

An observation -  looking back, Matsui had shown that Kayano had potential at acting:


Looking further back, Nagisa’s acting skills also aren’t half-bad:


Interestingly enough, Kayano and Nagisa have both had 3 acting “missions” throughout the story.

And the kicker is, 2 of them were paired acts:


You know what would be really nice? One more acting mission with the both of them before the story’s end, this time with both of them at full potential.


Can anyone translate this comic?


Not quite a translation, but here’s a brief summary of this comic.

Keep in mind this was written after Chapter 132 but before Chapter 133 was published, and that this is ultimately a fan comic.

Contains Spoilers

Page 1 - 3:

Ever since the battle, whether it’s just a simple greeting or asking for help during lesson time, Kayano has been avoiding eye contact with Nagisa. The last bit is him asking if they want to go home together, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

Sugino and Karma remind Nagisa how intense that kiss was, and how Kayano has every right to be embarrassed.

Sugino gives Nagisa the idea of fishing Kayano out with pudding. To his disbelief, “I actually caught something!!”

Ultimately, Nagisa decides to chase after Kayano, because there is still something he needs to find out from her.

Page 4 - 6:

Before she knew it, she ran all the way to the rear mountain. She remarks that she has gotten weak without her tentacles.
Seeing that Nagisa followed her, she does her best not to make a sound. At such a time, she thinks that being small and having green hair is a good thing (ie useful for hiding/camouflaging).

Her thoughts turn to how she failed at revenge, and she doesn’t have her tentacles anymore.
“I couldn’t kill him with my own hands. Sister … I’m sorry”
She’s about to cry, and she doesn’t want anyone to see her like this.

Page 7 - 10:

“Especially not Nagisa …”
“Found you”

“Hey, why are you crying Kayano!? Did that (incident) make you this unhap-”
“No. Not that… I was just thinking about my sister”

“I’m sorry, Kayano … even though I only wanted to help you, the fact that I did that so suddenly …”
“Akari” “Huh?”

“Look at me. Call me Akari.
Just now, what I said about how I didn’t care about this or that, it was a lie …
It’s because it’s Nagisa that I’m very happy, I’m grateful that you saved me.
Ah!! This isn’t an act, really!”

“ … A … Aka … ri …”

“Nuruhuhuhu” Just then, they notice ‘I am a tree’ Korosensei. Understandably, they proceed to kill him.
“But Sensei really wanted to see his students make out!!”  

“This teacher sure is sleazy!”

Well they couldn’t kill him again this time. “But we still have until March to kill him. Let’s take revenge together.”

Mach 20 Scans’ translation of Chapter 132 used “I’ll never accept it” and “I refuse to believe”. While this is adequate in terms of storytelling, it actually has a lot less impact than the actual line.

Simply put, Nagisa was supposed to sound considerably more forward.

Contains spoilers


This is what the raw text says:

言わせないよ茅野 全部演技だったなんて
E組での思い出 皆で楽しく過ごした事 復讐しか頭に無かったなんて…僕が言わせない

The key is the phrase 言わせない

  • 言う (iu) means “to say”
  • 言わせる (iwaseru) is the causative form of the verb, which can mean “let/allow to say”
  • And 言わせない (iwasenai) is the negative form of the above, meaning “not let/allow to say”

So a better translation of Nagisa’s line is:

You don’t get to say it, Kayano, that it was all an act
All of our Class E memories… all the good times we had with everyone… that nothing but revenge was on your mind… I won’t let you say it


There’s a reason why a number of 132-related artwork on Pixiv are titled 僕が言わせない (“I won’t let you say it”). Because Nagisa was just, that, manly.

Seriously, who would’ve thought our short, little, pigtailed assassin could be so bold.

As many of you may know by now, Korotan D has just released in Japan, with the light novel segments

As many of you may know by now, Korotan D has just released in Japan, with the light novel segments set at the end of the high school age for the former Class E kids. It is considered canon.

Shueisha’s J-Books website included some samples of the English Reference book, and as a treat, I’ve translated one of them. 

Hopefully I got most of it right. Also, given the spacing, it’s possible that there may be more lines in-between in the real deal.


Immersed in her memories, someone is shouting out a name. One by which she was addressed as back when she was in Class E.

…no good, she’s so immersed that she can even hear the voice. Furthermore, of all things, it’s the voice that she wanted to hear the most…

She gets up from her chair and shakes her head (ie in denial).


This time she heard the voice clearly. Turning around to its direction, a familiar face is there. It’s Nagisa.

“Nagisa!?” She yelled without thinking.

As she rushes over to him, she sees that it’s not just him, but the faces of everyone else from Class E all lined up with Karma in front.

“Wha, why is everyone here!?”

“Ahaha,” laughed Nagisa. That answer was too ambiguous, so Karma explains the situation in his place with a mischievous smile.

“It’s really just a coincidence~. The destination for our graduation trip just happens to be the same as your film location~”

Shoutouts to @blazardragon@irraydiance@greengargouille@kaoarika
Thank you all for the delicious, delicious intel on Korotan D. It looks awesome!

In fact, with the main Assassination Classroom Baidu Board outlawed by the administrators (likely permanently, most likely on account of it assessed as “promoting dangerous thinking” by central government), if it weren’t for you guys, I probably wouldn’t even be aware of this wonder!

I really need to get to finishing my summaries of Korotan C. Aiming to get the next part out before Itona’s Profile.

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so…life kind of hit me the last third of Inktober, but that’s okay because I got really motiv

so…life kind of hit me the last third of Inktober, but that’s okay because I got really motivated to get back up and draw thanks to Inktober, and now I’m working on other projects! It is a nice feeling~

A present for my dear friend ShadowTale:3

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