#nct universe


My heart when you touch
I shiver in thrill

I love you and love you
I want to hurt even more desparately in this destiny

Happy b day to mr hot ass Johnny

This was a part of Johnny’s universe collab on Instagram hosted by my friend domimi99

TEN LEE 2022

✨⏳I don’t believe in time, tell ‘em the reason why

Resonance and empathy, infinite in design.✨⏳

Finally it’s time to reveal my very first drawing of this year. I guess you all knew it would turn out to be the one and only mr Ten Lee. This one took me around 9 to 10 hours to finish tho the time was distributed through several days. Despite my issues with my back/arm/shoulder blade I m very happy that I’m still able to draw to some extent. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you’re doing all well in 2022♥️♥️♥️

If you want to see the time lapse of this insanity let me know!
