#nct donghyuck


Sibling Mark and Haechan!


A/N: haha, don’t worry, I love siblings texts as wellhope you enjoyed!


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[3:38 pm]

haechan is sitting on the couch in the dressing room when you enter. you decided to surprise him before a show, having not seen him for quite a while due to quarantine. you rush over to where he is sitting, and when his eyes land on you, he gasps and opens his arms wide.

“hihaechan,” you giggle as he eagerly pulls you into his lap. you play with his hair as he he cranes his neck up to look at you.

“i missed you so much,” he pouts and you kiss him. he buries his face into the warmth of your chest as he continues to hold you. “you smell nice.”

his grip on you is so tight you can’t help but beam at the fact he has been so eager to see you.


pairing: brother’s best friend!haechan x f!reader

genre: brother’s best friend au, neighbors au, one-sided enemies to lovers, fluff

warnings: gentleman haechan, best brother jaemin, swearing, some flirting/teasing, mentions of renjun, one mention of mark and jeno, there’s probably more but idk


a/n: for my favorite kylie replica and yy stalker @yyx2 *insert pleading eyes emoji* ily lots u evil little monster that u are <3

synopsis: hyuck is your brother’s best friend since your family moved next to his house when you were little kids. however, as much as your brother wants you to get along with his friends, you just can’t seem to stand his closest friend, the oh so confident and popular haechan. but when you get stood up on a date with no money left and rain pouring from the sky, haechan seems to be the only option left.

your brother has always been very protective of you. his big-brother act started in middle school when one of his classmates pushed you to the floor as you were watching jaemin score. he immediately let go of the soccer ball and ran towards you, his victory long forgotten. you still remember clearly how the mean boy fell to the ground after your brother landed his first ever punch. you had never been prouder of having him as your older brother, even if he looked ridiculous washing the dishes as punishment. 

over the years, jaemin grew even more protective, only trusting his friends around you and scaring all the boys away. most of the time, it would end with you scolding him for doing so, your brother trying to defend himself and your mother calling you for dinner to stop your guys’ bickering. when you look back at it, you know you can never stay mad at jaemin for too long. 

when he first introduced you to his friend group, you were nervous. obviously, meeting a bunch of tall teens is intimidating. but as they made lots of efforts to include you and be as nice as possible to you, you soon felt at ease around them. 

well, not around allof them.

hyuck, also known around school as haechan, has been your brother’s best friend since your family moved in next to his when you were little kids. the two of them immediately bonded and soon became the little troublemakers of the neighborhood, with haechan leading the way. 

it’s been more than ten years but the two are still as inseparable as before. only difference is that your brother has given you a permanent spot, turning the duo into a trio to accommodate you.

you wished that you and haechan could get along, you really did. but it’s just impossible, and you have given up on trying to explain as to why to your brother. how can you ever appreciate someone, that in your eyes, is someone so self-indulgent and self-centered that you could throw up from the thought only? 

you know that it upsets jaemin, knowing that his little sister, the most important person in his life, and his best friend, the second most important person, don’t get along. you feel bad, that’s for sure, but faking liking haechan is not going to work. 

you wonder how other people do it. do they see haechan in a different light? in a different way than you do? 

even if you have explained numerous times to jaemin why you aren’t fond of haechan at all, he just doesn’t seem to want to accept it. you understand him, you would be confused too if you were him. because haechan is actually loved by many, may it be classmates or neighbors. 

people seem to love haechan and it infuriates you. not because he doesn’t deserve it but because you wished you liked him too. 

maybe that’s why you’ve decided to make some effort, to try and get to know him better in an attempt to befriend him. you really wished life was simpler. 

hating haechan hasn’t always been easy. you yourself hated it. 

the hatred you hold for him started a few years back after middle school. high school arrived and haechan grew a lot. the latter changed his hair and even his style. you never knew why he did it but suddenly your brother followed, buying the same brand of shoes as his best friend. in less than a few weeks after the summer holidays, jaemin and his friend group were named the cool kids. lucky you for being the little sister of one of the members. 

it felt weird. the sudden change made you feel uneasy. that was probably why you never bothered to even think nicely of haechan, because in your eyes, he had changed your brother.

it wasn’t even long before you realized that even though jaemin had physically changed, he was still your brother, the one who teased you for hours on about a bad grade but comforted you when he went a little too far and made you tear up. you realize now how stupid it is to hate someone for something that wasn’t even their fault. 

but you were a stubborn child and thus, continued to hate haechan. 

highschool was difficult for you. you had a hard time making friends and when you did, many of them let you go when they realized you wouldn’t be helpful in getting closer to your brother. what’s more, people didn’t like you for not liking haechan. 

they never really tried to understand you or hear you out. you’ve lost many friends because of this. 

but surprisingly, haechan never let you go or walked away. he always stayed, even if your death stares made him uncomfortable. you know you should thank him for that but your pride never lets you do so. 

if you were really honest, you had hoped haechan had given up. because not only is the boy nice to you despite knowing of your hatred towards him, he also tries to make you like him. 

he was the one who held your hand minutes before you had to take a huge exam, he was the one who rushed to your side when you broke your leg at volleyball practice and your brother was in class but most importantly, he’s the one your brother trusts the most in taking care of you when he’s not around. 

upon entering university, you had asked your brother for a bit more space and freedom. you loved him to death but you knew that if he continued treating you like a child, you would never be able to become more independent. 

so, even if he didn’t like it, he agreed with a forced smile. 

jaemin had kept his promise and for the first time since you were born, you were able to accept someone’s date request. you shared a few classes with the boy in question and were pretty excited that he had asked you out. 

jaemin was pretty relieved to see you walking around the house with a smile and sparkly eyes, giggling in excitement.

when the day of your rendez-vous finally arrived, jaemin dropped you off at the diner your date had requested to meet before speeding off to an important class of his. the diner, which had a lovely atmosphere to it, was almost empty. it was in the middle of the day so most people were busy with school or work, unlike you who had a free afternoon that day. 

nervously, you glanced at your phone. you had agreed to meet at three pm and you were exactly two minutes early.

the first ten minutes, you kept looking at your phone in hopes to find a message of your date stating that he would be late but nothing. after another ten minutes, you decided to wait inside and order something to drink, looking around for a few seconds before sitting at one of the booths next to the window and close to the door. 

fifteen minutes passed and you finished your drink, the empty glass now sitting sadly on the table. it was a great drink by the way, worth the price. 

when the clock hits four pm, you had finally convinced yourself that your date wouldn’t show up. it hurt but it was the harsh truth. 

without losing another second, you called jaemin. 

and when he did finally pick up after the third ring, your shaky voice surprised him. 

“nana, can you please pick me up?” 

you almost never call jaemin by the nickname haechan gave him, but when you do, it’s either because you want something from him or there’s something wrong and he’s pretty sure that right now, it’s not the first option. 

you can hear him sigh through the phone and you imagine him rubbing his head and closing his eyes in frustration, already preparing yourself for what he has to say. 

“i am so sorry yn, but i can’t leave right now.” jaemin sounds so apologetic and guilt starts to creep up as you can make out a voice in the background that ushers jaemin to hurry up. before you can hang up, he speaks up again, “listen, don’t worry okay? i will call someone to pick you up, trust me.” 

you nod before realizing that he can’t see you, clearing your throat “thank you nana.” 

with a quick hum and goodbye, he hangs up and you slowly lower your phone, stuffing your hands in your pocket while you wait patiently in the cold. 

when you see a couple enter the dinner behind you, the two of them giggling and holding onto each other, you understand why you longed for love all these years. but as your eyes catches sight of the kids running out of the nearby school and your ears ring due to the bell, indicating that it’s four thirty pm, you also understand why your brother wasn’t fond of letting you go on a date with your classmate. 

you should have probably listened to his friend renjun’s warnings. renjun used to be part of the newspaper club in highschool and was known around multiple schools because of his connections. when your brother had invited his friends over not even two weeks ago, the younger man had mentioned your date’s habit of fooling girls when he was in highschool. you didn’t think it was still a habit of his. 

you groan in frustration, you should have really taken all his warnings seriously. 

deep down, you know that not even your brother could have changed your mind. you’re known to be stubborn and you wanted to prove him wrong, which inevitably didn’t work out now. 

looking at your feet tiredly, you let out a deep sigh, clearly done with today. you had preferred the guy being a total asshole during the date over being stood up, but it’s not like you can do anything against it. 

maybe you should have accepted jaemin’s proposal in setting you up with one of his friends. no, he would have tried to set you up with haechan. haechan this and haechan that –over the years, that’s the only thing you’ve heard jaemin say. like you said earlier, haechan is the person your brother trusts the most regarding you. 

which is exactly why haechan’s car is the one entering the restaurant’s parking lot and not any of jaemin’s other friends’.

you could recognize his car from miles away. it was his mom’s but when haechan graduated from highschool and finally got his driver’s license, she had proudly gifted him the keys to his now old but impeccable vehicule. if you said that haechan loved his car, that would be an understatement. 

it used to be an old crappy gray-colored thing but haechan restored it with all the money he got from his summer job during his first year of college. 

when he finally parked his precious baby in front of you, you wrapped your jacket tightly around your body. when you were about to open the door to the passenger’s seat, it inched open and haechan’s body was hunched over the console, arm stretched out to hold the door open for you. you hesitated upon seeing him this close and when he realized, he backed away, clearing his throat while one of his hands found the steering wheel.

‘step in.”

you opened the car door wider, holding onto it as to not slip due to the wet sidewalk. the warmth of haechan’s car finally hit you when you landed in your seat, the door falling close next to you. you sighed in delight, rubbing the palm of your hands against your bare thighs in an attempt to warm them up a bit. 

haechan looked at you, observing your wet hair and the way your lips trembled, body shivering. he turned around, stretching his arm out towards the backseat to retrieve a zip-up hoodie.  

he throws the clothing gently in your lap, pulling at one of its sleeves to cover the side of your left thigh more. he doesn’t spare you a glance and starts the car, the engine roaring. you look down at the hoodie in your lap, hands fiddling with the strings when you recognize the zip-up hoodie as the one you had gifted him for his 18th birthday on your mom’s request. 

it’s all worn out now. the colors have faded and you can barely make out the designs on the back and sleeves. hundred twenty bucks went into that hoodie but you faintly smile when you realize that haechan probably wore it a lot for it to be so beaten up. 

when you finally lift your head for the first time since haechan picked you up, your brows furrow at the sight of the dashboard. it used to be grey-colored, just like the outside of his car but now, it’s a black matte color, contradicting the beige leather seats in a fashionable way. you lean forward a bit, brushing your hand over the dashboard in front of you when haechan speaks up. 

“i changed it a few months ago. the grey just wasn’t doing it anymore.” 

you nod, sitting back in your seat comfortably. the last time you had seen haechan’s car was when he dropped your brother off after a party last summer. the only thing you had told him when he helped you drag jaemin up to his room was that he should change the dashboard color, as it didn’t match with the new red exterior of his car. you could think he took your suggestion seriously. 

it was silent for most of the ride, the music from his spotify playlist making it slightly less awkward. you could see by the way his fingers tapped against the steering wheel that he wanted to say something but he kept his mouth shut, tongue wetting his dry lips. 

the rain only started pouring more and more, aggressively hitting the windshield. 

when one of your favorite songs came on, you hesitated a few seconds before reaching your hand out to increase the volume. you didn’t expect haechan to have the same idea as you.  

his hand bumped against yours and he quickly backed away as if the feeling of your skin against his had burned him. it stung a bit, that’s for sure, but you found it even sadder that he had to act like that because of your past behavior and actions. 

he opened his mouth to apologize but you interrupted him, “it’s okay. i’m sorry, i should have asked first.” 

he looked at you when you spoke before concentrating on the road in front of him, clearing his throat and nodding slowly. 

it was dead silent once again. why did the diner have to be so goddam far away. 

haechan clears his throat again and you remember he does that often when he’s nervous. he wipes his hand on his thigh, rubbing his palm on the soft material of his sweatpants. with a deep breath, you divert your eyes and focus on the road. haechan is wearing grey sweatpants for god’s sake.

he takes a turn left and suddenly lowers the volume of the radio, “so, is everything okay?”. you look him in the eyes quickly, surprised at his question. he can sense your confusion and continues, “i heard that you got stood up.” 

well, that surely was very direct. 

you don’t know why but your eyes fill with tears. you got stood up, that’s nothing new but someone else saying it hurts you much more than when you did. maybe it’s the fact that you had to wait alone for more than an hour, maybe it’s the fact that you were really excited for today or maybe it’s the way haechan says it, but it finally dawns on you. 

you got stood up. on your first ever date too!

you let out a loud whimper at the realization, covering your mouth with your hand as you burst into tears. you cry in front of someone who isn’t your mom or jaemin and the thought makes you feel even more pathetic as you sob louder than the rain. 

haechan is terrified. it’s not the first time a girl cried in front of him, he has a younger sister and he was and still is quite popular in school. but it is the first time he’s ever seen you cry. the saddest he’s ever seen you was when you had to stop playing volleyball due to your leg injury but even then you didn’t cry. 

he has absolutely no idea what he needs to do. he can’t call jaemin because the latter is busy with school and he doesn’t know how to comfort you without making you uncomfortable. his mom had always told him to be nice to you and do his best to take care of you with jaemin but never in a million years had she told him what he should do when your best friend’s little sister is crying her eyes out in your car. 

with wide eyes and hurried movements he drives to the nearest parking lot. he turns his body towards you once he’s parked and he swears under his breath. his mom –and jaemin– would never forgive him if he just let you like this. he closes his eyes for a maximum of two seconds and he can already hear his mom –accompanied by his dear best friend– yell obscenities at him for leaving you like this. 

no way he can drop you off at home with teary and puffy eyes and a red nose from crying.

without thinking, haechan unbuckles his seatbelt and throws the door open, getting a free shower the moment he steps outside of his car. he rushes to your side of the car, almost slipping due to the slippery ground, before grabbing the door handle and throwing it open too. 

haechan wastes no time in taking your wrists in his hands, pulling you up and out of your seat. everything goes too fast for you to acknowledge what’s happening but you whine when the rain hits your uncovered arms. 

before you can even protest, haechan wraps his arms around you, shielding you the best he can from the cold rain. 

he holds you close to his chest, one hand on the back of your head so that your face is hidden in his sweater, cheek squished against his collarbone. his other hand is gripped on your top by your side, his arm wrapped tightly around your body. 

he shushes your cries and pats your head softly, his tight embrace calming you down slowly. you close your eyes and let yourself be comforted by haechan. he sways your bodies from side to side a bit, still holding you close to his body. 

he doesn’t say anything but the comfort he provides you shocks you. he doesn’t let go of you, even when your clothes get soaked and your hair is stuck to your forehead. 

you don’t know how long you two stand there in the rain but in the end you barely even register the raindrops hitting your skin. 

it’s haechan’s shivering body that pulls you out of your reverie, teeth clattering. after letting out a deep sigh, he lets go of you but his hands find their way on your shoulders. he squeezes them softly before hugging you one more time. 

when he pulls away, he leans down to be at your height, faces inches away from each other. his hand, however, doesn’t leave your arm, thumb rubbing circles on your skin, “i’m sorry. i should have been more considerate.” 

you put your hands up quickly, trying to wipe away the leftover tears, “no, no, it’s okay! i overreacted.” you try to smile a bit but it doesn’t look sincere so you opt for looking at the ground again, hands together behind your back. 

haechan’s eyebrows furrow, “what do you mean you overreacted? you have every right to be upset. he gave you hope and then stood you up like some typical american movie’s douchebag.” 

you snort at his comment, hand covering your mouth when you see haechan’s face. 

placing his hands on his hips, he suddenly asks, once again leaning forward. “what? why are you laughing?”

you giggle once more, “it’s just–” you can’t help but let out a laugh, head tilting forward and hitting his chest softly. haechan’s eyes soften at this. “it’s just that you look really angry right now. that’s all.”

you can sense haechan freezing up beneath you and you quickly lift your head off his chest, taking a step back to get out of his personal space. you don’t see it but haechan’s cheeks turn a bright red, the tip of his ears joining too. he rubs the back of his neck with his hand, the silence suddenly very awkward. 

haechan doesn’t really know why he got so pissed but he convinces himself that it’s because you’re his best friend’s little sister. and nobody can mess with jaemin’s loved ones. 

“hey, uhm should we, you know–” haechan points at the car and you eagerly nod. in an instant, he holds the car door open and you look at him. has he always been this pretty?

you shake your head to get rid of the thought and jump in your seat. haechan closes behind you and dashes to the other side before getting inside. he hurriedly increases the heater, fiddling with all the little buttons and controls on the dashboard. before you know it, warmth spreads through the car and you let your head fall back on the headrest. 

you can hear haechan shuffling next to you but don’t bother opening your eyes until he calls you name, handing you a small white towel. you take hold of it and dry your hair the best you can with it, glancing at haechan from time to time. he’s aggressively drying his hair, rubbing his towel over his whole head and swiping it across his neck. when he’s done, he puts the towel around his neck and turns to you. 

“you okay?”

you nod, mindlessly drying your hair when he suddenly leans forward. you try to protest but haechan is faster, grabbing the zip-up hoodie that is laying on the ground and at your feet, his face almost touching your knee. he again turns to you with the clothing in hand and drapes it over your thighs, covering your lap with it like before. 

he mutters a small “here you go” and settles back in his seat, leaving you dumbfounded. when you think you have finally gotten over his recent action and the shock that came along, you can see haechan removing his soaked hoodie from the corner of your eye. 

your eyes widen and you look away, closing your eyes shut and facing the window. when you open them slowly, you can see his half-shirtless reflection in the window as he’s putting his t-shirt back on correctly. 

when jaemin said he and haechan often went to the gym, he certainly didn’t lie. 

one hand on the steering and the other one laid out on the console in between you two, haechan begins to drive, getting closer to your home with each second that passes. 

when you finally arrive at your neighborhood and you can see your house from afar, you clap your hands together in exhilaration. haechan lets out a chuckle at that before he slows down, driving towards your two houses. 

“hey,” he taps the steering wheel with his fingers, biting his lip, “why didn’t you just go on a date with any of us?” 

you keep looking in front of you as you see your two houses getting bigger and bigger the closer you get. you don’t have to think about his question a lot, he rapidly figured that the main reason why you had accepted to go on a date today was to annoy jaemin. 

“because then nana would just continue treating me like a child.” haechan smiles at the nickname, content to hear you using something he invented.”plus, i don’t think any of you would have accepted going on a date with me.” 

haechan looks offended and you stare at him as he gasps in disbelief, “you really think that?”. you don’t answer him and he continues, “you really think nobody would accept to go on a date with you?” 

you cross your arms at his tone, “well, nobody has ever shown interest in me. i would have known if someone did.” you side-eye him, huffing in annoyance.

now, haechan looks even more offended and he begins to stutter, stumbling over his words.”that is not true.” he manages to say, insisting on the ‘not’, clearly showing his disapproval. “i know someone– this guy, who, uhm who would have liked to– to go on a date with you.”

you tilt your head to ask him who but he lifts his hands in the air, “i can’t– i can’t say. that would be like breaking the, uhm, the bro code, you know?”

you huff, holding his zip-up hoodie in your hands, “if none of you can tell me, then how could i have gone on a date with him?”. you get out of the car when you realize you have been parked in front of his house for the past five minutes. 

he gets out just after you, contourning the car and walking you to your house. “well, i’m– i’m sure the guy has shown– or tried to show his, uhm, interest in you.” his answer sounds more like a question and you can’t help but let out a little chuckle. 

with the way haechan is behaving –and looking at you–, you hope he’s the guy in question. 

when you step onto the driveaway of your house, you turn to him, his hoodie now hanging on your shoulders. “who do you think would suit me huh? mark? maybe renjun or jeno?” you can see the way haechan tries to divert his eyes from you, cheeks flushing a light red when the post lamp flickers above you.

you look up at him, smiling softly, “perhaps, you?”

that quickly catches his attention, “what?”

you grab his t-shirt, holding onto the fabric tightly, “hyuck,” you never used that nickname before and it greatly shocks haechan. “are you interested in me?”

haechan is speechless. he never thought those words would come out of your mouth, ever. he can barely register what is happening, uttering a small “what?”. it’s like he lost the majority of his vocabulary. 

you repeat the question and this time haechan manages to answer. “i think– i think you’re interesting, yeah?” 

you pat his chest, ”you know that is not what i meant, but it’s okay.” 

you don’t know how you still manage to keep your knees stable because you are literally trembling from the nerves. you’re fiddling with your fingers, looking at your shoes multiple times during the conversation. you glance at your house, making sure that he doesn’t see it. you’re around ten feet away from the door so you take a few steps back, haechan following you close behind. 

you’re suddenly shy when you notice how he is leaning over you, pretty eyes looking at you and waiting for you to speak up. 

you bring a thumb up and point at the door behind you, “i should get in.”

“yeah, you should.” his answer is simple and doesn’t add anything important to the conversation but his voice is so smooth that your mind goes blank. you probably look like a fool right now. 

when haechan notices your nervous stance, his confidence comes back and he smirks, hands stuffed in his pockets. you’re about to head in, fumbling with the keys a bit before you manage to find the right one and unlock the door, but haechan has another idea. he slowly and gently grabs your wrist when you’re in the doorway and pulls you back on the doorstep. 

he’s leaning against the wall next to you, arm pressed against the door and he’s unnecessarily close to you, not that you mind. he grins down at you, “didn’t you forget something?” he arches an eyebrow and his tongue comes out to wet his lower lip. “is that how you treat someone who helped you?” 

you blush, eyes widening in embarrassment. you quickly apologize and start thanking him for the ride but he stops you again. “is that all? we both know you can do better.” 

you gulp as his eyes bore into yours. with a sharp inhale, you nod. you don’t want to let him win, he’s never going to let that down if you do. 

so with all the courage left in you, you stand on your tip-toes and kiss his cheek, taking him by surprise. your lips hover over his skin for a moment before you pull away, not without whispering a last “thank you” right next to his ear. 

he certainly didn’t expect that. 

in less than ten seconds, you’ve waved him goodbye and entered your house, shutting the door behind you with a loud thud. 

you’re bold, haechan thinks. and that definitely doesn’t help his crush on you to fade away. 

with one last look at the door, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and leaves your doorstep with a smile, walking back to the comfort of his own home. 

it’s around eight pm when jaemin finally comes back home, the older boy discarding his jacket and shoes in the entry hall, pushing his sneakers in between two pairs of yours carelessly. 

you sit up from the couch the moment you hear his footsteps, turning towards him and immediately forgetting about the show playing on the screen behind you. 

jaemin can sense you looking at him as he puts his bag down on the counter. he had been worried all day and hadn’t been able to concentrate on his class at all but when he turns to you, he’s confused. leaning back against the kitchen counter, he crosses his arms and inspects your face. you’re looking at him with puppy eyes and he doesn’t understand why, it annoys him a bit if he has to be honest. 

pointing his chin at you, he breaks the silence. “why are you looking at me like that? you want something?” 

he knows that your date didn’t show up, that was made clear by how distressed you were over call. but he doesn’t understand why you’re not surrounded by tissues and sitting on the couch with blankets and ice-cream.

when he sees you shuffling on the couch and hesitating, he grows even more curious and suspicious. gone is the annoyance as he makes his way over to you. this time, his voice is much more gentle, “did something happen with hyuck?”

you quickly shake your head and he lets out a relieved sigh. he wouldn’t want to beat up his best friend. 

“actually, i was wondering something.” your voice is small, as if you are anxious or embarrassed to tell him. he replies with a quick nod and you continue. “do you still want to set me up with one of your friends?” 

he grows quiet at your question before a large smile makes its way on his face. wow, did he hear that right? 

he hops over the couch, landing next to you and grinning from ear to ear. “why do you ask?”

you groan at his teasing, falling back onto the pile of cushions and blankets. “just answer the damn question jaemin.” 

he lifts his hands up and you smile when you realize that both he and haechan have the same gestures, probably due to all the years of being glued to each other like some blood suckers.

jaemin pushes his head into the comfortable cushion of the couch, his words coming out muffled. “one specific and very close –in every sense of the word– friend. yeah.”

your cheeks turn bright red and you hide your face in the blanket next to you, too embarrassed to look your brother in the eyes. “does the offer still stand?” you meekly ask him.

you swear you have never seen jaemin so happy in his life before. he claps his hands loudly, pumping his fist in the air and standing up from the couch with a jump. he points at you and beams, almost jumping up and down in excitement. “oh, this is my time to shine!”

you can only whine in protest when he launches towards the hallway, leaping the stairs and giggling all the way to his room. 


do not copy or steal. all content belongs to @odxrilove


pairing: brother’s best friend!haechan x f!reader

genre: brother’s best friend au, neighbors au, one-sided enemies to lovers, fluff

warnings: gentleman haechan, best brother jaemin, swearing, some flirting/teasing, mentions of renjun, one mention of mark and jeno, there’s probably more but idk

wc:5.5kfor fic, around 200 for the teaser


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a/n: hi hi everyone! it’s been a few weeks i’m very very happy to be back so to celebrate that, why not post my very first +2k word fic hehe ,, hope u enjoy <3

synopsis: hyuck is your brother’s best friend since your family moved next to his house when you were little kids. however, as much as your brother wants you to get along with his friends, you just can’t seem to stand his closest friend, the oh so confident and popular haechan. but when you get stood up on a date with no money left and rain pouring from the sky, haechan seems to be the only option left.

when the clock hits four pm, you had finally convinced yourself that your date wouldn’t show up. it hurt but it was the harsh truth. 

without losing another second, you called jaemin. 

and when he did finally pick up after the third ring, your shaky voice surprised him. 

“nana, can you please pick me up?” 

you almost never call jaemin by the nickname haechan gave him, but when you do, it’s either because you want something from him or there’s something wrong and he’s pretty sure that right now, it’s not the first option. 

you can hear him sigh through the phone and you imagine him rubbing his head and closing his eyes in frustration, already preparing yourself for what he has to say. 

“i am so sorry yn, but i can’t leave right now.” jaemin sounds so apologetic and guilt starts to creep up as you can make out a voice in the background that ushers jaemin to hurry up. before you can hang up, he speaks up again, “listen, don’t worry okay? i will call someone to pick you up, trust me.” 

permanent taglist:@0x1lovebot@itsyaapollochild@fairybinie@meraniki@blaqpinksthetic@odetoyeonjun@pockyandme@lolalee24@soobin-chois@kaimal@yjwfav@soobisms

do not copy or steal. all content belongs to @odxrilove

I’ve been obsessed with NCT and chibis lately so here’s some that I drew! I hope you like themI’ve been obsessed with NCT and chibis lately so here’s some that I drew! I hope you like themI’ve been obsessed with NCT and chibis lately so here’s some that I drew! I hope you like themI’ve been obsessed with NCT and chibis lately so here’s some that I drew! I hope you like themI’ve been obsessed with NCT and chibis lately so here’s some that I drew! I hope you like them

I’ve been obsessed with NCT and chibis lately so here’s some that I drew! I hope you like them

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pairing: brother’s best friend!haechan x f!reader

genre: brother’s best friend au, neighbors au, one-sided enemies to lovers, fluff

warnings: gentleman haechan, best brother jaemin, swearing, some flirting/teasing, mentions of renjun, one mention of mark and jeno, there’s probably more but idk

wc:5.5kfor fic, around 200 for the teaser

date:04/11 (11th may 2022) at 8pm ET / 12pm GMT

ask to be added to the taglist!

a/n: hi hi everyone! it’s been a few weeks i’m very very happy to be back so to celebrate that, why not post my very first +2k word fic hehe ,, hope u enjoy <3

synopsis: hyuck is your brother’s best friend since your family moved next to his house when you were little kids. however, as much as your brother wants you to get along with his friends, you just can’t seem to stand his closest friend, the oh so confident and popular haechan. but when you get stood up on a date with no money left and rain pouring from the sky, haechan seems to be the only option left.

when the clock hits four pm, you had finally convinced yourself that your date wouldn’t show up. it hurt but it was the harsh truth. 

without losing another second, you called jaemin. 

and when he did finally pick up after the third ring, your shaky voice surprised him. 

“nana, can you please pick me up?” 

you almost never call jaemin by the nickname haechan gave him, but when you do, it’s either because you want something from him or there’s something wrong and he’s pretty sure that right now, it’s not the first option. 

you can hear him sigh through the phone and you imagine him rubbing his head and closing his eyes in frustration, already preparing yourself for what he has to say. 

“i am so sorry yn, but i can’t leave right now.” jaemin sounds so apologetic and guilt starts to creep up as you can make out a voice in the background that ushers jaemin to hurry up. before you can hang up, he speaks up again, “listen, don’t worry okay? i will call someone to pick you up, trust me.” 

Keep reading

I’m actually excited for this omg!!!! DORI COMEBACK LETS GO!!!


a/n: WOW ive been gone for a hot min ㅠㅠ sorry guys university is just very crazy and im going to korea this september so ive been working my ass off which means i haven’t had to time to sit down and write!! but im here now after a burst of inspiration at 11pm…. this aint proofread but i hope you like it <33

wc: 506

warnings: like. one mention of s*x but none is actually involved pls its just very hot n heavy but all they do is kith

the study is a serious room for serious business, haechan’s father says.

haechan thinks having this rendezvous with you, the daughter of his father’s mortal enemy, in his study, is quite serious business indeed.

“my lady,” haechan breathes, words dripping with want, “you are quiteinconsiderate.”

his lips are a hair’s breadth from yours. you know that in this moment, if you simply leaned a little closer, you could end the constant yearning between you.

“i think,” you reply, just as silent and softly as him, “youarequite greedy.” you lean away from him, just barely hearing his slight whine of disappointment.

you take his hand, play with his fingers. he lets you. eagerly anticipating your next move. “what you need,” you begin, tracing your hand up his sleeve, “is to learn,” you sit him down at the desk, stand up, walk behind him, and grasp his shoulders, massaging them slightly, “some patience.” you whisper in his ear, while your hands move to his neck.

haechan takes a deep breath, waiting. for what, he doesn’t know.

careful to avoid his windpipe, your hands squeeze.

he makes an obscene noise, loud and wanton - for a second, before he regains himself.

you bite his earlobe. lightly, of course.

he shudders.

you coax him up again, eyes locked onto his like a predator and its willing prey.

this time, you curl your fingers in his hair, bring him in close. you expect him to complain again, but he remains silent. only the dilation of his eyes, visible in the firelight, and the glisten of his freshly licked lips against the firelight betray his desire. you stare at his lips for an achingly long time, bringing yours ever, painstakingly, closer. you brush your lips against his, and haechan’s breath hitches. you move away, and he whines once more.

“must you tease me so?” he says, almost spent.

“no.” you reply, coy. “but it’s fun,” you add, and draw him in for a real kiss this time. he almost melts in your arms, but you clutch his hair ever tighter, and he wakes up enough to inject his fervor into your veins. he leads you back towards the desk, prompting you to sit on it, and as he stands between your legs and grinds into you, haechan thinks it’d be so nice, so easy, if you so desired - so easy for him to just push aside your skirts and have his way with you.

pulling away for air is like hell on earth, and as he comes back for more, his own hands, once caressing your face, now steadily traveling south - a knock sounds on the door. you reluctantly pull apart, a string of saliva still connecting the two of you, and hurry to hide.

as you listen to haechan try and explain away the person at the door, you think to yourself on how this really was supposed to be a serious meeting. you also don’t think you can find it in yourself to really care that it wasn’t, though.

i miss mr lee donghyuck

cr if u repost or use audio thx

#nct 127    #nct dream    #haechan    #lee donghyuck    #donghyuck    #nct haechan    #nct donghyuck    #nct scenarios    #nct reactions    #nct imagines    #kpop scenarios    #kpop edit    #nct edit    #taeyong    #jaehyun    #doyoung    #johnny    #winwin    #jungwoo    #jaemin    #renjun    


#nct dream    #nct 127    #nct mark    #nct minhyung    #nct jaemin    #nct jeno    #nct jisung    #nct renjun    #nct chenle    #nct haechan    #nct donghyuck    #nct ten    #nct lucas    #nct jungwoo    #nct kun    #nct taeyong    #nct yuta    #nct johnny    #nct winwin    #nct taeil    #nct memes    #kpop memes    #nct dream memes    #nct doyoung    #nct jaehyun    

Trouble, trouble like a miscode

It’s a state of emergency

It’s a bu-buffering

I’m on that glitch mode

A glitch mode Haechan for @domimi99 who had her b day recently. Happy b day once again ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍love you as much as you love Haechan! But you already know that haha.

The struggle to draw and finish anything was real but I’m glad how it turned out! Hope you will like it too.

I ll try to draw more often if there’s energy left in my body haha.

Guess the drawing time!

haechan: my love for you is like big lots

haechan: it is big

mark: ewww

haechan: and there is lots

mark: eww

haechan: hey baby i have something to show you

mark: you hit “send” on that picture of mike wazowski and i hit “end” on our relationship

haechan: i no longer have anything to show you

Pairing: Lee Donghyuck/Haechan (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Mentions of abuse, scars

Pairing:Lee Donghyuck/Haechan (NCT) x fem!reader

Genre: Fluff/Smut

Contains: Mentions of abuse, scars, body worship, making out, hand job, marking, blow-job, dirty talk, nipple play, dry-humping

Word count: 2581


Losing yourself in Donghyuck isn’t difficult at all, really. He always stands out from the crowd, no matter what he does or how he looks like – you’re drawn to him like a moth’s drawn to the light. There’s no point in pretending that you’re not already gone over him.

“Donghyuck,” you giggle, caressing his face gently as he hovers above you, sweet smile adorning his face.

And he’s gone too, you know that already from the way he talks about you, the way he looks at you – like you’re the only one he needs. When he’s kissing you, it’s almost like you’re his oxygen, and he’s desperate to breathe. His dark eyes shine like starts in the night sky when he holds your hand, and it’s one of the most adorable things you’ve ever witnessed.

“Donghyuck,” you murmur softly, his lips slowly travelling down your neck.

His hands sweep along your skin frantically, as if afraid you’re going to push him away any moment. It doesn’t matter how many times you told him you’d never do such a thing – he always has that look on his face that tells you he thinks you’re too good to be true.

“Donghyuck,” you moan, your hands already tangled into his thick curls as his eager hands explore your body.

Even all the layers of fabric that separate your bodies can’t hide how hard he is at this point, and it delights you to know that it’s because of you.

“Let me touch you, please,” you pant out, already slipping one hand underneath his t-shirt.

His reaction’s fast yet predictable after so many attempts: he playfully pushes your hands away, almost like it’s an element of foreplay, but no, it’s not. And it’s not the first time it happened either, but usually you simply let it go because as long as he’s happy you’re happy. However, you can’t always control the hurt that overcomes your senses when his body tenses next to yours from the mere touch of your fingers.

“Donghyuck,” you say, pushing him away when he tries to kiss you again.

For some reason, he loves touching you, yet he never lets you touch him.

“Did I do something wrong?” he asks immediately with a worried expression on his face.

“Funny, I was about to ask the same thing,” you chuckle bitterly, looking up at him.

“I don’t understand,” he says, sitting up, his brows furrowed in confusion.

“Do you not like it when I touch you? Every time I try to do so, you push me away,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead with your hand.

“Of course not,” Donghyuck answers without hesitation.

“Quite the opposite, I’d say,” he adds quieter, averting his eyes bashfully as pretty blush blossoms on his cheeks.

For someone so outspoken, blunt even, he becomes adorably shy when he has to put his feelings into words. It makes them even more precious in your eyes.

“In fact, the mere brush of your fingers makes me feel like I’m a teenager again,” he chuckles hesitantly taking one of your hands into his.

“Then why won’t you let me touch you?” you repeat, a little confused by his answer.

“I want to, I really do, I just–,” he trails off, lowering his head in defeat with a sigh.

“I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to do, Hyuck. I’m just asking for an explanation because your silent rejection hurts me.”

“No, no, I don’t–,” he starts but cuts himself off almost immediately shaking his head.

He’s visibly conflicted: his eyes glued to the floor, teeth gnawing at his lower lip anxiously as he absent-mindedly caresses the back of your hand with his thumb. Finally, he takes a shaky breath and looks up at you with a determined stare.

“My body’s not an attractive one,” he starts hesitantly, long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones as he lowers his eyes bashfully.

“I never got a proper treatment, so my skin’s covered with scars. They’re everywhere, really, those jagged thick lines that make me look unsightly, and I–,” he cuts himself off again, biting on his lower lip harshly before continuing.

“You probably noticed that I don’t like to show off my skin, that I prefer to cover myself as much as possible. It’s because I don’t want people to gape at me because of them, and, well, I don’t want you to see them either.”

All those long slaved t-shirts, jackets, and oversized hoodies – all this time you thought that it’s just his style. It never crossed your mind that there’s something behind it, and it makes you feel ashamed that it never occurred to you. But now, now it all makes sense: the fact that he prefers to take a shower when none’s around, the fact that he never undressed in front of you no matter how many times you subtly hinted that you definitely wouldn’t mind that.

“Tell me Hyuck, do you really think I wouldn’t find you attractive because of that?” you ask in a serious tone, gently grabbing his chin to make him look at you.

“I–I don’t know,” he stutters out, suddenly not sure.

“But I like everything about your appearance, love,” you say matter-of-factly, causing him to make a rather dumbfounded face.

“What?” he mutters in disbelief.

“You heard me, Donghyuck. I like your pretty smile, I like how your eyes shine when you’re happy, I like to see you getting all hot and bothered around me,” you chuckle tenderly caressing his cheek with your fingertips.

“I really like you because it’s you, Hyuck. I swear to god, I like you so fucking much you probably can’t even imagine.”

“I–I really like you too,” he stutters out bashfully with the softest of smiles playing on his lips as he rubs his face into your hand.

“Besides, it doesn’t really matter how you look, I’m still going to like you in the end. I fell for your personally in the first place, your handsome face’s more like a pleasant addition,” you say jokingly, hoping to make him feel more at ease.

When you kiss him, it’s tender and careful, and it’s your turn to be afraid that you’re going to be pushed away. What a crazy feeling it is, really, when you wear your heart on your sleeve, and anxiously wait for it to be crashed.

“May I?” you ask, gently tugging at the hem of his t-shirt.

He nods slowly, more vulnerable than you’ve ever seen him being.

Slowly, oh so slowly, you pull the fabric up his chest, not looking away from his eyes even for a moment. When it reaches his shoulders, he rises his arms wordlessly, letting you take it off completely. He’s still nervous, you can tell.

“Hyuck,” you murmur carefully pressing your lips against his.

The world could have ended here and now, and neither of you’d give a single fuck.

“May I?” you ask once again, the tone of your voice even softer this time.

“Yeah,” he answers just as softly.

You move away then to take a proper look at him, and for the love of god, you have to swallow hard seeing his upper body for the first time: his neck thick yet somehow still graceful, sharp collarbones nicely emphasizing the broadness of his shoulders, muscled chest that melts into a slim waist.

The biggest scar is placed on his left breast just above the nipple, another one similar in length adorns the skin on his ribs while a few smaller ones are scattered over his lower abdomen. You can also see some jagged lines on his biceps and forearms, but not as much as on his chest. When he takes a shaky breath, the muscles of his abdomen tense, and you want to scream, really. All this time he was truly worried about your reaction, hiding his body from you in fear of being pushed away, yet here you’re being more turned on than you’ve ever been in your life. You want to touch him, you want to kiss him, you want to embrace him – you want him.

“Donghyuck,” you say in a trembling voice, desperately trying to get yourself together.

“You don’t like it, do you,” he murmurs, lowering his head in shame.

You can’t help but chuckle as you shake your head firmly.

“Oh, love, you can’t even imagine how hard it’s for me to keep my hands to myself right now. You’re so fucking gorgeous, it’s not even funny,” you sigh, raking your fingers through your hair.

He opens his mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. For a moment you’re just sitting there quietly, not looking at each other.

“What,” he finally croaks out, completely stupefied.

“I know how worried you were about my reaction, Hyuck, but, fuck, you look so good I can barely process it.”

He’s shocked by your words, but then you look up at him, and he’s taken aback even more by the pure desire that swirls in your suddenly darkened eyes – you look at him like you want to eat him up, and this time it’s him who can barely process it.

“Your body’s just so fine. If I add that fact on top of your personality, I don’t think I’ll be able to cope with how perfect you’re,” you groan rubbing your face with one of your hands.

“You think I’m perfect?”

Maybe it’s the way he says it; soft and a little unsure, maybe it’s the way he looks at you with those dark eyes of his – either way, you can’t help yourself. A surprised gasp leaves his lips when you push him onto his back and straddle his thighs. You make sure to hold an eye contact with him as you lean forward and press a kiss to that big scar on his breast, not missing the opportunity to lick his nipple oh-so-accidentally. The way he bites his lower lip trying to not make any more sounds causes you to smirk.

“Hyuck, love, you know that I like to hear you.”

He knows that very well. When you rub yourself against him teasingly, curses mixed soft moans start to fall from his swollen lips. Lovely.

“You sound like an angel,” you murmur before placing another kiss on his warm skin.

His hands move towards your hips, but you have none of it –you grab his wrists swiftly and place his arms above his head. One stare from you is enough for him to know that it’s better for him to stay this way until you say otherwise.

“Please, fucking hell, please,” he groans when you start to move your hips in a circular motion, the friction making him giddy with pleasure.

His body’s hot all over, and he’s not even sure what exactly made him feel that way. Is it because of your words? Because of your body pressed tightly into his? Because of your hungry stare? He doesn’t know. He only knows that he’s losing his head for you and for you only, and that he absolutely loves it.

“Do you have any other scars that I could kiss?” you whisper into his ear as your fingers caress his sides teasingly.

“Y–yeah,” he murmurs shyly in the answer, causing you to move away slightly and rise your brow at him with a suggestive smirk playing on your lips.

His face’s on fire when he motions you to get off him, so he can stand up. Your eyes follow his movements greedily as he unzips his pants with shaky hands and pushes them down his thighs, uncovering another collection of scars. There’s more of them than on his chest, but they’re smaller and less jagged, however, they cover his whole expanse of his legs.

“Um, well, now you’ve seen it all,” he says jokingly, but the anxiety in his expression betrays him.

You stand up slowly, and look him straight in the eyes as the tips of your fingers move over his chest, his abdomen, and hips, gently exploring the scarred skin. He lowers his head to kiss you, his naked body pressed against your still clothed one. When you motion him onto the bed, and kneel between his legs, he’s barely breathing.

“Honestly, what are you doing to me,” he chuckles, raking fingers through his tangled hair.

“Nothing you don’t want me to,” you answer simply with a smirk just before your lips meet the sensitive skin of his inner thigh.

You make sure to kiss every single scar you spot on his thighs, placing hickeys here and there as your hands teasingly move up his knee and back. Your lips move up without rush even though you know, or rather see, how turned on he already is – you just like to tease him. He knows that too.

“You like to play with me, don’t you? Almost like you want to expand the boundaries of my patience,” he rolls his eyes at you with an adorable pout to which you can’t help but laugh.

“Isn’t it nicer when you have to wait for something rather than to get it immediately?” you ask in the answer, and he rolls his eyes again, not wanting to admit that he agrees with you.

When you finally take the tip of his cock into your mouth, he grabs the sheets, so tightly his knuckles turn white. You take your time even then, slowly taking more and more of his length into your mouth to not strain yourself. Besides, is there something better than a desperate man completely at your mercy? You think not.

“My goodness,” he groans hoarsely as you finally swallow around him, his whole body shaking from the effort as he somehow manages to not thrust into your mouth.

Soon your jaw starts to hurt, but you don’t even think about stopping – his reactions make it all worth it. There’s nothing you love to hear more than your name said in that breathy, desperate tone that he uses when he chants that one word like some kind of prayer. His eyes are closed tightly when you look up at him, thick brows furrowed, deep blush colouring his cheeks – gorgeous.

“What a shame you can’t see yourself right now,” you say breathlessly as your fingers curl around his length.

“You look absolutely magnificent.”

Your hand moves faster and faster until he can’t control himself any more and starts to thrust into your fist. You know that it won’t take long for him to orgasm– he’s far too gone at this point.

“Come, Donghyuck,” you say nonchalantly as you twist your wrist expertly.

And he does: his muscles tensing, eyes rolling back as he falters and falls onto his back, breathing heavily. After helping him ride his orgasm, you sit on the bed next to him, and stroke his head soothingly, leaning forward from time to time to place a kiss to his sweaty skin.

“You did so well, love,” you tell him, caressing the scars on his chest with your free hand.

He takes some time to get down from his high before he manages to get up and clean himself up. You’re already waiting for him in the bed when he comes back and snuggles against you with a content sigh.

“Beautiful,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Donghyuck smiles softly in the answer as he tangles his fingers with yours.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Better man ll Haechan

short haechan fluff, kinda suggestive idk????? i was feeling like it so yeah here is is

You were laying on the couch mindlessly watching a tv show while waiting for your boyfriend to come home from practice when you heard keys and the door opening and closing. Donghyuck wasn’t supposed to be back for at least 5 more hours so you were startled at the sound and you peaked your head over the back of the couch only to see your boyfriend tiredly coming through the living room door, running a hair through his freshly dyed hair, his bag on one shoulder and his sweats hanging low from his hips. You looked at his face, noticing how dark his circles had become and how thin his face had turned, from all the weight loss and you couldn’t help but furrow your eyebrows in worry, quickly collecting yourself and standing up to go greet him. Upon noticing you, his lips twitched upwards into a loving grin and he dropped his bag on the floor, opening his arms to welcome you into his embrace. You sneaked your hands around his waist and kissed his lips before nuzzling your head in his chest. You could feel him exhaling in your hair while he rubbed your sides, before pulling back to take a look at your face.

“You are back home early, is everything okay?” You asked, bringing one hand to cup his cheek, while your fingers softly caressed the smooth skin.

“Yeah, we did well today so they let us leave.” He sighed and tilted his head pleased at the way your hand felt on his skin, “The guys went drinking but I wanted to get back to you. I’ve missed you.” He said and brought his hand on your neck, pulling you closer and settling his lips on yours. The kiss was soft at the begining but it soon got deeper and Donghyuck put his hands on both of your sides, rubbing the skin over your shirt while your hands got lost somewhere in his fluffy hair. He bit your lip making you leave a soft moan at the sensation and you let your hands wander on his body, feeling the heated skin of his stomach under his shirt. You could feel him smirking while he backed you up towards the wall, his hands finding your butt and giving it a small squeeze as a signal to jump. You slightly squealed, making Donghyuck pull away and laugh at you before he continued by attacking your throat with kisses reaching all the places he could. You slightly pushed his chest and he looked up at you, his plushy lips now swollen from kissing you and his hair ruffled from you tugging at it.

“Babe, you haven’t even eaten yet.” you said while you tried to fix his messy hair.

“I can skip lunch and go straight to dessert though.” He said winking at you, while a smirk found the way to his face. You laughed and playfully hit his shoulder while taking your legs off his waist and straightening your clothes.

“C'mon you can eat some food now and then you’ll have as much dessert as you want.” You said poking at his chest and escaping the arms that caged you on the wall, taking his hand and dragging with you.

“Ugh, fine but you promised.” He said, pouting, while he patted your butt with his free hand.

You prepared the table for him, making him some noodles while he sat on the kitchen isle and later sat down with him, doing him some company while he talked about his day, how he aced today’s choreography and laughed at some story about how Taeyong chased Jaehyun around the practice room because the later ate his cherry pie. You couldn’t help but admire the way his face lit up when he talked about the things he loved and how his smile made your heart flutter at the sight. Dating Donghyuck was never easy, seeing as the time you spent together was minimal and he always had schedules he had to attend, so you never had the chance to be a normal couple. You knew he loved you and he would do anything to be with you though and you did ,as well, love him more than anything, so the thought of leaving him never ever crossed your mind. You enjoyed and cherished every moment you got with him, whether that was small, secret dates by the park, sleeping and waking up with him, seeing his face even if it was only for an hour and you wouldn’t trade that for the world.

Donghyuck noticed you had zoned out of the conversation when he asked you how your day was and you never replied, so he looked up at you and he met your full of concentration, scrunched face and he mentally uwued at the sight, so he took your face his hands, startling you before he asked you if you were okay.

“Yeah, I just, I love you so much.” you said, softly putting your hands over his and holding them, while you brought your face closer to his so that your lips barely brushed his. “So, so much.”

“I love you. Thank you for being the best girlfriend in the world even if I can’t be the best boyfriend for you.” He said, voice barely a whisper while he lovingly looked you in the eyes.

“You’re so much more than that.” You said and finally connected your lips to his.

No matter how hard things got for the both of you, you and him knew that as long as you were together nothing else mattered. Donghyuck felt like you were his home, the person behind everything he is right now, because if he didn’t have your support and your love, he wouldn’t be able to come this far. And he would always be thankful to you for that.

Haechan:I hope I don’t wake up


Haechan:see u in the next life

Doyoung:oh no I meant I hope you don’t wake up. i’m doing just fine

haechan is the type of guy to leave u on read for a week but hold it against u when he texts u at 4:56 and doesn’t get a reply by 4:55 
