#incorrect nct


Stages of Math Class

Teacher explaining material:

Teacher doing a practice question making it look easy:

Getting all the hard questions for homework:

Having to explain it on the board the next day:

Breakdown of Mark’s chaotic 10 min live

Trying on filters:


Cameos talking about popped vein in eyeball:

Questioning sanity matching icons:

Mark confronting avid fan:

roses are red,

taeyong is center,

seukka might be dead,

but the doyoung pose is forever

idk how to explain it but hendery and jaemin are both weirdos except that hendery is a weirdo by heart and jaemin is a weirdo by choice.

hendery is such a weeb, yuta and shotaro could say “makkeudonareudo-” and he would LOSE his shit

jisung: we’re kinda running out of ideas for chenji. maybe it’s ending? hahaha just kidding

chenle: PAUSE-

jisung: no wait-

chenle: WHAT IS ENDING????

jisung: wait-

chenle: WDYM ENDING???????


how chenle spams on bubble:

yea so i’m kinda bored, the company banned me from spoiling and all that fun stuff. so instead i’m here to piss ya’ll off. why? bc it’s fun. i’m kiddingggg, im kidding. anyways, didn’t shower for 3 days now bc save the planet and all that. we wouldn’t want the world to end just yet, you get me? speaking of saving the planet, we should save energy too. that’s why i invited mark over for dinner, and i made him wash dishes. i love mark okay? he’s such cute kid, i would have adopted him if possible. oh hey, a bit of tmi for you guys. jeno and hendery played games yesterday and they were soooooo awkward lololololol-

mark: h-

johnny: don’t lie to me, you’re spiderman aren’t you? you can’t fool us this time mark. jaehyun said he saw u sticking to the ceiling at night and shit

jaehyun: yeah, your ass was in my face


mark: dude

mark: that’s the standee you guys taped to the ceiling last april fools

yuta: brb guys, i’m going to take a shower



literally days later, some random nctzen in japan spotting yuta in a cafe:️️

haechan: i can’t play this game. i don’t really enjoy it

jungwoo: alright, i’ll play with doyoung instead. he’s really good at this

haechan: sorry what?

jungwoo: i said doyoung is really good at-

haechan: fine let’s play

jungwoo: but you just said-

haechan: hyung

haechan: life is too short for us to dwell in the past

yuta: i just want to thank my members taeyong, taeil, jaehyun, jungwoo, haechan, mark, johnny


yuta: /squints at smudged handwriting

yuta: -doyoung

Ten, after finishing his 4th cornetto ice-cream: I’m going to get another FUCKING cornetto

Kun, shouting from another room: no you’re not

Jisung: you know what they say, everybody likes a drink, nobody likes a drunk

Haechan: shut up, the only thing you’ve ever drunk is caprisun
