#neptune in 9th house


Edgar Cayce’s natal chart: spiritual/psychic abilities - a study

Lilith in 6th house: he is considered the ‘father of holistic medicine’. Holistic medicine is an “approach to medical treatment based on the theory that living organisms and the environment work together as an integrated whole”. As I’ve already said, Lilith represents hidden powers, abilities, and things that we can have a deep attraction or denial. However, the areas that Lilith touches on represent issues that can be very present in our lives. Lilith in 6th house represents an ability to develop your spirituality in a profound way through the mind, your mind tends to be very spiritual and deeply connected to matters and things that are not seen. Lilith in 6th house also means the possibility of healing people through alternative medicines or mystical knowledge.

Furthermore, Lilith in 6th house brings out a fascination with care and health, making the native feel an interest in knowing the methods of preventing disease, as all the person wants to avoid is having to remedy him/herself.

By doing research on who Edgar Cayce was, we can find a great manifestation of Lilith in 6th house in his life. This website (Association for Research and Enlightenment) states that “Cayce’s precepts on health and the art of keeping in shape are not limited to a diet and regular exercise. For decades, Cayce had already insisted on the role of the mind in people’s physical balance and well-being”, “Cayce’s readings, annotated between 1901 and 1944, were ahead of his time by mention the influence of attitudes and emotions on health; energy medicine; the importance of prayer; spiritual healing”.

“Comprehensive health, according to Cayce, corresponds to the harmonization of the three basic components of the human being: physical, mental and spiritual. The human being must be considered in its totality, body, mind and soul, and not limited to treating diseases for this reason, contemporary holistic medicine is often said to have its origins in the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce.”

HisLilith in 6th house was in square to Neptune, which in turn was in the 9th house, creating a great concentration of energy in the area of spirituality. Probably at first, he had difficulties in channeling his psychic energy, his intuition, and knowledge/thoughts about the higher aspects of life, but later this manifested itself better and he managed to add such knowledge (Neptune in 9th house) with his interest in take care of health.

We realize that this interest in health and the conservation of our life is not expressed in the usual way, like a Mercury in 6th house, it is an interest in health and the practical part of our life being expressed with doses of spirituality and deep knowledge about the universe.

Chiron in 9th house trine ascendant in Leo: Initially, we need to say that this placement of Chiron corresponds to a wound and deep discomfort in relation to locating himself in the world. The native may feel that he has never been able to find answers to spiritual, existential questions, which can cause great discomfort. However, as I’ve said in this blog, Chiron also represents where we can heal others and impact their lives. That’s because Chiron brings experiences so dense that it makes us aware of certain problems, and even if we can’t heal ourselves, ironically, we know how to help others who go through the same or something similar. This aspect of Chiron trine ascendant represents that the questions that Edgar Cayce endured were felt even more intensely about who he was, how he showed himself to the world, and how he saw himself. This aspect of Chiron trine ascendant brings a greater sense of the wounds he had, it means that his Chiron was probably known to him, or he was aware of his issues. Ascendant in Leo made him a prominent figure who received attention when addressing issues relating to Chiron in 9th house.

This aspect (Chiron trine Ascendant) means that Edgar Cayce had Chiron sextile descendant. Therefore, when faced with other people, Edgar Cayce probably felt an even greater desire to seek answers to his inner problems, his existential questions, his dilemmas. As his descendant was in Aquarius, he may have felt a desire to help humanity through his issues with 9th house - spirituality, deeper knowledge about life, spiritual education.

Chiron in 9th house conjunct Neptune: this represents a deep connection with his Neptune placement, which brought him a lot of intuition and interest in existential issues, in the metaphysical, esoteric, spiritual world. Neptune probably helped him a lot on this spiritual journey.

North node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo / North Node in 7th house, South node in 1st house: having the nodes in angular houses tends to mean that the experiences lived during a lifetime involve large areas. It can represent that the native will have a lot of movement and contact with such areas of great importance in our lives. Angular houses are very active houses, which we tend to give more focus and attention to (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th). In the case of Edgar Cayce, he had to learn to have more harmony and to work with his sense of collectivity and otherness.

Since his South Node was in Virgo, we realized that he had a strong disposition in his personality to interpret things in life with a more practical and rational and less spiritual and intuitive look. His task was therefore to become more open to the realm of spirituality and intuition. From what I read about him, I perceive that he achieved this task, and the aura of Virgo did not fail to show itself, because of the strong development of writings, books, that is, knowledge in its practical aspect, practical and material things.

Pluto conjunct midheaven, Pluto square ascendant and Pluto square Uranus. These three aspects with Pluto in 10th house denote that there was a latent potter in his personality that should be placed in his career and life mission. A power to impact people, to change their view of the paths they should take in life from a practical point of view (10th house). Pluto in 10th house was in aspect with two angular houses (AC and MC) and with Uranus, which is a planet strongly linked to collectivity, to social issues.

Pluto conjunct midheaven: this aspect brings a need to make the career a place of transformation, profound changes (Pluto), and such changes tend to be externalized to other people see the results (MC). Pluto in Taurus in the 10th house and Midheaven in Taurus represent this strong desire to achieve an intense change in a certain area, the way the native will live his career tends to be transformative for others. MC in Taurus represents a tact and a sensitivity to be lived in the career. I would say that Taurus is the sign that, precisely because it is connected to the 5 senses, gives natives with Midheaven in this sign the opportunity to work in different areas, because they tend to have a predilection for what involves the 5 senses, sensitivity. Taurus midheaven has a hands-on approach and is more willing to build something solid. In Cayce’s case, his sensitivity represented his ability to channel responses about immortality, health, and reincarnation (Pluto matters).

Pluto square Ascendant: this aspect brings out a very high concentration of energy regarding the way the native sees himself and how he will show himself to others. This aspect represents a possibility of regeneration and changes in personality, in the way of treating and seeing oneself in the physical and mental sense. This aspect brings a lot of possibility to feel deeply the spiritual, psychological issues and simply what was hidden behind what he had contact with, since he had Pluto square descendant.

Pluto square Uranus: very interesting aspect, one of the most interesting aspects of astrology. Two planets with very deep meanings, are extremely strong, bringing up a certain tension, a concentration of energy that needs to be put out but finds difficulties. This aspect brings the fusion of Uranus’ desire for freedom, change, critical sense with Pluto’s need to transform and be reborn. Pluto and Uranus together represent this ability to connect with social and human needs, higher mental and critical capacities, and the quest for healing and transformation.

Sun in Pisces in 8th house: very spiritual, intuitive personality, open to the most esoteric and mystical things. Sensitivity, social conscience. Depth, attraction of mystical people and situations, spiritual experiences. Notion of the importance of mental health, empathy, sensitivity. Sun sextile Pluto increases the ability to receive and channel spiritual energy if the person works at it (as he did).

Sun square Jupiter: personality focused on a search for meaning and meaning in life. Person who can be less optimistic. He looks for more practical and logical reasons about things (Jupiter in Capricorn).

Neptune in Houses Part 2

Neptune in 7th house- You can attract a lot of unusual relationships, people who are spiritual or people who look good at first glance but their qualities are covered. It also brings a deep mental connection between two partners and great intuition coupled with empathy. You may like people who have drug problems or bad boys/girls. This is a planet of fantasy and illusions & therefore, people may have illusions about their partner and the relationship they have with them. They can also fall in love with the people they are unavailable. These people can suffer a lot in love, and continue to dream about the perfect marriage. You can also attract people who are very self-sacrificing, compassionate. And you have a dream relationship.

‍♀️Neptune in 8th house- fantasies about sex almost all the time. Especially if they meet a person, they always imagine sex with this person. They looking for someone who’s very generous when it comes to sex. Usually very spiritual people and can have experiences with the paranormal. Neptune usually bring people suicidal thoughts and matters related to death. They can also have very dark thoughts. These natives will always question themselves on matters of life and death. Also they see money in a positive light ,which can bring them many difficulties. They can become more serious at 30s. But it also depends on the planets and aspects here.

Neptune in 9th house- these people love places related to water, or they like to travel to places near the sea. They may also have one special place that they imagine all the time. They may be fascinated by astrology, spiritual things. The individual is devoted to the experience of some kind of nirvana, enlightenment, or paradise. Along with this is also a hopeless optimism that often carries the person through the darkest nights with the light of faith, optimism, and belief. Also they can have the ability to read meaning in the lives of others. The person could also do well in art, music, dance, healing, religion, theatre, film, or photography and perhaps one day become a teacher in one of these areas.

Neptune in 10th house- very creative, true visionaries and artistic personalities. When it comes to their career, they may not get credit for their work, so they aren’t all the time recognized for their efforts. Every job they do they always need to be inspired and feeling fulfilled. They want to make the world a better place. Because this house also represents a father, it can mean that you can have a distant, incomprehensible relationship with your father. People can see you as a dreamer. You can also give people pisces vibes.

‍♀️Neptune in 11th house- You might believe in the motto that we are all members, one of another and be prepared to sacrifice personal desires to serve the community. You expect a lot from your friends and don’t mind dealing with other people’s weirdness.This placement is the one of the dreamers, of people who imagine a perfect society and peace all over the world. Also u can have talent for music, design. U can create something very unique. Also very ambitious and idealistic. U can also have friends or get along with people who are alcoholics or drug addicts.

‍♀️Neptune in 12th house- these people have very good artistic abilities. Because a lot is connected to the subconscious here, people are especially connected to the subconscious and unusual things. I think Neptune here makes a person artistically in a special way. It has a specialty that other people do not have. Like making dreamy and unique music, drawing. A person can surprise others with his ability and artistry. And they can make reallyy great and intense music. They can escape in a world of fantasy. A lot of people with this placement will discover they’re capable of great spirituality when they’ll get older. Neptune here capacity to turn collective ideas into pure art. These natives are all very kind and open to different emotions. They are very good at helping others and listening to them. But they can have intense dreams and meaningful ones. And again thoses people can be more prone to drugs than others.

