#nct fanart


“and I watch as the sun sets on my shining youth~”

this one is from a couple of weeks ago now but inspired by the Dreamies album! I adore it (and am hopefully getting a mark jewel case soon )

Wake up samurai, we have a city to burn!

This time we had a theme focused on warriors such as modern soldiers, something in cyberpunk style. Those who know me well know that I freaking love anything cyberpunk related. So there there- Jungwoo with the Arasaka thermal katana!

Total drawing time is 9h 45m

Can’t believe it’s been already a year since your last b day! Happy birthday my dear Seyma ♥️♥️♥️ hope you’ll have a great year ahead of you filled with love n joy! I secretly hope you’re shooketh to the very core of your existence that you see Mork Lee as your b day gift I tried my best to serve him justice and to make him perfect for you. You ll probably see this when you wake up so good morning my b day girl, love you to the moon and back! ♥️♥️♥️

Trouble, trouble like a miscode

It’s a state of emergency

It’s a bu-buffering

I’m on that glitch mode

A glitch mode Haechan for @domimi99 who had her b day recently. Happy b day once again ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍love you as much as you love Haechan! But you already know that haha.

The struggle to draw and finish anything was real but I’m glad how it turned out! Hope you will like it too.

I ll try to draw more often if there’s energy left in my body haha.

Guess the drawing time!

My heart when you touch
I shiver in thrill

I love you and love you
I want to hurt even more desparately in this destiny

Happy b day to mr hot ass Johnny

This was a part of Johnny’s universe collab on Instagram hosted by my friend domimi99

TEN LEE 2022

✨⏳I don’t believe in time, tell ‘em the reason why

Resonance and empathy, infinite in design.✨⏳

Finally it’s time to reveal my very first drawing of this year. I guess you all knew it would turn out to be the one and only mr Ten Lee. This one took me around 9 to 10 hours to finish tho the time was distributed through several days. Despite my issues with my back/arm/shoulder blade I m very happy that I’m still able to draw to some extent. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you’re doing all well in 2022♥️♥️♥️

If you want to see the time lapse of this insanity let me know!

Doodling jaehyun

Taeyong wallpaper!!I’m taking commissions on ig! Let me know if u want one! <3

Taeyong wallpaper!!

I’m taking commissions on ig! Let me know if u want one! <3

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