

Yamada enters with Kayama, whistling low as he quickly walks over and inspects the cups. “Ho-hey!” He exclaims. “What’s all this?”

“Good morning, Yamada,” you smile at him and nudge a cup his way, which he takes with a gleeful hum. “I was just feeling good this morning and I’m really thankful to how much everyone has helped me settle in, so I figured I could buy everyone a drink.” Kayama walks up as well, grabbing one of the teas, surprising you with her choice.

She notices, a deep frown on her lips. “You tempt me, honey, but I have to watch my figure!” She gestures to her body, which is on full display at all hours. Not that you’re a prude, but it makes you wonder how the pubescent boys and girls feel while in her presence. You’re not envious of them. “But I appreciate you very much, thank you.”

“It’s no problem, I’ll make sure to try and get something better for you next time,”

“Oh, don’t worry! A little tea won’t hurt me.” Kayama quickly waves off your concerns and she sits on one of the chairs available in the admittedly small room. “So? Why’re you so happy?” She raises an eyebrow, and before she can ask-

“Nothing that you’re assuming, I’m sure,” you tell her quickly. “Truthfully, it’s because my work is going well. My tenure here might actually be useful- Nezu and I are talking specifics on hiring other counselors, now.”

Yamada cheers, as loud as ever, “really?! Good job!” He wraps an arm around you and shakes you- if the coffee hadn’t woken you up before, you were surely awake now with his energy! “Does that mean you’ll be staying?” Kayama perks up from her seat.

“Oh, does it? It would be so nice to keep you around longer!”

“I’m not sure about that,” you laugh uneasily, “what the students really need is someone that can be fully devoted to them and their needs, you know? I can’t give that to them while I’m still working as a counselor on the side, and I’m really not sure if I can give up that job.”

“Aw,” Yamada frowns, keeping his arm secure around your shoulder as he looks down at you. The man was freakishly tall, honestly. “Shouta will be so bummed. Do you know how long your tenure lasts?”

“I sort of hoped you were giving up on that,” you deflate. “But, no, I’m not very sure. But it’s probably not for much longer. A month more, maybe two at most. Then I’ll be leaving.”


You and Yamada turn your head towards the door, and you get a face full of his hair, making you sputter and sneeze as he laughs at you and apologizes (but it doesn’t sound like he’s sorry). You shove him away so you can actually look at Yagi, dressed in his usual baggy, bright yellow suit.

“Morning, Yagi,” you greet him tiredly. If you said before that you were energized by Yamada’s behavior, you take it back now. He’s actually exhausting. “Yes, eventually. I’m not officially hired, you know.”

“I must have forgotten,” Yagi mumbles under his breath, looking equally tired but thankful as you nudge a cup of tea his way and he takes a long sip. You remember him telling you that coffee was one of the things on his long, long list that his stomach couldn’t handle. “I’m getting too old, probably.”

“How old are you, anyway?” Kayama asks from her seat and Yagi smiles.

“That’s a good question,” he says, and then looks to you. “You’re leaving in a month or so, though? That’s unfortunate, Shouta will miss you.”

“That’s what I said!”

“Nice job avoiding the question, pro-hero,”

“I swear the two of you never quit it!”

The three of you talk over one another at the same time, and after a moment’s silence, burst into laughter together. Despite everything, these people had quickly become your friends, and chatting with them like this every morning was a part of what made the extra stress and work all worth it. “I’ll miss allof you when I have to leave, I mean it,” you tell them once the laughter subsides, and Kayama coos.

“We’ll miss you, too. I’m sure the students will as well, you’ve grown on them.”

“That’s true… I don’t feel good about the whole making-a-relationship-and-bowing-out thing. It takes a long time for a child to feel comfortable talking to you about their issues, and I finally have that! And now that I’d have to leave…” You sigh heavily as you rest against one of the tables, crossing your arms at your chest.

“Give it some more thought, then,” Kayama suggests. “Everyone would be happy to keep you around, including Nezu. Think about all your options before you make any decisions.”

It’s good advice, but the truth is, you’ve already done that.

The time you’ve spent at U.A has been amazing, yes, but you’ve never been more overworked in your life. The stress of keeping up your two professional jobs has you tossing and turning at night, and the burden of feeling like you’re going to let everyone down isn’t good for your mental state, either. For your own health, you can’t keep working the way you are now.

You’re going to have to choose. And it hurts you more than anything.

Despite all of that, you smile at Kayama. “You’re right,” you say, and you try not to sound as tired as you feel, “I’ll think about it.”


The first thing you have to do with your new duties from Nezu is put together after-school affairs. He doesn’t give you a lot to go off of- he just wants you to put together some sort of event or club that the students can go to after hours that will be good for them. Nezu is nice, but he gives you too much freedom. It’s hard to create ideas all on your own and be the judge on if they’re worth the school’s time and money or not.

You’ve thought of several things. The thing you’re trying to do is create an original idea that isn’t purely formed around therapy , per se, but a way for students to vent their problems in a healthy and calm environment. Your best idea has been a little something you called ‘food for thought’, a baking club students can go to where they can learn to bake and cook a variety of simple dishes, and while they bake, everyone gets a turn talking about something that’s bothered them or that they’re working through, no judgment. It can be a bit therapeutic to cook in general for some people, and if you gave students the chance to vent during that time, you think it might be something healthy and fun. And then they could all eat snacks afterward.

…But you doubt yourself again and think about scrapping the idea. There’s too many variables- some students might not like the idea of group therapy like that, and some students might abuse the club by coming only for treats and ruin it for everyone else. Plus, not everyone likes to cook.

You groan and deflate in your seat, laying face-down on your desk. This is too hard…!

Out of nowhere, your phone vibrates. It makes you reluctantly pull your head up, grasping for the device and wincing at the bright screen when it turns on.

It’s one of your clients asking for an appointment.

You take a deep, tired breath in, and let it out slowly. Slowly you sit up in your chair and open one of your desk drawers, fumbling around for your planner and slapping it down on the desk as you open the text and start to ask for details.

Your schedule is crammed, a lot more than it used to be. You end up feeling guilty not being able to see your patient soon enough and give up some of your free time in order to see them. Not that they know that- they thank you and tell you they’ll see you soon, and the conversation is ended.

Somehow, you’re even more tired than before.

Eyes wander over to your plush, comfortable couch. It’s a tempting idea, but… the scattered papers full of drafts of ideas for an after school activity are staring at you, so you shake your head at the idea and try to focus on the papers instead. You can’t afford to nap right now, even though it sounds so, so nice right now.

Your eyes droop, but you can’t sleep. Absolutely not. Your shoulders sag.

You fall asleep slouched over your desk before you can even realize it.


Waking up is surprising, because you didn’t remember falling asleep. It’s always odd when that happens- opening your eyes and forgetting you even closed them, so it has you sitting there like, wait, what ? For a few moments.

You’re not even at your desk like you remember being. Instead, you’re laying on your couch- something you very much remember wanting to do, but you hadn’t. You’re alone in your office too, which is even more odd. You don’t think you sleepwalk.

As you slowly sit up and stretch your tired limbs, you look at the clock on your wall and see that it reads 3:20- school is just about to end.

Drat. You were hoping to get more done before now…

You suppose that’s fine- you can always work more at home and email Nezu if you come up with a great idea by the end of the night, but you sort of doubt that will happen. You go back to your desk to start gathering your things, but from the corner of your eye, a bit of yellow catches your attention.

There’s a sticky note on your ‘food for thought’ paper. Your eyebrows spring up in curiosity as you lean forward to read it.

It’s not much. It just says ‘good idea’ and then there’s, strangely enough, a doodle of a cat giving a thumbs up. It’s not the best drawing you’ve ever seen, but it’s cute.

Kind of strange though. A cat? Who even wrote this, anyway? Who was in your office when you were asleep?

You doubt it was a student. You’re not really bothered, but… the sticky note says it was a good idea. You were doubtful about it, but the second opinion makes you rethink your decision.

Maybe it wasn’t that bad of an idea? According to the mysterious cat-doodler.

Hm. You pocket the sticky note, and then put the paper with details of your idea in your bag as you continue to pack up. Maybe if you run into one of the teachers on your way out, you can ask them what they think. You should have thought about that earlier, to be honest.

Quickly you pack up and lock your office. You’re going to miss the train home if you don’t hurry, after all, and you want to get out of the building before the bell rings and the students crowd the halls.

Fortunately, though, you spot Cementoss- Ishiyama- at the front doors, and you wave to catch his attention.

“Ishiyama! You’re heading out, too?”

The cement-like man looks toward you, and he walks through the doors, holding it open for you. “Mm. I need to make it to an appointment,” he says simply.

“I see. You wouldn’t mind if I ran an idea by you really quick? It’s for the kids.”

He shakes his head. “Not at all, I just needed to get out before the children did.” You grin and tell him you were doing the same- and then you tell him about your after-school baking idea.

By the time you finish telling him the small details, you’ve walked to the school’s parking lot and Ishiyama looks interested in what you have to say. “I don’t think that’s a bad idea at all. It’s creative, and I think the students would like having something to do besides sitting in a circle and talking.”

“Right!” You animatedly burst for a second- and then bashfully smile at your outburst. “That’s what I was trying to do. I’m glad to hear that it might be worth it. For hires, we could maybe hire a cook, and then the therapist who’d be willing to lead the conversation. That’s where my worry comes in- we’d be paying two people at most, along with spending money on ingredients…”

“Ah, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” Ishiyama says, and he slowly comes to a stop in front of what is probably his car. It’s a big, heavy looking vehicle- which kind of makes sense. The guy probably weighs a lot and needs something he won’t crush into the ground. “We have plenty of ingredients and food left over from lunch time, and Lunchrush would be willing to chip in. It could be something that’s held once a week, maybe.”

“Ah, you’re right. I guess I just didn’t want to assume anything on his part, since he already does so much.”

Ishiyama laughs. “You’re very considerate, but don’t let that get in the way of exploring your ideas. And don’t let Nezu scare you- he’ll let you know if it works or not. If it doesn’t, that’s fine. You’re not wasting his time.”

The words are, quite frankly, reassuring. You didn’t realize how much you needed to hear that, and your body naturally relaxes a bit. “Yeah,” you smile at him, “you’re right. Thanks a lot, Ishiyama. I’ll let you go now- good luck with your appointment!” You wave at the cement-man as he enters his car, but right before he closes the door, you suddenly remember something as you light up. “Oh! I had one more question?”

He looks up at you as he keeps his door open.

“Do you know anyone that likes cats?”

The question is an odd one, and his cemented eyebrows raise in surprise, but you don’t really have a proper explanation. Ishiyama thinks about it, and then he says, “the only person I know who actively likes cats is Aizawa.”

It’s your turn to be surprised. Really? You had no idea.

“Huh,” you say aloud. “Well- anyway, thanks a lot for your input! I’ll see you tomorrow!”

You wave off Ishiyama as he drives off, and once he’s gone, you pull out the sticky note still in your pocket. Aizawa likes cats, huh…? He might have been the person who looked over your paper, then, and he probably moved you over to the couch when you fell asleep at your desk.

The thought makes your chest warm. That was certainly nice of him, if that’s the case. But- ah!

The school bell rings, and you jolt into action. If you’re not quick, you’re going to miss your train home!


Your phone had died on the train ride home.

It was tragic, honestly, because that meant you didn’t have anything to distract yourself with as you swayed in the crowded cart during your long ride home. No music, no texts, no articles… you busted yourself by reading the ads on the ceiling of the train, but there was only so much to read, honestly.

By the time you got home, you quickly plugged in your phone and started to make yourself some dinner. It wasn’t until after your dinner, which was just some quick and easy curry and rice from a package, that you were able to look at your phone again.

There’s several text messages waiting for you.

Some of them are from Yamada, and then there’s a few from a client of yours. But there’s an odd contact among them that you never saw in your messages.

Who knew Shouta actually texted people? He seems like the call-only type.

You click on his messages first. There’s three of them, all sent at different times during the day.

Shouta (7:43am): Thank you for the drinks. Glad to hear your work is going well.

You wonder who told him, but you figure it was probably Yamada.

Shouta (1:30pm): If you keep sleeping during work hours, you’re going to want to get a sleeping bag.

So it was him who was in your office! You should have known he’d be a cocky bastard about it, too.

Shouta (4:10pm): Bakugo only yelled five times today?

The last one was kind of funny. Without thinking, you reply back to him.

You (6:45pm): Thanks for the sleeping bag idea, but I’ll pass for now. It was sweet of you to move me to the couch, but next time you’ll need to wake me up instead!

You (6:45pm): Did you see Bakugo go anywhere after class?

Surprisingly, you don’t have to wait at all for his reply.

Shouta (6:45pm): You looked like you needed it.

Shouta (6:46pm): He didn’t go to his dorm, but he stayed on campus. Why?

Hmm. You wiggle on your bed, plugging your phone out of its charger so you can relax in a comfortable position as your fingers tap on the screen.

You (6:47pm): I guess if anyone’s a good judge of someone’s need for sleep, it’s Mr.Baggy Eyes, huh? Go figure

You (6:47pm): also, that’s confidential. But I think he deserves a lollipop at this point. Bakugo cares a lot more than he likes to show, but the fact he’s actually thinking about our session and considering some new methods says a lot about his character. Thanks for telling me.

Shouta doesn’t say anything after that, at least not right away, so you move on and look at your other messages. Yamada’s are a bunch of absurd internet pictures, so nothing too important, and your other client who texted you is asking for a reschedule.

It takes a bit of back and forth with your client until you eventually decide on a new date where both of you have time- thankfully, it didn’t require you taking time out of your weekend more than you already have. By the time you’re done, you have one new message from Shouta.

Shouta (6:56pm): You’re right about that. Bakugo is difficult, but with some help, he’ll be able to do a lot for society. Hopefully you’ll be around enough to see him change. His trust doesn’t come easy.

The words make a heavy feeling in your stomach drop. Without meaning to, Shouta has stabbed you in the gut with guilt, and you’re feeling even more about your decision to leave U.A.

How could you leave, really? The students need you- but so do your clients.

Stress builds up in your shoulders again, and staring down at Shouta’s message, your head swarms with bad thoughts.

Anxiety and discomfort rolls over you in waves.

And you don’t really have anyone to confide in. Part of you feels like talking to Shouta- but you’re not really that close to each other yet. You doubt he wants to hear your complaints about work.

Shouldn’t you be grateful for your opportunity?

You blink as you barely make a reply, and then you toss your phone to the side once you turn it off. Your eyes look at the ceiling of your room, and despite the exhaustion deep in your bones, you’re suddenly wide awake.

You feel like you won’t be going to sleep tonight, as much as you would like to.

You (7:08pm): You’re right. I’ll try my best.


Coming into work the next morning is dreadful. The only thing keeping you awake and mildly aware of your surroundings is the caffeine that’s running through you- you’ve drank so much coffee and energy drinks that you wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a part of your bloodstream at this point. You look like a mess, but there’s work to be done.

It’s Friday, which is usually nice, because Saturday is your only day off. But you sacrificed your Saturday for a session tomorrow, so there’s no promise of a break for you for at least another week.

Overnight, due to your lack of sleep, you thought of three other ideas for after-school activities the students might like, and you sent all of them over to Nezu once the sun began to rise and you decided it was an appropriate hour to message him. He hasn’t gotten back to you yet, but that’s unsurprising.

With nothing else to do, you got on the train early enough that it’s not even that crowded. You still can’t find a seat, but that’s fine. You’re afraid if you sit down and relax for more than a moment, you might fall apart.

Hence why you’re heading to work several hours early. Hopefully you’ll be able to pull yourself together before work starts.

You stumble a bit each time the cart shakes when it comes to a stop, but eventually you get off and walk to U.A. It’s practically empty, which is also unsurprising, but the doors are open for you, so that’s good. You were a bit worried it might all be locked down.

As you head to your office, it’s eerily quiet in the building. Beside the sound of your shoes tapping on the floor, there’s nothing. It’s a bit unsettling.

Maybe that’s just because you haven’t slept at all recently and your anxiety is through the roof at the moment. Who knows? Regardless, you make it to your office with no issues. But when you open the- unlocked- door, you jump.

And then you slam the door shut with a surprised scream.

“Oh my god!” You yell at the door, and you can hear the people scrambling from inside your office. “What’re you doing?! On my couch?!

Kayama speaks up, her voice just a lilt higher than it usually is. “Would you believe me if I said it was nothing??”

“No! No I wouldn’t!” You yell back, and you rub your eyes with the heel of your palms. “I will never be able to wash my eyes from what I just saw, Jesus-“

“We’re sorry!! You’re really early!”

“Do you always do this shit on my couch?! I have students sit on that thing- oh my GOD, I was laying on it yesterday!”

No- we swear-“

And then suddenly, as if from nowhere, Shouta is coming from around the corner with his face twisted up in confusion. “What’s going on?” He asks as he walks up to you, and you gesture angrily toward your closed door.

“Yamada and Kayama were fucking on my couch!”

“No we weren’t!!” Yamada’s screechy, way too loud voice denies.

“Yeah, tell me that again as if you’re not scrambling to put clothes on right now.” You huff, and Shouta’s eyebrows have successfully disappeared beyond his hairline. “Did you have any idea about this?” You look toward him, a hateful look in your eye- but he quickly shakes his head.

“I just got here. I was actually- well.” He looks toward your office. “I was going to nap.”

“ Lord - does everyone use my office as they so please? Do the keys I own mean nothing?”

Yamada wails, “we’re sorry- “

“Shut! Shut it!” You snap.

This is the worst. You have had no sleep, no food. You’re overworked and stressed enough as is- this was just the last straw.

“Clean up my office. Get rid of all your ridiculous germs- the door, my desk, the couch- anywhere the two of you touched needs to be squeaky clean or else.”

You’ve never been the type to really get mad, especially at your friends. Especially at friends who you haven’t even been friends with for less than a year. You try to keep your cool. This was just… bad timing.

“Yes, right. We promise,” Kayama says from beyond the door.

“And you-“ you point at Shouta, who is more than a bit surprised at your tone, and his face shows it. “You haven’t had sex in my office, have you?”


“Good.” You let out a frustrated breath. “Then you’re invited to get breakfast with me so I can cool down while those two put themselves together.”

He doesn’t really need much more convincing. He’s already walking by your side as you turn around, walking much faster than you normally do as you head for the front doors.

Shouta walks a bit faster and opens the door for you, too, which you barely mumble a thanks for.

It’s quiet as you walk down the sidewalk in the early morning, but eventually Shouta speaks up, keeping up with your pace easily. “Do you know where you’re going?”

You stop in your tracks.

“No.” You bite your lip as you frown, and you truthfully can’t even look at him. Instead, you keep your eyes on the ground, at the pebbles on the ground. “Do you know anywhere to go?”

“…Yeah. Follow me,” his voice is surprisingly soft as he reaches forward and nudges your arm his direction, and you both turn around as he takes the lead. You don’t walk for long, crossing a few streets and making a few turns, until you’re at the same place that Shouta brought you to last time.

The familiarity as you enter the restaurant makes you relax just a little bit.

“So,” Shouta starts once the two of you sit at a booth. A waiter handed you both a menu, but you haven’t opened it yet. “You’re not usually so tense.”

Shouta doesn’t make meaningless observations, you know that much about him. He’s inviting you to talk about why you’re acting strangely, and you’re tired enough that you take the bait.

You vent. You vent and vent and vent about everything you’ve been feeling lately- stressed from two jobs, guilty for having to leave, not wanting to leave, tired, upset you have to give up your free time, upset you can’t talk to anybody about your feelings, anxious that you’re not good enough- all of it.

You’re a therapist, so you know how important it is to communicate your feelings, but you haven’t been doing it for yourself. You should know better, but it’s hard. You tell all of that to him too, even though he didn’t ask for any of it.

He gave you an opportunity to speak, so you did. All of it.

And by the time you’re done, your food (which you don’t even remember ordering, so Shouta must have done it when you were busy ranting) is sitting hot in front of you and ready to be eaten. You feel like a hot pile of blubber by the time you’re done, releasing a big sigh full of all the ghosts that have haunted you the past few days. And then you stab your fork into your food, and it feels oddly gratifying.


Shouta just barely moves his head as he closes his eyes- a fairly weak version of shaking his head as a way to deny your apology. “I’d be on my last wire if I saw Nemuri and Hizashi fucking, too.”

Despite yourself, you snort.

“I know you haven’t worked at U.A for long, but if you wanted to ask for a day off, I think Nezu would be willing.” You barely open your mouth before he’s already shutting down your argument, “you want to help the students, and I understand that. But how much are you going to help them in this state? You can’t do anything if you’re doubting yourself and you’re sleep deprived on top of it all.”

Brutally honest, but they’re words you needed to hear. You sink into your seat and nibble on your food instead of arguing with him, which Shouta snorts amusedly at as he eats his food too.

Once again, he pays for the meal, but you don’t really try to argue about that, either. You appreciate how considerate he’s being right now.

“You’re right, and you know it too, so I don’t really have to say it. But you’re right.” Shouta smiles as you play with your fork, food now finished. “I haven’t had a day off in so long, I guess I forgot they existed. I don’t even know what I’d do, besides sleeping a lot.”

“Sleeping is always nice,” He comments and you roll your eyes, because of course he’d say that.

“What do you do on your days off?” Shouta gives you a look and you click your tongue. “Right.” Sleeping.

“Could always go out of town. Have a day trip.”

“I suppose, but I’m not really sure where I’d go,” you hum thoughtfully. “I’m not really sure what I even like to do… I know I like spending time with you. But I guess you have even less time than I do to really go anywhere, huh?”

You’re too out of it to really think about what you just admitted, and you’re looking out the window so you don’t see how Shouta’s face shifts at your little confession. “If you’re fine with me being on patrol, we could go somewhere. That’s probably the best I can do.”

And you’re also not aware of how foreign it feels for him to offer his time up like that for another person. You really have no idea- you just smile at him and light up. “Yeah, that’d be fine! Just having a day out, walking around and all that sounds nice. Aw man, it’s kind of exciting now,” you laugh, your eyes squeezing shut as your nose scrunches up.

Shouta discreetly looks away.

“I’m not very exciting, but whatever you say.”

“Well, that’s true,” ow, “you’re relaxing. And I think I need to relax more than I need excitement, really.” Oh.

He just hums in response.

“Well, anyway. Thanks a lot for letting me say all that. It was really nice of you,” you move the subject along, rummaging through your things until you find your phone and click it on. “It’s still awhile until class starts, but we should head back and check on the two love birds.”

“Hopefully they’re decent by now.” Shouta rolls his eyes, scooting out of the booth with you, and with the food already paid for, you both walk out of the diner together.

“I really can’t believe those two to begin with. Did you have any idea they were together?” You look up at him as you walk.

“Honestly? No. And that’s on purpose. I don’t want to know.”

You laugh. “That’s fair.”

Shouta hums again in response, and the two of you chat some more as you head back to U.A together. It’s nice that you can feel a bit lighter than before, now.

But it’s notfair. It’s not fair that now you’re feeling better, a bit more energized than before, you completely miss the way that Shouta looks at you. The way he’s beenlooking at you ever since you were exploding with anger at his two best friends.

A look that’s a bit too akin to attraction.

Bridal Dress Fantasy (Kirishima x reader) *Smut*


18+ only, minors do not interact

Summary: Kiri has a wedding dress kink

Words. 560 

Warnings: Smut, 18+ stuff

A/N: sorry this is really badly written. I just needed to get to idea out of my head before i exploded. Also characters are all aged up in this fic


Kirishima Ejiro’s partner recently got into the show ‘Say yes to the dress’. Of course, they would drag him to watch the show together. He didn’t mind watching it with you, however, lately, he has been a little bit apprehensive about watching it. It wasn’t because it was considered a chick show or shows like this would ruin his manly man image. In fact, he really liked the show and most of his friends were aware of it.

He was apprehensive because lately, he has been turned on by the idea of you wearing a bridal gown. His newest fantasy is to be to consummate the marriage with you still wearing the dress. He doesn’t why this idea turns him on but it just does.

Looking at all the dresses Randy has pulled out, he can’t help but think which dress would be the best to fuck you in.

If you wore a fit and flare or a mermaid, he would have to put aside the idea of being able to fuck you in the dress. You two would possibly have to strip off the dress to be able to have sex. Although this dress type would definitely compliment your ass.

If you wore a ballgown, he would be able to give you oral sex. he would get under the dress and he’d be able to lick/suck your intimate part until your sweet juices flood out. But he’s pretty sure intercourse would be a little bit hard as most ballgowns are huge or require the bride to wear a hoop. He doesn’t want the tule to get in the way of your face while he has you in a mating press.

Deep down he kinda wants you to wear an a-line, empire or sheath as he believes that those are the ultimate dresses that could fulfil his fantasy. He’d be able to take you in all sorts of positions and have his face in between your legs. In his fantasy, he wants to give you the most mind-blowing oral. He doesn’t mind the idea of getting under the dress or having you bunch up the skirt when he goes down on you. All that matters is being able to lick/suck you until your nectar spurt out.

The first position he wants to have you in is a mating press, he wants to be able to cum deep into you while looking at your delicate face twist in pleasure. He hopes that by the first round some parts of your dress would be sullied by his cum.

 Just because you have already consummated your marriage, the sex doesn’t stop there. He would definitely want you to ride him. While you ride him, he would tell you how the dress compliments you. If you ever start slowing down, he’ll thrust up into you.

He’ll take you in all sorts of positions and wouldn’t stop until the sun rises. By the end, your holes should be oozing with his cum. You should be practically shaking like leaves due to the overstimulation. To top it off, you and your dress should be covered in it as well.

He wants to fulfil this fantasy, not only the fantasy of fucking (y/n) in a wedding dress but to also fuck (y/n) as their husband. Of course, this gives him the idea to propose. Maybe he would get to fulfil his fantasy sooner than later
