#my pace


This is vocabulary from “My Pace” by Stray Kids. All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

가득 - full; filled

갈림길 - crossroads; forked road

결승선 - finish line

계속- unceasingly

고르다 - to choose

고민 - worry

괜찮다 - to be fine

그냥 - just

급하다 - to be urgent

- others

내리다 - to unload; to leave

다르다 - to be different

달리다 - to run

닮다- to resemble

돌아보다 - to look back

뒤처지다 - to fall behind

따르다 - to follow

먼저 - first

멀리- far away

모르다 - to not know

목적지- destination

- half

부럽다 - to be jealous; to be envious

불안감 - anxiety

비교 - comparison

비교하다 - to compare

비다 - to be empty

선택 - choice

앞서가다 - to go ahead

연속 - continuation; cycle

욕심 - greed

우습다 - to be funny

의미 없다 - to be meaningless

인정하다 - to acknowledge; to admit

일단 - first; for the time being

잊다 - to forget

자꾸 - repeatedly

잘나다 - to be good; to be distinguished

- him; that person

조급하다 - to be hasty

조르다 - to pester; to bother

지금 - now

천천히 - slowly

쳐다보다 - to look

필요 없다 - to be unnecessary

하나씩 - one by one

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